Addition different types of ways to form words examples. What is addition as a way to form words? Sunbathing while lying on the sand

1. Prefix method word formation is expressed in the addition of a prefix (prefix) to the word, which acts as a generating stem. The words comrade, enemy, super early, give, distribute are formed by adding the prefixes co-, non-, super-, at-, once to the producing bases traveler, comrade, friend, early, give. It is important that when adding a prefix, the part of speech does not change.

2. Suffix method word formation is carried out by adding a suffix to the generating stem. The words countryman, countrywoman, fraternity are formed by adding the suffixes -yak, -k-, -estv- to the productive bases zeml-, compatriot-, countryman-. It is important that nouns with the suffixes -ANI-e, -ENI-e are formed from verbs. appearance – from the verb to appear.

3. Prefix-suffix method word formation consists of simultaneous addition of a prefix and a suffix to the generating stem. The words seaside, plantain, prostenok, copse are formed by simultaneous addition to the generating stem of the prefixes vz-, po-, pro-, pere- and suffixes -j-, -nik-, -ok-, -ok-.

4. Affixless (suffixless) method word formation, i.e. devoid of word-forming elements, the least common. This method is used only when forming nouns from some verbs and adjectives. In this case, the basis of the adjective from which the noun is formed undergoes a change (the final consonant changes, the place of stress changes), but the basis of the verb usually does not change (cf.: deep - depth, quiet - quiet, run - run, flood - bay, etc.). p.).

The nouns run, tide, chorus, departure, simple (simple transport) are derived stems, but the formation of these words by means of prefixes is excluded. These words are correlated in meaning with the verb stems run through, flow in, chorus, fly out, stand and are formed without an affix. This method is usually used when forming nouns from verbs.

5. Addition- this is a method of morphological word formation in which a new word is formed by combining two or more stems, for example: motor ship, aircraft construction, state farm, cinema, etc.

Compound and compound words are formed by compounding. Compound words are the result of adding complete stems (vod-o-pro-vod), and compound words are the result of truncated stems (collective farm, kom-so-mol). In stem formation, the most productive is the formation of masculine nouns with a leading verbal non-derivative stem (helicopter, nuclear-powered ship). Verbs are not formed this way in Russian. Words such as bless, voluble, etc., were borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language, in which they were calques from the Greek language.

The addition of stems is usually carried out using the connecting vowels o and e (oil pipeline, bookselling), but often the formation is carried out without a connecting vowel (ten-year-old, two-engine, multi-volume).

Words containing two or more roots are not always formed through stem formation. Thus, the words reinforced concrete, field breeding, horse breeding, radio broadcasting are derived from complex words (reinforced concrete, field breeder, horse breeder, radio broadcasting) through the suffixes -n, -chesk-, -stv-, -ni-, and are not formed by adding stems.

Different types of affixation have different productivity in the formation of parts of speech: nouns and adjectives are more often formed through suffixes, and verbs - through prefixes; The suffix-prefix method of word formation is more productive in the area of ​​verbs and less productive in the area of ​​names. Suffixes and prefixes act in the process of word formation in different ways: suffixes form a new word from a generating stem, and prefixes form a whole word; With the suffix-prefix method of word formation, words are formed both from the stem of words (nouns and adjectives) and from the whole word (verbs).

Summary in the form of a table (to B1)

1. Prefix Acts in word formation of words of all parts of speech, but most productively in verbs

write → Inscribe, WRITE, RECORD, WRITE, REWRITE, SIGN, Write off.

grandson → great-grandson, public → ANTI-public

fashionable → ULTRA-fashionable

always → FOREVER

2. Suffixal This

the method operates in the formation of all main parts of speech

yellow→ yolk,

dream→ dreamer,

eye →ocular,

red → blush,


two → twoE,

white → whiteIZNa

3. Prefix-suffixal This method works in the formation of nouns, adverbs, and some verbs.

city ​​→ SUBURBAN,

sound → VOICE,

five → VpyaterOM,

dense → Tight,

candle UNDER candles NICK

dream → DREAM

4. Without suffix This method is usually used when forming nouns from verbs.

blue → blue

enter → entrance

go overtransition


-words or stems

- reduction of basics

- abbreviation

This method often works in the formation of nouns.

