Retrograde planets. June retrograde periods

Venus is responsible for personal relationships, love, beauty and grace, harmony, romance, sympathy, charm, femininity, tact, gentleness, creativity and creative inspiration, aesthetics, wealth in the form of luxury goods.

When Venus is retrograde, people become more dependent on form and more inclined to reconsider relationships.

The next such period will begin December 22, 2013 and will last until January 31, 2014.

What the Venus retrograde period is good for:

1) Very suitable for revising your wardrobe, cosmetics, and interior items.

2) In order to end any relationship, if you want it to be forever and irrevocably

3) During this period, it is easy to resume communication with those with whom contact has been lost. Most often this happens by itself.

4) For restoration of interior items, works of art

5) To understand what exactly you need in relationships with others and how to further build them

6) To resume creative activities that were once abandoned or suspended. It is renewal, not starting for the first time.

7) To start a project in the field of fashion, art, which has been planned for a long time, but never got around to implementing it

8) If you are not satisfied with the appearance, then this period is suitable for planning and collecting information on how it can be improved. But in this case, you need to start making improvements and start being active in February, otherwise the result will not meet expectations.

What is not recommended to do during Venus retrograde:

1) Make new acquaintances (especially romantic ones) if you want the relationship to last. By the way, very often with this position of Venus, acquaintances from the past appear, especially former lovers like to show off. And those with whom informal agreements were concluded. This warning does not apply to them, since the situation is harmonious for the restoration of lost retro.

2) Play a wedding, as well as make an official proposal, decide to get married. Such marriages break up much more often than others.

3) Start studying in those areas that are associated with Venus (art, beauty, fashion, personal growth, social sphere, clubs and entertainment, everything related to luxury and design, as well as relationships between people), since there are high chances of either quit training, or realize that it was not worth getting it because it was useless or disappointing.

4) Start a business or project in the same areas, as well as any projects related to women (for example, it is better to choose a different time to open a women’s blog)

5) Develop a new design, logo, conduct photo sessions (most likely you will not like the result), contact a stylist

6) Proceed to resolve conflicts through peaceful means

7) Start treatment or perform operations in such fields of medicine as aesthetic dentistry, cosmetology, dermatology, nephrology, endocrinology, gynecology, plastic surgery, ophthalmology.

8) Start renovations designed to improve the appearance of the room

9) Abuse sweet tastes and sweet aromas. Overeat.

10) Make purchases such as works of art, home decoration, jewelry and expensive accessories, luxury items. Anything purchased during Venus retrograde runs the risk of quickly becoming unpopular.

11) Waste money.

12) Decide to end a relationship, especially a romantic, marital or partnership relationship. Although usually the situation pushes for a break precisely in such periods. True, if you are interested in ending the relationship forever without the possibility of resuming it, then why not.

13) It is better to buy gifts and an outfit for celebrating the New Year before December 22, and also if you want to have time to get a haircut or dye your hair, then the same recommendation applies to these actions.

In our solar system, all the planets are located in a certain order and are at a certain distance from the Sun. Observing the position of the planets from Earth, we can notice that periodically they seem to stop and then begin to move backward in their orbit. In reality, of course, the planets do not move backwards. It’s just that our Earth “overtakes” this or that planet in its orbit. So it seems to an observer from Earth that the planet has begun to “move back” back. This phenomenon was noticed many centuries ago and was called “retrograde movement”.

Since each planet has its own influence on the Earth and, accordingly, on all life on Earth, each of the planets is assigned certain qualities of its influence on people, events, and the course of processes.

All planets except the Sun and Moon have retrograde motion. The planet's retrograde motion directs its energy inward. Changes change us, our perceptions, desires, bring into life apathy, blues, inaction, lack of results with maximum effort.

Knowing about these periods, you can avoid unnecessary waste of energy and disappointment. Assume the development of emerging processes, relationships, transactions. First of all, business people and public figures need to have this information. It’s also useful for others to know, but it’s not so critical.

The most important periods of influence for us are the periods of retrograde of the planets located closest to the Earth, such as Mercury, Venus, Mars.

Mercury retrograde

Mercury retrograde brings inattention, forgetfulness, confusion, mistakes, misunderstandings, confusion, missteps and missed details. Lack of information can disrupt the decision-making process. The ideas that emerge seem promising, but later they reveal flaws.

Mail is often lost or delayed in transit. Transport schedules are disrupted. Your car or computer may fail. You may forget about meetings or expect each other at different times or in different places. The paperwork started at this time may take a long time.

Mercury retrograde is not recommended for any type of surgery as it may require redoing. This time is not suitable for opening a bookstore, any major purchases, especially purchases of real estate and a car, computer, telephone, equipment, signing contracts, agreements and other important documents.

