Speed ​​reading and memorization - how to read faster and remember more. Speed ​​reading school or learning at home

Speed ​​reading– a useful skill for a modern person that develops reading speed. In order to master a high reading speed, you need to try to master other skills that will become fundamental.

  1. Attention


    Peripheral vision

In addition to the above, you need to learn how to work correctly with text and perform exercises to train reading speed, which you can read about in this article.

What are regression and reception? Similarities and differences, impact on the reading process

Regression– involuntary return of the eyes to previous words and phrases while reading. Why is this happening? Most readers have this bad habit. It arises because our concentration is poorly developed and the words to which attention was returned are forgotten.

Regression can be provoked consciously after you realize that you did not understand what you read a little earlier. May be triggered subconsciously.

Try to get rid of external stimuli that distract and interfere with the reading process.

Regression takes up approximately 5% of the total reading time. If we consider this fact in large quantities, then 5% is a decent part.

Concept "reception" is similar to the concept of “regression” in that this return to a previously read text is still in process, but reception is not a subconscious return, but yours, due to the emergence of incomprehensible moments.

These reading deviations take up time, which means the reader must fight them. It depends only on you, it is important:

    Be able to get into the right mood for reading

    Train concentration

    Isolate yourself from irritants

    Fight the urge to go back

Read aloud or silently?

Reading out loud or moving your lips silently while reading is called articulation.

Articulation is a habit that will have to be abandoned if the goal is to improve your reading speed, and I will explain why.

Speaking out loud significantly limits your reading speed, since pronouncing words takes longer than perceiving them mentally.

Silent articulation also negatively affects reading speed. Without sound, you can either speak with your lips alone without a voice, or you can say it mentally, and both options are not suitable. Lip movements are limited in the same way as reading aloud. Speaking mentally is a little faster, but again imposes a limitation.

Ideally, you need to learn to suppress speaking, both out loud, with your lips alone, and mentally. If your attempts are successful, your reading speed will increase several times.

Why are memory and attention training important?

At the beginning of the article it is said that attention and memory are some of the most important skills to improve reading speed.

Attention training will have a significant effect on speed reading. Often reading is absent-minded, which leads to regression and reception. You are already familiar with these concepts and the fact that they slow down the process. With attention training, understanding of the text will improve, more information will be absorbed than before and there will be no desire to return to the text.

Concentration plays a very important role. A high level of concentration will make it possible to completely immerse yourself in a book, better perceive and understand information, and not be distracted from reading.

Memorizing material at high speed

Readers of the article may have a question: “Is it possible to remember all the information while reading at high speed?” Speed ​​reading is the skill of reading quickly with highest percentage of memorization, that is, close to 100%.

Foreign scientists have conducted research on the impact of speed reading on intellectual development and thinking, which certainly gave a positive result. Fast reading activates thinking processes much more effectively than slow reading.

You shouldn’t even talk negatively about intellectual development, because more information comes in, which means development goes faster!

How to absorb information at high speed?

The development of reading speed and understanding of information occurs at different stages and, usually, in different exercises:

    You must set yourself up and concentrate on working with the text in order to be extremely attentive.

    Get into the habit of highlighting the main idea of ​​the text or its component parts as you read. If you highlight the main idea of ​​a group of paragraphs, it will be easier to navigate through the material you have learned.

    Leave time to absorb and think about the material received.

There is also a good way to remember the main idea of ​​a piece of text - to come up with an association for it, the thought of which will bring up the topic. The main thing is that the association is memorable and vibrant.