Language , knowledge– linguistics

Physical ical culture- physical training

M Oskovsky G national U university – Moscow State University

6. Transition of words from one part of speech to another

Teacher's (adj.) room – teacher's room (n.)

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The formation of new words is a very important process. He says that language does not stand still, it develops and is in motion. The process of a word becoming a part of a language is very long, because speakers must get used to it. New words are called neologisms. And the science that studies the ways of their appearance is through word formation.

Word formation as a section of language

Any word has significant parts; this applies not only to Russian, but also to all other languages. These parts are called significant because they participate in the formation of new words; they do not change with declension or conjugation. Such morphemes are prefix, suffix and stem. Hence the words: prefix and suffix.

The stem also plays a role in the emergence of new words. Usually it is responsible for the formation of complex words, because the bases, interacting with each other, are added up.

It is worth noting that sometimes it is difficult to trace what were the origins of a particular word. In this case, a word-formation dictionary will help. It is in every language. You can also look into the etymology, because often the morphemes with which the word was once formed become fused with the root.

An example is the word memory. In the process of historical development, this word lost the prefix pa-, with the help of which it happened. Currently, when we distinguish in this word only the root, stem and ending.

Forming words using suffixes

Suffixes actively participate in the emergence of new words. They can either be added to the base from which they originate or truncated (non-suffix, non-affix method). Let's look at examples of suffixal word formation.

Let's see how the noun was formed nebula. To do this, let’s analyze the word-formation chain: First from the word fog an adjective was formed fog using the suffix - n- (suffixal method), then the word was formed from it using the suffix -ost- nebula also in a suffix way.

Let's look at some more similar word formation. Examples (briefly): white - protein(warp white- and suffix - OK-); load - loader(warp cargo- and suffix - chick-); Earth - earthen(warp land- and suffix - yang-).

Now let's observe how words are formed in an affix-free way. Let us note right away that this phenomenon in the Russian language occurs less frequently than the addition of a suffix. This is how only nouns are formed. This method is as follows: the suffix is ​​cut off from the generating stem.

Let's look at an example: from an adjective deep by cutting off the suffix a noun was created depth. We are talking specifically about the affix-free method, because the base of the adjective has changed and been truncated.

More examples: silence - silence(from the base silence- cut off the suffix); go - transition(from the base move on cut off the suffix - And-);run - run(from the base running- cut off the suffix - A-).

Word formation using prefixes

Another very popular method is prefixation, or prefix. It consists in adding a prefix to the base of the original word. It should be remembered that when using this method, the derivative and the producing word are the same part of speech.

Let's look at how word formation occurs. Examples are: Word-formation chain station - station - station. From the word railway station the word was formed station in a suffixal way (the suffix -n- was involved), then using the prefix the word was formed station in a prefixed way. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the words station And station- adjectives.

Another word-formation chain: blue - turn blue - turn blue. Here from the base of the word blue the verb was formed in a suffixal way turn blue, and from it with a prefix - verb turn blue.

Words were also formed: verbs walk - leave(prefix u-); verbs write - rewrite(prefix re-); adjectives fashionable - trendy(prefix over-); nouns grandmother - great-grandmother(prefix pra-); adverbs left - left(prefix na-); pronouns who - someone(prefix something-)

Prefix-suffix method

There are often cases when both a suffix and a prefix are involved in the formation of a new word. This is a prefix-suffix word formation. We will show examples below.

Let's analyze the word-formation chain: Earth - land. The derivative word was formed using the prefix at- and suffix - And-, attached at the same time. Thus, we observe the prefix-suffix method.

Often words formed in this way arise from a combination of a noun and a preposition. For example: district - beyond the river; tabletop - on the table; boletus - under the birch tree. Thus, prepositions once used became prefixes.

Formation of compound words

A stem may be involved in the emergence of new words. Thus, either complex contractions arise. Let's look at these word formation methods with examples.

Addition method

It can involve both the entire word and the stem or some part of it. Words sofa bed, booster rocket, book table formed in exactly this way.

