Skits for initiation into students. Initiation as a student: a cool holiday scenario - Interesting competitions, tests and skits

They say that you become a real student after you pass the first session. But for some first-year students, the most difficult challenge is one they may not have even heard of before enrolling—initiation. Indeed, not everyone is able to slide down the stairs in a copper basin or drink a “rocket” from shots of strong alcohol. But there are tests that are even more difficult. Ksenia Baranova has collected the strangest and most original student initiation ceremonies.

For those preparing for the main school exam

Altai State University

Students of the Faculty of Biology of Altai State University know a lot about entertainment. Their initiation rite consists of amazing competitions. To begin with, each freshman participates in the competition “guess the solution to taste”: citric acid, water, alcohol. Alcohol is accurately guessed by almost all recent school graduates.

The fun doesn't end there. Next competition “The Last Hero”: guys eat bugs, worms and snakes

All this is fake (noodles and marmalade), but the feast takes place in complete darkness, so many people think that they really ate a worm (unexpectedly with the taste of noodles).

After all the competitions, the initiates are hung with a dried chicken foot around their neck, given a jar with a cockroach inside, and also a nice bonus - a feather or bird wing. To secure the result, a stamp with the letter “B” is placed on the forehead. B is a biologist.

Dedication to students of the Faculty of Biology of Altai State University / Photo:

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute

A no less sophisticated initiation awaits those admitted to the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). First, freshmen must undergo a ritual that resembles a cross between the religious veneration of relics and the Korean tradition, when a child on his first birthday must choose an object that determines his destiny.

At the main building of MEPhI, senior students display “relics” corresponding to the university faculties: a radio tube, a microcircuit, half a weight, and the like.

A freshman must “rub” the subject that corresponds to his specialty

After this, the newly minted students are lined up on a ceremonial line and “sprinkled” with so-called heavy water (deuterium oxide). It is usually used to cool nuclear reactors. This water is not too toxic and not radioactive, so perhaps they really use it. Or they simply pass off ordinary water as heavy water.

Moscow Aviation Institute

MAI is jokingly called the most drinking Moscow university. This title probably came from the annual tradition of making the institute’s logo out of beer bottles in front of the main building.

In fact, the initiation itself among the “Mayovites” (as MAI students call themselves) is quite peaceful. On Ritual Square (this is the real name), first-year students are first lined up in front of the university, and then they are given a propeller, the symbol of the university. According to tradition, the student must take the MAI oath with the propeller in his hands, and then pass the relic to a friend.

But in the unofficial part, events develop differently. For example, in a university dormitory several years ago there was a tradition of letting freshmen down the stairs in a metal basin.

Aerospace students are greeted with a “rocket”.

Shots of vodka are made in the form of a turret, and the number of stages of the “rocket” is counted by the number of glasses. Usually there are four

The freshman is invited to drink glasses one by one, accompanied by shouts of “the first to go, the second to go...”

By the way, the freshmen themselves are called Capricorns. As the MAI saying goes, “their tails have not yet grown, and their horns have not yet been broken off.”

University of St Andrews, Scotland

At Scotland's oldest university, St Andrews, the tradition of initiation dates back to 1410. Back then, freshmen had to buy seniors a pound of raisins, and those who refused swam in the fountain. Now the tradition has changed a little, and a freshman buys a bottle of wine, and if money is a pity, they spray it with shaving foam.

It is said that the first students arrived at St. Andrews with only a bag of porridge and a barrel of herring. This was all their food for the semester.

Therefore, such an exotic gift as raisins was considered a luxury. Now raisins are sold in a nearby grocery store, and students have not come with barrels of herring for a long time.

At the university there are academic “parents” - this is when 3rd-4th year students take charge of freshmen. In the second half of October every year, Raisin Weekend occurs. In the first half of the day, new students go to tea with their “moms”, then to bars with their “dads”, and on Sunday it all ends with spraying each other with foam or buying wine.

Foam dedication at the University of St Andrews

It is believed that academic families (and some “parents” have 10-12 children) allow students to quickly enter the student community and socialize.

Charles University, Prague

At the Faculty of Philosophy of this university, they come up with a new quest every year. For example, a quest game called “Faust”: many tasks related to specialties at the faculty (foreign languages, cultural studies, linguistics). But besides this, the newcomers are also given some strange task: to get the keys out of the disgusting slurry, to paint each other with markers. The final tests are initiation itself. Stand in a box of dirt in front of a student in knight's armor and repeat after him incomprehensible Latin words while he touches the freshman's shoulder with his sword.