Pause after each chapter or long passage and ask questions about the content and topic. For example, “What is the main idea of ​​the chapter you just read?” or “What are the main ideas of this passage?” You can make a brief retelling of the main points.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. Each lesson contains useful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

Remember the necessary information quickly and for a long time. Wondering how to open a door or wash your hair? I’m sure not, because this is part of our life. Easy and simple exercises for memory training can be made part of your life and done a little during the day. If you eat the daily amount of food at once, or you can eat in portions throughout the day.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 words per minute or from 400 to 800-1200 words per minute. The course uses traditional exercises for developing speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, methods for progressively increasing reading speed, the psychology of speed reading and questions from course participants. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5000 words per minute.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

The brain, like the body, needs fitness. Physical exercise strengthens the body, mental exercise develops the brain. 30 days of useful exercises and educational games to develop memory, concentration, intelligence and speed reading will strengthen the brain, turning it into a tough nut to crack.

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Learn to quickly and correctly add, subtract, multiply, divide, square numbers, and even take roots. I will teach you how to use easy techniques to simplify arithmetic operations. Each lesson contains new techniques, clear examples and useful tasks.

In their programs, they start from the same methods (which is not surprising, because at school or before it, we are all instilled with the same method of reading, which slows down the process). Let's give Basic ways to help increase your reading speed without loss of efficiency. The best part is that you can learn speed reading at home and absolutely free, if you are diligent enough and devote a lot of time and attention to training.

At the same time, learning the technique of speed reading can be divided into two groups: first you need to get rid of what prevents you from reading faster, and then learn to increase speed (this is achieved mainly by practice). Let's look at basic exercises for developing speed reading skills.

We acquire the skills necessary for speed reading and get rid of unnecessary ones

1. One of the main obstacles to reading quickly is subvocalization, i.e. habit of mentally speaking text to yourself. As a result, our brain, in addition to visual information, is also forced to process speech information, which significantly reduces the speed of reading material. Thus, the first step towards mastering speed reading will be to stop subvocalization.

If subvocalization is accompanied by muttering out loud or lip movements ( articulation), you can get rid of it by holding an object between your teeth or gently biting your tongue. If pronunciation occurs at the level of ligaments (but without pronounced pronunciation of sounds) and the brain, the best a way to suppress subvocalization There will be special exercises. While reading, a person is asked to beat out a certain beat with a pencil or finger, pronounce tongue twisters and rhymes to himself, hum, count to 20 - in a word, do something that prevents him from pronouncing the text to himself. Even a metronome (you can buy it or download a metronome program on the Internet) will help you develop speed reading skills and read to the beat of the mechanism, periodically changing the frequency of its rhythm.

2. Another “brake” in mastering the skill of speed reading is the so-called regressionrecurrent eye movements and rereading of paragraphs and sentences. It is estimated that due to inattention or the presence of difficult-to-understand passages of text, a person returns to what he read up to 10-11 times! You can solve the problem by using a cardboard bookmark or, for example, a sheet of paper, which must be used to cover the already learned material.

3. Another reason for low reading speed is poorly developed peripheral vision, which does not allow you to cover large areas of text at a glance. In this case, training is recommended vertical reading, in which, looking at the center of the line, a person will see it entirely and will be able to move to the next line as if along a vertical line.

It is best to train on narrow texts (for example, newspaper columns) or Shulge tables, which are squares of 25 cells. Numbers from 1 to 25 are randomly entered into each cell, and then from a distance of about 30 cm, focusing on the central number, they try to find the rest in order.

In order not to get used to one table, it is worth drawing several or using letters of the alphabet instead of numbers. If a 5x5 table becomes too light for you, you can always increase the number of cells.

Increasing speed

When you successfully get rid of the inhibitions instilled in you since childhood, you will already read faster than before. However, there are no limits to perfection, and speed reading techniques are no exception. So, to further increase the number of words you read per minute, master the skill superficial reading,
aimed at searching for key words in the text, it develops by taking notes or guessing the meaning of a sentence after reading its separate part. An important role in teaching speed reading in general and in this exercise in particular is played by perseverance and continuity of training, which will soon allow you to process large volumes of text without missing important details.