Also, the addition of stems can be done using connecting vowels. There are two of them in the Russian language: o, e. This is how words such as forest-steppe, lunar rover, reinforced concrete.

Another method of addition is to attach a full base to a truncated one: half melon, camping trip, wall newspaper.

A new word can appear from a phrase, coordinating or subordinating: meat and dairy(meat and milk - creative), German-Russian(German and Russian - composing); agricultural(agriculture - subordinate), left bank(left bank - subordinating). If there is a coordinating connection between the words, they are written with a hyphen, and if there is a subordinating connection, they must be written together.

These are examples of word formation in Russian for complex words.

Compound words

The youngest method of Russian word formation is compound words. They appear by adding the syllables or initial letters of a word. Let's look at these word formation methods with examples.

If a word arose by adding the initial letters, then it is called an abbreviation, and the technique is called an abbreviation. computer(electronic computer), Youth Theater(theater for young spectators), nuclear power plant(nuclear power plant) - these are all abbreviations. It should be remembered that there is no need to put periods between letters.

Another way to form compound words is by adding syllables. These are words like nuclear-powered icebreaker(atom, walk), collective farm(collective farm), youth(young naturalist) department store(department store).

Verbs are not formed in this way, only nouns and adjectives.

Formation of words in English

Just like in Russian, word formation occurs in English. We will look at examples below.

Word formation using a prefix: possible(possible) - inpossible(impossible - prefix in); war(war) - prewar(pre-war - prefix pre); to write(write) - rewrite(rewrite - prefix re). We can make an unambiguous conclusion that in English the lexical meaning of a derived word is regulated by the meaning of the prefix, that is, if we need to form a new word, it is enough to select a prefix that matches the lexical meaning.

Examples of suffixal word formation: to teach(learn)- teacher(teacher). The last word appeared by joining to the stem teach- suffix - er-; free(to be free) - freedom(freedom) - the word is formed using the suffix - dom-; power(strength) - powerful(powerful) - formed using the suffix - ful-.

Word formation by addition: downtown(city center) came from the merger of the foundations down(bottom) and town(city); underground(metro, underground) fusion of fundamentals under(under) and ground(Earth); duty-free(duty free shop) - basics duty(tax) and free(free, free).

There are words in English that are formed by truncation: grandmother - granny(grandmother); subway - sub(metro); mathematics - maths(mathematics).

Abbreviation in English also occurs: unknown flying object(UFO) - unidentified flying object (UFO); e-mail(electronic mail) - electronic mail.


In both Russian and English there is another way of forming words: conversion. In this case

Let's consider such word formation in Russian. Examples are as follows: from an adjective teacher's room(room) to noun teacher's room; ice cream- from adjective to noun.

In English: rain(rain, noun) - to rain(drizzle, verb); to use(use, verb) - use(use, noun); blue(blue color, noun) - blue(blue, adjective).

Inflection and word formation: what is the difference?

It is necessary to distinguish between inflection and word formation. We will look at examples below. Inflection is a change in the form of a word: its case, number, gender, tense (for a verb). In other words, these are inconsistent signs of one or another significant part of speech. The form of a word is changed through its ending.

Word formation is the formation of a fundamentally new word that has morphological features unique to it. They are unchanged no matter what form the word is in. Let's look at a specific example: window - window. Here we observe a change in the form of the word, because the ending has changed: the word was in the nominative case, but now it is in the dative case. Another thing is a few words window - window sill. In this case, we got a fundamentally new word using the prefix method: to the stem windows- added prefix under. Besides, window- a neuter word, and windowsill- male. Constant morphological characteristics have changed.

Let's look at two more options with verbs. First: sinker - sinker. In this case, the word has changed according to gender, the ending has changed: zero to - A. accordingly, a word change takes place. Another option: load - load. Here using the prefix By- from an imperfective verb a new, perfect one was formed.

Formation of new words by addition, fusion and transition from one part of speech to another

Note. In this answer it is indicated by the sign “Ο” due to the lack of technical ability to designate it, as is customary in linguistics, with a square sign: tableΟ , kind Ο , read Ο.

1. Addition- a method of forming new words by adding two (or several) words, stems with or without a connecting vowel. As a result of addition, a compound word is always formed, that is, a word with several roots.

