Scenario for an event for Students' Day in the library. A fun scenario for a student's day

Celebration script for a student company

Scenario for Student's Day for students

What can be included in the scenario for celebrating Student's Day

Scenario of the festive program for Student's Day


The focus of the quiz can be anything - literary competitions, a comic evening or serious competitions. Not only students, but also anyone who wants to can take part.

You can, for example, compose a series of questions in a particular discipline - literature, mathematics, physics, or ask riddles to test your ingenuity and resourcefulness. You can also ask those present to remember actresses bearing the name Tatyana, or literary heroines, ask them to come up with as many diminutives as possible for the name Tatyana.

You can ask questions orally, or you can prepare cards with questions, photographs of actresses or portraits in advance.

Time machine

Give those present paper, pens and envelopes and ask them to write letters to themselves. Then put all the letters in a box, which is securely sealed and given to someone for safekeeping. Any period for opening letters can be set - five, ten years, etc.

Theater competition

Participants receive task cards. According to this task, they must read a nursery rhyme in some style, for example, “Our Tanya is crying loudly.” Depending on the task, you need to read this poem in the spirit of a telephone conversation, or a love confession, or an oratorical speech, etc.

Who ate the carrots?

Participants stand in a circle, the driver is in the center. Participants pass each other a carrot (apple, banana, etc.) behind their backs, while also trying to bite off a piece while the driver does not see. The driver must guess who has the carrot now. If he guessed right, he changes places with the one who had the carrot. If the participants managed to eat the carrot before the driver guessed where it was, he must complete some task.

Fortune telling from Tatiana

We can tell those present that all Tatianas can accurately predict the future for anyone who wants to. Usually they use the novel “Eugene Onegin” to tell fortunes, asking questions: “what happened,” “what will happen,” “how the heart will calm down.”

Guinness show

You can hold a competition to see who, for example, has the longest hair, the thinnest waist, etc. At the end of the competition, everyone is awarded the title of “best.”

Forged chains

Participants are divided into two teams. Both teams stretch out in a chain and, holding hands tightly, stand opposite each other, at a distance of about six steps. One of the teams chooses one representative, and he tries to break the chain with a running start. If he succeeds, he takes any participant to his team, if not, then he himself remains in another team.

It is necessary to think about the decoration of the holiday

Interesting ideas for holiday decoration


You can make a comic newspaper by pasting cuttings from newspapers and magazines, and in place of the photographs, paste photos of friends, teachers, etc.

Use children's photographs; you can invite others to guess which is which by comparing children's and adult photos.

For the newspaper you will need whatman paper, color magazines or newspapers, felt-tip pens, paints, scissors, glue. You can make a wooden frame for the newspaper, on which you can stick anything you like - buttons, paper clips, beans, beads, etc.

You can draw a poster. It will differ from a newspaper in that they do not write on it, but draw, mostly funny pictures. You can stick them on too. The flight of fancy is not limited here.


You can make butterflies from candy wrappers and scatter them on shelves, attach them to curtains, or hang them on a chandelier. This is done like this: candy wrappers are collected in an accordion to form corrugated strips, then they are folded together in threes and fastened in the middle with a small paper ring.


Cut out stars from foil, colored or gift paper. They can be pasted on walls, on cabinets, hung on the ceiling, etc. d.


Draw patterns or pictures on windows, glass cabinet doors, or any smooth surface with toothpaste. You can use colored paste. The advantage is that it is then easily washed off, and when it dries, you can draw on top of it with markers, and then all this will also wash off without effort. You can sprinkle glitter on the paste before it dries.

“Sketch The Most-Most Student”

An easy-to-stage humorous miniature that can be shown at a concert in honor of “Student’s Day”, and at initiation into students, and at a graduation party.
LEADING: Student years are filled with various competitions: Mr. University, Miss University, Student Spring, KVN and many, many others, where students can demonstrate their talents and abilities. But we decided to add one more to the list: “The Very Best Student,” where young people would demonstrate their talents of student life. Let's see.
CAST: three young people.
There is a chess clock on the table. The young people say their argument and then press them.
STUDENT 1: I can cook dumplings in a kettle!
STUDENT 2: And I'm soup
STUDENT 3: I can cook foie gras in a kettle... (the other two look at him questioningly) ... probably... I haven't tried it yet!
STUDENT 1: I don’t have to go to a single lecture and pass the test!
STUDENT 2: I don’t have to go to a single lecture and pass the exam!
STUDENT 3: And I can even not come to the exam with a test and pass them!
STUDENT 1: Of course! If my uncle was a rector, I could do this too.
STUDENT 3: Well, play here yourself. And I’ll go (leaves).
STUDENT 2: Well, there are still megatitans left! I can brew one tea bag 15 times!
STUDENT 1: I can brew one doshirak 15 times!
STUDENT 2: I can live on one scholarship
STUDENT 1: (shakes hand) I sympathize!... And for 100 rubles I can treat three girls I like in the club to a cocktail!
STUDENT 2: Yes, your signature: “Only each, mind you, a sip” is known throughout the university!
STUDENT 3 comes out: Can I get the rector’s seal (shows everyone the office seal)
STUDENT 1: Yes, we understand! You're cool, cool! (3 leaves) I lost my student ID 100 times. The secretariat is constantly ordering new forms for me.
STUDENT 2: I started marking the equator during my graduation!
STUDENT 1: Yes, the girls have already written a book about my adventures in the dorm.
STUDENT 2: Yeah, complaining! But based on my adventures, Tinto Brass has already made 4 films.
STUDENT 3 comes out, takes the watch, and leaves.
STUDENT 1: Uh-uh! Where?
STUDENT 2: Can we extend it for another hour?