Also, retrograde Mercury can provoke unpleasant situations of losses, delays, information errors during travel. Caution must be exercised!
Mercury is never retrograde for more than 24 days, so in most cases it's wiser to wait. If you still need to sign some papers during Mercury retrograde, check any text carefully, as there is an increased likelihood of errors and misunderstandings of the meaning.

Mercury retrograde is great for activities that involve returning to old activities and situations. This is a good time to return to what has already been done, review what has been achieved, correct shortcomings and complete what is unfinished. This is also a good period for self-expression, to write or do something that requires deep thought.

Mercury retrograde periods in 2014:

Venus retrograde

During the period of Venus retrograde, large social projects begin to slow down, attempts to get money end in disappointment, and attempts to reconcile people lead nowhere. When Venus is retrograde, it is unwise to enter into contracts. Even international agreements have unfortunate fates.

This is an unfavorable time for purchasing luxury goods and for financial investments. Venus retrograde is not suitable for cosmetic surgery, starting an artistic career, or opening a business related to women's jewelry, cosmetics, or brokerage firms.

New acquaintances and relationships that began at this time do not meet expectations. Retrograde Venus is contraindicated for marriage. Since Venus only goes retrograde for about 40 days every 2 years, this is fairly easy to avoid.

Venus retrograde is great for reassessing values, thinking about the place of your spouse or partner in your life, for renewing relationships if they were not interrupted due to a quarrel, since this is an unfavorable time for reconciliation.

Venus retrograde period in 2014:

Retrograde Mars

During Mars retrograde periods, people tend to be impatient, tense, irritable, impulsive, passive-aggressive, or argumentative. Lawsuits and lawsuits initiated during Mars retrograde tend to turn against the plaintiff. Aggression is turned against the aggressor. Travel can be dangerous. A new venture may be damaged by conflict or hostility. Sexual activity can have harmful consequences.

Mechanical devices purchased during this time are more likely to break down or have accidents than usual. Mars retrograde is not suitable for buying a car.

When Mars is retrograde, it is advisable to avoid elective surgery, as the result of the operation may not be what you expect and is often unfavorable.

Mars retrograde period in 2014:

Retrograde Jupiter

During Jupiter retrograde, people become unreasonably optimistic. Lawsuits initiated during Jupiter retrograde may have an unfavorable outcome.

Jupiter retrograde cannot always be avoided, as it is retrograde for four months every year. If you need to bring a case against someone during Jupiter retrograde, then you should contact a professional astrologer to draw up an election chart and calculate an individual astrological forecast.

Jupiter retrograde period in 2014:

Retrograde Saturn

During Saturn retrograde, there is an atmosphere of doubt, procrastination and frustration. Saturn retrograde is not suitable for any business endeavors that require discipline and organization, as well as starting a business related to construction and real estate.

Saturn is retrograde for four months every year, so its retrograde cannot always be avoided. If you need to open your business during Saturn retrograde, you should contact a professional astrologer to draw up an election chart and calculate an individual astrological forecast.

Saturn retrograde period in 2014:

Retrograde Uranus

When Uranus becomes retrograde, a person strives to change everyone around him, excluding himself, because he does not see the need to work on himself. There is a desire to resist the authorities, superiors and competitors. The period is favorable for independent work, for example in the field of design or architecture. The need for new acquaintances and teamwork, previously stimulated by direct Uranus, weakens. Some people may want to spend more time alone. Intellectually, a person is scattered and unfocused, but can brilliantly master computers or astrology. A change in direction from retrograde to direct, in the case of Uranus, means destabilization in the sphere where it is natally located and which it rules. The main cause of instability is the sharply increasing hostility to any restrictions.

Uranus retrograde period in 2014:

Retrograde Neptune

The positive properties of Neptune retrograde include a deep understanding of the psychological "games" people play and the reasons why they do it. The love for poetry, music, dance and cinema intensifies. Sensitivity to situations and circumstances increases so much that a person’s life can turn into torture. If natally Neptune is in unfavorable aspects, introversion may increase and internal chaos will reign. If a person finds the strength to resist the vicissitudes of fate and dangerous situations during stationary and direct Neptune, then he is able to completely change his life. The energy of Pisces gives him resilience, flexibility and helps him emerge unscathed from even the most destructive hurricane of life.

Retrograde Pluto

Pluto in 2014 becomes retrograde from 04/15/2014 to 09/23/2014 - the planet will pass through the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Pluto's retrograde period forces us to focus on our own shadow sides of ourselves. During this period, internal tension may increase, so, first of all, you need to be honest with yourself and, if possible, try to get rid of old grievances. Sometimes a person may feel that all his initiatives and proposals are practically ignored, unnoticed - but this is only an appearance. Here it is better not to demand a response from those around you, not to be harsh, but rather to just wait. If a person is ready to let go of old attachments, then the energy of this planet may not harm. See where transiting Pluto is currently located in your natal chart. It is in this area of ​​life that the deepest and most serious transformations will occur, which will subsequently change your inner world.