Depending on how fully the producing words and stems are included in the composition, the following are distinguished: types of addition:

  • addition of words: sofa bed ← sofaΟ , bedΟ ; dress-suit ← dress, suitΟ ; boarding school ← school, boarding schoolΟ ; launch vehicle ← rocket, launch vehicleΟ. When adding words, compound words are formed, which are written with a hyphen. When declining, each part of a compound word is declined independently: on the sofa bed, at boarding school;
  • addition of stems using a connecting vowel: forest-steppe- forest- o -steppeΟ ← forest Ο, steppe Ο; stonemason- stone o-tesΟ ← stone Ο, tes-a - t(with truncation of the verbal suffix -a-); gray-blue- ser- o-sin-th← gray - th, syn - th; research- scientific o -research-th← scientific - th, research-th; mud bath- dirty e-water-o-hospitals-A← dirt Ο, water - A, hospitals - A; tripod-tr- e-leg-A← tr - And, legs - A;
  • addition of stems without a connecting vowel: Leningrad— Leningrad Ο ← Lenin Ο, city Ο; Tsar Bell— king bell Ο ← king Ο, bell Ο;
  • adding the initial part of a word (stem) to the whole word, that is: company commanderscom andir mouth y; wall newspapernewspaper wall; nursehoney itsinskaya sister; half a dayhalf an hour a day; half a cucumberhalf a cucumber;
  • addition of abbreviated stems (to syllables, letters, sounds), that is formation of compound words: oblonoregional department of public education; Ministry of FinanceMinistry of Finance; UNNUnited Nations Organization; universityto a higher educational institution.

The formation of compound words is also called abbreviation, and the compound words themselves are called abbreviations.In a number of manuals, abbreviation, that is, the formation of compound words, is distinguished as an independent type of word formation.

Note.Not every compound word is formed by addition. The fact is that a new derivative word can be formed from complex words with the help of various morphemes (primarily suffixes). For example:

plumberΟ ← water supply Ο ( suffix method);

2. Complex suffix method And complex prefix method- these are mixed methods of word formation, in which a new word is formed by adding stems with the simultaneous addition of a suffix or prefix.

Compound-suffixal nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs can be formed in this way. For example:

sea- e-floaterΟ ← mor - e, floating - t- addition of the bases sea-, swim- and suffixation: -tel - word-forming suffix;

bread- o-harvest-n-th← bread Ο, cleaning - A- addition of the stems bread-, harvest- / harvest- (vowel fluency, alternation of k / h in the generating and derivative stems) and suffixation: -n- - word-forming suffix;

in passing- ohm← by, move -i - t- addition of the stems mimo-, hodi- / hod- (with truncation of the verbal suffix -i-) and suffixation: -om - derivational suffix.

Example complex prefix method:

u-peace-o-create-t ← world Ο, create - t- adding the basics of world-, create- and prefix method: u- - word-forming prefix.

Note 1.In order not to make a mistake in determining the method of education compound words containing suffixes,

  • it is necessary to find out when and at what stage of formation the suffix appeared in the word. Compare, for example, words steamship And fast:

steamship- derived from steamship (suffix method);

fast- derived from words walk quickly + -n- (addition with suffixation);

  • must be used reception paraphrase- define a derivative word through a generating word, for example:

plumbing(“a system of structures in which pipes water carry out to the place of consumption"), water- o - wireΟ ← water - A, wire -and - t- addition of stems with a connecting vowel -o- (with truncation of the suffix -i- in the verb stem conduct- );

plumber(“one who maintains, repairs plumbing»), plumberΟ ← water supply Ο - -chik - word-forming suffix, suffix method.

Note 2. When forming a new word using a complex-suffixal method, the word-forming suffix can be either materially expressed or zero:

smooth-haired- smooth- o-wool-n-th← smooth - th, wool Ο; -n- - word-forming suffix (adding stems with a connecting vowel -o- and suffixal method - addition with suffixation);

smooth-skinned- smooth- o-skin-Ø- th← smooth - th, skin; zero suffix (adding stems with a connecting vowel -o- and zero suffix - ).

