Sixth school day of the week in the library: tips for organization. The sixth day of school through the eyes of a teacher and a student’s mother

Help for organizing the 6th school day

Purpose of control: Organization of leisure time for students on the sixth school day, effectiveness, positive and negative aspects of organizing the 6th school day

Control period: 05.15.2015-05.25.2015

Form of control: analysis of attendance at events, reports from class teachers, teacher-organizer

The events on the sixth day of the week were organized and carried out in accordance with annual planning and were aimed at developing the intellectual and creative abilities of schoolchildren, ensuring their employment in various forms of activity.

In this area, the school has organized work to satisfy the requests of students and their parents. Based on methodological recommendations for organizing work on the sixth school day, cultural and leisure, sports, excursion work, the work of the assets of the BRPO, the BRSM, the council of high school students, the library, SPPS specialists, the sports hall and the assembly hall were planned. At the school, on information stands, information about the work that day is reflected, stands with plans for the work of the Pioneer Squad named after. L. Kostetskaya and PA "Belarusian Republican Youth Union", work schedules of the library, gym, interest groups, sections, music electives, School of creative development for preschoolers. Orders regarding the organization of the sixth school day are regularly issued.

In order to inform the public about the opportunities on Saturday, close cooperation between teachers, parents and students, the school website has a section “Sixth School Day”, which provides information about the work of the school on this day of the week.

The main area of ​​activity on the sixth school day is physical education, recreation and sports work. According to the planning of the sixth school day, every second and fourth (third) Saturday, health days were regularly held for various age groups of students. Effective forms of mass sports extracurricular activities on the sixth day of school include: sports competitions, physical education holidays, sportslandia, basketball, volleyball, outdoor games tournaments, summer and winter all-around “Health”. Heads of physical education Ulyanova M.A. and Rozhkov P.A. Sportslandias were held for grades 2-5 and their parents “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family” (September – April), sports tournaments for students in grades 2-11 twice a month.

On the sixth day of school, 40 students are involved in sports sections, which is 9% of the total number of school students.

On the 6th day there was a ballroom dance club for students in grades 9-11 (director D.P. Kovalevsky).

The coverage of extracurricular activities on the sixth school day was more than 70% of students.

Traditional events on the 6th school day:

Charity marathon “Minute of Glory”, Autumn cross-country race, Health Days, Evening meeting with graduates, sporting events for parallel classes, environmental and labor events, “Last Call”, etc.

Also carried out:

Preparing 5-year-old children for school, teachers Goncharyuk I.T., Yurchishko T.F. (17 preschoolers),

Action to decorate classrooms and schools for the New Year “Father Frost’s Workshop”,

Patriotic song competition and reading competition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory,

Concerts of the music department for children and parents,

The work of music electives,

Screening of the film "Saint Rimma"

Excursions around Belarus (Novopolotsk, Polotsk, Minsk, Vitebsk, Nesvizh, Ushachi), near and far abroad (Lithuania, Czech Republic, Germany),

Museum visits and weekend hikes,

Sweet tables for the holidays,


SPPS specialists advised teachers, parents, and students enrolled in various types of registration in various areas of preventive work; 90% of these students are constantly involved in activities of the 6th school day.

Teacher-organizer Glot A.V. worked with the school activists,

The library hosted events for students: “Christmas meetings”, “This Victory Day”, book presentations, etc.

In the new school year, educational work on the sixth school day will continue.

Based on the above:

    Continuously improve school performance on the 6th school day.

    In the new school year, organize leisure time for children and adolescents through employment in interest groups and sections.

Deputy director for educational work V.N. Vetvitskaya

In the recent past, six days a week was compulsory in schools. Everyone attended the lessons, albeit shortened. Now there is a choice: if you want, go, if you don’t want, don’t go. And the school is still full of children. What are they doing here on Saturday? We looked for the answer to this question in gymnasium No. 5 in Minsk.