Neptune retrograde period in 2014:

From the point of view of an earthly observer, one can notice that periodically the planets seem to stop and then begin to move backward in their orbit. Of course, the planets don't actually move backwards. It’s just that our planet Earth seems to “overtake” this or that planet in its orbit. It seems to an observer from Earth that the neighboring planet has begun to “move back” back. The backward (reverse) motion is called retrograde. The video shows this well. There are several options for interpreting retrograde planets. Retrograde can be considered as a manifest memory of the past, a return to what once happened. That is, we can consider a retrograde planet as a celestial body that will allow us to learn about our past. Sometimes the retrograde of a planet is considered as a warning that you should not use the planet and its capabilities too actively, but work more with the “intuitive” channel. We can say that a harmonious retrograde planet is like unmanifested wisdom, and rather it is awareness of oneself, rather than an active action aimed at achieving a goal. Any retrograde planet teaches a person independence; it pushes him to find within himself everything he needs, without resorting to the help of such a planet.

Mercury will be retrograde in 2014 during the following periods:

1st period from 02/06/2014 (reversal at 3 degrees Pisces) to 02/28/2014 (direction at 18 degrees Aquarius)

2nd period from 06/07/2014 (reversal at 3 degrees Cancer) to 07/01/2014 (direction at 24 degrees Gemini)

3rd period from 10/04/2014 (reversal at 2 degrees of Scorpio) to 10/25/2014 (direction at 16 degrees of Libra)

The entire period of the planet's retrograde in 2014 will pass through the signs of the Water trine - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Typically, Mercury goes retrograde 3 times during the year, the duration of the retrograde phase is about three weeks. The places of Mercury's retrograde path in an individual horoscope show which particular area of ​​life should enrich a person's mind. How deep this enrichment will be will be shown by the sign and house in which Mercury makes a loop. This can be a period when many misunderstandings, mistakes, mistakes or omissions arise, and often completely inexplicable ones. People can become inattentive, forgetful, and absent-minded. The daily routine is disrupted, scheduled meetings, agreements, things get disrupted, and it becomes difficult to find anyone on the spot. Late arrivals, delays, flight cancellations, communication failures are common during such a period. Letters, papers, keys, small objects are lost, and any activity related to Mercury is inhibited. Cars, computers, household appliances can often break down. People may appear with whom there has been no contact for a long time (old acquaintances). The danger of misunderstood or interpreted information, errors by dispatch services, and inconsistency in actions increases. The shortcomings and shortcomings that were made in the past are revealed. In contracts, signed during Mercury retrograde, as a rule, subsequently Serious errors or fatal omissions are discovered. A business started in this phase may not be stable or take a long time to develop. Gemini, Virgo, as well as people in whose charts these signs are accentuated (expressed), can acutely feel the retrograde phase of Mercury. On the days of Mercury’s conjunction with the Sun, you can be active in solving your affairs. Retrograde phase can be used to complete tasks previously postponed for some reason, for example, repair and fix what was broken before.

Venus in 2014 will continue the retrograde movement, which began on December 22, 2013 (reversal at 28 degrees of Capricorn) and will end on February 1, 2014 (direct at 13 degrees of Capricorn).

Venus goes retrograde about once every year and a half and stays in this phase of motion for about 40 days. During the retrograde movement of Venus, all matters under her control move into another “dimension”. It becomes more difficult to monitor your emotions: The mood at this time is unstable, melancholy or blues periodically fall upon you, you want to change something in your life. During this period, what was hidden behind the external courtesy, tact and diplomacy of Venus: jealousy, mistrust, suspicion, dissatisfaction with relationships - all this usually breaks out. The inner essence is revealed a person begins to realize that some relationships do not suit him, something needs to change . There is a revaluation of values, things, people, relationships. For example, it is during this period that a decision is often made to radically change the image. As with any retrograde planet, these days there is a return to the forgotten or postponed. When Venus is retrograde, relationships are under a lot of pressure. At this time, you can meet people with whom you once had a tender or kind relationship, with whom you once broke up. There is a desire to restore these connections. People either look for their ex-partners themselves, or their partners look for them, or they are brought together by chance. At the same time, some points that were once left unsaid and misunderstood are often clarified. This especially applies to Taurus, Libra, as well as people in whose charts these signs are accentuated (expressed). Relationships that begin during Venus retrograde often do not stand the test of time, so it is better not to “force things,” but to take a closer look at your partner.

Mars in 2014 will be in retrograde motion from 03/01/2014 (reversal at 27 degrees of Libra) to 05/20/2014 (direct at 9 degrees of Libra).

