The lightest oge items. What is the OGE - rules for taking the exam and the scale for transferring points

How can graduates of secondary educational institutions independently prepare for the OGE in biology quickly and effectively? Now everyone who has to take exams, on the results of which the future depends, is puzzled by these questions.

Quite often, schoolchildren cannot decide on their future profession. This means that difficulties arise with the choice of subjects, since technical schools, colleges and schools require passing certain subjects for the desired specialty. Students who remain in school must also pass subjects to advance to 10th grade. Russian language and mathematics are considered mandatory, and the rest are optional. So, if you chose biology, then it is possible to prepare in a short time. First of all, you need to take all the books on the subject for previous years. Better yet, collect notebooks with notes. This will make it faster and easier to learn the material. If you don’t have notes, it doesn’t matter! You can start a notebook and write down important things there.

After all the material has been completed, you can move on to the second stage of preparation.

The most important thing in preparing for exams is a great desire. If it is not there, then there will be no result. Then you need to determine for yourself which method of preparation will be better.

At the moment, special courses are in the lead. They are arranged in the colleges or universities themselves. 3-4 groups of 15-20 people are recruited. This is suitable for those who know the subject with a weak B. It is worth noting that in group classes you may miss important material. There are a lot of people, and it will be physically difficult for the teacher to approach everyone. Therefore, you will have to listen carefully. This also has its advantages. For example, in a group there may be those students who have learned some material well and will be able to explain it later.

Every second person hires tutors. This is the same teacher, but he teaches individually. It is not necessary to go through all the topics. You can take those that are not clear. Or download the OGE program. And then figure it out.

Self-education is the most effective way. Here the student reads himself, chooses what is useful for himself, learns the most important things and remembers what will be useful in exams. Only this is a method for those who have great willpower and are not lazy. You will have to distribute your time so that you have time left for classes. You need to allocate at least 2 hours a day for self-study. Otherwise there will be no result.

Which preparation method should I choose?

It is now very fashionable to impose preparatory courses and tutors on graduates. Such methods are very expensive. Sometimes a lot of money is spent on such additional education. And there are also parents who go into debt to educate their children. There is another way out - self-preparation. Firstly, it gives more knowledge, and secondly, it does not require investment.

The best option is to start preparing for exams after finishing 8th grade in the summer. But if it was not possible, then it is advisable to implement the plan in September. In order not to miss anything, you should write down an algorithm of actions for yourself:

  1. Before preparing for the test, you need to take all books, reference books, and encyclopedias on biology. If the librarian refuses to give you textbooks, then you must say that they are needed to prepare for exams. Then you should purchase a notebook and take notes on important topics. This will take about three months. Then you need to search the Internet for tables, additional electronic textbooks, and a brief theory. If possible, it is better to print it out so that the material is always before your eyes. When you have the basic basis (it needs to be mastered from September to December), you can begin solving the OGE.
  2. Now there are many sites for solving the OGE online. This is convenient because you can come in at any time, select an option and decide. Online tests have a time limit, a scoring system for correct and incorrect answers, and a total score. So immediately after solving you can evaluate your knowledge. Don’t be upset if the system showed a low level of preparation for the first time. On the contrary, you need to start studying hard. If the specified time is not enough, you can print out the tests or buy them at a bookstore. In this case, you can sit and think as much as you want.
  3. The program of the main state exam changes every year. Or amendments are made there. Therefore, it is very important to download a program that indicates which topics to pay special attention to. It’s better to take it from a tutor or biology teacher. They certainly have it right!
  4. After all the books have been read and more than 80 tests have been passed, you should contact the teacher with a request to test your knowledge. It is better to do this in March. If the teacher says that the result is excellent, then you need to continue in the same spirit. For general development, you can take additional literature on biology, which can also become an integral source of information.
  5. Special communities have been created on the VKontakte social network to prepare for exams. Several thousand schoolchildren from different parts of Russia are sitting there. And this is another source of information.
  6. If there are those in the class who are taking biology, then you can prepare with them. As they say: “One head is good, but two are better.”

