Examples of fused pronouns. Whether or not we write a hyphen in indefinite pronouns

Writing prepositions with pronouns

Pronouns with prepositions are written separately. For example: come to me, talk about you, think about her.

Educational observation

Read the sentences.

Some people looked into the blue distance of the sea. Some kind of the boat was visible in the distance. Suddenly something flared up. Maybe, some the merry fellow joked. Any the sound could be frightening on a quiet night.

Is it possible to determine or guess who exactly was looking into the distance, what kind of boat was visible, what exactly flashed, what kind of merry fellow, what kind of sound could scare? This is impossible, because these pronouns indicate unknown, undefined objects and signs. These are indefinite pronouns.

How are indefinite pronouns formed?

These pronouns are formed using suffixes -this, -either, -something, consoles some-.

Something to remember

Pronouns with -something, -either, -something are written with a hyphen. For example, someone, someone, somewhere, something.


  1. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades: V.V. Babaytseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  2. Russian language. 5th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  3. Russian language. Practice. 5th grade: ed. A.Yu. Kupalova. - M.: Bustard, 2012.


Task No. 1

Write down the phrases using parentheses.

He speaks (about) me, he came (for) him, a gift (from) you, to ask (from) someone, (with) my friend, (in) our city, to think (about) himself.

Task No. 2

Rewrite the sentences by inserting the missing hyphens.

My letter was brought to someone. There was a terrible creak from someone's steps. There was someone standing outside the door. A flock of some white birds flew by. My friend explained the task to me better than anyone else. Some people may not like my decision. The problem needs to be solved in some other way.

In the spelling of pronouns There are several types of rules:

1) the use of not and neither in indefinite and negative pronouns;
2) continuous and separate spelling not and nor with pronouns;
3) continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of pronouns.

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of pronominal adverbs was
partially disassembled.

Let's look at each rule in more detail.

1. The use of not and neither in indefinite and negative pronouns:
The use of NOT and NI in pronouns.

A) in indefinite and negative pronouns (including pronominal
adverbs) under stress is written not, without stress - neither.

Let's give an example: none, nowhere, some, not at all, nothing, no one,
someone, several, nowhere, no need, no one.

B) in phrases, no one else (other) than; nothing else (other) than
the particle is written not, and it is written separately if the phrases include
particle like; without a particle as a pronoun no one, nothing in these
in phrases – no one else (other); nothing else (other) – written according to
general rules: without stress and without preposition - neither together.

Here's an example:
In the distance was none other than my former classmate. - No one else
could not commit; It was nothing more than simple ice cream. - Nothing
he did not do anything else.

Integrated and separate spelling of not and neither with pronouns:

A) in indefinite and negative numeral pronouns,
adjective pronouns, noun pronouns and neither
are written:
together, if there is no preposition between not and neither and the root;
Let's give an example: no one, no one, someone, several, something, none.
separately, if there is a preposition between not and neither and the root;
Let's give an example: no one, no one, no one, no need, no need.

B) in indefinite and negative pronominal adverbs not and not always
are written together, since these are immutable forms and cannot have
excuses for yourself;
Let's give an example: there is nowhere to wait for income, nowhere to live, no need to leave.

C) pay attention to the spelling of words:
for nothing, for nothing, in no way - not at all, not in any way, not in anything
it happened.

D) with other pronouns (including pronominal adverbs) when
in negation, the particle not is used, which is written with pronouns
Let's give an example: not everyone, not myself, not me, not you, not everyone, not here, not

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of pronouns:

A) pronouns-adjectives, pronouns-nouns and pronouns
-numerals with prepositions are written separately.
Let's give an example: behind that tree, along this lake, along that shore, on
how many euros are cheaper?

In this case, the pronoun can be removed from the phrase, and the preposition
leave or replace the pronoun with a noun, adjective,
Let's give an example: around the corner, by the lake, by the sea, seven cents cheaper.

B) pronominal adverbs formed by merging a preposition and a case
forms of pronoun-noun, pronoun-adjective,
Numeral pronouns are written together.
Let's give an example: therefore, therefore, then, because how much.

In this case, the pronoun is a noun or the pronoun is an adjective
cannot be removed from a sentence or phrase, but the preposition cannot be left;

Let's give an example: She will solve everything without errors, so don't worry;
He wasn't there because he was in love; He sat down, then lay down.

C) combinations are always written separately:
behind this, for what, to what, to that, from this, at the same time, at all costs;

D) it is necessary to distinguish between the combination of the conjunction and with a pronominal adverb (in this case the conjunction and can be removed from the sentence) and the introductory word with the meaning of the conclusion, the final thought (and cannot be removed from the sentence; the introductory word can be replaced with another introductory word, for example: Thus).

