Using the method of mathematical induction, prove the formula. Principle of mathematical induction

Using the method of mathematical induction, prove that for any natural n the following equalities are valid:
A) ;
b) .


a) When n= 1 the equality is true. Assuming the validity of the equality at n, we will show its validity even when n+ 1. Indeed,


b) When n= 1 the validity of the equality is obvious. From the assumption of its validity at n should

Given the equality 1 + 2 + ... + n = n(n+ 1)/2, we get

1 3 + 2 3 + ... + n 3 + (n + 1) 3 = (1 + 2 + ... + n + (n + 1)) 2 ,

i.e. the statement is also true when n + 1.

Example 1. Prove the following equalities

Where n ABOUT N.

Solution. a) When n= 1 the equality will take the form 1=1, therefore, P(1) is true. Let us assume that this equality is true, that is, it holds

. It is necessary to check (prove) thatP(n+ 1), that is true. Since (using the induction hypothesis) we get that is, P(n+ 1) is a true statement.

Thus, according to the method of mathematical induction, the original equality is valid for any natural n.

Note 2. This example could have been solved differently. Indeed, the sum is 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n is the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic progression with the first term a 1 = 1 and difference d= 1. By virtue of the well-known formula , we get

b) When n= 1 the equality will take the form: 2 1 - 1 = 1 2 or 1=1, that is, P(1) is true. Let us assume that the equality holds

1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2n - 1) = n 2 and prove that it takes placeP(n + 1): 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2n - 1) + (2(n + 1) - 1) = (n+ 1) 2 or 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2 n - 1) + (2n + 1) = (n + 1) 2 .

Using the induction hypothesis, we obtain

1 + 3 + 5 + ... + (2n - 1) + (2n + 1) = n 2 + (2n + 1) = (n + 1) 2 .

Thus, P(n+ 1) is true and, therefore, the required equality is proven.

Note 3. This example can be solved (similar to the previous one) without using the method of mathematical induction.

c) When n= 1 the equality is true: 1=1. Let us assume that the equality is true

and show that that is, truthP(n) implies truthP(n+ 1). Really, and, since 2 n 2 + 7 n + 6 = (2 n + 3)(n+ 2), we get and, therefore, the original equality is valid for any naturaln.

d) When n= 1 the equality is true: 1=1. Let us assume that it takes place

and we will prove that


e) Approval P(1) true: 2=2. Let us assume that the equality

is true, and we will prove that it implies the equality Really,

Consequently, the original equality holds for any natural n.

f) P(1) true: 1/3 = 1/3. Let there be equality P(n):

. Let us show that the last equality implies the following:

Indeed, considering that P(n) holds, we get

Thus, equality is proven.

g) When n= 1 we have a + b = b + a and therefore equality is fair.

Let Newton's binomial formula be valid for n = k, that is,

Then Using equality we get

Example 2. Prove inequalities

a) Bernoulli inequality: (1 + a) n ≥ 1 + n a , a > -1, n ABOUT N.
b) x 1 + x 2 + ... + x nn, If x 1 x 2 · ... · x n= 1 and x i > 0, .
c) Cauchy's inequality with respect to the arithemetic mean and the geometric mean
Where x i > 0, , n ≥ 2.
d) sin 2 n a + cos 2 n a ≤ 1, n ABOUT N.
f) 2 n > n 3 , n ABOUT N, n ≥ 10.

Solution. a) When n= 1 we get the true inequality

1 + a ≥ 1 + a . Let us assume that there is an inequality

(1 + a) n ≥ 1 + n a(1)
and we will show that then it takes place and(1 + a) n + 1 ≥ 1 + (n+ 1)a.

Indeed, since a > -1 implies a + 1 > 0, then multiplying both sides of inequality (1) by (a + 1), we obtain

(1 + a) n(1 + a) ≥ (1 + n a )(1 + a ) or (1 + a ) n + 1 ≥ 1 + (n+ 1)a + n a 2 Since n a 2 ≥ 0, therefore(1 + a) n + 1 ≥ 1 + (n+ 1)a + n a 2 ≥ 1 + ( n+ 1)a.

Thus, if P(n) is true, then P(n+ 1) is true, therefore, according to the principle of mathematical induction, Bernoulli’s inequality is true.

b) When n= 1 we get x 1 = 1 and therefore x 1 ≥ 1 that is P(1) is a fair statement. Let's assume that P(n) is true, that is, if adica, x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x n - n positive numbers whose product is equal to one, x 1 x 2 ·...· x n= 1, and x 1 + x 2 + ... + x nn.

Let us show that this sentence entails the truth of the following: if x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x n ,x n+1 - (n+ 1) positive numbers such that x 1 x 2 ·...· x n · x n+1 = 1, then x 1 + x 2 + ... + x n + x n + 1 ≥n + 1.

Consider the following two cases:

1) x 1 = x 2 = ... = x n = x n+1 = 1. Then the sum of these numbers is ( n+ 1), and the required inequality is satisfied;

2) at least one number is different from one, let, for example, be greater than one. Then, since x 1 x 2 · ... · x n · x n+ 1 = 1, there is at least one more number different from one (more precisely, less than one). Let x n+ 1 > 1 and x n < 1. Рассмотрим n positive numbers

x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x n-1 ,(x n · x n+1). The product of these numbers is equal to one, and, according to the hypothesis, x 1 + x 2 + ... + x n-1 + x n x n + 1 ≥ n. The last inequality is rewritten as follows: x 1 + x 2 + ... + x n-1 + x n x n+1 + x n + x n+1 ≥ n + x n + x n+1 or x 1 + x 2 + ... + x n-1 + x n + x n+1 ≥ n + x n + x n+1 - x n x n+1 .


(1 - x n)(x n+1 - 1) > 0, then n + x n + x n+1 - x n x n+1 = n + 1 + x n+1 (1 - x n) - 1 + x n =
= n + 1 + x n+1 (1 - x n) - (1 - x n) = n + 1 + (1 - x n)(x n+1 - 1) ≥ n+ 1. Therefore, x 1 + x 2 + ... + x n + x n+1 ≥ n+1, that is, if P(n) is true, thenP(n+ 1) fair. The inequality has been proven.

