Summary of me and my public organization. On the topic “Why I became the leader of student government”

home address - Nizhny Novgorod region, Bor, st. International, 177

contact phone - +79202997103

e-mail - [email protected]


Participation in the regional competition of leaders and managers of children's and youth public associations “New Generation of the 21st Century”.


Additional education

Experience and performance in a children's organization



  1. Participation in the district volunteer team as part of the “For a Healthy Lifestyle” program.
  2. Participant of the forum of volunteer associations “We choose life” on the basis of the Children's Health and Educational Center of the Nizhny Novgorod Region “Children against Drugs”.
  3. One of the founders of the group D.O. "Rainbow" on the website ""
  4. Active participant in the regional program “Under the Sail of Dreams”. Winner of regional competitions (as part of a children's literacy organization).
  5. Volunteer of the school movement “School of Legal Knowledge”. Conducting and preparing thematic classes, games, etc. among grades 1-4.
  6. He is a member of the search and research group studying the life of the internationalist warrior, a graduate of the school of Sergei Maltsin.
  7. Organizer of “Business Day” (collection of waste paper)
  1. Organizer of a concert for mothers and grandmothers for International Mother's Day.
  2. Organizer and presenter of the game for grades 3-4 “And to every profession - glory and honor!” (with this program we took 1st place at the regional competition of the same name)
  1. Designer of the exhibition of drawings for the anniversary of S.Ya. Marshak.
  2. An active participant in the annual “Warm Home” campaign and responsible for the information stand based on the results of the campaign.
  3. Participant in the annual charity concert at the Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens of the Bor District.
  4. Host of the New Year's party for grades 6-7 "New Year's KVN".
  5. Presenter of the school event for 1st grades “The Book of Three Generations. Fairy tales."
  6. Counselor at the Sunny City school camp.

Additional information

Interests. Goals and plans for the future.

Everything in this life interests me! I try to find out as much as possible, learn and be needed by others. My motto in life is: Share your best ideas if you are glad to be useful! I have many friends. But the best and most faithful friends are in “Rainbow”. This is where I spend all my free time. We prepare interesting events for ourselves and for others. We organize various events. We provide assistance to people in difficult life situations. We go hiking, go on excursions. I want people around me who are as cheerful and happy as I am. So that everyone has the opportunity to realize themselves in activities that are interesting to them. That’s why I try to come up with different things to do at Rainbow so that everyone can find something they like. I dream of visiting the wonderful Lazurny camp with my friends. And if I succeed, when I get a teaching degree, work in this wonderful camp. I really hope that when I come to work at school, my dear “Rainbow” will also remain at school a place where all children feel warm, cozy, and joyful.


Leader of student government


Surname: Manokhina

Name: Daria

Surname: Vladislavovna

Job title: President of the children's organization "Friends"

School: MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" branch No. 1 in the village of Staroseslavino

Class: 11

Personal signature ________

Section No. 1. Personal documents and materials.

List of submitted documents:

1. Summary;

2. Autobiography;

3. Essay-reflection

“Why I became the leader of student government”;

4. Copies of personal diplomas, diplomas, IDs and certificates indicating achievements in socially significant and socially useful activities.


"Leader of student government"

Full name: Manokhina Daria Vladislavovna

Citizenship: Russia

Place of birth: Tambov region Pervomaisky district.

Full home address: 393714 Sovetskaya str. 151, Staroseslavino village, Pervomaisky district, Tambov region

Home phone: 71 – 3-17

Email: -

Passport: 6811 664893 issued 09/04/2011 Department of Internal Affairs of the Pervomaisky district of the Tambov region

Place of study: Municipal educational institution

branch No. 1 MBOU "Pervomaiskaya secondary school"

in the village Staroseslavino

Tambov region Pervomaisky district Staroseslavino st. Sovetskaya 111a

Class: 11.

Additional education:

Experience in social activities:

Main personal achievements:

Years Event name
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization “Friendly” MBOU “Pervomaiskaya Secondary School” in the village. Staroseslavino for 1st place in the category “Sanitary post” in the regional military sports game “Zarnitsa”.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friends" of the MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in the village. Staroseslavino 1st degree for active participation in the children's press festival “Media - New Generation” in the television category.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization “Friendly” MBOU “Pervomaiskaya Secondary School” in the village. Staroseslavino for participation in the regional festival of the staged song “Sing the song as it used to be...”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the pioneers.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization “Friendly” MBOU “Pervomaiskaya Secondary School” in the village. Staroseslavino for active participation in district and regional competitions of the Union of Children's Organizations of the Pervomaisky District.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization “Friendly” MBOU “Pervomaiskaya Secondary School” in the village. Staroseslavino team “Luntiki” took 3rd place in the regional festival - competition of school KVN teams “KiViNchik”.
The diploma is awarded to the primary children's organization "Friends" of the MBOU "Pervomaisk Secondary School" for their creative approach and effective activities in the implementation of the "World of Security" program and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Union of Children's Organizations of the Pervomaisky District.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friendly" MBOU "PSOSH", branch in the village. Staroseslavino based on the results of the 2012-2013 academic year for the creative approach and achieved results in the implementation of the “From the Heart” program
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friendly" MBOU "PSOSH", branch in the village. Staroseslavino for 2nd place in the Soviet competition “Be the first among equals”