Let's give an example: My father scolded me for inaction every day, and this lasted for a year (this lasted for a year).
- Firstly, he is very young, and secondly, he is not healthy.
So, one should not count on his help (Thus, one should not count on his help);

D) pronouns with the prefix some and postfixes -to, -or, -ni are written with a hyphen.

Somebody, somewhere, someone, somewhere, somehow.


Spelling hyphens in nouns


1.From the root floor- before l, vowels and capitals letters: half a liter, half Europe, half an apple.

2. A combination of general and special names: boarding school, house-museum, corresponding member.

3.Names of intermediate countries: northwest, southeast.

4.Proper names: Smirnov-Sokolsky, New York, Rostov-on-Don


1.From the root -floor- in other cases and with the root -semi-: halfway, halfway, midnight, peninsula.

2. Compound abbreviated words: Central Bank, supply manager, philological department, head of department

3. Compound words with connecting vowels o, e (e - after hissing and soft consonants, ts), as well as: leaf fall, pedestrian, fifth grader

4.Remember: century, centipede, but: forty degrees.

Spelling hyphens in adjectives


1. Formed from nouns that are written with a hyphen: northwestern (northwest); southeast (southeast).

2. Formed by adding equal words, between which you can insert conjunctions and, not only... but also...: convex-concave lenses (convex and concave); Military Medical Academy (not only military, but also medical).

3. Indicating color: dark cherry, white-red-blue, light green, yellow-red, blue-black.


1. Formed from complex nouns that are written together: forest park (forest park); reinforced concrete (reinforced concrete).

2. Formed on the basis of a phrase in which one word is the main word, the other is dependent: Old Russian (Ancient Rus'); dark-haired (dark hair); Far Eastern (Far East).

3. Formed with the root semi-: midnight, semicentennial.

4. Formed from the noun and numeral that appears in the first part: five-meter, nine-story, four-kilometer, forty-minute.

Spelling hyphens in pronouns, adverbs and interjections

Pronouns and adverbs with -something, -either, -something, - are written with hyphen

somebody somebody somebody somebody

something something somewhere somebody

somewhere somehow somewhere somewhere

some somewhere with someone somewhere

someone once

somehow some how much

somewhere somewhere

sometime somewhere

Remember: if a word has a preposition, something is written separately.

Some with someone, some with someone, some from someone, something from something.



1.With attachment By- and suffixes

oh, -him, -i (formed from adjectives and possessive pronouns):

- brotherly;

- in Latin;

dressed in a new way (how?) (but: along a new path (which way?));

bakes in summer (how?) (but: according to summer time (which));

did it in your opinion (how?) (but: in your opinion (whose opinion?)).

2.With attachments in-, in- and suffixes - oh, -and x (derived from numerals):

- Firstly,

- secondly,

- third.


1. With the prefix po-, but without the suffixes -oom, -emu, -i: higher; smaller;

therefore (but: along this path (which way?))

because (but: along that shore (which?))

2. With the prefixes vo-, v-, but without the suffixes -ы, -и: for the first time, on time, up

3. Complex, formed by repetition of roots: exactly, little by little, visible and invisible.

Remember: side by side.

Adverbs, particles, verbs with the particle -ka, -and all other parts of speech with particles -ka, -are written with a hyphen.

anyway, go and do it yourself



came after all


Remember: We did build a house.

The house was built.

Interjections formed by repetition are written with a hyphen.

oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, ah-ah-ah, oh-oh-oh

Task 1

Form adverbs with the prefix po- from the words below, and explain their spelling.

New, adult, old, good, bad, former, military, special, summer, visible, everyone, other, ours, yours, ours, real, other;

Children's, soldier's, Plastunsky, master's, svoysky, Caucasian, French, miner, Cossack, German, Russian, Polish, Azerbaijani, Dutch;

Landowner, official, hunter, child, puppy, Cossack, wolf, cat, bear, camel, hare, fox, parrot, monkey, widow, woman.

Task 2

Complete the adverbs formed: 1) simple repetition; 2) repetition of an adverb with a prefix; 3) adding a consonant word. Explain their spelling.

Barely-..., barely-..., barely-..., strongly-..., quietly-..., first-..., a long time ago-..., apparently-..., just- ..., strong-..., purely-..., little-..., by will-..., cross-..., kindly-..., collar-..., from the bay- ..., exactly...

Task 3

Form complex adjectives from the words below, divide them into two groups: 1) with hyphenated spelling, 2) with continuous spelling, make up phrases with them.

Sample: Technology and economics - technical and economic department.

1. Workers and peasants, references and information, tall stature, broad shoulders, foreign trade, professors and teachers, pulp and paper, south and east;

Scientific and popular, good-natured and cunning, military and athletic, small owner, left bank, common to humanity, long-range combat, wide screen, copper smelting, capable of labor.

2. Go crazy, lose your mind, darken your mind, love yourself, strive for the center, run away from the center.

By combining the words given in the first and second parts, form complex adjectives denoting shades of colors.

