See what “137 (number)” is in other dictionaries. See what "137 (number)" is in other dictionaries 137 is a prime number


Not long ago I took Kabbalah lessons from Rabbi Berg at his home. We discussed the most important number in physics. This number is 137.

137 represents a great mystery and is the most important number in all sciences. Without a doubt. 137 has to do with electrons and the probability with which an electron can absorb one photon. Or in the language of Kabbalah: it is associated with the Vessel and Light. The number 137 is also known as the fine structure constant.

We won't be talking about science here. Although, by the way, not many physicists fully understand this constant. But they recognize it and know that it represents the most important number in the Universe. Browse the Internet if you want to know how it works in physics and why it plays such an important role. Here I will talk about a simple and important connection that leads us to this number, having met with which great physicists only scratched their heads.

For example, one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century, Richard Feynman, wrote about the number 137: “It has been shrouded in mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all theoretical physicists hung it in a frame on their wall. offices, which did not make them less worried. It is the greatest secret of physics: a magic number that has come to us, remaining incomprehensible to humans. One could say: “the hand of God wrote this number, and we do not know what moved his pencil.”

Wolfgang Pauli

Another great physicist of the 20th century, Wolfgang Pauli, was obsessed with the number 137. Pauli and other physicists were convinced that 137 was a mystical number, the secret meaning of which did not fit into the framework of physics. Here's what Arthur Miller wrote in his book, Decoding the Cosmic Number: “Pauli once said that if God had allowed him to ask what Pauli wanted, his first question would have been, “Why 1/137?” The same book contains a letter that Wolfgang Pauli wrote to his sister Hertha: “I believe that a different approach will arise in the natural sciences, opposite to the current one, which will be associated with ancient mystical foundations.”

The great physicist, genius Wolfgang Pauli - just think! - established (which caused him a strong shock) that the numerical value of the word KABBALA is 137. Pauli studied Kabbalah in the hope of discovering an explanation for the uniqueness of the number 137. But the problem was that he studied Kabbalah without Kabbalists. He simply studied it with a specialist in this matter, which did not allow him to establish the truth. We now know that the most important number in physics, which is associated with electrons and photons, has the same numerical value as the word Kabbalah, which is associated with Light and Vessel. Wolfgang Pauli died in room 137 of the Red Cross Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland.

One way or another, Rav Berg admitted that if the numerical value of one of the most important constants of physics coincides with the word Kabbalah, then this fact contains the deepest meaning. I also learned that the numerical value of the angel Yofiel, known as the “Angelic Prince of the Torah” as mentioned in the Zohar, is also 137! Guess what this angel taught Moses? An angel named Yofiel taught Moses Kabbalah! Another thread between the number 137 and Kabbalah!


The number 137 appears quite often in the Torah. It is usually associated with the age of biblical characters. Abraham was 137 years old when he bound his son Isaac, preparing him for sacrifice. We must bind our ego (Isaac), negative desires in order to connect with the invisible world of Light (Abraham). This is the story of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac.

Moses' father lived to be 137 years old. Levi, the ancestor of the tribe of Levi, lived to be 137 years old. Noah (1) had 3 sons (3) and 70 (7) descendants. Again we meet the number 137! Adam (1) gave birth to 3 patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (3), after which the family grew to 70 members (7). 137! There are 304,805 letters in the Torah. If you add the digits of this number in pairs in reverse order, you will get 50+84+03=137.

The Rabbi then explained that the number 137 is the 33rd prime number. Why 33rd? The Rabbi says: “The number 33 lives and continues to live.”

33 is the day on which Rabbi Shimon left this world, on the holiday known as Lag B'Omer. This is the very day when all the Light of the Zohar and Kabbalah manifested itself in the physical world or when the electron absorbed the photon.

On the 33rd day of the Omer, Rabbi Akiva began teaching Rabbi Shimon Kabbalah. On the 33rd day of the Omer, Rabbi Shimon left his cave after 13 years of study.

Thus, the number 137 - through the number 33 - is also closely related to the Kabbalah.

Our goal in this world is to unite the physical world (electron) with the spiritual world, with Light (photon), and this is exactly what Kabbalah teaches us (137).

