Symptoms of sweating during stress. Ways to avoid sweating too much from excitement

Absolutely all people sweat and this is a normal, adequate reaction to an increase in body temperature, since it is the sweat released that regulates the temperature and keeps it at the optimal level.

Sweating can also appear due to a change in psycho-emotional state - sweating occurs during stress, fear, depression, and can occur during communication. Why does the body react so violently?

Determining possible reasons

Next, an unpleasant sweaty smell is connected to the wet armpits, which further contributes to the formation of new sweat. As a rule, increased sweating can manifest itself not only during communication, but also provoke sweating due to nerves, depression, etc. These are all mental and emotional factors to which an overly sensitive nervous system reacts.

Of course, one could put up with it if it did not leave a certain negative imprint (for example, at an interview for a new job, when passing exams, etc.), so it is necessary to do something about it as quickly as possible.

How to quickly get rid of the problem and reduce sweat secretion using conservative methods

How to get rid of heavy sweating? It is impractical to get rid of the existing problem using standard methods of treatment without the use of means that would reduce the level of excitability of the nervous autonomic system.

Therefore, in order to get rid of sweating and eliminate the sweat syndrome when communicating, patients are recommended to take sedatives, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

With their help, you can also gradually eliminate sweating from the nerves. It is desirable that they be on a natural basis (this could be tincture of valerian, novopassit, etc.). Also, as prescribed by a doctor, you can take antidepressants, which are most effectively used to eliminate sweating during depression.

You can take medications such as bellaspon (has a calming effect), bellataminal (recommended for frequent neuroses and nervousness when communicating) or belloid (helps reduce irritability). All of them affect the nervous autonomic system, but before using them you must consult a doctor.

Regular chamomile will help reduce frequent bouts of sweating. You need to drink it regularly. Replace your intake of coffee and tea with chamomile tea, the calming effect of which you will notice after the first week.

What to do about sweating? If sedatives are used, the patient is prescribed treatment with tranquilizers, which will reduce the feeling of anxiety, fear, anxiety, etc. The course of treatment lasts from two to four weeks, after which the use of such drugs should be stopped, as they contribute to addiction.

It is not recommended to treat sweating or sweating syndrome on your own. It is necessary to prescribe medications strictly after examination and doctor’s recommendations.

As an additional protection to conservative treatment, you can use tannins (contained in oak bark and bay leaves) and, the action of which is aimed at blocking the sweat ducts, which is achieved due to the content of high levels of aluminum chlorides.

Operative techniques

How to deal with excessive sweating? In some cases, sweating does not respond to conservative and drug treatment, so doctors strongly recommend sympathectomy or curettage.

You can treat sweating syndrome using botulinum toxin drugs, which are injected under the skin using a special needle.

Their action is aimed at blocking nerve endings, due to which they cannot transmit further nerve impulses, which, as a result, allows. The disadvantage of the procedure is that the effect does not last long. After 4-6 months, a repeat procedure is required.

If sweating syndrome is observed in the armpit area, the patient may be offered sympathectomy or curettage. The essence of the first and second operations is the destruction of the nerve canals.

During sympathectomy, they are cut, and during curettage, the sweat glands under the skin are scraped out, as a result of which the nerve endings are excised. Despite the efficiency of the method, sweating syndrome can recur, which is due to the regenerative properties of the nerve channels.

The face and palms of the hands, profusely covered with sweat, are a common and even mundane picture for many people. They encounter this phenomenon all the time and are already accustomed to the fact that excessive sweating often interferes with a person’s normal life. The most common occurrence is increased sweating during anxiety: studies show that the body reacts this way to at least 50% of people around the world. For some, sweating in cases of stress and anxiety is more pronounced, for others it is weaker.

Sweating is a completely natural reaction of the body to stress.. Doctors say that this is how our body’s adaptation mechanisms manifest themselves, helping us cope with the negative consequences of stress factors. Unfortunately, when you suffer from anxiety, the sweating can become truly unbearable. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle: you worry, you start to sweat, you see how your clothes are soaked with sweat... and you start to sweat even more. Of course, such a situation has never put anyone in a positive mood.

So, sweating = anxiety? In principle, yes. "Nervous" hyperhidrosis incredibly widespread. People sweat before and during a first date, starting new jobs and leaving old ones, getting excited and getting wet just thinking about some important events in their lives.