Mars goes retrograde once every two years. During the retrograde movement of Mars, all processes slow down, activity decreases, There may not be enough strength and energy to achieve your goals. Attempts to force events do not produce results or worsen the situation. If you don't stop, something akin to a broken spring or a steam boiler explosion may happen. Even seemingly successfully started business suddenly slows down, various obstacles arise that prevent you from getting on with your main business. Problems may increase like a snowball, they force a person to do something other than what he intended. All this irritates a person, he begins to rush around, look for a way out, or in frustration gives up what he started, loses interest in the matter. Libido often drops, apathy appears, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, old grievances are remembered, which, in turn, often gives rise to quarrels. Enemies or competitors may become more active. During the days of Mars retrograde, you should be careful when handling equipment, weapons, and moving mechanisms. Breakdowns and equipment failures occur more often. If equipment was assembled or repaired during the period of Mars retrograde, hidden defects are often revealed later, arising due to the negligence or negligence of the performers. At this time It is not recommended to go on a trip, since traffic may be delayed for various reasons and the likelihood of road accidents, which are accompanied by injuries, blood loss, and the need for surgical intervention, increases. These days people are required to have composure, endurance and patience, any aggression can turn against the one who sends it. The influence of retrograde Mars can be felt by Aries, as well as by those people in whose charts this sign is accentuated (expressed).

Jupiter in 2014 continues the period of retrograde movement, which began from 11/07/2013 (reversal at 20 degrees Cancer) to 03/06/2014 (direction at 10 degrees Cancer).

And the next period of retrograde movement is from 12/08/2014 (reversal at 22 degrees Leo) to 04/08/2015 (direction at 12 degrees Leo).

Retrograde Jupiter brings some inhibition of activity, related to the areas for which he is responsible. This social relations, issues of culture, science and education, social and political activities, legal issues, etc. At this time it is possible problems associated with business, especially if a person decides to innovate, expand the scope of activity or take out a loan, or attract investors. Even generally good undertakings will either not find a response from those to whom they are aimed, or will result in considerable losses. Loan obligations undertaken at this time will be difficult to fulfill on time, and bright prospects can turn into impenetrable jungle. Often past mistakes come to light, what was hidden is revealed, or old problems return. Suspended court cases can be resumed, and vice versa. If during the period of retrograde Jupiter a person tries to hide something or avoids resolving some issue, then there is no doubt that as soon as Jupiter returns to the degree at which these events took place, all questions will come up again and the secret will become explicit. During Jupiter retrograde It is better not to undertake anything important and new, to act using old, proven methods. Its influence can be felt by Sagittarius, as well as people in whose charts this sign is accentuated (expressed). Retrograde Jupiter, if it is strong in the sign and house in an individual horoscope, can bring help and support from the outside. This may be a fairly close person, who is represented by the corresponding house of the horoscope.

Saturn in 2014 becomes retrograde from 03/02/2014 to 07/20/2014 - the planet will pass through the zodiac sign of Scorpio.

During this period, if we are attentive and observe ourselves - we will be able to see where we stopped in our previous development and where we have to apply our strength and energy to continue the interrupted path. This phase of the planet causes karmic processing of situations, which we have ignored for some time, in order to somehow mitigate this, we will have to complete unfinished business with redoubled energy. So, If during this period you are faced with the fact that some forgotten situation or relationship has reminded you of itself, do not ignore it. Do you need try to complete what was left unfinished. This will be a difficult time for those who like to procrastinate. Everything we have been putting off appears before us and demands that we deal with it. Saturn helps us accumulate everything necessary and important so that everyone can become a strong personality, so this period can be called a time of hidden growth. One holy man said: “When it seems to us that we are developing, we are actually standing still, and when we feel that we are standing still in our development, we are experiencing the moment of greatest growth.” Retrograde phase of Saturn there is precisely a period when we feel like we're at a dead end. This causes melancholy, loss of enthusiasm and depression . At such moments, remind yourself that now is a period of hidden development - now each of us is like a seed that lies in the soil. The sprout is not yet visible, but the process is underway. It is not recommended to start new business during the period of Saturn’s retrograde movement, and one should deal with old unfinished business until Saturn has turned from a retrograde position to direct, and even more until it reaches the degree of the ecliptic from which it began its retrograde movement. What does new business mean? These are projects that you have come up with and are trying to start during the retrograde phase. The period is favorable for completing projects already started or projects that you have been thinking about for a long time. In such cases, on the contrary, there may be a shift in the positive direction. For example, if you couldn’t solve some issue for a long time and worked hard on it - now, you can get a long-awaited result. Here are new ideas new projects in the process of its implementation, just the opposite, will encounter obstacles along the way. You need to pay attention to your health and activity regime - since it may not be observed at all. During Saturn retrograde, there is an atmosphere of doubt, procrastination and frustration. Retrograde Saturn is not suitable for any business endeavors related to construction and real estate, as well as for opening a new business. If at this time you have to engage in the selection of personnel to work in your home or at work, then pay more attention and listen to your intuition. In the future, it may happen that these people do not justify your trust. This period speaks of a desire to be guided by one’s own internal laws and criteria rather than by the rules established by society. To make this possible, you have to surround yourself with a protective psychological shell - for example, a mask of impenetrable seriousness or heightened timidity. During this period, we create additional distance between ourselves and other people, which allows us to better adapt to their rules and gives us time to determine our reaction. Also During such periods, we tend not to adequately perceive our duties and responsibilities: for example, you can forget about what you should do, but take on tasks for which other people are responsible.

