The most important thing in life quotes. Short quotes about life

And you know, life is wonderful and amazing, but only under one condition... if you notice and be surprised!

The most important thing is the desire to live. Enjoying a ray of sunshine, a wild flower, a sparrow chirping on a branch... Almost everyone has the gift of the ability to be happy in childhood, but only a few can keep it for life...

- What will you do tomorrow?
- I will live!

Don't wait for the crisis to pass. Right now, smile, hug the one who is nearby, and mentally - those who are at a distance, knead the dough for the pie, drop a letter with warmth in the mailbox, forgive the one with whom you are offended, close your eyes for a minute and, opening them, start life again. Don't take it too seriously, don't look for meaning, profit, revenge. Just live, smile and love. It's not difficult.

To live means to share your soul.

… Every day brings us a chance. A chance to live. A chance to love and believe. A chance to understand and accept. Smile when there is no reason for it, call a long-forgotten friend, go to your mother for the weekend, adopt a puppy, wear a very beautiful and bold dress, buy expensive perfume that you have dreamed of for so long, go to another city, buy yourself flowers, admire your reflected in random shop windows, take high-heeled shoes out of a drawer, buy a box of your favorite chocolates and eat them along the way...

Fall in love! You don’t have to turn on the TV, don’t read newspapers, don’t make excuses, and don’t say “never.” Go out of town and walk barefoot on the grass. Wander around in the warm rain and look at the evening city, sitting on the roof of a house. Rent a hotel room and order champagne with pineapples. Go overnight to the forest. Walk around the city, get tired, sit on a bench and eat ice cream. Call the person with whom you share so many pleasant moments, and whose number has remained in the phone book for a long time, and say: I MISSED YOU SO MUCH. Don’t wait for an eternal tomorrow and don’t say the impossible “maybe.” Don't dream about what others are making into reality. To live, and not to prepare for this all our lives... and not to look for reasons for happiness when a new day comes... We do not start a new life in the morning, on Monday and on the New Year. A new life is a life in which we are not afraid of our desires and do not forget about dreams, hiding them far, far away. And there is no need to wait for the non-existent “one day”...

Otherwise, you just have to live. Pamper yourself with delicious food, build a family or not, make a career or not, go to other countries, read beautiful books, walk barefoot on the spring grass, pick wildflowers, gurgle lemonade through a straw and at times turn your back on the stereotypes of society.

Elchin Safarli

But until youth has passed, it must be turned into joy. One hundred percent. Until complete satisfaction, you know? Only with these memories can you warm yourself in old age.

Haruki Murakami "1Q84"

It is important not to miss your own life. Do not spend your days in a stupor, obediently swallowing any dubious ideas that modern society feeds us through the media, and being in a state of slumber. The most amazing gift that is given to us in life is the opportunity to be human, because only people are endowed with consciousness. So be grateful for that.

Treat your feelings with respect, do not dull them by being in a state of drug intoxication, depression or voluntary stupor. Try to notice something new every day. Pay attention to even the smallest details. Even if you don't live in the forest, always be on your guard. Feel the taste of food, the smell of the household chemicals department in the supermarket, notice how these pungent chemical odors affect your senses. Walk barefoot and notice how it makes you feel; every day make important discoveries that awareness gives you. And take care of all living things - your body, intellect, those who live nearby and the entire planet. Do not pollute your soul with apathy, and your body with unhealthy food, just as you would not intentionally dump industrial waste into a clean river. If you treat the world around you with carelessness and disdain, you will never become a real person.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Life is wonderful and every moment it comes with a thousand and one gifts for you.

How valuable is sometimes what we habitually consider trifles...

The best way to say thank you for an amazing moment is to simply enjoy it)

When you see that everything is blooming around you, inhale and hold your breath for five seconds, and hold on to the state of joy that flows into you throughout your life...

The most important thing is the desire to live. Enjoy a ray of sunshine, a wild flower, a sparrow chirping on a branch...

Nowadays, people have lost interest in life: they don’t get bored, don’t cry, they just wait for time to pass. They gave up the fight, and life gave up on them. This threatens you too: act, move forward boldly, but do not give up on life. LIVE.

Never stop there. Don't just Don't just feel...feel. Don't just look... study. Don't just read... absorb. Don't just listen... hear. Don't just hear...understand.

John G. Rhodes

Walking on water is not a miracle.
A miracle is to walk on the Earth and feel truly alive right now.
And smile!

Please enjoy Life! Take it with both hands, squeeze it, shake it and appreciate every second. Love your children. You literally have no idea what happiness it is to urge them in the morning to brush their teeth as quickly as possible. Hug your loved ones and if they can't hug you back, find someone who can. Everyone deserves love and reciprocal feelings. Don't settle for less. Find a job that brings you joy, don't become a slave to it. “I wish I could work more” is not what will be written on your grave. Dance, laugh and eat with your friends. True, honest and strong friendship is absolute Happiness and something that we can choose for ourselves. Choose your friends with care and care, literally like searching for treasure. Surround yourself with beautiful things. Life is full of sadness and pain - but find your rainbow and don't let it go. Beauty is in everything, sometimes you just need to look a little more closely to notice it.

Charlotte Keatley "Letter to Those Remaining"

But you need to live with taste... while you have an appetite..!!)))

