How many galaxies in the Universe are known to modern man? To understand everything, you need to study elements smaller than an atom. Universe and Cosmos: Microcosm and Macrocosm

Position: 05h 40m, –02°, 27", distance from Earth: 1,600 light years; device/year: WFC3/IR, 2012.

M83, or the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy, is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Hydra

Position: 13h 37m, –29°, 51", distance from Earth: 15,000,000 light years, device/year: WFC3/UVIS, 2009–2012.

Position: 18h 18m, –13°, 49", distance from Earth: 6,500 light years, instrument/year: WFC3/IR, 2014.

The book is called Expanding Universe and is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the launch of Hubble. The Hubble photographs published in this book are not just breathtaking images, they are also an opportunity to learn more about space exploration. The book includes an essay by a photography critic, an interview with an expert who explains exactly how these images are created, and two stories by astronauts about the role this unique telescope plays in space exploration.

RS Puppis is a variable star in the constellation Puppis

Position: 08h 13m, –34°, 34", distance from Earth: 6,500 light years, instrument/year: ACS/WFC, 2010.

M82, or the Cigar Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major

Position: 09h 55m, +69° 40", distance from Earth: 12,000,000 light years, device/year: ACS/WFC, 2006.

M16, or the Eagle Nebula, is a young open star cluster in the constellation Serpens.

Position: 18h 18m, –13°, 49", distance from Earth: 6,500 light years, instrument/year: WFC3/UVIS, 2014.

Due to the fact that the telescope is located in space, it can detect radiation in the infrared range, which is completely impossible to do from the surface of the Earth. Therefore, Hubble's resolution is 7-10 times greater than that of a similar telescope located on the surface of our planet. For example, among other things, scientists for the first time obtained maps of the surface of Pluto, learned additional data about planets outside the solar system, they managed to make significant progress in the study of such mysterious black holes in the centers of galaxies, and also, which seems completely incredible, they were able to formulate the modern cosmological model and find out a more accurate age of the Universe (13.7 billion years).

Jupiter and its moon Ganymede

Sharpless 2-106, or the Snow Angel Nebula in the constellation Cygnus

Position: 20h 27m, +37°, 22", distance from Earth: 2,000 light years, device/year: Subaru, Telescope, 1999; WFC3/UVIS, WFC3/IR, 2011.

M16, or the Eagle Nebula, is a young open star cluster in the constellation Serpens.

Position: 18h 18m, –13°, 49", distance from Earth: 6,500 light years, instrument/year: ACS/WFC, 2004.

HCG 92, or Stephen's Quintet, is a group of five galaxies in the constellation Pegasus

Position: 22h 35m, +33°, 57", distance from Earth: 290,000,000 light years, device/year: WFC3/UVIS, 2009.

Yuri Lyubimov-Golubitsky,
7th grade student of the non-profit educational institution "Experimental School-Lyceum",

Every growing person necessarily asks the question: what is the Universe and what is Space? Maybe these are synonyms?
UniverseThis is the entire world around us, the population of Space. This is the biosphere of the Earth familiar to us - people, plants and animals, viruses and bacteria invisible to our eyes. This is the world of astronomy and space flights - the Earth and other planets, the Sun, the stars of the Milky Way and other galaxies.
What is Space? It is difficult for a person to find words to talk about Space. I like one old eastern parable. The little fish asked the sea queen: “I constantly hear about the sea, but what the sea is, where it is - I don’t know.” The queen answered her: “The sea is outside and inside you. We emerge from the sea, live and after death we dissolve in it. The sea is like space."
Some scientists believe that Space is infinite space, vacuum, emptiness, Nothing. These scientists suggest that the Universe arose from the emptiness of Space as a result of a large vacuum explosion. After the explosion, a gas cloud formed. Stars, planets, and galaxies gradually formed from gas. Galaxies are moving away from each other, and the Universe is constantly expanding. This theory of the emergence of the Universe from Nothing and its expansion is called Big Bang theories(Fig. 1).
I think that emptiness cannot explode on its own, and nothing can arise from emptiness. The Big Bang theory describes just an episode in the life of the Universe. This theory does not explain in any way what life in Space is. Modern scientific research confirms that the Universe exists and develops on other principles. I like another theory - Pulsating Universe Theory(Fig. 2).
According to this theory, Cosmos is the Absolute, the mysterious Nothing. Space exists forever. There is Life in Space. Life is interaction of Information, Energy and Substance. They are interconnected and transform into each other. There is a constant and eternal pulsation of Life in the Cosmos. There are countless Universes in Space, and ours is only one of them. Each Universe pulsates: it is born, lives and dies, like all living things in the Cosmos. Our planet Earth is also a living organism. Living things are multi-layered, united into communities or complex systems - living organisms. Any living organism is part of communities or other, more complex organisms. For a living organism there is a life time, size, structure, hierarchy of subordination, probability and much more, which determines the diversity of forms of cosmic life.