33 is the highest degree in the Scottish Rite, which is based solely on the Kabbalah.

137, in addition, plays a cosmic role: NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropic Probe (WMAP) has accurately determined the age of our Universe. “...scientists believe that the age of the Universe is 13.7 billion years.” (number 137 again!) I asked the Rabbi what this incredible connection between the number 137 and Kabbalah is trying to tell us? The Rabbi replied: “The number 137 describes the process of establishing a connection between the invisible and visible forces.” Visible force is our desire, an area of ​​the physical world that constitutes 1% of existing reality. The invisible world is the source of wisdom and happiness. He owns 99% of our reality.

The Rabbi then said, “If we add up the numbers that make up the number 137, we get the number 11. A very powerful number in the Zohar.

During the war, the opposing side (the personification of evil) used ten weapons called Korbanot (which means “sacrifice” in Hebrew), and the Jews used eleven. The enemies of the Jews knew that the number ten was part of and controlled this physical reality. But the Israelites knew that the number ten is not the highest, but the number eleven is.

The number of incense mentioned in the Torah and Zohar is eleven. And the number of all rituals during morning prayer is eleven. Eleven is a good number. Eleven times two equals 22, the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. 11 multiplied by 3 equals 33, the number of Rabbi Shimon and Lag B'Omer."

The rabbi fell silent for a few minutes. After being silent for a little longer, he continued. “Why is eleven considered a good number? - he asked. - Ten (sephiroth) is a limited number, since even in the world of Ain Soph (the Infinite World located above our physical world) we do not meet the highest Light. Therefore eleven is higher than ten.”

What is the lesson to be learned from this? Simple, but not easy: Instead of implementing our own ideas (which divides us because it perceives the exact opposite of the Light), we must begin to help other people bring their ideas to life. However, you don't have to worry about spending the rest of your life helping others and wasting all your talents on that. There is no need to worry about this because the whole world will try to help you achieve your dreams.

This secret is already quite old. It contains the formula for immortality and finding heaven. When we all work together to make the dreams of others come true, giving all our abilities and talents for the sole purpose of making others happy, then all ten dimensions of the ten sephiroth line up and connect together. And suddenly the Infinite World and the Physical world become one. The 1st kingdom of Light connects with the 3 higher Sephiroth, which are connected to the 7 lower Sephiroth, and Light suddenly begins to flow.

One (1) connects to three (3), which connects to seven (7). Forever. Happiness has become a reality. 137 creates one single whole. Unity between people creates unity between 1, 3 and 7.

Now throw away all the above details and physics and just imagine loving your neighbor, changing your life and this world. But also remember that you can love your neighbor only when you get rid of the one force that does not allow you to love just like that, without any conditions. And this power is your ego. So instead of hunting for love, happiness and joy, start hunting for your ego and selfish habits, because when you get rid of them, love, happiness and joy will come naturally. Abyss. Ocean. And the ultimate secret that can change everything.

Number 137- the “cornerstone” that underlies the construction and quantization of all structures (like the quantization of energies of Planck’s constant) both micro and macro included in the Galaxy, which ensures the right for their sustainable functioning in the space of the Galaxy.

Based on the number 137, around each core of any material system (nucleus of an atom, core of a planet, core of the Sun, core of the Galaxy), a protective space is created due to the corresponding elements of the structures, their rotation and precessions, in which no foreign material body or system can invade.

The number 137, according to the same researchers, is contained in encrypted form in the energy codes of the planets, the Solar system and the Galaxy.

The energy-information exchange of signals and energy between objects in any material system of the Galaxy is carried out on the basis of the number 137.

Therefore, all objects and systems in the structure of which the harmony with respect to the number 137 is disturbed are unstable, disintegrate or are rejected from the spaces of systems and the Galaxy.

Examples of this statement are:

The decay of heavy CEs, where, due to the overload of the nucleus with neutrons, the nuclear forces of attraction of particles are weakened, and the relationship between the dimensions of the nucleus and the radii of electron orbits based on the number 137 is violated.

