An essay-reasoning on a moral and ethical topic. Olympiad tasks in the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech”

Olympic tasks

in Russian language and speech culture

I – II course

Dear student, read the assignments carefully. We recommend that you write them on a draft before entering your answers into the form. For each correctly completed task you will receive one point. Remember that in each task there is only one correct answer, except for task No. 3. We wish you good luck!

1. Whose nose is called the same as a small coin?

A) cow B) bear C) mouse

D) pig D) dolphin

2. Of the five words below, only one has a single meaning, and each of the others is used in at least two different senses. Which word has the only meaning?

A) Polish B) French C) Czech

D) Finnish D) Dutch

3. Mark the correct phonetic proportions. To successfully complete the task, you need to transcribe the proposed words.

A) fighter: fighter = sailor: lighthouse

B) pond: rod = fruit: raft

B) rutabaga: letter = nap: at home

4. What type of declension of Russian nouns is not represented in the following examples: book, time, apple tree, coffee, shadow, young man, path, coat, corn?

A) 1st declination B) 2nd declination C) 3rd declination

D) indeclinable nouns

D) indeclinable nouns

5. Recently, the DGTT library received 76,495 new books. How many new books can students read?

A) seventy-six thousand four hundred ninety-five

B) with seventy six thousand four hundred ninety five

C) with seventy six thousand four hundred ninety five

D) from seventy-six thousand four hundred ninety-five

D) with seventy six thousand four hundred ninety five

6. Some set phrases “place” animals in certain places: [feel] like a fish in water,[run] like a rat from a sinking ship etc. Here are five animals: squirrel, elephant, dog, tit, crane– and five places: 1) in hands, 2) in the sky, 3) in the hay, 4) in the wheel 5) in a china shop. Arrange the places in the order of their corresponding animals.

A) 1-5-2-3-4 B) 3-5-2-4-1 C) 4-1-2-5-3 D) 4-5-3-1-2 E) 5-4- 1-3-2

7. According to a famous math joke, a rat that runs around the corners and divides the corner in half is:

A) bisector B) bisector C) bisector

D) non-sector D) bisector

8. Here are three verbs: 1) to act 2) value, 3) be proud. And here are three nouns with prepositions: a) by right b) according to dignity V) according to conscience. How to place verbs in front of them to make three stable phrases in the Russian language?

A) 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – c B) 1 – a, 2 – c, 3 – b

C) 1 – c, 2 – b, 3 – a D) 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – a

D) 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – b

9. Here is an excerpt from the famous poem by A.S. Pushkin "Autumn":

How easy the running of a sleigh with a friend is fast and free,

When under the sable, warm and fresh,

She shakes your hand, glowing and trembling!

How many adjectives does it have?

A) one B) three C) four D) five E) seven

10. At first glance, it seems that all these names of Moscow metro stations are formed in the same way. But in fact, during the formation of one of them, some additional changes occurred. What kind of name is this?

A) Warsaw B) Kyiv C) Serpukhov

D) Bratislava D) Smolensk

11. What words are written with a hyphen after the root -pol-:

1) (half) spoon 2) (half) teaspoon 3) (half) cucumber

4) half a turn 5) at full strength

A) none B) all C) all except 5 D) 1,3 E) 1, 3, 4

12. Nouns house, horse, window, field belong to the 2nd declension. How many of the following nouns also belong to the second declension: plant, animal, building, coat, time, path?

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5 E) 6

13. How many words from the proposed list have an ending in the nominative singular? -A(not -O)?

Belishk..., thief..., little town..., little house..., bunny..., little earth..., peasant..., liar..., nose..., coat..., gun..., ant...

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 E) 7

14. Lithuanian verbs and their translations into Russian are given:

glausti - press, neglausti - do not press, rodytis – seem, nesirodyti - don't seem saugoti take care nesisaugoti - not to be careful?

How to say it in Lithuanian: don't cuddle, be careful?

A) nesiglausti, saugotis B) nesiglaustis, saugotisi

C) nesiglausti, sisaugoti D) neglaustis, sisaugotis

D) nesiglausi, saugotisi

15. History has inextricably linked some names and concepts: Herostratus glory, Pyrrhic victory... Here are the six names: Achilles, Hercules, Damocles, Procrustes, Sisyphus, Aesop. Here are eight concepts: 1) work, 2) language, 3) porridge, 4) dagger, 5) bed, 6) pillars, 7) heel, 8) sword. Which of the eight concepts are not associated with any of the six names?

A) 6.8 B) 4.6 C) 3.4 D) 3.8 E) 4.2

16. Diminutive words are often formed from the names of body parts, which can also take on a figurative meaning, for example: take the child by the hand(direct meaning), door handle(figurative meaning). Here are six such diminutives: eye, leg, nose, back, tooth, neck. How many of them are words that have a figurative meaning?

17. Here are some nouns: circle, area, leg, hypotenuse, product, fraction. How many of them are not just mathematical terms?

A) one B) two C) three D) four E) five

18. Here are some nouns: pronoun, adverb, preposition, conjunction, particle. How many of them are not just names of parts of speech?

A) one B) two C) three D) four E) five

19. Words given: spades, clubs, hearts, diamonds. How many of them are that are used not only as names of card suits?

A) none B) one C) two D) three E) four

20. Which of these nouns is an adjective? round Doesn't matter as much as with the others?

A) excellent student B) orphan C) fool D) year E) tray

21. Verbs given: 1) sitting, 2) lies, 3) hanging, 4) coming. Which of them can be used as a predicate if the subject is a word? dress?

A) all B) all except 1 C) all except 2 D) all except 4 E) 2 and 3

22. Which sentence contains a preposition? for is it used in a different sense than in the others?

A) The boy hid the toy behind his back.

B) The ball rolled out of the goal.

IN) The father took his son by the hand.

G) The sun went behind a cloud.

D) The family went on vacation abroad.

23. Each of the five words below is used in a literal and figurative meaning. In which of the words did the transfer of meaning occur on a different basis than in all the others?