1. Matte, grayish, pearl, snowy, lemon.

2. White, black, yellow, purple, emerald, crimson.

Task 4

Form complex adjectives from the words below and put them in phrases.

8 faces, 10 points, 12 floors, 5 tons, 7 stars, 40 buckets, 100 years, 200 meters, 90 days, 489 liters, a million heads, a thousand votes, three days, one volume.

Task 5

Form compound adjectives from the following nouns and explain their spelling.

North-west, south-east, New York, Pavlovo Posad, Yasnaya Polyana, diesel engine, trade, oil field, electrical wire, forest-steppe.

Task 6

Make up suitable word combinations from the adjectives and adverbs given below and use them in a sentence.

1. Truly, vitally, authentically, purely, painfully, dazzlingly, absolutely.

2. Difficult, bright, truthful, scientific, revolutionary, democratic, necessary, popular, unknown, Russians.

Task 7

Distribute the following examples into three groups: a) complex adjectives with continuous spelling; b) compound adjectives with hyphens; c) combinations of adverbs with adjectives (participles).

1. (Eternally) green plants; 2. (Greco) Roman state; 3. (ancient) Roman generals; 4. (average) daily increase; 5. (petty) white steam; 6. (white) snow tablecloth; 7. (sharply) negative impact; 8. (environmentally); dangerous project; 9. (pulp) paper industry; 10. (commercial) industrial capital; 11. (financial) industrial groups; 12. (diametrically); opposing views; 13. (almost) unnecessary advice; 14. (cardio) vascular system; 15. (blue) purple waves; 16. (purely) oriental melody; 17. (infinite)/ small quantities; 18. (absolutely) unacceptable decisions; 19. (decorative) applied arts; 20. (electronic) computers; 21. (folk) economic; 22, (naturally) scientific; 23. (worldwide) historical; 24. (world) famous scientist.

Erudition test

Form complex adjectives from the words below, come up with sentences with five of them (optional), and phrases with the rest; count up the points.

Hard stone, cruel heart, golden strings, long neck, evil intent, impenetrable to the wind, broad leaves, club head, pig head, pour iron, smelt copper, smoke wine, cut metal.

Erudition test

Distribute the following spellings into two columns: a) complex adjectives denoting one integral terminological concept; b) combinations of adverbs with adjectives (participles); count up the points.

Sample: evergreens and forever blue skies. 1. (Fast) growing tree species; 2. (fast) growing young city; 3. (Highly) placed persons; 4. The critic (highly) appreciated the poem; 5. (Deeply) respected mentors; 6. An actor who (deeply) feels the role; 7. (Densely) populated area, 8. (Densely) written sheets; 9. They brought (expensive) goods; 10. The (expensive) deception cost him; 11. Ward for the (seriously) wounded; 12. (Severely) wounded in the chest soldier; 13. (Highly) productive breed; 14. (Highly) valued service; 15. (All) victorious, jubilant power; 16. (Everyone and everything) a forgiving look; 17. (Below) standing authorities; 18. Houses located lower down the slope; 19. (Above) noted inaccuracies 20, More (above) notches noted on the tree; 21, (Strongly) acting medicine; 22. (Strongly) effective medicine.

Vocabulary dictation

Check the spelling of complex nouns in the dictionary, write down the cases that are difficult for you separately, and remember them.

Mind...mood, mind...darkness, earth...tr..seniment, thousand...anniversary, time...pr..passage, time...calculus, forty...anniversary, seven. ..share, forty...leg, ninetieth, self...cost, self...love, crazy....crazy, (micro)processor, (micro)elements, (macro)phenomenon, (mini)computer , (multi) millionaire, (mass) media, (press) conference, (video) tape recorder, (gram) molecule, (kilo) byte, (stereo) sound, (video) tape, (social) democracy, (social) chauvinism, (cheers) patriotism, (post) modernism, (ex) expressionism.

Vocabulary dictation

Check the spelling of complex adjectives in the dictionary, write down the cases that are difficult for you separately, and remember them.

Put...wire m...line, (unlikely incident, (law enforcement, (below) the following d...d...tivs, (multi)stage...rocket, (s/leg) stunning g ...pothesis, (old) ritual rituals, pathogenic bam...s, (delicately) green vegetation, (high) official, mind...dark message (twofold. )breathing earth...water, (long) neck...animal, ray-shaped fusion, (car...o) locomotive depot, (car...o) repair plant, (folk )economic object, (world) historical significance, (far...)sighted old man...k, (vocal)instrumental ensemble, (electronic) computing device, (yellow)green (semi)shawl, (little )significant conclusions, ((DD)aln...)eastern military district, 203-millimeter (long...) combat weapon, (experienced) programmer, (average... .)European plain, (forty) bucket c...stubble.