Sketch – “God of Students”

LEADING: Few people know that on Olympus, in addition to all the other gods, there was also the God of Students. His life was not easy! Let's see!
CAST: at the table there are three gods (Zeus, Hermes, Apollo) in white tunics (sheets), then another one appears (GOD OF STUDENTS). It is advisable to play Apollo to a person with the most imperfect figure. You can then build a visual joke around this.
ZEUS: So, God of Students, come in!
The God of Students enters. Tunic covered in ink, dressed slightly sloppily.
ZEUS: Yes, scholarships. Well, tell the Olympus commission about your behavior!
GOD OF STUDENTS: First, please don't call me Scholarship. Considering the size of the scholarships, this is a mockery.
HERMES: What should we call you then? Freebie? Cheat sheet? Always late?
GOD OF STUDENTS: Okay, okay, call it a Scholarship.
ZEUS: Well, tell us how your last six months have been...
GOD OF STUDENTS: Father is at work...
ZEUS: This is what you will tell your parents when you get home. I know. You didn’t come to any of my lectures at Olympus...
GOD OF STUDENTS: Then I will repeat all the lectures from Hephaestus...
HERMES: Well, well. This would be fine, but the Commandant is complaining about you and the God of the Hostel.
GOD OF STUDENTS: Comrade Hermes, Athena and Aphrodite actually came themselves... and in general, you should knock before entering! So hand it over to the Commandant.
HERMES: Yeah, now you won’t be able to convey it. They evicted you.
APPOLO: Colleagues, I think that we are too strict with the boy. All of us, with the exception of me, are not perfect.
HERMES:, the fact that you got the role of Apollo by lot doesn’t mean anything.
ZEUS: In general, scholarships. We will expel you from Olympus!
ZEUS: Yes. And your comrades: Konyakus and Confety, I think, will no longer help.
HERMES: God Military Commissariat has already asked about you!
GOD OF STUDENTS: Give me a chance to improve! I won't let you down!
HERMES: Alas! This won’t work here: we have Olympus, not the Russian national football team.
APPOLO: But there is good news (GOD OF STUDENTS perks up) You can take a photo with me for free!
GOD OF STUDENTS: Okay, I'll leave. But, not because he gave up, but what would happen next, students studying mythology had to learn one less god!

Sketch for student's day

Young specialist: Hello!
Chairman of the collective farm: And don’t get sick. What do you want?
Young specialist: I am a young specialist. Arrived to you by appointment. Here's my diploma.
Chairman of the collective farm: (after looking at the diploma) Yes! Your diploma is good. Come on, shout something!
Young specialist: How is it, shout...?
Chairman of the collective farm: How are you shouting in the forest?
Young specialist: (quietly) Ah-ah-ah
Chairman of the collective farm: Don’t be shy, shout louder
Young specialist: (a little louder) Ah-ah-ah
Collective farm chairman: Yes, your voice is rather weak. Come on, swear.
Young specialist: How? Right here?
Chairman of the collective farm: Why be shy! Everyone is here. Just swear at me right now.
Young specialist: ... impudent
Collective farm chairman: No! Can you do something like a man?
Young specialist: ... shameless impudent!
Chairman of the collective farm: (sighs) How will you work with people? For example, the milkmaids did not come out for morning milking. What will you tell them?
Young specialist: Well, I’ll say that it’s not good. What...
Chairman of the collective farm: And tomorrow you will milk the cows yourself. But, for example, the shepherd brought only half of his flock in the evening. What will you tell him?!
Young specialist: Well... let this be the last time!
Chairman of the collective farm: Yes-ah! Of course, your diploma is good, but I can’t hire you.
Young specialist: How so?!
Collective farm chairman: That’s it! I can’t do that!
Young specialist: What are you talking about! What does this mean?! Did I study in vain for five years?! Was the government wasting money on me in vain?! (starts up) What are you allowing yourself to do?!! He sits here, wipes his pants, and even mocks people, damn bureaucrat!!!
Collective farm chairman: Yes, yes. Carry on
Young specialist: Do you think I was scared of you?! Do you know what I will do to you now?! Goat!!!
Collective farm chairman: That's it, stop! Great! Back to work tomorrow!