Information. Information fills the Cosmos and is present at every point in it in the form of a field, wave or vortex. Information is a meaningful characteristic of space. Information does not arise from Nothing and does not disappear without a trace. Information, Energy and Substance are eternally transforming into each other. For example, the source of Information is Energy and Substance. However, there is another theory that Information is primary and is the source of Energy and Substance. I don't support this theory.
Information is synthesized, copied, exchanged, accumulated by the Substance and destroyed along with it. The human information field is consciousness, intuition, memory, access codes to the Earth’s information field. Russian scientist V.I. Vernadsky called the information field of the Earth the noosphere.

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Reception and transmission of Information is impossible without Energy. “Whirlwinds of thoughts rapidly swarmed in my head” - this phrase very accurately conveys the physical principle of transmitting information of a thought image with the help of whirlwinds of human psychic energy. The Internet is powered by radio wave energy or electric field energy. Radio waves of wireless Internet access Wi-Fi are replacing electrical telephone access to the World Wide Web.
An important property of Information is availability: there is an access code - Information is available, no code - no access, Information is not available.
Examples. Information from the Bible text is available in translation from Hebrew (there is an access code). Internet information is accessible if you know the programs and login passwords (there are many access codes). Bacteria don’t even know how many books microbiologists have written about them (there is no access code, bacteria don’t read books). Information from the Subtle World is not available to every person (there may be an access code). Close people have access to each other's thoughts and often exchange information using telepathy - the transfer of thoughts at a distance. For example, parents can often pick up on a child's thoughts even if they are at a great distance and cannot see him. Sometimes it gets in the way.
There are different ways to preserve Information, for example, by creating a material copy of it. Let me give you a few examples.
Copying mental image information using a drawing. Drawing rock art of primitive people is a way to preserve information about a successful hunt. The access code to these drawings is simple - for thousands of years, they have been understandable to anyone. People look at cute mammoths, deer and horses with pleasure and interest, mentally plunging into the distant past of humanity and feeling the joy of the entire tribe anticipating dinner by the fire. A modern abstract painting made from cigarette butts glued to the canvas with paint is a way to preserve information about Chaos, which has captured the artist’s consciousness. I saw such a terrible picture as a child at an exhibition in the Russian Museum. There is no access code to the information of an abstract painting: some laugh, others are surprised, and some curse. An abstract painting is a flat material object that contains information only about what the painting is made of and how the paints are applied. But I. Aivazovsky’s painting is a portal, an entrance to another dimension: as soon as you begin to look at it, you instantly feel yourself flying over the waves, the air is humid and smells of the sea. I love Aivazovsky's paintings.
Copying quantitative information using numbers. Numbers are icons, an access code to quantitative information, and numbers are information about quantity, a way to store information about any number of objects of the material world. We know the convenient Eastern system of ten numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, which the whole world uses in everyday life. They are called Arabic numerals, although in fact they are ancient Indian numerals. We know the inconvenient European system of numbers, which is traditionally used in European art: painting, architecture, book graphics. They are called Roman numerals, although they are actually ancient Greek. We know the modern binary system of two digit states: there is a signal (one) - no signal (zero). The binary system is used in computer programs. With these two numbers, 0 and 1, a computer can store any information: quantitative, textual, drawn, musical, vocal, mental, photographic.
Copying semantic information using text. Letters or hieroglyphs are icons, access codes to semantic textual information, and text written in a language is a way to store the semantic information of a mental image. Textual information was previously stored on clay tablets, papyri, birch bark, leather, and paper. Nowadays, many texts from different museums and libraries around the world are stored on computer servers of the worldwide Internet information network. Museums around the world have collected many clay tablets of ancient Sumerians. Some of them have been deciphered, but most have not: the access code for many texts in ancient languages ​​has been lost. About 10 languages ​​die on Earth every year. The ancient Egyptian language has been deciphered thanks to the Rosetta Stone: the same text is written on it in two languages, which allowed the French Egyptologist F. Champollion to decipher the textual information of a dead language.
Copying music information using musical notation. Music symbols are an access code to musical information, and music text is a way to save an information copy of music. A musician can “hear music with his eyes”: he only needs to skim the musical text with his eyes to mentally hear the melody. The German composer Ludwig van Beethoven became deaf at the end of his life and could only hear his beautiful music mentally. When musicians perform a piece of music, with their psychic energy they revive its information copy, recorded by the composer in notes - the music comes to life, pulsates. No recording of a concert on an electronic medium (for example, a disk) can compare with live music.
Information contradictory And many faces. The Bible says about the creation of the world: “In the Beginning was the Word.” The Word in the Bible is understood as Logos, Knowledge, Reason. But Logos exists only in connection with Chaos, the Unconscious, the Absurd. Information is multi-valued: in the same message there are always Logos and Chaos, Sense and Nonsense, Intelligence and Stupidity. Since ancient times, people have known that the world is controlled by the Divine Mind, or Logos. Logos is opposed by Chaos, which violates all programs and rules, and in their constant endless struggle, the World changes - evolves.
Example. The English scientist C. Darwin described the evolution of the animal world, occurring under the influence of mutations or random failures of the genetic code (the tricks of Chaos) or under the influence of the conscious will of man (the care of Logos). On the one hand, the extermination by man of the moa bird, aurochs and many other species of birds and animals is a manifestation of Chaos in man. But on the other hand, man ate these animals without a trace in order to survive - he was guided by the Logos. The work of veterinarians in breeding new breeds of animals is a manifestation of the Logos in man. Cloning animals in order to produce freaks: chickens with duck feet or tailless dogs is stupid fun of Chaos, meaningless interference in the genetic code - the program for synthesizing the Substance of a new organism.