A) bell (the bell rings - the bell blooms)

B) class (friendly class – spacious class)

IN) hat (knitted hat – snow hat)

G) apple (delicious apple – eyeball)

D) needle (sewing needle - pine needle)

24. When new words appear, old words sometimes take on new meanings. Below are five examples of these new meanings. One of them relates to the old meaning of the same word differently than the other four. Which?

A) disk(with sound recording) B) brushwood(confectionery)

IN) diplomat(suitcase) D) tail(queues)

D) wing(airplane)

25. Given nouns: apple, apricot, cherry, sweet cherry, plum, quince, grapes, gooseberry. Which one is significantly different from the others in meaning?

A) apple B) apricot IN) cherry G) plum D) quince

26. The teacher asked where the Battle of Borodino was. Petya said: “ Near Borodin", Vasya: " Near Borodino", Kolya: " Near the village of Borodino", Misha: " Near the village of Borodin" Which one of them constructed the phrase correctly?

A) only Petya B) only Vasya C) only Kolya

D) Vasya and Kolya D) Petya and Misha

27. Check all the correct statements about surnames used in the Russian literary language:

1) all surnames of Russian origin are inclined

2) no foreign names are declined

3) surnames of Ukrainian origin - co don't bow

4) there are surnames that are declined when referring to a male person, and not declined when referring to a female person.

A) 1 B) 3, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3 E) 1, 2

28. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

At first it seemed scary to Vakula (1) when he rose from the ground to such a height (2) that he could no longer see anything (3) and flew over the very month so (4) that (5) if he had not leaned a little (6) he would have caught would be his hat.

A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 B) 1, 2, 4, 6 C) 2, 5, 6 D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6

29. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

A) Ilya entered the yard with the important air of a man who worked well.

B) We drove through a plain that was scorched by the sun.

IN) There was a light on in the last house at the end of the village.

G) Chelkash was pleased with his luck, himself and this guy, who was so scared and turned into his slave.

30. Mark all the puzzles in which the same word is encrypted:

A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 1, 2 E) 2, 4

31. Who wrote the novel whose title is encrypted here?

A) Bulgakov B) Dostoevsky

C) Tolstoy D) Turgenev D) Goncharov

Grade 8 Assignments for the 1st round of the Russian language Olympiad

1. Find the extra word in the synonymous row.

a) Rider, horseman, man, horseman, rider, equestrian;

b) dog, Bobik, animal, Barbos.

2. What phonetic feature are the words combined with?

Pigeon, russula, carrot, shore.

3. Guess the riddle. Determine how many times it occurs

He's running on wires

You say it here, but it’s heard there.

4. What properties of Russian vocabulary does the author of this poem use?

Carried by the Bear, walking towards the market,

A jar of honey for sale,

Suddenly Mishka is about to be attacked -

The bees decided to attack.

Teddy bear with an army of aspen

Fought with a torn aspen,

Could he not fly into rage?

If the wasps climbed into the mouth,

They stung anywhere,

They got it for this. (Ya. Kozlovsky)

5. Find words with the same root in the following text. What is this phenomenon called in language? The rain is pouring - there is water all around,

The pole and wires get wet,

The horses and carts get wet,

Smoke over the roofs of the factory,

From the running fast waters

The drainage system trembled.

The firmament flows -

There's a whirlpool on the ground,

And through the puddles at the gate

Children dance in a circle. (L. Yakhnin)

6. Explain the difference in the meaning of the words subscriber-subscription, fact - factor,

swampy - swampy, spectacular - effective. What are these words called?

7. The teacher gave the task to decline the plural words

leaf, root, tooth, pass, bread. Not all the guys gave the same answer, but they all answered correctly. How? Justify your answer.

8. Form the indefinite form of verbs that in the 1st person singular of the present tense have the forms I lead, I preach.

The hurricane brought the a land of (un)extraordinary beauty. Around the ra(s,ss)t...was a green lawn, along the edges...are there trees with s......mi, on At the f...lls in the...daylight there were flower beds of beautiful pink, white and blue flowers. Tiny(?)birds fluttered into the air...s...screaming with their bright feathers. On the branches of the trees with.. there were (golden) green and (red) breasted p... parrots and screaming high... mi str (n, nn) ​​g... l.. .yourself. (Not) in the distance there was a babbling... l transparent (?) stream in the water of the river, the... ribs... (n, nn) ​​fish were ringing.

While the girl is (un)decisively st. .. on the threshold from (behind) the trees appeared the funniest and sweetest people (?) imaginable. The men... dressed in blue velvet... f...tans and thin... l...nt...lons were no taller than Ellie, their legs were shining blue... .tforts with...mouths. But most of all Ellie liked the (pointy) pointed(?) hats; they were...decorated with crystal balls...under the wide brim and small tambourines(?) gently rang.

Three verbs are given: act, appreciate, be proud. And three nouns with prepositions: by right, by dignity, by conscience. How to place verbs in front of them to make three stable phrases?

Which of these animal names differs in composition from the others?

1) Cow, 2) bunny; 3) little fox;

4) smelt; 5) chicken.

The teacher asked the children to give examples of words in which there would be two vowel sounds nearby. Petya Oshibkin completed the task as follows:

Pause, come, cocoa, oasis, shines, poet, stronger, holler, lighthouse, zoo.

Is Petya right? Explain your answer.

Find the predicate.

1) I love to sing.

2) I asked my sister to sing.

Parse the phrase future(?) radio.

Which of the phrases does not present the same method of communication as the others?

1) my book; 2) mom’s book; 3) her book;

4) this book; 5) an interesting book.

Sentences in Hebrew and their translations into Russian are given.

Khabahur rohe bakhura yafa - A young man sees a beautiful girl.

Hapara roa khatul lavan - The cow sees a white cat.

Habahura roa tik hum - The girl sees a brown bag.

Translate the following sentences into Hebrew:

The cat sees a brown cow

A young man sees a white bag

What is obsolete about the obsolete words listed below?

1) piit; 2) seller; 3) very much; 4) idol; 5) advise; 6) evening; 7) fire.

1- The whole word as a whole; 2- value; 3 – separate morpheme; 4- part of the sound composition.