Simply put, this is a completely normal physiological reaction of our body. But in some cases, increased sweating can be caused by an anxiety disorder and even (not to mention the initial stages of mental illness), and therefore a preventive visit to the doctor will not be superfluous.

There is a good (but not very reliable) way to “check sweating.” When you feel yourself starting to get wet, mark exactly seven minutes on your watch. As a rule, this is a standard time period for neurological hyperhidrosis: if during this period the cause of your anxiety has been eliminated, sweating itself will subside. But in cases where you have already managed to calm down a long time ago, but sweat still continues to be released profusely, it would not hurt to see a doctor. This is not a good sign, which may indicate the initial stages of neurosis, problems with hormonal metabolism, etc.

Read also: Treatment of sweaty palms: all the best methods of traditional and official medicine

What should I do?

So what should you do if, even with the slightest excitement, you instantly turn into a “wet mouse”? General nervousness and anxiety often cause chronic sweating. For example, there are many examples of people sweating profusely and non-stop the entire time they were writing their thesis. During this period, a person often manages to develop a slight neurosis, which is why he continues to sweat even after successfully passing the final paper and graduating from college. However, in such situations, a doctor’s intervention is rarely required: if a person rests normally, the state of his nervous system will normalize on its own.

How to reduce “anxious” sweating? Alas, it is not possible to simply cope with this phenomenon. Even if you fill yourself with deodorants and special shampoos for your head, you will not be able to achieve any relief, since these remedies only fight the effect, but not the root cause.

Instead, you need to learn how to manage stress in a way that doesn't put unnecessary strain on your heart. It wouldn’t hurt to learn at least the simplest breathing exercises in order to effectively calm a “disheveled” nervous system. In addition, you should try in every possible way to improve the ventilation of those places that sweat especially heavily. Below are some simple tips. By following them, you can certainly significantly reduce the amount of sweat your body produces. All these methods do not require any costs (except time, of course).

Let your hands breathe

It is known that when excited hands sweat. This process proceeds so “energetically” that you can easily ruin an important document, leaving on it a magnificent collection of your wet fingerprints! In such cases, people tend to hide their palms in their pockets; they put on gloves and clench their hands into fists. Believe me, you don't need to do this. All this leads to the fact that the skin on the palms stops “breathing”, and its normal ventilation sharply deteriorates. Sweating in such conditions will only increase. To prevent this, you need to carefully wipe your palms with damp wipes with an antiseptic effect and wipe them dry. In addition to the direct effect, the feeling of dry palms will calm you down and sweating will decrease.

Support normal body weight

Your weight plays a huge role, directly affecting how much you sweat. Overweight people have a significantly worse heat exchange; there are cases when their subcutaneous tissue temperature has always been elevated.

Read also: How to get rid of sweating in the groin: the best tips, recipes, recommendations

Please note that with any excitement or anxiety, our overall body temperature can change significantly, as a result of which an already overloaded thermoregulatory system may decide that your body is at risk of overheating. To cool it down, the sweat glands, “actively supported” by the sympathetic nervous system, begin to secrete dramatically increased volumes of sweat.

Morning jogging is the key to health

Oddly enough, people who regularly sweat on treadmills and morning jogs get much less wet in everyday life. Psychologists also believe that morning exercises have a beneficial effect on the state of the body’s nervous system; a person becomes noticeably calmer and more balanced.

What is this connected with? Healthy running stimulates the production of endorphins. These hormones not only help improve mood, but also naturally reduce nervousness, minimizing the negative effects of stress, including chronic stress.

In addition, when running, “extra” energy is consumed and excess subcutaneous fat is burned. If you think you might start sweating with excitement at an important meeting, run ahead of this important event. Your body will expend excess energy and calories, your body temperature will stabilize, and therefore the likelihood of hyperhidrosis will significantly decrease.

Breathing exercises

Now let’s switch to “secret techniques”. Yoga, despite all the distrust of official doctors, is still really useful due to excellent breathing exercises. It has been known since ancient times that Deep breathing helps you calm down faster. And for this you don’t have to take the Lotus position!

If you urgently need to get your nerves in order, start breathing deeply and measuredly through your nose. You need to inhale for three to four seconds, and then exhale the air just as slowly through your mouth. The entire procedure should take about seven to eight minutes. Repeat ten times.