Everything that happens in Space is connected with Energy. Energy, like Information, does not arise from Nothing and does not disappear without a trace. Energy is the source of synthesis of Substance and Information, but, in turn, Information and Substance are the source of accumulation and the reason for the consumption of Energy.
Example. The plant produced seeds with poor germination: weather conditions were unfavorable, the plant was struggling to survive, and little growth bioenergy had accumulated in the seeds. Such seeds are helped to germinate by soaking them in a plant growth stimulator before sowing. This liquid contains energy in the form of a nutrient substance and growth factors - special information molecules to launch growth processes. These molecules perform the same role as the ignition spark in an internal combustion engine.
Energy permeates Cosmic Space and is present at every point in it in the form of a field, wave or vortex. Energy is a dynamic characteristic of space, its potential. Energy can change from one type to another. We know such types of cosmic energy as light, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, radio radiation, gravity, bioenergy, psychic energy, nuclear energy.
Example. River water falls onto the wheel of a water mill. The energy of falling water turns into rotational energy. The wheel rotates the millstones, the millstones grind the grain into flour, the rotational energy turns into friction energy.
Example. Gasoline was poured into the car. When the car is started, gasoline enters the cylinder, a spark is given and a micro-explosion occurs - the substance of the gasoline is destroyed, releasing the energy contained in the gasoline. The energy of micro-explosions through the mechanisms of the car turns into mechanical energy, then is converted into the energy of rotation of the wheels, and the car moves.
Example. At the last lesson, the students were tired, they were tired of studying, Chaos took over their consciousness, and they decided to play the fool. The teacher cannot pacify the students, since she does not have the special mental energy of a trainer. She calls for help from an “energy bomb” - the head teacher. The head teacher is filled with taming energy and instantly restores order in the classroom. Students, having received a good portion of educational energy and charged with it, begin to read, write and count at breakneck speed. The psychic energy of the head teacher was transformed into the bioenergy of the students.


In Space there is Substance- static characteristic of space, its mass. Today we know two types of cosmic substance: visible matter and invisible, so-called dark matter. According to scientists' calculations, 25% of the density of the Universe is dark matter, 70% is dark energy, and only 5% is the mass of matter consisting of ordinary matter (atoms and molecules). Black holes have enormous hidden mass. Astronomers have already managed to observe hidden mass space objects. Some stars have twins. The ancient Egyptians, without telescopes, knew about the existence of a twin of the star Sirius. The priests' observations were reflected in Egyptian mythology. Ra is the god of light, sun, day and life. Anubis is the double of Ra, the god of night and death.