Note 3. When adding with a zero suffixation, the second part of the word cannot be used as an independent word. For example,

smooth-skinned- there is no word “skin”, which means the method of formation - addition with zero suffixation;

chubby- there is no word “personal”, which means the method of education - addition with zero suffixation.

3. Fusion (fusion), in contrast to the morphological method of addition, is formed by merging together a whole phrase, that is, merging words without any changes in their morphemic composition and without the participation of connecting vowels, in the form in which they exist in the original phrase. When defining a word formed by fusion, the word and the definition of the word completely coincide: insane(“mindless”); above(“the above”). For example:

insane- the word is formed as a result of merging the combination of the participle deprived mind in the form of the genitive case - crazy: deprived(what?) crazy Human, crazy Human;

crazy descended and its dependent noun mind in the form of the genitive case with the preposition s - crazy:descended(where?) crazy Human, crazy Human;

dlong-player- the word is formed as a result of the merger of the participle playing and its dependent adverb for a long time: plate, playing(how much? how long?) for a long time, playing for a long time plate.

Note. When analyzing the word formation of words, fusion and addition are very often confused. We must remember that when rearranging the components of adjunct words, phrases are formed from exactly the same components, as in the word: above - indicated above, promising - promising a lot etc. Words formed by adding a stem and a word do not undergo such changes: oil production, dried fruits, logging, drought-resistant, metal-cutting etc.

4. Formation of a new word by transition from one part of speech to another in modern Russian it is typical for nouns that are formed from adjectives or participles without any changes in the morphemic structure: teacher's room, student, ice cream.

  • In linguistics, this method of word formation is usually called substantivalization- transition of adjectives and participles into nouns. The reason for substantivization is the use of former adjectives and participles without the main word (noun): sick(adj.) the boy is already recoveringsick(noun) already recovering; go to teacher's room(adj.) roomgo to teacher's room(noun).
  • A substantivized adjective or participle, that is, a noun formed by moving from one part of speech to another, like other nouns, can have agreed definitions: ice cream(adj.) meatdelicious ice cream(noun); workers(adv.) massesAll workers(noun); dining room(adj.) roomlight dining room(noun).
  • When moving from one part of speech to another, the resulting noun retains the endings of the adjective or participle, that is, it continues to change as an adjective or participle: frozen meatice cream, no frozen meatno ice cream, with frozen meatwith ice cream.
  • However, in a number of cases, a substantivized adjective or participle loses the ability of adjectives and participles to change by gender or number. For example, noun sick in the meaning of “sick person” does not have a neuter form ( sick, sick, sick); nouns dining room, living room, maid's room, teacher's room have only a feminine form; noun ice cream has only the neuter singular form; noun marsupials used only in the plural.

Note 1. The transition from one part of speech to another should not be confused with zero suffixation.

When, as well as when moving from one part of speech to another, a derivative word:

  • does not have any new word-forming morphemes - prefixes, suffixes: entrance, exit, loss, blue, quiet, smooth;
  • refers to a different part of speech than the producing word: story ← tell; greens ← green.

However with zero suffixation, a change in part of speech leads to a change in the inflection system(the endings of the generating word and the derived word do not match): storyΟ , storytell me, tell me.

Note 2.Not to be confused transition from one part of speech to another using a prefix or suffix.

This happens especially often when the substantivized adjective or participle has prefixes and word-forming suffixes.

For example, one cannot say that a noun living room derived from a noun guest. These words do not make up . They include: guest → living room(adj.) → living room(noun).

Thus, the word formation of this substantivized adjective in writing looks like this: living room(noun) ← living room(adj.) - transition from one part of speech to another(substantivization).

Exercises for the topic “Formation of new words by addition, fusion and transition from one part of speech to another”

Exercise 1. Find the generating words for the following words. Make up word-forming pairs. Name the method of word formation.

Fast-moving, quick-eyed, eye-measuring, one-eyed, one-eyed, high-speed, high-speed, tightrope walker, water canal, water pumping station, Glavvodkhoz, military doctor, military correspondent, military medical, military registration and enlistment office, deep-sea, deep-seaman, profound, thoughtful, thought-fearing, deeply respected, wild-growing, witty, witty, sharp-nosed, sharp-nosed, acutely infectious, superior, altimeter, highly paid, university, university, above-mentioned, insignificant, partly cloudy, partly cloudy, sparsely populated, quarry, stonecutter, brown-eyed, unanimous, Old Russian, Russian-English.