Uranus in 2014 becomes retrograde from 07/22/2014 to 12/22/2014 - the planet will pass through the zodiac sign of Aries.

When Uranus becomes retrograde, a person strives to change everyone around him, excluding himself, because he does not see the need to work on himself. There is a desire to resist the authorities, superiors and competitors. The period is favorable for independent work, for example in the field of design or architecture. The need for new acquaintances and teamwork, previously stimulated by direct Uranus, weakens. Some people may want to spend more time alone. Intellectually, a person is scattered and unfocused, but can brilliantly master computers or astrology. A change in direction from retrograde to direct in the case of Uranus means destabilization in the sphere where it is natally located and which it rules. The main cause of instability is the sharply increasing hostility to any restrictions.

Neptune in 2014 becomes retrograde from 06/09/2014 to 11/16/2014 - the planet will pass through the zodiac sign of Pisces.

The positive properties of retrograde Neptune lie in a deep understanding of the underlying psychological “games”, the games people play and the reasons why they do it. The love for poetry, music, dance and cinema intensifies. Sensitivity to situations and circumstances increases so much that a person’s life can turn into torture. If natally Neptune is in unfavorable aspects, introversion may increase and internal chaos will reign. If a person finds the strength to resist the vicissitudes of fate and dangerous situations during stationary and direct Neptune, then he is able to completely change his life. The energy of Pisces gives him resilience, flexibility and helps him emerge unscathed from even the most destructive hurricane of life.

Pluto in 2014 becomes retrograde from 04/15/2014 to 09/23/2014 - the planet will pass through the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Pluto retrograde period makes us concentrate on your own shadow sides of your personality. During this period it is possible increase in internal tension, Therefore, first of all, you need to be honest with yourself, if possible, try to get rid of old grievances. Sometimes a person may feel that all his initiatives and proposals are practically ignored, unnoticed - but this is only an appearance. Here it is better not to demand a response from the environment, Do not be harsh, but it is better to just wait. If a person is ready to let go of old attachments, then the energy of this planet may not harm. Look, Where is transiting Pluto currently located in your natal chart? Exactly in this area of ​​life the deepest and most serious transformations will occur, which will subsequently change your inner world.

Good luck in the new 2014, may the planets favor you!

Retrograde is the movement of planets in the opposite direction. This difficult period inevitably affects our well-being and success in life. Find out how to survive without losses until the moment when the planet becomes direct, that is, it will move forward again.


21.01.2015 – 11.02.2015
19.05.2015 – 11.06.2015
17.09.2015 – 09.10.2015

Mercury is responsible for mental work, as well as information. During the planet's retrograde period, you should not start new businesses, enter into contracts, or make serious purchases. You should also wait a little while making decisions. It is not recommended to take a new job. New acquaintances - both friendly and business - may not last long.
During the retrograde period, it makes sense to complete all things. Understand the documents, meet old friends. In terms of health, the respiratory system, shoulder girdle, arms, and intestines are vulnerable. It makes sense to go on a diet. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases. Treatment for a cold may take longer.


25.07.2015 – 06.09.2015

Venus is responsible for emotional attachments, love relationships, art and harmony.
During the period of Venus retrograde, the emotional background is extremely unstable. You may become disappointed in your partner, and this will happen because of some trifle. There is a high probability of divorce. New acquaintances are unlikely to lead to a long-term and serious relationship. Marriage is not recommended now.
During the period of retro-Venus, you should not radically change your image, buy expensive things, or undergo plastic surgery - the result may be extremely unsuccessful.
Be especially attentive to your well-being. Avoid hypothermia, otherwise kidney and throat diseases are possible. Women are at high risk of exacerbation of gynecological ailments. Vascular problems are possible.


There is no retrograde period for Mars in 2015.
Mars is an active planet that encourages action. Moreover, it is associated with injuries, aggressive behavior, and physical stress. With direct Mars, new paths open up for us to move towards our goals.



Influences the social sphere of life and is responsible for our self-esteem.
During the period of Jupiter retrograde, a person may become overly arrogant. There is a desire for unnecessary spending and luxury. Jupiter's turn to retrograde entails a sharp change in priorities, a turn to inner life, and interest in mystical and religious topics.
You should not abuse alcohol or eat food of dubious quality at this time - the liver and stomach may not be able to cope with the load. Recreation in nature and full-fledged sanatorium treatment are more useful than ever.

Jupiter's direct turn ensures public recognition. Confidence in your own abilities appears, self-esteem jumps sharply. The need for numerous contacts increases, and acquaintances are easily established - both personal and professional.


