How long does humanity have left before the outbreak of World War III? Third World War. Approximate time frame: What percentage will there be World War 3?

This is the kind of info that has gone viral on the internet! The analytics are simple and at the same time quite realistic.
H.z. how to deal with this...

So, the Zionists Neocons decided to plunge humanity into nuclear Hell. They think that nuclear fire will not affect them. But they are deeply mistaken. If their manic dreams come true and they are able to unleash the Third World War, then there will be no winners.

But they don't understand this. Or they don't want to understand. Or they pretend they don't understand.

All their recent actions in relation to the great nuclear power, Russia, indicate that they decided everything for us. They are not interested in the opinions of those who do not belong to the “chosen people.”

And they went on the attack.

I won’t tell you all the political events in recent days, all the attacks they are carrying out against Russia and other countries. The situation is heating up every minute. Even our elected President Trump is unlikely to change anything. The Neocon Zionists blocked it heavily. Or he is just their puppet. The Senate, the CIA, the Army no longer obey him and boycott him. One can only guess how this confrontation will end for him. But in many ways he himself is to blame!

Now the most important question is: How much patience does Russian President Putin have?

Let's take a practical look at THEIR preparations for World War III in just the last couple of days:

This is like an example of our president digging his own grave: Neocon, Trump's envoy: Russia has more tanks in Ukraine than in all of Western Europe

Kurt Vogel (Zionist-Neocon), Trump's new chief "diplomatic" representative on the conflict in Ukraine:

“First of all, Russia is already in Ukraine, they are already well armed,” he said. "There are more Russian tanks there than [tanks] in Western Europe, and it's a large military presence."

Are there more Russian tanks in Donbass than in Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands combined? Okay, then it would be very easy to provide us with at least one photograph showing at least one battalion of Russian tanks in Eastern Ukraine.

Or did Vogel mean that Russia has thousands of invisible tanks in Ukraine?

And now THEIR military actions:

On July 26, 300 units of tanks and heavy military equipment were urgently transferred to the port of Port Arthur, USA, for transfer abroad.

It later became known that they were to be loaded onto the US Navy transport cargo ship, Green Ridge. Interestingly, the Russians have already accused this ship of transporting American tanks to Eastern Europe.

And yesterday it became known that Green Ridge's destination port is Odessa, Ukraine.

In addition, it became known that two more US Navy transport cargo ships will be loaded with tanks and armored vehicles next week and will depart for the port of Odessa, Ukraine.

But in recent days, our military equipment has been transferred to Ukraine not only by water.

A US military convoy was seen yesterday in Krosno, Poland near the border with Ukraine, moving towards the border:

Also, residents of the Polish town of Chelm, located 25 km away. from the Ukrainian border, three more large columns of American military equipment are reported heading towards the border with Ukraine. Many armored personnel carriers, Paladin M109A6 self-propelled artillery mounts and other heavy military equipment were seen in the columns.

Today it became known that several squadrons of our fighters and bombers will be transferred to Poland next week. All spring, the Polish authorities, together with our specialists, secretly prepared airfields for our aircraft. What’s interesting is that on specialized pilot forums, they are having a conversation that our planes are being transferred to Poland for military operations in the skies of Ukraine.

As we see, activation and pre-war preparations have begun.

Why Ukraine, I think you don’t need to explain. Kagal Nuland-Kagan, it was not in vain that they carried out the Zionist coup in Ukraine. And their fellow tribesmen who came to power have today prepared an excellent springboard from this territory for the start of the Great War against Russia. Although the local power Zionists had more modest plans and wanted to turn Eastern Ukraine into just another Gaza Strip.

But in this upcoming war THEY cannot do without THEIR allies from NATO.

And on July 26 they agreed:

NATO's Deputy Secretary General met with the US Special Representative at the alliance's headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday. Ms. Gottemoeller and US Representative Vogel discussed the security situation in Eastern Ukraine, reform of Kyiv and support (including military) for Ukraine.

And as it became known yesterday, the result of an informal conversation between them was an agreement to begin active influence on Russia.

What is meant by this influence can already be seen from the behavior of our armed forces. All that remains is to wait for NATO troops to join them. But as we all know, a sufficient number of NATO troops have accumulated on the borders with Russia. The exercises conducted by NATO over the past year directly show who they are going to fight against.

We can only wait for the BEGINNING!!! And God save us!

Military analyst John Greig

More from John Greig analytics

“America, prepare for destruction! Now we will not participate in the 2018 elections. At the election site there will be annihilation in blinding white flashes because intercontinental ballistic missiles will begin to fly within a few months. Why?

The fact is that Congress just imposed new sanctions on Russia. These sanctions are stricter than those imposed by America against Japan in the 1930s.

History shows us that when new US sanctions began to strangle the Japanese economy, only a couple of months passed and the Japanese attacked us. They simply had no choice.

Today, Congress is doing much the same thing. Almost the same thing, because Russia of the 21st century is somewhat different from Japan. Congress is imposing sanctions not on a cesspool of Third World countries, but on challenging the second most powerful nation on Earth after America.

Since the entire Russian economy will be strangled, Russia will have only two choices: either fulfill all the demands of America, or, defending its own dignity, begin to fight because it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. And when Russia decides to die on its feet, when this catastrophic day comes, millions, perhaps even hundreds of millions of people in America and Europe will die in the fire of the nuclear Apocalypse.