When preparing on your own, you should never give yourself any slack. It is recommended to study daily for 3 hours on weekdays and up to 5 hours on weekends. Of course, it’s hard to sit for so long. Therefore, during the training period you need to take a short rest of 10-15 minutes.

In addition to schooling and preparation, there are additional things to do - cleaning, walking in the fresh air, entertainment. If possible, it is better to download an audio recording of the topics and listen to them in your free time or before bed.

You need to prepare carefully for the State Examination in Biology, using all possible sources of information. And regular lessons on this subject at school cannot be skipped, despite the fact that the topic is familiar and simple. Repeating material has never brought harm to anyone.

The OGE program will definitely include the following topics:

  • Biology as a science;
  • Living organisms;
  • Anatomy;
  • Botany;
  • Zoology;
  • Genetics;
  • Bacteria and viruses;
  • Animal Kingdom;
  • Human Physiology;
  • Evolution of the animal world;
  • Biosphere;
  • Ecosystem, etc.

And that's not even half the list! Good preparation takes 4 months or more. Cramming, spurs and hope for luck are unlikely to help. Only knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice will give a positive result.

How to prepare for exams and how difficult it is is clear. But it’s not clear how to make it easier. Doctors strongly recommend the use of Glycine, Motherwort Tincture, Piracetam and other sedatives. And in order to find out whether a particular medicine is suitable, you need to consult a specialist. The main thing with this question is not to cause panic. It is especially important to get out into the fresh air and eat right.

Preparing for exams requires a lot of effort and time. In order to pass the subject with a good grade, you will have to try. If possible, do not put classes on the back burner. After all, his future depends on how a child prepares. Even if there is only a month left before the exam, there is no need to panic. Nothing is impossible in the world!

Another compulsory subject, the OGE in which everyone writes - Russian language.

Dmitry Omelchenko:

I started preparing in the second half of the year, just as we started to consolidate the material. To be honest, I was very worried and worried. They constantly frightened us, saying that they would stand behind us and watch us write. It was all very difficult.

During the practice exam, the tests seemed very difficult to me. Even then, inspectors came around and made sure that we did not cheat. It was scary, and I was tense only because of the pressure of these people.

We all have something outside of school, for example, right before the OGE I had competitions. And it was difficult because everyone prepared with the teacher, but I had to do it separately and on my own.

Be prepared for the fact that when you open a book, you may not understand the topic, but in any case it should be studied.

Cramming before an exam is not an option. You need to understand the subject (what you write, how you reason). You can only rely on yourself during the exam, nothing more. Two weeks before the exam, I calmed down, was ready, learned something, and didn’t have any questions.

Thanks to the fact that I worked and studied everything in my own time, during the exam itself the tasks were solved without any difficulties. In addition, four hours are given to complete it - that’s a lot.

After the exam I felt some freedom.

Anastasia Kosulnikova:

It all started in eighth grade. The teachers constantly reminded us about the upcoming test, about passing the OGE. Not a single lesson passed without mention of exams. They constantly scared us, they told us how difficult it was, that without good preparation we would not be able to pass anything. But no one paid much attention to it. Everyone studied as before, without thinking about anything. The year flew by quickly, and September 1st arrived. We moved to 9th grade, and then our torment began. The program was difficult, and we were very tired.

They were constantly trying to solve problems. The only subject that I was afraid of not passing was Russian. It was not a problem for me to complete the test. But I wrote the essay and presentation with uncertainty. I constantly copied essays from the Internet, it seemed to me that when I did this, something would remain in my head, and it would even help me pass the exam; I wrote the essays using my phone.

This went on for a long time. Before I knew it, there was only a month left before the exam. Russian was the third language. When I entered the classroom and received the CMM, I realized that I was afraid in vain. The test was easy, and so were the essay topics. The only problem for me was that for a long time I could not understand what the text was talking about. But after reading it five times, I figured out what was what.