Life must be lived now; it cannot be put off endlessly. Irvin Yalom

Bloom like flowers. Life is unique. Don't hesitate to turn it into bright and large inflorescences. Let beautiful flowers bloom in your Heart and in your home. Let the flowering of the Heart become a torch that brightly illuminates your Path in this world.

Treat the new day as a miracle!

Children wake up in the morning and perceive the new day as a miracle, like the first day of their life. Most adults don't know how to do this. We cannot help but think about tomorrow, we cannot leave the past behind. We constantly sigh, regretting something... It's time to relearn!

Do you think that this is just another day of your Life?

This is not just another day: this is the very One Day that is given to you Today.

It is given to you.

This is a Gift.

The only Gift you have right Now.

And the only correct response is to feel GRATITUDE.

Every day is wonderful!

How can you say that life is not beautiful? Every day is beautiful, there is no day in life in which there is no happiness, real happiness. From the very morning when the sun rises, life is already beautiful. After all, on this day you might no longer exist. But you live and can enjoy the sun that shines, the wind that blows and all the living things around you...

When you contemplate mountain forests and streams running over stones, your heart, clouded by worldly dirt, gradually becomes clear. When you read the ancient canons and look at the paintings of ancient masters, the spirit of worldly vulgarity little by little dissipates. Therefore, a noble husband, although he does not indulge in frivolous admiration of things, looks at the world as in a mirror, and thus corrects his heart.

Hong Zichen ---

There is nothing complicated in life. We are the ones who are complex. Life is a simple thing, and the simpler it is, the more correct it is.



Time is one of those things that we cannot influence. The only thing we can do is fill our days, make them longer, wider. And there is only one remedy - love and attention to others. Like a child. His day is very long: he finds a leaf, looks at it for half an hour, and the whole world unfolds before his eyes. Or you can look not at a leaf, but at people. Do as much as possible, write, film. Fill life.

Write the world. Not for me, not for anyone else, just like that, unable to do otherwise. Create it warm as you exhale the day. Tell the sky, fabulously starry or piercingly blue. Color it with colorful flashes of birds. Weave words into the twilight and trembling of ancient forests, revealing the hot breath of the steppes. Draw rain and use a stroke of your eyelashes to designate a rainbow. Let into it the predatory movement of the night, listening to the incoherent whisper of love. Sound with the laughter of children ringing at dawn. Breathe the sea into it, living, huge, incredible. Decorate the edges with a carved pattern of frost playing with the sun. Dance in it with falling leaves, embrace it with mists. Write a world, not for me, just like that... and I will forever live in it.


Research shows that material goods (various purchases) make us happy only for a short time.

Life experiences and experiences generally bring more joy. So, enjoy your holiday by going on a safari, learn a new language, join a dance club - and you will be happy.

The only criterion for life is bliss. If you don't feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction.


People have completely forgotten that they need to live. Who has time for this? Everyone teaches someone else what they should be, and no one ever seems satisfied. If a person wants to live, then he must learn one thing: accept things as they are, and accept yourself as you are. Start living. Don't start preparing for life in the future. All the suffering in the world comes from the fact that you completely forgot that you need to live, you began to engage in activities that have nothing to do with life.


Today, dedicate the day to gaining energy and resources, vitality. Today you should eat well and tasty, enjoy food and drink. Try to feel the fullness of life in everything you do.

Food eaten with pleasure differs significantly from that eaten to satisfy hunger. It will bring more benefits, because along with it you also take in emotions. Any emotions are a resource, a reserve that you can always use to your advantage.

Sometimes you have to allow yourself to get carried away by doing nothing. Without haste, walk with a soft step to the waltz of snowflakes, and not run headlong; just sit on a chair and look out the window as the house opposite is being built; just don't talk, close your eyes and hug. Elchin Safarli - They promised you to me

Life begins now - right now - not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Every minute of every hour of every day, life begins anew.

Why put off making a decision until later... isn't that just putting life on hold?

You don’t have to think even for a second to understand why exactly you received this message today.

Neil Donald Walsh

We must surround ourselves with people with whom communication brings us joy, and go where our hearts draw us.

Sarah Gio - Moon Trail

Feel the thrill of life inside your body. This is your anchor in the Now. Eckhart Tolle

When you ascend to heights, your heart becomes light.
When you stand above the river, your thoughts are carried far away.
When you read a book on a snowy night, your soul is cleansed.
When you hum a melody at the top of a hill, you feel a surge of strength.

Hong Zichen

We live in this world only when we love it.

I want to collapse into the untouched grass,

Fix your envious eyes on the sky

and immerse yourself in the scents of flowers,

and endlessly adore all living things.

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.

The aroma of fresh pear, the beauty of sunrise and sunset, the feeling of the wind blowing, the waves of the sea, touch... Moments for which we live!

Don't focus on what's under your feet.

Look up...

There is also something to see there.

Our life is just a collection of many small lives, each one day long. And every day you need to live in love and beauty, admiring flowers and birds, enjoying the moment. Nicholas Sparks

Man was born for great Joy, for unceasing creativity, for broad, free, unconstrained Love for everything; to a tree, to the sky, to a person, to the sweet, beautiful earth, especially to the earth with its blissful motherhood, with its mornings and nights, with its beautiful daily miracles. A.I. Kuprin

You don't sing a song to get to the last note. The singing itself brings joy. The same goes for life. The joy is in living. (Chuck Hillig)

- What do you need to enjoy life?
- Look around you.