Now many political scientists are repeating that the gentlemen sitting in Congress and passing the bill against Russia are simply short-sighted fools who do not see the dire consequences. However, these political scientists are very wrong. Congressmen are not fools. They are EVIL!

You see, Congress knows mathematically that the United States is a bankrupt state that no longer has the ability to somehow continue to service its debts. Therefore, congressmen need “debt cancellation”, for which the best way is WAR. When all the world's bankers and investors suddenly realize that they have no way to collect debt from people because all people are dead - naturally, they cancel the debt.

This is the Congressional plan. And the bill on sanctions against Russia is its fundamental part."

Historians compared the current situation in Russia and in the world with the events of a hundred years ago, as part of the round table “Russia in the First World War,” and came to a disappointing conclusion - the beginning of a new world war, apparently, cannot be avoided. “Today no one wants war, but even then all countries did not want war, nevertheless, it happened, this is a paradox of history,” says Alexander Chubaryan, director of the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Ambitions turned out to be higher than political expediency.”

According to the historian, the impetus for the start of the war was the “idea of ​​punishing a neighboring country”: “In general, the idea of ​​​​punishing a country is absolutely unconstructive and absolutely immoral. But Austria-Hungary, after the assassination of the Archduke, declared that it would certainly punish. And this idea of ​​​​punishing the country, the desire to present What does it matter to another country - it still exists."

Just like today, Germany did not sit on the sidelines: “She was the engine, she approved the actions of Austria-Hungary,” Chubaryan recalled. And, of course, what would a world war be without Crimea? According to the historian, Russia entered the war not so much because of the desire to help its brothers the Slavs, but because of Crimea - the Russian Empire was frightened by “Germany’s desire for the Black Sea straits.”

At the same time, all of the above countries were confident that they would fight very little. “We didn’t think that there would be such a big war, but one of the bloodiest conflicts of the 20th century arose,” the historian stated. “And today we need to understand what local interests can lead to.”

The United States entered the war later than everyone else - it lost only a hundred people (for comparison, Europe - 10 million), "and their economic boom after that was as usual."

Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the State Borodino Military Historical Museum-Reserve Alexander Gorbunov recalled that the war led to the destruction of four monarchies, and the Russian monarch suffered the most, who was completely shot - by the way, on July 17.

Professor Georgy Malinetsky points out that these same stagnant royal political elites stayed in their places for too long, so they had to be changed in such a bloody way. A similar situation arose with scientific and technological progress: “There is an urgent need to write off one technological structure and introduce another.”

However, there are some differences - according to the historian, a hundred years ago Russia was a more significant player in world politics: "Today Russia is supported by 32% of the world's population, 39% have a bad attitude, while the United States is supported by 62%. So now, as we go to the Third World War, we are in a very difficult situation - we have fallen under the influence of the myth that the world is multi-polar. In fact, this is not the case. For 20 years, the United States spent more on weapons than the entire world combined... And Russia was ready for. World War I is better than World War III..."

Malinetsky reminds that if 10 million died on the battlefields of the First World War, then about 50 million died from the post-war Spanish flu epidemic: “If we start a war, we must be prepared for unexpected consequences. Russia now is only 2% of the world’s population, 2 .9% of the global gross product, and if we touch on weapons, then without nuclear weapons the ratio of Russia’s power to NATO countries is 1 to 60. We must listen to historians so as not to repeat the mistakes that were made by the elite on the eve of the First World War.”

Domestic political scientists predict a blow to Russia from Central Asia in 2015. But it turned out ahead of schedule, and not from Central Asia, but from Ukraine: “Events in Ukraine are developing like an avalanche. The Americans are in a hurry, they are losing influence, they are following the path of late Rome, and we must hope for the best, but count on the worst,” - stated Malinetsky.

According to him, the US task is to destroy the European Union: “So we are rapidly moving towards World War III. And if we look at technological changes, the coincidence is fantastic.”

Doctor of Political Sciences Sergei Chernyakhovsky, on the contrary, believes that Russia is now in the situation in which Germany was already after the defeat in the First World War: “A third of Russia’s territory was annexed. It was morally humiliated, they are trying to force some kind of repentance on us. Russia should be given back debts, everything that was taken from her was territories, zones of influence, money. To prevent the outbreak of the Third World War, other countries must give it to her voluntarily,” the political scientist threatened.

Don't you think there's been more and more war in the air lately? But in vain. It smells. And not just an unremarkable battle between some African powers, which no one except their closest neighbors had ever heard of. And the real one - with the use of .

It’s not for nothing that last year, global spending on weapons purchases amounted to more than a trillion dollars for the first time since the height of the Cold War.

The only question is who and because of what will start the Third World War? Almost everyone remembers that the reason for the outbreak of the First World War was the murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand, by a Serbian - let's call a spade a spade - terrorist.

The fact that the Second World War began with an attack allegedly organized by the Poles on a radio station in the German city of Gleiwitz will be remembered only by those who are well versed in history. Well, those who studied history well in Soviet schools will confidently say that the real reason for the outbreak of both world wars was the intensified struggle of the then superpowers for sources of raw materials and sales markets.