Sketch for Student's Day 2

Introduction: introduce the course of events that Vera falls asleep and has such a dream.
So, who is ready to answer on the topic of our seminar? Not a single hand! Ugliness! With such a reluctance to learn, I will not allow you to attend the session!
1.Karenina (Karenina extends her hand)
Thank God, at least Karenina is ready! I'm listening to you, Anechka!
Actually, I didn’t want to answer, sorry, but I need to leave urgently! I'm late for the train! (leaves in a hurry)
Teacher: Disgusting attendance! Anna earns another deuce.
2. Hamlet
So... since there are no volunteers, I call from the list.
Prince of Denmark! And when will you put your name in the dean’s office!
O women, your name is treachery!
How insignificant, flat and stupid
It seems to me that the whole world is in its aspirations!
So you're not ready for the seminar either?
I saw my father's spirit...
What is in me is truer than a game;
And this is all outfit and tinsel.
3. Don Quixote.
Teacher: Alonso Quijano, answer! Wake up! I'm talking to you!
Don Quixote, waving his sword and killing invisible enemies, exclaims that he will save the Beautiful Lady, strives to take Vera by the hand...
4. Dowryless woman
Larisa, you are always ready, set an example for these slackers on how to respond at seminars!
Larisa: Onegin copied everything from me! The thing... yes, the thing! They are right, I am a thing, I am not a person.... I refuse to answer! (wrings hands and sits down)
5. Onegin
Oh, legs, legs! where are you now?
Where do you crush spring flowers?
Don't get distracted! Why aren't you ready to answer?
The English spleen has taken over me...
6. Oblomov
Oblomov, stop chewing! Take the trouble to answer!
Oh... I should get ready next time... I'll have you bring me some paper... and a pen... oh, how sweet the pies were in Oblomovka... maybe we'll leave everything and go there with you. ..
2! And you will eat outside the door, and dress more decently!!
He doesn’t go anywhere, shrugs his shoulders good-naturedly and sits down lazily and imposingly
7. Raskolnikov.
Raskolnikov! How do you explain your idleness?
I am a poor student, crushed by poverty...
Two, Rodion! This is not an explanation!
Rodya, taking out an ax:
Am I a trembling creature or am I entitled?!
The teacher is horrified:
5! Sit down, sit down, calm down! Okay, that's enough for me! This group is impossible to work with!

Games for celebrating in a student group

Time machine
You need to prepare in advance a large envelope or box, several ordinary envelopes, paper and markers. All current students present are invited to write a letter to their future selves. Then all the letters are put into envelopes, then into a box, all this is sealed and entrusted to a reliable person for safekeeping. Imagine how interesting it will be to read your message after... years, when your studies come to an end.
The game conditions can be changed at your discretion. For example, if there are students finishing their studies, they can write themselves a letter and open it 10 years later.
Theater competition
Everyone is given cards with theater assignments and is asked to read a nursery rhyme according to the assignment received. As a rhyme, you can use a verse known to everyone from childhood:
Our Tanya is crying loudly,
She dropped a ball into the river.
Hush, Tanya, don’t cry,
The ball will not drown in the river.
As assignments, you can offer to read a poem as a love confession, a denunciation by telephone, the last speech before execution, a speech at a rally, etc.

Who ate the carrots?
Prepare carrots (cucumber, banana, apple, loaf...) in advance. Everyone stands in a circle, the driver comes to the center. Players behind their backs pass carrots to each other. At the same time, everyone tries to bite off a piece of carrot while the driver is distracted. The driver's task is to guess who is currently holding the carrot in their hands. If the driver guesses correctly, he changes places with the one who had the carrot. The driver whose carrot was eaten performs a forfeit.
The quiz can be literary, serious or humorous. Depending on what profession the students present in the company are mastering, you can draw up a series of questions in some narrow focus and organize a competition for the most savvy and intellectual. Everyone present can take part in the quiz, because it’s interesting to remember your student knowledge.
For example:
- make up questions on literature, geography, chemistry, mathematics;
- you can actually play out everything in the form of riddles using your wits;
- ask to name film and theater actresses whose name is “Tatyana”;
- suggest recalling famous works in which the name “Tatyana” is mentioned;
- ask to name all derivative names from the name “Tatyana”.
For the quiz, you can prepare cards in advance with questions, riddles, with portraits, frames from films that will depict women, girls, girls named Tatyana, and use them instead of oral questions.

Music is playing

Lisa: Good evening, dear teachers, students and guests!
Alena: Hello, our dear freshmen! Today, more than ever, we are pleased to welcome you to this beautiful hall. After all, we are dedicating you to students! Today you will become part of a large and friendly family of the College of Trade and Economics

Lisa: By enrolling in our college, you will become technologists, businessmen, accountants, lawyers, commodity experts or tourists. Yes, it is on professionals that the world rests. I really want there to be more professionals. Do you know who wants this most of all?
Alena: Of course, the director of our college is Lidia Konstantinovna Bukharova.

Lisa: Let's ask our freshmen to stand up so we can all look at them. Let's greet our heroes of the occasion with friendly applause!

Have a seat!