Matsumoto Jun

Dedicate your life to beauty. Don't devote it to the disgusting. You don't have much time, you don't have much energy to waste. It’s simply stupid to waste such a small life, such a small source of energy on anger, sadness, hatred, jealousy.

Look at the stars and appreciate that you are alive.

Bernard Werber


Remind yourself often that the purpose of life is not to accomplish everything planned, but to enjoy every step taken along the path of life, to fill life with love.

Life is measured not by the number of days, hours and minutes, but by what you managed to do during the time allotted to you on earth.

Alice Peterson - Just be with me!

The smell of fresh bread, roasted seeds, raw unpicked corn, the smile of a passerby, sunrise and sunset, warm rain, fluffy snowflakes, birds singing in the morning, the sound of rain on the roof, a bug crossing the road... A huge building consists of small bricks, but people they are not seen, not noticed... So life consists of such little things that make up a picture of the world... complete... You just need to look at it all from the other side...

I have everything I need: air to breathe and a folder with sheets of paper. I love waking up in the morning, not knowing what awaits me, who I will meet and where I will end up next. Just recently I spent the night under a bridge, and today I am here, sailing on a magnificent ship, drinking champagne in elegant company... Life is a gift and it should be appreciated, it is impossible to guess what will happen to you tomorrow. Life must be accepted as it is. Every day you live is important...

Titanic ---

We invent our own problems, obstacles, complexes and frameworks. Free yourself - breathe life and realize that you can do anything!

The world will present itself to you exactly as you imagine it to yourself.

You constantly adjust your life to your own ideas about it.

What you believe strongly enough is what you will see in your life. And in no case is it the other way around. In essence, the daily hell in which you live is nothing more than the result of your stubborn belief that here and now is not heaven at all.

Chuck Hillig

Genuinely enjoying simple things is priceless!

If a person likes life, if he is able to enjoy every minute spent on this earth, if he knows how to find joy for himself even in small things, then he is young, no matter what numbers are written in his passport.

No matter how bad you feel.
No matter how unbearable the current moment may seem to you.
No matter how impossible the future may seem to you.
Take your time.
You have no other time in your Life.
And this nightmare is also part of the time allotted to you.
And your mood is a part of you living now.
Remember yourself.
About the fact that you exist.
About the fact that you are still Here.
About the fact that there is still a lot in you that can make you feel good.
You don’t have to seem, you already are who you are.
And it doesn’t matter what happens in this foggy future.
This is you - and there has never been another like you and there will never be another.
Putting off Life just because you feel bad is not a good idea.

We only lack what we need: a large piece of sky. Try to always keep a piece of sky above your life.

Marcel Proust

If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it's deadly. Paulo Coelho.

Stop looking, just open your eyes and look. Life is around you.

When for the first time something happens to you that is beyond words, it means that Life has knocked on your door.

You have to love life more than your own career, and love yourself more than your own success.Irina Khakamada

Life itself means nothing until a person appears who tries to interpret its phenomena. Carl Gustav Jung.

Life is somewhat like a painting.
There are a lot of wonderful things that you can see if you look hard enough. Life is somewhat like a painting. A very strange abstract painting. You can look at it and think that it is just a blurry spot. You can live your whole life thinking that it’s just a blurry blur. But if you look closely, you can still see what is depicted there. With focus and imagination, life can become so much more for you. In this picture, for example, there may be the sea, the sky, people, buildings, butterflies sitting on flowers - anything you want, and not at all a blurry spot, as you once imagined.

It doesn't matter how many days there are in your life. What matters is how much life there is in your days!

Life in general is full of extremely dangerous things.
The most dangerous are those we do not understand. And those that don’t exist at all...

We come into the world with a specific mission. Some people discover it and develop it in themselves, while others live in the unknown. Learn to share your skills. One writes inspiring texts, another cooks delicious food, a third treats the sick, a fourth is an excellent shoe repairer. If you have nothing to say to the world right now, sing. Anything. About yourself or out loud. As a child, I had trouble remembering the words to my favorite songs - I had to come up with them. And it was wonderful - I sang about whatever I wanted. Write lyrics, compose melodies, color memories.

If you don't hear the answers to your questions, hit the road. Don’t be lazy, don’t think that everything will be as usual, break the ridiculous boundaries in your head. The road does not always require money, visas, tickets. The path inside oneself, which is much more important than the outside, craves only desire. Those who are not afraid to turn inside will find their paths outside.

Elchin Safarli - Tell me about the sea

Life is wonderful.
Don't believe rumors.
Life is wonderful.
Life is a tested product, it has been used by 70 billion people for three million years. This proves its perfect quality.

Bernard Werber

Life is what people strive most to preserve and protect least.

Jean de La Bruyère

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. John Newman

Life is not a chain of events that happen around you in time and space... Life is a chain of your internal states that you create for yourself by assessing certain events in which you find yourself. Everyone is capable of waking up at any moment, realizing these two processes... One is an external event, the other is an internal state, and the point of their connection is your mind.

—— Papaji —-

Richard Gere about life.

“My friend’s mom has been a healthy eater her entire life. Never drank alcohol or any “bad” foods, exercised every day, was always mobile and active, took all the supplements her doctor prescribed, never went out in the sun without sunscreen, and when she did, it was only for a short time , as soon as possible, in general, she protected her health by doing everything she could. She is now 76 years old and has skin cancer, bone marrow cancer and severe osteoporosis.