Note 4. The equal sign holds if and only if x 1 = x 2 = ... = x n = 1.

c) Let x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x n- arbitrary positive numbers. Consider the following n positive numbers:

Since their product is equal to one: according to the previously proven inequality b), it follows that where

Note 5. Equality holds if and only if x 1 = x 2 = ... = x n .

d) P(1) is a fair statement: sin 2 a + cos 2 a = 1. Let us assume that P(n) is a true statement:

Sin 2 n a + cos 2 n a ≤ 1 and show what happensP(n+ 1). Really, sin 2( n+ 1) a + cos 2( n+ 1) a = sin 2 n a sin 2 a + cos 2 n a cos 2 a< sin 2n a + cos 2 n a ≤ 1 (if sin 2 a ≤ 1, then cos 2 a < 1, и обратно: если cos 2 a ≤ 1, then sin 2 a < 1). Таким образом, для любого n ABOUT N sin 2 n a + cos 2 n ≤ 1 and the equality sign is achieved only whenn = 1.

e) When n= 1 statement is true: 1< 3 / 2 .

Let's assume that and we will prove that

considering P(n), we get

f) Taking into account remark 1, let's check P(10): 2 10 > 10 3, 1024 > 1000, therefore, for n= 10 the statement is true. Let's assume that 2 n > n 3 (n> 10) and prove P(n+ 1), that is 2 n+1 > (n + 1) 3 .

Since when n> 10 we have or , it follows that

2n 3 > n 3 + 3n 2 + 3n+ 1 or n 3 > 3n 2 + 3n + 1. Given the inequality (2 n > n 3 ), we get 2 n+1 = 2 n·2 = 2 n + 2 n > n 3 + n 3 > n 3 + 3n 2 + 3n + 1 = (n + 1) 3 .

Thus, according to the method of mathematical induction, for any natural n ABOUT N, n≥ 10 we have 2 n > n 3 .

Example 3. Prove that for anyone n ABOUT N

Solution. a) P(1) is a true statement (0 is divided by 6). Let P(n) is fair, that is n(2n 2 - 3n + 1) = n(n - 1)(2n- 1) is divisible by 6. Let us show that then it occurs P(n+ 1), that is, ( n + 1)n(2n+ 1) is divisible by 6. Indeed, since

and how n(n - 1)(2 n- 1), and 6 n 2 are divisible by 6, then their sum isn(n + 1)(2 n+ 1) is divisible by 6.

Thus, P(n+ 1) is a fair statement, and therefore n(2n 2 - 3n+ 1) divisible by 6 for any n ABOUT N.

b) Let's check P(1): 6 0 + 3 2 + 3 0 = 11, therefore, P(1) is a fair statement. It should be proven that if 6 2 n-2 + 3 n+1 + 3 n-1 is divided by 11 ( P(n)), then 6 2 n + 3 n+2 + 3 n also divisible by 11 ( P(n+ 1)). Indeed, since

6 2n + 3 n+2 + 3 n = 6 2n-2+2 + 3 n+1+1 + 3 n-1+1 = = 6 2 6 2 n-2 + 3 3 n+1 + 3 3 n-1 = 3·(6 2 n-2 + 3 n+1 + 3 n-1) + 33 6 2 n-2 and like 6 2 n-2 + 3 n+1 + 3 n-1 and 33 6 2 n-2 are divisible by 11, then their sum is 6 2n + 3 n+2 + 3 n is divisible by 11. The statement is proven. Induction in geometry

Example 4. Calculate side of correct 2 n-a triangle inscribed in a circle of radius R.

Bibliographic description: Badanin A. S., Sizova M. Yu. Application of the method of mathematical induction to solving problems on the divisibility of natural numbers // Young scientist. 2015. No. 2. P. 84-86..02.2019).

In mathematics Olympiads there are often quite difficult problems to prove the divisibility of natural numbers. Schoolchildren face a problem: how to find a universal mathematical method that allows them to solve such problems?

It turns out that most problems in proving divisibility can be solved by the method of mathematical induction, but school textbooks pay very little attention to this method; most often a brief theoretical description is given and several problems are analyzed.

We find the method of mathematical induction in number theory. At the dawn of number theory, mathematicians discovered many facts inductively: L. Euler and K. Gauss sometimes considered thousands of examples before noticing a numerical pattern and believing in it. But at the same time they understood how deceptive hypotheses that have passed the “final” test can be. To inductively move from a statement verified for a finite subset to a similar statement for the entire infinite set, a proof is required. This method was proposed by Blaise Pascal, who found a general algorithm for finding signs of divisibility of any integer by any other integer (treatise “On the nature of the divisibility of numbers”).

The method of mathematical induction is used to prove by reasoning the truth of a certain statement for all natural numbers or the truth of a statement starting from a certain number n.

Solving problems to prove the truth of a certain statement using the method of mathematical induction consists of four stages (Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. Scheme for solving the problem

1. Induction basis . They check the validity of the statement for the smallest natural number for which the statement makes sense.

2. Inductive hypothesis . We assume that the statement is true for some value of k.

3. Induction transition . We prove that the statement is true for k+1.

4. Conclusion . If such a proof was completed, then, based on the principle of mathematical induction, it can be argued that the statement is true for any natural number n.

Let us consider the application of the method of mathematical induction to solving problems of proving the divisibility of natural numbers.

Example 1. Prove that the number 5 is a multiple of 19, where n is a natural number.


1) Let's check that this formula is correct for n = 1: the number =19 is a multiple of 19.

2) Let this formula be true for n = k, i.e. the number is a multiple of 19.

It is a multiple of 19. Indeed, the first term is divisible by 19 due to assumption (2); the second term is also divisible by 19 because it contains a factor of 19.

Example 2. Prove that the sum of the cubes of three consecutive natural numbers is divisible by 9.


Let us prove the statement: “For any natural number n, the expression n 3 +(n+1) 3 +(n+2) 3 is a multiple of 9.

1) Let's check that this formula is correct for n = 1: 1 3 +2 3 +3 3 =1+8+27=36 multiples of 9.

2) Let this formula be true for n = k, i.e. k 3 +(k+1) 3 +(k+2) 3 is a multiple of 9.

3) Let us prove that the formula is also true for n = k + 1, i.e. (k+1) 3 +(k+2) 3 +(k+3) 3 is a multiple of 9. (k+1) 3 +( k+2) 3 +(k+3) 3 =(k+1) 3 +(k+2) 3 + k 3 + 9k 2 +27 k+ 27=(k 3 +(k+1) 3 +(k +2) 3)+9(k 2 +3k+ 3).

The resulting expression contains two terms, each of which is divisible by 9, so the sum is divisible by 9.

4) Both conditions of the principle of mathematical induction are satisfied, therefore, the sentence is true for all values ​​of n.

Example 3. Prove that for any natural number n, the number 3 2n+1 +2 n+2 is divisible by 7.