Copy the text, insert the missing letters, pay special attention to writing complex adjectives and combinations of adverbs with adjectives.

/Dark/blue, like the sea in a thunderstorm, the sparkling bottomless sky was seen by Gusev and Los, crawling out of the apparatus. The blazing, darkened sun stood high above Mars. The streams of crystal blue light were cool. A /dazzling/ shining light emanated from the /dense/ blue heights. My chest was tingling, the blood was pounding in my temples, but I could breathe easily.

The device lay on the /orange/ orange flat plain. Tall cacti stood everywhere, like seven candlesticks, casting sharp purple shadows. A light breeze was blowing.

Los and Gusev looked around for a long time, then moved forward. It was unusually easy to walk, although my feet were stuck ankle-deep in the crumbling soil.

We walked for about half an hour. The same orange plain spread before my eyes. When we turned south, Elk began to look around, as if thinking about something, suddenly stopped and said:

Alexey Ivanovich, the soil is plowed.

Indeed, now the wide, /semi/sprinkled furrows of arable land and /immaculately/ regular rows of cacti were clearly visible. Gradually the cacti became taller, denser, and more solid. It was necessary to carefully wade through their living thorny thicket. /many/legged /bright/ orange lizards came out from under my feet. Several times, in the thick of the lap...those clouds, some bristly balls...slipped and threw themselves to the side. Here they walked slower. Here and there along the slopes were scattered /low/ tall trees, similar to /high/ mountain pine trees. In the distance, in the /north/west, a mountain of sharp and jagged mountains rose. The snow was glistening on the hills.

They stood there for some time. The plain was deserted and sad. And suddenly they saw how the creature that had... been near the... apparatus, jumped..., spread its long p,... r... wings, rose with a crash and, op... .sav /semi/circle, soared above the people.

It was the same creature that they had just taken for a bird. Opening his mouth, Gusev looked at the /miracle/ bird describing circles in the /cube/ blue sky. The strange bird was descending. Now it was easy to distinguish a /human/ figurative creature sleeping inside the flying apparatus. Suddenly the head of a Martian appeared in a strange...wonderful hat with a long peak. There are glasses on the eyes. The face is /dark/brown, narrow, wrinkled, with a sharp nose. He opened his mouth and squeaked something. Then he often flapped his wings and disappeared over the horizon.

/According to A. Tolstoy/

(At) the beginning of the next day I saw (on) the right the wide length indicated to me. (Several) plank houses, shining (light) yellow wood... in... blue, are located on the hill..., at the foot... of deciduous... trees.

I'm sure I directed the horse to the artist's house. I was received in a friendly and welcoming manner. The workshop - a spacious (un)wallpapered room with large windows - occupied (half) the house. The walls of the workshop were hung with whimsical landscapes, of which one attracted my attention.

The painting (un)usually glowed brightly in the rays of the setting sun with its thick colors. The (blu...vato)gray surface of the lake, which occupied the front part of the picture, breathes cold and silent peace. A large blue ice floe stumbled towards the shore right next to the fallen tree. Two bare...wind-torn cedars raise their (ever)green branches, like hands raised to the sky. In the background, the (white) snowy cliffs of jagged mountains fall straight into the lake. In the center of the picture rises a (three) sided diamond pyramid, standing on a foundation, the stone steps of which descend like a giant staircase to the far end of the lake. At the foot of...a cone...of a prominent mountain, a (greenish) white cloud rose, emitting a faint light.

The intersecting reflections of this glow and the (dazzling) bright light from the sparkling snow gave long stripes of shadows for some reason (yellow) red shades. The same spots, only thicker, almost bloody in tone, were visible in the broken clouds of the coastal rocks. Above the stones stood disheveled columns of (bluish) green smoke or steam, looking like huge human figures, giving an ominous and fantastic appearance to this lan...sha...tu. An almost mystical horror began to creep into the motorcycle soul, but the hunter calmed me down with his further story.

/ According to I. Efremov!

Rewrite the text, insert the missing letters, explain the spelling.

Other shores

Have you ever woken up on a summer morning and immediately looked in adolescent trepidation at what the crack is between the shutters? If the (in...sticky) ble...bottom, then you fall...back on the pillows: it’s not worth...opening the shutters, behind which you can see in advance the whole sad picture: lead ...howling sky, a r...bubbly puddle, sweat...warmed gravel and a (prem...temporarily) faded tree...spring leaf, (flatly) stuck...to a wet garden bench.

But if the shutters squinted from the (dazzlingly) red...g...ringing, I (that) hour immediately...forced the window to give up its treasures - and (in)an instant the room ...was filled with light. The sun-pierced foliage was striking with the transparency that (light) green grapes have, while the spruce needles stood out velvety against the (piercingly) bright blue.

