Samara State Social Pedagogical Academy. Volga Region Social and Humanitarian State Academy: past and present

Volga State Social and Humanitarian Academy(PGSGA, former Samara State Pedagogical University ) - federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education, located in Samara.

Founded July 1, 1911 as the Samara Teachers' Institute. In January 1919, it was transformed into the Samara Pedagogical Institute on the basis of the Samara and Vilensky teachers' institutes, evacuated to Samara back in 1914. From October 1919 to August 1921 - Institute of Public Education. From September 1921 to August 1923 - Faculty of EducationSamara State University, opened back in 1918, the first rector of which was elected twice, in 1918 and 1921, by a prominent psychologist A. P. Nechaev In March 1923, the Academic Council of Samara State University decided to gradually close the university due to lack of funds, which was finally closed on September 1, 1927. In 1929 it was recreated as the Middle Volga Pedagogical Institute. In 1935-1952 - Kuibyshev State Pedagogical and Teachers Institute named after. V.V. Kuibyshev, and since 1952 - Kuibyshev State Pedagogical Institute named after. V. V. Kuibysheva . In 1991, it was renamed the Samara State Pedagogical Institute. In 1994 it was transformed into Samara State Pedagogical University. Since March 2009 it has had its current name.

Faculties and specialties:


Dmitry Naumenko Former university student 11:11 04/24/2013

Volga State Social and Humanitarian Academy (PGSA), Samara. Former SamSPU - Samara State Pedagogical University. The competition is not very big, so those who dream of studying at a budget place are welcome to this educational institution. It is also for those who are not going to study, i.e. spend a lot of time and effort on this matter: a fairly loyal attitude towards students, lack of strict control. At least at the Faculty of Psychology. Very unobtrusive training. At the same time, there are many good teachers who have a lot to learn from. For those who want to solve educational issues with money, PGSA is a very budget option. You can buy everything, but if you decide to take the exam on your own, no one will “put you down”, even if out of 90 people in the class you are the only one who came to take the exam... The prices, I repeat, are ridiculous. Therefore, even excellent students who crammed did not hesitate to sometimes get A's in an easy, inexpensive monetary way. University graduates with a pedagogical orientation are not particularly valued, although work in schools can be found. But getting into another industry with a pedagogical diploma is quite problematic.

Andrey Mesterov University graduate 09:49 04/22/2013

I studied at this university from 2006 to 2011 and then it was called Samara State Pedagogical University. PGSGA (formerly SGPU) is a popular university in Samara and the region, but not prestigious; teachers are not the most sought-after specialists on the labor market. But there are also very prestigious professions here, for example, translator. The Academy is one of the oldest in Russia, has a fairly extensive scientific base (laboratories, field camps, practices), which are actively used in educational activities, i.e. students are provided with excellent practice. Another plus is the presence of a fairly comfortable and modern hostel, excellent professorship, convenient location in the city center (near the Bus Station), a wonderful trade union that really works.

Of the minuses - there is no military department, there are a lot of paid students and target students - the teachers try to “pull” them (is this an unspoken installation?), the buildings are scattered throughout Samara, sometimes moving between them can even take an hour (there are wild traffic jams in Samara), food at the university there is a rather expensive cafe (in the Antoshka building, and nearby there are only stalls).

Conclusion - mainly those who just need a higher education or a deferment from the army come here to study. It is quite possible to enroll here on a budget, but I recommend taking preparatory courses at the academy itself, it really helps, plus you will get to know the university, teachers and future classmates in advance.


This institution exists only because there are few alternatives in the region. In the fall of 2012, it was recognized as an ineffective educational institution - and this is the absolute truth. True, very quickly (within a week) in some strange way the title of “ineffective” was removed - and this masks the truth. If you want to get an education, and not sit out somewhere for 4-6 years, then under no circumstances should you come here. If you only need a diploma of higher education, then it is better to immediately buy a ready-made one. The level of professionalism of the teaching staff is close to zero (in our senior years we were “taught” by women from the dean’s office, whose function was to sort through papers). The library collection and technical support for training are at the same level. There is a lot of rudeness (not in the faculties, but among the administration of the university) and a lot (and this is in the faculties too) of random people who have nothing to do with teaching and academic science.