1) Let's check that this formula is correct for n = 1: 3 2*1+1 +2 1+2 = 3 3 +2 3 =35, 35 is a multiple of 7.

2) Let this formula be true for n = k, i.e. 3 2 k +1 +2 k +2 is divided by 7.

3) Let us prove that the formula is also true for n = k + 1, i.e.

3 2(k +1)+1 +2 (k +1)+2 =3 2 k +1 ·3 2 +2 k +2 ·2 1 =3 2 k +1 ·9+2 k +2 ·2 =3 2 k +1 ·9+2 k +2 ·(9–7)=(3 2 k +1 +2 k +2)·9–7·2 k +2.T. k. (3 2 k +1 +2 k +2) 9 is divided by 7 and 7 2 k +2 is divided by 7, then their difference is divided by 7.

4) Both conditions of the principle of mathematical induction are satisfied, therefore, the sentence is true for all values ​​of n.

Many proof problems in the theory of divisibility of natural numbers can be conveniently solved using the method of mathematical induction; one can even say that solving problems with this method is completely algorithmic; it is enough to perform 4 basic steps. But this method cannot be called universal, since there are also disadvantages: firstly, it can only be proven on a set of natural numbers, and secondly, it can only be proven for one variable.

For the development of logical thinking and mathematical culture, this method is a necessary tool, because the great Russian mathematician A. N. Kolmogorov said: “Understanding and the ability to correctly apply the principle of mathematical induction is a good criterion of logical maturity, which is absolutely necessary for a mathematician.”


1. Vilenkin N. Ya. Induction. Combinatorics. - M.: Education, 1976. - 48 p.

2. Genkin L. On mathematical induction. - M., 1962. - 36 p.

3. Solominsky I. S. Method of mathematical induction. - M.: Nauka, 1974. - 63 p.

4. Sharygin I.F. Optional course in mathematics: Problem solving: Textbook for 10th grade. school average - M.: Education, 1989. - 252 p.

5. Shen A. Mathematical induction. - M.: MTsNMO, 2007. - 32 p.

Method of mathematical induction


Main part

  1. Complete and incomplete induction
  2. Principle of mathematical induction
  3. Method of mathematical induction
  4. Solving Examples
  5. Equalities
  6. Dividing numbers
  7. Inequalities


List of used literature


The basis of any mathematical research is deductive and inductive methods. The deductive method of reasoning is reasoning from the general to the specific, i.e. reasoning, the starting point of which is the general result, and the final point is the particular result. Induction is used when moving from particular results to general ones, i.e. is the opposite of deductive method.

The method of mathematical induction can be compared to progress. We start from the lowest, and as a result of logical thinking we come to the highest. Man has always strived for progress, for the ability to develop his thoughts logically, which means that nature itself destined him to think inductively.

Although the scope of application of the method of mathematical induction has grown, little time is devoted to it in the school curriculum. Well, tell me that those two or three lessons will be useful to a person, during which he will hear five words of theory, solve five primitive problems, and, as a result, will receive an A for the fact that he knows nothing.

But it is so important to be able to think inductively.

Main part

In its original meaning, the word “induction” is applied to reasoning through which general conclusions are obtained based on a number of specific statements. The simplest method of reasoning of this kind is complete induction. Here is an example of such reasoning.

Let it be necessary to establish that every even natural number n within 4< n < 20 представимо в виде суммы двух простых чисел. Для этого возьмём все такие числа и выпишем соответствующие разложения:

4=2+2; 6=3+3; 8=5+3; 10=7+3; 12=7+5;

14=7+7; 16=11+5; 18=13+5; 20=13+7.

These nine equalities show that each of the numbers we are interested in is indeed represented as the sum of two simple terms.

Thus, complete induction consists of proving the general statement separately in each of a finite number of possible cases.

Sometimes the general result can be predicted after considering not all, but a sufficiently large number of particular cases (the so-called incomplete induction).

The result obtained by incomplete induction remains, however, only a hypothesis until it is proven by precise mathematical reasoning, covering all special cases. In other words, incomplete induction in mathematics is not considered a legitimate method of rigorous proof, but is a powerful method for discovering new truths.

Let, for example, you want to find the sum of the first n consecutive odd numbers. Let's consider special cases:

1+3+5+7+9=25=5 2

After considering these few special cases, the following general conclusion suggests itself:

1+3+5+…+(2n-1)=n 2

those. the sum of the first n consecutive odd numbers is n 2

Of course, the observation made cannot yet serve as proof of the validity of the given formula.

Complete induction has only limited applications in mathematics. Many interesting mathematical statements cover an infinite number of special cases, but we are not able to test them for an infinite number of cases. Incomplete induction often leads to erroneous results.

In many cases, the way out of this kind of difficulty is to resort to a special method of reasoning, called the method of mathematical induction. It is as follows.

Suppose you need to prove the validity of a certain statement for any natural number n (for example, you need to prove that the sum of the first n odd numbers is equal to n 2). Direct verification of this statement for each value of n is impossible, since the set of natural numbers is infinite. To prove this statement, first check its validity for n=1. Then they prove that for any natural value of k, the validity of the statement under consideration for n=k implies its validity for n=k+1.

Then the statement is considered proven for all n. In fact, the statement is true for n=1. But then it is also true for the next number n=1+1=2. The validity of the statement for n=2 implies its validity for n=2+

1=3. This implies the validity of the statement for n=4, etc. It is clear that, in the end, we will reach any natural number n. This means that the statement is true for any n.

Summarizing what has been said, we formulate the following general principle.

The principle of mathematical induction.

If a sentence A(n), depending on a natural number n, is true for n=1 and from the fact that it is true for n=k (where k is any natural number), it follows that it is also true for the next number n=k +1, then assumption A(n) is true for any natural number n.

In a number of cases, it may be necessary to prove the validity of a certain statement not for all natural numbers, but only for n>p, where p is a fixed natural number. In this case, the principle of mathematical induction is formulated as follows.

If the proposition A(n) is true for n=p and if A(k)ÞA(k+1) for any k>p, then the proposition A(n) is true for any n>p.

The proof using the method of mathematical induction is carried out as follows. First, the statement to be proved is checked for n=1, i.e. the truth of statement A(1) is established. This part of the proof is called the induction basis. Then comes the part of the proof called the induction step. In this part, they prove the validity of the statement for n=k+1 under the assumption of the validity of the statement for n=k (induction assumption), i.e. prove that A(k)ÞA(k+1).

Prove that 1+3+5+…+(2n-1)=n 2.