World War III for oil

Don't they fight for all this these days? Wow, how! It is not for nothing that the Americans decided to introduce the values ​​of democracy specifically to the residents of oil-rich Iraq. But no one is in a hurry to liberate the residents of the DPRK, where democracy is also not in order, from the power of Kim Jong Il. For one simple reason - such an operation is impractical. For the sake of ideology alone, as was the case during the rivalry between the USSR and the USA, even the smallest wars are now not started, let alone starting the Third World War.

The invasion of Afghanistan does not count - it was George Bush's personal revenge on the “insidious enemy.” Had the Twin Towers not been hit, the Taliban would almost certainly still be ruling Kabul. Well, if so, it means that the outbreak of the Third World War is only a matter of time. All that remains is to understand why exactly it will most likely be started. Because of oil. Oil, of course, has the best chance of becoming a bone of contention. Modern civilization is firmly on the oil needle and oil consumption is growing every year, and its reserves in the world are rapidly declining.

In just ten years - from 1993 to 2003 - world oil consumption increased from 66.6 to 78.1 million barrels per day (+17%). At the same time, more than half of all oil is consumed by residents of a few rich countries. The United States accounts for more than a quarter of global consumption, despite the fact that only a little more than 4.5% of the world's population lives in the United States.

The United States produces more than two times less of its own oil than the country needs for a normal—as Americans understand—life. The deficit is covered by imports from abroad. And that is why the American authorities are very careful to ensure that oil-rich countries are ruled by regimes loyal to the United States.

It has come to open military intervention only once so far, but, as you know, trouble is always the beginning. In jokes like “Are you still producing your own oil? Then we are flying to you!” and “US military geologists discovered some Arab country above large deposits of American oil,” there is definitely some truth, through the prism of a joke. And quite big. If gasoline prices at US gas stations continue to rise in price, other states may share Iraq's fate. This is the background of the Third World War for Resources.

Unfortunately, there is no doubt that gasoline will become more expensive. Simply because it (like fuel oil, kerosene and other petroleum products) will be required more and more every year. And the reserves of oil from which all this is made are by no means endless. According to British Petroleum experts, the oil reserves currently available throughout the world will last only 41 years. Remember this deadline and keep in mind that the sooner World War III begins, the more oil the United States will pump. And this is while maintaining current production volumes, and, as already mentioned, it is growing. All this means that, in the near future, there will simply begin to be a shortage of oil.

But already now, almost 2 billion people - a third of the planet's population - have almost no opportunity to use electricity or liquid fuels and, thus, are doomed to a medieval existence, which gives rise to despair, discontent and, ultimately, civil society. Immediately after oil becomes scarce, its prices will go up, current exporters will begin to reduce supplies to the free market and begin to hide precious raw materials for themselves. And, sooner or later, the United States will want to arrange a redistribution in its favor through the Third World War in which nuclear weapons will be used.

In other words, we are on the eve of a new kind of Third World War - between those who have enough energy and those who do not have enough, but who increasingly want to go and get it. By the way, the Third World War for oil has been going on for a long time. True, so far only gamers are participating in it, on whose computers a game called “The Third World War” is installed. Black gold." I hope you understand the fine line of irony.

The plot, in short, is this - at a secret conference of the UN Central Geological Commission it is announced that the world's reserves will last for a maximum of 8-10 years, and since even the most highly developed countries will not be able to find any alternative in such a short period of time, all that remains is to try to redistribute it , what is. In the game, the United States begins World War III. In real life, it will most likely be the same. After all, oil in the United States, according to BP experts, will run out in 11 years. And the United States is unlikely to want to humiliate itself in front of some Arab who has enough black gold for another 59 years.

Reference. The First World War lasted more than 4 years (from August 1, 1914 to November 11, 1918). 38 states took part in it, over 74 million people fought on its fields, of which 10 million. 20 million were killed and maimed.

World War III for water

Back in 2001, UN chief Kofi Annan said that in the new millennium “wars will be fought over water, and not at all over oil.” The fact is that there is already a shortage of clean fresh water suitable for drinking and irrigating fields in many countries of the world. But by 2020, according to UN forecasts, the world's population will grow so much that each individual earthling will have a third less water than now. And then, all the current problems - every sixth person is deprived of the opportunity to drink clean fresh water to his heart's content, about two million people die every year due to diseases caused by drinking dirty water, etc. - will increase many times over. And in regions where the lack of water is particularly acute, armed conflicts will begin to break out over the precious liquid. Many of which may well develop into World War III. UN experts consider the most likely place for the start of the first “water war” to be the basins of large rivers that cross several countries in their course - the Ganges, Mekong, Limpopo, Zambezi, Orange, Okavango, Senegal and others. (By the way, our Ob and Irtysh were also among the potential “culprits” of the discord.)

However, the conflict around the little-known Hasbani River, which fills Israel’s largest reservoir with water, Lake Tiberias, may turn out to be much more dangerous. However, for the first 50 kilometers it flows through Lebanon, where there is also not an excess of water. Now, only in Israel, this is not considered a reason for division. After Lebanon's Hasbani irrigation pumping station was built in 2001, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon warned that any attempt to deprive Israel of even part of its water would be seen as a casus belli. Even more likely is the outbreak of a “water war” between Pakistan and India, which essentially controls its water supply. Back in 1960, both countries signed an agreement according to which the waters of the Indus, Jhelum and Chenab rivers originating in India are considered “Pakistan”. India can use the water of “Pakistan” rivers, but does not have the right to change their courses or build reservoirs. The termination of this treaty means a threat to the lives of millions of ordinary Pakistanis and the complete destruction of the country's agriculture, and the first statements about the possibility of denunciation of the document have already been made. In a few years, India, in order to feed its ever-increasing population, may move from words to deeds. And this will most likely lead to a nuclear Third World War.

