Sanguine person - characteristics: pros and cons of sanguine person. What is sanguine temperament

Text: Olga Natolina

A sanguine person has an active temperament and a stable, flexible nervous system. The process of excitation and inhibition in this personality type is highly developed.

General characteristics of a sanguine person

People who belong to the “sanguine” temperament type are resistant to various psychological stresses. Even in an emergency situation, they can keep emotions and feelings in balance and act calmly. They easily adapt to circumstances. Sanguine people have high social adaptability and their behavior is very flexible.

It is easy for a sanguine person to switch from one task to another, and he takes on new tasks with ease. Such a person has a huge amount of vital energy. But he can maintain it precisely thanks to the constant change of actions and vivid impressions that he receives daily. If the source of new impressions dries up and his day becomes monotonous, the sanguine person will become lethargic and indifferent.

  • the soul of the company, he will cheer everyone up;
  • easy-going, balanced person;
  • an excellent speaker has the gift of persuasion;
  • Sanguine people have a good sense of time and manage it. They always manage to do more than others in the same period of time.

Weaknesses of sanguine people:

  • in communication they are superficial, which is why they may not have real friends, while having a huge number of acquaintances.;

  • loves new experiences, leads an overly active lifestyle, which is why he may not have a family, since he does not feel such a need or sees a family as a limitation of his freedom;

  • quickly lights up with an idea, but quickly loses interest in anything;

  • may promise a lot, but not always keep his promises.

For a sanguine person, professional areas are suitable where he can use his gift of persuasion and communication skills: advertising, marketing, sales, leadership positions, advocacy, coaching, personnel selection.

Sanguine character, temperament traits

A sanguine person is an active and energetic person; the energy of such people is in full swing. He is distinguished by his kindness and desire to always help others. He is never depressed and does not concentrate on problems. A sanguine person is a cheerful person, with a light character and an excellent sense of humor. He can be called an incorrigible optimist. An example of a sanguine temperament is d’Artagnan from the film “The Three Musketeers.”

A sanguine person is a self-confident person who likes to tell others about his successes. May have inflated self-esteem. At work, he is very hardworking and disciplined. Such a person has a high efficiency, but will not be able to do monotonous work - it will take away his energy. Multifunctional work suits him.

This type of temperament is the most sociable and sociable of all. It is easy for a sanguine person to meet and find a common language with new people. He loves to be the center of attention. He always has a lot of friends and acquaintances, but, as a rule, few close friends. This is due to superficial communication on his part. If you want to keep a sanguine person’s attention and his love, be always different, surprise him so that he doesn’t get bored with you.

A sanguine person can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • responds quickly to events;
  • loves new experiences, they are vital for him;
  • survives troubles and failures quite easily;
  • facial expressions and movements are expressive;
  • a very active, lively person.

Test: am I sanguine?

Try to determine if you are sanguine. Answer the statements “yes” or “no”; if you answered “yes” to 90% of the statements, then you have a “sanguine” temperament type. If only in half the cases, remember that a “pure” temperament is rare, and the traits of a sanguine person, as a rule, are combined with the traits of a choleric or phlegmatic person. This simple test will tell you how pronounced your sanguine traits are.

You are sanguine if you:

  • fast;
  • active;
  • alive;
  • frivolous;
  • communicable;
  • love to talk;
  • carefree;
  • have high efficiency;
  • easy to communicate and even superficial;
  • responsive to the requests of others, sensitive to their desires;
  • sociable, very talkative;
  • friendly;
  • easily adapt to new situations and conditions;
  • bright person, artistic;
  • you quickly run out of patience;
  • avoid responsibility;
  • changeable in his desires, fickle;
  • flexible;
  • have a positive outlook on the world;
  • you are almost always in a state of happiness

For many people who study psychology and are simply interested, it is important to discover for themselves such a term as “sanguine”. Who is this in psychology? This a person who radiates cheerfulness, a smile never leaves his face, and who strives to be the center of attention. This is a brief description of sanguine people - men and women. And he also develops vigorous activity because he cannot sit still. But is a sanguine person really like that? Characteristics of this type of temperament will help you understand the question posed and learn everything about sanguine people.