Solution: 1) We have n=1=1 2 . Hence,

the statement is true for n=1, i.e. A(1) is true.

2) Let us prove that A(k)ÞA(k+1).

Let k be any natural number and let the statement be true for n=k, i.e.

1+3+5+…+(2k-1)=k 2 .

Let us prove that then the statement is also true for the next natural number n=k+1, i.e. What

1+3+5+…+(2k+1)=(k+1) 2 .

In fact,

1+3+5+…+(2k-1)+(2k+1)=k 2 +2k+1=(k+1) 2 .

So, A(k)ÞA(k+1). Based on the principle of mathematical induction, we conclude that assumption A(n) is true for any nÎN.

Prove that

1+x+x 2 +x 3 +…+x n =(x n+1 -1)/(x-1), where x¹1

Solution: 1) For n=1 we get

1+x=(x 2 -1)/(x-1)=(x-1)(x+1)/(x-1)=x+1

therefore, for n=1 the formula is correct; A(1) is true.

2) Let k be any natural number and let the formula be true for n=k, i.e.

1+x+x 2 +x 3 +…+x k =(x k+1 -1)/(x-1).

Let us prove that then the equality holds

1+x+x 2 +x 3 +…+x k +x k+1 =(x k+2 -1)/(x-1).


1+x+x 2 +x 3 +…+x k +x k+1 =(1+x+x 2 +x 3 +…+x k)+x k+1 =

=(x k+1 -1)/(x-1)+x k+1 =(x k+2 -1)/(x-1).

So, A(k)ÞA(k+1). Based on the principle of mathematical induction, we conclude that the formula is true for any natural number n.

Prove that the number of diagonals of a convex n-gon is equal to n(n-3)/2.

Solution: 1) For n=3 the statement is true

And 3 is meaningful, because in a triangle

 A 3 =3(3-3)/2=0 diagonals;

A 2 A(3) is true.

2) Let us assume that in every

a convex k-gon has-

A 1 x A k =k(k-3)/2 diagonals.

And k Let us prove that then in the convex

(k+1)-gon number

diagonals A k+1 =(k+1)(k-2)/2.

Let A 1 A 2 A 3 …A k A k+1 be a convex (k+1)-gon. Let's draw a diagonal A 1 A k in it. To calculate the total number of diagonals of this (k+1)-gon, you need to count the number of diagonals in the k-gon A 1 A 2 ...A k , add k-2 to the resulting number, i.e. the number of diagonals of the (k+1)-gon emanating from the vertex A k+1, and, in addition, the diagonal A 1 A k should be taken into account.


 k+1 = k +(k-2)+1=k(k-3)/2+k-1=(k+1)(k-2)/2.

So, A(k)ÞA(k+1). Due to the principle of mathematical induction, the statement is true for any convex n-gon.

Prove that for any n the following statement is true:

1 2 +2 2 +3 2 +…+n 2 =n(n+1)(2n+1)/6.

Solution: 1) Let n=1, then

X 1 =1 2 =1(1+1)(2+1)/6=1.

This means that for n=1 the statement is true.

2) Assume that n=k

X k =k 2 =k(k+1)(2k+1)/6.

3) Consider this statement for n=k+1

X k+1 =(k+1)(k+2)(2k+3)/6.

X k+1 =1 2 +2 2 +3 2 +…+k 2 +(k+1) 2 =k(k+1)(2k+1)/6+ +(k+1) 2 =(k (k+1)(2k+1)+6(k+1) 2)/6=(k+1)(k(2k+1)+

6(k+1))/6=(k+1)(2k 2 +7k+6)/6=(k+1)(2(k+3/2)(k+


We have proven the equality to be true for n=k+1, therefore, by virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the statement is true for any natural number n.

Prove that for any natural number n the equality is true:

1 3 +2 3 +3 3 +…+n 3 =n 2 (n+1) 2 /4.

Solution: 1) Let n=1.

Then X 1 =1 3 =1 2 (1+1) 2 /4=1.

We see that for n=1 the statement is true.

2) Suppose that the equality is true for n=k

X k =k 2 (k+1) 2 /4.

3) Let us prove the truth of this statement for n=k+1, i.e.

X k+1 =(k+1) 2 (k+2) 2 /4. X k+1 =1 3 +2 3 +…+k 3 +(k+1) 3 =k 2 (k+1) 2 /4+(k+1) 3 =(k 2 (k++1) 2 +4(k+1) 3)/4=(k+1) 2 (k 2 +4k+4)/4=(k+1) 2 (k+2) 2 /4.

From the above proof it is clear that the statement is true for n=k+1, therefore, the equality is true for any natural number n.

Prove that

((2 3 +1)/(2 3 -1))´((3 3 +1)/(3 3 -1))´…´((n 3 +1)/(n 3 -1))= 3n(n+1)/2(n 2 +n+1), where n>2.

Solution: 1) For n=2 the identity looks like: (2 3 +1)/(2 3 -1)=(3´2´3)/2(2 2 +2+1),

those. it's true.

2) Suppose that the expression is true for n=k

(2 3 +1)/(2 3 -1)´…´(k 3 +1)/(k 3 -1)=3k(k+1)/2(k 2 +k+1).

3) Let us prove the correctness of the expression for n=k+1.

(((2 3 +1)/(2 3 -1))´…´((k 3 +1)/(k 3 -1)))´(((k+1) 3 +

1)/((k+1) 3 -1))=(3k(k+1)/2(k 2 +k+1))´((k+2)((k+

1) 2 -(k+1)+1)/k((k+1) 2 +(k+1)+1))=3(k+1)(k+2)/2´

´((k+1) 2 +(k+1)+1).

We have proven the equality to be true for n=k+1, therefore, by virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the statement is true for any n>2

Prove that

1 3 -2 3 +3 3 -4 3 +…+(2n-1) 3 -(2n) 3 =-n 2 (4n+3)

for any natural n.

Solution: 1) Let n=1, then

1 3 -2 3 =-1 3 (4+3); -7=-7.

2) Suppose that n=k, then

1 3 -2 3 +3 3 -4 3 +…+(2k-1) 3 -(2k) 3 =-k 2 (4k+3).

3) Let us prove the truth of this statement for n=k+1

(1 3 -2 3 +…+(2k-1) 3 -(2k) 3)+(2k+1) 3 -(2k+2) 3 =-k 2 (4k+3)+

+(2k+1) 3 -(2k+2) 3 =-(k+1) 3 (4(k+1)+3).