Charles University

Scottish and British colleges

Several colleges in Edinburgh have a strange tradition of initiation, not exactly into first-year students, but into the local rugby team, which applies to many local students as well. The whole future team plays rugby in the city center (on a symbolic mat, without markings, field boundaries and everything else), but the main thing is that they do it completely naked. But that's not all. These guys use a live chicken instead of a ball.

Local student unions are very worried about the chickens and the future rugby players themselves, and in every possible way urge them not to continue this strange tradition. But they don’t pay any attention to the calls.

In British colleges and universities there is a tradition of drinking society - “secret societies of drinking students”

These are kind of fraternities in which students from different courses get together to drink and generally have a good time. Typically, such societies imitate secret meetings (for example, Masonic lodges) and have their own charter and rules. Being a member of such a club is considered an honor. But the entrance tests for newcomers can be extremely sophisticated. Thus, in the Cambridge fraternity The Wyverns, a newcomer is forced to swallow a live goldfish, then throw it back up. If the fish survives, the student is accepted into the fraternity. If she turns out to be dead, then the newcomer is subjected to new tests. For example, they force you to eat something disgusting: cat food, rotten eggs, and the like.

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

The tradition of this university is not associated with initiation into freshmen, but freshmen also participate in it. So, every year on Radio Day (the seventh of May), students of Tomsk University of Radio Electronics throw out outdated equipment from the dormitory: televisions, computers, radios and even refrigerators.

Interestingly, this hooligan tradition originated at the university in 1986. It all started with the radio engineering faculty, which celebrated a professional holiday. But students from other faculties immediately liked the idea of ​​throwing something heavy from the upper floors.

It looks pretty interesting. Students and even teachers crowd under the windows, watching with interest as broken refrigerators and electric stoves fly from a height onto the asphalt.

The Organizing Committee for the preparation of Freshers' Day prepares posters in advance:

    Happy Student's Day!

    Learning is light, and non-learning is just light, and it’s time to go to work.

    The fish rots from the head, but the student rots from the tail.

From the very morning, freshmen are greeted in the hall by senior students with various competitions. A rope is stretched in the hallway, through which the freshman is asked to pass. Next, they are asked to draw from the cap the next task that they have to do (for example: jump on one leg, do push-ups, tell a joke, sing one verse from a song about a student, etc.).

During the big break, first-year students are given the task of “playing by stations” (Appendix 1). Purpose of the game:

Before the start of the event, songs about medical students and the college anthem will be played."

VED. 1: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday.And first of all, we welcome yesterday’s applicants.

VED. 2: Those who two months ago faced the choice of which school to apply to.

VED. 1: And here you are.

VED. 2: On which, in general, we congratulate you.

VED. 2: And today we have invited you to a traditional evening of initiation into students, after which you officially become part of our friendly and large family!

VED. 1: Traditionally, on Freshman's Day, you are greeted by the director "Novorossiysk Medical College» Shchukina Larisa Viktorovna. Meet...( Word to the director).

VED. 1: Thank you very much, Larisa Viktorovna, for your congratulations and instructions for our freshmen. Well, we continue.

VED. 1: So,Let's figure out who these students are?

VED. 2: Student - this is someone who can live on a scholarship on such a scale as never before on any salary!

VED. 1: Student - this is the one who eats on occasion, and sleeps wherever necessary!

VED. 2: But what about exams?

VED. 1: An exam is a conversation between two smart people.

VED. 2: Well, what if one of them is so-so?

VED. 1: Well, then the second one will go for a retake!

So,dear guys! You can all be counted among the most resilient,

VED. 2: ... the most resourceful

VED. 1: ...the most fun,

VED. 2: ...the coolest army in the world,

Together: army of students!

VED. 2: And now, we suggest you remember a few rules for successfully passing the session!

VED. 1: Before the exam, put 5 rubles under your heel - you are guaranteed to get an A!

VED. 2: You cannot wash your hair during the session, otherwise all the knowledge will be washed away from your head!

VED. 1: You also can’t paint them - because the teacher may not recognize you!

VED. 2: Don't forget to use your notes during the exam!

VED. 1: ...just so that no one sees!

VED. 2: Well, we wish you interesting lectures, excellent teachers and passable exams! Good luck to you in this difficult battle!

VED. 1: Well, the sleepless nights, worries and worries are behind us. The most wonderful time is ahead -student years . Students - people are cheerful, inventive. And now we will check it.

VED. 2: As leaders,we would like to test you in a competitive program and see what you are like, whether you are ready for the difficult challenges of student life andworthyAre you proud to be called students of our college?

VED. 1: We invite you to go through several competitions, and here is one of them. Called"Enema"

This competition requires one person per group. Each person is given a syringe. The presenter invites the participants to guess what they will have to do now. Then the presenter gives them a very light paper boat and announces the start of the race. The ships are placed on the same starting line. Participants must move the boats with a stream of air from a syringe. Whose boat gets to the finish line faster wins.