Alena: I ask all our teachers to remember our new friends well, so that at the session you can easily identify who came to you!
Lisa: So, let's figure out who students are and what are some of the classic features of student life!
Alena: The student sleeps little.
Lisa: Unfortunately.
Alena: She eats a lot.
Lisa: When they give it.
Alena: She teaches seriously.
Lisa: Twice a year.
Alena: She never cries.
Lisa: It makes others cry.
Alena: Always tells the truth.
Lisa: But it only seems so.
Alena: That’s it, our dear freshmen, by orienting you to the peculiarities of student life, it seems that we have said everything.
Lisa: No, wait, Alena, that’s not all! From today, your future for the next 2, 3, 4 years will be in the hands of your parents, the inexhaustible sponsors of your desires.
Alena: And now, dear freshmen, we offer you an extravagant memo on the scientific organization of student life. Write down the secret code for an urgent telegram to your parents: “Everything is fine. Signature – STUDENT. (6 people from group B-41 come on stage, each with a letter, which together make up the word Student)
Alena reads the transcript: C - urgently
T – required
U - a lot
D – money
E – yes
N - nothing
T – point

Lisa: It’s too early for us to call it a day – all the most interesting things are ahead of us.
And now senior students are invited to the stage to congratulate our freshmen who have gone through fire, water and copper pipes.
Alena: Meet me! Group ST-41 with a congratulatory number.

Lisa: Our dear freshmen! So a carefree childhood passed. You have chosen a difficult but necessary path, deciding to become professionals in your field. Dear students, Andrey Shelevoy, a student of group ST-21, will now read to you a poem of his own composition about student life. Meet!

Alena: If you look pretty

And they look like a top model,
And they're not stupid either,

Don't be stingy with a smile,
So you are good for us -

It's no good to avoid us.
Here you will discover your talent

And master the profession.

Lisa: This is now your abode, this is now your family.
We welcome you to our glorious friendly home, friends!
Alena: So, let's figure out who the students are?

Students of the MP-11 group are invited to the stage with the song “Autumn Blues”
Lisa: First year is like first grade
You have a lot of new things:
Pairs, lectures, tests -
A lot of all sorts of work...
But it will help you figure it out
Don't get lost in the world of knowledge
Your class teacher will be nearby
And he won't forget about you!
Alena: Entrance exams, sleepless nights, worries, worries are behind us. The most wonderful time is ahead—the student years. Students are cheerful and inventive people.

Lisa: And we continue our festive concert - dedication. And I propose to plunge into the amazing, incendiary world of student life, as unforgettable and unique as in the K-22 group. Let's watch the video.

Alena: And now comes the most solemn and exciting moment of our holiday - the freshmen will take an oath.
Lisa: We ask all the freshmen who performed and prepared today’s concert to come from behind the scenes onto the stage and the freshmen sitting in the hall to repeat the word “I swear” together.
So, attention is said to the FRESHMAN Oath
Fanfare sounds
Let there be many different professions -
They all don't like idle people,
They all don't like laziness,
I will overcome all subjects.
Pass exams, tests
I'm not afraid of this kind of work
And I will be patient.
I swear to this!
I know this path is not easy
And there are many temptations on it,
But don't fool yourself
And learns somehow
I, a student, will be ashamed
Both funny and undignified.
I'm not afraid of difficulties
I swear to this!

It’s not enough to be a good guy -
I'll become a professional!
I firmly decide this!
I say this proudly!
This is the path to my luck
And it cannot be otherwise.
Away doubts and sadness
To be a student I swear!

We give you the key of knowledge and record books!

The heads of the departments, Liliya Viktorovna Plaksina and Irina Sergeevna Kostuseva, are invited to the stage to present the certificates.

Alena: Oh, these are extremely important documents!
Lisa: So, what is the record book for? First of all, it is sometimes graded! It can also be exchanged once for a diploma. But her most important function is that at midnight on the eve of the exam, she needs to wave through the window shouting “Freebie, come!”
Alena: Dear freshmen! We have already gone through 3 years of difficult training, and therefore we want to give some advice to our kind and beloved teachers:
Lisa: TIP 1: Do not insist on an answer if the student did not hear your question. Try to quietly move the conversation to another topic!
Alena: TIP 2: If a student answered incorrectly, it means he wants to check whether you know this material!
Lisa: ADVICE 3: If a student is late for class, do not rush to scold him, students, like bosses, are not late, but delayed!
Alena: ADVICE 4: If a student does not come to class, do not rush to mark absence, remember: students do not have unjustified reasons!
Lisa: TIP 5: Do not interrupt the lively conversation between students in pairs! They are discussing vital issues!
Alena: TIP 6: If you notice a student chewing in class, do not rush to kick him out, take a lunch break.
Lisa: We think that now first-year students will have good relationships with their teachers.

Alena: Now your fate is in your hands, go ahead and welcome to the friendly family of the trade and economic college.

Lisa: You will not regret that you entered our college, because only our students live a full life, which develops in all imaginable directions.
Alena: In scientific, practical, sports, music, dance, tourism.
Lisa: In general, no matter what you decide to do, they will help you here and support you in any interesting endeavors.