Important! Deep breathing calms the body, stimulates gas exchange, and normalizes the body's thermoregulatory function.

Don't be afraid of your sweat!

Alas, many people suffering from profuse sweating develop real psychosis, which is especially pronounced in those moments when a person sees his own sweat. He literally begins to panic fear of him! Every time such people see their own sweat, they immediately begin to think that they are sweating too much. It's kind of pathological reflex.

Emotional sweating manifests itself as profuse sweating during excitement, stress and nervous tension.

Young boys and girls often suffer from sweaty palms when interacting with the opposite sex.

Adult men and women complain of excessive armpit sweating, increased anxiety at work and neuroses.

How to learn to control emotions? Is it possible to get rid of nervous sweating forever?

Letters from our readers

Subject: I got rid of hyperhidrosis!

To: Site Administration


I have recovered from excessive sweating. I tried powders, Formagel, Teymurov ointment - nothing helped.

Sweating is a natural process. Increased sweating during stress and anxiety is called psycho-emotional hyperhidrosis. When experiencing strong positive or negative emotions, such a person suddenly and heavily sweats.

When a person is worried or nervous, as a rule, his armpits begin to sweat.

What are the causes of emotional hyperhidrosis:

  • genetic factor;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system;
  • individual reaction.

Excessive sweating during anxiety can be a symptom of some serious diseases: for example, diabetes, hypertension and infections. Consult your doctor for advice!

With emotional arousal (anger, joy, stress, fear), the nervous system reacts with a surge of the hormone cortisol and adrenaline. Hormones mobilize the body, dilate blood vessels, increase heart rate and enhance the work of sweat glands. Particularly emotional and sensitive people react to a hormonal surge with powerful sweating.

Typically, emotional sweating is characterized by a strong, unpleasant odor. This brings serious discomfort to a person.


Heavy sweating is a completely natural reaction in an extreme situation. But what happens to the body during a period of prolonged stress: for example, during a crisis at work or in personal relationships?

A prolonged release of adrenaline and cortisol triggers the process of self-destruction. A person may suffer from insomnia, neuroses, depression, and be subject to increased anxiety and panic. This condition is called essential hyperhidrosis.

Most often it affects specialists in high-risk professions: divers, sappers, nuclear energy specialists. The risk group also includes people on whom human life and health depend: doctors, rescuers, firefighters.

Emotional hyperhidrosis manifests itself not only by excessive sweating at work and when communicating with people. Night sweats cause severe discomfort. It provokes complexes and interferes with the formation of personal and family relationships.

The psychosomatics of the disease shows that the cause of emotional hyperhidrosis lies in the hushing up of problems and the accumulation of negative emotions. In this way, old grievances come out. This is a psychosomatic signal about hidden conflicts.

Restoration of the nervous system

Nervous sweating can be treated and corrected. The main thing is to act competently and comprehensively. Visit your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Perhaps a specialist will prescribe sedatives and antidepressants.

As part of an integrated approach to treatment, try other methods of correcting hyperhidrosis:

To effectively treat excessive sweating at home, experts advise Intoxic. This is a unique tool:

  • Normalizes psycho-emotional state
  • Stabilizes sweating
  • Completely suppresses unpleasant odor
  • Eliminates causes of excessive sweating
  • Suitable for adults and children
  • Has no contraindications
Manufacturers have received all the necessary licenses and quality certificates both in Russia and in neighboring countries. We offer a discount to readers of our site! Buy on the official website
  • Visit a psychologist or psychiatrist. A competent specialist will help you overcome fears and become more self-confident.
  • Take care of your nervous system - worry less about trifles!
  • Do yoga, master meditation.
  • Take more walks in the fresh air.
  • Find a pleasant hobby that you enjoy.

Sweating when interacting with people

People with emotional hyperhidrosis often experience profuse sweating in their armpits and palms when communicating. This is most pronounced when communicating with the opposite sex.

Typically, this condition is typical for people with low self-esteem who experience certain complexes. Excessive sweating only worsens the situation.

Men's palms often sweat when talking to women. A meeting with a girl who is attractive to a guy turns into extreme stress and continuous attempts to hide an unpleasant symptom.

