The fairy tale of the golden key or the adventures of Pinocchio summary. What proverbs fit the fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”? "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" by Vitaly Gubarev

A long time ago, in a certain town on the Mediterranean coast, the carpenter Giuseppe gives his friend the organ grinder Carlo a talking log, which, you see, does not want to be hewn. In a poor closet under the stairs, where even the hearth was painted on a piece of old canvas, Carlo cuts out a boy with a long nose from a log and gives him the name Pinocchio. He sells his jacket and buys his wooden son the alphabet so that he can study. But on the very first day, on the way to school, the boy sees a puppet theater and sells the alphabet to buy a ticket. During a performance in a booth, sad Pierrot, perky Harlequin and other dolls suddenly recognize Pinocchio. The performance of the comedy “The Girl with Blue Hair, or Thirty-Three Slaps on the Head” was disrupted. The theater owner, who is also the playwright and director Karabas Barabas, who looks like a bearded crocodile, wants to burn the wooden troublemaker. Here, the simple-minded Pinocchio, by chance, tells about the painted hearth at Papa Carlo’s, and Karabas, who has suddenly come to his senses, gives Pinocchio five gold coins. The main thing, he asks, is not to move anywhere from this closet. On the way back, Pinocchio meets two beggars - the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. Having learned about the coins, they invite Pinocchio to go to the beautiful Country of Fools. From the money buried there on the Field of Miracles, a whole money tree seems to grow by morning. On the way to the Country of Fools, Pinocchio loses his companions, and he is attacked in the night forest by robbers who suspiciously look like a fox and a cat. Pinocchio hides the coins in his mouth, and in order to shake them out, the robbers hang the boy upside down on a tree and leave. In the morning he is discovered by Malvina, a girl with blue hair, who, together with her poodle Artemon, escaped from Karabas Barabas, who oppressed poor puppet actors. With purely girlish enthusiasm, she takes on the task of raising an uncouth boy, which ends with him being placed in a dark closet. A bat takes him out from there, and, having met a fox and a cat, the gullible Pinocchio finally gets to the Field of Miracles, which for some reason looks like a landfill, buries the coins and sits down to wait for the harvest, but Alice and Basilio insidiously set local police bulldogs on him, and they throw the brainless wooden boy into the river. But a man made of logs cannot drown. The elderly turtle Tortila opens Pinocchio's eyes to the greed of his friends and gives him a golden key that a man with a long beard once dropped into the river. The key must open some door, and this will bring happiness. Returning from the Country of Fools, Pinocchio saves the frightened Pierrot, who also escaped from Karabas, and brings him to Malvina. While the lover Pierrot unsuccessfully tries to console Malvina with his poems, a terrible battle begins at the edge of the forest. The brave poodle Artemon, together with forest birds, animals and insects, beat the hated police dogs. Trying to grab Pinocchio, Karabas sticks his beard to a resinous pine tree. The enemies are retreating. Pinocchio overhears a conversation between Karabas and the leech merchant Duremar in a tavern and learns a great secret: a golden key opens a door hidden behind a painted fireplace in Carlo’s closet. The friends rush home, unlock the door, and barely have time to slam it behind them when the police burst into the closet with Karabas Barabas. An underground passage leads our heroes to a treasure - this is an amazingly beautiful... theater. This will be a new theater, without a director with a seven-tailed whip, a theater in which puppets become real actors. Everyone who has not yet escaped from Karabas runs to the Pinocchio Theater, where music plays cheerfully, and hot lamb stew with garlic awaits the hungry artists backstage. Doctor of Puppet Science Karabas Barabas remains sitting in a puddle in the rain.

The main character of Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Buratino” is a cheerful and mischievous boy named Buratino, who was whittled out of a talking log by the old organ grinder Carlo. Looking at Pinocchio, everyone was surprised at his unusually long nose.

The organ grinder was very poor. Food appeared infrequently in Carlo's closet. On the wall of this closet hung an old canvas with a painted fireplace. The curious Pinocchio, who was very hungry, stuck his long nose into the painted bowler hat and, of course, poked a hole in the canvas. Looking through the hole, he saw a mysterious door that was hidden behind the canvas.