Bombardment and rockfall at an early stage of the development of planets (craters on their surface with a diameter of up to 700 km), as a consequence of the destruction of cosmic bodies, the structure of which, in the opinion of these experts, did not correspond to the quantization of the number 137.

Rejection of “extra” planets from the Solar system in the process of formation of the integral luminary and integral planetary system from the subsystems of odd and even planets (planet Gloria, etc.), after which the structure of the Solar system was brought into harmony with the number 137.

However, the researchers’ statements are based on almost unproven facts; no attempts have been made to experimentally test the hypothesis. (HF)

NUMBER 137, “THE NUMBER OF DEATH” - according to bioarithmetic and numerology, this can be considered the number 137, which is sometimes combined with the numbers 9 and 37. The ancient Greek sage Pythagoras of Samos also thought a lot about this number two and a half thousand years before us. Thanks to his students - the glorious Pythagoreans - we know that Pythagoras, having collected a single number 1234 (“tetractys” or “quaternary”) from individual numbers 1,2,3,4, said that in this number are hidden “the sources and roots of the ever-blooming nature ": 1234 = 137* 9+1. Despite its simple and uncomplicated appearance, this mathematical expression requires special attention and even respect. Three individual numbers from this expression, namely: 37, 9, 137, are called primary bionumbers and are studied by the science of bioarithmetic.

In Ancient Greece, Doctor Pythagoras encrypts the data entrusted to him about the number 137 and his most famous “Great Chetneritsa” for centuries. Then in Germany, Dr. Born in 1936 writes the article “The Mysterious Number 137” (the constant 137 plays an extremely important role in all natural phenomena...), and on January 5, 1970, the Nobel laureate in physics, according to the calculations of the creator, dies: January 5, 1970 = 511970 = 137.3737+1.

“Numerical traces” of fate, such as the hidden presence of the priority bionumber 137 in the dates of certain events, can also be found in our usual calendar: Here, for example, is the date:

a) 711715: 5195 = 137; On January 7, 1715, François de Salignac de La Mothe Fenelon, writer, academician and archbishop, author of the book “Dialogues of the Dead,” died.

The death number 137 can also be found in the dates of other planetary known earthly events:

g) 1111755: 8115 = 137; On November 1, 1755, the horrific Lisbon earthquake occurred in Portugal.

3) 29081949: 212277 = 137, On August 29, 1949, the first Soviet test of an atomic bomb was carried out in the USSR at a test site near the city of Semipalatinsk. After 37 years (1949 + 37 = 1986), the “peaceful atom” of Chernobyl exploded in the USSR.

i) 10041963: 732299 = 137, April 10, 1963, the American nuclear submarine Thrasher tragically died in the Atlantic Ocean under strange circumstances.

The Great Patriotic War began precisely on June 22, 1941 - 22061941 = 9 + 137 * 317 * (137 + 371). The great Soviet intelligence officer Richard Sorge warned the leadership of the USSR about the exact date of the attack of Hitler's Germany on Stalin's Soviet Union, but they did not believe him. he was not appreciated by the Soviet leadership, but was noted by the Supreme Intelligence, since he was executed by Japanese executioners on November 7, 1944 7111944:5768 = 9.137.

So what is the answer to the “number of death”? Who invented and uses these numbers from time to time: God, Satan or blind fate? There is no answer to these questions.

The meaning of the dream depends on where exactly and in what form you saw the number you dreamed about, as well as on its meaning.

If the number was on the calendar, this is a warning that an important event awaits you on this day that will change your whole life.

When you wake up, you should write down this number and try to complete all important tasks and pay off all debts by this day so that the event does not take you by surprise.

The number on the check - see Check.

If you write any numbers in a notebook or just on a piece of paper, this means uncertainty in business, vanity, confusion and a lot of empty troubles.

Prime (single digit) numbers mean that your problems are solved quite simply, in one move. You just need to sit down and think.

Complex numbers (multi-digit) indicate that you will have to work hard to solve the pressing problem.

Odd numbers - you will have to sort out all your affairs alone. Even - friends will help you.

Remember that a dream has meaning only if you clearly remember the number (or series of numbers) you dreamed about.

If, when you wake up, you don’t remember specific numbers, you can forget about the dream.