I wrote the presentation quickly - right away on the hard copy, because the text was not complicated, and the announcer read it legibly. After checking my work several times, I turned it in and left the class. After the exam, I waited for the others, and we began to compare notes, and then I got scared. Most of the answers did not agree with the answers of the other guys. I thought I had failed the exam, all I could hope for was essay and presentation. There were no results for a very long time, and for seven to ten days I was very upset. When they called us and said that the results had arrived, I immediately went to school and was pleasantly surprised - I was almost first in terms of scores, I passed with an A.

The most important thing is not to be afraid. This is just one of the tests in life. You need to start preparing not a week in advance, but from the very beginning of the year. In addition to school, I prepared on my own with the help of VKontakte public pages.

Ekaterina Kuznetsova:

To be honest, I didn’t prepare for the OGE in Russian at all, because I was often sick in the ninth grade. But at the same time, I wasn’t worried at all, I knew that I would pass everything “excellently.”

If you prepare all year, master the material and delve into what you are doing, then you can count on a solid B. The main thing is preparation for writing and presentation. All commas and compound words should be considered.

During an exam, the smell of chocolate and stuffiness in the classroom are terribly distracting. Also, don’t count on cheat sheets. Try to write everything yourself.

The Russian oral exam will become mandatory, an appeal can only be filed in two cases, and the minimum scores depend on the class profile


Compulsory disciplines

Now there are three of them: oral Russian, written Russian and mathematics.

Oral exam in Russian language. To be admitted to the State Examination Academy, it is enough to receive a “pass” for it. The test itself lasts only 15 minutes and is tentatively scheduled for February 13, 2019.

You will take the oral exam in Russian at your school. There are four tasks to complete:

1. Read aloud text of approximately 200 words. It is important to pronounce words correctly, read at an appropriate pace and change intonation in accordance with punctuation marks. The entire text must be read in 2 minutes, and 2 minutes are also given for preparation.

2. Retell the text you just read and appropriately use the quote suggested by the examiner. You have 3 minutes to complete the task and 1 minute to prepare.

3. Monologue on one of the topics of the student’s choice: a description of the image according to the plan, a story based on personal experience, or a reasoning in response to the question posed. You are given 1 minute to prepare and 3 minutes to perform.

4. Support dialogue with an examiner on a chosen topic without additional preparation. You are required to answer in detail and explain your position.

Early stage. To take the OGE ahead of schedule, you need to document your eligibility. Here is a list of situations for early certification:

  • you were called up for military service;
  • you participate in Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps during the main stage;
  • you are leaving for permanent residence or to continue your studies outside the Russian Federation;
  • are sent to treatment-and-prophylactic and other medical institutions during the period of the state examination;
  • you graduated from 9th grade last year and are retaking the OGE;
  • you have completed the curriculum ahead of schedule, have no academic debts and have received permission from the teachers' council.

Additional period. The last opportunity to retake the OGE in 2019 will be from September 3 to 21. If during this period you were unable to get at least a “C”, then it is better to stay at school for the second year or leave with a certificate of completion.

Examination. Results are verified within 10 business days. Depends on how many people took the subject. For example, checking results in Russian and mathematics usually takes the most time because everyone takes them. The results can be viewed on the website of the Regional Information Processing Center (RTC).


An appeal is filed in two cases and within different deadlines:

1. If the procedure for conducting the OGE was violated. Your application will be accepted by a representative of the State Examination Commission (SEC) if you did not have time to leave the PES. The processing time for a complaint is two business days.

2. If you do not agree with the points given. Write an application to your school within two working days from the announcement of the exam results. This appeal may take up to four working days.

The appeal will not be accepted if you:

  • challenge the content and structure of OGE tasks;
  • dissatisfied with the results of checking short answer tasks;
  • violated the rules for conducting the OGE;
  • The exam paper was formatted incorrectly.


Those who have not scored the minimum scores in one or two subjects out of four can retake the OGE. The first opportunity to take the exam is given on the reserve days of the same period, the second - on the additional period. If a graduate was unable to be certified on the second attempt or did not pass 3-4 exams, he will not receive a certificate.

Since 2018, the OGE result affects the annual grade even for an elective subject. If the OGE is “5” and the year is “4”, the grades will be added up, divided in half and the result rounded in your favor - you will get “5”.