My friend's dad eats bacon on top of bacon, butter on top of butter, fat on top of fat, never, literally never exercised, got sunburned to a crisp every summer, in fact he lived life to the fullest and not the way others suggested. He is 81, and doctors say he has the health of a young man.

People, you can't hide from your poison. It is there and it will find you, so as my friend's mother said, "If I had known my life would end like this, I would have lived it to the fullest, enjoying everything I was told not to do!" None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an afterthought. Eat delicious food. Take a walk in the sun. Jump into the ocean. Share the precious truth that is in your heart. Be stupid. Be kind. Be weird. There’s simply no time for anything else.”

We all ask questions. It took me a long time to figure out which issues really matter. It turned out that the “how?” tormenting me. (How to make more money? How to get a promotion?) don’t matter at all. No, you need to think about something else. For example, what do flowers think about under the snow? Or when birds book tickets to fly south? Donna Vanleer - Christmas Shoes

Life goes by very quickly. If we are not ready, if we do not know how to forgive, love, or listen, then we are lost.

Peter Mamonov

We cannot change the length of our lives, but we can do something about its breadth and depth.

The good thing about life is that it doesn’t always live up to expectations!
Max Fry "Stranger" Labyrinths Echo -1"

To live means to communicate with the world, to address it, to act in it, to think about it. Living is something that no one can do for me. Life is what we are, what we do. Life is what we do and what happens to us. Nothing we do is our life unless we are aware of it. To live means to feel life, to be aware of one’s existence, where “to be aware” does not imply intellectual knowledge, not any special knowledge, but the amazing presence of life for everyone. Life is a discovery, an understanding or a vision, an awareness of what it is. The continuous discovery we make regarding ourselves and the world around us. To find an image in which the memory of this idea is enshrined, let us turn to Egyptian mythology, where Osiris dies, and Isis, his beloved, wants to resurrect him and gives him the eye of the falcon-Horus to swallow. Since then, the eye appears in all the sacred paintings of Egyptian civilization, symbolizing the first quality of life: looking at oneself. Seeing yourself is the main and initial attribute of life itself. To live means to be aware of oneself. Life in its very origins and depth consists of knowing and understanding ourselves, of seeing what surrounds us, of being clear to ourselves. Life is what we make it. To live is to realize that we live here, now, that is, we are in some place in the world. If you came here, it means you decided to live this part of your life in this way. To live is to support yourself, endure yourself and direct yourself. Life is a necessity to decide what we will become. To live is to be in the world. Living is constantly deciding what we will be. Our life is, first of all, a clash with the future. You decide to be either attentive or distracted, to think about one or the other, and this thinking about life or something else is exactly your life now. To live means to be busy with this or that, to do. But this doing means doing something for something. The activity in which we are now engrossed is rooted in this “for,” which is usually called the goal. I devoted myself to this “for”, taking into account which I now act and in this action I live and exist, because among the opportunities that opened up to me, I considered it the best occupation of my life. My life is a decision to act. To live is not to be in an impenetrable world, but in a world rich in possibilities. The world of life consists for me every moment of the possibility of doing this or that, and not of the necessity against the desire to do one thing and precisely this one thing. To live means to live here, now - here and now are adamant, unchangeable, but wide. Every life decides, choosing itself among many possible ones. To live means to continuously, initially prefer something and neglect something. Life is about deciding what we will.

Quotes about life

01. The easiest thing in life is to die, the most important thing is to live.
A. Azad.

02. Human life is like a box of cheesecakes. It's funny to treat her seriously. It's not safe to get up to speed.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke.

03. To be born is misfortune, to live is suffering, to die is grief
Bernard Clairvoski.

04. Life descends from rolling pins, and the greatest stench is drunk when you walk down it.
W. Brownell.

05. When you walk far along the road of life, you realize that you have taken the wrong road.
P. Buast.

06. It is important to believe that someone, having lived through life, does not care about anything in the depths of their soul.
Mark Twain.