Since childhood, the morning shine in the window told me one thing and only one thing: if there is sun, there will be butterflies. It all started when I, (seven) years old, saw my first m...h...on a Persian lilac bush behind the...randa. A magnificent (pale) yellow... yellow one... with black and blue stepped spots, with a parrot... eye... over each of the paired (black) fawn spurs, hung with a bowed... (raspberry) lilac bunch and, reveling in it, all the time frantically flapping its huge wings.

It used to be that a large (gl...nt...vito) red caterpillar would cross the path and look back at me. And soon I found on the p..r.i.e. of the front porch a large suede...sphynx with tenacious paws, which my mother put to sleep for the collection using ether.

/According to V. Nabokov/

Optional assignment

Read the above text carefully again. State the content of the text, preserving the author's definitions and epithets as much as possible.

Complete the presentation with a story about your impressions of encounters with bright, unusual phenomena in nature. Use compound adjectives in your story.


Read the following text carefully, insert the missing letters. Open the brackets and write down: in group A - examples of separate writing of adverbs with adjectives (participles); group B - compound adjectives with hyphenated spelling, group C - compound adjectives with continuous spelling.

A pair of bays

Everyone looked where my father was pointing. A tall cart was moving along the street, a pair of bays, carelessly trampling the dust with fragile legs, pulled it. A man was walking right next to him. The sleeves of the linen shirt are not rolled up like a rustic one. ..y, high boots are polished, hat on the back of the head - Anton Ilyich Korobov.

He was no poorer than his neighbor. Fist, no doubt. Had two horses. There were no such horses either in our village or in the neighboring ones, but were there better ones in the whole world? It is impossible to imagine better ones.

They dreamed so much that they seemed to be bathed. Their backs and rumps were covered with (deep...o) dull gold. They have smooth, narrow muzzles with shy nostrils and large, moist, hot eyes. They have wide, (bronze) cast croups, and under them are dry, thin legs, it seems that their grandmothers are about to crunch under the weight of the croups. One has white socks on her chiseled legs, and even her hooves are pink.

I secretly and madly loved these horses - every polished fur of theirs, every (god)-like movement, the jingling of their harness, the ghostly sound of their weightless hooves at the trot. I could never get enough of them.

And at times I loved - I couldn’t help myself! - their owner, Anton Korobov, when he was driving through the village on his pair before sunset, through the golden rays of... no sun. And it always happened suddenly.

They appeared in the middle of the street - huge, (shimmeringly) shiny, (victoriously) strong, so (equally) arched their necks, so (coordinated...o) trampling the ground with their feet that it seemed: it was not a couple running, but one single terribly magnificent creature.

And behind him, throwing his arms forward, leaning back majestically, he walked, lord! he is a god! He walked lightly and stately; The collar of the (name day) clean shirt is open on the chest, the boots are shiny (glossy) with black boots, the mouth is open in a smile.

How I wanted to be like him! After all, one cannot help but love God! And he was loved by children and dogs, and other animals. They said: one day my hero approached a raging bull that had just smashed a cart and wounded a horse. He came up, scratched him like a dog behind the ear, took him by the ring in his nose and took him to the stall.

/According to V. Tendryakov/

Presentation with elements of an essay

Read the text carefully, insert the missing letters, explain the spellings. Represent the content of the passage using as many of the adjectives and participles used in it as possible. Supplement your presentation with facts you know from the creative biography of Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov, and your impressions of your favorite works by S. V. Rachmaninov.


I. It was a strange summer. Everything about him was mixed up. At the end of May, the foliage of the birch trees remained weak and tender, like spring, (yellow) green, like chicken down. The bird cherry blossomed only in early June, and the lilac even later. The Ivanovo str...r...veins did not remember this.

Heavy thunderstorm showers, which were not allowed in early June - their time in August, when the grain was harvested, aggravated the chaos in the world...buildings. And the lilacs bloomed all at once, boiled in one night in the yard, and in the alleys, and in the park. But it’s supposed to be like this: first the white, blue, pink domestic lilac blooms, its tall bushes are crowded between the outbuildings and the...nushions; After five or six days, the low peachy lilac with (sweetly) fragrant hanging inflorescences begins to bloom, and a week later the tasseled branches of the Hungarian lilac with the most... bloom. ..scan...th (faded) violet clusters....

II. ... Rachmaninov made his way through the lilac bushes. From its former splendor, only a few flowers remained, emitting a strong spicy smell. He tore off the wet leaf and crushed it. An unbearable bitterness filled my mouth.

Slowly, dancing behind the branches of the lilac, a web, the harbinger of autumn, floated by. It took a long and difficult time for this summer to explode into wild blooms. And so early and quickly it faded away...i.e. Well, God bless him! He learned what music is. He was looking for it outside, but it sounds inside him. And now he felt the capacity of the organ within himself. Something was intensifying, ripening in huge spaces. Music will be created, a piano concert that has not gone well lately will begin to sound.