Summer is the most awaited time, and for some people the most important. We are talking about school graduates. It is in the summer that their future fate is decided - boys and girls choose a specialty of interest and a suitable university. In Samara, among a dozen higher educational institutions, many previously chose the Volga Social and Humanitarian State Academy (PGSGA). What kind of university is this? Does it exist now? This is what we will talk about.

Creation of a university

The Volga Region Social and Humanitarian Academy, which existed several years ago, had a rich history inextricably linked with the history of the development of higher education in the country. At the beginning of the last century, it was possible to become a teacher by studying at specialized universities, of which there were only a few in the country. One of them was the Samara Teachers' Institute.

The opening of the named educational institution occurred in 1911. Subsequently, it was transformed several times - it became Samara State University. In 1927, the university ceased to exist. It was closed due to insufficient funding and

Revival of the Institute

The institute, which became a faculty, was revived in 1929, because the Volga region needed educators and teachers. The educational institution began its activities again, but under a new name. It was the Middle Volga Pedagogical Institute (the future Volga State Social and Humanitarian Academy).

In subsequent years, the university changed its name twice, but its profile remained the same. He continued to train educators and teachers. Only the list of specialties expanded. In 1991, the university was already called the Samara State Pedagogical Institute, and in 1994 it became a university.

The emergence of the academy and its future fate

In 2009, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science decided to give the university a specialized specialized form of academy. This is how the Volga Social and Humanitarian Academy (PGSHA, formerly SamSPU) appeared. The educational organization was considered the oldest university in the region. It provided quality education to students and produced teachers in Russian language and literature, mathematics, physics, biology and other general education disciplines. There were also specialties not related to the pedagogical profile.

Now there is no academy in Samara, but this does not mean that it has ceased to exist. In 2015, the name was renamed. The previously existing Volga Social and Humanitarian State Academy is now called

Getting to know a modern university

The Social Pedagogical University today is a prestigious educational organization. It has 10 faculties, 20 laboratories, and 24 scientific schools. The educational process and scientific activities are carried out in 10 educational buildings.

An admissions committee awaits people who want to enroll in a socio-pedagogical university. At PGSGA she conducted and continues to conduct competitive selection at SGSPU for the oldest Samara university. The admissions committee offers applicants more than 45 areas of training related to:

  • with foreign languages;
  • history;
  • philology;
  • culture and art;
  • psychology;
  • physical culture;
  • economics, management and service;
  • mathematics, physics and computer science;
  • geography;
  • primary education.

Every applicant wants to find a good educational institution, a diploma from which would help him build an excellent career in the future, become a financially independent person, and arrange his life. One of such institutions is Samara

Getting to know the university's past

The named institution appeared in Samara in 1911. In the early years it functioned as a teachers' institute. The first significant changes in the history of the university occurred in 1919. The local educational institution was merged with the Vilna Teachers' Institute, which was evacuated to the city several years ago. As a result, the Samara Pedagogical Institute was formed.

In 1921, the educational organization was annexed to Samara State University. The once independent institute turned into a pedagogical faculty. It functioned under this status for several years, and then in 1927 it completely ceased to exist due to the closure of the university.

New period

In 1929, the university, which became a faculty, was revived. It was created again, but under a different name. The educational institution was now called the Middle Volga Pedagogical Institute. In subsequent years it changed its name several times:

  • from 1935 to the middle of the last century it was the Kuibyshev Pedagogical and Teachers Institute. ;
  • since 1952 - Kuibyshev Pedagogical Institute. ;
  • since 1991 - Samara Pedagogical Institute;
  • since 1994 - Samara Pedagogical University;
  • in 2009-2015 - the Volga Social and Humanitarian Academy;
  • since 2015 it bears the now well-known name.

Modern university

Currently, Samara State Social and Pedagogical University is a well-known university. He has developed a positive reputation. It is known that over the years of its existence, the educational institution has trained over 50 thousand specialists in a wide range of specialties.