The former head of Pakistani intelligence, and now the Minister of Transport and Communications, Javed Ashraf Kazi, has already stated that if the very existence of the state of Pakistan is called into question, Islamabad will not hesitate to attack India.

Reference. 72 states were involved in World War II. In the countries participating in the war, up to 110 million people were mobilized. During the war, up to 62 million people died.

World War III over food

Until recently, practically no attention was paid to the calculations made by the English economist Thomas Malthus back in the 19th century, according to whom, without mass death of the population during wars, the Earth simply would not be able to feed the ever-increasing population. Optimists argued that, with proper use of available resources, no problems would arise, even if the planet's population doubled. But there is a problem. Land suitable for agricultural development is distributed extremely unevenly around the world, and those countries where there is more than enough of it are not at all eager to share with anyone else. As a result, about a billion people now suffer from regular malnutrition, and approximately 25,000 just are dying of hunger. Daily.

Moreover, those countries that suffer the most from food shortages are those that have experienced the greatest population growth in recent years. Moreover, the situation is worsening in many densely populated countries, where the problems are not yet so noticeable. For example, there is already a grain shortage in China. After reaching a historic peak of 392 million tons in 1998, grain production by the world's largest nation has fallen to less than 350 million tons.

The resulting deficit is being covered for now by reducing China's vast grain reserves. But if this situation continues, China will soon be forced to turn to the world grain market, after which prices will rise sharply, and it will be practically impossible to provide food to hundreds of millions of people through imports. In this situation, China will be forced to either increase grain production by raising its own virgin lands, for which it will implement the long-nurtured project of turning the waters of the Indus and Brahmaputra into the arid regions, or try to seize new lands in the north. And in the north is Russia.

But, the first will mean the beginning of a “water war” with India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and the second will mean the Third World War with Russia. In both cases, it probably won’t happen without nuclear strikes.

World War III for planetary domination

During the confrontation between the USSR and the USA, neither side could get involved in a serious military conflict, reasonably fearing that the second superpower would openly side with the enemy. But the United States was not ready to fight with the USSR.

Simply because, back in the days of Robert McNamara, it was calculated that even launching a massive preemptive nuclear strike would not save the United States from a retaliatory attack. Moreover, powerful enough for any victory to be Pyrrhic. Thus, the concept of “unacceptable harm” was born. According to experts, in order to force the United States to abandon any thoughts of war, it is enough to guarantee the delivery of approximately 200 megaton strikes on its territory. Russia's current nuclear arsenal is a much greater threat, so there is no need to fear a US attack for now. Bye. Alas, the situation may change in the near future. Created back in Soviet times, the “nuclear sword” is rapidly “rusting.” According to experts, out of 270 mobile ground-based solid fuel complexes RS-12M "Topol", in five years, only 144 may remain in service. Over the same period, 89 new complexes "Topol-M" will arrive (64 RS-12M2 and 15 RS -12М1), which is almost half the number of ICBMs of this type subject to destruction (136 units).

At the same time, in the period until 2010, the number of missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces will be reduced from 15 to 10, and the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles on combat duty will decrease from the current 496 to 313. The United States, meanwhile, is diligently building a powerful missile defense system. So far it is capable - and even then, not very confidently - of intercepting only single missiles. However, at the current rate of development of missile defense, the United States, within 7-10 years, with a high degree of probability, will be able to increase its combat capabilities for intercepting targets, from 3-7 to 250-300. The maximum technological capabilities incorporated today into the missile defense system under construction can ensure, with its full deployment and subsequent deep modernization, the interception of up to 1000-1200 targets. After this, the United States may - in the hope that the missile defense system will protect it from missiles from surviving mobile complexes and silo installations - dare to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia. And then the Third World War will definitely begin, the outcome of which is highly questionable due to the use of nuclear weapons.

If it works out, then the United States will get rid of its most dangerous enemy even before the start of the Third World War for resources.

How many countries will take part in World War III? How many years will it last? How many people will die on its fronts?

The third part of the article provides some possible scenarios for the outbreak of the Third World War.

World War III scenarios

Scenario 1. The United States, alone or with the support of Great Britain and other allies, is organizing, under the banner of the struggle for democracy, another blitzkrieg. This time against Libya or Iran. The goal is to place someone on the Libyan “throne” who understands that “it is necessary to share.” Well, for example, the head of the opposition Gaddafi National Front for the Liberation of Libya, Ashur Shamis, who now lives in London.

Unable to withstand massive bombing and cruise missile attacks, Libya turns to the Organization of Arab States and the entire Muslim world for help. At the same time, Libyan special services are organizing terrorist attacks against Americans, including on US territory, that are much larger in scale than the disaster over Lockerbie and the explosion of a disco in... Including the use of chemical weapons.

Anti-Arab hysteria and pogroms begin in the United States, which, in turn, leads to increased anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world. US military bases in Saudi Arabia and other countries are attacked, and a large-scale Palestinian uprising begins in Israel.