Alena: You were dedicated today. You are real students, you can safely tell everyone about this.

Lisa: To understand student life, you need to guess riddles about it.

Whoever guesses my riddle gets a fun prize!

They are sitting in a large room
A man under fifty.
Take a closer look - everyone has something to do:
Eight are chopped into a “goat”,
Nine draw drawings
Five laugh heartily
Six engaged in naval battles
Three are drawing on the tables,
Two people eating plums
Seven read detectives
Four people looking at a magazine
Well, three of them are just sleeping!
And one (kind of strange)
It's already been an hour
And about something out loud
He's talking to himself. (lecture)

Alena: So, friends, you are all students
And how many trials await you all!
But even in difficult moments, the student does not cry, but sings!

Lisa: We congratulate all first-year students,
We give you an order today
We wish you to study well
Accumulate knowledge every day
Alena: We believe that you will accomplish
You are discoveries,
A difficult road leads you to a diploma,
Master all the difficulties - win
In chorus: students are wonderful people!

Every year on January 25, the whole country celebrates a great holiday - Student's Day or Tatyana's Day. If you are a student of any department of a higher educational institution, then you and your guests who you invite for the evening will like this scenario for Student’s Day.

The call signs of the holiday sound, the screen lowers, and the video “Our Student Life” is shown on it: video fragments of lessons, exams, student holidays, as well as a video of the dormitory - how a student wakes up in the morning, then despondently prepares breakfast for himself and goes to classes. But on the doors of the auditorium there is a notice: “Couples are cancelled. Everyone went to the concert for Student’s Day.” The student is in despair, grabs his head, suffers, and then goes to the university assembly hall.

The stage opens. The phonogram plays "9, 8, 7.....0 left before the start of the enchanting show"
The exit of the presenters - students.

STUDENT 1: Good afternoon to everyone present!!! We greet students, as well as our most beloved teachers, on Student’s Day! So, let's meet and spend it persistently and cheerfully!

STUDENT 1: Who is a student? They say that this word originally meant “cockroach” - it always eats, and there are always a lot of them. In short, we are glad to welcome all the “cockroaches” of our university, as well as our respected teachers! We welcome everyone to this festive hall, warmed by your smiles and frantic energy!

STUDENT 2: There is also an opinion that students come from monkeys, although it seems to me that everything is quite the opposite - monkeys come from students.

STUDENT 2: Student years play a special role in the life of every person. They contain first love and knowledge of the world.

STUDENT 1: We remember that every day, every minute we learn, this is the best time in a person’s life. These are years devoted to the search for truth, creativity, the pursuit of perfection, years unique in the development of personality.

STUDENT 1: We would like to hope that on this day students all over the world will unite and erase all differences and will celebrate and rejoice

STUDENT 2: The rector of the university is invited to the words of greeting, who once a year can allow himself to be not only the head of the institution, but also a naughty freshman!

The rector of the university appears on stage in a “youth” outfit.

STUDENT 1: And also a first-year student is invited to this stage with the rector’s word.
A freshman comes out, dressed in a formal suit. The speakers greet the students.

STUDENT 2: Thank you for the greeting! Well, in the end, the official part of our holiday is over! So let's start our concert!

STUDENT 1: Do you know that our holiday today is held under the slogan “In the rhythm of life”? As you already understood, there should also be a show on Student's Day this year! Last year we had a concert program “Star + Star”, where teachers and students amazed us with their magical singing!

STUDENT 1: We all remember last year's concert! But today our teachers and students will surprise us even more, because over the course of the year our participants not only learned a new vocal repertoire, but also learned to dance fiery dances!

STUDENT 2: And so, let’s make sure of this and see with our own eyes how our students and teachers “light up” this year! We invite them to the stage!

Musical number “Jive” performed by students and teachers.

STUDENT 1: Student parliament - it’s like the heart is everywhere,
Students everywhere must be paid
Since active students enter parliament
Individuals are creative and imaginative.

STUDENT 2: Parliament is headed by the smartest
Smart, decent and fair.
One who senses the flowing moment
The student's chosen one is its president.

STUDENT 1: So, we invite the President of Parliament for a welcoming speech.

Radio "Holiday Polytech"

STUDENT 1: Today we have a little surprise for everyone present! At our festive concert there will be an open student radio hotline, in the wake of the “Festive Polytechnic”, we will receive calls with greetings!

STUDENT 1: And we have our first phone call!
- Allah, say hello!
- Allah! Good afternoon. Did I get there? Is this radio "Festive Polytechnic" and the concert "In the Rhythm of Life"?
- Right here! Do you want to greet someone? Say hi, order a song?
- Oooh, of course! I would like to convey greetings to all the teachers, because they were also once students and spend every day with them! Dear teachers! I wish you courage and inspiration, patience, and generally happy holiday! And I want to order a song that constantly plays in our lives!

The artistic number “Teacher, let’s sit together” is performed to the tune of the song “Dad, dad, dad, let’s sit together.”