VED. 2: Well, it’s too early for us to call it a day – all the most interesting things are ahead of us. I know that our first-year students were given a homework assignment, to come up with and present their group, what they are likeactive and creative. ANDNow I suggest that group 11M come to our stage


VED. 1: Well done, let's continue.The next competition is called"Procedural"

Couples participate. Each person is given a bandage. One of the pair is a nurse or nurse, the second is a patient suffering from flux. The task is to bandage the patient’s face as quickly as possible. You need to bandage until the entire roll of bandage is used.

VED. 1: And now for you the presentation of group 11F.


VED. 2: And now I propose to test your intelligence, speed and cohesion. The next competition is called "Sew me on"

Teams must quickly “seam” all team members to each other. Instead of a needle, a spoon is used, to which a string is tied. “You can sew it through a belt, strap, or loop on trousers.

VED. 2: And now for you the presentation of group 12M.


VED. 1: Well done, now we see how energetic, active and unique you are. Well, we continue our evening and the next competition for group leaders called"The Fate of the Stream"

There are 3 chairs on the platform. On one there is a textbook (it symbolizes knowledge), on the second there is a cap and a bottle of alcoholic drink with water (army, expulsion), on the third there is a young man sitting, and behind his back there is a doll (personal life). Participants are blindfolded, spun around and sent towards the chairs. Which chair the participant goes to, that fate awaits the group. (At this time, the contents of the chairs are swapped. )

VED. 2: Probably each of you has played the game “Crocodile” at least once in your life; of course, it is difficult to determine the winners in this competition, but a lot of laughter and positivity awaits you. So, I suggest you play a competition called “Depict it."

The group leaders draw three cards with words (names of animals, birds, fish or insects) and must depict these living creatures, and the groups must guess. Whoever guesses the fastest is the winner.

VED. 1: It's time to relax, move around, namely dance, which, by the way, is good for your health! The competition is called"Musical Change"

The task is as follows: Various music will be played, and we will tell the teams which part of the body needs to perform the movements. You have to navigate and come up with interesting moves.

So, let's count down: three, two, one - let's start!

1st melody. Teams dance with one hand...

2nd melody. Teams dance so that there are as few feet on the floor as possible...

3rd melody. Teams must dance with their bellies...

4th melody. Teams dance only with their heads...

5th melody. Teams dance with only their feet...

6th melody. Teams dance with their shoulders...

7th melody. Teams dance holding their noses with one hand and their heads with the other...

8th melody. But now all parts of the body are dancing!

VED. 2: Well, now you need to prove that you are athletic. The next test is called"Bound by one chain" .

Seven people from the group stand in a column, “chaining their left legs with a common chain” (the role of the chain is played by toilet paper). Your task is to cover the distance from start to finish in a chained column and not break the chains.

VED. 1: Well done, today you showed how friendly you can be.And now comes the most solemn and exciting moment of our holiday - the oath of the first-year medical college students.

So, group 11M is invited to the stage to solemnly pronounce the oath.

Fanfare sounds

VED. 1: Attention, the Oath of FRESH-YEAR STUDENTS of group 11M is pronounced


Joining the ranks of medical college students, I warmly thank fate for giving me the right to master the medical profession. Deeply understanding the great responsibility that the title of medical college student places on me, I SWEAR:

1. Give all your strength and abilities to persistent and creative acquisition of knowledge in order to become a worthy specialist. I swear!


2. Accepting with deep gratitude the rights of a medical worker and understanding the importance of the responsibilities entrusted to me, I take an oath: throughout my entire life I will not sully the honor and title of the doctors into whose ranks I am joining! I swear!


3. While on the job, in a medical institution, at home, on the street, at any time, help the patient in accordance with my strength and knowledge! I swear!



VED. 2: DGroup 12M is invited to the stage to solemnly pronounce the oath.

Fanfare sounds

VED. 1: Attention, the Oath of FRESH-YEAR STUDENTS of the 12M group is pronounced

An oath sounds...

VED. 2: DGroup 11F is invited to the stage to solemnly pronounce the oath.

Fanfare sounds

VED. 1: Attention, the Oath of FRESH-YEAR STUDENTS of group 11F is pronounced

An oath sounds...

VED. 1: This amazing evening has come to an end. I really want it to remain in the memory of every freshman for the rest of his life as a celebration of entering a new life.

VED. 2: And remember, thard work and determination never go unnoticed; they evoke a feeling of respect and joy. All your heights are yet to come. There is no doubt that you will achieve recognition not only within the walls of college. The main thing is to never stop there.