The matter ends in great blood, which causes outbreaks of religious fanaticism and popular unrest. Leaders loyal to the United States, including in Pakistan, are being replaced by irreconcilable opponents.

Having accused the new regimes of supporting terrorists, the Americans are trying to eliminate their leaders, which only leads to the opening of a second, third and other “fronts.”

More and more countries are getting involved in the Third World War. At some point, the United States, Israel, Pakistan, or India, which has decided to settle its scores with the latter, launch a nuclear strike on the enemy.

Retaliatory strikes immediately follow, and the regional conflict escalates into the Third World War with the use of nuclear weapons.

Scenario 2. Having learned about the start of construction of dams on the Indus and its tributaries, the Pakistani authorities are trying to bomb and missile the construction sites, which becomes the cause of a full-scale military conflict that develops into the Third World War. The numerical superiority of the Indians puts Pakistan under the threat of complete defeat, after which nuclear weapons will be used. However, the Pakistanis fail to destroy the enemy’s nuclear potential, and India launches a retaliatory nuclear strike. After this, other Muslim countries get involved in the war, and the conflict begins to rapidly turn into the Third World War.

Scenario 3. After 10-15 years, in order to water the growing population of their country, the Lebanese authorities begin construction of a dam on the Hasbani River. In response, Israel again, as it did in the late 1970s, sends its troops into Lebanon. However, by that time, the once Christian Lebanon had finally turned into an ordinary, by Middle Eastern standards, Muslim country, and the occupation became the reason for the start of a large-scale Arab-Jewish Third World War. The United States enters the war on Israel’s side, after which events develop according to scenario 1.

As a result of a new global military conflict, more than half of the inhabitants of our planet may die.

The Anglo-Saxons want to rule the world alone. The USA, Great Britain, Canada and Australia are no longer satisfied with the current world order established following the Second World War. Washington and its allies are seeking to build a unipolar world through a new world war and establish a new world order at their own discretion, depriving Russia and China of a decisive voice in the international arena. But the geopolitical plans of the United States can cost humanity dearly, since the Third World War (WW) in its consequences can become a real apocalypse.

War as a way to solve the financial problems of the Anglo-Saxons and their allies

The ground for a new world war is created by the West’s desire to eliminate its foreign debts and take control of energy-rich regions of the world. Over the past three decades, developed Western countries - the USA, Great Britain, Italy, France, Spain and others have rapidly increased their external debt. They borrowed mainly from China, Arab oil-exporting countries and the rich economic “tigers” of Southeast Asia. As of 2014, the total external debt of Western countries and their allies exceeded $100 trillion. The US foreign debt alone exceeds $18 trillion, of which about $1.3 trillion is owed by Americans to China.

But Western countries, primarily the USA and Great Britain, are not able to repay their huge debts. Western countries living at someone else's expense have a highly developed economy, advanced technology and powerful armed forces equipped with the most modern types of weapons and military equipment. And Western creditor countries with their developing economies are only playing catch-up. In addition, the West's main creditors have rich energy reserves. Therefore, the economic giants of the West - the USA, Great Britain and their allies, who have a clear technological and military superiority over their creditors, not only do not want to repay their foreign debt, but do not even want to pay huge amounts of money for oil and gas to the countries of Africa, the Near and Middle East, Persian Gulf, Latin America.
Main targets

China, the Islamic world, primarily Turkey and Iran, as well as the rebellious countries of South America - Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil - are the main targets of the West in TMB. In recent years, China has become a serious threat to the military-political interests of the United States and the main competitor of the American economy. The negative trade balance between the United States and China in 2013 reached $300 billion, and China became the world leader in terms of trade volumes. In 2014, China overtook the United States in terms of economic size and took first place in the world.

By destroying the “Chinese dragon,” the United States wants to solve two strategic problems at once: 1) remove America’s main economic competitor from the world stage; 2) deal a severe blow to Russia, since after the collapse of the Chinese economy, Moscow will lose the main buyer of Russian oil and gas, which will lead to the devastation of the Russian state budget and stagnation of the Russian economy for many years.

The PRC will be “attacked” from two sides: in the east, a Sino-Japanese war will begin over the Senkaku Islands in the China Sea, and on the northwestern outskirts of China - in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, with the help of American intelligence services, a powerful wave of separatism will rise and intensify armed radical Islamic groups and large-scale hostilities will begin there, comparable to the current war in Iraq and Syria. It is obvious that in the war with China, the United States will also fight on the side of Japan (at the initial stage only behind the scenes), which will deprive Beijing of the chance to win this war.

The next targets are Iran and Türkiye. By defeating these countries, the Anglo-Saxons would gain complete control over the Islamic world. Further, in the countries of South America - in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil - large-scale hostilities can be provoked through “color revolutions”.