Exercise 2. Indicate what parts of speech the highlighted words are. Make up word-forming pairs. Name the ways of word formation of these words. Justify your answer.

1. One day he hears a Russian captive: A military cry was heard in the mountains.

2. And Russian in the noisy depths the waves are already floating and foaming.

3. It would seem that there is a search missing his brother should have been met with the warmest sympathy on his part.

4. Let's remember with us retreating, those who fought year or hour, fallen, missing missing, with whom we have met at least once.

5. In this part of the islands there are even marsupials moles.

6. Marsupials is a subclass mammals who carry their children to term in a bag.

7. Valerian root is used to prepare sleeping pills means.

8. Without sleeping pills I haven't been able to sleep for three years now.

9. In the evenings we met at kebab shop or dumplings near Sennaya Square.

10. Princess Marya spent most of the day in children's, replacing, as best she could, the mother of her little nephew.

11. She learned to dance at children's ballah.

12. White Yudenich's guards came close to the city.

13.Reds They received us well and helped us get to Semidol. Belykh we went around.

15. Andrei Andreevich brought her to bathroom and here I touched the tap built into the wall, and suddenly water began to flow.

16. At Olga Ivanovna’s wedding there were all her friends and kind familiar.

17. Here we go familiar, mountains trodden and traveled dozens of times.

18. Women wear kokoshniks on their heads gold wore.

19. Rostov took the money and, mechanically putting aside and lining up old and new ones in piles, gold, began to count them.

20.Housemaid she said that the lady was not at home.

Exercise 3. Among the nouns formed by the method of transition from one part of speech to another (see Exercise 2), highlight those that, to one degree or another, have lost the ability to change in gender and number, as is typical of the original adjectives and participles.

New words in the Russian language are formed on the basis of words, phrases, and less often - sentences, which are the starting words for the new word.
Words in the Russian language are formed in the following main ways: prefixal, suffixal, prefix-suffixal, suffixless, addition, transition of ONE part of speech to another.
Note. When forming new words, the entire suffix or part of the suffix can be cut off, for example: winterer - to winter.
When words are formed using the prefix method, the prefix is ​​attached to the original, ready-made word. In this case, the new word belongs to the same part of speech as the original word. This is how nouns are formed (title - subtitle, success - failure, grandmother - great-grandmother, taste - taste), adjectives (important - most important, cheerful - cheerful, worst - worst, powerful - super powerful, bad - not bad, moral - immoral, useful - useless), pronouns (what - something, something; nothing; which - some, no; how many - not at all, several), verbs (read - subtract, finish reading, read out, re-read, read, read), adverbs (now - until now, everywhere - everywhere, tomorrow - the next day, fun - sadly; where - nowhere, somehow - somehow, far - into the distance, up - up).
The suffix method involves adding a suffix to the base of the original word. In this way, words of all independent parts of speech are formed.
Words formed in a suffixal manner are usually another part of speech.
The suffixal method is the main one for the formation of nouns, adjectives and adverbs. It is more complex compared to the prefix method, since the suffix is ​​added not to the whole word, but to its base, and the base of the word is sometimes modified: part of the base is cut off (to prepare - preparation), its sound composition changes, and sounds alternate (grandson - grandson).

The prefix-suffix method involves simultaneously attaching a prefix and a suffix to the base of the original word.