Definition of the “sanguine” temperament type in psychology

Sanguine is one of the four types of temperament proposed by Hippocrates. The Father of Medicine suggested that in the human body one of four fluids predominates - yellow bile, blood, lymph or black bile. Accordingly, Hippocrates identified four types of temperament:

  • choleric;
  • sanguine;
  • phlegmatic person;

They all differed in the types of reactions to situations in the outside world and had their own distinctive features.

What is temperament? This is a set of psychophysiological characteristics of a person that remain constant throughout life. Temperament is called the basis of character. What is the character of a sanguine person? Certain traits and characteristics are attributed to him.

Sanguine: characteristics of temperament type

I.P. Pavlov described the types of temperament in his own way, although he left the names proposed by Hippocrates. A sanguine person, according to Pavlov, is a balanced, strong and agile person.

This means that a person with this type of temperament is not prone to. If we talk briefly about the character of a sanguine person, he copes with problems easier than other types of temperaments, endures troubles. They cannot be unsettled by the fact that something went wrong along the chosen path. A sanguine person will look for ways to change the current situation if the goal is important to him. If it is secondary, then achieving it becomes unattractive for a sanguine person. Therefore, he easily gives up what he has started and takes on a new one if he feels that it is more interesting or promising. From this we conclude that the sanguine person is fickle. People with this type of temperament are also called superficial and flighty.

The sanguine or sanguine type of temperament is an unsurpassed ability to adapt to any situation. This is given to them thanks to their ease of character and ability to be at ease everywhere. Sanguine people also quickly get along with people. They love to communicate and have a wide circle of acquaintances.

Sanguine people know how to enjoy life and get satisfaction from seemingly ordinary things. These people travel and attend events that can leave behind vivid impressions. They love life and are usually optimistic and extroverted.

The simplest test

Do you know your temperament type? Are you sanguine? Answer the test questions.

  1. Do you consider yourself an active person?
  2. Is it easy for you to make decisions?
  3. Aren't you afraid of change?
  4. Are you a frivolous person?
  5. Do you like to communicate with other people?
  6. Do you have many friends?
  7. Don't you like long waits?
  8. Are you a workaholic?
  9. Do you love creativity in all its forms?
  10. Yours?
  11. Do you notice your superficial attitude towards things and events?
  12. Are you usually in a good mood?

If you answered yes to at least 9 out of 12 questions, your temperament is sanguine. If there are 6–8 positive answers, then you have a mixed type of temperament (for example, you are both sanguine and choleric at the same time). If you answered “yes” to 3–5 questions, you have some sanguine traits. If you answered affirmatively to less than 3 questions, then, most likely, you are closer to melancholic.

Mixed temperament types are common. It is rare to find a pure sanguine or melancholic person.

It is interesting that sanguine children differ from other children at a very early age.

Sanguine children

What temperament a child will be endowed with becomes clear in infancy. The little sanguine person is active, inquisitive and open to the world. He diligently explores everything around him, everything is interesting to him, and in this search the child tries to enlist the support of adults. The baby needs support and approval in order to develop harmoniously. He reacts to his parents and feels them clearly, but the little sanguine person is very emotional himself. And if he receives parental support, then joyful manifestations prevail.

A sanguine child is active. He loves to play, run, frolic. The kid does not sit still and constantly involves his many friends in fun activities.

In a group of peers, the little sanguine person becomes the life of the party. And age is not so important: in kindergarten, and at school, and at university, and then at work, the situation does not change. Such a person exudes friendliness, he is cheerful and has a lot to say, and therefore it is interesting to be with him.

The cognitive interest of a little sanguine person is the key to successful studies. Such children happily discover the world around them, explore it and learn quickly. Science comes easily to sanguine people, as does creativity. The picture of the world in such children is positive, painted in bright colors. Therefore, it is not difficult for sanguine people to draw or express their emotions in a musical interpretation. The creative abilities of these inquisitive and cheerful children need to be developed, and this is the concern of parents and sympathetic teachers.

What professions and jobs are suitable for sanguine people?

Sanguine people are friendly and open, associated with activity and communication. They become artists, singers, TV presenters, teachers, politicians, and discover their scientific potential.