07. We understand how to live if our life has already passed.
M. Montaigne.

08. Life seems really easy to us only when we talk about others.
J. Norman.

09. Keep your life too short so that you can earn for yourself what can be earned for you for pennies less...
S. Mine.

10. Life is a thought about one day in Shvidkoplin, spending time at a party.
B. Pascal.

11. Life - quarantine at the entrance to heaven.
K. Weber.

12. Life is only a sliver of weak light between two perfectly black houses for eternity.
V. Nabokov.

13. Life is not the days that have passed, but the days that have been remembered.
P. Pavlenko.

14. Life itself is short, but if you are unhappy, it looks like it will be long.
Published Sir.

15. Life itself does not mean anything; the price is to be kept in mind.
J.J. Rousseau.

16. You can’t live twice, but there are plenty of people who can’t live once.
F. Rückert.

17. Never look at life without anyone promising you that it will be different.
E. Sevrus.

18. Most of life is made up of mistakes and mistakes, and the solution is to try to correct them.
E. Sevrus.

19. No number of days we have lived can make us realize that we have lived enough.

20. Life is like a fairy tale: on the right, it’s not so much how long it is, but how much it’s worth.

21. The end of life is dull, the middle is no good, and the beginning is funny.
F. Voltaire.

22. You need to eat in order to live, and not live in order to eat.

23. Life is short, but you need to earn terribly richly, and therefore life is infinitely good.

24. Life is nothing more than the constant movement of rubbing.
I. Turgenev.

25. Men learn life too early, women learn life too late.
O. Wilde.

26. If the people knew how to live, they would never have died.
R. Warren.

27. The life of a person is short in life and long in life.
L. Uland.

28. There are moments in life when there is no harm in being separated from the world.
G. Fielding.

29. The whole secret of a long life lies in not shortening it.
E. Feichtersleben.

30. Whatever happens there, don’t take life too seriously - you still won’t get out of it alive.
K. Hubbard.

31. Life shuffles us like cards, and only occasionally - and sometimes not - we are lost in its place.
M. Gorky.

32. A short life is given to us by nature, otherwise the memory of a good life spent is lost forever.

33. Those who made my life beautiful will make my death beautiful.

34. From the point of view of youth, life is endlessly long; From the point of view of old age - even a short time ago.
A. Schopenhauer.

35. More food, more beautiful than the mother before: life and death, and what more can you think about; The same life, taken as a whole, does not fall short of these speeches, as if the mother returned to her, not before herself.
A. Schopenhauer.

36. Life beyond the ebb and flow is similar to a river spilling out of the trees - turbulent, turbulent, impassable, frantic, noisy and fleeting.

37. Life is eternity in miniature.
R. Emerson.

38. The one who is able to enjoy life is not rich, and the one who is not burdened with turbos is not rich.
Yang Zhu.

39. With the extinguishing of stately spontaneity, the true grain of life is undermined and one scar is lost, and life itself becomes like a comedy, printed by people and played out by machine guns in human costumes.
A. Schopenhauer.

40. When living, live well, and die by actions, not by fate.
R. Sheridan.

M. Gorky.

A. Chekhov.

E. Fromentin.

G. Flaubert.

R. Warren.

G. Thoreau.

B. Spinoza.

E. Sevrus.

J. Roux.

Published Sir.

41. Life needs to be looked after more often so that it doesn’t turn sour.
M. Gorky.

42. My God, how all people suffer because of confusion, how the stench is stricken with calm and malt, which gives them life, how the stench is restless, restless, alarming; Then life itself is the same as it was, does not change and is deprived of much, following its own powerful laws.
A. Chekhov.

43. People live not so much to make noise as to be born into others.
E. Fromentin.

44. Life is only tolerable because of the mind that you keep away from it.
G. Flaubert.

45. Our whole life is a darkening of blood and fraying of nerves. When you are flowing so far that there is nowhere to run, the same bachenya will always come - the bachenya of our century.
R. Warren.

46. ​​Our life would become beautiful if only we could make up for all our poverty.
G. Thoreau.

47. People are free and don’t think about anything so little as death, and their life lies in darkness not about death, but about life.
B. Spinoza.

48. Those whose business is small will live longer.
E. Sevrus.

49. Our life is spent in grief about what we don’t have, and in regrets about what we will no longer have.

50. It is rotten for those to live, as all those who live are destined to live.
Published Sir.

51. Death and life are equal, they cannot do without one.
A. Dalsem.

52. Life is like a theatre: in it, the most filthy people often occupy the most beautiful places.

53. The only thing that makes people’s life worthwhile is to love someone else’s life more than it is worth it.
Yu. Nagibin.

54. Our life is mired in the sums that she has given us.
F. Mauriac.

55. Life is like games: some come to win, others to trade, and those who are lucky to marvel...

56. Our lot is laziness, hesitation, restlessness, suffering, marnovirstvo, fuss about the future - and that means, what awaits us after death - ambition, greed, jealousy, stagnation, not tidying up, not tidying up. and madness, war, untruth , treachery, wickedness and treacherousness.
M. Montaigne.

57. Everything needs three principles: true, honest and brown.
J. Marmontel.

58. How much better would life be for active people if they cared as little about other people's affairs as they cared about their own powers.
G. Lichtenberg.

59. Truly, the one who does not value life does not deserve it.
Leonardo da Vinci.

60. Whoever has lived a day has lived a century: the sun, the earth, the world, our senses - everything is unchanged; Today and tomorrow are alike, like two drops of water.
J. Labruyère.

61. In order to live like a trail, you need either intelligence or a loop.

62. Life is a tragedy for those who understand, and a comedy for those who think.
J. Labruyère.

63. Life is not about living, but about realizing that you are living.
V. Klyuchevsky.

64. One life is a faint glimpse of an hour between two eternities.
T. Carlyle.

65. A little bit of the life of the one to whom nothing is more precious than life.
I. Zeime.

66. If you value your life, remember that others value theirs just as much.

67. Live too short to allow yourself to live in vain.
B. Disraeli.

68. Living well is the most compelling argument.
B. Johnson.

69. Life is an island in the sea of ​​self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency.
D. Gibran.

70. Life - tse khid. For someone who is walking in a comfortable position, it’s too fast, and that’s why it’s okay to get out of it. And the one whose move is easy respects him as supremely comfortable and also leaves her.
D. Gibran.