Emotionally sensitive girls suffer no less. Sweaty palms and armpits at a meeting or date with a guy are quite difficult to hide. Such women may avoid close physical contact, kissing, hugging.

Patients with emotional hyperhidrosis experience serious problems in a professional environment. It is extremely difficult for them to prepare and present a report on their own activities, a presentation, or defend their own project. Even a regular job interview makes them very nervous.

What can help you feel more comfortable when communicating with people:

  • Do not drink hot tea and coffee - cool to room temperature;
  • choose clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • use special deodorants: Dry-dry, Odoban, Drisol;
  • give preference to plain underwear in white or black;
  • shower as often as possible;
  • attend personal growth trainings, work on self-esteem;
  • Always keep dry and wet wipes with you.


You can get rid of profuse sweating due to nervous tension using modern methods. It is necessary to act competently and comprehensively.

First, you should visit a doctor and tell about the unpleasant symptoms. He will find out whether sweating signals a serious illness. The doctor will recommend the following tests:

  • blood test for biochemistry;
  • blood for sugar;
  • general urinalysis.

Do not neglect medical examination! Eliminating symptoms will not affect the true cause of sweating.

If increased sweating is caused only by an individual reaction of the nervous system, the doctor will recommend the following methods of control:


Botox is an American drug based on botulinum toxin. Used in medicine and cosmetology for more than 20 years. Widely used to correct facial wrinkles.

Botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of impulses to the sweat gland. It simply stops functioning.

The drug has an effective long-term effect. You can forget about sweating for an average of 6-8 months. Botulinum toxin is most often used in the armpits, less often it is injected into the palms.

Before the procedure, a competent cosmetologist performs a Minor test to identify sensitive areas.

Botox is administered subcutaneously with thin needles with a puncture frequency of about 2 cm. Cosmetologists suggest using local anesthesia. 2-3 days before the procedure, you should remove hair from the treatment site and minimize the use of creams and deodorants.

The procedure lasts no more than an hour. Small papules form at the puncture site. For 40-60 minutes after the injections, you should remain under the supervision of a doctor and apply cold to the treatment site. This will reduce swelling and discomfort.

Sweat production will decrease within a few days, and after 2 weeks it will disappear completely. Now the patient can safely forget about hyperhidrosis for 8-9 months. After 6-7 months, sweating gradually returns and increases as the therapeutic properties of the drug disappear.

If Botox does not get rid of sweat 100%, the following reasons are possible:

  • the drug has been tampered with or diluted;
  • the cosmetologist violated the technology of the procedure;
  • The dosage chosen is too low.

The following recommendations will help minimize risks and ensure maximum efficiency:

  • pay attention to the reputation of the cosmetology office or salon;
  • choose a cosmetologist based on personal recommendations from relatives or friends;
  • do not hesitate to request documents confirming the authenticity of the drug;
  • check the cosmetologist's qualifications. He must have a medical education;
  • ask to look at the drug packaging. There should be a hologram on the glass flask and expiration dates clearly printed;
  • The Botox bottle must be opened in person in front of you and right before the procedure.

Treating hyperhidrosis with Botox is not a cheap procedure. The cost of a session can average 10-20 thousand rubles.

Botox injection is an effective way to combat sweating. It does not cure the disease, but corrects unpleasant symptoms for a long time. This is a great cosmetic way to feel more confident.


Treatment of hyperhidrosis begins with taking mild sedatives and sedatives. Most often these are medicines based on natural herbs - valerian, motherwort, mint, belladonna. They have a calming effect on the nervous system, allow you to control emotions, and reduce nervous tension.

If there is no therapeutic effect, stronger drugs are prescribed - tranquilizers. They are very effective if sweating is caused by stress, nervous exhaustion, and also aggravates depression.

Caution should be taken when using anticholinergic drugs based on atropine, promethazine and other similar substances. They have powerful properties, but can cause unpleasant side effects.

A safe natural remedy is apilak. This medicine is based on royal jelly. It is approved for children, pregnant and lactating women.

In addition to tablets, there are topical medications: ointments and gels. They block sweat secretion and have an antiseptic effect. These are Formagel, Urotropin and other local drugs. They are indicated for patients over 18 years of age to treat the palms, armpits, and feet.