When training, be sure to ensure that you understood the meaning of what they read. If the meaning begins to elude you, slow down a little, because 100 pages conscientiously read but not understood are of little practical use. By the way, many experts often recommend combining speed reading training with memory training. We provide some exercises in an article on how to

For many centuries people have had such a skill as speed reading . People have always had a thirst for knowledge, no less so in our time. And since in our century life has become more rapid, the issue of speed reading and remembering the information read is very acute.

Research conducted in recent years has shown that rapid reading activates thinking processes and is one of the means of improving the educational process for a wide variety of learning levels,

An interesting technique for developing fluent reading was developed by V.I. Zaitsev. Research conducted in recent years has shown that rapid reading activates thinking processes and is one of the means of improving the learning process for a wide range of learning levels. He believed that improving reading techniques is one of the main tasks of teaching primary schoolchildren.

The reader should keep in mind when learning speed reading

Each text requires a certain reading speed, its own methodology for processing information in accordance with the past experience of the person reading. It is important to keep in mind that the speed of the brain determines the pace of information processing.

Speed ​​reading principles:

  • Visualize clear goals before reading. Decide what you want to do with the text. What method of reading the text will you use? memorize, look through, find a fact, read carefully, ...
  • Mentally connect the knowledge you read with previously acquired knowledge. Systematize I read it - thought it over - decided what should be done in the future. I imagined it in my mind and decided for myself how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
  • Flexibly change your reading speed. Don't pay attention to the trash.
  • Re-read important points in the text until they are fully understood.
  • Work at the peak of interest. You cannot read uninteresting texts.
  • Actively process information. Read with a notebook.
  • Come up with questions for the author of the text. Write to the author of the letter, write notes.
  • Tired? - Take a break. Change types of work periodically.
  • If there is no application for knowledge- it means I read in vain.

In childhood, everyone started by reading aloud; the habit of speaking text to oneself has taken root and is a significant speed limiter - the limit of the speech channel is approximately 150 words (900 characters) per minute. Usually, when reading, one or two words fall into the field of view; the average width of the field of vision of an ordinary reader is 10-12 characters. The main one of these reasons is the low bandwidth of the speech channel, which is involved in traditional reading.

Visual angle training for speed reading

How to increase your reading speed at home

When learning to speed read, the first thing they try to do is turn off the speech channel.

Every day, each of us needs to absorb a large amount of new information. Hidden in our subconscious is the ability to read diagonally. Therefore, various speed reading techniques began to appear. Speed ​​reading and memorization.

The essence of this technique is to quickly read any text. Let's imagine that a person attended courses and learned to read quickly. From the outside it is not clear how he does this - and they say about him that he reads diagonally. As soon as you look at it, you remember all the details.

In order to implement a new approach to reading material, you need to master some eye movements. P In the reading process, the horizontal component is used exclusively and, in rare cases, the vertical component. The reader usually focuses on one line and has only a very vague idea of ​​the other lines above and below the one being read. Reading a book will waste many minutes or hours.

You will learn to take in entire islands of information at a glance, rather than concentrating on what is written on one printed line. This reading technique will help you perceive information much faster than is possible when using the conventional reading method. Each reader's diagonal perception of information has vertical and horizontal components.

Place the tangerine in a position just above and behind your head. Imagine that a tangerine is hovering a few centimeters above your head. Lower your arm and completely relax your shoulders. Imagine that this magical tangerine always stays there, no matter how your head moves.

Close your eyes and feel how much more calm and alert you feel.

Maintain this feeling, open your eyes. Make sure your book is positioned correctly and start reading again for 20 seconds.

Again, write down the number of lines you managed to read. Imagine how your field of vision opens up.

It is necessary to create a perfect state of mind using the “Mandarin Technique”. This is a method that forces your brain to work in such a way that you can read quickly, no matter what.

Never read blindly. Always have a goal.

Extend your hand in front of you and take an imaginary tangerine. Imagine the color, the texture of the crust, and maybe even the sweet, tangy smell. Then place it in your hands and feel the weight.