Sketch “History Lesson”

Music is playing. There are two tables on the stage, four students reluctantly pair up: one student is talking on a smartphone, kissing it, the second student is drinking low-alcohol, the third student is knitting, the fourth cannot tear herself away from the laptop. Everyone sits down at the table and the bell rings. A history teacher enters the audience.

TEACHER: Hello, young people!
Students get up from the table.

TEACHER: don't, don't, don't get up! After all, I am the most democratic teacher at the university, I am “teacher of the year.” Well, let's start the lesson.

There is a knock on the door and a student bursts into the classroom.

TEACHER: (affectionately) Sasha! Oh, you’re sober today, come along, today is a holiday!

TEACHER: So, who will answer: who was the French military leader in 1812? Answer, Ivanov.
Ivanov gets up and is silent.
TEACHER: Hint: “ON…”
IVANOV: Nabokov?
IVANOV: Nabukov?
TEACHER: Napoleon...
IVANOV: Got it. (sings) Tanks rumbled on the field...
TEACHER: That's enough. Who is this tank?
IVANOV: He's Napoleon!
TEACHER: That's right, Napoleon. What was his name? Napoleon Bona...
IVANOV: Bonya?
IVANOV: BonAqua? (points to the water on the desk)
TEACHER: Right, where is it?
IVANOV: On the desk?
TEACHER: Correct, since the name is Napoelon? Bona..
IVANOV: Bon on the desk?
TEACHER: Good girl! And who can say what the name of the famous Russian commander was at the same time? Andryushenka, maybe you?
Andryusha gets up, silently, scratching his head.
TEACHER: It’s okay, I’ll help you, because I am the most democratic teacher at the university. His last name starts with KU...
ANDREY: Cutugno?
ANDREY: Kutuzov!
TEACHER: That’s right, but his name was Mi Kutuzov...
ANDREY: Mimino?
TEACHER: Micah...
ANDREY: Oh, I understand, Mikhalych!
TEACHER: Mikhail Ila….
ANDREY: (sings) Moon, moon!
TEACHER: No, guys, it’s not like that. Let's try it differently. Tractor, who is this?
ANDREY: The tractor is it.
TEACHER: So, Ilari...
ANDREY: Ilarittractor?
TEACHER: Yes, no. Hilarion! That was the name of Kutuzov's father. So he...
ANDREY: Ilarionov’s son? Ilarionovich?
TEACHER: That's right, Andryushenka - five! And who was the emperor during these years? Alexander, answer first. Hint – AAAA.
TEACHER: Yes, no. If there was Andrey, I would have asked Andrey, but since I asked Alexander, that means this is the correct answer. Well done, high five everyone.

IVANOV: Marya Petrovna. Tell me: why do you give us an A in all grades, put an A in our diploma, but no one hires us?

TEACHER: Ivanov, it’s simple: because what kind of employers do we have? Plo...

TEACHER: Well done, Ivanov. Absolutely right. Our employers are bad. And you, Ivanov, get five for your diploma!
The music starts and everyone leaves.

STUDENT 2: Yes, that's the story. Tell me, where do our students live?

STUDENT 1: Where, where, who where: who is at home, who is in a rented apartment, and who is in the dormitory....

STUDENT 2: Are there normal conditions for studying and living for students at our university?? Maybe someone has a certificate for good behavior, vitality and intelligence in student dormitory life?

STUDENT 1: I know exactly the person who has such a congratulation: so, we invite the leaders of the student council of dormitories to the stage.

Speech by hostel leaders.

STUDENT 2: On Student's Day, even old jokes and fables sound new. Students have always loved to sing, dance, write all sorts of rhymed and non-rhymed works on a free theme, and on this holiday you can discover new talents in yourself.

STUDENT 1: There are so many greetings addressed to our students today, it’s so nice!
Dear students! We would like to remind you of the student rules.

STUDENT 2: “It’s not too late to study, even after taking your second class.”

STUDENT 1: “If you don’t want questions on the exam, ask the teacher questions”

STUDENT 1: “Never wake up a friend who has fallen asleep, do not attract the teacher’s attention.”

STUDENT 2: Don't be smart in the exam - this entails an additional question.

STUDENT 2: Well, did you remember the main rules of learning?

Sketch “From a student’s life”

STUDENT 2: Yes, soon we will become adults and experienced.
STUDENT 2: Who is behind all this?
STUDENT 2: It is known - friends, parents, teachers...
STUDENT 2: Ah, teachers. Now we will show you a typical university story. The main roles are played by the teachers of our department! Meet!

There are four chairs on the stage, students (teachers) sit with their legs crossed. The computer science teacher enters (the smallest first-year student, wearing glasses, with a briefcase, and a large tie).

TEACHER: Oh, sit here. Get up! Sit down! Get up!

The students stand up and repeat commands like soldiers. One doesn't make it.
TEACHER: (to an underperforming student) Out!
The student leaves, crying.

TEACHER: Everyone sit down! I'm having a blast here! Who's on duty?

One of the “students” gets up, tries to speak, but stutters.

