View Chinese symbols. Chinese characters with translation into Russian! Ice crack, flowers and herbs

The word "hieroglyph" was first used by the Christian preacher Clement of Alexandria. Of course, he did not use it to designate the written signs of China, but the ancient Egyptian symbols carved on stones. Literally translated from Greek - “sacredly carved letters”.

People have always believed that there are natural forces that can influence fate - the ancient Chinese were convinced that nature and man form one whole, being in constant motion. It is these principles that became the basis of the teachings of Feng Shui, which states that space is filled with favorable flows. Anyone is able to control them, attracting harmony to themselves.

Hieroglyphs of luck

To achieve success, Feng Shui advises using one of the most powerful symbols - the hieroglyph "Zi".

It consists of two parts and its meaning is very symbolic. The upper part, similar to a cross, called “shi,” denotes a spiritually developed person, a sage. The lower part - "kou" - is translated as "words, advice." It turns out that one sign contains a message - “luck accompanies those who listen to the advice of a sage.”

Where is the best place to use it?

Many people who are interested in Chinese characters and their meaning mistakenly believe that once they have purchased or drawn a symbol, it does not matter where it is located. It is not recommended to wear it in a wallet or as a pendant on your chest - without coming into direct contact with the energy of your home, the hieroglyph will not reveal its full potential.

You need to choose a place for it in the house where it will influence the area in which luck is needed. In the corridor it will serve as a common protection for everyone; placed in the work area - will help career growth, in the money sector - will bring general well-being. For greater effectiveness, it should be used in combination with other hieroglyphs.

The next sign means "love" and is pronounced "ay". In combination with the previous hieroglyph, it will bring good luck in matters of the heart. If there is no other “half” yet, he will help you find one; if there is one, he will preserve it and bring calm and tranquility to the relationship. It is best placed in the southwest, and can also be carried with you - the closer to the heart, the better.

The hieroglyph for "happiness" is pronounced "fu". It consists of two parts - “god” and “abundance” - the Chinese are convinced that happiness can only be known in selfless service to God, who gives abundance. It must be placed in the area where there is a lack of happiness.

The hieroglyph for "longevity" (pronounced "show") - gives health and a long, happy life. The best place for it is the bedroom.

The hieroglyph “health” gives recovery to the sick, brings health and success.

The hieroglyph “money” attracts, opens up the possibility of a new job, and helps to obtain an additional source of income.

The Chinese use more than 10 thousand characters. Before placing any of these in your home, be sure to consult with knowledgeable people. This is especially true for tattoos, otherwise the consequences can be very dire.

Today, almost all over the world there is a peak in the popularity of tattoos. Tattoo parlors are increasingly concerned about the safety and comfort of clients when applying tattoos. The forms and methods of tattooing are reaching incredible diversity and becoming more and more exotic. The use of hieroglyph tattoos confirms this.

History of tattoos

Attitudes towards tattoos in different historical eras varied and changed, never being unambiguous.

In ancient times, a tattoo was considered a distinctive sign of a tribe or clan. Throughout history, there have been examples when body designs could only be worn by noble and privileged persons. There were also times when they were used to brand criminals. At different periods there was an alternation of bans and permission to wear tattoos. Even in a religious environment there was no consistency in this matter, because tattoos on the body from time to time could either be of a sacred nature or considered a desecration of religious feelings.

In the mid-20th and early 21st centuries, a unique situation arose in relation to tattoos. With rare exceptions, there are fewer and fewer religious and other moral dogmas that previously prohibited them. The main feature of modern times is the active promotion of tattoos in popular culture, especially in the world of show business, where youth idols today have begun to create fashion for tattoos of hieroglyphs. It is important to note that in China, Japan and Korea, unlike European countries, hieroglyphs on the body today are not popular and thus are not used at all.

Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese characters

The main language used for tattooing hieroglyphs is Chinese. The Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese languages ​​that emerged under his influence are used less frequently.

Chinese is the most difficult language. One Chinese character can mean an entire phrase, and their combination changes the meaning of each of the adjacent characters.