Matter can be dense, concentrated. For example: liquids, gases, minerals, metals, protein bodies, essential oils. A person can see, hear, touch, smell the dense world of concentrated matter.
Matter can be thin, low-concentrated. For example: ethers, souls (clumps of cold plasma, or plasmoids), mental images. A person can feel or record the subtle world of matter using special devices, including, for example, a digital camera (photo 1). In this photo you can see translucent spherical objects. The priests said that these were the souls of believers. I believe that these spheroids are material objects, since they reflected the light of the flash. But they consist of low-concentrated matter, which our eyes cannot see and our nose cannot feel. On the other hand, these spheroids may be clots of energy unknown to us, recorded by a camera. Finally, these spheroids may be a form of cosmic life unknown to us and possibly intelligent.

Substance is an energy-information matrix, as it synthesizes, accumulates, stores, and transforms Energy and Information. The substance may be energy-intensive And information-intensive.
Example. A thundercloud is a dangerous energy-intensive substance consisting of water droplets. When static electricity accumulates in a thundercloud, an explosion occurs and electrical energy is released in the form of lightning.
Example. A reproductive cell is an information-intensive substance, a natural perfect biocomputer. It contains information - a program for the synthesis of all types of cells and a program for constructing a whole organism from them.
Example. A photograph is a Substance, a piece of paper with paint applied to it. On the other hand, a photograph is Information and Energy of the depicted object: an information-intensive copy of the object and an energy-intensive copy of the reflection of the light energy of the flash from the object. Finally, photography is a mental image, an independent object of the material world. When looking at a photograph, sometimes objects can be seen from a perspective that was not perceived before the photograph was taken. For example, in photo 2 everyone sees something cosmic. I saw the birth of Universes - Multiverse. But this is only a mental image of a theory that interests me. In fact, I was photographing raindrops on a car window in the evening and was amazed by the image that suddenly appeared in the picture. In photo 3, everyone sees the image of a bird or an angel flying over the river, whichever you prefer. Everyone understands that this mental image is the main content of photography. In fact, I was filming a beautiful stormy river, foam and pebbles in the water. My eye captured the image of an angel, but at the moment of photographing I did not understand it. And I saw and realized only when looking at the photograph.

Interaction of Information, Energy and Substance

In the Cosmos there is a constant and eternal pulsation of Life - the interaction of Information, Energy and Substance. They exist forever and transform into each other.
Example. The DNA molecule stores voluminous hereditary information - the genome. A set of genes localized in a single set of chromosomes of a given organism. (a program necessary to create a new substance - new cells of the body). When a new cell is created, the genome is copied. The energy stored by the cell is used to create new cells. When a cell dies, its unique information is erased and the energy is absorbed by other cells. However, numerous copies of the genome remain in new cells, along with changes to the genome. The increase in changes in cell generations is the evolution of the protein substance.

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Example. An explosion occurred in the Galaxy, the material of a red star of enormous mass was destroyed. The energy of the explosion spreads in all directions in the form of light energy. The fireball of the explosion, consisting of photons and particles of matter (gas), cools. Molecules of various substances are formed from gas. The energy of the explosion was converted into matter from which new stars are created. New stars unite, resulting in a new Galaxy (Fig. 3).
The substance can produce, accumulate and consume significant reserves of Energy. For example, the Sun is a huge nuclear reactor that accumulates Energy and releases it in the form of light and thermal energy into outer space. Thanks to solar energy, life exists on Earth.
Energy can turn into Substance, and Substance into Energy. The formation of Substance occurs with the absorption of Energy. The destruction of Substance leads to the release of Energy.
Example. The grass in the field burned. Ash is formed - a fertilizer that increases the energy of the soil. Grain was sown in the field and a good harvest grew. Bread was made from grain. The food is broken down in the human stomach, the energy of the food is released, keeps the person alive and allows him to grow a new crop.
The destruction of the Substance may be accompanied by an explosion or other means of releasing Energy. During the explosion, a huge amount of Energy accumulated by the Substance is released.
Scientists have come up with an atomic reactor - a special device for releasing energy accumulated in the atoms of matter. Atomic energy obtained with the help of these devices at nuclear power plants is converted into electrical energy and used by humans for peaceful purposes - in production, for lighting and heating. Scientists also came up with a formidable weapon - the atomic bomb. As a result of the explosion of an atomic bomb, atoms of matter are destroyed, and energy is released that has enormous destructive power.
Recently, Russian scientists came up with and tested an even more terrible weapon - a vacuum bomb. The explosion of this bomb creates a shock wave of hot gases. Within its radius of action, everything burns and turns to ash, not even radiation remains, and the earth after the explosion resembles a lunar landscape.
I believe that experiments with bombs are very harmful to the Earth. The United Nations should ban them in all countries of the world: Earthalive, Earthour common home.