Instilling fear around the GIA in the Russian language - “we won’t pass”, “insurmountable stress”, “too many exceptions to the rules” - is a waste of time. The 9th grade exam in the Russian language is a milestone test of the student’s knowledge base. There is no need to be afraid, it is better to prepare. In order to avoid a nervous breakdown, an exacerbation of a chronic disease, or a simple fainting spell in a child, you need to understand what the state examination test is and how to tame it (the state final certification).

The exam organizers do not have the goal of “failing” the child.

None of the “malicious observers” wants your child to join the ranks of poor students. On the contrary, they will support the worried examinee with all their might (spiritual and moral): if they didn’t hear a whisper somewhere, they will turn away in time.

Russian is painfully native

Most children who take the State Examination have been familiar with the Russian language since childhood. Not a single subject from the school cycle has “grown” to your child like the “great and mighty”.

The Russian language is moderately technical

Our language is similar to geometry: if you don’t know, you won’t apply it. The principle is simple: read the rule and memorize it. If you don’t know the rules, not a single “natural knowledge and instinct” will save you. Therefore, it is better to learn (there are few of them) and start fearlessly putting them into practice.

Your child has been preparing for the exam for a whole year

From September 1 to June 1 (approximately), the child encounters the Russian language every day, including in other lessons. The student should feel that the Russian language is “pursuing” him at every step.

If you don't understand, feel free to ask a question

The student needs to fill in the gaps as much as possible before the exam. After all, whoever is forewarned is forearmed. A teacher at school is created to teach, and not to evade the answer.

Part A - choose from what is offered

Here we mark the correct option out of the four proposed. The main principle is that we first remove what definitely cannot exist (as a rule, these are 2 answers), and then we think.

Part B – write the answer yourself

Here we add punctuation marks. The main principle is to read the assignments to the end. Many errors occur due to inattention when reading. If a student is asked to perform several actions (find first a compound sentence and then a non-union sentence), and he performs only one (because he did not notice the second point), the loss of points is small, but noticeable.

Part C is the template

This academic year, Part C is a presentation and essay on a linguistic topic (the free topic has been removed).

A condensed presentation is written according to the following scheme: I listen - I write after the speaker (the text is read 2 times) - I shorten the text a little (I retell it close to the text) - I write it down completely.

As for writing, it’s not all that complicated either. There is no need to be afraid of the terrible word “linguistic”: this is everything related to sections of the Russian language (syntax, phonetics, morphology, etc.). Any essay on a linguistic topic is a template. The child is given a quote “about the Russian language”: either it is “great and powerful”, or it “cannot exist without commas”, or “how important it is to read a lot and enrich it”. The most important thing that a child must do is to find the linguistic component in the quote itself, that very linguistic term.

Such a component is quite easy to find - the author of the quote clearly names it. As soon as the child found it, life became 50 percent easier. Then he acts strictly according to the instructions: he wrote the meaning of the term, gave two examples from the text of part A, and agreed with the author of the quote.

Filling out forms

Final answer forms require concentrated attention. But even if the child made a mistake in filling out, the form has fields for correcting erroneous answers. There are few of them, but this significantly reduces the risk of losing points.

Enough time

The exam time is 3 hours 55 minutes. An ordinary student can complete a draft in 2 hours. Then he needs to rewrite and check everything.

There is a helper - a spelling dictionary

Before the exam, you need to practice working with a spelling dictionary: in a short time you need to find a word, check it, find the next one. The main principle is to know the alphabetical combination of letters well. During the exam, each student will be given time to check all the work.

Wide range of final scores

The final grade for the exam is calculated from the sum of the points scored. To get an “excellent”, you need to score from 37 to 42 points for the entire work; for “good” 29-36 points are enough. Losing a few points is not fatal.

GIA is not an Olympiad to identify the best of the best

There are no tricky tasks in the GIA and there cannot be. The purpose of the GIA in the Russian language is to test knowledge that can be applied in everyday life (competent spelling of words and placement of commas). And there is nothing cosmic in such terms as “a separate application” or “a syntactically indivisible phrase”. Any teacher who knows the material can easily explain their meaning on their fingers.