14.03.2015 – 02.08.2015

Associated with legislative, political, administrative and economic spheres. His movement concerns management, personnel services, security structures, and transport enterprises.

During the period of Saturn retrograde, you need to study documents more carefully. It is undesirable to start a new project, buy real estate, or quit your job. After Saturn's reversal, decisions made may no longer be valid. Be prepared to change plans and look for new ways to achieve your goal.
It is wise to continue the work you have started, take your job responsibilities responsibly, and avoid time pressure.
From a health point of view, it is worth paying attention to the joints and skeletal system. Try not to overwork, avoid drafts. Special attention to allergy sufferers. If an exacerbation occurs, treatment may be delayed.

After Saturn's reversal, focus on work - getting into a constructive direction is not easy, but once you do this, you will achieve a lot.


26.07.2015 – 26.12.2015

Uranus is associated with high technology and scientific work. During its retrograde movement, unexpected turns in life are likely.
At this time, be prepared for all sorts of technical failures. The decisions you make during Uranus retro will go against logic, but life will show how right you are. The consequences of the influence of Uranus are not always predictable - everything happens instantly.
During the retrograde period, carefully consider every step you take. After the reversal of Uranus, a change in direction of activity, profession, or views is possible. You can quit your job.
Electricity and electromagnetic radiation have an increased impact on humans. You need to be careful with electrical appliances.
Possible surges in blood pressure, vascular spasms, and headaches.


12.06.2015 – 8.11.2015

Planet of intuition, illusions, fantasies and dreams. These are our dreams, the dream world, music.
During Neptune retrograde, we are easily deceived. The danger of being drawn into a sect or criminal group increases. At this time, you should not believe promises.
Don't despair in your feelings - when Neptune moves forward again, you will realize that not everything is as bad as you thought.
Alcohol is dangerous, and the effects of other liquids are strong. Do not overdose on medications, reduce the dose if possible.
After Neptune's reversal, interest in creativity increases, and a desire to do something with your own hands appears.


17.04.2015 – 25.09.2015

Pluto is associated with collective consciousness and power structures.

During Pluto retrograde, you may feel underappreciated and everyone is against you.
You should calmly do what you love. If you are wasting time on something you don't like, stop it. Pluto at this moment pushes us to make drastic changes and does not allow us to stay in place for a long time.
Don't dwell on the past. Get rid of everything unnecessary. This applies to old things and relationships that have long since become obsolete.
Ailments are now treated using gentle methods, preferably non-drug ones.
Pluto's reversal imparts inner strength. Interest in psychology and occult sciences arises.


All planets, with the exception of the Sun and the Moon, have a retrograde period. Retrograde movement is when a planet moves in the opposite direction when observed from Earth. When you see Venus/Mercury rising earlier, it means the Sun is moving in retrograde motion. Mercury begins its retrograde phase, when it overtakes the Sun by about 14 degrees, and Venus by about 30 degrees. Mercury is retrograde for 3 weeks 3 times a year, and retrograde for Venus for about 1.5 months once every 1.5 Others. years, planets begin retrograde movement only when they are in opposition to the Sun. In a natal chart, any planet in opposition to the Sun will always be retrograde.

Mercury retrograde

Functions of Mercury

Mercury is the planet responsible for learning, trade, travel, contacts, short trips, concluding agreements, contracts and agreements, gossip, conversations, phone calls, everyday communication, collecting and sorting various information. Recorded by Mercury are brothers, sisters, other relatives (parents except children), neighbors, acquaintances, friends, Features.

Mercury retrograde classmates

During the period of retrograde, Mercury acts in an unusual way, as if returning us to something that has not been completed, not thought out and not sorted. Since its action during the retrograde period is directed opposite to the time axis, then, as experience suggests, the best thing to complete is an unfinished task. If you start something new - for example, publishing a book, entering into a job, or terminating a contract - failures, surprises and complications will await you. Outwardly, this can manifest itself as a decrease in attention, an increase in number of errors (often strange and inexplicable), and a lack of basic understanding of things. No one can be found, and nothing can be agreed upon. Deals concluded during this period are like buildings built on sand: there is no solid foundation for them. Purchased during this especially period of org. equipment or vehicles either turn out to be inappropriate, or it later turns out that it is not quite as expected, hopelessly or broken. However, the number of people may increase, looking for a new view of the world, seeking answers to questions that interest them in their inner world, and trying to look inside themselves.