The validity of the equality for n=k+1 has also been proven, therefore the statement is true for any natural number n.

Prove the identity is correct

(1 2 /1´3)+(2 2 /3´5)+…+(n 2 /(2n-1)´(2n+1))=n(n+1)/2(2n+1)

for any natural n.

1) For n=1 the identity is true 1 2 /1´3=1(1+1)/2(2+1).

2) Suppose that for n=k

(1 2 /1´3)+…+(k 2 /(2k-1)´(2k+1))=k(k+1)/2(2k+1).

3) Let us prove that the identity is true for n=k+1.

(1 2 /1´3)+…+(k 2 /(2k-1)(2k+1))+(k+1) 2 /(2k+1)(2k+3)=(k(k+ 1)/2(2k+1))+((k+1) 2 /(2k+1)(2k+3))=((k+1)/(2k+1))´((k/2 )+((k+1)/(2k+3)))=(k+1)(k+2)´ (2k+1)/2(2k+1)(2k+3)=(k+1 )(k+2)/2(2(k+1)+1).

From the above proof it is clear that the statement is true for any natural number n.

Prove that (11 n+2 +12 2n+1) is divisible by 133 without a remainder.

Solution: 1) Let n=1, then

11 3 +12 3 =(11+12)(11 2 -132+12 2)=23´133.

But (23´133) is divisible by 133 without a remainder, which means that for n=1 the statement is true; A(1) is true.

2) Suppose that (11 k+2 +12 2k+1) is divisible by 133 without a remainder.

3) Let us prove that in this case

(11 k+3 +12 2k+3) is divisible by 133 without a remainder. Indeed, 11 k+3 +12 2k+3 =11´11 k+2 +12 2´ 12 2k+1 =11´11 k+2 +

+(11+133)´12 2k+1 =11(11 k+2 +12 2k+1)+133´12 2k+1 .

The resulting sum is divided by 133 without a remainder, since its first term is divisible by 133 without a remainder by assumption, and in the second one of the factors is 133. So, A(k)ÞA(k+1). By virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the statement has been proven.

Prove that for any n 7 n -1 is divisible by 6 without a remainder.

Solution: 1) Let n=1, then X 1 =7 1 -1=6 is divided by 6 without a remainder. This means that when n=1 the statement is true.

2) Suppose that for n=k

7 k -1 is divisible by 6 without a remainder.

3) Let us prove that the statement is true for n=k+1.

X k+1 =7 k+1 -1=7´7 k -7+6=7(7 k -1)+6.

The first term is divisible by 6, since 7 k -1 is divisible by 6 by assumption, and the second term is 6. This means 7 n -1 is a multiple of 6 for any natural n. By virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the statement is proven.

Prove that 3 3n-1 +2 4n-3 for an arbitrary natural n is divisible by 11.
Solution: 1) Let n=1, then

X 1 =3 3-1 +2 4-3 =3 2 +2 1 =11 is divided by 11 without a remainder. This means that for n=1 the statement is true.

2) Suppose that for n=k

X k =3 3k-1 +2 4k-3 is divisible by 11 without a remainder.

3) Let us prove that the statement is true for n=k+1.

X k+1 =3 3(k+1)-1 +2 4(k+1)-3 =3 3k+2 +2 4k+1 =3 3´ 3 3k-1 +2 4´ 2 4k-3 =

27´3 3k-1 +16´2 4k-3 =(16+11)´3 3k-1 +16´2 4k-3 =16´3 3k-1 +

11´3 3k-1 +16´2 4k-3 =16(3 3k-1 +2 4k-3)+11´3 3k-1 .

The first term is divisible by 11 without a remainder, since 3 3k-1 +2 4k-3 is divisible by 11 by assumption, the second is divisible by 11, because one of its factors is the number 11. This means that the sum is divisible by 11 without remainder for any natural number n. By virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the statement is proven.

Prove that 11 2n -1 for an arbitrary natural n is divisible by 6 without a remainder.

Solution: 1) Let n=1, then 11 2 -1=120 is divisible by 6 without a remainder. This means that when n=1 the statement is true.

2) Suppose that for n=k

11 2k -1 is divisible by 6 without a remainder.

11 2(k+1) -1=121´11 2k -1=120´11 2k +(11 2k -1).

Both terms are divisible by 6 without a remainder: the first contains a multiple of 6, the number 120, and the second is divisible by 6 without a remainder by assumption. This means that the sum is divisible by 6 without a remainder. By virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the statement is proven.

Prove that 3 3n+3 -26n-27 for an arbitrary natural number n is divisible by 26 2 (676) without a remainder.

Solution: First we prove that 3 3n+3 -1 is divisible by 26 without a remainder.

  1. When n=0
  2. 3 3 -1=26 is divided by 26

  3. Let's assume that for n=k
  4. 3 3k+3 -1 is divisible by 26

  5. Let us prove that the statement

true for n=k+1.

3 3k+6 -1=27´3 3k+3 -1=26´3 3л+3 +(3 3k+3 -1) – divided by 26

Now we will carry out the proof of the statement formulated in the problem statement.

1) Obviously, when n=1 the statement is true

3 3+3 -26-27=676

2) Suppose that for n=k

the expression 3 3k+3 -26k-27 is divided by 26 2 without a remainder.

3) Let us prove that the statement is true for n=k+1

3 3k+6 -26(k+1)-27=26(3 3k+3 -1)+(3 3k+3 -26k-27).

Both terms are divisible by 26 2; the first is divisible by 26 2 because we have proven the expression in parentheses is divisible by 26, and the second is divisible by the induction hypothesis. By virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the statement is proven.

Prove that if n>2 and x>0, then the inequality is true

(1+x) n >1+n´x.

Solution: 1) For n=2 the inequality is valid, since

(1+x) 2 =1+2x+x 2 >1+2x.

So A(2) is true.

2) Let us prove that A(k)ÞA(k+1), if k> 2. Assume that A(k) is true, i.e., that the inequality

(1+x) k >1+k´x. (3)

Let us prove that then A(k+1) is also true, i.e., that the inequality

(1+x) k+1 >1+(k+1)´x.

In fact, multiplying both sides of inequality (3) by the positive number 1+x, we obtain

(1+x) k+1 >(1+k´x)(1+x).

Let us consider the right-hand side of the last inequality

stva; we have

(1+k´x)(1+x)=1+(k+1)´x+k´x 2 >1+(k+1)´x.

As a result, we get that

(1+x) k+1 >1+(k+1)´x.