Sanguine people are responsible and efficient, many of them are workaholics. They achieve the goals set in their careers, and therefore become successful and occupy leadership positions.

But Sanguine people do not like to do monotonous work, and frequent changes of activity are just for them.

Famous sanguine people

It is difficult to give examples of famous sanguine people from the past, however, some psychologists have been able to identify sanguine people among world famous people who lived in past centuries, relying only on their manuscripts, work or creativity. These are Marcus Aurelius, Francois Rabelais, Antonio Vivaldi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Honore de Balzac, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Maria Skladovskaya-Curie, Mark Twain.

Description of the temperament of a sanguine introvert and extrovert

We have already found out who a sanguine person is, now it remains to combine this type of temperament with another personality characteristic - a psychotype. An extrovert is an open, sociable person, focused on the environment, and not on the inner world. An introvert is a person immersed in his inner world to a greater extent than an extrovert. Based on these definitions, it’s easy to imagine a sanguine extrovert, but what about the sanguine introvert? To answer this question, let us remember that a sanguine person is not necessarily outwardly oriented; the important distinctive features of a sanguine person are cheerfulness, optimism, and an active character.

Friendship and personal life

What are sanguine people in friendship? These are open and friendly people. They have many friends and acquaintances, because they want to communicate with such individuals. A sanguine person is a collector of impressions and fascinating stories, and he is ready to share them. It is not surprising that there are always plenty of listeners.

Sanguine people easily make new acquaintances. Walking up to a stranger and talking to them is easy.

At the same time Sanguine people have few truly close people. This is explained by the superficiality of this type of temperament. Due to their frivolous nature, a sanguine person may forget about promises made to others. And this forgives most friends, but not all.

In their personal lives, sanguine people are fickle. In their youth, they start affairs and without a twinge of conscience if something goes wrong. And since the sanguine person is a star, he has enough fans.

If a person with such an open and cheerful disposition starts a relationship, his other half should prepare for the fact that there will not be many quiet family evenings. A sanguine person does not like to sit still, he deliberately surrounds himself with people, and he values ​​parties and just friendly gatherings with company more than the quiet comfort of home.

Family is important for a sanguine person, but inconstancy of character and hobbies is a serious obstacle that not all people with this type of temperament manage to overcome. Workaholism is another reason why sanguine people are sociable.

As we see, even such a bright and cheerful person cannot always find happiness. And he is not ideal, but a sanguine person still has many advantages.

How to communicate with a sanguine person?

  1. If your goal is to please a sanguine person and establish friendships or love relationships with him, you need surprise him more often.
  2. Get ready for him to communicate a lot and often, and don't limit it. As you remember, sanguine people are very active and incredibly sociable.
  3. Moreover, the sociability of a sanguine person will extend not only to you or, for example, his mother. He will communicate with almost everyone in your environment, that’s his type of temperament.
  4. People with this temperament are frivolous and do not like excessive depth in any matter, therefore Don’t “load” them with your problems.
  5. Sanguines are distinguished from other types mobility, so if your best weekend is watching TV series with goodies, and your best vacation is all inclusive in Turkey, you are unlikely to become best friends.

A viable and balanced sanguine person, an optimist and a realist, a leader and the soul of the company. He easily adapts to new circumstances, but sudden difficulties can upset him for a short time. A sanguine person may be fickle, but it will not be boring to be with him.

Sanguine people live in a fantastically interesting world, which is why they themselves always attract people. In this balanced type, the processes of excitation and inhibition are well balanced and easily replaced. People of sanguine temperament quickly react to events and demonstrate their attitude towards them. Optimism, sociability, activity, an easy attitude to failures are excellent qualities that allow classic sanguine people to become leaders.

Energetic sanguine people live with pleasure and know how to enjoy work, leisure, any weather and everything that comes their way. True, the mood can quickly change to the opposite, and then they get just as angry, easily break promises and forget about business.