71. Our life is divided into two eras: the first one is spent in the future, and the friend in the past.
N. Karamzin.

72. To live filthy, unreasonably, incontinently and wickedly - that means... it’s not filthy to live, but rather to die.

73. The completion of life, both short and long, is indicated only by the purpose for which you live.
D. Jordan.

74. Living without noise is a great silence for those who live without glory.
J. Dolan.

75. Who is afraid to worry about those who would not waste their life without pleasing them.
I. Kant.

76. Life is short, let us remember that life deserves nothing more than it gives us joy; Having collected together all the well-spent years, we know the fate of everything up to several months.
J. Labruyère.

77. He who does not value his life, values ​​his own life.
Lao Tzu.

78. Our life is what we think about it.
Marcus Aurelius.

79. During different periods of life, a person’s character, vices and honesty change.
A. Maurois.

80. Life and life are absurd concepts. Life is constant change. Warto the rukh is getting tired - the people are old. When the roc begins to kick back, death comes.
A. Maurois.

81. Life is the one that people try to save the most and save the least.
J. Labruyère.

82. Who knows how to vikorize life? Who, without spending half of it in dreams, in conversations with fools, in the torments of love, has an empty hour of spending time.
A. Platny.

83. Life is wasted and opportunity is wasted.
A. Platonov.

84. People spend their lives sorting out their past, worrying about today, in fear of the future.
And Rivarol.

85. The life of the borg, as soon as it is revealed... We will die with it in parts, and not in an hour.

86. A large part of our life is spent on favors and trashy stuff, a significant part passes in inactivity, and perhaps in the future we will live in what we love is not what we need.

87. The life of people is like flowers suddenly blossoming on a tree. The wind blows flowers and carries some pellets to the rich window panes, and the stinks fall on the luxurious mats, and others to the parks and walls, and the stinks fall on the pus-filled pits.
Fan Zhen.

88. Life is at odds with philosophy: there is no happiness without timidity, it brings satisfaction only to those who are not needed.
A. Chekhov.

89. Whoever wants to bring his life into a sense of well-being, must lead the market not by the hardships he has experienced, but by the extent of his evils.
A. Schopenhauer.

90. A pious life is the greatest fare for mortals.

91. Life is a place where people can never go wrong.
D. London.

92. We are born once, but we cannot be born twice, otherwise we will not be guilty for the rest of eternity. You, not being in control of tomorrow, bring joy; and the life of the wife is with the mother, and the skin is dying for us, without looming permission.

93. Life is essentially a state of consumption, and often it’s hard, because the skin is forced to struggle and fight for one’s livelihood, and therefore one cannot steadily take the virus.
A. Schopenhauer.

94. Life comes not in order to enjoy it, but to endure it, to endure it.
A. Schopenhauer.

95. Don’t dwell on regrets about the past, don’t grumble about changes like we do with tractors, because change is the very life of the mind.
A. France.

96. Human life is nonsense. Behind every laugh there lurks derision, behind every bury there is a curse, behind every satisfaction there is a tear, and in the sight of a sweet kiss the languishing sprague of new bitterness disappears on the lips.
G. Flaubert.

97. Life is not suffering and not longing, but on the right, as we strive to honestly bring it to the end.
A. Tocqueville.

98. Live your life happily, having lost all worry about it. No good will bring Vlasnikov’s joy, since in his soul he is not ready to spend it, and those who spend it will not be able to spend anything painfully.

99. Without bitterness, life would have been unbearable.
J. Renard.

100. Life lies in what you know.
A. Platonov.

So as not to post for information quotes about life In social measures today, I will collect all the offal in one place, all the ingredients in the world. Don’t hesitate to add your own options below!

If you find yourself on the larger side, immediately give up and go to the other side
Mark Twain

Kozhen, who lives within the boundaries of his possibilities, suffers from shortages
Oscar Wilde

Mainly, so as not to deceive yourself. It's easier for you to fool around.
Richard Feyman, Nobel laureate

Civilization has too many rules for me, so I do everything I can to rewrite them
Bill Cosby

If you say that you’re squealing three times at a time, then it’s just a waste of your life.
John Kennedy

I cannot give a universal formula for success. Then, I can give a formula to failure: try to please everyone
Herbert Bayart Swope, journalist

Anything more popular is wrong
Oscar Wilde

Action will never lead to happiness, but action can only lead to happiness
Benjamin Disraeli, Great Prime Minister of Britain

By setting yourself up, you are limited to being poor in bare clothes, which is what you have always been so afraid of. Why is it really so scary?

It makes no difference between a pessimist who says: “Oh, it’s hopeless. Don’t waste your energy”; And an optimist who says: “Don’t be afraid of anything. And everything will be fine." In both cases, nothing happens.
Yvon Choinard, mountaineer and founder of Patagonia

You want comfort. Everything is luxurious. And don’t tell me that pennies don’t mean anything. The comfort that I crave is worth nothing for a penny. Yogo cannot be purchased. This is a gift to those who have no fear of discomfort
Jean Coctet, singer, boxer, director

I'm an old man and I have a lot of problems, although most of them have never been wasted
Mark Twain

“Please tell me, how are you going to get back to me?”
“This is where you need it to lie.”
“It doesn’t matter,” said Alice.
“It doesn’t matter where you go,” said the cat.
Book by Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”

Smart people adapt to the world on their own. It’s unreasonable to try to adjust the world for yourself. This is why all progress lies hidden in the minds of the foolish.
George Bernard Shaw