The organ grinder decided to send Pinocchio to school so that he could learn his wits. He sold his jacket and bought a beautiful alphabet book. But on the way to school, Pinocchio saw a puppet theater and, having sold his alphabet, went to watch a puppet show.

The dolls recognized Pinocchio and, interrupting the performance, began to sing funny songs and dance around him. The owner of the theater, Karabas Barabas, came out to hear the noise. He grabbed the troublemaker and carried him to the storage room. In the evening, Karabas felt cold, and he ordered the dolls to bring a wooden Pinocchio to light the fireplace with. But Buratino told Karabas about the painted hearth, after which the owner of the theater unexpectedly gave him five gold coins and sent him home, ordering him not to leave the closet under any circumstances. Buratino realized that there was some secret connected with the closet and the canvas.

On the way home, the wooden boy met two swindlers, Alice the fox and Basilio the cat. These cunning men lured the simple-minded Pinocchio to the Land of Fools. During a trip to the Country of Fools, various adventures occur with Pinocchio - he is attacked by robbers, he again meets with the dolls from the Karabas theater, who escaped from their owner. Then he parts with the dolls and meets the fox and the cat again. These cunning people are tricking him out of money. In an old pond, Pinocchio meets the turtle Tortilla, who gives him a golden key found at the bottom of the pond.

Many more adventures happened in the life of the cheerful wooden boy and his doll friends: Malvina, Pierrot and Artemon. But, in the end, the secret of the golden key was revealed. This key opened that mysterious door that was hidden behind the painted fireplace in the closet of the old organ grinder. Behind the door, the heroes of the fairy tale discovered a new wonderful puppet theater.

In this puppet theater, friends began to give their performances, which the whole city attended. And all the other dolls also ran away from the evil Karabas Barabas to the new theater, so Karabas was left with nothing.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “The Adventures of Pinocchio” is that good always wins, and evil is left with nothing. But in order for good to win, one must make an effort, act, and not sit idly by. The fairy tale teaches us to be purposeful and active in achieving our goals. The fairy tale also shows us that cunning people and flatterers are bad friends.

I liked the main character of the fairy tale, Pinocchio. At first he was a stupid, disobedient creature, but the adventures he had to endure taught him to recognize good and evil and value true friendship.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”?

Simpletons fall for cunning and flatterers.
Water does not flow under a lying stone.
Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through honor.

It happened a long time ago in one of the small towns located on the Mediterranean coast. Organ grinder Carlo received a talking log from his friend Giuseppe, a carpenter, who did not want to be touched by a cleaver. Carlo lived in a closet with a fireplace painted on an old canvas. He cut out a long-nosed boy from a log and named him Pinocchio. To buy his wooden son the alphabet for school, Carlo was forced to sell his jacket.

On the way to school, Buratino, without hesitation, sells the alphabet in order to get into the puppet theater. During the performance, theater artists: the perky Harlequin, the sad Pierrot, as well as other dolls, recognize Pinocchio. The comedy “The Girl with Blue Hair, or Thirty-Three Slaps on the Head” was canceled for this reason. The bearded Karabas Barabas, who is also the owner, playwright and director of the theater, is beside himself with anger and decides to burn the wooden hooligan. Buratino, in his kindness and simplicity, shares his impressions of Papa Carlo and the painted hearth. Karabas suddenly becomes kinder and gives 5 gold coins to Pinocchio. He also asks the boy not to leave the closet.

On the way back, the boy came across the beggar cat Basilio and the fox Alice.

Having caught wind that Pinocchio has coins, they invite him to the Land of Fools. The crooks promised the naive Pinocchio that in the Field of Miracles, in the morning, a huge tree strewn with gold would grow from his money. On the way, the companions get lost and at night the boy is attacked by robbers who surprisingly resembled a cat and a fox. The boy put the coins in his mouth, and the robbers, in order to shake them out, hang the boy upside down. After this, the robbers left.

In the morning he was discovered by Malvina, or a girl with blue hair, who ran away from the owner of the theater with her poodle Artemon. In a purely girlish way, with enthusiasm, she begins to raise the uncouth boy, sending him to a dark closet. From there, our hero gets out with the help of a bat, after which he meets a cat and a fox, finds himself on the Field of Miracles, more reminiscent of a landfill, buries coins in the sand and sits down to await the harvest. Meanwhile, Basilio and Alice set the police bulldogs on him. They mercilessly throw the wooden boy into the river. However, the log man did not drown because a tree does not drown.