So, A(k)ÞA(k+1). Based on the principle of mathematical induction, it can be argued that Bernoulli’s inequality is true for any

Prove that the inequality is true

(1+a+a 2) m > 1+m´a+(m(m+1)/2)´a 2 for a> 0.

Solution: 1) When m=1

(1+a+a 2) 1 > 1+a+(2/2)´a 2 both sides are equal.

2) Suppose that for m=k

(1+a+a 2) k >1+k´a+(k(k+1)/2)´a 2

3) Let us prove that for m=k+1 the inequality is true

(1+a+a 2) k+1 =(1+a+a 2)(1+a+a 2) k >(1+a+a 2)(1+k´a+

+(k(k+1)/2)´a 2)=1+(k+1)´a+((k(k+1)/2)+k+1)´a 2 +

+((k(k+1)/2)+k)´a 3 +(k(k+1)/2)´a 4 > 1+(k+1)´a+

+((k+1)(k+2)/2)´a 2 .

We have proven the validity of the inequality for m=k+1, therefore, by virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the inequality is valid for any natural m.

Prove that for n>6 the inequality is true

3 n >n´2 n+1 .

Solution: Let's rewrite the inequality in the form

  1. For n=7 we have
  2. 3 7 /2 7 =2187/128>14=2´7

    the inequality is true.

  3. Let's assume that for n=k

3) Let us prove the validity of the inequality for n=k+1.

3 k+1 /2 k+1 =(3 k /2 k)´(3/2)>2k´(3/2)=3k>2(k+1).

Since k>7, the last inequality is obvious.

By virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the inequality is valid for any natural number n.

Prove that for n>2 the inequality is true

1+(1/2 2)+(1/3 2)+…+(1/n 2)<1,7-(1/n).

Solution: 1) For n=3 the inequality is true

1+(1/2 2)+(1/3 2)=245/180<246/180=1,7-(1/3).

  1. Let's assume that for n=k

1+(1/2 2)+(1/3 2)+…+(1/k 2)=1.7-(1/k).

3) Let us prove the validity of the non-

equality for n=k+1

(1+(1/2 2)+…+(1/k 2))+(1/(k+1) 2)<1,7-(1/k)+(1/(k+1) 2).

Let us prove that 1.7-(1/k)+(1/(k+1) 2)<1,7-(1/k+1)Û

Û(1/(k+1) 2)+(1/k+1)<1/kÛ(k+2)/(k+1) 2 <1/kÛ

Ûk(k+2)<(k+1) 2Û k 2 +2k

The latter is obvious, and therefore

1+(1/2 2)+(1/3 2)+…+(1/(k+1) 2)<1,7-(1/k+1).

By virtue of the method of mathematical induction, the inequality is proven.


In particular, by studying the method of mathematical induction, I increased my knowledge in this area of ​​mathematics, and also learned to solve problems that were previously beyond my power.

These were mainly logical and entertaining tasks, i.e. just those that increase interest in mathematics itself as a science. Solving such problems becomes an entertaining activity and can attract more and more curious people into mathematical labyrinths. In my opinion, this is the basis of any science.

Continuing to study the method of mathematical induction, I will try to learn how to apply it not only in mathematics, but also in solving problems in physics, chemistry and life itself.



Textbook / V.G. Boltyansky, Yu.V. Sidorov, M.I. Shabunin. Potpourri LLC 1996.


Textbook / I.T. Demidov, A.N. Kolmogorov, S.I. Shvartsburg, O.S. Ivashev-Musatov, B.E. Weitz. “Enlightenment” 1975.

Induction is a method of obtaining a general statement from particular observations. In the case where a mathematical statement concerns a finite number of objects, it can be proven by testing for each object. For example, the statement: “Every two-digit even number is the sum of two prime numbers,” follows from a series of equalities that are quite feasible to establish:

10=5+5 12=5+7 14=7+7 16=5+11 . . . 92=3+89 94=5+89 96=7+89 98=19+79.

A proof method in which a statement is verified for a finite number of cases that exhaust all possibilities is called complete induction. This method is used relatively rarely, since mathematical statements, as a rule, concern not finite, but infinite sets of objects. For example, the statement about even two-digit numbers proved above by complete induction is only a special case of the theorem: “Any even number is the sum of two prime numbers.” This theorem has not yet been proven or disproven.

Mathematical induction is a method of proving a certain statement for any natural number n based on the principle of mathematical induction: “If a statement is true for n=1 and its validity for n=k implies the validity of this statement for n=k+1, then it is true for all n " The method of proof by mathematical induction is as follows:

1) base of induction: they prove or directly check the validity of the statement for n=1 (sometimes n=0 or n=n 0);

2) induction step (transition): they assume the validity of the statement for some natural number n=k and, based on this assumption, prove the validity of the statement for n=k+1.

Problems with solutions

1. Prove that for any natural number n, the number 3 2n+1 +2 n+2 is divisible by 7.

Let us denote A(n)=3 2n+1 +2 n+2.

Induction base. If n=1, then A(1)=3 3 +2 3 =35 and, obviously, is divisible by 7.

Induction Assumption. Let A(k) be divisible by 7.

Induction transition. Let us prove that A(k+1) is divisible by 7, that is, the validity of the statement of the problem for n=k.

A(k+1)=3 2(k+1)+1 +2 (k+1)+2 =3 2k+1 ·3 2 +2 k+2 ·2 1 =3 2k+1 ·9+2 k+2 ·2=

3 2k+1 9+2 k+2 (9–7)=(3 2k+1 +2 k+2) 9–7 2 k+2 =9 A(k)–7 2 k +2.

The last number is divisible by 7, since it is the difference of two integers divisible by 7. Therefore, 3 2n+1 +2 n+2 is divisible by 7 for any natural number n.

2. Prove that for any natural number n, the number 2 3 n +1 is divisible by 3 n+1 and not divisible by 3 n+2.

Let's introduce the notation: a i =2 3 i +1.

For n=1 we have, and 1 =2 3 +1=9. So, a 1 is divisible by 3 2 and not divisible by 3 3.

Let, for n=k, the number a k be divisible by 3 k+1 and not divisible by 3 k+2, that is, a k =2 3 k +1=3 k+1 m, where m is not divisible by 3. Then

and k+1 =2 3 k+1 +1=(2 3 k) 3 +1=(2 3 k +1)(2 3 k ·2 –2 3 k +1)=3 k+1 ·m· ((2 3 k +1) 2 –3·2 3 k)=3 k+1 ·m·((3 k+1 ·m) 2 –3·2 3 k)=

3 k+2 ·m·(3 2k+1 ·m 2 –2 3 k).