The United States wants to involve Russia in the Ukrainian conflict in order to weaken the Russian armed forces and “feel” their strengths and weaknesses. Russia's participation in the Ukrainian war is a kind of “test” of Moscow’s readiness for a new global war. If Russia wins the “Ukrainian party” from the United States without direct military intervention and without serious losses, keeping its armed forces “safe and sound” and in full combat readiness, then the United States will avoid a direct military clash with Russia and try to weaken it by economic means, and then try to destroy it from within with the help of the Russian “fifth column”. Therefore, the United States, with the help of its puppets from the Arab world - Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and others, sharply reduces oil prices in order to create financial problems for Putin's Russia, and with the help of its European vassal allies they want to strangle Russia economically by introducing various sanctions . Thus, the United States wants to create a revolutionary situation in Russia in the coming years in order to distract the Russian President with the help of the “fifth column.” Vladimir Putin from international problems. According to the plan of Washington geostrategists, while Russia solves its internal problems, the United States will redistribute the world's oil and gas reserves and establish a new world order based on the American unipolar world.

After this, many European countries will plunge into economic, and subsequently into military-political chaos, as a result of which the European Union will cease to exist. The reasons for the “indignation” of a united Europe will be socio-economic cataclysms arising in the wake of the economic crisis, mass unemployment, as well as strong anti-migrant and anti-Islamic sentiments among residents of EU member countries.

Ten signs of an approaching world apocalypse

The first signal of the approaching TMB will be the signing of a peace treaty between Japan and Russia. The initiator of a peaceful solution to the problem of the Kuril Islands will be Tokyo, which unexpectedly recognizes Russian sovereignty over these territories. At the end of November, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that his government “intends to resolve territorial disputes with Russia and conclude a peace treaty with it in the near future.”

Tokyo needs the signing of a peace treaty with Russia to “neutralize” its northern neighbor on the eve of the war with China over the Senkaku Islands, so that Moscow, because of the peace treaty, does not provide military assistance to China in the war against Japan. Therefore, the second signal of the approach of TMB will be the beginning of the Sino-Japanese war over the Senkaku Islands in the Chinese Sea.

The third sign is a sharp escalation of disputes around the division of the Arctic into national territories. The UN will not be able to satisfy the claims of the USA, Canada, Denmark, Great Britain and Norway, as a result of which this issue will acquire a military-political character. At the same time, all Western countries laying claim to the Arctic territory will act as a united front against Russia.

The fourth sign is the collapse of Ukraine, after which the neighboring countries - Poland, Austria, Hungary and Romania - will begin to fight for the western regions of the collapsed Ukrainian state. There is a high probability that the struggle between these countries for the former Ukrainian territories will not be peaceful and will turn into a major military conflict.

The fifth sign is that NATO can provoke Russia into a military conflict in the Baltic states in order to distract Russia from the division of the territories of Ukraine and from the Sino-Japanese war. The Baltic dwarfs - Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia - will be used by the Anglo-Saxons as bait in their geopolitical games against Russia.

The sixth sign is that Türkiye, Iran and Israel will be involved in the war in Syria and Iraq. The United States will strive through this conflict to destroy Turkey and Iran, which are trying to get out of Western influence. The disintegration of these countries will occur through the creation of a greater Kurdistan controlled by Washington, which will include territories compactly inhabited by Kurds in Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran.

The seventh sign is that armed Islamic radicals from Afghanistan will attack Uzbekistan. At the same time, Islamic extremists will become more active in neighboring Kyrgyzstan and the southeastern regions of Kazakhstan. The goal of the Islamists, backed by American intelligence services, is to create an “Islamic caliphate” in post-Soviet Central Asia with radical Sharia laws in order to put pressure on Russia and China.

The eighth sign is that in the countries of South America - Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and other countries in the region that oppose American influence, “color revolutions” will begin in order to overthrow regimes there that are undesirable to Washington. After this, American troops will be deployed to Venezuela and Bolivia at the call of the leaders of the “color revolutions” in these countries.

The ninth sign of the approaching TMB is the US and UK ignoring the UN as the main international institution. Washington, together with its allies, will sabotage the work of the UN Security Council, accusing it of inability to solve the main military-political problems of the world. To destroy the UN, the United States and Great Britain can withdraw from the Security Council of this organization and call on their vassal allies, including temporary members of the Security Council, to leave the UN altogether. This scenario is quite realistic, considering that last year, one of the main allies of the United States, Saudi Arabia, refused to take the place of a temporary member of the UN Security Council, accusing it of inability to solve global problems of the world, including resolving the military conflict in Syria.

The tenth sign, after which the Third World War could begin within the next few days or hours, will be the collapse of the unified Internet space and the suspension of electronic trading on global currency, commodity and stock markets due to high volatility as a result of a sharp drop in liquidity and the impossibility of further non-cash payments between countries in an extremely tense international situation.

The terrible consequences of the apocalypse

WWII could become the worst war in human history. Its victims may become not tens of millions, but hundreds of millions and even billions of people in different parts of our planet. Moreover, a significant proportion of people will die not during the war itself, but as a result of its severe consequences in the post-war years. If the new world “meat grinder” is nuclear-free, then several hundred million people could become its victims, given the population size of the countries involved in the TMB.
But the likelihood that TMB will be nuclear is very high. To intimidate their main opponents, the United States, Great Britain and France can use nuclear weapons against Muslim countries gripped by Islamic radicalism. The West will justify its action by saying that Islamic extremist terrorists are committing brutal crimes against humanity and threatening the entire world.