The word from which the word is derived Prefix Suffix New WORD
drive once- -xia leave
law V- -And- legitimize
pair on- Nick partner^
gnaw 0- -OK stub
border By- -Nick border guard
sailor By- -And like a sailor
second in- -s secondly
dense V- -yy close
secret V- -e secretly
river for- -11- Zarechny

Most often, nouns with the suffixes -nik, -y(e), -ok are formed in this way (freeloader, rider, file, heir, mentor, candlestick, snowdrop, etc.; off-road, coast, dungeon, Trans-Volga region, Transcarpathia, etc.; leash, gift, chin, back of the head, etc.), verbs with the suffix -sya (get upset, get sick, rage, have fun, daydream, etc.), adverbs with the prefix po- and suffixes -i, -om, -em (by- brotherly, business-like, friendly, summer-like, maternal, masculine, friendly, old-fashioned, etc.).
The suffixless method is that the ending is discarded from the word (green - greenery) or the ending is discarded and the suffix is ​​cut off at the same time (fly off - fly off, repeat - repeat).
Addition involves combining two words in one word, such as mower + hay: mower. As a result of addition, complex words are formed.
Complex words are words that have two (or more) roots. They are formed, as a rule, from independent parts of speech, retaining the entire

a word or part of it. In a complex word, between the roots there may be connecting vowels b and a (nuclear-powered ship, machine gun).
Notes 1. As a connecting vowel it can
perform a; five-year-old

  1. Compound words can have no connecting vowel:
Compound words are formed:
  1. adding whole words: sofa-bed, payphone, factory-kitchen, hero-city, dress-suit, boarding school, bakery-pastry shop, test pilot, launch vehicle;
  2. adding up the stems of words without connecting vowels (party card, wall newspaper, sports ground, physical education, drama club, propaganda team, camping trip, automobile plant, trade union, half of Europe, half-day, Leningrad) or connecting vowels o and e (snowfall, diesel locomotive, linguist, oil pipeline, digger) ;
  3. with the help of connecting vowels o and e, connecting part of the base of the word with the whole word: new building, reinforced concrete, rail layer, frost-resistant, waterproof, grain procurement, forestry, cubic meter, vegetable storage, fresh frozen, reporting and election, decorative and applied, housing and household, administrative economic, agro-industrial;
  4. adding the basics with the simultaneous addition of a suffix: agriculture, dizzying, five-year plan, three-story;
  5. by merging words: evergreen, instant, inaccessible, forward-looking, long-playing, highly respected, the undersigned, highly respected, daredevil, hoarder, tumbleweed.
This is how nouns and adjectives are mainly formed.
Many words are formed by adding abbreviated stems of the original words, for example: higher educational institution - university. As a result, compound words are formed.
Compound words are formed:
  1. by adding syllables or parts of words of the following name: Komsomol (Communist Youth Union), revolutionary committee (revolutionary committee), party organizer (party organizer), plenipotentiary representative (plenipotentiary representative), educational program (liquidation of illiteracy), collective farm (collective owner - *V\A
stvo), special correspondent (special correspondentKbattalion commander (battalion commander), regional committee (regional committee);
  1. adding the names of the initial letters: TsK (Central Committee) /pronounced tseka); MSU (Moscow State University) /pronounced emgeu); CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) (capeeses); VDNKh (Exhibition of National Economic Achievements) (Vedeenkha);
  2. addition of initial sounds: university (higher educational institution); MKhAT (Moscow Art Academic Theatre); TASS (Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union);
  3. in a mixed way (adding a syllable with a sound, a sound with a syllable, letters with a sound, etc.): glavk (main committee), district (district department of public education), CDSA (Central House of the Soviet Army).
Complex and compound words can serve as the basis for the formation of new words: university - university student; Komsomol - Komsomol member - Komsomol member - in Komsomol; collective farm - collective farm - collective farmer - in the collective farm way.
Words are also formed by transitioning from one part of speech to another. At the same time, when used as another part of speech, they acquire a different general meaning and lose a number of their grammatical features. For example, we drove at a pace (the word step, being an adverb, does not change).
What part of speech did the word come from and what does it mean? What part of speech did the word go to? What did it come to mean?
adverb (sign of action) lying on the sand, sunbathing reading while lying down is harmful
noun (subject) adverb (sign of action) at a slow pace drove at a walk
adverb (sign of action) The commander walked ahead. A standard bearer walked ahead of the column.
preposition (expresses dependence on a verb) He wrote to him often, thanking his friend for his support. Thanks to timely assistance, sowing was not disrupted.
pronoun (indicates the subject) conjunction (links sentences) What did he say? He said he was busy tomorrow.
particle (limiting value) Peter returned alone. Only Chichikov did not visit the sick teacher (only Chichikov).

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