If you dream about the same number several nights in a row, numerology will come to the rescue.

In this case, you need to write down the number and add all its components until you get a single-digit number.

It must be interpreted based on the meanings of numerology.

For example, you dreamed of the number 589. You add 5 + 8 + 9 = 22, 2 + 2 = 4.

Four will be the key to solving the dream (see Numbers).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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37, 9, 137 are called primary bionumbers and are studied by the science of bioarithmetic. The primary bionumbers are 37, 9, 137, which underlie our Brain; everything else is secondary. In fact, these numbers are the real business card of the Digital Brain – both General and personal.

The number 137, the “Number of Death”, according to bioarithmetic and numerology, can be considered the number 137, which is sometimes combined with the numbers 9 and 37. The ancient Greek sage Pythagoras of Samos thought a lot about this number two and a half thousand years before us.

Number 137, the Universal Constant, is a number to which many strange physical relationships and magical properties are attributed. Conducted by a group of researchers, including V.N. Barulin, V.S. Zlobin, K.K. Sukhovilov, system-technical modeling of the characteristics of the planets, the Solar system and the Galaxy suggested that the number 137 is a kind of world constant of our Galaxy, like would be its “genetic” code, ensuring its stable functioning and individuality.

The number 137 is the “cornerstone” that underlies the construction and quantization of all structures (like the quantization of energies of Planck’s constant) both micro and macro included in the Galaxy, which ensures the right for their sustainable functioning in the space of the Galaxy.

Based on the number 137, around each core of any material system (nucleus of an atom, core of a planet, core of the Sun, core of the Galaxy), a protective space is created due to the corresponding elements of the structures, their rotation and precessions, in which no foreign material body or system can invade.

The number 137, according to the same researchers, is contained in encrypted form in the energy codes of the planets, the Solar system and the Galaxy.
The energy-information exchange of signals and energy between objects in any material system of the Galaxy is carried out on the basis of the number 137.
Therefore, all objects and systems in the structure of which the harmony with respect to the number 137 is disturbed are unstable, disintegrate or are rejected from the spaces of systems and the Galaxy.

Examples of this statement are:
– Decay of heavy chemical elements, where, due to the overload of the nucleus with neutrons, the nuclear forces of attraction of particles are weakened, and the relationship between the dimensions of the nucleus and the radii of electron orbits based on the number 137 is violated.
– Bombardment and rockfall at an early stage of the development of planets (craters on their surface with a diameter of up to 700 km), as a consequence of the destruction of cosmic bodies, the structure of which, in the opinion of these experts, did not correspond to the quantization of the number 137.
- Rejection of “extra” planets from the Solar system in the process of formation of the integral luminary and integral planetary system from the subsystems of odd and even planets (planet Gloria, etc.), after which the structure of the Solar system was brought into harmony with the number 137.
However, the researchers’ statements are based on almost unproven facts; no attempts have been made to experimentally test the hypothesis.

According to the proposed theo-scientific dialectic, the world (everything that exists) includes two opposite Principles - God and the Universe. It is known about God that He “loves the trinity” and therefore created the Universe from only three numbers. Naturally, the first of them was 1, the second, of course, was 3, and the third was the “magnificent seven” (its significance is discussed separately). Together these 3 numbers form the Divine (supermagic) number 137.

All the main dimensionless fundamental physical constants (of the world, matter, the Universe) are elementarily and accurately derived from Geno-God 137 (or 1/137). There is no physics without them! And what exists is something “prehistoric,” at least clearly outdated.
The world is 137, i.e. all the “things” in it are “made” from 137. Of course, this is difficult to believe. But the ancients already understood that everything consists of one...

To paraphrase V. Thomson, we declare: tell me what 137 is and I'll explain the rest to you. And as for the statement of the Bible: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him... In Him was life, and the life was the light of men,” then, according to Biktasheva E.I., the obvious contradiction can be eliminated, “if you delve into the history of the origin of the alphabet and writing. In the ancient alphabets of Greece and Byzantium, letters and numbers were equivalent and replaced each other.” It is clear that the “proto-letters” were numbers (when counting people, stones, etc.). This means that originally the Word and the number meant the same thing."