A) noun pronouns, adjective pronouns and numeral pronouns with a preposition are written separately(By this field, by that shore, behind those angle, at How many rubles more expensive). In this case, the pronoun can be removed from the phrase, and the preposition left, or the pronoun can be replaced with a noun, adjective, numeral (across the field, along the shore, around the corner, on five rubles more expensive)

b) pronominal adverbs formed by merging a preposition and the case form of a noun pronoun, adjective pronoun, numeral pronoun are written seamlessly(therefore, therefore, therefore, then, as far as)

V) pronouns with prefix some and postfixes -this, -either, -something written with a hyphen (someone, somewhere, someone, somewhere, somehow)

Ticket No. 10

Tense and verb conjugation. Secondary members of the sentence. Direct and indirect object.

Changing verbs according to persons and numbers is called conjugation. When conjugating, the endings of verbs change. Verbs of the first conjugation have the endings: -у (-у), -еж (-еж), -ет (-ет), -ем (-ом), -ete (-ёte), - ut(-yut). Verbs of the second conjugation have the endings: -у (-yu), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat). Let's conjugate the verbs grow, work, stand, hold, feed.
The conjugation of verbs is determined in two ways: - by the personal ending, if it is stressed: sing - sing, sing, sing (I sp.); sit - sit, sit, sit (II reference); lie - lie, lies (II reference); rattle - rattle, thunder (II reference); – if the personal ending is unstressed, then the conjugation of the verb is determined by the suffix of the indefinite form. To determine the conjugation of a verb with an unstressed personal ending, you need to: 1) put the verb in the indefinite form (walks - walk); 2) determine which vowel comes before -t. The II conjugation includes: – verbs in the indefinite form ending in -it (except shave, lay); – 7 verbs in -et: look, see, hate, depend, endure, offend, twirl; – 4 verbs in -at: hear, breathe, drive, hold, as well as all prefixed verbs formed from them. For example: breathe, look after, overtake. The I conjugation includes all other verbs ending in the indefinite form with -et, -at, -yat, -ot, -ut, -yt: warm, pull, melt.

Secondary members of the sentence are members of the sentence that are not included in the grammatical basis. They distribute the main members of the sentence. That is, they explain and clarify them.

Definition– a minor member of the sentence that determines the attribute of the subject. The definition answers the questions:

  • Which?

The definition can be expressed in different parts of speech: noun, adjective
or pronoun. It is emphasized by a wavy line.

Addition– a minor member of a sentence, denoting an object. The addition answers questions about indirect cases (all except the nominative), namely:

  • whom? what?
  • to whom? what?
  • whom? What?
  • by whom? how?
  • about whom? about what?

The addition can be expressed noun or pronoun. It is underlined with a dotted line.

Circumstance– a minor member of a sentence, denoting cause, place, purpose, time. Answers questions:

According to the mode of action:

  • how?

By location:

  • Where?
  • where?

By time:

  • When?
  • How long?
  • since when?
  • until when?

Due to:

  • Why?
  • why?
  • For what?
  • For what?

The circumstance can be expressed adverb, noun or pronoun. The stroke is underlined with a dotted line (dot - dash).

A direct object in Russian is an addition expressed by a noun or a pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition, for example: read a BOOK, look through a MAGAZINE, lead a CHILD, bring FIREWOOD, see HIM.

In some cases (when indicating part of an object and when negating), the direct object is expressed by a noun in the genitive case without a preposition, for example: buy MILK (vin. pad), buy MILK (gen. pad. - indicating a part, not all milk, which available in the store), do not buy MILK (gen. fall - negation).

All other additions are indirect, for example: cover yourself with a BLANKET (tv. pad), glad to MEET (dat. pad.)

O" and "e" after words hissing in the roots

Ticket No. 11

1) Person of the verb and impersonal verbs. Definition and Application

In the Russian language there is a large group of verbs that denote an action that occurs on its own, without an actor (or object). They are called impersonal.
In sentences, impersonal verbs are usually predicates, in which there is not and cannot be a subject:
It was freezing at night. A lazy person is always unwell.
Coolness blows from the sea. There was thunder outside the window.

Impersonal verbs can mean:

o natural phenomena;

o human condition;

o desire, opportunity, necessity of action.

Impersonal verbs are used only:

· in the indicative mood -

o in the form of the 3rd person unit. Part of the present tense: it's getting dark
or future tense: it will get dark;

o in the form of the neuter past tense: it got dark, dusk, dawn;

· in the conditional mood -

o in neuter form: If it got dark, it would dawn sooner.

· in an indefinite form: it's getting dark, it's starting to get dark.

Forms verb faces express the relationship of the action indicated by the verb to the speaking person.

There are three different verb faces: first, second and third.

Form first person singular denotes the speaker's action: I'll sing, I'll come in.