Universe and Cosmos: Microcosm and Macrocosm

The Universe lives and develops according to the uniform laws of the Cosmos: Microcosm and Macrocosm are similar. The main type of movement in the micro- and macrocosm is rotation. The French scientist R. Descartes, who argued that everything in the world rotates, created the vortex theory of life in the Universe.
The structure of an atom of matter is very similar to the structure of the solar system. An atom consists of a core - a small sun and electrons - planets that revolve around the core in their orbits (Fig. 4).

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It is interesting to mentally penetrate the world of a rock crystal and see from the inside a piece of the life of one electron. The substance of a crystal consists of molecules, molecules - of atoms, atoms - of nuclei and electrons. Countless electrons swirl around the atomic nuclei, and what appears to us to be a solid, sparkling crystal is actually a seething electron cloud, an endless bee-like swarm of spinning electrons. Atoms rotate in molecules, molecules rotate in the crystal lattice of matter, a crystal crystal makes complex movements, rotating with the Earth around the earth's axis and at the same time around the Sun, the Solar system rotates together with other stars of the Milky Way... You can make a very interesting computer film about this.
Very similar processes occur in the micro and macro worlds, since the Universe lives and develops according to uniform laws and principles. The theory of a pulsating Universe allows scientists not only to explore life on Earth, but also to build theories about the future development of the Universe.

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New model of the multi-element Universe “Multiverse”

Recently, astrophysicists proposed a new model of a multi-element, multi-connected Universe with the beautiful name “Multiverse”, or “Many Worlds”. According to this theory, Space contains a boiling vacuum, which constantly creates “bubbles”. The “bubbles” expand, creating different universes similar to ours. These universes exist in different dimensions, time flows differently in them, but they are connected to each other by spatial tunnels (Fig. 5).
This theory explains many mysteries, such as the riddle of the Bermuda Triangle. I'm interested in how this theory will develop further. I hope that in space, besides protein organisms, there are other forms of life. It is possible that universes are one of the forms of cosmic life, and the boiling vacuum is their habitat.


1. Wi-Fi (from English Wireless Fidelity - wireless reliability) is a wireless technology for connecting computers to a network or connecting them to the Internet, based on the use of radio waves. Can be used when working with laptops, pocket personal computers and other mobile devices. - Ed.
2. Rosetta Stone - basalt slab with parallel text 196 BC. in Greek and ancient Egyptian (demotic and hieroglyphic writing) languages. Found near the city of Rosetta (now the city of Rashid, Egypt) in 1799 ― Ed.
3. According to modern data, Sirius is a double star. The main component Sirius A is the brightest star in our sky. The second component Sirius B is a faint star, invisible to the eye, a white dwarf. - Ed.

In the section on the question What is the difference between space and the universe? given by the author Yergey Bogdanov the best answer is The universe is the totality of everything that physically exists.
Outer space - relatively empty areas of the Universe that lie outside the boundaries of the atmospheres of celestial bodies
Space is the world as a whole, world order, an ordered Universe as opposed to chaos...
i.e. there is no conceptual difference))
Source: good luck!!:):)

Reply from chevron[guru]
there are many universes in space

Reply from philosopher[newbie]
Space is the visible part of the universe, that is, what we see. The universe has no boundaries.

Reply from Valery Zubarev[guru]
Dear friend!! ! The difference between these concepts... is very significant.... the universe is part of the cosmos.... we live in the 16th aggregator... which includes 4 universes... two positive and two negative.... and the whole cosmos is just huge... there are also aggregators... then the middle cosmos... then the higher worlds... then the worlds of the Creator's deputies... there are 7 of them... and then the world of the Creator.... and the Creator himself.... here something like this....

Reply from Unpardonable[guru]
The Universe is a fundamental concept of astronomy, not strictly defined, it includes the entire surrounding world
Cosmos - structure, world, universe, creation, material world.
No difference

Those who have a little idea about the Universe are well aware that the cosmos is constantly in motion. The universe is expanding every second, becoming larger and larger. Another thing is that on the scale of human perception of the world, it is quite difficult to understand the size of what is happening and imagine the structure of the Universe. In addition to our galaxy, in which the Sun is located and we are located, there are dozens, hundreds of other galaxies. No one knows the exact number of distant worlds. How many galaxies are in the Universe can only be known approximately by creating a mathematical model of the cosmos.