If a student has a reading speed in grades 7-8 of less than 60 words, and the homework is eight pages of a textbook or 6500 words, then 6500: 60 = 107 minutes. We are talking about optimal reading at a conversational pace.

According to psychologists, more than two hundred factors influence academic performance. Different people have different temperaments. Most of them are choleric and sanguine

  1. In the process of reading, working memory and sustained attention are improved.
  2. Skills must first be brought to automaticity, to the level of skill.
  3. Reading speed has a strong impact on academic performance.
  4. High education is impossible without good reading technique.

You should aim for the majority of students to have a reading speed of at least 120 words per minute at the end of primary school.

This is otherwise called suppression of articulation or latent pronunciation. One way to suppress pronunciation is to gradually increase reading speed.

In childhood, everyone started by reading aloud; the habit of speaking text to oneself has taken root and is a significant speed limiter - the limit of the speech channel is approximately 150 words (900 characters) per minute. Usually, when reading, one or two words fall into the field of view; the average width of the field of vision of an ordinary reader is 10-12 characters. The main reason for this is the low bandwidth of the speech channel, which is involved in traditional reading.

The pace is from 120 to 150 words per minute. About 2 hours to read the texts once. If he doesn’t understand it once, he needs to read it 2-3 times, and that’s 4-6 hours, add written assignments, and add the time that the student spent at school - you get a 15-hour working day. Such a student is doomed to failure. As the speed increases, the speech channel will not have time to pass the entire amount of information. The habit of reading with pronunciation is very strong, and there is a high probability that the reader will return to the previous reading speed and hidden pronunciation of the text.

The formation of the student’s personality, the formation of his attitude towards reading, school, teacher, comrades, the class team, and himself largely depend on how children are taught to read.

In the United States of America, many enterprises do not accept management positions if a specialist has a reading speed below 400 words per minute. It is believed that with a low reading speed, he will simply drown in a stream of papers.

If a student has a reading speed in grades 7-8 of less than 60 words, and the homework is eight pages of a textbook or 6500 words, then 6500: 60 = 107 minutes. We are talking about optimal reading at a conversational pace. The pace is from 120 to 150 words per minute. About 2 hours to read the texts once. If he doesn’t understand it once, he needs to read it 2-3 times, and that’s 4-6 hours, add written assignments, and add the time that the student spent at school - you get a 15-hour working day. Such a student is doomed to failure.

According to psychologists, success is influenced by more than 200 factors, but it is impossible to take them all into account. They selected more than 40 factors that strongly influence academic performance. After testing and questioning students, it turned out that there is factor No. 1 - reading speed.

Myths of speed reading

The Myth of Speed ​​Reading

Debunking the Myth of Speed ​​Reading

To read quickly you need to have wide angle of view, in order to cover as much text as possible in one gaze fixation and, of course, quickly process the perceived text information. The reader's focus of vision depends on how familiar the text is to him. The more unfamiliar the text, the narrower the focus of vision. An unfamiliar word will be spelled out.

The more familiar the text, the wider the focus of vision - in this case, even an untrained reader perceives the text as a single picture.

Rapid reading is hindered by recurrent eye movements.

A slow reader reads the same phrase several times, and this significantly reduces reading speed.

The purpose of reading is not to run forward, but find important information, read carefully, experience, feel, connect with previously received information.

The “read-only-forward” reading method is only good for locating important information, and after the important information is found, read it carefully.

A fast reader (speed reader) should use integral and differential reading algorithm. In ordinary life, we read in order to remember one fact or cope with one difficulty. We do not read texts in order to remember the publisher, imprint and publication date (and these are necessary points in the algorithm) - the average reader simply does not need this.

The integrated speed reading algorithm does not increase reading speed, but slows it down.

A fast reader should read completely silently without speaking the text. Pronouncing text is a serious obstacle in mastering the skill of speed reading. Reading is a speech activity (read Wikipedia for greater clarity).