Psychiatric care

Emotional sweating is often the result of a deep reaction to external stimuli.

The patient experiences severe anxiety and sweats profusely.

The condition can be aggravated by neuroses, panic attacks and neuralgia.

An unstable emotional state must be restored with the help of specialized specialists - a psychiatrist, a psychologist. They will help to identify the hidden causes of neurosis and develop further behavioral tactics.

By taking sedatives and working with the subconscious, hyperhidrosis can completely disappear.

Home Remedies

Natural remedies are used for mild manifestations of the disease.

For hyperhidrosis, herbal baths are useful. Oak bark, straw, sage, and chamomile will help.

Chop the herbs and mix. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, strain the broth and add the hot solution to the bath.

To achieve a visible effect, folk remedies are used regularly for 2-3 months.

The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. Do not use shower gel or foam. After the procedure, dry the skin and use talc. Such baths will help with hyperhidrosis of the back, armpits, palms and feet.

For sweaty feet:

  • Foot baths with bay leaves help a lot. Brew 10-15 pieces of half a liter of hot water and keep your feet in the solution for 15-20 minutes.
  • In winter, feet can be treated with boric acid or dried azalea flower powder. Apply the product in the morning, paying special attention to the spaces between your fingers. Wear socks made from natural fabrics. Be sure to shower before bed.

For hyperhidrosis of the palms and armpits:

  • Prepare a decoction of eggplant peels: chop the peels of three fruits, pour in 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. Cool the product and immerse your palms in it for a few minutes. Don't wash it off!
  • A saline solution will help: dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiling water. Rinse problem areas three times a day.

Combine folk remedies with medications, physiotherapy and psychological work on yourself. In this case, the effect will be maximum.

Lifestyle adjustments will help reduce nervous sweating:

  • try to resort to physical therapy: electrophoresis, iontophoresis;
  • provide yourself with adequate sleep;
  • eat more vegetables, fruits and natural healthy foods;
  • eliminate smoking and alcohol;
  • go in for sports;
  • get rid of excess weight - it provokes sweating;
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    If you have any questions or want to share your opinion or experience, write a comment below.

Surely, many remember the tragicomic episode from the old French comedy “Toy” with Pierre Richard, where the owner of the company fired his subordinate only for sweaty palms. Of course, many people have sweaty hands from excitement, and it is unlikely that a good employee will be fired for this. But still, most people feel embarrassed when their hands sweat from nervous tension, and many of us have found ourselves in this situation. The reason for such an incomprehensible phenomenon is simply explained - it is essential hyperhidrosis, which occurs in a person at a time when his nerves are acting up, but usually no health problems are felt.

Stress and sweating

It is difficult to name the cause of essential hyperhidrosis; more precisely, it is not entirely clear why the body reacts in such a way that cold sweat literally breaks out throughout the body. Excessive sweating, which appears as a result of the excitement, anxiety and fear experienced by a person, is definitely associated with a temporary failure of the autonomic nervous system, on which many processes occurring in the body depend, in particular: heartbeat, breathing, digestion.

In addition, the autonomic nervous system takes part in the body’s thermoregulation, directly influencing the functioning of the sweat glands. That is why hyperhidrosis and stress are closely linked, and excessive anxiety for a person is fraught not only with sweaty palms and forehead, but also in especially serious cases, loss of appetite, sleep, loss of strength and other troubles. Any strong emotion in a false way causes the need to normalize body temperature - this is why, when excited, sweat flows non-stop, although in fact there is simply no need for thermoregulation for the body at that moment.

The main problem with sweating due to nerves is the terrible smell. The fact is that during stress, apocrine sweat glands located in the hairy parts of the body activate their activity, which, in addition to ordinary fluid, also secrete a lipid secretion, favorable for the proliferation of bacteria. In fact, it is microbes that multiply unhindered that cause such a shameful “smell.”

What’s unpleasant, first of all, is not only the fact that your armpits sweat from excitement and the sleeves of your clothes get wet, but also the fact that sweat caused by strong emotions cannot be controlled. Stress is an inseparable part of modern life, so it is impossible to predict when it will make itself known. However, one should not come to terms with the idea that if I sweat a lot from nerves, then no preventive or health measures will help with this scourge; on the contrary, you need to try the whole arsenal to choose the most effective ones for yourself.