Pinocchio learns about the dishonesty of his friends from the elderly turtle Tortila, who gave him a golden key. This key was once dropped into the river by a bearded man. With the help of a key, the door that brings happiness opens. Upon returning from the Country of Fools, Pinocchio meets Pierrot, who escaped from Karabas, saves him and together they go to Malvina. Pierrot is in love with Malvina, reads his poems to her, and meanwhile, a battle begins on the edge of the forest, in which the poodle Artemon, forest birds, animals and insects united against the hated police dogs. When trying to grab Pinocchio, Karabas's beard sticks to the resinous trunk of a pine tree. The enemy force retreated. Pinocchio managed to overhear what Karabas and the leech merchant Duremar were talking about. From their conversation, he learned a great secret about the golden key, which was intended for the door in Karl’s closet behind the painted hearth.

The friends go home, open the door, close it behind them, and at that moment Karabas Barabas and the police burst into the closet. Having passed through an underground passage, our heroes find themselves in an amazingly beautiful theater. This new theater is just for them, and there will be no director beating the puppets with a whip. In this theater all the puppets turn into real actors. All the actors who served with Karabas run to the Buratino theater. It's fun here, beautiful music is playing, and behind the scenes hot garlic stew with lamb awaits the hungry actors. Doctor of Puppet Science Karabas Barabas has an unenviable fate - to end up in a puddle in the pouring rain.

In a town on the Mediterranean coast, carpenter Giuseppe gives his friend the organ grinder Carlo a talking log, which does not want to be cut. In the closet under the stairs, where even the hearth was painted on a piece of old canvas, Carlo cuts out a boy with a long nose from a log and gives him the name Pinocchio. He sells his jacket and buys his wooden son the alphabet so that he can study. On his first day on the way to school, the boy sees a puppet theater and sells his ABC book to buy a ticket. During the performance in the booth, sad Pierrot, perky Harlequin and other dolls recognize Pinocchio. The performance of the comedy “The Girl with Blue Hair, or Thirty-three Slaps on the Head” was disrupted. The theater owner, who is also the playwright and director Karabas Barabas, who looks like a bearded crocodile, wants to burn the wooden troublemaker. Here the simple-minded Pinocchio talks about the painted hearth at Papa Carlo’s, and Karabas, who has suddenly become kinder, gives Pinocchio five gold coins. The main thing, he asks, is not to move anywhere from this closet. On the way back, Pinocchio meets two beggars - the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. Having learned about the coins, they invite Pinocchio to go to the beautiful Country of Fools. From the money buried there on the Field of Miracles, a whole money tree seems to grow by morning. On the way to the Country of Fools, Pinocchio loses his companions, and he is attacked in the night forest by robbers who suspiciously look like a fox and a cat. Pinocchio hides the coins in his mouth, and in order to shake them out, the robbers hang the boy upside down on a tree and leave. In the morning he is discovered by Malvina, who, together with her poodle Artemon, escaped from Karabas Barabas. She takes on the task of raising the uncouth boy, which ends with him being placed in a dark closet. A bat takes him out from there, and, having met a fox and a cat, the gullible Pinocchio gets to the Field of Miracles, which looks like a landfill, buries coins and sits down to wait for the harvest, but Alice and Basilio insidiously set local police bulldogs on him, and they throw Pinocchio into the river. But a man made of logs cannot drown. The elderly turtle Tortila opens Pinocchio's eyes to the greed of his friends and gives him a golden key that a man with a long beard once dropped into the river. The key must open some door, and this will bring happiness. Returning from the Country of Fools, Pinocchio saves the frightened Pierrot, who also escaped from Karabas, and brings him to Malvina. While the lover Pierrot unsuccessfully tries to console Malvina with his poems, a terrible battle begins at the edge of the forest. The brave poodle Artemon, together with forest birds, animals and insects, beat the hated police dogs. Trying to grab Pinocchio, Karabas sticks his beard to a resinous pine tree. The enemies are retreating. Pinocchio overhears a conversation between Karabas and the leech merchant Duremar in a tavern and learns a secret: a golden key opens a door hidden behind a painted fireplace in Carlo’s closet. Friends rush home, unlock the door and only manage to slam it her behind her, as the police burst into the closet with Karabas Barabas. An underground passage leads our heroes to a treasure - the theater. This will be a new theater, a theater in which puppets become real actors. Everyone who has not yet escaped from Karabas runs to the Pinocchio Theater, where music is playing cheerfully, and hot lamb stew with garlic Doctor of Puppet Science Karabas Barabas remains sitting in a puddle in the rain.