Important information read must be read carefully until the structure of consciousness is changed and it becomes clear how the acquired knowledge can be applied in practice.

For many centuries, people obtained most of the information they needed through reading. Despite the centuries-old history of the appearance of printed materials, the need for high reading speed has appeared only among modern people.

The main incentive was the excessively increased volume of information, the perception and assimilation of which requires accelerated methods. The speed of reading texts by the average person does not exceed 500-700 printed characters per minute, which causes certain difficulties in mastering the material and requires more time to read it.

Speed ​​reading methods - what's the secret?

The very mention of the speed reading technique raises reasonable questions among many about what can be done to increase speed? Knowing and applying a number of simple rules will significantly increase the speed of comprehension of the material read, and will allow you to learn basic methods and principles. Most of the techniques are carried out by eliminating problems that arise due to a number of factors and habits. And so, let's look at the main problems that prevent us from reading the necessary material at the required speed.

The concept of regression means following the read text with the eyes in the opposite direction in order to read the line again. This problem is considered the most common; it is a mistake to think that this method is more conducive to memorization. Many readers automatically re-read the text twice, without even concentrating their attention on it. The average re-reading occurs approximately 10-15 times for every 1000 words of text, which means that the person returns to the beginning of the line and starts reading it again.

In this case, there may also be justified repetitions due to the emergence of new thoughts and ideas; this category of repetitions has received the terminology reception. Its main task is a detailed understanding of the material, which requires additional reading of the text. Speed ​​reading rules help make the use of this method an effective aid at the final stage of reading.

Regressions encourage the gaze to make forward movements in the opposite direction, while there is no justified need for this. If this continues in every line read, then the reader will have to re-read the text twice, and accordingly the reading speed will be lower by the same amount. Such regressions are the most important drawback that reduces reading speed; most often, eye returns are unfounded.

The reason for the occurrence of regression is simple to the point of banality - most often - it is simply the force of habit that arose when reading complex texts or simple inattention, when the need for repetition arises. Simply eliminating regressions will increase your reading speed up to two times, and the correctness of text perception up to three times. Now that your reading speed has increased significantly, you can move on to the next stage.

Reading without using articulations

This concept includes the involuntary use of the tongue and lips, the automatic repetition of what is read “to oneself.” The movement of the speech organs has a direct impact on the speed of reading, significantly slowing down the process. The intensity of such movements is determined by skills, habit and a high level of complexity of a particular text. From early childhood, this skill develops in the wrong direction, which automatically affects the appearance of articulations.

For most people, it is difficult to admit that they have such a concept as articulation, although from the outside we often hear a person “mumbling” something while reading. Thanks to modern research methods, it was possible to find out that almost everyone has such a phenomenon as articulation; x-rays showed the activity of the elements of the pharynx responsible for the pronunciation of sounds. The possibility of eliminating the pronunciation of words even mentally is considered the most rational method of learning to read quickly.

With Vikium you can organize the process of training on the basics of speed reading with an individual program

If you have the belief that you do not pronounce words, in fact this is not the case; the school teaching methodology itself was structured in such a way that articulation (pronouncing out loud) was instilled from school. Relearning is much more difficult than learning again, but the basic techniques of quick reading will radically change the situation for the better.

Methods for solving the problem of repeating reading material

There are several learning techniques to cope with the existing defect, which makes it possible to increase reading speed:

  • If speaking involves the movement of facial muscles, whispering, or other sounds produced, you should simply take some object in your teeth; a pencil is best. The degree of its compression and the unpleasant feelings at the same time will teach you to keep any mechanical movements under control, and you will be able to eliminate the repetition process that interferes with fast reading;
  • Repeating words in thoughts is considered a more complex defect, since the speech center of the brain is involved here. The applicable method for eradicating this deficiency is called “wedge by wedge.” Its meaning boils down to the fact that the speech and motor centers of the brain are adjacent, so reading should be trained to a certain rhythm (not musical), making rhythmic movements while reading. At first glance it looks complicated, but quite effective and efficient.