Therefore, given the size of the Universe, we can easily assume that tens or a hundred billion light years from Earth, there are worlds similar to ours.

Space and worlds that surround us

Our galaxy, which received the beautiful name “Milky Way,” was, according to many scientists, the center of the universe just a few centuries ago. In fact, it turned out that this is only part of the Universe, and there are other galaxies of various types and sizes, large and small, some further, others closer.

In space, all objects are closely interconnected, move in a certain order and occupy an allotted place. The planets we know, the stars we know, black holes, and our solar system itself are located in the Milky Way galaxy. The name is not accidental. Even ancient astronomers, observing the night sky, compared the space around us to a milk track, where thousands of stars look like drops of milk. The Milky Way Galaxy, the celestial galactic objects in our field of vision, makes up the nearby cosmos. What may be beyond the visibility of telescopes became known only in the 20th century.

Subsequent discoveries, which expanded our cosmos to the size of the Metagalaxy, led scientists to the theory of the Big Bang. A grandiose cataclysm occurred almost 15 billion years ago and served as an impetus for the beginning of the processes of formation of the Universe. One stage of the substance was replaced by another. From dense clouds of hydrogen and helium, the first beginnings of the Universe began to form - protogalaxies consisting of stars. All this happened in the distant past. The light of many celestial bodies, which we can observe in the strongest telescopes, is only a farewell greeting. Millions of stars, if not billions, dotted our sky, located a billion light years from Earth, and have long ceased to exist.

Map of the Universe: nearest and farthest neighbors

Our Solar System and other cosmic bodies observed from Earth are relatively young structural formations and our closest neighbors in the vast Universe. For a long time, scientists believed that the dwarf galaxy closest to the Milky Way was the Large Magellanic Cloud, located only 50 kiloparsecs. Only very recently have the real neighbors of our galaxy become known. In the constellation Sagittarius and in the constellation Canis Major there are small dwarf galaxies, the mass of which is 200-300 times less than the mass of the Milky Way, and the distance to them is just over 30-40 thousand light years.

These are one of the smallest universal objects. In such galaxies the number of stars is relatively small (on the order of several billion). As a rule, dwarf galaxies gradually merge or are absorbed by larger formations. The speed of the expanding Universe, which is 20-25 km/s, will unwittingly lead neighboring galaxies to a collision. When this will happen and how it will turn out, we can only guess. The collision of galaxies is happening all this time, and due to the transience of our existence, it is not possible to observe what is happening.

Andromeda, two to three times the size of our galaxy, is one of the closest galaxies to us. It continues to be one of the most popular among astronomers and astrophysicists and is located just 2.52 million light years from Earth. Like our galaxy, Andromeda is part of the Local Group of galaxies. The size of this giant cosmic stadium is three million light years across, and the number of galaxies present in it is about 500. However, even such a giant as Andromeda looks short in comparison with the galaxy IC 1101.

This largest spiral galaxy in the Universe is located more than a hundred million light years away and has a diameter of more than 6 million light years. Despite containing 100 trillion stars, the galaxy is primarily composed of dark matter.

Astrophysical parameters and types of galaxies

The first space explorations carried out at the beginning of the 20th century provided plenty of food for thought. The cosmic nebulae discovered through the lens of the telescope, which over time were counted more than a thousand, were the most interesting objects in the Universe. For a long time, these bright spots in the night sky were considered to be gas accumulations that were part of the structure of our galaxy. Edwin Hubble in 1924 was able to measure the distance to a cluster of stars and nebulae and made a sensational discovery: these nebulae are nothing more than distant spiral galaxies, independently wandering across the scale of the Universe.

An American astronomer was the first to suggest that our Universe is made up of many galaxies. Space exploration in the last quarter of the 20th century, observations made using spacecraft and technology, including the famous Hubble telescope, confirmed these assumptions. Space is limitless and our Milky Way is far from the largest galaxy in the Universe and, moreover, is not its center.

Only with the advent of powerful technical means of observation, the Universe began to take on clear outlines. Scientists are faced with the fact that even such huge formations as galaxies can differ in their structure and structure, shape and size.

Through the efforts of Edwin Hubble, the world received a systematic classification of galaxies, dividing them into three types:

  • spiral;
  • elliptical;
  • incorrect.