Obviously, a k+1 is divisible by 3 k+2 and not divisible by 3 k+3.

Therefore, the statement is proven for any natural number n.

3. It is known that x+1/x is an integer. Prove that x n +1/x n is also an integer for any integer n.

Let’s introduce the notation: a i =х i +1/х i and immediately note that a i =а –i, so we will continue to talk about natural indices.

Note: a 1 is an integer by convention; and 2 is an integer, since a 2 = (a 1) 2 –2; and 0 =2.

Let us assume that a k is an integer for any natural number k not exceeding n. Then a 1 ·a n is an integer, but a 1 ·a n =a n+1 +a n–1 and a n+1 =a 1 ·a n –a n–1 . However, n–1, according to the induction hypothesis, is an integer. This means that a n+1 is also an integer. Therefore, x n +1/x n is an integer for any integer n, which is what needed to be proved.

4. Prove that for any natural number n greater than 1 the double inequality is true

5. Prove that for natural n > 1 and |x|

(1–x)n +(1+x)n

For n=2 the inequality is true. Really,

(1–x) 2 +(1+x) 2 = 2+2 x 2

If the inequality is true for n=k, then for n=k+1 we have

(1–x) k+1 +(1+x) k+1

The inequality has been proven for any natural number n > 1.

6. There are n circles on a plane. Prove that for any arrangement of these circles, the map they form can be correctly colored with two colors.

Let's use the method of mathematical induction.

For n=1 the statement is obvious.

Let us assume that the statement is true for any map formed by n circles, and let there be n+1 circles on the plane. By removing one of these circles, we get a map that, due to the assumption made, can be correctly colored with two colors (see the first picture below).

Then we will restore the discarded circle and on one side of it, for example inside, we will change the color of each area to the opposite (see the second picture). It is easy to see that in this case we will obtain a map correctly colored with two colors, but only now for n+1 circles, which is what we needed to prove.

7. We will call a convex polygon “beautiful” if the following conditions are met:

1) each of its vertices is painted in one of three colors;

2) any two adjacent vertices are painted in different colors;

3) at least one vertex of the polygon is painted in each of the three colors.

Prove that any beautiful n-gon can be cut by disjoint diagonals into “beautiful” triangles.

Let's use the method of mathematical induction.

Induction base. With the smallest possible n=3, the statement of the problem is obvious: the vertices of the “beautiful” triangle are painted in three different colors and no cuts are needed.

Induction Assumption. Let us assume that the statement of the problem is true for any “beautiful” n-gon.

Induction step. Let us consider an arbitrary “beautiful” (n+1)-gon and prove, using the induction hypothesis, that it can be cut by certain diagonals into “beautiful” triangles. Let us denote by A 1, A 2, A 3, ... A n, A n+1 the successive vertices of the (n+1)-gon. If only one vertex of an (n+1)-gon is colored in any of the three colors, then by connecting this vertex with diagonals to all vertices that are not adjacent to it, we obtain the necessary partition of the (n+1)-gon into “beautiful” triangles.

If at least two vertices of an (n+1)-gon are colored in each of the three colors, then we denote the color of vertex A 1 by number 1, and the color of vertex A 2 by number 2. Let k be the smallest number such that vertex A k is colored in the third color. It is clear that k > 2. Let us cut off the triangle A k–2 A k–1 A k from the (n+1)-gon with diagonal A k–2 A k . In accordance with the choice of the number k, all the vertices of this triangle are painted in three different colors, that is, this triangle is “beautiful”. The convex n-gon A 1 A 2 ... A k–2 A k A k+1 ... A n+1 , which remains, will also, by virtue of the inductive assumption, be “beautiful”, which means it is divided into “beautiful” triangles, which and needed to be proven.

8. Prove that in a convex n-gon it is impossible to choose more than n diagonals so that any two of them have a common point.

Let's carry out the proof using the method of mathematical induction.

Let us prove a more general statement: in a convex n-gon it is impossible to choose more than n sides and diagonals so that any two of them have a common point. For n = 3 the statement is obvious. Let us assume that this statement is true for an arbitrary n-gon and, using this, we will prove its validity for an arbitrary (n+1)-gon.

Let us assume that this statement is not true for an (n+1)-gon. If no more than two selected sides or diagonals emerge from each vertex of an (n+1)-gon, then no more than n+1 of them are selected in total. Therefore, from some vertex A there are at least three selected sides or diagonals AB, AC, AD. Let AC lie between AB and AD. Since any side or diagonal that emerges from point C and other than CA cannot simultaneously intersect AB and AD, only one chosen diagonal CA emerges from point C.

Discarding point C together with diagonal CA, we obtain a convex n-gon in which more than n sides and diagonals are selected, any two of which have a common point. Thus, we come to a contradiction with the assumption that the statement is true for an arbitrary convex n-gon.

So, for an (n+1)-gon the statement is true. According to the principle of mathematical induction, the statement is true for any convex n-gon.

9. There are n straight lines in a plane, no two of which are parallel and no three pass through the same point. How many parts do these lines divide the plane into?

Using elementary drawings, you can easily verify that one straight line divides the plane into 2 parts, two straight lines into 4 parts, three straight lines into 7 parts, and four straight lines into 11 parts.

Let us denote by N(n) the number of parts into which n straight lines divide the plane. It can be noticed that




It is natural to assume that


or, as is easy to establish, using the formula for the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic progression,


Let us prove the validity of this formula using the method of mathematical induction.

For n=1 the formula has already been checked.

Having made the induction assumption, we consider k+1 lines that satisfy the conditions of the problem. Let us select k straight lines from them in an arbitrary manner. By the induction hypothesis, they will split the plane into 1+ k(k+1)/2 parts. The remaining (k+1)th straight line will be divided by the selected k straight lines into k+1 parts and, therefore, will pass along the (k+1)th part into which the plane has already been divided, and each of these parts will be divided into 2 parts, that is, another k+1 part will be added. So,

N(k+1)=N(k)+k+1=1+ k(k+1)/2+k+1=1+(k+1)(k+2)/2,


10. In the expression x 1: x 2: ... : x n, parentheses are placed to indicate the order of actions and the result is written as a fraction:

(in this case, each of the letters x 1, x 2, ..., x n is either in the numerator of the fraction or in the denominator). How many different expressions can be obtained in this way with all possible ways of placing parentheses?