10. Imagine that you are experienced language researchers. Some scientists see 4 morphemes in the word LESNIK, while others see 3. Which side are you on? Prove that both points of view have their own logic. Write a short article about this for the popular children's magazine "Young Linguist".

Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian philologist F.I. Buslaev: “Only in a sentence do individual words, their endings and prefixes receive their meaning.”

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of F.I. Buslaeva.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “- Talanta! - Lenya repeated louder. - You need to understand this! This must be protected and appreciated! Isn’t it true?”

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase REAL ART?

Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is real art”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

(1) At dawn, Lyonka and I drank tea and went to the mshars to look for wood grouse. (2) It was boring to go.

- (3) You, Lenya, should tell me something more fun.

– (4) What to tell? - Lyonka answered. - (5) Is it about the old women in our village? (6) These old women are the daughters of the famous artist Pozhalostin. (7) He was an academician, but he came out of our shepherd kids, from the snotty ones. (8) His engravings hang in museums in Paris, London and here in Ryazan. (9) I suppose you saw it?

(10) I remembered the beautiful engravings, slightly yellowed by time, on the walls of my room in the house of two busy old women. (11) I also remembered the first, very strange feeling from the engravings. (12) These were portraits of old-fashioned people, and I could not get rid of their glances. (13) A crowd of ladies and men in tightly buttoned frock coats, a crowd of the seventies of the nineteenth century, looked at me from the walls with deep attention.

“(14) One day the blacksmith Yegor comes to the village council,” Lenya continued. - (15) There is nothing, he says, to repair what is required, so let’s remove the bells.

(16) Fedosya, a woman from Pustyn, interrupts here: (17) “In the Pozhalostins’ house, old women walk on copper boards. (18) Something is scratched on those boards - I don’t understand. (19) These boards will come in handy.”

(20) I came to the Pozhalostins, said what was the matter, and asked to show these boards. (21) The old woman brings out boards wrapped in a clean towel. (22) I looked and froze. (23) Honest mother, what fine work, how firmly carved! (24) Especially the portrait of Pugachev - you can’t look at it for a long time: it seems that you are talking to him yourself. (25) “Give me the boards for storage, otherwise they will be melted down for nails,” I tell her.

(26) She cried and said: (27) “What are you talking about! (28) This is a national treasure, I won’t give it up for anything.”

(29) In general, we saved these boards and sent them to Ryazan, to the museum.

(30) Then they called a meeting to try me for hiding the boards. (31) I went out and said: (32) “Not you, but your children will understand the value of these engravings, but the work of others must be respected. (33) The man came from shepherds, studied for decades on black bread and water, so much work, sleepless nights, human torment, talent was put into each board...”

– (34) Talent! - Lenya repeated louder. - (35) You need to understand this! (36) This must be protected and appreciated! (37) Isn’t it true?

(According to K. G. Paustovsky) *

* Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich (1892-1968) - Russian writer and publicist, master of lyrical and romantic prose, author of works about nature, historical stories, artistic memoirs.


15.1 The Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world both in terms of the composition of the language and in the methods of its speech organization. One cannot but agree with the statement of the famous Russian philologist F.I. Buslaev: “Only in a sentence do individual words, their endings and prefixes receive their meaning.” A sentence is a unit of syntax, within which individual words and predicative parts acquire the ability to interact and form speech components.

To confirm the validity of F.I. Buslaev’s words, let’s turn to an excerpt from the text by Konstantin Paustovsky. There are many expressive connections in the text. So, for example, in sentence No. 13 (A crowd of ladies and men in tightly buttoned frock coats, a crowd of the seventies of the nineteenth century, looked at me from the walls with deep attention), the grammatical basis is the combination “the crowd looked”, which in itself is interesting from the point of view correspondence of lexical and grammatical meaning. As part of the subject, the word “crowd” in its lexical meaning implies several people, literally a group of people. However, the grammatical meaning of the word "crowd" is a singular noun. Thus, in the combination itself, on the one hand, the facelessness of the people from the engravings is emphasized, and on the other, their integrity, community, as it were, and therefore the predicate is used according to grammatical norms in the singular: the crowd looked.

In sentence 18 (Something is scribbled on those boards - I don’t understand), the word “scratched” takes on an additional connotation; it is used with the aim of belittling the importance of painting on engravings.

Thus, having analyzed the text, we can confidently say that in the sentence the word, its grammatical and lexical meanings are fully revealed.

15.2 Very often, what a person does not understand due to his lack of education, underdevelopment, inability to appreciate due to the vanity of life and current circumstances, he considers unimportant, insignificant. Not every person is capable of appreciating and understanding art. This is the final words of Lenya from the text by Konstantin Paustovsky.

The text tells how the paintings had to be saved. Baba Fedosya, who has no understanding of art, offers to take the boards from the old women of the Pozhalistins: “Something is scribbled on those boards - I don’t understand.” For Fedosya, the purpose of these boards is unclear, she does not know how to appreciate beauty, she lives “on her daily bread,” so she considers it more useful to melt down these “boards” into nails. How many such masterpieces were destroyed during the revolution and civil war.

The author also shows another hero - Lenya, who is ready to risk his reputation, career, life in order to save these masterpieces. In sentence 30 we find confirmation of this: the hero was going to be judged at a general meeting because of his attitude towards the artist’s works.

Preserving art for posterity is our duty to future generations. We must not only be proud of the amazing proportions of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl or St. Basil's Cathedral, but also do everything so that our children can be proud of them.

15.3 Art is all the most beautiful things created by the hands and mind of man. The splendor of the natural world with its miraculous beauty encourages a person to capture the uniqueness of life’s moments with the help of talent. It takes your breath away when you try to grasp with your mind everything created by geniuses, preserved and continued by their descendants and followers. Now it is impossible to imagine that our lives would not be accompanied by art and creativity.

The text by Konstantin Paustovsky tells how the works of art had to be saved. Baba Fedosya, who has no understanding of art, offers to take the boards from the old women of the Pozhalistins: “Something is scribbled on those boards - I don’t understand.” For Fedosya, the purpose of these boards is unclear, she does not know how to appreciate beauty, she lives “on her daily bread,” so she considers it more useful to melt down these “boards” into nails. How many such masterpieces were destroyed during the revolution and civil war.