VED. 1: Be positive and lucky. Tamara Makiyan and Ekaterina Gaeva were with you today.

VED. 2: We ask that all first-year students line up in a column one at a time and go through the next ritual.

    Kiss the flag (robe with a cross)

    2-3 students: smear with brilliant green

    Salted porridge + salted water

    Gift from graduates.

    Sprinkling with a brush (valerian...)

Appendix 1

"Game by stations"

Purpose of the game: Find the oldest college student (skeleton).

To achieve the goal, groups need to complete all the tasks one by one, based on the results of which they receive 1 puzzle. By putting the puzzles together, you will find out where the oldest college student is hidden.

Tasks for the game:

1. Station “The Sacrament of Silence and Knowledge” (library)

Choose a word at random from the book and tell a joke using that word.

2. Station “Sleepy came, cheerful left” (gym)

Line up in a “train” composition and walk 3 laps, grunting or meowing.

Feel like a physical education teacher, teach a lesson for your classmates and come up with your own exercises.

Perform the Russian anthem (without music)

3. Station "Tomb of Poets" (Cabinet of Literature)

Perform a dramatic scene

Perform a comedy scene

Perform a horror scene

4. Station “Open air, next to the toilet” (Sports ground)


Dance to the musicLadyGaga- Judas

Dance to the music of little ducklings

5. Station “ICT Storage” (Informatics)

Compose sentences correctly: information is information about the world around us

Compose the sentences correctly: a computer is an electronic computing machine.

Compose the sentences correctly: the Internet is a worldwide information computer network.

Dear freshmen of group 12M!

Dear freshmen of group 11M!

Let me congratulate you on such a significant day for you. HAPPY STUDENT DEDICATION!!!

To become a true medical student, you will need to prove yourself today. And we'll start, perhaps, with a game of stations.

Not everything is as simple as it seems. You will have to follow our instructions. And all for the sake of itto find the oldest student of our college. After each task you will receive a puzzle piece, which is the key to the treasury.

So, follow the instructions given.

Station name.

    ICT storage

    Poets' grave

    The mystery of silence and knowledge.

    Came sleepy and left cheerful.

Dear freshmen of group 11F!

Let me congratulate you on such a significant day for you. HAPPY STUDENT DEDICATION!!!

To become a true medical student, you will need to prove yourself today. And we'll start, perhaps, with a game of stations.

Not everything is as simple as it seems. You will have to follow our instructions. And all for the sake of itto find the oldest student of our college. After each task you will receive a puzzle piece, which is the key to the treasury.

So, follow the instructions given.

Station name

    In the open air, next to the toilet.

    ICT storage.

    Came sleepy and left cheerful.

    The mystery of silence and knowledge

    Poets' grave.

Choose a word at random from the book and tell a joke using that word.

Choose a word at random from the book and tell a joke using that word.

Choose a word at random from the book and tell a joke using that word.

Line up in a “train” composition and walk 3 circles, grunting or meowing.

Feel like a physical education teacher, teach a lesson for your classmates and come up with your own exercises.

Perform the Russian anthem (without music)

Perform a dramatic scene

Perform a comedy scene

Perform a horror scene

Dance to the musicPenPineappleApple

Dance to the musicLadyGaga- Judas

Dance to the music of little ducklings

Compose sentences correctly: information is information about the world around us

Compose the sentences correctly: a computer is an electronic computing machine.

Compose the sentences correctly: the Internet is a worldwide information computer network.

Commencement Day is one of the traditional celebrations held for college freshmen. Students from all groups of the general education department of St. Petersburg TCUiK take part in the celebration. Each group prepares a number or presentation about the group on a given topic.

A common script is necessary to coordinate performances. This scenario was used to celebrate the holiday by students of technical and humanitarian fields. The lyrics of the song "First Course" were written to the music of a song from the film "Carnival Night" - "Five Minutes".




Celebration of initiation into students

In the assembly hall there are freshmen of the 20th academic year, teachers, guests.

On the screen there is a splash screen: the inscription “Congratulations on your initiation as a student!” against the backdrop of the main college building.

The presenters take the stage.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends! We are glad to see you in our cozy, hospitable assembly hall at the Student Initiation Celebration.

Presenter 2: Today, students of the general education department of the humanities (technical) direction and their curators came to the hall.

Presenter 1: This is now your abode,

Your family is here now!

In our glorious friendly home

Welcome, friends!

Presenter 2: We want to show you a short film about our college, which was made by our volunteers. So, our college through the eyes of students:

A college video that includes a slideshow of the new intake groups.

Presenter 1: Especially for you, freshmen of the 20..academic year, we have composed a new song, which is called “First Year”.

The song “First Course” plays.