First of all, it is clear that in the resulting fraction x 1 will be in the numerator. It is almost as obvious that x 2 will be in the denominator no matter how the parentheses are placed (the division sign in front of x 2 refers either to x 2 itself or to some expression containing x 2 in the numerator).

It can be assumed that all other letters x 3, x 4, ..., x n can be located in the numerator or denominator in a completely arbitrary manner. It follows that in total you can get 2 n–2 fractions: each of the n–2 letters x 3, x 4, ..., x n can appear independently of the others in the numerator or denominator.

Let us prove this statement by induction.

With n=3 you can get 2 fractions:

so the statement is true.

Let's assume that it is true for n=k and prove it for n=k+1.

Let the expression x 1: x 2: ... : x k after some placement of brackets be written in the form of a certain fraction Q. If instead of x k in this expression we substitute x k: x k+1, then x k will be in the same place as it was in fraction Q, and x k+1 will not be where x k was (if x k was in the denominator, then x k+1 will be in the numerator and vice versa).

Now we will prove that we can add x k+1 to the same place where x k is located. In the fraction Q, after placing the brackets, there will necessarily be an expression of the form q:x k, where q is the letter x k–1 or some expression in brackets. Replacing q:x k with the expression (q:x k):x k+1 =q:(x k ·x k+1), we obviously get the same fraction Q, where instead of x k there is x k ·x k+1 .

Thus, the number of all possible fractions in the case n=k+1 is 2 times greater than in the case n=k and is equal to 2 k–2 ·2=2 (k+1)–2. Thus the statement is proven.

Answer: 2 n–2 fractions.

Problems without solutions

1. Prove that for any natural n:

a) the number 5 n –3 n +2n is divisible by 4;

b) the number n 3 +11n is divisible by 6;

c) the number 7 n +3n–1 is divisible by 9;

d) the number 6 2n +19 n –2 n+1 is divisible by 17;

e) the number 7 n+1 +8 2n–1 is divisible by 19;

e) the number 2 2n–1 –9n 2 +21n–14 is divisible by 27.

2. Prove that (n+1)·(n+2)· …·(n+n) = 2 n ·1·3·5·…·(2n–1).

3. Prove the inequality |sin nx| n|sin x| for any natural n.

4. Find natural numbers a, b, c that are not divisible by 10 and such that for any natural n the numbers a n + b n and c n have the same last two digits.

5. Prove that if n points do not lie on the same line, then among the lines that connect them there are at least n different ones.

The proof method based on Peano's axiom 4 is used to prove many mathematical properties and various statements. The basis for this is the following theorem.

Theorem. If the statement A(n) with natural variable n true for n= 1 and from the fact that it is true for n = k, it follows that it is true for the next number n=k, then the statement A(n) n.

Proof. Let us denote by M the set of those and only those natural numbers for which the statement A(n) true. Then from the conditions of the theorem we have: 1) 1 M; 2) k MkM. From here, based on axiom 4, we conclude that M =N, i.e. statement A(n) true for any natural n.

The proof method based on this theorem is called by the method of mathematical induction, and the axiom is the axiom of induction. This proof consists of two parts:

1) prove that the statement A(n) true for n= A(1);

2) assume that the statement A(n) true for n = k, and, based on this assumption, prove that the statement A(n) true for n = k + 1, i.e. that the statement is true A(k) A(k + 1).

If A( 1) A(k) A(k + 1) - true statement, then they conclude that the statement A(n) true for any natural number n.

Proof by the method of mathematical induction can begin not only with confirmation of the truth of the statement for n= 1, but also from any natural number m. In this case the statement A(n) will be proven for all natural numbers nm.

Problem: Let us prove that for any natural number the equality 1 + 3 + 5 … + (2 n- 1) = n.

Solution. Equality 1 + 3 + 5 … + (2 n- 1) = n is a formula that can be used to find the sum of the first consecutive odd natural numbers. For example, 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 4= 16 (sum contains 4 terms), 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 = 6= 36 (sum contains 6 terms); if this sum contains 20 terms of the indicated type, then it is equal to 20 = 400, etc. Having proven the truth of this equality, we will be able to find the sum of any number of terms of the specified type using the formula.

1) Let us verify the truth of this equality for n= 1. When n= 1 the left side of the equality consists of one term equal to 1, the right side is equal to 1= 1. Since 1 = 1, then for n= 1 this equality is true.

2) Suppose that this equality is true for n = k, i.e. that 1 + 3 + 5 + … + (2 k- 1) = k. Based on this assumption, we prove that it is true for n = k + 1, i.e. 1 + 3 + 5 + … + (2 k- 1) + (2(k + 1) - 1) = (k + 1).

Let's look at the left side of the last equality.

By assumption, the sum of the first k terms is equal to k and therefore 1 + 3 + 5 + … + (2 k- 1) + (2(k + 1) - 1) = 1 + 3 + 5 + … + (2k- 1) + (2k+ 1)=

= k+(2k + 1) = k+ 2k + 1. Expression k+ 2k + 1 is identically equal to the expression ( k + 1).

Therefore, the truth of this equality for n = k + 1 has been proven.

Thus, this equality is true for n= 1 and from its truth for n = k must be true for n = k + 1.

This proves that this equality is true for any natural number.

Using the method of mathematical induction, you can prove the truth of not only equalities, but also inequalities.

Task. Prove that , where nN.

Solution. Let us check the truth of the inequality at n= 1. We have - true inequality.

Let us assume that the inequality is true for n = k, those. - true inequality. Let us prove, based on the assumption, that it is also true for n = k + 1, i.e. (*).

Let's transform the left side of the inequality (*), taking into account that: .

But , which means .

So, this inequality is true for n= 1, and, from the fact that the inequality is true for some n= k, we found that it is also true for n= k + 1.

Thus, using axiom 4, we proved that this inequality is true for any natural number.

Other statements can be proven using the method of mathematical induction.

Task. Prove that for any natural number the statement is true.

Solution. Let's check the truth of the statement when n= 1: -true statement.

Let us assume that this statement is true for n = k: . Let us show, using this, the truth of the statement when n = k + 1: .

Let's transform the expression: . Let's find the difference k And k+ 1 members. If it turns out that the resulting difference is a multiple of 7, and by assumption the subtrahend is divisible by 7, then the minuend is also a multiple of 7:

The product is a multiple of 7, therefore, and .

Thus, this statement is true for n= 1 and from its truth for n = k must be true for n = k + 1.

This proves that this statement is true for any natural number.

Task. Prove that for any natural number n 2 statement (7-1)24 is true.

Solution. 1) Let's check the truth of the statement when n= 2: - true statement.

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