Make new acquaintances, because... They are unlikely to be long-lasting and will turn into serious problems.
-relationships during travel, because they can bring delays, surprises, obstacles.
-Sign documents, contracts, valuable papers because there may be errors, start.
- typos in your studies, because new knowledge acquired during the retrograde period of Mercury may not be useful to you in practical activities.
-Move, rent or rent out premises, make an exchange, because... delays, obstacles and deceptions are possible.
-Buy computers, televisions, radios and other equipment, as well as cars and other means of transportation, since they may not be necessary for transportation or may later turn out to have hidden defects.
-Send valuable letters, documents or parcels by mail, because... Not only can they linger, but they can also get lost forever.
-borrow and lend money because you may not get it back later.
-Register your company
-Getting a new job

What can you do

Revise and check old documents
- Put things in order in old affairs.
-Meet old people Write
-friends diaries
-Revise and free yourself from the past
-completion of previously started tasks
-Renew old acquaintances
-Edit what you started earlier, rewrite
-Don’t start rushing into something new
-Accumulate energy
-Solve old “problems”

Mercury retrograde periods:

July 26 - June 19, 2013
October 21 - November 9, 2013
February 6 - 27, 2014
June 7 - July 1, 2014
October 4 - January 24
21 2014 - 10 February 2015
May 19 - June 10 September
17 2015 - 8 October 2015

Venus retrograde

year 1 Every 9 months Venus becomes “retrograde” in its movement for approximately 41-43 days. At this time, from the point of view of an earthly observer, it moves in the opposite direction to its natural movement and the movement of the Function.

Sun of Venus

Venus is associated with harmony and she, in form, patronizes art, pleasure, and social responsibility. activities for emotional attachments, choices and desires, assessments, beauty, manages all types of relationships, cooperation, partnerships. In financial astrology, Venus symbolizes money, property, banks and other financial institutions.

Retrograde Features of Venus

During this period, people’s “idea” is floating about what and who they really want. And if both partners have arisen in such an environment, then the partner’s relationship will keep thinking: is this the person I need? It is quite possible that one of the partners is in a very unstable emotional state at the time. Based on this, ideas about the partner may follow. It is not distorted to place high hopes on new relationships that develop during the movement of the retrograde May. Venus will be disappointed, but you will know about this when Venus becomes direct. The same goes for business and collaboration partnerships. At this time, a meeting may occur with people whom you loved before; past emotional attachments may remind you of yourself. During the period of Venus retrograde, the value system may change, as well as individual existing stereotypes: in personal relationships, in affections, in business cooperation and partnerships. property and financial issues may not live up to your jewelry, and expectations or valuables can be lost easily. The period is unfavorable for entering into a marriage, engagement, and the first meeting or acquaintance with Venus retrograde is unlikely to lead to a strong and long-term relationship. For the same reason, it is not recommended to buy jewelry, valuable, beautiful, fashionable things. After Venus becomes direct, your tastes will stabilize, but in what direction it is completely impossible to know while she is retrograde. So they laid it out: you get a lot of money for some thing, but now you don’t like it...

What not to take

Make responsible decisions and take important steps related to finances and investments.
- Conclude a marriage contract, get married
- Conclude financial investments
- contracts of money into objects of art, into goods of increased value
- It is better to postpone the purchase of expensive things
- postpone visits to beauty salons and do not perform plastic surgery.

Venus retrograde periods:

June 15 - May 27, 2012
December 21, 2013 - January 31, July
25 2014 2015 - September 6, 2015

Retrograde Mars

Mars turns around and moves in reverse motion for 2 months, about once every 2 years.

Mars Functions

Mars symbolizes the male principle, in Chinese philosophy it corresponds to the active movement of energy - Yang; in ancient Greek mythology, Mars is the God of war. Actions according to Mars are based on the instinct of survival or use for, the energy of acquiring everything that is necessary to survive and protect one’s life. The ancients and astrologers associated this planet with various troubles and destruction, misfortunes, injuries, and surprises. At the psychological level, activity is assertiveness, leadership, impulsiveness, anger, aggression, rage, moving forward, the ability to quickly make decisions, but also quickly lose purpose and direction as soon as the first Mars appears. the obstacle controls the following objects surrounding our everyday life: mechanisms, cars, watches, iron and metal objects of any kind - such as keys, cutlery, tools, cutlery, edged weapons.

Features of the Mars retrograde period

During the retrograde of Mars, errors are likely in the distribution of one's forces and energy. This period, after all, the energy is always felt poorly and it is not possible to accurately determine whether you have enough strength to finish the work you have started. As, therefore, as soon as a situation arises that needs to be worked on for a long time and actively, there is a danger of overvoltage and, as a consequence of this, the impossibility of completing it in time and in a quality manner. Perhaps, as an option, there may be a reluctance to do anything at all. because the internal impulse during retrograde Mars is so weak that it is not perceived as an action signal or may not correspond to the one set from here. The task causes a lot of distortion during the result and frustration in the work. It’s hard to concentrate on something you want to do, to do everything in time, to do everything. It’s hard. quickly relax, every moment of time you need to be busy with something. The quantity of actions replaces them with quality, thereby attracting a lot of secondary problems. There is no longer any strength to do anything, but excessive fussiness continues. As a result of such a pace of life, a person quickly gets tired and may not complete a single task on time. Because of this, disagreements may arise with your work colleagues, others or people around you. If during this time you stir up an old conflict, then if you start when Mars is retrograde, you will lose.