Your child knows what it's all about

Never lament to a young genius: “Oh, God! How can you remember all this! If I were forced to take an exam in Russian now, I would cry with grief!” Your child is smart, he understands what is presented to him at school. Trust him a little more.

I asked the guys which exam out of all the ones they took was the easiest, the answer was unanimous - Russian. If your ninth-grader worked hard (this is important), then he will crack the Russian language in the GIA format like a nut. After all, this is only a form of testing knowledge, the essence remains the same - we write in Russian.

Hello everyone, today I would really like to talk about how I passed the OGE (General State Exam). Undoubtedly a hackneyed topic, but maybe someone will be interested.

I wrote it right after passing the exams in 9th grade, I didn’t correct the text, the article was lost on the disk)

8th grade 4th quarter

Yes, exactly the eighth. Teachers start talking about some kind of GIA. It’s like, it’s crazy how difficult you are all noobs and will definitely fail it... Get ready, cram all summer and maybe luck will smile on you...

Of course, this was not said in plain text, but that was the meaning of the teacher’s sayings.

Summer before entering 9th grade

9th grade 1st quarter

The line, everyone is dressed up, everyone has joyful faces. Teachers come out and start scaring and ruining the mood. “Hello, dear schoolchildren. We hasten to please you this year you will take the State Examination Test. It is possible that some will fail it... suffer, cram...".

I remember then one kid from parallel decided to create an informal atmosphere. And I decided to do my bit by shouting loudly throughout the corridor when the teachers continued to scare us. What did he say there…..and…. I definitely remembered! He said that GIA is the “Pot of Intellectual Aggregate”. Well, it went on from there: some for the wood, some for the firewood:

“Blue Idiots of America”, “Goths Profess Atheism”, “Anniversary of Hiccup Abramovich”. I'm sure the list can be continued indefinitely. Okay, I got distracted.

Taking tests on the Internet and receiving 4.5, everyone concluded that everything would be normal.

I thought so too, until “StarGrad diagnostic work” came to our class.

These works were either one lesson or two lessons. And once we had a GIA rehearsal in mathematics (there were no lessons in those days, phones were taken away...). I admit, I wrote the first paper like this with a “3” (only a point was not enough to reach 4).

9th grade 2nd quarter

Distressed by the failure, I decided to sort out the tests on Yandex-GIA. And yes, memorizing such tasks really helped! I wrote the next sample at 4 (malyan didn’t reach 5:()

9th grade 3rd quarter

The teachers remembered that we had to take Russian and gave us samples...

Frightened, I robbed my horizons and began to prepare.

9th grade 4th quarter

The atmosphere in the classrooms is very tense. Teachers are starting to strain themselves more with consultations...

Those happy days in quotes have arrived.

I took my first exam, computer science, at the gymnasium. We were randomly divided into rooms. Everyone had an Apple laptop + a draft on their desks. The teachers circled and courted us, but they didn’t care that we weren’t allowed to use calculators :) (teachers from the humanities) The tasks turned out to be much easier than those for which I was preparing.

The second is mathematics. Only during the exams they handed out spurs with area formulas and a table of squares.

Still others are Russian. He is famous for his exposition and linguistic composition. Tip, take a pencil with you to the exam. Although it is strictly prohibited in the rules, no one has ever been kicked out for it :) Writing a summary with it is much faster than with a helium pen!

During exams, the most nerve-wracking part for me is filling out the answer papers with a gel pen. By the way, if you make a mistake when filling out the school code or the location where the exam is being held, you will be given a new CMM and possibly with a different option. Checked!

So the summer holidays have officially arrived. But no one is sure to be able to sleep peacefully when the results come in 5-9 days.

And then a call from school. They ask you to come sign and agree with the results...

I got A's in all subjects! I was awesome, especially in Russian (38 points out of 42)…

In short, if you don’t want to fail the exam: do your homework every day, stock up on books to prepare, start actively preparing (at least a month before the exam). And all four are in your pocket!

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