I'm sweating a lot from excitement, what should I do?

“What can I do if I sweat when I’m worried?” - everyone who has encountered this obsessive problem that lurks at work, at home, and on vacation will exclaim. There are many ways to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of essential hyperhidrosis:

  • wearing comfortable, loose clothing made from light natural fabrics;
  • bringing the body to optimal weight;
  • limiting your needs for drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • daily water procedures, including wiping with cold water;
  • drink soothing herbal teas and listen to relaxing music,
  • if necessary, use reliable antiperspirants that normalize sweating and therefore give a feeling of self-confidence.

However, the most important condition for getting rid of excess sweating will still be to reduce stress-generating situations. Almost every person who complains of excessive sweating reports that they are sweating profusely from fear, but forgets to say whether such a waste of invaluable nerves and energy was worth it specifically for that particular case. For the most part, people exaggerate the significance of events and circumstances, so they worry in vain about its outcome. I’m nervous and sweating – this motto hides the well-known wisdom “fear has big eyes,” so it’s important to learn to identify really important moments when you need to act decisively, not paying attention to the sweat that appears, and situations in which you shouldn’t sweat in vain.

How not to sweat from excitement

Essential hyperhidrosis most often manifests itself when the palms sweat due to excitement, while in society it is believed that a strong, warm handshake is a symbol of openness and friendliness. With such cultural and social overtones, it is natural that ordinary inner experiences will be misinterpreted by business partners, work colleagues, and acquaintances, who will think that the person greeting them is unpleasant, secretive and slippery. However, when your hands sweat due to excitement, it is very awkward for the owners of such palms themselves, because constantly wiping them with napkins or handkerchiefs, in the end, turns into a painful procedure that creates a lot of inconvenience.

The most effective way to get rid of such a flaw is to regularly use various healing hand baths. The most used methods include:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • alum;
  • decoction of birch leaves;
  • infusion of oak bark and St. John's wort;
  • bath with sage and nettles;
  • bath with vinegar and soda;
  • a decoction of horsetail and calendula;
  • saline solutions.

Such treatment procedures should usually be completed with powders and deodorizing agents. In addition, it is recommended to use special rubdowns during the day, as well as wash your hands with special means, for example, adding a teaspoon of ammonia to the water. Sage tincture is very useful for sweating hands, which should be drunk twice a day for half a month. You can reduce hand sweating by rubbing a mixture of glycerin, lemon juice and alcohol into your palms.

How not to sweat from excitement and always be confident? You need to find a way to get rid of increased emotionality that suits you. If you are a naturally excitable person, then our advice will certainly help you. To take specific measures, you must first find out why you are constantly sweating.

Modern life constantly keeps a person in a state of tension. A lot of things don't allow you to relax. One stressful situation replaces another. There are periods when troubles seem to be specially waiting for the moment to fall in full force with all their force, to hit harder. Hence profuse sweating or, scientifically, essential hyperhidrosis. A person with a weakened psyche sweats just from the thought of stress.

Surprises await people at every turn - at home, at work, on public transport, on the road. Stress can be long-term (conflicts, everyday troubles) and instantaneous, for example, from fear. Just be nervous and you will be guaranteed wet armpits, face, neck, arms, and back. Even if the room is cool, your underwear becomes wet. Those suffering from a similar illness say: “I sweat a lot because I’m nervous.”

Features of nervous sweat

Most people sweat from nerves. The mechanism of thermal regulation of the body is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Strong emotions can increase body temperature, so a stressful situation immediately turns on the process of sweating, although there is no particular need for cooling. When stressed, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood. This process stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands. If the glands actively react to adrenaline, then people sweat when excited.

There is an opinion that the root of the problem lies in heredity, the characteristics of certain areas of the brain that are responsible for sweating.

When the nerves are tense, the apocrine glands located in the groin and armpits begin to work. The sweat released in this case is oversaturated with lipids. A favorable environment is created for the proliferation of bacteria, which emit a pungent, unpleasant odor. This type of sweating can seriously damage your reputation, as it often appears at the most inopportune moments - during an unpleasant conversation or an energetic dance.

Some people worry about awkward situations with the appearance of a pungent odor and are looking for ways to stop sweating when nervous.