But Russia and China could also become targets of Western nuclear attacks. Today, no country would dare to conduct a ground operation against Russia. But at a critical moment, the United States and its allies can launch a nuclear strike against Russia and China to intimidate and demonstrate the “seriousness” of their intentions. Former Assistant for Economic Policy to the US Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts published an article in June 2014, “Are You Ready for Nuclear War?” in which he states that “Washington thinks a nuclear war can be won and is planning a first strike on Russia and possibly China to to rule out any challenge to Washington's global hegemony." According to Roberts, “US strategic doctrine has changed, with nuclear missiles previously relegated to the role of a retaliatory strike now relegated to the role of a first offensive strike.... Washington believes it can win a nuclear war with little or no damage to the United States. This belief makes nuclear war possible."

If the TMB is nuclear, then about a billion people could die during the hostilities themselves, since the population of the countries participating in the future global military conflict is several billion people. But the number of people who died after the war due to its severe consequences will be many times greater and could reach three billion people or more. Mostly the population of Muslim countries, South America and China will be destroyed. The tragedy will also affect densely populated India. The initiators of the monstrous world massacre themselves will not be able to avoid losses. Even if US cities survive a retaliatory nuclear strike with anti-ballistic missiles, radiation and nuclear winter from the use of weapons against Russia, China and other states will also destroy the US, Canada, Australia, the UK and European countries. The fact is that after a nuclear war, many inhabitants of our planet will die due to a sharp increase in radiation levels, from unknown diseases that appeared against the backdrop of the severe consequences of the war, and medicines for the treatment of these diseases will either not yet be found or will be insufficient.

In addition, after a nuclear war, a large-scale food crisis will arise and mass hunger will begin throughout the world, since the territories of countries that have been subjected to nuclear attacks or located near nuclear attacks will be unsuitable for agricultural needs. Thus, most people surviving after a nuclear war will die as a result of three main disasters: abnormal cold (nuclear winter), hunger and various incurable diseases.

As a result, many cities and countries may remain deserted. After such an apocalypse, humanity will need hundreds of years to return to normal living conditions.

Apparently, you and I were “lucky” to live at the end of peaceful days... The flywheel of a new world war is already spinning with all its might. And for us - the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, ordinary Europeans and Americans - someone is obviously preparing a mortal fate, because according to the plans of the powers that be, we are “extra eaters” on this blue ball.

“Emergency” meetings of the UN Security Council, meetings and “angry” telephone conversations of heads of state, loud public statements and threats - all this is just the scenery of the show. The provocation is played out step by step, calmly and systematically. None of the politicians and diplomats seem to be taking real steps to peacefully resolve the crisis - we are only seeing empty speeches and a systematic escalation of tension.

It is obvious that, as during the “Orange Revolution” of 2004, the Ukrainian authorities acted in collusion with the opposition and security forces. Yanukovych seemed to be deliberately doing everything to turn the people of Ukraine against himself as much as possible. The security forces behaved simply inappropriately, never making a single real attempt to disperse the rebels in order to protect the constitutional order of the state.

On the contrary, the Euromaidanists were given all the conditions to strengthen their positions, agitate and intensify fratricidal sentiments. Around the clock, from Bessarabskaya Square, protesters were freely supplied with everything they needed - clothing, fuel, materials for barricades, food and medicine, and brigades of radical citizens from the western regions arrived freely.

But the military, sent from Dnepropetrovsk to protect law and order, never reached the capital. Throughout the country, rebel groups easily captured the buildings of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office and other security forces and took possession of weapons without hindrance. Militants and professional saboteurs provoked clashes with the police and bloodshed.

Even the head of the Estonian Foreign Ministry, Urmas Paet, confirmed that both Maidan protesters and police officers were shot with the same bullets, which means that the shooting of people was another terrible provocation of the civil war. Where was the international community at this time? Why didn't Europe and the USA say a word against the seizure of power by armed rebels? Why didn’t they support the legitimate government - the President of Ukraine, who, according to the assurances of international observers themselves, was elected honestly?

It is obvious that the directors of the play need a split in the country - this way it is easier to acquire it, in parts. This is what Western politicians stated. Here are clear signs of provocation of this split:
The “new government” immediately begins to provoke the Russian-speaking southeast. Instantly, the Rada repeals the law on regional languages ​​and allows the free circulation of firearms. Such decisions in such a tense period can be made solely with the aim of provoking new conflicts and clashes – this time in the southeast of the country. The Verkhovna Rada makes decisions hastily, under the “supervision” of the armed units of the Maidan Self-Defense. The police disappear. Officials and party functionaries are in a hurry to leave the country. Instead of a “government of people’s trust,” which, according to the principles of democracy, should have included representatives of the Russian-speaking regions of the southeast, posts are distributed to activists of the right-wing radical party “Svoboda” and supporters of Tymoshenko. Fascist militants of the Right Sector and Maidan Self-Defense are included in law enforcement and security agencies. This is the west and center of Ukraine. But the split is also coming from the southeast of the country.

Putin's game is being played out on the southeastern flank. Note, not Russia - the Russians do not need war, it is the party of Putin and those who stand behind him. The Russian economy has long been working to ensure the stability of the American economy, the industry remaining from “perestroika” was handed over to foreigners, the army, as a result of “talented reforms,” turned out to be demoralized and incapable of combat.

The President of Russia laughingly tells at a press conference how in the early 90s, career CIA employees actively helped Chubais to divide the “Soviet inheritance” (or simply rob). The public theatrical confrontation between Russia and the United States has long had nothing to do with reality. Sergei Kara-Murza, in his book “Exporting Revolutions,” wrote a few years ago that the United States does not intend to overthrow Putin - he does whatever America wants.