When you arrive at Red Square, the main square of the country, your gaze will involuntarily be drawn to St. Basil's Cathedral. This is an example of real art, it attracts and fascinates. No matter how the history of our state changed, the temple survived, stood as a symbol of our strength and greatness.

Preserving art for posterity is our duty to future generations. We should not only be proud of the amazing proportions of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl or St. Basil's Cathedral, but also do everything so that our children can be proud of them.

Methodists have long noticed that through revealing the meaning of words, through the interpretation of concepts that have a moral meaning, the educational impact of Russian vocabulary on students is exerted.

One of the written tasks of the OGE is aimed precisely at identifying the ability of a 9th grade graduate to reveal the meaning of ethical concepts such as honor, nobility, envy, dignity, duty, conscience, shame, hard work, courtesy, truth.

Unfortunately, textbooks on the Russian language do not always have enough material for work during which students had to explain words containing ethical meaning. To do this, we turn to literary texts, with the help of which we can derive the concept and select the necessary examples.

Let's consider several ethical concepts: what is justice, gratitude, fearlessness, responsibility, soullessness, pride, responsiveness, conscience, courage, heroism, the inner world of a person.


For analysis, we offer a text by A. Aleksin from the story “Just Think, Birds!” from (1) No one called Kolka’s mother by her first name or patronymic; everyone, even the guys, simply called her Lelya.<...>to (28) She never blew a loud whistle, never reminded people out loud about the rules of life, but her father and Kolka always cheerfully and voluntarily obeyed her decisions, because these decisions were fair.

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word JUSTICE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is justice”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

There are moments in a person’s life when he asks in bewilderment about justice. What is justice? This is respect for rights and dignity, fulfilling one’s duties in such a way as to prevent their violation. The main principle of a just person is to be impartial, leaving no room for envy and disputes.

“To each is the same as to others.” This is exactly what Kolka’s father does in A. Aleksin’s story. It is no coincidence that all the guys respectfully call him “O fairest of the fair!” For them, the referee's whistle was law. But Kolka’s mother, although she did not remind her loved ones of the rules of life, always made fair decisions, and Kolka’s father and “cheerfully and voluntarily obeyed” them.

There have also been moments in my life related to the manifestation of justice. In one of the matches, the ball hit the opponent’s hand, and we began to challenge his behavior. The judge made such a decision that no one doubted his correct attitude towards the violation. He coped with his responsibilities with dignity and resolved the conflict situation.

I believe that one should not act unfairly either towards oneself or towards others, one must always maintain impartiality and respect the rights and dignity of a person.


Text by K.G. Paustovsky from the story “Hare's Paws” from (1) This fall I spent the night with grandfather Larion on Lake Urzhenskoye.<...>to (35) So they live together - old grandfather Larion, his grandson Vanka and a hare with a torn ear.

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word GRATITUDE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What does it mean to be grateful?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

What is gratitude? Gratitude is a feeling of gratitude to someone for the help, attention, advice provided. This is the ability to appreciate the kindness that others do to us.

Gratitude is not just about relationships between people. In the text by K. Paustovsky, grandfather Larion was grateful to the hare who saved his life during a forest fire: “This hare,” said the grandfather, “is my savior: I owe my life to him. I, one might say, should show him gratitude, but you say – quit.” The old man understood that he, too, must help the poor animal that had suffered from fire and smoke.

There is a person in my life to whom I am grateful. This is a coach who managed to support me and instill a sense of self-confidence. You should always respond to kindness with kindness, be able to do something good and useful to the one who helped you.

Gratitude is one of the most pleasant feelings that arises in response to noble and kind actions.


Text from the story “The Boy by the Sea” by N. Dubov from (1) What do the boys do in the summer on all the streets and courtyards?<...>to (40) Fyodor Mikhailovich smiled, Anton beamed: The battle was won.

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word FEARLESS? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What does it mean to be fearless?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

What does it mean to be fearless? Fearlessness is a human quality that allows you to overcome difficulties and not be afraid of them. To be fearless means to make firm decisions when necessary and not to back down in the face of danger.

In N. Dubov’s text, this word is used in an ironic sense: “... all the fearless attackers, unbending defenders and rock-solid goalkeepers were blown away from the wasteland” at the mere sight of a Newfoundland. The huge dog scared even the adults who were looking out of the windows of the house. However, at the end of the text it becomes clear that the guys are not such cowards as we see them at the beginning: “After ten minutes, the guys were screaming and screaming, but not from fear, but from delight.”

For example, many epic heroes, such as Ilya Muromets or Dobrynya Nikitich, can be considered fearless. You can bravely defend the truth, like Archpriest Avvakum, fight the enemy to the last drop of blood, like the heroes of the Brest Fortress. When a person is confident that he is right, he is able to overcome the fear that doubt gives rise to.

The one who acts decisively, without confusion and anxiety, forgets about fear and is not afraid to face the unknown. Such a person can be called truly fearless.


Test from A. Aleksin’s story “Signalmen and Buglers” from (1) Mom knew exactly who was sick in what apartment and why.<...>until (31) And the bureau of good offices continued to operate.

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word RESPONSIBILITY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is responsibility”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Responsibility is the obligation to answer for actions and their consequences. Nothing significant can be achieved in life if you are irresponsible about everything important: business, words, time. A responsible person keeps promises, is never late, makes decisions not only for himself, but also for others.

The heroine of A. Aleksin’s story can be considered such a responsible person. A doctor by profession, she saves people’s lives at work and is attentive to everyone at home. Her duty is to monitor the physical health of those who need help. Neighbors turn to her not only for medical issues, but also with other requests, and she never refuses anything to anyone. Their apartment was therefore nicknamed the “good offices office.” A conscientious and kind person, she teaches her son to do the same: “But one person cannot work in the bureau. There must be at least two. Do you understand?

My dad is also a responsible person. It is he who takes on the entire burden of responsibility for making decisions in the family, takes into account our interests and weaknesses, and helps us cope with complex problems. I try to be like him in many ways.