First course

There is no better college in the world, believe me,

Senior students can give you advice:

If you dream of the future, come to us to study,

We will answer any question.

First course, first course!

You came to college one day.

First course, first course!

Everyone wants to study here.

For first year students

Undoubtedly the most important.

For every taste,

It doesn’t matter if we know them yet.

First course, first course!

This is a college, not a university,

Let's go to the session with courage!

We have gathered in this hall today,

Don't get bored and have fun with us!

It is impossible to perform on this stage without excitement -

Don't be embarrassed and be brave!

Presenter 2: It was not by chance that you chose our college and your future profession? The performance of each group today will be dedicated to the presentation of the profession.

Presenter 1: Do you want to know your profession?

Hurry up to our college!

Presenter 2: If you look pretty

And they look like a top model

Presenter 1: And they’re not stupid either,

Don't be stingy with a smile.

Presenter 2: So, being a student too!

And a student - he can do a lot!

Presenter 1: Discover talent in college

And master a profession!

Presenter 1: But studying is not easy -

After all, there are more than a hundred items!

Presenter 2: From semester to semester

There is no room for laziness here!

Presenter 1: Don’t be timid, look boldly:

Diplomas are coming!

Presenter 2: There is one family in college.

With dedication to you!

Presenter 1: Today senior students came to congratulate and support us. They often perform on this stage!

Presenter 2: Today is a holiday for us. And any holiday means music, songs, dances. A fiery “Hip-Hop” dance will be performed for you by a 3rd year student, our favorite – Aika!

Presenter 1: Thank you, Aika! I wish I could learn to dance! Secrets of mastery... Mastery in creativity, mastery in a future profession - things are interconnected.

Presenter 2: I think our creative heights are still ahead,

But the first recognition begins here, in our college, in this assembly hall, because our first-year students take the stage—

Group 9D-11 - the most beautiful girls in the world! Let's support them with applause!

Group performance...

Presenter 1: And now the group will show their presentation...

Presenter 2: Representatives of the group come on stage...

Presenter 1: Welcome to the next group -...

Presenter 2: That's not all! Let's meet the group...

Presenter 1: The presentation of the groups ends with the most fun group on the course - group 9KM-11!

Presenter 2: And now representatives of the groups - first-year prefects - are invited to the stage. We have prepared a small test for them - a quick survey. Feel free to take the stage!

Presenter 1: Are you ready? Started:

  1. Who are the students? (The main consumers of ballpoint pens)
  2. Why does a student need a record book? (To collect teachers' autographs)
  3. What is a session? (The battle is not for life, but for a scholarship)
  4. What is a scholarship? (A student's moment of joy)
  5. Who is a curator? (One who takes care of fledgling chicks, like a mother hen)
  6. Why do students study in pairs? (So ​​that later, at work, you don’t have to worry)
  7. How can you decipher the word “student”? (A lot of money is urgently needed, there is nothing to eat. Period)
  8. Which cheat sheet is the best? (The one in the head)
  9. What qualities does a student need? (Ability to run quickly from the department head)
  10. How many of you know the recipe for a student sandwich?

(bread with mayonnaise)

Presenter 2: Well, the elders did not let us down. And now we move on to the most solemn moment of our holiday - the student oath.

Presenter 1: The path to the profession is not easy,

And there are many temptations in life.

But don't fool yourself -

After all, study somehow

I, a student, will be ashamed

Indecent, undignified.

I'm not afraid of the session!

I swear to this!

Presenter 2: There are many different professions.

They all don't like idle people,

They all dislike laziness.

I will overcome all obstacles!

I will pass exams, tests,

I'm not afraid of any work.

I will gain solid knowledge -

I swear to this!

Presenter 1: It’s not enough to be a good guy.

I'll become a professional!

I firmly decide this

I say this proudly!

College is the path to my success.

Does anyone think differently?

Away doubts and sadness:

To be a student I swear!

Presenter 2: And now, according to tradition, all freshmen present must take the student oath, so we ask you to repeat the word “We swear!” in chorus after it sounds in the text of the oath. Attention!

We, joining the ranks of students of the St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce, swear to proudly carry this title throughout our lives. We swear, having joined the ranks of young professionals after graduating from college, to always serve the cause of the prosperity of Russia.


We vow to master knowledge and not give in to difficulties. We swear to defend the honor of the college, not sparing our belly, and, if necessary, other parts of the body.


We swear to be not only specialists in our profession, but also singers, athletes, musicians, actors and to keep our sense of humor not in a savings bank.


We swear not to forget our beloved college and rush to it at the first call, no matter where we are in the world.


We swear to leave our mark on the earth without leaving too much of a legacy. We swear to live honestly, act according to our conscience and fight injustice.