Popular Chinese characters with meanings for tattoos

The Japanese and Koreans use a simpler, syllabic script, but with borrowed Chinese characters.

Popular Japanese characters with meanings for tattoos

Chinese characters with numbers

Vietnamese characters are practically not used today; ordinary Vietnamese do not use them.

You should be careful that when applying a tattoo, the desired thought does not change its meaning. Incorrect use of hieroglyphs can change the phrase, make it the exact opposite, indecent or humiliating to the owner and others, and also carry a negative meaning. Since there are even fewer Vietnamese language experts, extreme caution should be exercised here.

The most popular meanings of hieroglyph tattoos

The huge number of symbols used in hieroglyphic writing can confuse the uninitiated. The number of different characters in such languages ​​reaches several tens of thousands in each.

Some people do not want to spend too much time searching for an adequate translation of the desired word, thought or phrase and choose the most popular meanings of hieroglyph tattoos.

Very often there are words about love, family, harmony, wealth, happiness, luck, peace and dreams. Such tattoos are often applied by girls. Hieroglyphs with the meaning of fire, dragon, tiger, strength, courage, masculinity and warrior are also popular. They are mainly chosen by men.

Representatives of both sexes often also paint short phrases on their bodies that have a mystical and mysterious meaning. Their translation comes down to some philosophical categories. Hieroglyphs meaning karma, life and eternity, fate and aspirations, travel in search of truth are popular.

In this article you will find photographs and images of tattoos in Chinese characters, which are accompanied by a translation into Russian. The most interesting hieroglyphs are described in more detail and sometimes studied.

According to experts, the word “tattoo” came into English from the Tahitian dialect, where it simultaneously means both a wound and a sign.

Chinese character tattoo on shoulder. Photo from

A tattoo can be beautiful or emphasize some character trait of its wearer. At the same time, a real tattoo is harmful to health. In addition, the meaning of a tattoo in a foreign language, in particular in Chinese characters, may contain errors or have a double meaning.

At the very end of the article you can find several examples of such tattoos with hieroglyphs with errors, with distortion of features or with a derogatory meaning.

Hence, those who want to get a tattoo with Chinese characters, first of all, need to know their correct translation and possible hidden subtext. Also, find an experienced specialist who, taking care of you, will apply the tattoo in the safest way for your health.

You can get acquainted with different opinions on this topic or speak out for or against on the page On the same page you can ask a question about the meaning of the hieroglyph on the tattoo.

1. Auspicious hieroglyphs

Tattoo with Chinese characters on the arm: “karma”

Tattoo with hieroglyphs on the arm: “karma”. Photo from

The Buddhist term "karma" consists of 2 characters: 羯磨. Pronunciation: jiémó / jiemo

Karma, according to beliefs, is acquired and then accumulated by the one who commits evil: he deceives for his own benefit, offends both close and unfamiliar people, etc. Subsequently, the one who has accumulated karma suffers and begins to pay for the crimes committed.

Tattoo with Chinese characters on the arm: “Eternal Wandering” or "endless journey"

“Eternal wandering” is an inscription in hieroglyphs on the hand. Photo from

The inscription has four characters: 永恆之旅. Pronunciation: yǒng héng zhī lǚ / yong heng zhi liu.

The main character of the phrase 永 - “eternity” has the grapheme 水 - “water”, the flow of which is associated with infinity. The red symbol at the very bottom is a hieroglyphic seal belonging to the author of the calligraphy.

Tattoo of the name Andrey in Chinese characters

Tattoo with Chinese characters: prosperity, virtue and happy omen (or Andrew in Chinese). Photo from

Hieroglyphs separately:

安 – well-being. Pronunciation: ān / anh
德 – virtue. Pronunciation: dé/de
瑞 - happy omen: ruì / ruyi

Together, the word 安德瑞 is the equivalent of the name Andreas, or in our opinion Andrey). Pronunciation: Āndéruì / Andezhui

The hieroglyph 安 well-being consists of two elements: the “roof” pictogram and . If a woman is in the house, then that’s it, because she brings harmony.