Violin, rackets and shouting

To kick a ball, learn a musical sketch, improve your English... Who wants what, and tenth grader Vladislav Smorochevsky came to play table tennis. The score 10:10 allows the guy to take his mind off the fight for a couple of minutes:

– Parents are resting, it’s boring at home. I got up early, had breakfast, met with friends and came straight here. When you have no plans for the weekend, when you don’t go, for example, to the village or to visit, you can have fun at school. Especially in winter, if it is very cold outside.

On Saturdays, Vlad is a frequent guest at the gymnasium. Is it really that compelling to go to school or is it something they force you to do?

- No one is forcing you. Today we wanted to play - we took rackets and a ball. Last time, for example, there were additional classes in physics and mathematics. If there are gaps in knowledge or you need, for example, to study a subject at an in-depth level to enter university, why not take advantage of the opportunity? In the middle of the week after school you get tired. And on Saturday you don’t need to get up early, you get enough sleep and remember the material better with a fresh mind.

The girls from 6 "G" ran to the gym by noon. They won’t play today, they have a more important mission:

– Our class participates in sportslandia, and we came to cheer. Do you know how important it is for someone to support and shout from the podium: “Let's go forward!”

For Ivan Vorobyov, creativity is closer than sports. An eleventh-grader covers his violin and hurries to leave:

– I’ve rehearsed, I’m off to Russian language courses.

The graduate is going to enter the Academy of Arts to become a sound engineer. You do not have to take a music exam:

“But you can play in a creative test, which will only be a plus.” That's why I don't give up music. On Saturdays I find time for violin lessons and performances.

There is no such thing as too much knowledge

In the biology classroom, a lesson in preparation for the gymnasium Olympiad, which is planned for the spring, has just ended. Eighth-grader Zlata Krisenkova wants to take part in it, so she and others come to study with teacher Olga Strizhich on Saturdays:

– On the sixth day of school we prepare for conferences, olympiads, and competitions. We visit the theater, museum with the kids, or organize leisure time here. For example, today we have a lecture on the dangers of smoking.

Eighth-grader Zlata is preparing for the Olympics with a biology teacher

Is it possible for a teacher to relax in one day off?

- Quite. If I didn’t have time to rest, I would definitely change something. But being a teacher is a way of life. Either you live by it or you leave the profession. Of course, we have a lot of work, but we also have results. For example, our biology classroom is recognized as the best in the area, and students always return from conferences with diplomas. When you see their joy from victories, you understand that everything is not in vain.

And the parents are here too

Mom and dad wouldn't mind visiting the gymnasium on Saturday. To find out how to overcome the difficulties of adolescence, Olga Yaroto came for a consultation with a social teacher:

– Son Andrei is in eighth grade. At this age, it is important for children to assert themselves, to prove their right to personal opinion, space and freedom. In order to avoid conflicts, it is better to find out from specialists in advance how to smooth out difficult moments and avoid quarrels. That's why I'm here. I often go to school on Saturdays. I mainly meet with teachers to know if there are any problems in communicating with my child.

The director of the gymnasium, Lada Zakharova, says that Saturday consultations for parents have become one of the latest innovations:

– Such meetings have been held before, but now we have improved them. While the kids are doing extra work or playing in the gym, moms and dads can look at the class magazine, discuss their son or daughter’s progress with teachers, talk with a psychologist and social educator about exciting topics, and meet with the class teacher or administration.

On a bench in the hall, Mikhail Tretyakov is waiting for his daughter from violin lessons. Is dad forced or willing to spend his day off at school?

– My children attend Saturday classes only if they wish. Sevastyan and Eva play in the Mirage ensemble, go in for sports and dance. Luckily, work allows us to spend enough time with them that our communication doesn't suffer, even if they have to study on weekends. Just don’t need to introduce any mandatory rules and regulations for the sixth day of school. Teachers and the administration of the educational institution know better where in the schedule to put additional subjects in their subjects, when to hold a sports festival or organize a trip to the theater. Moreover, there is no need to return the mandatory six-day period that we had in our youth. And the question of what children will do on weekends should be discussed first of all in the family.