Fast Reading Basics Using the Integral Algorithm

The main goal of speed reading is not the number of printed characters obtained, but the efficiency and optimization of the information received, its digestibility and perception of the text read. That is, the book should not just be read, but recorded in memory, comprehended and understood. People don’t think about how quickly they read text; they end up reading it slowly in all situations. There is a certain rule, based on it, the technique of reading and perceiving the material must correspond to the assigned tasks. An individual program and its implementation allows you to switch at the necessary moment and increase your speed reading performance.

Vertical eye movement

When reading any material, a limited angle of view is used, the emerging section of the text is fixed with the gaze, after which the information is analyzed in the brain. The traditional reading method allows you to fix no more than 2-3 words at a time, after which the eye makes new leaps and subsequent fixations. Accordingly, expanding the field of view will allow you to simultaneously receive a larger amount of information, and reducing the number of stops will make the reading process more efficient. A person who has mastered this method no longer perceives a few words in one fixation, but a whole line, a sentence, and, as the skill develops, even a paragraph.

Such reading will not only increase speed, but will also increase the perception of the material, since the brain will not need to assemble a whole sentence from individual phrases and fragments. The meaning of the text will become more clear, which will contribute to better perception and memorization.

Another significant drawback is the movement of the eyes along the line; such messages take time and effort, causing rapid fatigue. Vertical reading will allow you to avoid such movements, saving energy and time in the process of reading the material. Movement of the gaze vertically makes it possible to develop quick reading methods and improve the quality of assimilation.

Highlighting the dominant or main meaning of the text read

The problem of perceiving text material read may be associated with the difficulty of reconstructing the connecting components of objects and the knowledge available about them. When reading a simple text, we gain perception based on the already existing knowledge base, we understand the already known meaning and meaning of words, associating them with our own perception. With texts that are difficult to understand, carrying a flow of new information, the situation is more complicated; it requires the installation of a new logical chain, built in space and time.

The process of comprehending the material read in such a situation requires concentration, a sufficient amount of knowledge and skills in its application, as well as proper mastery of certain thinking techniques. The desire to remember a text evokes a natural desire to understand it, for which the following techniques are used. Key supporting points in the text are highlighted, and anticipation is also used.

The principle of identifying support points in the semantic chain is as follows. The entire text is divided into parts, each of them has its own meaning, which improves reading comprehension and promotes memorization. The supporting element of the text can be any concept associated with it. They can be any minor details, terms or associations that make memorization easier.

Any association, compressed information carrying a general semantic load, can serve as a support. The meaning of this method comes down to the need to understand the main idea of ​​what is written and highlight important and significant phrases. Thus, the central concept and main idea are isolated from the text, which ultimately makes it possible to collect associated concepts into one general idea, which is the main principle of the general understanding of the text. This technique allows you to gain a general understanding of the text without losing its semantic meaning.

Another important technique for increasing reading speed is anticipation or anticipation of further text based on a semantic guess. You can also define this concept as a psychological prediction of a text located in the future. It is based on techniques for determining the logical development of events based on the results of the analysis of previous events. Anticipation ensures anticipation of the process, even in those moments when the prerequisites for this do not exist.

It is possible to practice such a phenomenon only if the thinking is productive, for which certain skills should be developed. Here the reader focuses his attention on the holistic content of the written text, and not on its specific parts. The basis for applying the method is understanding the general content of what you read, but not its parts separately.

The need to fully concentrate on doing a certain job allows you to do it more efficiently (carefully). The skill of managing your attention while reading is a key element in reading quickly and fully comprehending the material. Slow reading makes it possible to switch attention to foreign objects, which prevents you from fully mastering the information received. Therefore, the faster we read, the better we understand the material we read. If a person thinks about something extraneous while reading, this may cause him to re-read an entire passage of text again.