Above, the hieroglyphs are applied with high quality or relatively high quality. Below we present photographs of tattoos with errors in hieroglyphs, as well as with distortions in the spelling of features or with derogatory meanings.

Hieroglyph with an error. Photo from

Perhaps the sign above was copied from 利 - benefit, mirrored, with distortion, and they forgot to add a line. Such a hieroglyph does not exist.

By the way, on this topic there is collage:

Chinese woman tattooed with words in Russian. Collage from

Impaled stylized hieroglyph "love" made with distortions:

Tattoo of a stylized hieroglyph “love” made with distortions. Photo from

Tattoo of Chinese characters with derogatory meaning

There are also such tattoos with hieroglyphs...

Hieroglyphs separately:

狂 Kuáng mad; crazy
賤 jiàn cheap, insignificant

Dictionaries do not provide a translation for 狂賤人 as a whole word or phrase. However, the site offers this translation option.

So, it makes sense to know more about the meaning of the inscription that you want to tattoo on your beloved body, and maybe think: is it worth tattooing yourself?

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Quite often, when decorating furniture or interiors, for example, on frosted glass of sliding wardrobes, hieroglyphs are drawn. Typically this Chinese characters. But you don’t just need to write a hieroglyph, but it wouldn’t be bad at all to write them competently. The application of a hieroglyph, in our culture and language group, is comparable to the application of a runic symbol. You print the correct symbol and everything will be fine, but what if not? Therefore, I propose to consider the meanings of some Chinese characters - symbols that have been used since the time of the Book of Changes. These pages present a very small number of hieroglyphs, but in the Chinese language there are dozens of them!!! thousand. - this is life, some hieroglyphs grow old, are forgotten, and are replaced by new symbols, and so on throughout history. But some symbols have stood the test of time.

! For reference.

** IN Chinese all words are unchanged, there are no categories of number, gender, verb tenses, cases, declension and conjugation.

** Chinese is spoken by about one-fourth of the world's population. In addition to China, Chinese writing is also found in Japan, partially in Annam and Korea.

The term "Chinese" refers to a number of its constituent parts:

  • colloquial dialects of regions and provinces (northern dialect, Wu dialect, Min dialect, Yue dialect);
  • the official national language of the modern formation is “Guoyu” (it is still being formed as a combination of different dialects);
  • a dead literary language - "Wenyan", in which the greatest literature in the world in terms of volume and value was written - a language that is not understandable to the ears of modern Chinese;
  • The modern literary language is Baihua, which is based on the Guoyu language.

All this diversity is united into a single and whole concept “Chinese language” - the immutability of the word, the monosyllabic composition of the roots, a certain order in the sentence and the presence of “service” words that are the same for all dialects.

** Chinese- language of images and concepts. The origin of the hieroglyphic language "Wenyan" dates back to ancient times, when linear speech was used for communication, i.e. a language of facial expressions and gestures, the main instrument of which was the hand.

The most important and most frequently used hieroglyph " Qi" - the vital energy that underlies everything.