Press Secretary of the Ministry of Education Yulia Borodun:

– Leaders, teachers and parents independently decide how to spend the sixth day of school. Transfers of additional classes from weekdays to Saturdays are made only based on the interests of students and their families. If it is difficult for children to go to an elective class during the seventh or eighth period during the week, for example, then the director and teachers will do everything possible to change the schedule.

Date: August 26, 2017 at 09:38 pm, Updated August 26, 2017 at 9:48 pm

Organization of the sixth school day

Regulatory legal support for organizing the sixth school day

  • Order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated January 19, 2017 No. 21 “On improving the organization of the sixth school day”
  • “Features of the organization of social, educational and ideological work in institutions of general secondary education in the 2016/2017 academic year”
  • Instructional and methodological letter “On additional measures to improve the work of educational institutions on the sixth school day”
  • METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for organizing work with students, parents of students (legal representatives) in academic subjects, career guidance events on the sixth day of school
  • Recommendations “Methodological aspects of improving educational work on the sixth day of school”

Materials for working with students

  • Forms of work with students in academic subjects on the sixth school day
  • To help subject teachers

Materials for working with parents

  • Consultation of parents by subject teachers
  • Recommendations for parents
  • Reminders for parents
  • We advise you to read

When conducting consultations, subject teachers may recommend turning to websites whose content will be useful to both parents (legal representatives) and students. These include: - National educational portal; - Internet portal of the National Library of Belarus; - National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus; - Dzyarzhaina Museum of History of Belarusian Literature - National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus; - Yanka Kupala Dzyarzhayny Literary Museum; - Dzyarzhayny Literary and Memorial Museum of Yakub Kolas; - Dzyarzhaўnaya ўstanova “Literary Museum of Maxim Bagdanovich” (a number of other museum sites); - GEOVERSUM - geographic social network
supported by the Belarusian Geographical Society - Centralized system of state public libraries of the city of Minsk; - Partal of the RVU “Issuing House “Zvyazda” (on it there are numerous sites of literary publications “LIM”, “Maladost”, “Byarozka”, “Polymya”); - “Consonance: literature and journalism of the CIS countries” - a project of the Zvyazda Publishing House.

To help the class teacher

In accordance with the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education (Chapter 24, Article 158), the educational process during training and education at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels of general secondary education is organized in a six-day school week, including a five-day school week and one day of the week for spending with students mass sports, physical education and recreation, other educational events, organization of labor training, including training sessions at educational and production facilities (industrial (training and production) workshop, training and production plant for labor training and vocational guidance), in interschool educational production plant for labor training and vocational guidance. Elective classes in grades 9-11 can also be held on the sixth day of school.
"Methodological aspects of improving educational work on the sixth school day"

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the content of work on the sixth school day is determined by the Program for the continuous education of children and students in the Republic of Belarus, methodological recommendations for organizing the sixth school day, as well as annual instructional and methodological letters on the organization of educational and ideological work in general secondary institutions education.

We bring to your attention a list of documents that should guide you when planning the content of work on the sixth day of school.

Main unit:

1. The concept of continuous education of children and students: approved. by the resolution of M-va arr. Rep. Belarus, July 15, 2015, No. 82

2. Program for the continuous education of children and students for 2016-2020. : approved by the resolution of M-va arr. Rep. Belarus, 22 Feb. 2016, no. 9

  • Website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Section "Management of social, educational and ideological work/Regulatory legal acts". - Link to downloadable file (PDF, 350 KB)

3. Methodological aspects of improving educational work on the sixth school day: rec. M-va arr. Rep. Belarus

  • Collection of historical documents. - 2008. - No. 21.
  • Link to downloadable file (PDF, 239 KB). - Access date: 06/23/2016.