Life is too short, so be small
Benjamin Disraeli

The pinnacle of ideality is simplicity
Bruce Lee

We’ve finished – not only if there’s nothing left to give, but only if there’s nothing left to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

It is stupid to earn money at great expense when you can earn money at less.
William of Ockham

Those that can be killed can be earned.
Peter Drucker

I know a bank that works 24/7, but I don’t have many hours.
Stephen Wright, comedian

We create stress for ourselves because we realize that we need to earn money. You need it. I don’t respect that much anymore.
Oprah Winfrey

It is clear that information is lost. Vaughn destroys people's respect. Therefore, the wealth of information gives rise to poverty of respect. In this way, respect needs to be distributed wisely and purposefully across information.
Gerber Simon, Nobel laureate

Reading after reaching a singing age reduces creativity. Kozhen, who reads too much, too weakly vikorista his brain and kinky lizard not to think.
Albert Einstein

There are a lot of speeches saying that a reasonable person does not want to lose respect.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ignoring speech is one of the ways to achieve inner peace.
Robert Sawyer

If you're not a vikorist, that means you're a doctor

Thoughts and complete

In the world there is no limit to the rules that you set for yourself

Thought independently. Be a leader of the Shah, and not a figure.
Ralph Charell

Moths are nasty little noises that companies and organizations are attracted to because of those whose stench cannot be absorbed.
Dave Barry

The best defensive player is an attack.
Dan Keble, Olympic champion, professional fighter and coach

The layout leads to chaos and unnecessary waste.
Annie Dilard, writer

A promising future is really important for encouraging healthcare workers. Knowing what's going on, the stinks can build up even more in the past.
Bill Gates

People think it’s great to be a mega genius, but they don’t notice how difficult it is to live with all the idiots in the world.
Calvin, from the comedy cartoon

Scotty: “Everything is ready. The systems are automated and ready. The chimpanzee and two interns will get into trouble without any problems.”
Captain Kirk: “Damn, Scott.” I’ll try not to take it personally.”
Film “Zoryany Shlyakh”

A person's wealth is measured in proportion to the number of speeches that they can lose without notice.
Henry David Thoreau

Maybe here. Yogo is simply not widely distributed yet.
William Gibson

No one can give you freedom. No one can give you zeal or justice. As you are a human being, take this.
Malcolm X

The first rule of any technology is that automation is effectively implemented to increase productivity. Another rule is that ineffective automation will reduce productivity.
Bill Gates

I have no intention of picking up leftovers from the table of someone who considers himself my master. I want the menu on the plate.
Desmond Tut, African African activist

Just look and forget.
Ron Popeil

A bunch of methods, and a whole bunch of principles. Those who adhere to principles can successfully choose their own methods. Anyone who stagnates methods and ignores principles will definitely cause problems.
Ralph Emerson

These people are simply vaunted dwarf pranksters.
Denny Black

I don’t deprive Vikorist of all the brains that I think, and others that I can count.
Woodrow Wilson

Creation is the shortest way of self-realization of lower volition. The essence of life is revealed through creation, and not through life.
Vida Skuder, British writing

Many of these theories were killed when a decisive experiment proved them wrong. Also, the scribbler of the skin theory ends up working as experimentalists who are obliged to strive for honesty.
Micho Kaku

The factory may only have two workers: a man and a dog. The human being will be there to cherish the dog, and the dog will be there to prevent the human being from taking over.
Warren Benny, professor of business administration

The company is strong because it will be based on love, rather than on fear.
Herb Kelleher

Marvel. Having started this business, I was a wretch. I will always be a wretch and don’t even think about changing me.
Charles Revson

Companies go bankrupt when they make the wrong decisions. And it’s the same if you make too many decisions.
Mike Maples

It is much more beautiful for people to crumble freely and out of nowhere, straight ahead, but in kayadans.
Thomas Luxray, British biologist

If you work hard for one year a day, you can become barefoot and work twelve years a day.
Robert Frost, American singer

At this age, you only need to get insurance
Jean Baptiste Marie

Recently I was asked that I was going to release the father, whose settlement was worth less than $600,000. I’m not convinced. I spent $600,000 on my new project.
Thomas Watsoe, CEO of IBM

Freedom means flexibility. Why should we be more afraid of her?
George Bernard Shaw, British playwright

All actions are risky. Also, prudence is not the exception of insecurity (it is impossible), but it is not a solution to risk and decisive activity. Get your way through ambition, not through laziness. Empower yourself with the power of resisting bad speech, and not with the power of suffering.
Nicholas Machiavelli

If you need to play, read three things first: rules, bets and time to get out of the game.
Chinese order

Ti, why sleep, don’t hesitate to make mercy.
Ingvar Kampard, CEO of IKEA

Show off your versions of great quotes about life in the comments!

I'll add more to the list if I'm happy!

I live in a world full of things I don't have but would like to have. Correction... I exist, because this is not life.

If a person’s life consists of nothing but happiness, then the very first problem becomes its end.

Those who persistently test their life to the limit, sooner or later achieve their goal - they end it spectacularly.

You shouldn't chase happiness. It is like a cat - there is no use in chasing it, but as soon as you mind your business, it will come and peacefully lie on your lap.

Every day can be the first or the last in life - it all depends on how you look at this issue.

Each new day is like taking a match out of the box of life: you have to burn it to the ground, but be careful not to burn the precious reserve of the remaining days.