We swear when going to the exam to know the name of the teacher, the name of the subject and the color of the textbook. We swear that when we graduate from college, we will receive the same degrees as we do now, so that we won’t be painfully ashamed of the years we spent aimlessly.


We swear to be gallant like the French, cheerful like the Italians, serious like the British, thrifty like the Japanese and rich like the Americans. Which means we vow to be real college students!


The terrible truth of initiations
the students

September is a special month for first-year students. Most of them await initiation - a symbolic rite, usually more reminiscent of an ordinary drinking party. For some, dedication ends with new acquaintances and pleasant memories, but more often the result is shame and the desire to transfer to another university. The rector of the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art even had to resign after the dedication, during which a group of students suffered from alcohol poisoning. To understand the situation, VOS collected crazy stories from dedications and other student holidays.


Johannes-Corneli mustache

In general, our initiations are held separately by faculties, I don’t know exactly when for whom. But usually they start on September 20 and continue until November 30. Most often everything takes place on campus or in a dorm. On the campus of the university there is something like a local club, where first there is a concert, and then a party and drinks.

There are no special initiation traditions: senior students ****** first-year students drink books, drink obscene chants about other faculties.

Some faculties even organize alcohol quests. It’s cool that there are about ten dedicated ones and they are on different days, that is, go and drink whenever you want and with whomever you want. Usually on Fridays, sometimes on Saturdays.

But the celebrations are not as fun as Physicist Day. After the concert on Physicist Day, real trash starts. Firstly, all this action lasts three to four days, some last longer. About 500 people gather on the main square, and some kind of ****** is going on there. After this party, I felt as if it was not a celebration of Physicist Day, but a clash with the police. And so on for three days. Everyone drinks everywhere, there are some competitions and events. There is even an annual rock-paper-scissors competition where iPods are raffled off.

MSTU im. Bauman


The dedication takes place at the Metallurg stadium near Baumanka. The last time, it seems to me, about a thousand people gathered here. A thousand drunk techies.

Even the police avoid this place during the dedication, because how can they detain such a horde?

The trash is probably all standard: someone drank too much and threw up everything, someone was taken away in an ambulance. In principle, this is already the norm. I don’t even know about traditions. Usually they force the group to drink a tube of vodka, but this didn’t happen to me in my first year. Of course, graduates celebrate their graduation from university more cheerfully: they swim in fountains, ride on basins, douse themselves with beer and burn firecrackers. Not far from the fans, in general.



Usually, after the official part of the initiation in the university courtyard, everything continues in Miussky Park, where senior students try to drive as many people as possible. My dedication was really cool: firstly, there were a lot of people, and secondly, it was really fun. In subsequent years, everything was no longer so large-scale and organized. Then each faculty organizes something of its own for its first-year students, but this is a more secluded and, probably, civilized celebration. Usually the older ones get the younger ones drunk, and that’s it.

It was terrible when one guy weighing 50 kg drank so much that he passed out. He was laid out on a bench, which he vomited, and then taken away in an ambulance. Then, by the way, I saw him only twice at the university.


I didn’t go to my student initiation in my first year, having decided that drinking with a bunch of strangers in the park was not for me, but a little later I went to drink with a bunch of strangers in a cottage. I attended a student party, which I now consider to be my dedication. It all started quite calmly: there were about 20 friends of the birthday boy and guys from university. Everyone was drinking, smoking something, listening to music and talking. But this did not last long: at some point there were no longer 20 people in the house, but 40, then 50, and, it seems to me, in the end about a hundred students visited this unfortunate cottage during the night. There were a crowd of strange people at the fence who wanted to get inside. Some even climbed over the fence. More and more unknown characters appeared, who claimed that they came not for a birthday, but for the dedication of their university. In general, in the end the house was simply torn to hell, and a third of those present were robbed. Some Caucasians got into a fight with some basketball players, and it almost came to a point of stabbing. Then, because of the spilled alcohol, the table caught fire, and I had to hide in the toilet from a crazy guy who pestered me with the words: “I am a man, you are a woman, we should have sex.”

In the morning everything was covered in fragments, blood, alcohol and vomit. The holiday was a success.



When I was a freshman, no one was giving us anything, so I decided I needed to start this cool tradition of freshman initiation. Usually we rent a cottage for the guys from our faculty, buy alcohol and food and arrange a celebration. By the way, I don’t drink at dedications, because then I have to pump these children out if something happens. In fact, now the first-timers are no longer the same. Too crazy: as if they spent 18 years in captivity and such a party is the only opportunity to have fun. The funniest thing I remember was when one of the first-timers brought with him an exchange student from some African state or something, and he was so swollen that by the morning he looked like a zombie. And when he left his room, he caught the eye of a stoned guy who started yelling at the whole house: “Dudes, we have Ebola! We will all die! I spent half of that night locked in a room with a girl - our door was jammed. But instead of spending time usefully, we chatted about some stupid shit.