Elliptical and spiral galaxies are the most common types. These include our Milky Way galaxy, as well as our neighboring Andromeda galaxy and many other galaxies in the Universe.

Elliptical galaxies have the shape of an ellipse and are elongated in one direction. These objects lack sleeves and often change their shape. These objects also differ from each other in size. Unlike spiral galaxies, these cosmic monsters do not have a clearly defined center. There is no core in such structures.

According to the classification, such galaxies are designated by the Latin letter E. All currently known elliptical galaxies are divided into subgroups E0-E7. The distribution into subgroups is carried out depending on the configuration: from almost circular galaxies (E0, E1 and E2) to highly elongated objects with indices E6 and E7. Among the elliptical galaxies there are dwarfs and true giants with diameters of millions of light years.

There are two subtypes of spiral galaxies:

  • galaxies presented in the form of a crossed spiral;
  • normal spirals.

The first subtype is distinguished by the following features. In shape, such galaxies resemble a regular spiral, but in the center of such a spiral galaxy there is a bridge (bar), giving rise to arms. Such bridges in a galaxy are usually a consequence of physical centrifugal processes that divide the galactic core into two parts. There are galaxies with two nuclei, the tandem of which makes up the central disk. When the nuclei meet, the bridge disappears and the galaxy becomes normal, with one center. There is also a bridge in our Milky Way galaxy, in one of the arms of which our Solar system is located. From the Sun to the center of the galaxy, the path, according to modern estimates, is 27 thousand light years. The thickness of the Orion Cygnus arm, in which our Sun and our planet reside, is 700 thousand light years.

In accordance with the classification, spiral galaxies are designated by the Latin letters Sb. Depending on the subgroup, there are other designations for spiral galaxies: Dba, Sba and Sbc. The difference between the subgroups is determined by the length of the bar, its shape and the configuration of the sleeves.

Spiral galaxies can range in size from 20,000 light-years to 100,000 light-years in diameter. Our Milky Way galaxy is in the “golden mean”, its size gravitating toward medium-sized galaxies.

The rarest type is irregular galaxies. These universal objects are large clusters of stars and nebulae that do not have a clear shape or structure. In accordance with the classification, they received the indices Im and IO. As a rule, structures of the first type do not have a disk or it is weakly expressed. Often such galaxies can be seen to have similar arms. Galaxies with IO indices are a chaotic collection of stars, clouds of gas and dark matter. Prominent representatives of this group of galaxies are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

All galaxies: regular and irregular, elliptical and spiral, consist of trillions of stars. The space between stars and their planetary systems is filled with dark matter or clouds of cosmic gas and dust particles. In the spaces between these voids there are black holes, large and small, which disturb the idyll of cosmic tranquility.

Based on the existing classification and research results, we can answer with some confidence the question of how many galaxies there are in the Universe and what type they are. There are more spiral galaxies in the Universe. They constitute more than 55% of the total number of all universal objects. There are half as many elliptical galaxies - only 22% of the total number. There are only 5% of irregular galaxies similar to the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds in the Universe. Some galaxies are neighboring us and are in the field of view of the most powerful telescopes. Others are in the farthest space, where dark matter predominates and the blackness of endless space is more visible in the lens.

Galaxies up close

All galaxies belong to certain groups, which in modern science are usually called clusters. The Milky Way is part of one of these clusters, which contains up to 40 more or less known galaxies. The cluster itself is part of a supercluster, a larger group of galaxies. The Earth, along with the Sun and the Milky Way, is part of the Virgo supercluster. This is our actual cosmic address. Together with our galaxy, there are more than two thousand other galaxies in the Virgo cluster, elliptical, spiral and irregular.

The map of the Universe, which astronomers rely on today, gives an idea of ​​what the Universe looks like, what its shape and structure are. All clusters gather around voids or bubbles of dark matter. It is possible that dark matter and bubbles are also filled with some objects. Perhaps this is antimatter, which, contrary to the laws of physics, forms similar structures in a different coordinate system.

Current and future state of galaxies

Scientists believe that it is impossible to create a general portrait of the Universe. We have visual and mathematical data about the cosmos that is within our understanding. The real scale of the Universe is impossible to imagine. What we see through a telescope is starlight that has been coming to us for billions of years. Perhaps the real picture today is completely different. As a result of cosmic cataclysms, the most beautiful galaxies in the Universe could already turn into empty and ugly clouds of cosmic dust and dark matter.