Thus, responsibility represents actions that are supported by kind and decisive actions, the ability to keep one’s word, and help those in need. The degree of responsibility depends on each individual.


Text by A. Aleksin from the story “Just think, birds!” from (1) On that memorable day, when Kolka returned from the pioneer camp, in the center of the table there was a pie bought by Elena Stanislavovna.<...>to (50) Just think, birds!..

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word SOULLESSNESS? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is soullessness,” using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Callousness is heartlessness, cruelty, callousness. A soulless person is capable of terrible acts, he is indifferent to the feelings of other people, cares only about his own well-being and is absolutely indifferent to the needs and problems of others.

In A. Aleksin’s work, callousness is manifested in the attitude of Kolka’s loved ones towards his beloved bird. The boy saved the wounded seagull, treated it all winter, fed it fish, made a spacious cage and planted a bush to make the bird comfortable. He was amazed that no one looked after her, that her father spoke so rudely about her death. No one in the family, except Kolka, cared about the bird; it bothered everyone. Indifference is also heard in the words of Elena Stanislavovna: “Just think, birds!..”

Another example of callousness: a person felt bad, and passersby nearby pretended not to notice, as if nothing had happened. I believe that you need to treat everything around you with your soul, and be sensitive to other people’s pain and feelings.

Thus, soullessness is the inability to carry the energy of love, to show a warm, lively, sympathetic attitude towards someone or something.


Text from the story “Personal Angel” by T. Ustinova from (1) When he was about nine years old, he often came to the zoo, where he seemed to know every hole in the wooden fence, every nook and cranny between the cages. to<...>(43) Forever.

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word PRIDE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is pride”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

In my understanding, the word “pride” has several meanings. Firstly, pride is a feeling that conveys a person’s self-esteem. Secondly, it is the ability to feel joy when someone has achieved success. Thirdly, this is self-esteem.

In T. Ustinova’s text we see how difficult the relationships between the characters are. Being in great need, the boy, out of pride, cannot ask for help. Meeting Masha allowed Timofey to feel his significance and importance. But pride develops into arrogance: the boy’s narcissism and ambitions prevent him from correctly assessing his own and others’ actions. One day Masha made a mistake: she bought ice cream and gave it to Timofey, which offended him terribly. The boy took her gesture as a humiliating sop. His pride does not allow people to do things that are beneath their dignity.

Let me give you another example of pride. My parents are proud of my brother, who passed the entrance exams with flying colors and entered the best university in the capital. It exceeded our expectations and evoked feelings of joy and respect.

You can be proud not only of your own successes and work, but also of the great achievements of your homeland, of the entire Russian people.


Text from the story “Living Soul” by K.D. Vorobyov from (1) Everyone returned from the war to their father’s house in their own way.<...>to (50) Here is a living soul!”

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word RESPONSIBILITY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is responsiveness,” using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Watching the people around me, I understand more and more that the main quality in a person is responsiveness, that is, the ability to understand another and sympathize. A responsive person wants to do good not only at someone’s request, but even when no one is talking about it.

In the text by K. Vorobyov, a mustachioed driver-sergeant, who agreed to take an unfamiliar officer in a jeep to his native village, unexpectedly for everyone and to his own detriment, decides to help the peasants. He does not charge for transportation or plowing, and this act of his shows compassion and nobility. To be responsive means to be selfless and not demand rewards for good deeds.

Let me give you another example. Previously, I didn’t always notice people’s reactions to my words. One day I said something to a friend, but she didn’t call the next day and didn’t want to talk when we met. I began to more carefully evaluate my behavior, admitted my mistake, and again we were inseparable. Responding to problems in the lives of my friends or loved ones, I now try to help in word or deed, listen tactfully, and give advice.

Respect, empathize, help, be kind to people around you - this is what it means to be a responsive person.


Text from N. Safronov's story from (1) A new Russian teacher, Ivan Vasilyevich, appeared in our class unexpectedly.<...>to (40) The new teacher, seeing that I was not writing, and wanting to immediately restore order in the class, gave me a bad mark in my diary.

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is conscience”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people. An excellent confirmation of this idea is the text by N. Safronov, where we are talking about disrespectful attitude towards an adult.

The hero of the story received the new teacher with hostility and could not hold back a caustic question. Even the incident with an accidental C grade almost turned into a scandal. A fifth-grader was rude to his teacher and eventually got his grade corrected. However, the student was not happy with his victory, a sense of conscience awoke in him, he wanted to apologize to the front-line teacher, but it was too late: Ivan Vasilyevich did not come to the next lesson, he resigned from school.

And there was a case in my life when I had to experience remorse. They sent me to the store and gave me a lot of money, but I lost it. My parents scolded me for being so inattentive and absent-minded. Fortunately, I managed to find the money and my soul became calm and joyful.

To summarize, we can say that conscience helps to realize one’s guilt and prevents one from committing a bad act. Undoubtedly, every person should have a conscience.


Text from V. Krapivin's story from (1) Slavka walked along the long embankment.<...>until (33) Slavka was happy.

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word COURAGE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is courage”, using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Courage is the ability to fight and suppress your fears, the ability to show courage and bravery, determination and independence. The soldiers who fought for our fatherland can be called brave. “The city takes courage,” says the proverb. To defeat a protected and fortified city required not only military training, but also courage.

Courage is not always manifested in large and great achievements; it is also visible in small, but significant actions for a person. For example, Slavka from the text by V. Krapivin jumps on slippery stones to save a small boat from a breaking wave and set it sailing. It was very difficult for him to move. But the boy stubbornly moves towards his goal and commits a good deed, childishly naive and touching. This is also a manifestation of courage; such actions give birth to a brave person.

In the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" Pyotr Grinev boldly defends his honor. He openly declares that he cannot serve Pugachev, refuses to recognize him as the sovereign and even promises to fight against him. The brave actions of the young officer evoke respect and understanding from the leader of the peasant uprising.

Courage is a moral quality when fear, uncertainty, fear of difficulties and adverse consequences are overcome.


Text from the story by V. Oseeva from (1) Seva had a sore throat.<...>to (36) Sev, but I still think that every honest person certainly has this heroism... there certainly is...