Sanguine's childhood

He manifests himself in all his glory from the first days of life. Active and restless, requiring constant attention, the child gets to know the world, experiencing constant delight. Bright colors, sounds, tastes fill life, and he reacts to everything vividly and expressively. If you raise a sanguine person correctly, he will retain and develop the ability to enjoy life. Although, no matter how difficult adult life may be, it is impossible to eradicate a positive outlook on the world - he will still find reasons for jokes and learn to derive pleasure from any circumstances. Under normal conditions, the child develops harmoniously, and his inexhaustible cheerfulness attracts other children to him. The little sanguine person is always surrounded by friends, because it is interesting to play with him and it is never boring. If you do not suppress the love of life of an active child, he will definitely become a favorite in the class, in the student group, at work, etc. Never discouraged, positive, full of new ideas personalities always attract people and are in the center of attention.

Characteristic traits of sanguine people

Sanguine people are often good storytellers; they know how to paint stories, embellishing them. This does not mean that the person is lying, he just sees the world this way - everything seems interesting and unusual to him. For him, every new day is a story that should be lived with full dedication. He constantly needs to replenish the ranks of his acquaintances so that communication is as diverse as possible.

People of this type often create various associations in which they lead and embody their inexhaustible ideas. Sanguine leaders become political figures, charismatic managers who know how to motivate employees. A sanguine person needs attention and admiration. In search of fresh emotions, he constantly expands his social circle, comes up with new things in which he can show himself in all his glory and again win applause.

A sanguine person is usually friendly, fun and interesting to be with, as long as he does not see competitors. If two representatives of this type meet in one team, competition ensues between them for the palm. In this case, the attention of both sanguine people is focused on the opponent, and the rest of those present are relegated to the background.

Sanguine people have well-developed imaginative thinking. Their memory records only those people, events or things that could surprise them. Don't be surprised that this person doesn't remember names, birthdays and similar things - he would rather remember an unusual situation, a bright dress or an extravagant personality. If a sanguine person does not recognize someone after several meetings, it means that this person has not struck his imagination in any way. A sanguine person will recognize those he likes after a minute meeting in a crowd of passers-by. By the way, the ability to distinguish between twins, which almost all sanguine people have, seems interesting. Sanguine people remember faces that seem the same to representatives of other temperaments by facial expressions, a special manner of smiling or looking up.

They clearly express their attitude towards people, therefore, when meeting pleasant people, a sanguine person warmly shakes hands, kisses on the cheek, and hugs. In general, for these people, physical contact is very important as an additional source of information.

Need I say that sanguine people are not afraid of public speaking? Finding themselves in the spotlight, they get the opportunity to capture the views of a large audience, and this is exactly what a sanguine person needs in order for him to show all his best qualities.

Curiosity and an inquisitive mind are the hallmarks of people of this temperament. They almost always have a hobby, which can be replaced by another quite quickly. In his youth, this is expressed in a frequent change of hobbies: today he happily runs to the pool for training, tomorrow he hurries to the tennis court with the same zeal, and the day after tomorrow it is impossible to get him out of the library. Sanguine adults satisfy their curiosity by traveling around the world and discovering new places and people each time.

Study and work

When choosing an occupation, a sanguine person chooses professions related to communication. It is unbearable for him to sit for eight hours at his desk; he strives for movement and new impressions. Sanguine people often become actors, directors, teachers, consultants or salesmen.

Curious sanguine people are always intellectual, but they are rarely excellent students at school - they lack perseverance and concentration. It is almost impossible to force them to study a book according to the school curriculum, but they can read adventure novels and detective stories for days and imagine themselves as their heroes. A sanguine person will forever remain a child at heart; he retains the ability to see life as an exciting adventure with bright colors and unforgettable encounters.


Sanguine people are sincerely interested in other people, they are always open to communication and look for bright traits in every person. They do not wait for an opportunity to be introduced, but initiate the acquaintance themselves. While others warily study their interlocutor, sanguine people already know everything about his life and enjoy their new acquaintance. Sanguine people are open, positive, they have a great sense of humor and a wide range of interests, so it is not surprising that they always have a lot of friends. Although, in fairness, let’s say that not all friendships stand the test of time - a sanguine person is an addicted person, the list of his contacts is so extensive that he can simply forget about those whom he has not seen for a long time.