Additional business information: I use a computer fluently, I have good vocal abilities, I am a member of the dance group “New Baby”

Personal characteristics: I am careful, conscientious about my duties, sociable, responsible.

Hobby: I love to sing and dance.

Resume date


I, Daria Vyacheslavovna Manokhina, was born on June 7, 1997 in the village of Staroseslavino, Tambov region. I went to first grade at the Pervomaiskaya Secondary School in 2004. In 2007, I went to study in the fifth grade at the Pervomaiskaya Secondary School.

From the second grade I became seriously interested in music and dancing. For six years I have been attending the vocal club and the dance club “Ballroom Dance”. Since 2008, I have been a member of the children's public organization “Friends”.

In 2008, members of the board of the children's public organization “Druzhnye” elected me president.

The children's organization "Friends" at the municipal budgetary educational institution "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in the village of Staroseslavino became for me another step that allowed me to reveal myself as an active, creative person.

For three years I was the chairman of the activist group, which allowed me to acquire organizational capabilities, find a common language with all people, and put our common ideas into practice.

As a student at Derzhavin TSU, I also continue to lead an active lifestyle. I strive to use all my knowledge and skills acquired on the basis of the children’s organization “Druzhnye” in my business.

I would like to wish the guys to be bolder and creative in all their endeavors. Do not be afraid of difficulties, overcome them with ease and a cheerful, perky mood. Go for it! You will succeed!

Definition of the concept of “student self-government” and its characteristics.

Good luck with the implementation!

We remind you that you must provide

School board"!

We offer you control No. 1,

which contains:

theoretical block, creative task.

Student self-government is a form of students exercising their right to participate in the management of a general education institution, which involves students’ participation in resolving issues in organizing the educational process together with the teaching staff and administration of the institution.

With developed systems of student self-government in an educational institution, there are various bodies of self-government: school-wide student council, gymnasium (school) parliament, student committee (uchkom), headman, school council, etc. It is necessary to distinguish the forms of student self-government from children's public associations and youth public associations, created by students themselves or by adults with the participation of children from general education institutions, united on the basis of common interests.

Student self-government is the right that students have at school, the right to have their opinions taken into account in the management of the educational organization where they study. This right is enshrined in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Art. 34.

The school administration is obliged to provide students with the opportunity to use this right and create the necessary conditions for the exercise of this right if there is student initiative.

In order for the work of student self-government bodies to be effective, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

1) socio-psychological:

compliance of the self-government model with the internal needs of the student body;

continuous training and self-training of the asset;

2) organizational and pedagogical:

style of pedagogical management;

taking into account external conditions and development prospects.

In the diverse life of a modern educational institution, there are enough activities and areas where students can act without the help of adults.

The main areas of work of student self-government bodies, where students, with the support of teachers, can realize themselves:

Moral, patriotic and civic;




Sports and recreation;

Tourism and local history;


Prevention of antisocial behavior;

Organization of leisure;

Formation of leadership and organizational qualities (business games, trainings).

The activities of student self-government bodies are based on the following principles:

1. Openness and accessibility - student self-government bodies are open to and accessible to members of the entire team.

2. Voluntariness and creativity - primary student groups or associations are given a free choice of the content of activities, forms of work to achieve personal and collective goals.

3. Equality and cooperation - primary teams build their relationships on the basis of cooperation and equal partnership.

4. Continuity and perspective - student self-government bodies operate during school and holiday periods; the structure of self-government bodies should combine both permanent and temporary bodies created by the collective to solve current problems.

On these principles, the content of the activities of all student self-government bodies is implemented, starting from the collective of groups and ending with the collective of students of the educational institution.

In a student team, the leader is a support for the teacher. Leaders are students who organize their peers in the most natural way and contribute to the affirmation of socially significant values ​​and orientations. These guys understand better than others what and how to do to make life in a team interesting, rich, and varied.