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word HEROIC? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is heroism”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

In my understanding, heroism is a person’s ability to perform brave deeds, the willingness to do something useful for others, to sacrifice oneself for a good purpose. But true heroism does not lie in a pathetic demonstration of one’s capabilities, but is manifested in courage and boldness.

Let us turn to the text by V. Oseeva. Seva and his mother understand the meaning of the word “heroism” differently. According to the boy, he is good for nothing, does not know how to do much, and is not capable of committing a risky act. Seva does not know that ostentatious heroism is not a feat. Mom tries to convince him that heroism should be selfless; a real hero can be an honest person who does brave things to save someone’s life.

In the actions of the young lieutenant Kuznetsov, the hero of the novel "Hot Snow", Yuri Bondarev sees a manifestation of the heroic. The commander combines courage and fortitude with spiritual gentleness, nobility and humanity. Lieutenant Drozdovsky, who dreamed of distinguishing himself in battle and performing a heroic act, behaves differently. At the most decisive moment, he risks not himself, but his subordinates, sending him to certain death.

And in peaceful life you can find examples of true heroism: firefighters rescue victims from burning houses, rescuers help in critical situations, doctors save from fatal diseases. I am proud of the people who have made risk their profession.

The inner world of man

Text from the story “Night Search” by A. Aleksin from (1) I didn’t like this doll.<...>to (39) We didn’t even dare to call her a doll, but only called her Larisa.

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the expression THE INNER WORLD OF A PERSON? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is the inner world of a person”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

What does the inner world of a person mean? These are his ideals, interests, ideas about the environment. The richer this world is, the richer and more varied a person’s life is. The inner world is usually formed in childhood. And a lot depends on what values ​​were laid down then.

In the text by Anatoly Aleksin we are talking about a narcissistic girl who had “crowning aspirations” and loved to command. She is used to power and command. Fortunately, she has caring parents next to her who have a serious influence and help her distinguish between good and evil.

Books can also influence a person’s inner world. They summarize the life experience of many generations. Maxim Gorky grew up in incredibly difficult circumstances, but his love of reading and knowledge helped him overcome the “abominations of life” and grow into a man with a rich inner world.

Thus, people should strive for spiritual development, enrich their inner world, be interesting interlocutors, and be able to understand and accept another person.

Olympiad in Russian language. 5th grade.

Task formulation



Who are the heroes of A. Sumarokov’s fable if they utter the following phrase:

Oh, how, oh, how can we speak to you, to you, gods!

Frogs. “Onomatopoeic” repetitions of sounds [kv], this suggests

2+1 extra for clarification

These five words end the same. But in composition one of them differs from the rest. Write him out.

Fisherman, fool, simpleton, stranger, Cossack.


Which of the following phrases does not have a figurative meaning? Write him out.

Circle around your finger; look through your fingers, don’t move your finger, bend your finger, suck it out of your finger.

Bend your finger.

Select 2 groups of words with the same root -TOLK-, but with different meanings.

Explain, interpret, interpretation, sensible, stupid, etc.

Push, push, push, push, push, etc.

Match the outdated names of parts of the human body, often found in Russian poetry, with modern words: forehead, cheeks, mouth, eyes, neck.



Usta- mouth

Eyes - eyes


Place the missing letters and punctuation marks, open the brackets.

When dad was little, he really loved everything tasty (?) . He loved He loved cheese. He loved chickens. And he (didn’t) like bread because he was always told to eat with bread!

And the bread is... tasteless(?) It is(?)to be with..this unint..res(?)but. That's what stupid little dad thought. And he almost (?) didn’t eat bread (at) tea and (at) lunch. And even (for) He made balls out of bread. He left the crusts on the table. He hid the bread under the slope. He said that he had already (?) eaten his bread. But this was not true. He firmly decided that when he grows bigger, he will (not) eat bread at all. And your children will also never (?) be forced to eat (?) bread.

Such a satire on illiterate poetry was published in the newspaper. Underline those words in which the emphasis is incorrect.

An engraver is worth a penny for an engraving.

We carry copper from the store in a briefcase.

Maybe it’s not worth writing poetry,

Is it better to sit in the library with a dictionary?

In one African tribe there lives a family of four people. The mother's name is Bere-rubo-toro-dak (dark, odorless flower), the father's name is Kobo-rudo-dir (large green mountain). The parents gave the eldest son the name Dak-rubu-pele (the smell of a flower field). What does the name of the youngest son Kobo-pele-toro-rubo mean?

Large field without a flower

Is everything correct in Petya Oshibkin’s proposals? Write them down as you see fit.

1. They wanted to create a better life.

2. His contribution to the common cause was significant.

1. They wanted to create a better life. They wanted to create a better life.

2. His contribution to the common cause was significant.

10. Make up sentences using vocabulary words:, k..rtof..l, p..m..dor, k..empty, k..strulya, k..chan, g. .roh. (20+ 15)

Russian Language Olympiad

6th grade

1. Place stress in the following words:

Aristocracy, pamper, gas pipeline, dispensary, nonsense, reward, modern, chaos, cleaner, more beautiful, mercy.

2. How are the words suburb, snowfall, little town, baby camel, half an apple, peninsula formed?

3. Determine whether the following words are grammatically animated: oak, cedar, dead man, matryoshka. Give reasons for your answer.

4. Read and write the sentences. Determine the parts of speech of the highlighted words. Change the sentences so that the highlighted words become prepositions.

1) Ahead there were cross-country skiers.

2) The stormy sea was raging around.

3) In the middle square there is a monument to the poet.

4) When I woke up, I remembered what happened the day before.

5. Correct the error in the following example. Indicate the reason for the incorrect construction of the sentence:

The problem was solved incorrectly due to an arithmetic error.

6. Replace the given phrases below with phraseological units. Very fast (run); very cramped; very dark; very little.

7.Why are words that sound similar to each other spelled differently?

The village old-timer guarded the collective farm garden.

8. Think of words with the morphemes (word parts) below. Indicate what part of speech this is.


I eat





I eat

9. Come up with three synonyms for the word fast. Write them down in order of increasing action.

10.What is the verb related to the verb sing, in the feminine past tense the same sound and spelling as a common noun?