NEW 4. Features of the organization of social, educational and ideological work in institutions of general secondary education in the 2016/2017 academic year: instrumental method. letter from M. arr. Rep. Belarus,

  • Website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Section "Management of social, educational and ideological work." - Link to downloadable file (MS Word, 494 Kb). - Access date: 08/09/2016.

5. On additional measures to improve the work of educational institutions on the sixth school day: tools and methods. letter from M. arr. Rep. Belarus, 6 Nov. 2015, No. 10-20/2505

  • Collection of historical documents. - 2015. - No. 24. - P. 23-28.
  • Website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Section "Management of social, educational and ideological work/Sixth school day." - Link to downloadable file (PDF, 95 Kb). - Access date: 06/23/2016.

Additional block:

9. Planning of educational work in the classroom and its accounting [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Access date: 06/27/2016.

10. An approximate structural model of maintaining documentation regulating the organization of educational work in an institution of general secondary education [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Access date: 06/27/2016.

11. Instructional and methodological letter on the organization of classroom management and the work of the curator of the educational group in educational institutions [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Access date: 06.23.2016.

12. Recommendations for organizing the activities of the class teacher [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Access date: 06/23/2016.

13. On the organization of pre-professional and vocational training of students in institutions of general secondary education in institutions of general secondary, vocational and secondary special education: instrumental method. letter from M. arr. Rep. Belarus, 26 Aug. 2015

  • Link to downloadable file (MS Word, 109 Kb)
  • Collection of historical documents. - 2008. - No. 23. - P. 9-40.
  • Website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Section "Management of social, educational and ideological work/Sixth school day." - Link to view the file. - Access date: 07/27/2016.

15. Recommendations for the use of state symbols in educational institutions [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Access date: 06/23/2016.

16. Calendar of public holidays, public holidays, memorable dates: adj. No. 7 to the instrumental-method. letter from M-va arr. Rep. Belarus, July 10, 2015

  • Collection of historical documents. - 2015. - No. 23. - P. 33-34.
  • Website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Section "Department of social, educational and ideological work/Information, analytical and methodological materials." - Link to downloadable file (MS Word, 31 Kb)

17. Methodological recommendations “Organization of effective interaction between a general secondary education institution and a family” [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Access date: 06/23/2016.

18. Program of cooperation between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian Orthodox Church for 2015-2020 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Access date: 06/23/2016.

20. List of excursion sites and tourist routes of the regions and the city of Minsk // Zb. Narmat. Duck. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic Belarus. - 2016. - No. 4. - P.14-64.

21. On holding sports and mass sports events in 2016 // Zb. Narmat. Duck. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic Belarus. - 2016. - No. 5, 6. - P. 28-64, 27-64.

22. On the use of modern information technologies in institutions of general secondary education in the 2015/2016 academic year: instrumental method. letter from M. arr. Rep. Belarus.

  • Website of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Section "Education system / General secondary education / Instructional and methodological letters." - Link to downloadable file (MS Word, 43 Kb). - Access date: 06/27/2016.

23. List of information and educational resources recommended for use in educational work: adj. No. 3 to the instrumental-method. letter from M-va arr. Rep. Belarus "Features of the organization of ideological and educational work in institutions of general secondary education in the 2012/2013 academic year."


Today, the socio-economic complex of our country is focused on the development of an innovative economy, which is based on modern information technologies. The process of modernization of enterprises and organizations is accompanied by changes in the qualification characteristics of workers and employees, which in turn requires changes in the content of their training.

The activities of educational institutions in the Gomel region are aimed at improving the education system, implementing youth policy, intensifying the processes of creating a knowledge economy and transitioning to an innovative path of development. The task of the system is to create optimal conditions not only for the acquisition of knowledge and professional development of young people, but also for their socialization in order to ensure stability in society.

Thus, education is a priority direction of social policy of the state and the region.

Preschool education is developing.

The coverage of preschool education for children from 3 to 6 years of age is over 90%, the coverage of children of five years of age in preparation for school is 100%.