Form first person plural denotes the action of a group of people, which includes the speaker: Let's eat, let's go.

Form second person singular indicates the action of the interlocutor: eat, come in.

Form second person plural denotes the action of a group of people, which includes the interlocutor: sing, come in.

Forms third person singular and plural denote the actions of one or those who do not participate in the dialogue, i.e. is not a speaker or interlocutor: sings, comes in, sings, comes in.

Application - it is a definition that is expressed by a noun. The application characterizes the object in a new way, gives it a different name or indicates the degree of relationship, nationality, rank, profession, etc. The application is always used in the same case as the noun to which it refers.

Master(i.p.), tough guy (i.p.), I was not happy with either the guests or the profit(N. Leskov).

This story belongs to the famous writer - science fiction writer (d.p.).

Please note: if the application and the word it defines are expressed as common nouns, then a hyphen is placed between them. For example:

Butterflies- cabbages fluttered over the flower beds.

b" in verbs

b used in verbs:

1. When they are standing in an indefinite form(answer the question what to do?):call, pour. This rule also works when adding a postfix -xia: to be called upon, to be poured.

2. In 2nd person verbs singular (that is, if a pronoun can be attached to a verb You) present or future tense: YOU CALL, POUR. When adding a postfix -xia The rule also remains in force: volunteer, drink up.

3. In the imperative mood(they are given a request or order): volunteer, cut off. b remains the same when adding an ending -those and postfix -s: cut off, hide.

In 3rd person form(when pronouns can be attached to a verb he, she, it, they and ask a question in which there is no b: what is T doing? what are we doing? what will he do? what will they do?): works, calls, cuts off, hides. When adding a postfix to such a word -xia letter b, Naturally, it does not appear: works, volunteers, cuts off, hides.

B. In forms lie down - lie down and verbs like let's go, let's start, let's do, despite the fact that they are in the imperative mood.

Spelling of personal pronouns

  • In that case, 3rd person personal pronouns (he, she, it, they) are used in the form indirect cases(i.e. all cases, not counting the nominative) and come after prepositions, then a letter is usually added to the pronoun n : With n to them, with n them, with n to her, around n him, between n them, among n their.
  • Accessions n doesn't happen
  • after derivative prepositions that control the dative case (thanks to, in spite of, contrary to, according to, towards): thanks to to him, contrary to them, towards to her, similar to him ;
  • after the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs: father is older her; she arrived earlier his .
  • Spelling uncertainpronouns

  • Indefinite pronouns (and in adverbs) prefix some(coy-) and postfixes -this, -either, -something written with a hyphen: something, some, something, some, someone, anyone, anyone, some, some, any.
  • In this case, between the prefix koe- (koi-) and the pronoun there is pretext, then the entire combination is written separately (in three words): some With by whom, something at someone, something With what.
  • Spelling negativespronouns

  • In negative pronouns, the prefix is ​​written under the stress Not-, and in the absence of stress - prefix neither-: Not who to ask- neither who not to meet, Not what to be afraid of- neither what can't be found out.
  • In this case, in indirect cases there are prepositions, then Not And neither are particles, and the entire combination is written separately (in three words): some- Not from who, no one- neither from someone, some- Not To to whom, to no one- neither To to whom.
  • Notes:

    1. You need to understand a phrase consisting of 6 words with a particle neither: as if nothing had happened ;

    2. It is necessary to distinguish combinations none other than; nothing more than from combinations no one else; nothing else . For example: Barometer is nothing else but instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. - Nothing else Apart from swimming, he didn’t want to do anything.

  • In combinations possible rearrangement of words: not another who, like; nothing else but. For example: It was not another who like your doctor.- It was none other than your doctor; Brother's words were nothing more than - Brother's words were nothing else but ordinary, awkward chatter. Combinations no one else, nothing else do not allow similar permutations.
  • Combinations none other than; nothing more than It is possible to change parts specifically, just: It was not another who like your doctor. -It was specifically your doctor.
  • Combinations none other than And nothing more than express opposition, and Not in this case it is a negative particle and is written separately with the pronoun, alliance How synonymous with union A , expressing adversarial deeds: A parable in folklore is nothing more than a story about a fictitious event; stood in front of me none other than the owner of the dacha himself; stood in front of me not anyone else, but the owner of the dacha himself. Combinations no one else And nothing else do not express opposition and are used in sentences where there is a negation of the predicate, neither in this case it plays the role of a prefix and is written together: This task was not possible to complete no one else; Nothing else as irresponsibility, it is forbidden explain such an act(there is a 2nd negative).
  • Combinations none other than And nothing more than are used in an affirmative sentence, i.e. in them it is unrealistic in the absence of a configuration of meaning to put a second negation, for example, before the predicate. Combinations no one else, nothing else are used in negative sentences in which the predicate is preceded by a particle Not: Nobody else Not had the opportunitydo this; Nothing else, apart from arithmetic, it Not interested.
  • Combinations none other than And nothing more than used with conjunction How; combinations no one else, nothing else are used in the absence How: It was none other than my school friend. - Nobody else I didn’t have the opportunity to do this; It was nothing else but normal focus. - Nothing else he didn't study. However: Nothing else such an act cannot be explained as irresponsibility(comparative turnover as irresponsibility, it is possible to omit it).
  • 3. Need to differentiate pronouns with prepositions from homonymous conjunctions and adverbs: for what - for what, for that - but, for what - at the same time, besides - besides, for nothing - there is no need etc.