In the work of student self-government bodies, there are leaders whose roles are different:

Leaders - organizers (business leaders),

Leaders are generators of emotional mood (emotional leaders),

Leaders are initiators,

Leaders are skilled.

Leaders - initiators stand out in their activities at the stage of putting forward ideas, in searching for new areas of activity for the team. A craftsman is the most trained member of a team in a particular type of activity (for example, on a hike, the most experienced tourist). The role of emotional leaders is associated with actions related mainly to the sphere of interpersonal communication in a team, group within an educational institution.

The main role in solving the tasks assigned to the team in the implementation of labor, sports, tourism, creative and other activities is played by business leaders. Children who successfully operate in the emotional and business spheres of life of the student body are promoted to the roles of absolute leaders.

Any leader is driven by activity. Only through specially organized activities, varied in content, can situations be provided that are favorable for the manifestation of the qualities and properties of students who have the potential to influence their peers and who are capable of becoming a leader.

Security questions:

1. Which law enshrines the right that students have at school, the right to have their opinions taken into account in the management of the educational organization where they study?

A) Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2013 N 237 FZ “On the Fundamentals of Student Self-Government”

C) Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Art. 34.

2. What conditions need to be created for the work of student self-government bodies to be effective?

3. Select the 4 most interesting, in your opinion, areas of work of student self-government bodies, where students, with the support of teachers, can realize themselves and describe your choice.

4. On what principles is the content of the activities of all student self-government bodies implemented, starting from the collective of groups and ending with the collective of students of the educational institution?

5. Select which leaders are found in the work of student government bodies, whose roles are different:

a) leaders - generators of emotional mood (emotional leaders),

b) leaders - leading

c) leaders - initiators,

d) leaders are aggressors,

e) leaders are skilled,

f) leaders - organizers (business leaders),

Creative task:

Make a creative portrait of the leader who is currently active in your team. Indicate his strengths, character traits, achievements in the team; explain why he is the leader. (No more than 1 A4 page)

Portfolio of the leader of the student self-government body MBOU secondary school No.

General information Name: Igor Last name: Fedorov Patronymic: Vitalievich Date of birth: April 27, 2002 School: MBOU Secondary School No. 11 Class: 8 “B”

Autobiography 2002 – 2012 I was born on April 27, 2002 in the village of Su-Psekh. In 2009, I first crossed the threshold of my school. A few days later I learned about the enrollment of students at the music school. Since early childhood, my life has been connected with music. I completed the first 4 classes with flying colors. Both in music and in studies, I was one of the best. We already have many performances, competitions and victories under our belt. For my achievements in the field of culture in 2012, I was awarded the prize of the mayor of the resort city of Anapa.

Autobiography 2013 In March, he performed brilliantly at a zonal competition in the city of Anapa. Having taken 1st place, he was sent to the regional competition, which took place in Adler. Unfortunately, I only took 3rd place there, but this was an excellent opportunity for me to improve my skills and abilities. Since then I have never been defeated.

Autobiography 2013 -2015 In October 2013, I decided to take up sports and joined the karate section. He competed in many competitions and won prizes, but in 2015 he had to leave his studies. In 2014, I graduated from a music school with honors. But I went to additional classes for another 1 year. He played bouzouki and guitar.

Autobiography 2016 When I entered the 8th grade, I got the opportunity to be elected to the position of President of the USU. Having won the elections on October 14, I immediately began working at my school. But soon I had to leave my duties to the vice president for a while. I found out that I was going to Artek! After spending my shift at Artek, I first of all had a good rest, and, of course, upon arrival I went back to work.

Documents folder List of my documents: 1. My musical achievements 2. Academic success 3. Scientific activities 4. Award certificate

“Certificate of Commendation” “For excellent academic achievements” 2013

Official documents

Creative works

Social practice

Abstract The conducted research represents an analysis of two processes: Christianization and enlightenment. The purpose of the study is to identify the influence of educational and missionary activities on the way of life of the Ob Ugrians. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: – Research and analysis of scientific literature TTIAMZ (Tobolsk State Historical and Architectural Museum of the Reserve (scientific library)). – Work with researchers from TGIAMZ, Surgut State University, Ugra State University, the Museum "Nature and Man", an ethnographic museum based on a small school in the village of Lempino; Nefteyugansk region. – Analysis of archival materials of the TFGATO (Tobolsk branch of the state archive of the Tyumen region) (method of scientific objectivity, problematic chronological method, static). – Systematization and generalization. As a result of the study, it was found that education throughout all educational and missionary activities in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug was carried out from above. And the goal of education and upbringing in modern conditions should be to transfer the knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated by the past generation. And if this condition is met, the efficiency of education will become higher and, therefore, there will be no “losses”.

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