Task formulation



Are there words in Russian that consist of one sound? Prove it.

How are the highlighted words formed?

The birds are returning in the spring. Pavement led to the sea itself. Around There were pine trees growing in the lakes.

How many words from the list can be understood both as a noun and as a verb: take, give, reap, know, mother, army, tear, become? Write it out.

What phraseological units consist of only pronouns?

How to explain that the letter E is written in the words: TRIPOD, HOBBAGE (horse), TRIPOD (stool)?

Place the necessary punctuation marks in the sentence, underline the words as members of the sentence.

The rocker sullenly sneered at the coin that was cracking with smoke.

Fill in the missing letters and punctuation marks.

Every day animals came to Doctor Aibolit to treat (t, t)sya. Foxes...rabbits...seals...words in...blues kept coming to him and...d...leks. Who the f... has business... that's who has a tooth. Each doctor... gave medicine and they all immediately recovered.

One day a tailless baby came to Aibolit and the doctor sewed on its tail.

And then a bear came from a distant forest, all in tears. She groaned and whined pitifully: a large splinter was sticking out of her paw. The doctor pulled out the splinter, washed the wound and lubricated it with his miraculous ointment.

m..nuta passed.

- Chaka! — the bear cried and cheerfully ran home - to her cubs.

And then two chickens walked by and walked by a turkey who lost his... boobs


The doctor gave each one medicine and everyone immediately recovered and everyone said “chucka” to him.

Complete the sentences you started with suitable words from the list, putting them in the correct form. Or(?)entir, and (l,ll)justration, te(r,rr)itory, ex..mplyar, tr..buna, conve..r, ad...yutant, k..m..tet, . .tm..sphere, pr..t..ndent, o(k,kk)upation, x..r..kteristics, pr..z..dent, ..gre(s,ss)ia.

1. In order not to get lost and choose the right direction, you need _____________.

2. I call a space with clearly defined boundaries ___________________.

3.An officer assigned to a superior to carry out special assignments is called _____________________.

4. Great luck for a collector to acquire a rare ___________________.

5. For a position, even for a hand and heart, you need to find ___________________.

6. wanting to describe the distinctive properties of someone, give him _____________________.

7.Earthly, friendly and pleasant, trusting or family can be _______________________.

What word(s) is derived from the Slavic word OKO, meaning “eye”? Write it out. Give your reasons.

Window, outskirts, look around, ocean, ophthalmologist.

10. Complete the story.

One day, several nouns gathered on a bright sunny lawn: Sky, Road, Fairy Tale, Song, Health. They began to express to each other their grievances against writers, teachers, schoolchildren, that they gave them constant adjectives as friends, from which no one can get rid of.

“I am blue and cloudless in all my writings,” sighed Heaven.

Olympiad in Russian language. 8th grade.

Task formulation



The hurricane brought the a land of (un)extraordinary beauty. Around the ra(s,ss)t...was a green lawn, along the edges...are there trees with s......mi , at the festivals in...the day there were flower beds of beautiful pink, white and blue flowers. Tiny(?)birds fluttered into the air...s...screaming with their bright feathers. On the branches of the trees with.. there were (golden) green and (red) breasted p... parrots and screaming high... mi str (n, nn) ​​g... l.. .yourself. (Not) in the distance there was a babbling... l transparent (?) stream in the water of the river, the... ribs... (n, nn) ​​fish were ringing.

While the girl is (un)decisively st. ..the funniest and sweetest people(?) imaginable appeared on the threshold from (behind) the trees. The men... dressed in blue velvet... f...tans and thin... l...nt...lons were no taller than Ellie, their legs were shining blue... .tforts with...mouths. But most of all Ellie liked the (pointy) pointed(?) hats; they were...decorated with crystal balls...under the wide brim and small tambourines(?) gently rang.

Three verbs are given: act, appreciate, be proud. And three nouns with prepositions: by right, by dignity, by conscience. How to place verbs in front of them to make three stable phrases?

Which of these animal names differs in composition from the others?

1) Cow, 2) bunny; 3) little fox;

4) smelt; 5) chicken.

The teacher asked the children to give examples of words in which there would be two vowel sounds nearby. Petya Oshibkin completed the task as follows:

Pause, come, cocoa, oasis, shines, poet, stronger, holler, lighthouse, zoo.

Is Petya right? Explain your answer.

Find the predicate.

1) I love to sing.

2) I asked my sister to sing.

Parse the phrase future(?) radio.

Which of the phrases does not present the same method of communication as the others?

1) my book; 2) mom’s book; 3) her book;

4) this book; 5) an interesting book.

Sentences in Hebrew and their translations into Russian are given.

Habahur rohe bakhura yafa- A young man sees a beautiful girl.

Hapara roa khatul lavan- The cow sees a white cat.

Habahura roa tik hum- The girl sees a brown bag.

Translate sentences into Hebrew:

The cat sees a brown cow

A young man sees a white bag

What is obsolete about the obsolete words listed below?

1) piit; 2) seller; 3) very much; 4) idol; 5) advise; 6) evening; 7) fire.

1- The whole word as a whole; 2- value; 3 - separate morpheme; 4- part of the sound composition.

10. Imagine that you are experienced language researchers. Some scientists see 4 morphemes in the word LESNIK, while others see 3. Which side are you on? Prove that both points of view have their own logic. Write a short article about this for the popular children's magazine "Young Linguist".

And the word “smooth” stuck with me, and like an arrow, but how smooth am I? - the road almost cried.

Russian language Olympiad with answers. 9th grade.

I. Norms of the Russian literary language

1. Sometimes you hear the words below pronounced with the following emphasis:

Compass, arrest, polyphony, case opened, butt, whooping cough

Is this emphasis always wrong? Give reasons for your answer.

2. Find sentences with grammatical errors. Correct them. Give reasons for your answer.

A) The artist saw what he was waiting for, what he vaguely hoped to see.

B) There were rumors that Ivan Susanin was from these places.

B) The artist was traveling along the postal route on a sleigh along a heavily traveled road.