The system of general secondary education ensures maximum learning efficiency: there are qualified teachers, teachers, educators, high-level professionals capable of self-development, sensitive to changes in society and the state; material and technical conditions have been created.

In order to fulfill the educational needs of students, specialized training is implemented in general secondary education institutions so that everyone can study academic subjects at a basic or advanced level in accordance with their abilities and professional intentions. Systematic work is carried out with gifted students, which includes the organization of research activities. Children begin to engage in research from preschool age. Intellectual competitions organized via the Internet have become widespread: quizzes, competitions, olympiads.

Recently, training events that meet modern trends have become popular. For example, in order to give children the basics of economic knowledge, business companies are created in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. Students have the opportunity to carry out all processes - from production to sales of goods and documentation.

Attracting students to improve their own economic knowledge and form a financial culture is facilitated by the Republican Olympiad on financial literacy from school to republican stages, which is held annually with the assistance of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, OJSC Belarusbank, etc.

Organization of the sixth school day.

The sixth school day of the week in educational institutions is intended for extracurricular activities, interest groups, career guidance work, cultural events, sports and recreational activities, and other extracurricular activities.

Most regional competitions, events, and competitions are held on Saturday. They are mainly of a sporting nature: sports festivals, sportslandia “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family,” competitions in sports, the work of sports sections.

Also on the sixth school day, the work of interest associations, extracurricular activities, family club meetings is organized, and educational mass events are held.

In general, in the region, the percentage of students attending associations and sections on Saturday is 80-100%.

In institutions located in rural areas, in which a large number of students live in remote settlements, additional education teachers organize “outgoing Saturdays” according to a schedule: they go to the village and organize mass events for children, their parents, residents in open areas, in houses culture, clubs.

On Saturday, the school organizes elective classes for younger schoolchildren “Learning, playing, developing”, meetings of family clubs of young parents, psycho-gymnastics “Adaptation to school”, classes “School of the future first-grader”, “Weekend school”, sportsland “Fun starts” for 1-4th grades.

On the sixth day, the work of socio-pedagogical and psychological services was organized. Social teachers and educational psychologists conduct individual lessons with students in the advanced category and visit families at home.

In institutions of the region, the practice of labor education on Saturday has developed. Each class of the school is allocated hours of socially useful work - schoolchildren are engaged in landscaping the school grounds and providing assistance to elderly people living in the vicinity of the school.

Work is being improved to attract students to explore the sociocultural space. As part of the sixth day, it is recommended to hold “cultural” Saturdays together with parents; excursions, hikes, attending performances, watching films, etc. are planned. It is also proposed to organize literary and musical lounges, quizzes, debates, and thematic brain rings on the basis of the libraries of educational institutions.

A special feature of the organization of the sixth school day for institutions of vocational and secondary special education was the conduct of career guidance work with students.

A unified system of interaction between institutions of general secondary, vocational, technical and secondary specialized education is being established in each region of the region in matters of organizing the employment of teenagers. Joint programs of events for Saturday are being worked out weekly both at vocational institutions and at schools.

The first steps in this direction have already been taken: in 2017, the implementation of the regional project “Creative Saturday” began on the basis of additional education institutions for children and youth of the regional subordination. Over the course of a month, the creativity centers were visited by over 700 students from vocational institutions in Gomel, for whom master classes, presentations of clubs, cultural and sports events were organized. This practice will be extended to all districts of the region.

In addition, the education department, the regional center for testing and vocational guidance of students, and higher education institutions in Gomel organized the participation of schoolchildren, teachers, and parents in the educational and educational career guidance project “University Saturdays.” As part of the project, lectures, seminars and master classes, excursions, and creative activities related to scientific discoveries and achievements in various disciplines are held at institutions of higher education in Gomel. Anyone can take part in the project by registering on the regional career guidance portal.

The results and photo reports of the events are posted on the websites of institutions, departments of education, sports and tourism of the district executive committees under the heading “Sixth School Day”.

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