Strengths and weaknesses

It may seem that these life-loving people cannot have problems - they brilliantly overcome difficulties, during which they can plunge into the blues for years, and the choleric person will bring himself to a nervous breakdown. In fact, no one manages to live life without black stripes, but sanguine people are from birth endowed with the ability to see bright prospects behind them. This valuable quality has not stopped us all, and you can learn optimism by communicating with unsinkable sanguine people who:

  • Harmonious.
  • With a stable psyche.
  • Stress-resistant.
  • Optimistic.
  • It is extremely rare to suffer from mental illness.
  • Depending on the circumstances, or melancholic people, while remaining themselves.
  • They have leadership qualities.
  • Sociable and cheerful.
  • They are not afraid to take risks.

There is no point in idealizing sanguine people, and they are not without their shortcomings:

  • They shift attention too quickly.
  • They often lose interest in people and activities.
  • They promise more than they can deliver.
  • Fickle.
  • Frivolous.
  • They are not always guided by a sense of proportion.
  • Boastful.
  • Susceptible to star fever.

Famous sanguine people

History knows the names of the following famous sanguine people, to whom their chosen profession by temperament brought fame and worldwide fame: Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander Herzen, Pierre Beaumarchais.

sanguine- the strongest and brightest. Among its characteristics– high performance, mental activity, energy. A sanguine person has increased sociability and mental flexibility, and is loved by many for his cheerfulness and friendliness. They often say that he is a joker and a merry fellow.

Features of a sanguine person

Constant in impermanencethe main character trait of sanguine people. Representatives of this personality type never get hung up on problems (like Carlson - he flew in, destroyed the room and flew away), live by emotions, love work, but do the work superficially if it is not interesting to them (and the interests of some sanguine people change quite quickly, since monotony is a not for them).

The mood of a person with a sanguine temperament type very fickle: a minute ago such a person was sad, worried about something, but now he laughs loudly and enjoys life. Sanguine people easily experience failure, but they try avoid trouble and simplify the tasks assigned to them (including because they are not used to focusing on problems). As a result, sanguine people easily adapt to new situations, and it is this quality that other types lack, especially phlegmatic and melancholic people.

Being materialists, representatives of this type of temperament suffer from lack of material pleasures. Sanguine people constantly need love and/or intense experiences; they love delicious food, quality clothing, and unusual entertainment. If we talk about the external manifestations of this temperament, then a sanguine person stands out from others smiling, well-developed speech, lively facial expressions, expressive gestures. It is easy to determine his mood or attitude towards his interlocutor by looking at his face. He may laugh or get angry for unimportant reasons. A person with a sanguine temperament is an excellent speaker, with the ability to speak a lot, convincingly and to the point.

Pros and cons of sanguine people

Sanguine people have a lot of advantages. Using their sociability, they quickly become the life of the party.. They are presented as jokers, merry fellows, jokers, and good storytellers. Even among strangers, they easily find a topic for conversation and a reason to have fun. Their pleasant character attracts people to them, you can easily make friends with them, and they themselves willingly make acquaintances. On the other hand, if there are some disadvantages in their character. So, Sanguine people are obsessed with themselves, their cheerfulness is sometimes perceived as frivolity, and the desire to be in the center of attention deprives them of tact and sometimes forces them to be hypocritical. Plus, sanguine people are often distinguished by overconfidence, which is also perceived by others not entirely favorably.

IN family relationships with a sanguine person can be difficult, since loved ones constantly have to depend on his mood. Today he can offend and say a lot of unpleasant things, and tomorrow he can ask for forgiveness and feel guilty about his behavior. On the other hand, as a rule, Sanguine people are forgiving(and also not prone to long-term self-criticism). The best counterbalance to a sanguine person is considered to be a melancholic person (unless he is irritated by the mood swings of a restless friend). It is worse for phlegmatic people - due to their inertia, they cannot keep up with the energetic sanguine person and consider his liveliness as frivolity and unnecessary.

An employee with a sanguine temperament easily gets involved in work and just as easily switches to new activities, is not afraid of fatigue and quickly masters new professions. People with this type of temperament tend to are very efficient, the main thing is to direct their activities in the right direction.
In order for a sanguine person to carry out the tasks assigned to him continuously and with complete dedication, the manager needs to regularly give him new tasks and whet his interest in the work.