It cannot be ruled out that in the distant future, our galaxy will collide with a larger neighbor in the Universe or swallow a dwarf galaxy existing next door. What will be the consequences of such universal changes remains to be seen. Despite the fact that the convergence of galaxies occurs at the speed of light, earthlings are unlikely to witness a universal catastrophe. Mathematicians have calculated that just over three billion Earth years are left before the fatal collision. Whether life will exist on our planet at that time is a question.

Other forces can also interfere with the existence of stars, clusters and galaxies. Black holes, which are still known to man, are capable of swallowing a star. Where is the guarantee that such monsters of enormous size, hiding in dark matter and in the voids of space, will not be able to swallow the galaxy entirely?

If we speak, then it is correct to say that this is the totality of everything that surrounds us and we ourselves - people - including. A huge ocean and small points of planets, people and galaxies invisible to the eye, ugly molecules of viruses and those who study them - all this is the Universe.

In ancient times, “” meant the whole world; in the Middle Ages, the concept of “microcosmos” appeared, which was the essence of man, his inner world.

It is more difficult to give an exact space. For clarity, you can resort to an eastern parable. One day a little fish asked the wise queen: “Sea?” Everyone talks about it, but no one can show me,” to which she replied: “You were born in the Sea, surrounded by it, and when you die, you will dissolve in it.” The same can be said about Space. Our home, the Earth, is surrounded by the vast expanse of Space.

The primacy of being

The Universe and the cosmos are engaged in a tireless battle in the minds of scientists about which of them is more primary. Assumptions about the origin of life have been made by people. The most famous of the hypotheses have many adherents defending their point of view. One of the assumptions is that it arose from the void as a result of a big explosion. At the moment, it represents constantly expanding matter and galaxies are moving further and further away from each other.


The theory of a pulsating universe says that the idea of ​​the emergence of life due to an explosion covers only a certain period of time. According to this theory, the cosmos has always existed and represents life itself, which interacts within itself and is constantly evolving. Our universe is only one of the components of the cosmos, perhaps only a small part of it.

There is an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bas chaos, while the universe is an organized system, possibly having a structure.

The universe and space attract the inquisitive minds of scientists at the state level. Billions of dollars are being spent on studying the world around us, research centers are being built, and more and more advanced aircraft are being built. Despite the fact that the field of activity is still huge, some success has been achieved. Today, every schoolchild, unlike in the Middle Ages, knows that the Earth is round. What is currently taught in school, in the recent past, one had to defend at the cost of one’s life, as Copernicus did.

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The scale is so enormous that modern astrophysics, operating largely in earthly terms, cannot yet solve many problems related to its origin and existence.

The Universe is a fundamental concept of astronomy, which in practice includes at this stage only a part of the material world that can be studied using modern natural science methods. The term “ ” itself implies something that does not have , therefore, in any case, finite knowledge about it is impossible.

However, in 1915, Einstein published the "theory of relativity", according to which the Universe, but it is finite, and just like any sphere that has no boundaries, has a certain volume and surface area. In other words, moving from one point in the Universe, we can return to the original one, adjusted for the fourth dimension - time. The theory of relativity will “work” until, according to another theory - the theory of the expanding Universe, earthlings will be able to observe (or rather, determine with the help of electromagnetic cosmic radiation) galactic processes.

Thus, man, who over the past two thousand years has gone through the evolution of ideas from geocentric to heliocentric, has returned back again and placed in the center of the Universe not the Earth, of course, but the Milky Way, his native galaxy. However, if the theory of relativity is true for other points of the Universe, then, in the end, they will stop their run and, according to one version, begin to approach each other, so that sooner or later this compression will again give rise to the Big One, the main evidence of which is the emergence of antigravity forces at large distances, which not yet known.

According to another version, at the moment when the kinetic energy for takeoff runs out, thermal energy will set in, and the Universe will disintegrate into atoms, protons-neutrons, quarks, and so on, apparently again ad infinitum, although the modern one cannot yet answer whether particles smaller than quarks exist.

In addition, in modern cosmology one of the most important questions is the question of the shape of the Universe: is it spatially flat (that is, are the laws of Euclidean geometry applicable to it), or is it due to local “folds” formed due to distortions? space-time from massive objects, it is only close to it.

And, finally, another group of questions that modern researchers working on the problems of the origin of the Universe are working on: was the Universe “born” initially rotating? This hypothesis refutes the Big Bang theory, according to which energy immediately began to spread equally in all directions.

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