Hieroglyph. Usage.
It will bring the fulfillment of all your dreams and harmony in marriage to your home. Since this is double happiness, this hieroglyph helps not only the owner of this symbol, but also his other half. Success becomes the success of both, happiness becomes twice as great! If you give this hieroglyph, then you sincerely wish the person happiness, fulfillment of all desires and show an expression of deep friendship.
Double happiness.
Helps increase income and obtain all kinds of material benefits, helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, creates positive Qi in the home and office.
Attracts prosperity and monetary wealth in the places where it is located. Unlike the hieroglyph “Wealth”, it attracts precisely monetary energy and everything related to money. Promotes the formation of multiple sources of income.
This hieroglyph not only helps to maintain health, but also contributes to the speedy recovery of patients.
A symbol of health and long life. This symbol can be placed in the bedroom.
This hieroglyph not only strengthens the joint bonds of marriage, but also extinguishes mutual conflicts. You will find harmony and peace, tranquility and a decent life with your loved one. Promotes the acquisition of long-term and mutual love, happiness in love.
The hieroglyph is used as a love talisman so that nothing can destroy this deep and tender feeling.
Eternal love.
Will bring an abundance of everything you desire into your home, be it money, fame, success or love. This hieroglyph, like “Prosperity,” attracts the energy of abundance and growth in any area of ​​life. This hieroglyph can be used in conjunction with other hieroglyphs whose symbolism is important to you at the moment
This hieroglyph is very good to have at home; it will help with the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of all your plans, both personal and business.
Dream come true.
Happiness is different for everyone, for some it is to find love and family, for others it is to achieve career heights, for others it is success in creative activity. So, this hieroglyph “Happiness” helps you obtain what exactly is happiness and well-being for you.
This generalized hieroglyph will bring good luck, health, love and material well-being to your home. If you do not strive for wealth, then you will find spiritual peace and tranquility.
Business and creative success. It attracts clients and business partners, ensures success in all endeavors, and contributes to the birth of new ideas and opportunities. This hieroglyph is usually placed in offices, on the desktop or at home in the office to attract energy, activity and creativity.

Some other hieroglyphs:

"Tszyu" is an alcoholic drink.

The name of tea in different languages ​​depends on the region of China in which speakers of these languages ​​bought the tea. If in Northern China, then their name for tea comes from the word “cha” (“tea” in the Cantonese dialect), if in Southern China, then from the word “te” (“tea” in the Malay dialect). In Russian, the word has been used since the middle of the 17th century, and, at the very beginning, as the name of a medicinal plant (“tea herbs”).

In Chinese, the word crisis consists of two hieroglyphs: one means danger (abyss, abyss), the second means opportunity. (quote: J.F. Kennedy.)

The first character "Wei" means "dangerous time". The second “Ji” is “time of opportunity, chance.”


Understanding, awareness.


The hieroglyph “ren” means patience, restraint.

Consists of two parts: the upper one is the knife, the lower one is the heart.

When a knife pierces the heart, and the heart remains unshaken, this is “zhen” - “patience”. That is, this figuratively reflects the state when, when faced with verbal or other attacks that irritate the soul, a person can restrain himself and not allow his anger and indignation to dominate his mind, then this is “zhen.”

In China, to this day it is believed that calligraphy reflects the qualities and character of a person. In ancient times, those applying for a job did not provide a resume, as now, but their calligraphy, which the employer used to judge whether to hire this person or not.

Basic graphic elements of Chinese characters

In fact, hieroglyphic writing, unlike alphabetic writing, has almost nothing to do with the language itself. Its signs should be understood associatively, figuratively. And if the study of spoken language begins with phonetics, then mastery of written literacy begins with the simplest components of the Chinese character.

Each hieroglyph consists of a certain number of graphic elements (there are more than 200 in total). As a rule, these elements themselves do not carry any semantic load. Combinations of graphic elements written in a certain sequence are called graphemes. A grapheme can be used as an independent simple Chinese character, or be part of a complex one.

The simplest graphemes of Chinese characters.
Image: Leonid 2/

The order of writing graphemes in Chinese characters. Photo:

The basic graphic elements of the Chinese character are:

  • horizontal line
  • vertical bar
  • dot
  • folding left
  • hook
  • folding right
  • rising bar
  • broken line

From these simplest elements derivatives are formed, for example, a threefold broken horizontal line.

It is also important to know the rules for writing Chinese character elements. For example, the writing tool should move from left to right if we are writing a horizontal line, and from top to bottom if we are writing a vertical or oblique line. First of all, we write the vertical, then the horizontal. First, a folding line is written to the left, then a folding line to the right. First - the sides of the hieroglyph, then - the middle. The last dot is placed on the right.