New Start a job, a new project or a new business
- Expect quick results
- Start repairs and construction
- Participate in competitions
- File claims in Buy
- court car

What can you do

Those with Break up that are outdated and outdated.
- Feel free to work with quit, which is disgusting.
- You can work through and bring to an end problems that do not require a lot of time to solve.

Periods of Mars retrograde movement:

Retrograde Jupiter

Jupiter, like the planet, Saturn is social, i.e. having a greater impact on society as a whole. This is an external worldview, philosophy, ideology. Astrologers of the past called Jupiter “great happiness,” this is due to the fact that Jupiter brings only good, and even forming tense aspects, does not promise trouble. He gives growth, everything, expansion, what you really want, Jupiter spreads. optimism symbolizes patronage, protection, education, politics, universities, law, distant countries, international travel, trade, social institutions, publishing houses, social status, etc. Excessive arrogance and self-confidence brought by Jupiter retrograde can do a bad job. During this period, you should not start new business, whose patron is Jupiter. It is better to reconsider what has already been started. It is not advisable to take loans.

Periods of retrograde Jupiter

October 4, 2012 - January 30, November
7 2013 2013 - March 6, 2014
December 8 April - 8 2014 2015

Retrograde Saturn

Saturn goes retrograde every year. Its retrograde period averages 4.5 months. Symbolically, Saturn of the state is associated with the legislative branch, the structure of enterprises, profession, superiors, service, achievements, construction, real estate. It compresses, restrains, concentrates, freezes, cuts off the unnecessary, highlighting the essence.

Should not be done at this time

Sign targeted, long-term contracts
- register a marriage
- register a new enterprise, business
- start learning a new profession
- start a new activity
- start buying
- real estate construction
- quit your job if you haven’t found a new one yet (since in this case you will have to look for a new job for a long time); but even if you’re in a hurry, you haven’t found a job for her until Saturn is retrograde and becomes direct. Because All these cases will subsequently require revision, and simply may fail. As for getting a new job, there are often the following types of work: the options turn out to be physically difficult, or morally depressing and psychological, or monotonously exhausting. It is also advisable to refrain from the above actions a few days before the period of Saturn’s retrograde movement (since the topic of interest will be inhibition, revision, and you will have to return to the topic after the change from retrograde movement to also), and direct a few days after the change of retro direct phases - then you will better see things in perspective, new facets will open up. Saturn is unforgiving and serious. During the retrograde of Saturn, you should not go against the grain, it is better to act in a retro rhythm: continue the work started earlier, hone your professional skills, maintain discipline and take full responsibility for your official duties, improve what in your opinion requires improvement, remove excesses , leaving the essence.

March retrograde periods

2015 Uranus

The retrograde period of Uranus also averages 4-5 months a year. Innovations, sudden, unexpected changes are the influence of Uranus on our lives. His mission is liberation. Since Uranus is symbolically associated with such topics as airplanes (airlines, flights, airports), computers, new electricity, technologies, groups of like-minded people, unexpected turns are primarily possible in these areas. Insights, epiphanies, and the emergence of new guidelines in life are possible. You will want drastic changes, something unusual, unique. But before you destroy something to the ground, you should think carefully about whether you would like to return it. This is often impossible. Moreover, it is not worth taking deliberately risky actions during this time. actions The peculiarity of Uranus is that it is impossible to predict exactly what it will be. Uranus always acts unexpectedly.

June retrograde periods

Retrograde Period

Neptune retrograde Neptune - the planet of eternity, intuition, secrets, faith - averages 4 - 5 months. Neptune owns the world of dreams and fantasies, dreams and this, meditation, the planet of musicians, chemists, psychologists, etc. If Neptune is strong and kind in the horoscope, then it gives us the ability to soar into everyday life, to be imbued with the divine. love in the power of Neptune and everything that has to do with an altered state of consciousness - drugs, sects, alcohol. Retrograde Neptune will contribute to a greater withdrawal from reality, and especially for those who were born in the retro phase of this one. During the planetary period it is useful to conduct meditation, questions to address spirituality, true faith, read Only. prayers, remember the danger of being deceived, of being drawn into a sect, - Neptune casts fog. When plunging into the dream world, do not break away from reality, be attentive.

retrograde periods of Neptune's movement

Retrograde Pluto

Pluto is a planet of enormous resources, hidden power, and rebirth. Planet-Symbolically. The cleaner is associated with collective energy, deep energy, the crowd psyche, law enforcement agencies, the mafia, the physical, and on the metro plane - tumor diseases. The periods of movement of retrograde Pluto and the periods of its direct movement are approximately equal in duration, and average 4.5-6 retrograde. months, Pluto deepens mental processes, encourages us to get rid of unnecessary, outdated things that hinder our development in this life.

Periods of Pluto retrograde movement

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