TEACHER: I can’t hear you! Two for you so you don't stutter (to the next one) You! To the board, write!

The next “student” begins to “write” on the board, imitating large letters.

TEACHER: (menacing) You write small! Sit down, two! (to the next one) To the board! Are there any cheat sheets? No? Self-confident, not ready, sit down - two! (student cries). So, there are five minutes left until the end of the lesson. We are writing a test! Whoever decides everything, maybe I’ll put three. (menacingly, like in the army) Let's start!

“Students” will start writing. The teacher menacingly counts down: five, four... The “students” spy on each other, cheat. Time is running out.
The students unanimously declare that they did not have time.

TEACHER: What, we didn’t have time? All? Okay, I forgive you for the first time.

The students sigh with relief.

TEACHER: Don't relax. So, two for everyone! Applause! (music sounds, the participants of the skit come out to bow).

STUDENT 2: Applause to our artists! Fortunately, this practice is not encouraged at our university.

STUDENT 2: Usually we make true friends during our student years! But who said that friendship can only be between students, or only between teachers? Our concert today is a vivid example of the fact that friendship between teachers and students exists and can bear the fruits of creativity that will become real works of art!

STUDENT 2: Meet the computer science teacher and second-year student with a musical gift!

Artistic number

STUDENT 1: We once again greet everyone present on Student’s Day!

STUDENT 1: Let's address the people who are responsible for this holiday - the students! Remember that at university you are treated as an adult!

STUDENT 2: Therefore, like all adults, you may or may not attend lectures and seminars.

STUDENT 2: You can either pass or not pass tests and exams!

STUDENT 1: You may or may not be students!

STUDENT 2: Remember, everything is in your hands!
Once again, happy holiday to everyone. May students be lucky in everything!

STUDENT1: See you at the fireworks display, which will take place after the concert. Happy Student's Day! See you again!

On the table in honor of the holiday as a dessert you can put

Scenario for celebrating Student's Day

A fanfare soundtrack sounds. Text on stage: Russian Students Day

Presenters: Danila Nozaruk and Milana Ermilova, co-host Vasilets Ksenia

Scenario plan:

    Kozhin’s song “A bottle of kefir and half a loaf”

    Scene from group L-231 (movie being filmed)

    Cheat sheet competition

    Scene gr. F-101 “student’s oath”

    “Letter from Vanka Zhukov”, S-202

    Battle of ditties(Battle – S205, F-101, …………

    Scene 104 “Variety Guests”

    Scene 102 “And I speak, and he speaks”

    Sketch D-101 “Lesson from the point of view of students and from the point of view of the teacher”

    “An Incident in the Dining Room” O-113

    Monologue “What student doesn’t dream of retaking the test” 413 g

    Scene “Exam” S-103

Leading. Hello, young and familiar tribe! Hello, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you here and today at this hour.
Leading. Students have a separate day -
Tatyana's day - and this is the essence:
An opportunity to take a break from work
And take a break from studying.

Leading. Who are the students?

Leading. Students - these are young people who manage to live on a scholarship on such a scale as never before on any bonus

Leading. Students rest when everyone else is working, and work when everyone else is resting

Leading.students are the main consumers of ballpoint pens and general notebooks

Leading in turn:

If a student does not want to study, it means that the military registration and enlistment office is not working well!

The student is not sleeping - the student is resting

The student is not scratching his head - the student is thinking about the decision

The student is not mistaken - the student makes a risky decision

The history of the holiday dedicated to Student's Day began in the eighteenth century, when on January 25, 1755, Empress Elizabeth signed the “Decree on the establishment of a university and two gymnasiums in Moscow.”
On the day of St. Tatiana, in her honor, a church was built in the university building. Since then, Tatyana began to be considered the patroness of students.
And on January 25, the “Decree” of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Day of Russian Students” was issued.


When winter has passed the middle,
Casts a gray shadow on spring,
We remember the student intercessor
And we celebrate Tatiana's day.


Students rejoice on the twenty-fifth,
Tatyana's name day will be collected,
And put your candles in the temple
They will definitely come to Saint Tatiana.


Leading. Agree, the bad student is the one who has never used a cheat sheet. The spur has always held on, will hold on and will hold on through any session.


Our task is connected precisely with this magical object, which supplies the student with adrenaline, which accompanies him with trembling in the knee area, redness of the ears, stuttering, but, ultimately, bringing relaxation and unspeakable pleasure when not used.

Leading. We invite 3 representatives from each branch to the stage. Let's see which departments students can prepare and use a cheat sheet well.

Leading. Let's get to know you. What is your name, what course are you in and what department are you studying in? How many sessions have you already successfully passed? And to be honest, have you ever used a cheat sheet?

Leading. And here's the task. You have to write an “Ode” to Mrs. Cheat Sheet or a speech of gratitude within five minutes. Moreover, not just write, but write on pieces of paper, which must first be glued together with tape. On each piece of paper there is a word.

Leading. Both the text itself and the length of the cheat sheet are evaluated. Students have only 5 minutes to prepare. So, time has passed!