Thanks to adaptability, assertiveness and efficiency Sanguine people can realize themselves in many areas of activity. Their communication skills allow them to work as managers, journalists, and lawyers. They are indispensable in business negotiations and in communicating with clients; they are always energetic, cheerful and able to find a common language with any person. Often it is sanguine people who become the faces of the company when communicating with various contractors. At the same time, representatives of this type of temperament working hard on routine tasks, projects that take too much time and require perseverance and painstaking work - there is a high probability that he will approach the problem superficially or that his enthusiasm will wane and he will want to switch to something new.

Sanguine people love to lead and, as already mentioned, often represent the company, so it is not surprising that they become leaders. At the same time, excessive self-confidence and the inability to always complete a task can question the success of their leadership. Sanguine bosses are polite and friendly towards subordinates, value creativity and an inventive approach. They belong to that category of leaders who are able to yell at their subordinates when they are in a bad mood and promise mountains of gold when they are in a good mood.

Behavior of a sanguine child

The individuality of sanguine children is manifested in absolutely everything. Such a child sociable and friendly, loves everything new and unknown, perceives news on topics that interest him with great enthusiasm and easily adapts to changes in environment. Children with sanguine temperament (as well as adults) easily recognized by a wide smile, restlessness and ability to multitask. They are non-conflict and non-vindictive, so they calmly react to punishment. At the same time, these kids are uncollected and restless. Sanguine children, like adults, do not always fulfill their promises and are burdened by monotony, as a result they quickly give up boring things and rush off to play and have fun.

It is known that a person’s behavior in a given situation is largely determined by his temperament. At the same time, it is customary to distinguish between four main types of temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and choleric.

Let's take a closer look at the type of temperament - Sanguine.

I'm an optimist by nature. Everything will be fine, but it’s better not to specify the date.
Zemfira Ramazanova

Who is a sanguine person: description

A sanguine person is a person who can be described as a cheerful optimist, and who is constantly on the move. The peculiarity of the behavior of these people is explained by increased excitability. This forces them to constantly be the center of attention.

Sanguine people are very responsive and friendly. They always have a lot of friends and acquaintances. They easily make contact and are able to find a common language with almost any person.

Psyche and memory of sanguine people

Due to the fact that people of this type have a high degree of excitation of the nervous system and a low threshold for its inhibition, they perceive the world in the form of vivid images. They have well-developed attention, thinking and memory.

They themselves do not notice how they remember everything that attracted their attention, the rest they quickly forget. That is, a sanguine person may not remember your name, date of birth and other boring details.

However, he will definitely remember you if he is attracted by your clothes, speech, face or other striking details. If the attention of a sanguine person is attracted by something in your image, then he will be able to describe it in the smallest detail.

In addition, representatives of this type easily find differences between twins, since they perceive people not only visually, but also notice all the smallest details of their behavior.

Emotional background

All sanguine people are very emotional and do not hesitate to show their experiences to other people. They are characterized by active gestures, warm handshakes and kisses when meeting. They are simply unable to hold all experiences within themselves.

It is not surprising that they cannot remain in the shadows and constantly distract the attention of others. The ability to interest other people and completely capture their attention makes them excellent speakers and politicians.

Another distinctive feature of sanguine people is their unconventional thinking and curiosity. The constant desire to learn something new forces the restless person to constantly change his hobbies and type of activity. It is not surprising that sanguine people love to travel, and routine, monotonous work leads them to protracted stress.

Professional predisposition

The constant need for communication forces a sanguine person to choose public professions.

Such professions for a sanguine person include:

  • actors,
  • politicians,
  • announcers,
  • teachers,
  • and other public figures.
The larger the sanguine person’s social circle, the more successfully he will cope with his responsibilities.

Who sanguine people are will be clearer and clearer to you from the video below:

Home, love, friendship, family

A sanguine person always has many friends and admirers. He is a very sympathetic friend, but he has one drawback - he often makes promises that he then cannot keep. However, friends forgive this shortcoming of a cheerful and positive friend.

At the same time, increased sociability creates barriers to creating

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