RUDN University


My initiation as a student took place in a rented cottage. The guys from our senior year gave us this unforgettable party (it would be better if I forgot). Firstly, this is RUDN University, multinationality and all that. Secondly, those with whom I managed to make friends were not allowed in by my parents, so I, one might say, was going to a party surrounded by strangers. Everything probably went like at all similar events: we drank a lot, talked, and organized some kind of competitions. But, apparently, due to inexperience, I simply got drunk.

I woke up next to the toilet, right on the floor. No one even carried me to the sofa!

Well, okay, before the sad end of the evening I managed to fight with one girl who said something unpleasant about me. And I was already very drunk, emotional, and I threw my whiskey and cola in her face. The blow was not long in coming, and, in general, we jostled a little. The next morning I was unbearably ashamed, I even thought about transferring to another university. But fortunately everything was somehow hush-hush. Probably the girl from the stream who got pregnant at the dedication overshadowed my story.

Goals and objectives of the holiday:

Motivation for studying at this educational institution;

Instilling interest in the chosen profession;

Familiarization of students with the traditions and customs of this educational institution.

Preparatory work. The student initiation celebration should be a solemn event. Therefore, some moments of the script may be of a ritual nature. The ritual elements of the holiday can become traditional - this will enhance their emotional effectiveness. Therefore, when modifying and changing this scenario, it is advisable to preserve the meaning of certain rituals.

A characteristic feature of the holiday should be the “cult” of professionalism. We believe that the holiday will be better if this theme is specified, played out, and personified in relation to a specific college, the team of its students, masters and teachers.

The script provides examples of descriptions of different professions in verse. It is advisable for the organizers of the holiday to model their scenario using the necessary verses about the professions of a given college.

Description of the holiday.

It is advisable to hold the celebration in front of the college building or in the assembly hall. Before the start of the action, soundtracks of songs about people of the very profession that they master within the walls of this college are played. The presenters can be either senior students or college or lyceum teachers.

1st presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys! So a carefree childhood passed. Until recently, you were faced with the difficult problem of choosing a further path along the road of knowledge. You have chosen a difficult but very necessary path of professional knowledge.

You have decided to gain professional knowledge in your favorite business. I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that the vast majority of you are precisely this favorite thing, the desire to turn it into a favorite profession, and brought you to our school (lyceum). We, teachers and Masters, are happy about this and are ready to help you follow your chosen path. Some of you have already taken your first steps, some are just starting on this road.

Today, at the start of a difficult but interesting journey of mastering a profession, I would like to wish you with all my heart perseverance, patience and hard work. Let no barriers of the first difficulties, which are sure to arise, upset you and force you to leave the race. Let them not be frightened and turned away from their chosen goal by the potholes and potholes of disappointment, which in fact are only overcoming childhood romanticism and the idea that you can achieve something in life without making any effort. And if you are capable of this, if you have perseverance in your character and your will is strong, then you will definitely reach your goal. And your reward will be newfound professionalism.

2nd presenter: We often say: “Professional”. And respect immediately arises for the one about whom this is said. This is like the highest assessment of a person, and it doesn’t matter who he is: a turner or a surgeon, a machine operator or an athlete. The world rests on professionals. Without them, people would still live in the Stone Age. But they exist. And there are not only among your current and future mentors. They are among you too. Isn’t it possible to call students professionals (names the course and the names of the best students, characterizes their success in mastering the profession). I think it's possible. Let there be more professionals. And in the profession that you have chosen, they are especially needed. Probably everyone is thinking about this. But most of all, apparently, the director of our college (lyceum) wants this (states the last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the college). The floor is given to the director of the college.... (Speech by the director for 5-7 minutes. At the very end of the speech, he commands: To bring out the banner of the college (lyceum) - to attention! Bring in the banner!

The college (lyceum) banner is brought in under the orchestra or marching soundtrack.

Against the background of music, the presenter says that the right to bring the banner of a college or lyceum is granted to his best students (names his full name). Further, according to the scenario, the holiday can be opened by listening to the Anthem of the Russian Federation.)

1st presenter: Let the banner of the college (lyceum) become the banner of knowledge for each of you, because you ended up not just in a vocational school (lyceum), but in the magical City of cheerful masters. If in doubt, see for yourself!

1st senior student:

Do you want to become a professional?

Come visit us at the college.

(Come to our lyceum quickly)

In our City of Masters

You will be trained, be healthy!

If you are pretty

And they look like a top model

And they're not stupid either,

Don't be stingy with a smile,

So you are good for us

It's no good to avoid us.