Light remains an impenetrable mystery for the human masses...light and the Universal Mind are identical. E.P. Blavatsky

"Let there be light!“And now, with the “Certificate of the Divinity (magicity) of the number 137 and the unity of material interactions”, new physical and mathematical methods of studying the world, possessing divine heuristic power, have proven that the experimental value of the intensity of electromagnetic interaction αе = е2/Сћ = 729,735.308/105 and its approximate , rounded value αе ≈ αт = 1/137 = 0.0(0.729.927.0) are actually different, but interconnected entities. Well, the bifurcation of the one into opposites is the essence of dialectics, not only as a methodology of cognition... It has been shown that αе and αт polymagically correlate with each other, however, mainly through the NMR 82, but 82 is the mirror NMR 28, and 28 = 2∙2∙7, where 7 is our “national number”. By the way, 137/7 = 19,( 571.428), with 1/0,(571.428) = 1.75 = 28/2∙8 – NMR (nuclear magic resonance), and the classic NMR spectrum: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126 remains a mystery , since it is not physics. However, it should be based on geometrodynamics, and Pascal’s triangle (Internet, YMCH) gives real proton configurations: 2, 6, 14, 28, 50, 82,... = 2 (1, 3, 7, 14, 25; 41), where it is necessary to note 1,3,7 "~" 137. On the other hand, 7∙137 = 959 = 1000 – 41 = 20∙50 – 82/2 is a combination of NMR.
In general, nuclear magic reigns in the world, starting with 137 that “emerged” like this, and 137 has already generated the intensity of the strong interaction αs = 14.7, as well as the “fifth force” αs as a mirror 14.7. In connection with such symmetries, the author artificially introduced “mirror 137”, i.e. 731, but whether this sixth force contains a “comma” (7.31; 73.1; 0.731, etc.) has not yet been established. Obviously, 731 still needs to be derived from 1/137, i.e. from a combination of 729 and 927. But the main thing is already clear: all the main fundamental dimensionless constants of theoretical physics, more precisely, theophysics, first of all the intensity of gravitational interaction αg, the mass ratio of elementary particles, their anomalous magnetic moments, etc. generated (given, predetermined, etc.) by Geno-God 137. Whether this idea is “crazy” or not is not important. All other contenders, primarily verbal ones, for a unified theory (picture, model, etc.) of the world pale in comparison with 137-God, like a burning match next to a quasar.
And our light, i.e. the world in which we live begins and lies in 137, and 1/137 reminds us of the periodicity of light, and of its physicality - the main characteristics of its quanta - C and ћ, as well as its “father” - the elementary charge e, of the physical the essence of which, i.e. electricity, modern physics is practically silent, and what it says is fruitless casuistry... is not interested, but it is too early for us to return to the true nature of “e” - it (“modern” theoretical metaphysics) is too much in a deep crisis - all its countless " independent" sections, "private theories", etc. too independent and therefore insolvent. But the main thing that we have kept silent about is that God in α-physics is... and an electric charge, while it is not clear what “electricity itself” is? How does it “revitalize” (move, make active, active) matter itself? Of course, this also applies to gravity and other divine phenomena that animate “inert” matter itself, if such a thing really exists.
But here we leave this problem “until better times”, and we will speak about the state of physics “in passing” for “pedestrians”, considering peace in the world impossible, although in physics it “has taken place”. But this stagnation “owes” to them, precisely to them - they thought too much about themselves, ... Einstein, but nothing about “rest energy”. But it should be the other way around:
think to what power she owes? Not the speed of the observation signal: F and C2 are different “things”.