What can we talk about if, under the guise of “goods”, since 2004, NATO countries have been freely transporting tanks, mines and even personnel of their armies on Russian railways... And the cost of flights over Russian territory for planes carrying NATO army cargo is even partially We pay for America.

So, while Kyiv is occupied by radical forces who do not want to engage in dialogue, “unknown armed people” appear in Crimea and the southeast, who are mainly identified as “Russian” military men. We are receiving massive reports from different cities of Russia that soldiers are being “quietly” sent to Crimea. As if deliberately adding fuel to the fire, the Federation Council gives Putin official permission to send troops to Ukraine, and they begin to intensively distribute Russian passports to Ukrainians...

The same professionals as on the Maidan in Kyiv, only now “pro-Russian,” are now obviously operating in Crimea and throughout the southeast of the country and provoking hatred of Ukraine and clashes with nationalist forces. In Kyiv, Russian TV channels are turned off, in Crimea - Ukrainian ones, although it’s a no-brainer that there is no truth in either case, only information that is beneficial to the “owners”. Statements and actions of ordinary residents of Ukraine who are in favor of a peaceful solution to the issue, and an all-Ukrainian referendum for an end to any foreign interference in the internal affairs of the country, remain unnoticed by the media.

Because the third world war is, first of all, an information war, a war for consciousness and souls, for the will of peoples. The behind-the-scenes directors need to ensure that you and I hate each other and rebel brother against brother, then all the “peacekeeping forces” will really turn on, instilling “democracy” with carpet bombing. Let's remember Yugoslavia, Libya, let's remember Iraq, where weapons of mass destruction were never found, and Saddam Hussein, like, by the way, a million civilians, lost his life...
Preparations for bloody military methods of conquest are in full swing. The Russian army conducts exercise after exercise. There are reports from the regions that troops are being hastily transferred to the borders of Ukraine. The Crimean parliament adopted a declaration of independence. At the referendum, 96% of Crimeans supported reunification with Russia. The Kyiv authorities are gathering the “National Guard” to protect sovereignty. Ukrainian media write that the Ukrainian army has been plundered (the number of troops involved in the “exercises” near the Perekop Isthmus, organized just in time for the referendum, is only 6 thousand (!) people). The navies of the United States, Romania and Bulgaria conducted exercises in the Black Sea. The Polish Ministry of National Defense announced that the deployment of American troops in Poland is beginning. The military will undergo "Aviation Detachement" training in connection with the situation in Ukraine. According to the BBC, NATO reconnaissance aircraft equipped with a special radio detection and guidance system (AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System) will patrol the airspace of Poland and Romania in order to obtain data on the development of the situation in Ukraine. Every day the tension only increases.

So what to do? Sitting and waiting that “maybe they’ll sort it out without me” is the height of frivolity and naivety. They will figure it out perfectly well without you, that’s for sure, but it could cost you the life of yours, your family, your children... The Second World War happened quite recently, but we were convinced that it was a long time ago and was not with us and that this could not happen anymore. But the forces that started the last war have clearly grown stronger and are awaiting revenge...

The most important thing now is to expose the plans of the provocateurs and prevent them from realizing the bloody scenario. Don't sit idly by! Speak out against the war! Tell us about what is happening and who benefits from it, because in all wars only moneylenders-bankers profit, keeping the whole world in their web, who set Hitler against the Soviet Union, and now want to destroy Russia. Remember the feat of your ancestors, who fearlessly fought the enemy, remember the power of the Russian spirit. We don’t need war; war is obviously needed by behind-the-scenes provocateurs acting through the rulers of the leading countries of the world who are clearly controlled by them. So let's resign them and elect normal people through an open vote that excludes falsification!

And another powerful means of human influence on the physical, material world is thought and strength of spirit. We were made atheists, taught to laugh at the highest or quarrel on religious grounds. But there is a higher world, and it is the same for all of us. And turning to the sky is a human instinct of self-preservation at all times, isn’t it?

Pray often for peace. At all times, in difficult times, the Russian people turned to God for help. The prophecy of Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyritsky is known: “If only people of the whole world, every single person, would kneel down at the same time and pray to God, even if only for 5 minutes, for an extension of life, so that the Lord would grant everyone time to repent.. “If the Russian people do not come to repentance, it may happen that brother will rise up against brother again.” We must defend our country, ourselves and our descendants. And it is very easy to pray all together at the same time.

Read daily every 6 hours at 6-00, 12-00, 18-00 and 24-00:
Lord, restore reason to the people!
Difficult days have arrived again:
NATO and China are at the doorstep,
The yoke of foreign soldiers is coming.
We pray to save Russia from death,
Take away evil and misfortune from people!

Lord Maitreya, Saint Orion!
The trigger is aimed at the heart of Russia,
The foreign troops are ready for war.
We ask for protection for our native side!
May the people receive payment for their debts,
So that he can go not back, but forward!
We beg you to send retribution to evil!
The holy army is rising to battle!

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt predicted the revival of Russia:
“If we gather everyone’s will into one will, we will survive!
If we gather everyone’s conscience into one conscience, we will survive!
If we gather everyone’s love for Russia into one love, we will survive!”

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