A long time ago, in a certain town on the Mediterranean coast, the carpenter Giuseppe gives his friend the organ grinder Carlo a talking log, which, you see, does not want to be cut. In a poor closet under the stairs, where even the hearth was painted on a piece of old canvas, Carlo cuts out a boy with a long nose from a log and gives him the name Pinocchio. He sells his jacket and buys his wooden son the alphabet so that he can study. But on the very first day, on the way to school, the boy sees a puppet theater and sells the alphabet to buy a ticket. During a performance in a booth, sad Pierrot, perky Harlequin and other dolls suddenly recognize Pinocchio. The performance of the comedy “The Girl with Blue Hair, or Thirty-Three Slaps on the Head” was disrupted. The theater owner, who is also the playwright and director Karabas Barabas, who looks like a bearded crocodile, wants to burn the wooden troublemaker. Here, the simple-minded Pinocchio, by chance, tells about the painted hearth at Papa Carlo’s, and Karabas, who has suddenly come to his senses, gives Pinocchio five gold coins. The main thing, he asks, is not to move anywhere from this closet. On the way back, Pinocchio meets two beggars - the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. Having learned about the coins, they invite Pinocchio to go to the beautiful Country of Fools. From the money buried there on the Field of Miracles, a whole money tree seems to grow by morning. On the way to the Country of Fools, Pinocchio loses his companions, and he is attacked in the night forest by robbers who suspiciously look like a fox and a cat. Pinocchio hides the coins in his mouth, and in order to shake them out, the robbers hang the boy upside down on a tree and leave. In the morning, he is discovered by Malvina, a girl with blue hair, who, together with her poodle Artemon, escaped from Karabas Barabas, who was oppressing poor puppet actors. With pure girlish enthusiasm, she takes on the task of raising the uncouth boy, which ends with him being placed in a dark closet. A bat takes him out from there, and, having met a fox and a cat, the gullible Pinocchio finally gets to the Field of Miracles, which for some reason looks like a landfill, buries the coins and sits down to wait for the harvest, but Alice and Basilio insidiously set local police bulldogs on him, and they throw the brainless wooden boy into the river. But a man made of logs cannot drown. The elderly turtle Tortila opens Pinocchio's eyes to the greed of his friends and gives him a golden key that a man with a long beard once dropped into the river. The key must open some door, and this will bring happiness. Returning from the Country of Fools, Pinocchio saves the frightened Pierrot, who also escaped from Karabas, and brings him to Malvina. While the lover Pierrot unsuccessfully tries to console Malvina with his poems, a terrible battle begins at the edge of the forest. The brave poodle Artemon, together with forest birds, animals and insects, beat the hated police dogs. Trying to grab Pinocchio, Karabas sticks his beard to a resinous pine tree. The enemies are retreating. Pinocchio overhears Karabas's conversation with the leech merchant Duremar in a tavern and learns a great secret: a golden key opens a door hidden behind a painted fireplace in Carlo's closet. The friends rush home, unlock the door and just manage to slam it behind them when the police with Karabas Barabas burst into the closet. An underground passage leads our heroes to a treasure - this is an amazingly beautiful... theater. This will be a new theater, without a director with a seven-tailed whip, a theater in which puppets become real actors. Everyone who has not yet escaped from Karabas runs to the Pinocchio Theater, where music plays cheerfully, and hot lamb stew with garlic awaits the hungry artists behind the scenes. Doctor of Puppet Science Karabas Barabas remains sitting in a puddle in the rain.

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