Number of Chinese characters

The number of hieroglyphs, like the hieroglyphs themselves, has constantly changed throughout history. The largest number of them was collected in the collection “Ji Yun,” compiled during the Sun Dynasty. This collection contains 53,525 Chinese characters.

Today it is impossible to determine exactly how many ideographic characters there are in Chinese writing. The average Chinese person uses several thousand characters in their speech. A person who understands the meanings of 1.5-3.5 thousand hieroglyphs is considered literate. In an attempt to calculate the exact number of Chinese characters, linguists have differed in their opinions. Some call the figure 40 thousand, others - 70 thousand. Most hieroglyphs are contained only in the texts of classical folk literature.

Cultural influence of Chinese writing

Ligature is a wish combined into one Chinese character.
Image: G.S.K.Lee/

It is necessary to know that Chinese culture is the only example of an ancient culture that has preserved its writing system to this day. Monuments of Chinese writing created before our era have reached us - “Shu Jing” (“Book of History”) and “Shijing” (“Book of Songs”).

Chinese writing penetrated into Vietnam and Japan in the 1st - 3rd centuries. n. e. As a result, these languages ​​began to use Chinese characters (by adapting and modifying them) in their writing systems. Japan still uses characters of Chinese origin in its writing system.

Chinese writing is primarily based on visual perception. Therefore, there are so-called pictorial hieroglyphs (drawings of plants, flowers, birds, etc., consisting of many hieroglyphic signs) and ligatures (wishes that are one hieroglyph).

Chinese character "Happiness" and cards with wishes.

We can say that Chinese characters in some way determined the perception of the world around them by these people. Many customs, as well as some examples of folk art, were created under the influence of the characteristics of the Chinese language. For example, there is a tradition of hanging an inverted hieroglyph “Happiness” at the entrance to the house. A passerby will think: “The hieroglyph “Happiness” has turned upside down,” which is also consonant with the phrase: “Happiness has come.”

Pronunciation in Chinese

Despite the large number of Chinese characters, there are very few words, if you can call them that, in the Chinese language. The pinyin table (pinyin - transcription) contains only 394 syllables - this is the entire vocabulary of the Chinese language. Numerous combinations also help to convey the rich content of written language orally. That is, the same syllable, pronounced in different tones and used in different combinations with other syllables, has completely different meanings. In order to recognize all this when communicating, a person must have an ear for music to a certain extent.

However, if, for example, someone recites an unknown verse in Chinese, no one will understand its entire content by ear until they read its written version. This is because the poems use non-standard combinations of Chinese characters to achieve rhyme, the meanings of which are almost impossible to understand by ear.

Some Chinese characters have multiple meanings and pronunciations. There is one interesting story about this: One day, a peasant who made a living by selling bean sprouts asked an educated man to write him “duilian” (paired inscriptions with wishes, traditionally hung on both sides and on top of the doorway). That man, without thinking twice, wrote him this “duilian”:

The seller looked for a long time at the inscription, consisting of eighteen identical hieroglyphs, and then asked: “What kind of wish did you write to me?” The learned man explained to him that these inscriptions read like this: the left one – cháng zhǎng cháng zhǎng cháng cháng zhǎng (chang zhǎng chang chang chang chang); right – zhǎng cháng zhǎng cháng zhǎng zhǎng cháng; top – cháng zhǎng zhǎng cháng. Having read the inscription in this way, the seller understood everything and sincerely thanked him for his good wishes.

The point is that this Chinese character has two pronunciations (chan and zhang) and different meanings: “long”, “to grow”, “to increase” and “often” or “constantly”. Thus, the inscription can be translated as (this is a wish for the peasant’s bean sprouts): left - constantly grow, grow long, constantly and long grow; right - grow constantly, grow long, increase and grow long; upper - grow often, grow long.

In the process of studying hieroglyphic writing, a person develops figurative perception and visual memory. Learning to write Chinese characters develops artistic abilities. Studying tones develops an ear for music. That is, this writing itself contributes to the harmonious development of a person, not only enriching his knowledge, but also developing his abilities for art, which was highly valued in Ancient China.

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