Here you will discover your talent

And you will master the profession.

2nd senior student:

Let us help you become a cook,

You will become a seller too

Hairdresser, cook, carpenter -

The most needed worker!

Yes, studying is not easy,

Sometimes don’t shoot from the shoulder!

From semester to semester

You will find a place for your soul.

Don't be timid, go boldly

Something will come ahead.

Our friendly family

Looking forward to seeing you!

Do you want to live beautifully?

You may not be a poet

But if your path to us is indicated,

You have to become a professional.

1st senior student:

Just remember, in our City

You will get your reward

Fulfilling all orders

And the director's orders.

We will teach you everything

And we will teach you to be a student.

If you respect the laws,

Then you will receive a diploma from us.

And now I ask again

Stand at attention now, everyone!

We accept you as students!

Where is your applause?

We welcome you to our team

All the guys who came to us!

1st presenter: Dear freshmen! By entering our college (lyceum), you have made the right life choice. And if you take your studies truly seriously, thoughtfully, and creatively, then your future profession will duly reward you by revealing to you all the secrets of mastery.

Happy is the person who does what he loves! We wish you that your chosen profession becomes your favorite and brings you a feeling of pride and joy from the awareness of your own need for people.

The floor is given... (speech by one of the teachers or guests of the holiday).

1st presenter: And now, to take the oath of the student...(names the full name of the college), the future master of his craft, representatives of the 1st year groups are invited to the stage.

(One of the first-year students reads the text of the oath, and the rest of the first-year students repeat the word “I swear!” in unison.)

Freshman: By joining the ranks of students (students) ... (full name of the college), I undertake and swear:

Love your future profession. (I swear!)

Observe the traditions and customs of the college (lyceum). (I swear!)

Come to class on time, regardless of the time of year! (I swear!)

Respect your parents, teachers and colleagues in study and practice! (I swear!)

No smoking and no swearing! Treat your classmates and seniors with respect! (I swear!)

Plan your daily routine so that you have time to rest. (I swear!)

Take part in all school (lyceum) cultural events and promotions! (I swear!)

Learn all the secrets of your future profession from your master! (I swear!)

Pass all exams and tests on time! (I swear!)

Take care of your precious health, strengthen it and improve your body! Observe safety precautions in the workplace! (I swear!)

Become a true master of your craft and get a diploma! (I swear!)

2nd presenter: As a sign that we all accept this oath, please eat a holiday loaf.

(Music sounds, the senior students take out the loaf and pass it to the freshmen.)

1st presenter:

Student marvelous, cheerful time

You will probably never forget it.

A free man, not yet an adult,

I am not yet tormented by everyday questions.

Childhood didn’t manage to float very far,

And wise maturity is already walking in the neighborhood.

Say goodbye to games, say goodbye to a great life

And in it, please, look, don’t stumble.

2nd presenter: Dear freshmen! Welcome to the world of the most necessary and important professions.

1st presenter: To our city of future masters!

2nd presenter: Remember that knowledge is not only valued here. They are also assessed by strict but fair teachers, who examine you from time to time.

Let's do a mini-exam today. I will ask questions either to first-year students or to teachers, and you guys will evaluate the correctness of the answers with the help of your applause. Do you agree? Then let's get started.

My first question to the teacher... (names specialty and full name): “Why did you choose this specialty?” (Teacher's answer.)

We'll ask the same question to a freshman... (says first and last name). (Possible freshman answer.)

1st presenter: We have selected strong teams. With such people you can join the “What? Where? When?" sign up. So maybe we can really try, guys? Do you agree? Wonderful. Then let's start with the question "What?" Please tell me, freshmen, only briefly, in one sentence maximum. What determined your choice in favor of our college (lyceum)? Thinking time is 5 seconds.

(The presenter approaches the guys with a microphone, they answer.)

2nd presenter: Thank you. And now “Where?” Tell me, please, where did you first encounter your future profession? (The guys answer.)

1st presenter: And finally, “When?” Tell me, please, when do you plan to reach the most unattainable peaks in your chosen profession?

2nd presenter: Thank you for your sincere answers. We must admit, we had no doubts that the freshman team would be combat-ready.

1st presenter: Thank you. But I ask you not to leave just yet. Hard work and determination never go unnoticed; they evoke feelings of respect and joy. All your heights are yet to come. There is no doubt that you will achieve recognition of your professionalism not only within the walls of the college (lyceum). The main thing is to never stop there. Let the symbols of your chosen profession remind you of this old truth.

(The award ceremony is held to music. College (lyceum) masters present first-year students with personalized symbols of the profession.)

2nd presenter: And now we invite everyone to the festive concert.

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