Leading: Is Student's Day celebrated only in our country? How many of you know how Student Day is celebrated in other countries?

(A video about Medieval Europe is shown on the screen)

Voice over. In the Middle Ages, traveling students wandered from one university town to another to listen to lectures by various celebrities. They were called vagants, and on the way they often composed poems and songs. Modern students, both in Europe and here, sing them with pleasure.

A fragment of “From the Vagants” is played

(A video showing views of Germany is shown on the screen.)
Voice over. In Germany, at the beginning of this century, students were considered the biggest bullies. For any reason, and even for no reason at all, they started duels. They fought with swords, as a rule, until the first blood was drawn, and they tried to inflict the wound in a visible place - most often, on the face. “Scars make a man” - isn’t this where the famous saying comes from?
Every self-respecting German student should have at least one such “decoration”.

(A video of Cuba is shown)
. “Put your knowledge closer to your heart and away from the eyes of your examiners” is an international student wisdom regarding cheat sheets, especially relevant for Cuban students. Cribs (translated as “unnecessary pieces of paper”) appeared along with Cuban students. By the way, in Cuba, a student caught “in flagrante delicto” is subject to immediate expulsion.

Leading. I ask you to show us the results of the “Crib Sheet” competition


Presenter – let's talk about the health of a student during a protracted educational process

1st pair - Clear consciousness, equal pupils, full movement of the eyeballs, symmetrical face, normal swallowing, quick reaction to light, normal hearing. Emotionally stable.

2nd pair – Congestion, stunnedness, movement of the eyeballs is limited upward and to the sides. Reaction to light is sluggish. The face is asymmetrical. Hearing is reduced. The voice is hoarse. Neck stiffness.

3rd pair – Lethargy. There is no reaction to light. Entry and exit points are painful. Tinnitus, no hearing. Romberg's posture is unsteady. The voice is nasal. Hyperhidrosis of the palms.

4th pair – Misses during the finger-to-nose test. Adinomy. Aphonia. Food pours out through the nose. The tongue deviates to the right, falls to the right. Hyperhidrosis of the feet.

5th pair - Coma. The peripheral nervous system is a symptom of landing. Autonomic nervous system – STOP!

Presenters: And so that a coma does not occur…….

Leading: Meet the students of the gr. ______________________

Leading: Students prepare for Student's Day in different ways. Someone is calculating their financial capabilities, someone is preparing for a tea party, and someone is writing letters to their grandfather in the village at night.....

Number “Letter to grandfather, Konstantin Makarych”

Presenter_1: Young man, please come to the microphone... please introduce yourself

Student:- Ivan...

IN: are you a student?

WITH: Student, bye, Ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it….

    Maybe you can answer a few questions?

    Only on a ticket, I will not answer on additional ones

    You don't understand, we wanted to do a quick interview with you.

    This is please, this is as much as you like

    Your most memorable day of the past semester

    The day I retook.___________

    What do you find the most difficult thing about studying?

    Retake _________

    Can you call the last semester successful for you?

    This semester I successfully retook anatomy, bioregulation and OSD

    How are you approaching the new semester?

    With a question: can I successfully retake anatomy, bioregulation, OSD

    And finally, what would you wish to freshmen today?

    Study in such a way as not to retake anatomy, bioregulation and OSD

    Thank you, Ivan.

Thumbnail “And what student doesn’t hope to retake it?”

And what student doesn’t hope to retake the test! As soon as you pick up the notes, you slowly flip through the pages... The lectures are deep, the coverage of the material is wide. Rarely does a student reach the middle of his notes. And the session is already in a hurry. You tuck the notes under your arm, take a deep breath and step towards the unknown. The familiar face of the teacher will flash again, and the tickets laid out on the table will turn white. You boldly extend your hand, but inside there are only questions, and there is no answer to those questions. Eh, three, bird-three! It will take your breath away when you see the saving assessment, and your soul will soar as you walk past the head of the department with a victorious look. From now on, the wide road to knowledge is open to you. Now you can skip lectures with a clear conscience, because what student doesn’t hope for a transfer?!

Leading: Well, we continue our student skit and invite students to take part in the BATTLE OF DITS. We invite our accordionist Nikolai Alexandrovich and 2 representatives from each department to the stage. Let's get acquainted (Last name, first name, group, department). You sing one ditty at a time. The students who last the longest win.

Leading: ______________ is the winner. The guys are rewarded with free tickets to the skating rink.


Host: Our next competition is called "Guess the melody." We will invite 3 participants to the stage; teachers, curators and heads of departments can also appear on stage. Let's get acquainted. You need to select a category and guess the melody that was played.

The winner is presented once again and receives a prize______ (tickets to the skating rink or speedway)


Sometimes you wake up like a bird

Winged spring on edge

And I want to live and learn

But by breakfast it goes away

Leading: Everything will come and pass: the second year, and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth...

Leading: In the meantime, while you’re a student, let’s look at every minute, taste and savor when eating. Happy holiday to you! Happy Russian Students Day!

Final ending song ________________________________________________

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