People keep a diary of past events, and life is a diary of future events.

Only a dog is ready to love you for what you do, and not for what others think about you.

The meaning of life is not to achieve perfection, but to tell others about this achievement.

Read more beautiful quotes on the following pages:

There is only one true law - the one that allows you to become free. Richard Bach

In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome. (Kozma Prutkov)

For every minute you are angry, sixty seconds of happiness are lost.

Happiness has never placed a person at such a height that he does not need others. (Seneca Lucius Annaeus the Younger).

In search of joy and happiness, a person runs away from himself, although in reality the real source of joy is within himself. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)

If you want to be happy, be it!

Life is love, love supports life in the indivisible (it is their means of reproduction); in this case, love is the central force of nature; it connects the last link of creation to the beginning, which is repeated in it, therefore, love is a self-returning force of nature - a beginningless and endless radius in the circle of the universe. Nikolai Stankevich

I see the goal and don’t notice the obstacles!

In order to live freely and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It's not always an easy sacrifice. Richard Bach

Possessing all kinds of benefits is not everything. Receiving pleasure from owning them is what happiness consists of. (Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais)

Corruption is everywhere, talent is rare. Therefore, venality has become a weapon of mediocrity that has permeated everything.

Misfortune can also be an accident. Happiness is not luck or grace; happiness is a virtue or merit. (Grigory Landau)

The peoples have made freedom their idol, but where on earth are the free people?

Character can be shown in important moments, but it is created in the little things. Phillips Brooks

If you work towards your goals, then these goals will work for you. Jim Rohn

Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do!

Don't solve the problem, but look for opportunities. George Gilder

If we don’t take care of our reputation, others will do it for us, and they will certainly put us in a bad light.

In general, it doesn't matter where you live. More or less amenities is not the main thing. The only thing that matters is what we spend our lives on.

I must lose myself in activity, otherwise I will die of despair. Tennyson

There is only one undoubted happiness in life - to live for another (Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)

Human souls, like rivers and plants, also need rain. Special rain - hope, faith and the meaning of life. If there is no rain, everything in the soul dies. Paulo Coelho

Life is beautiful when you create it yourself. Sophie Marceau

Happiness sometimes falls so unexpectedly that you don’t have time to jump to the side.

Life itself should make a person happy. Happiness and misfortune, what a huckstering approach to life. Because of it, people often lose their sense of the joy of life. Joy should be as integral to life as breathing. Goldermes

Happiness is pleasure without remorse. (L.N. Tolstoy)

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved.

Any unambiguity primitives life

The entire actual life of a person can deviate from his individual purpose, as well as from generally valid norms. With selfishness, we perceive everyone, and therefore ourselves, entangled in a motley veil of illusions, woven from stupidity, vanity, ambition, and pride. Max Scheler

Suffering has great creative potential.

Every desire is given to you along with the forces necessary to fulfill it. However, you may have to work hard for this. Richard Bach

When you attack the heavens, you must take aim at God himself.

A small dose of stress restores our youth and vitality.

Life is a night spent in deep sleep, often turning into a nightmare. A. Schopenhauer

If you deliberately set out to be less than you can be, I warn you that you will be miserable for the rest of your life. Maslow

Everyone is only as happy as he knows how to be happy. (Dina Dean)

Whatever happens tomorrow must not poison today. Whatever happened yesterday should not choke tomorrow. We exist in the present, and we cannot despise it. The joy of a burning day is priceless, just as life itself is priceless - there is no need to poison it with doubts and regrets. Vera Kamsha

Don't chase happiness, it is always within you.

Life is not an easy task, and the first hundred years are the hardest. Wilson Misner

Happiness is not a reward for virtue, but virtue itself. (Spinoza)

Man is far from perfect. He is sometimes more hypocritical, sometimes less, and fools chatter that one is moral and the other is not.

A person exists when he chooses himself. A. Schopenhauer

Life goes on when the way of life dies.

An individual does not have to be wiser than an entire nation.

We all live for the future. It is not surprising that bankruptcy awaits him. Christian Friedrich Goebbel

It is important to learn to accept yourself, to value yourself, no matter what others say about you.

To achieve happiness, three components are needed: a dream, self-confidence and hard work.

No man is happy until he feels happy. (M. Aurelius)

True values ​​always support life because they lead to freedom and growth. T. Morez

Most people are like falling leaves; they fly in the air, spin, but eventually fall to the ground. Others - a few of them - are like stars; they move along a certain path, no wind will force them to deviate from it; within themselves they carry their own law and their own path.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but we often do not notice it, staring at the closed door.

In life we ​​reap what we sow: he who sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will be betrayed. Luigi Settembrini

If the whole life of many comes unconsciously, then this life is whatever it is. L. Tolstoy

If they were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be used as a waiting room.

I see only two paths in life: dull obedience or rebellion.

We live as long as we have hope. And if you have lost her, under no circumstances allow yourself to guess about it. And then something can change. V. Pelevin “The Recluse and the Six-Fingered”

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they simply do more of what they are best at.

If you are afraid of misfortunes, then there will be no happiness. (Peter the Great)

All our lives we do nothing but borrow from the future to pay the present.

Happiness is such a monstrous thing that if you don’t burst from it yourself, then it will require at least a couple of murders from you.

Happiness is a ball that we chase while it is rolling and that we kick when it stops. (P. Buast)

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