Since it was discovered..., this number has remained a mystery.
It's one of the great damn mysteries of physics: the magic number.
R. Feynman

The primary goal of natural science as a science is the classification and unification of many facts, natural phenomena, its material structures into a strict system, theory, etc., from which they flow as its elements, parts of the One. One of the features of a single world is the presence in it of different forces, interactions that seem independent, but act in all its parts - elements - "everywhere and everywhere." Modern science has identified 4 types of “interaction forces” - electromagnetism, gravity, nuclear and weak forces. It was not possible to combine them correctly, nor to prove that there are only 4 of them /28/. Moreover, in /2.0/ we found a fifth and postulated a sixth force. And now we will show that all of them, even gravity, are generated by the same gene - the God-Number 137. On the other hand, they all consist of ... NMR, which obviously speaks of their stability, since NMR is a criterion of stability, sustainability , prevalence. In /2.0/ we came to the conclusion: the whole world, all its powers and so on were created by the number 137, since 1/137 = 0.00(729.927) is the Divine number. This means that the basis of the world is not C, ћ, G and not π, e, f, but... 1, 3 and 7.
Let us recall that while studying the half-cycles αт = 0.0(0.729.927.0), we noticed that the sum of their numbers is 7 + 2 + 9 = 18 = (3 + 3)3 = 20 – 2 – the difference of the NMF and at the same time the sum (2∙8 + 2), and the sum of the digits of the period Σn = 2(7 + 2 + 9) = 36 =28 + 8 is the sum of the digits of the period or the difference: 36 = 50 – 28/2. The product of the digits of the half-cycle 7∙2∙9 = 126 is also a NMR, which occurs especially often as 252 = 2∙126, 378 = 3∙126, 504 = 4∙126 = 28∙18, 630 = 5∙126 and 882 = 7 ∙126 = 14.7∙60.
Finally, the product of all digits of the period Xn = 1262 = 28(147 + 2∙147 + 126) = 28(2∙147 + 137 + 2∙50 + 28 + 8).
It is also interesting that 82 = 126 – 28 – 2∙8, otherwise 126 = 82 + 28 + 2∙8.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

Number 137=1+3+7=11=1+1=2, a mirror surface that reflects everything that is repeated in the world and assimilates information into your consciousness. You first see the image and, continuing your movement, realize why this image is shown before you? What does the Universe want to say with this? Now your consciousness connects and you carefully study the image and find analogies with the events that happened to you. Now you know what the image on your path means. The next thinking will be deeper and you will learn more. So the ancient monks focused on stones or a grain of sand and discovered entire worlds. Your thought formed during concentration, like silicon, knocks out sparks in which you see images, answers to your questions. Now you understand that it doesn’t matter where you are, the main thing is what degree of concentration you have. Depending on this, you can look 100 or 1000 years into the future. The images you see will develop your ability to always be with God and trust what is put into your consciousness. Because you are a reflection of the ray of consciousness that answers you.

The secret meaning of the number 137 = 100x37 = 3700, the secret is in your mind and you do not know when new information will be available to you.
Everything lies in the critical number of individuals that are connected to this layer of information. So 10 people form the first stage of information acquisition. 1000 people will open level 3 information. If you have focused on higher information for 100 days throughout the year, then you will advance to level 2. At the same time, you will master higher-order signs that will simply be unclear to others. Don’t strive to be like everyone else, don’t be afraid to differ from others in your consciousness. The hidden meaning of the number 137=130x7=910, the inner manifestation of the soul is tangible for you. You feel when the soul languishes from emptiness and longs for filling. But know this false understanding of the soul must be treated with solitude in silence, striving to know something more subtle. Rejoice in this emptiness of your soul, because God gives you growth. Drive away those who will disturb you at such moments or lure you to parties or theaters. You will only get confusion and chaos which will turn into illness for you.


    Hello. I would really like to know, my account is 90137, what impact will this have on the business? What to watch out for and what to listen to?


    Yuri, any businessman should know how much he will invest and what he will get. If he hasn’t spent anything, he will get zero as an output. your account also says that you are not yet aware of this and therefore life itself should teach you. So 90137=9+0+1+3+7=20 perception through consciousness of what you have invested. Number 90(1+3+7)=90(11), here is your spiritual understanding and through this your learning. Remember “Uncle Scrooge,” who saved his 10 cents, from which his capital came. Also 90(13+7), vanity and mystery that will simply teach you a lesson or you will invest in something and it will fail.

  1. 27.12.2013

    The money left on the card is 1.37, I remembered that the number matters, Pavel found you, thank you, happy upcoming!