    To distinguish homonymous parts of speech, one should analyze their morphological characteristics: what questions they answer, what words in the sentence they refer to, what members of the sentence they are, how they change, etc.

    For what if you go, you'll find it(pronoun how with a preposition) . - For what you visited us(adverb) ?

    You are responsible for that incident(pronoun That with a preposition relating to a noun incident). - But let's rest(alliance) .

    What does it have to do with was, and still is(pronoun how with a preposition) . - The task is completed, at the same time ahead of schedule(alliance) .

    What did he have to do with it? while and stayed(pronoun That with a preposition) . - The path is hard, besides scary(alliance) .

    Not For what hide(pronoun how with a preposition) . - No need hide(adverb) .

    See additionally: How are conjunctions and homonymous parts of speech written in Russian?

    4. Colloquial word never mind - this is an adverb, written together, serves as a synonym for the adverb no way and adverbs inexpensive:Nand why doesn’t he listen to his grandmother; They sell for nothing.

    Exercises for the topic “Spelling pronouns”

    Exercise 1. Formulate the conditions for the use of 3rd person pronouns in indirect cases with and without the insertion n.

    In the absence of, in, for, before, for, from, to, on, with, about, about, in front of, past, inside, outside (his, him, her, her);

    in spite of, contrary to, according to, following, towards, like, accordingly, thanks to (him, him);

    except for, about, about (him, him).

    Exercise 2: Explain the spelling of pronouns.

    Something, something, no, nothing, no one, with no one, not with anyone, any, someone's, to nothing, some, with someone, with nothing.

    Exercise 3. Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets. Orally explain the spelling of pronouns.

    1. (N...)Whose fate, apart from your own, no longer interests you.

    2. Pilate turned around and walked to the platform, back to the steps, no matter (n...) that, not counting the multi-colored checkers of the flooring under his feet, so as not to stumble.

    3. However (n...) which Koroviev was never found, and (n...) which Koroviev (n...) no one in the house knew or saw.

    4. It became absolutely clear that Nikanor Ivanovich (n...) (to) is not suitable for any discussions.

    5. What (n...) didn’t bother the friends anymore.

    6. The shepherd swore later that the animal walked through the forest, (n...) (at) no one paying attention.

    7. Real tenderness cannot be confused with (n...) (with) anything, and it is quiet.

    8. The day until the evening is boring if you do (n...) something.

    9. (N...) (with) whom should I talk to and (n...) who should I listen to.

    10. However (n...)to whom should I bow my cap, (n...) (in) whose eyes I do not find shelter.

    11. Everyone was convinced that he [Dubrovsky], and (n...) someone else, led the brave villains.

    12. It seemed to her that (n...) no one, except him, had the opportunity to remove from (her) the incorrigible guilt, the unbearable gravity.

    13. Shackled by (n...)than irresistible lethargy, I no longer heard (n...)who argued with the owner, (n...)which was the prerequisite for the dispute.

    14. (N...) that didn’t break the silence.

    15. In the Meshchera region there are no (n...) any special beauties and riches, not counting forests, meadows and clear air.

    16. Only the surgeon and (n...) no one else had the opportunity to help the patient.

    17. This flower (n...) is something else, like a daffodil.

    18. The door was slammed by a gust of wind, and (n...) than anything else.


  • What is a pronoun?
  • How to distinguish the possessive pronouns his, her, them from the personal pronouns his, her, theirs?
  • What are the categories of pronouns?
  • What is the syntactic role of pronouns?
  • What is the plan for morphological analysis of pronouns?
  • What are the norms for using the proper pronoun?
  • What are the norms for using the pronoun self?
  • What are the norms for using the pronoun sama?
  • What are the norms for using the pronouns his, her, their?
  • What are the norms for using the pronoun he (she, it, they) together with a preposition?
  • Where can I find an exercise on the topic “Using pronouns”?
  • Sources:

  • Chapter “Spelling of Pronouns” in A. Zubkova’s manual “Russian Language and Speech Culture”
  • Section “Spelling of pronouns” in the manual by N. Valgina, V. Svetlysheva “Russian language. Spelling and punctuation. Rules and exercises"

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