Daily quota and fulfillment of obligations

The accepted reading standard is considered to be several news papers, a scientific or technical journal, and about a hundred pages of fiction. Completing such a program will allow you to master and improve the skill of reading at a fast pace and will make it possible to constantly maintain the necessary “form”. The ideal option for implementing all existing techniques is exercise courses to develop such skills.

Speed ​​reading is a skill that is surprisingly easy to improve. You can improve your speed by using special software or by attending speed reading courses. In this article we talk about 5 basic speed reading techniques that you can master yourself!

So here they are:

Stop saying words in your head

By the way, many people have an even more terrible habit: speaking the text out loud while reading. This slows down the reading process more than speaking thoughts in your head. Subvocalization is a habit inherent in most people. When reading, we seem to “hear” all the words with our brain. Try to get rid of this habit and your reading speed will increase significantly! All you need to do is turn off the mechanism of speaking the text in your head. Try chewing gum while reading, humming to yourself (tested it on myself, it helps!), or even eat.

Avoid "comebacks"

When we read, we tend to look back and stop at the word we just read. This slows us down significantly. Unfortunately, the only way to break this habit is to admit that you are doing it and notice when you do it.

Follow the text

One of the most amazing techniques for speed reading is “meta guiding” (text tracking). Remember how at school, when reading a text, you moved your finger/pencil over it or followed it with your head? So, this is exactly what this story is about. It turns out that this method seriously speeds up the reading process. Remember to concentrate on each word if you want to remember the information you receive.

Speed ​​reading, in fact, is not for everyone. Most people are able to process huge amounts of information they read at high speed, but there are those who cannot. If you're interested, give speed reading a chance, but don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out. There are other options:

Skip sections (or even chapters) you don't need

Another trick to increase your reading speed is to skip unnecessary information. As former British Prime Minister Arthur James Balfour once said: “A man is only half a master of the art of reading unless he has added to it the skill of skipping unnecessary text.”

Skipping unnecessary text is one of the methods of speed reading, and although this is not the best method for schoolchildren and students, for example, for scientists interested only in certain sections of a particular book, the method is a great time saver. Professor David Davis shared his strategy for effective skimming:

1. Start with an introduction or preface. Read them carefully to understand what the main point of the book is and where the information you need is located.

2. Read the last chapter or conclusion.

3. Skim through all the chapters and read the first and last paragraphs.

Obviously, you won't do this with every book. We don't recommend it. Skimming is best used for those books that you are not very interested in reading or for a quick acquaintance with the book and identifying areas that interest you most for subsequent detailed familiarization with them.

Listen to audiobooks when you can't read

When you're traveling somewhere, cooking or playing sports, or other times when you can't read, listen to audiobooks. This is a great way to use your time effectively.

Read several books at the same time

Last year, Jeff Ryan set himself a goal of 366 books that he had to read in a year. This seems like an incredible goal until you find out how Ryan achieved it:

The idea of ​​reading one book a day from cover to cover quickly failed. Jeff also had days when he was busy with work and raising children, and he did not have a minute of free time to read. As a result, he used the parallel reading method and eventually managed to complete his difficult challenge.

Of course, Jeff combined this tactic with others that we have listed here. The technique of reading several books at the same time means that you can distinguish between the material you are reading and it does not merge into a continuous mess in your head. If there are signs of such behavior, adapt the method to suit yourself: read books of different genres and formats at the same time (example: comics, novel and audiobook).

Give up books that don't work for you

The advice seems obvious, but we will still dwell on this point in more detail. So, if you have already read several chapters and do not feel any pleasure or benefit from reading it, then just stop reading it. Think about why you don't enjoy reading. Is it just the wrong book at the wrong time? If so, then just put it off until better times. Someone recommended a book to you and you don't like it? Return it to the seller, donate it, or give it to the library. Don't waste your precious time on books you don't like.


Take a look at the books you want to read. Using the methods described above, you will master them in less time. Set yourself a reading schedule and get going!

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