D) Reading this text, I got a pleasant impression about the main character

3. Determine by phonetic transcription which of the options is the Old Moscow pronunciation and which is the modern one:

[shygat’], [shagat’]; [padm’ig’ivat’], [padm’ig’avat’], [moyus], [moyus’].

4. The words are given:

Moshe...nik, worker...nick, martyr...nik, tribe...nick, homeless...nitsa.

Which words are missing the letter n?

II. History of the Russian language

1. Find outdated forms of words in the text. Match this grammatical form with the modern one.
A) Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me
You are the songs of sad Georgia:
Remind me of her
A different life and a distant shore.
(A.S. Pushkin “Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me...”)
B) There is no need to hesitate: “Hurry!
People, get on your horse! Hey, come on!”
(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

2. The word “engineer” is borrowed.
A) What language is the word “engineer” borrowed from and what is its primary meaning?
B) In 1647, in the “Teaching on the cunning of the military structure of infantry people” this word is found in a different meaning.
C) Determine in what meaning the word “engineer” was used in 1647, as well as in the story by A.S. Pushkin's "Queen of Spades".
“What is Hermann like!” said one of the guests, pointing to the young engineer...
- Do you know him? - asked Lizaveta Ivanovna. - No! Is he a military man or a civilian?
- Military.
- Engineer?
- No. Cavalryman.
- Why did you think he was an engineer?
D) In ​​what meaning is the word “engineer” used in modern language?

3. Explain what the expression “separating the tares from the wheat” means? What is its origin? When is it used in modern language? Give examples.

III. Language of works of art

1. What phonetic phenomena underlie the construction of tongue twisters. Name them and illustrate with your own examples.

2. Read the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Farewell".

For the last time your image is cute

I dare to mentally caress,

Awaken your dream with the strength of your heart

And with bliss, timid and sad

Remember your love.

Our summers are changing,

Changing everything, changing us,

Are you for your poet?

Dressed in the twilight of the grave,

And for you your friend has faded away.

Accept it, distant friend,

My heart's farewell

As a widowed wife,

Like a friend hugging a friend in silence

Before his imprisonment (1830).

A) Conduct a linguistic analysis of the poem (speech, language).

B) Explain the role of infinitive verbs in the first stanza.

IV. Modern Russian language

1. Indicate the features of the conversational style in the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Curious"

What's new? “By God, nothing.”

Hey, don't be cunning: you probably know something,

Aren't you ashamed of your friend?

Like an enemy, you always hide everything.

Or are you angry: have mercy, brother, for what?

Don’t be stubborn: just say a word to me...

"Oh! Get off me, all I know is

That you’re a fool, but that’s not new.”

2. Lithuanian verbs and their translations into Russian are given:

Glausti - to press, neglausti - not to press, rodytis - to seem, nesirodyti - not to seem, saugoti - to take care, nesisaugoti - not to take care.

How to say in Lithuanian: Don't cuddle? Be careful?

3. What words are missing in this word-formation chain?

Tear - ... intermittent

4.Replace the proposed words with phraseological synonyms.

A lot -….

Deceive - ...

5. Read a fragment of E. Baratynsky’s poem “The Ball”.

Fear the dangerous charmer,

Stay away: circled

With a magical essay she;

All around her is a passionate infection

The air is full!

What essay are we talking about? What meanings of the word "essay" do you know?

6.What are the names of the residents of the following cities:

Balashikha, Vidnoye, Dubna, Zaraysk, Klin, Lukhovitsy, Podolsk, Lyubertsy, Reutovo,

Khimki, Ruza, Shatura, Arkhangelsk.

7. How many sounds [s] in a sentence:

Will my friends and I soon be deciphering old manuscripts?

Give reasons for your answer.

8. Place punctuation marks. Find main and subordinate clauses. Determine the type of subordinate clauses. Give reasons for your answer.

A) Alexander did not like it when Gorchakov rewrote his poems, praising him. (Yu. Tynyanov)

B) And he sighed about the old days when he lived a life alone with the passions of a stranger to nature. (M. Lermontov)

C) I will return when our white garden spreads its branches like spring. (S. Yesenin)

V. Creative work

Write a miniature essay in a journalistic style in the essay genre on the topic “Book”.

Olympiad in Russian language grades 10 - 11

1. Place emphasis in words: fortune teller, blinds, will ring, slice, croutons.

2. Which of the following double consonants can be found in native Russian words?

a) yy; b) dd; c) LJ; d) mm; e) nn; e) pp; g) vol.

3. In the old spelling (before the reform of 1917 - 1918), two letters were used to denote one sound ['e] - E and Ѣ (yat). So, the words: whiteness, shoot, poor, believe, wife, feather bed, darkness, honey- written down like this: whiteness, shoot, poverty, believe, wife, feather bed, darkness, honey. How words were written in old spelling: bee, candle?

4. What is the name of the science of the origin of words?

A) etiology; b) ethology; V) entomology; G) etymology; d) ethnology.

5. Russian proverb says: There wasn’t a penny, but suddenly it was altyn! How much is this? Altyn?

6. You, of course, know the word DJ. It appeared as a combined spelling of the English abbreviation DJ - ‘disk jockey’. What other word, also recently borrowed by Russian from English, is formed in the same way?

A) modem; b) pager; V) PR; G) talk show; d) hacker.

7. Although the word disdain- dialectal, words derived from this root also exist in literary Russian. What does this word mean?

a) ‘dawn’; b) ‘grumble’; c) ‘splashes’; d) ‘shore’; d) ‘tarpaulin’.

8. Which word has an ending? -A?

a) sconce; b) cheers; c) breathing; d) three hundred; d) in a low voice.

9. In which of these words does the prefix come after the root?

A) couplet; b) rockfall; V) plumbing; G) anti-people;

10. Which of these unions is significantly different in meaning from the others?

A) If; b) if; V) if; G) for; d) once.

11. Determine the parts of speech of the highlighted words (1) and (2) in the poem by A.S. Pushkin:

Flowers are the last mile

Luxurious firstborns of the fields.

They are sad dreams

(1) They awaken us more vividly.

So sometimes there is an hour of separation

(2) More lively than a sweet date.

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