    Ilya, congratulations to you too! You have read the number 137 and understand that your fuss about money will only bring a secret effect on you and you will lose your strength. The numbers themselves tell you 1.37 or stop and start creating an image and you will attract money to your account. All millionaires already do this and enjoy life; others simply don’t believe it and they don’t have enough money to survive, even though they work 13 hours a day. Believe in your power of thought and master the technique of attracting states.

  2. 30.10.2013

    Thanks for the explanation. But could you give more precise examples of how to distinguish between an error and what should I do better? You’re right about the fuss, it’s precisely that I’m looking for the right solution and rushing between “what I want” and between “what I need.” I always try to act according to the dictates of my soul and carefully think through every step, which is not easy. I also have a habit of controlling everything around me, which also haunts me.
    Thank you.

  3. 30.10.2013

    Hello. I am interested in some questions related to the number 137. My date of birth is 02/12/1995, which with the sum will be 2, the same as 137. This number has been haunting me for more than ten years, but it does not scare or surprise me in any way. I just know that this is a friendly symbol that accompanies me in life. But recently, due to the desire of my soul to constantly learn and learn the “secrets of the universe,” I became interested in better understanding the meaning of this sign - 137. Most often I see this number on the clock, but it can also be on an identification card, ticket, etc. .d. Plus, I still sometimes come across the number 144, but less often. I think they are working as a couple, trying to convey some kind of sign.
    I read all the decodings of these numbers (2, 137, 144) and they all reflect part of my soul, especially number 2, where the description matches 100%. But from the meaning of the number 144, the part that resonates most with me is that I need to develop a specific branch (branch) and do the opposite of what I did before, so as not to step on the same rake.
    Most of the time I am in constant sadness and dispersion. I would also be interested to know more about this, if possible.
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    P.S. You have a wonderful site and a very accurate explanation of each number. Thank you for this!


    Vicky, you are right and the numbers you indicated have a total effect when you see them sequentially. So the number 137 + 144 = 281, the meaning of which you can read by clicking on the link: Since you are at the beginning of the path, these numbers 137 says, stop fussing , vanity harms development and you make many mistakes in life. Many mistakes are invisible now, but the sown seeds, like the teeth of a dragon, will sprout soon and then you will have to try to prevent suffering. Number 144 says that your cart has karmic square wheels and if you see this, you will quickly change your karma and your life will become happier. If you don’t feel and don’t see, then you fight the waves you receive, like Don Quixote de la Manche with windmills. You were born on the number 12.02.1995=1+2+0+2+1+9+9+5=29=2+9=11=1+1=2, yes your final number is 2, intermediate numbers 29 and 11 speak of state of mind and how your guardian angel guides you. Your day of the week is Tuesday and the dates of the month are 2,11, 20 and 29, when you can count on good luck or a positive outcome. If this number falls on a Tuesday, your luck will be double.

  4. 12.04.2013

    Good day, and I wish you well and happiness.

    I ask you to advise me what I should stick to and choose in life, if throughout my life I have been accompanied by the number 13. My date of birth is 07/13/1985. School number, classroom. In the last year there has been a clear increase, 13th floor, car registration number 713, home, work.

    I also constantly notice the variation of the numbers 137,713,173,731. They catch your eye often and in places that you can no longer think of as a coincidence. When I meet such numbers, I thank God and believe that I am on the right path, because I see that he is leading me with his hand.

    I kindly ask you to write your opinion about this.


    Anton, you were born on 07/13/1985=1+3+0+7+1+9+8+5=34, you belong to the number 713 713+34=747=7(4)7, from outside there is a secret influence on you in order to strengthen your being. You read the data on the numbers 173 and 137 in the sections meaning the number. The meaning of the numbers 713 and 731 is planned to be published on April 23. You can read it in the Knowledge Base section, go to “Number meaning” - in the Select the number-713 or 731 window and click select. For now I can say that you are being beaten among such influences 1, 3, 7, in different versions and combinations. 1- there is a manifestation of influence. 3- there is the fiery element that melts your firmament and forms a new channel for your soul which is cramped in your body and therefore any psyche either destroys or renews you and this is said 7 which is the secret of the impact on you.

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