For those who are interested in the university, here is the address of the Samara State Social Pedagogical University: Samara, M. Gorky Street 65. The educational institution attracts applicants. Now the university is considered one of the largest universities in the Volga region. It has 10 faculties. A total of 7 thousand students study in all structural divisions, and over 1 thousand teachers work.

More about faculties

There are 10 faculties in the organizational structure of the university. The oldest of them are considered historical and philological. They were formed at the time of the founding of the institute in 1911, but at that time they were called not faculties, but departments. In 1911, the history of another modern unit was begun. We are talking about the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science. University staff note that at that time it had not yet been separated into a separate structural unit. It’s just that in 1911, the administrative and teaching staff consisted of teachers of physics and mathematics. Therefore, it is now believed that it was then that the faculty was born.

There are also the following faculties at the Samara State Social and Pedagogical University:

  • natural-geographical (year of foundation - 1929);
  • primary education (1934);
  • foreign languages ​​(1941);
  • culture and art (1961);
  • management, economics and service (1976);
  • physical culture and sports (1978);
  • Special Education and Psychology (1988).

Admission to university: choosing a specialty and preparation

Many Samara applicants want to enroll in the university in question, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. How to enter Samara State Social and Pedagogical University? First, you need to decide on the direction of preparation, because the exams that you will need to pass in the form of the Unified State Exam or in the form of entrance tests held at the university will depend on it. For example:

  • to enroll in “Ecology and Environmental Management” (faculty of natural geography), you need to pass the Russian language, geography and mathematics;
  • for admission to “Economics” (faculty of management, economics and service), they take the Russian language, mathematics and social studies;
  • To enter “Journalism” (Faculty of Philology), they take the Russian language, social studies, and also pass a professional test in oral form and a creative test in written form.

For applicants who approach the issue of admission responsibly, the university provides pre-university preparation. Qualified university teachers conduct classes in all school subjects and creative, professional tests. For applicants who want to test their knowledge, rehearsal tests are offered, and for those who have not yet decided on a profession, there are career guidance tests.

Submission of documents

Every summer in June, the Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University starts an admissions campaign. The commission, which begins its work, announces the period for accepting documents from applicants choosing full-time, part-time or part-time forms of study. During the admissions campaign, applicants are required to provide the university with:

  • passport or photocopy of passport;
  • application for admission;
  • state document on education;
  • 4 photo cards measuring 3*4 cm;
  • certificate from a medical institution in form 086/у.

After submitting documents to the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Samara State Social and Pedagogical University”, if the results of the Unified State Exam are available, all that remains is to monitor the competitive situation and wait for the order of enrollment. Persons with secondary vocational education are allowed not to take the unified state exam. For them, after the completion of the acceptance of documents at the university, on certain days, entrance examinations are held in oral or written form.

Compiling a list of applicants

Before enrollment begins, the admissions committee sums up the results of the admissions campaign. At this stage, lists of applicants are compiled depending on the results of entrance exams. They are ranked taking into account several nuances:

  • in descending order of the total number of points scored;
  • if the total number of points scored is equal - in descending order of points awarded for individual subjects, taking into account their priority.

From the lists of applicants, those who take the top positions become students. The number of enrolled applicants is determined by the number of places in certain areas of training.

Competition situation 2016

Applicants who applied to the Samara State Social and Pedagogical University are interested in the competitive situation of last year, because it is interesting to know what results the boys and girls managed to get into. Let's take 2016 as an example. The highest passing scores were in the following areas:

  • “Pedagogical education (two profiles)” (“Foreign language (French) and foreign language”) - 236;
  • “Foreign language (English) and foreign language” - 235;
  • “Foreign language (German) and foreign language” - 234.

And the lowest passing scores were in the following areas:

  • “Defectological specialist. education" (profile related to oligophrenopedagogy) - 167;
  • “Psychological and pedagogical education” (profile related to educational psychology) - 170;
  • in the same direction, but in a profile related to social pedagogy and psychology - 174.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that many applicants strive to go to Moscow to get an education. However, no worse, for example, is the Samara State Social and Pedagogical University MGPPU (Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University). SGSPU is a good option for applicants looking for a university to obtain an education. Here, many people receive their first and second higher education, deepen their existing knowledge in their specialty at a master's degree, and improve their qualifications.

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