Start taking care of yourself

The phrase “when I’m worried, I sweat a lot” is said by people who are unsure of themselves, who are constantly looking around, worrying about what others will think or say about them.

Most often, the one who worries is the one who cannot control himself or maintain his presence of mind. You need to stop being afraid and try to increase your self-esteem. First you need to be clean and tidy. It is advisable to take a shower several times a day, use an antiperspirant, and try all sorts of methods - from medications to cosmetics.

Update your clothing style and wardrobe by adding things made of cotton and wool. Fabrics must have absorbent properties. Dress lighter, don't bundle up. In synthetic clothes, a person sweats quickly. Lose excess weight, which is a consequence of improper metabolism. The functions of organs and tissues are disrupted, sweating increases.

Avoid stress, don't worry about trifles.

Using antiperspirants

The easiest and most affordable way to stop sweating. This will not help completely overcome hyperhidrosis, but it will reduce the amount of moisture released and get rid of the odor. Thanks to one of the constituent components (aluminum chloride), sweating is sharply reduced. This substance penetrates deep into the sweat ducts, narrowing the tubules by forming chemical compounds that are safe for the body.

Select refreshing sticks, sprays, and deodorants carefully so that they do not cause allergies.

Use of medications

Start taking sedative medications to stabilize the nervous system. Stop worrying and life will get better. You can start with herbal infusions. Buy a special herbal mixture at the pharmacy or make it yourself. Brew mint, motherwort, chamomile.

Consult a doctor who can prescribe appropriate sedatives or tranquilizers. The completed course of treatment will strengthen your psyche and help you resist stress.

If the case is severe, the doctor may recommend taking Prozac, propantheline, atropine and other drugs that slow down sweating.

The above substances contain botulinum toxin, one of the paralytic poisons.

The poison penetrates the muscle tissue, causing paralysis of the nerve endings of the sweat glands. Sweating decreases temporarily. After six months, the functions of the glands are restored. You have to go through the procedure again so as not to sweat again when nervous. This event is expensive and not everyone can afford it. In addition, the body will gradually get used to the poison, which will reduce the resulting effect.

New methods of psychiatry

Experts in the field of mental pathologies have developed a number of techniques and trainings that increase the patient’s self-esteem and teach how not to sweat from anxiety. They also do not eliminate sweating completely, but they enable a person to take control of his psychological state and emotions.

Treatment will change your attitude towards the disease, teach you to think about more pleasant things, not to focus on the problem, not to be afraid of troubles, but to successfully overcome them.

When your armpits sweat

Sweaty armpits occur in the presence of a number of diseases. These could be infections (tuberculosis, sepsis), hormonal imbalance, emotional instability, metabolic disorders, side effects of certain medications. Perhaps you drink too much coffee or energy drinks. Think about what is wrong with you and then you will understand how to stop sweating.

If you've tried everything, but your hands, armpits, face are still sweating, and you don't know what to do, turn to folk recipes.

Folk remedies for excessive sweating

A natural deodorant is a decoction of oak bark. Brew one tablespoon of bark in one glass of boiling water. You can add lemon juice. Wipe sweating areas of the body with a cotton swab dipped in the infusion.

Chamomile infusion has antibacterial and aseptic effects. Pour boiling water over a couple of tablespoons of flowers, and after a few minutes add two tablespoons of soda.

Take sage infusion internally - a quarter glass 3-4 times a day. It has a calming effect and normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands.

Degrees of sweating and methods of control:

  1. Easy. Then the skin of the armpits becomes covered from mild excitement or physical activity. You can treat sweating with leeches, burnt alum, and use physiotherapy and reflexology. After a shower, dry your skin with a towel, then apply antiperspirants at night. Drink soothing herbal teas - lemon balm, mint, chamomile, peony, valerian root. Take up auto training. Observe what makes you worry (people's words, actions) and try to suppress fear or anger at this moment.
  2. The average degree (the appearance of sweat stains on clothes, a pungent odor) can be cured by psychotherapeutic techniques and medications - Atropine (affects the glands), tranquilizers or antidepressants. Contact a doctor or psychologist.
  3. A severe degree is accompanied by streams of sweat with minimal excitement. A depressive state occurs. There is no desire to do anything, meet people, go to work. Operations to mechanically remove sweat glands help temporarily relieve excess sweat. The last resort is surgery (

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