How many times is the sun larger than the Earth: comparison based on different parameters. The Sun: how many times larger than the Earth and what does this mean?

The sun is the center of our system, we owe our existence to it. Therefore, it is not surprising that this star attracts so much attention. Most often people are interested in the size of the star called the Sun. How many times larger than the Earth is our star? Humanity did not immediately come to this form of the question, because in ancient times it was believed that everything was concentrated around the Earth, and their size was that which we could observe with the naked eye. But those days are long gone, so now we know that our planet is far from the largest cosmic body, but not everyone knows how many times the Sun is larger than the Earth in diameter and in other parameters.


Approximately equal to 696 thousand kilometers. This is 109 times the radius of our planet. It would seem that one can say exactly how much larger the Sun is, how many times larger than the Earth. However, no, these figures only indicate that 109 planets like ours could be placed along the solar equator. The volume of the star exceeds the volume of our planet by more than a million times - 1.3 million. It is almost impossible for a person to imagine such a difference in size. Therefore, it is worth transferring cosmic dimensions to a closer and more understandable level.

If we imagine that ours is the size of an orange, then the Sun will be a two-story house. Moreover, this house will be located as much as 750 meters from the orange. If the star had continents similar to those on Earth, then it would be possible to fly from “Moscow” to “Thailand” not in 10 hours, but in 3-4 months.


Of course, if you know how big the Sun is, how many times larger than the Earth, you can assume that its mass will be much greater. And this is true. Taking into account the difference in chemical composition, and therefore density, scientists have long calculated how much the Sun “weighs”. How many times larger than the Earth is not particularly important in this case, because their densities are very different from each other. So, the mass of the star is almost two trillion quadrillion. It is written as 2 and 27 zeros following the number. The Earth “weighs” only 6 sextillion - that’s the number 6 followed by 21 zeros. Thus, the difference in mass will be 333 thousand times.


Due to the large size of the star, gravitational acceleration at the surface is much greater than on planet Earth. However, the question “How many times greater is the force of gravity of the Earth towards the Sun?” will be incorrect, because with this formulation of the question you need to compare it with something. Rather, the interesting question is “How much bigger is the Sun than the Earth?” And it is 28 times larger. So, if we could be in the Sun without burning, we would be crushed by our own weight. Even a skinny woman who weighs 50 kg on Earth and is proud of her figure would weigh almost one and a half tons on a star. Her bones and internal organs simply could not withstand such mass.

Even those who are not going to devote themselves to studying space and the bodies traveling in it need to at least have a rough idea:

  • what size is our own star - the Sun;
  • how many times larger than the Earth is our star;
  • whether there are bodies in space larger in size than the Sun;
  • what place we occupy in the Universe.

These questions have always interested people. And today science can give us detailed answers to all questions.

The sun is the heart of our star system. This body is a ball of hot gas, carrying planets adjacent to it around the center of the galaxy at a speed of about 200 km/s. Even relative to all the bodies of the system taken together, the Sun is huge - it exceeds the total mass by 750 times. Looking at the star from our home planet, it is difficult to understand how many times the diameter of the Sun is larger than the Earth.


For a person far from the world of stars, our star seems incredibly huge, but experts classify it as a yellow dwarf - such bodies are simply a dime a dozen in the Galaxy. And until now it was believed that it does not stand out among similar stars in any way. But in recent years, scientists have discovered characteristics that distinguish it from luminaries of the same class as the Sun. For example, it emits less ultraviolet rays than its “brothers”. Compared to similar stars, our luminary has a large mass. In addition, being a variable star, our Sun does not noticeably change its brightness.

How many times larger than the Earth our luminary is has long been known, although it is difficult for humans to comprehend. Its diameter is 1392 thousand kilometers. To roughly understand how many times the Sun is larger than the Earth, you need to imagine a house with 5 floors, the height of which is about 13.5 meters - this is the diameter of the star. Next to him lies a ball that is only 12.5 cm in diameter - this is the Earth. So, visually, it is easier to imagine the difference between these celestial bodies.

Interesting! If we compare the star with a black hole located in the middle of the Galaxy, the difference will be even more impressive. In this case, you should imagine a hole in the form of a house. And the Sun next to it is about the size of a buckwheat grain.


The radius of our star is 696 thousand kilometers, while that of our planet is only 6.371 thousand. It is easy to calculate how many times the Sun is larger than the Earth. In linear dimensions, it is 109 times larger than our planet.

It is difficult to understand how many times the mass of the Sun is greater than the Earth: the star “weighs” two trillion quadrillion, while our planet weighs 6 sextillion. The difference between these numbers is 333 thousand times. This means that the Sun is 333 times “heavier” than the Earth.

For clarity, you can imagine our planet in the form of a grain of wheat, weighing about 0.065 grams. Under such conditions, the Sun would weigh about 20 kg - 4 five-liter bottles of water.


The free fall acceleration on the star is 274 m/s, which is 28 times greater than Earth's gravity. Thus, a thin girl who falls into the Sun and does not burn (let’s imagine that this is possible) will weigh twice as much as the heaviest person on Earth (his weight is about 500 kg).


The densities of our planet and stars are completely different. Therefore, many are interested in how many times the Sun is larger than the Earth in volume, because the proportions of bodies by volume do not correspond to the proportions by weight or linear dimensions. The star has a size of 1.412 x 1018 km3, while the blue planet is -10.8321 x 1011 km3.

To imagine how much heavier the Sun is in reality than the Earth per unit volume, it is enough to convert the numbers into simpler ones that are understandable to humans. To do this, you need to take the planet and “shake” it, achieving homogeneity of the composition. Do the same with the Sun. After this, cut off a piece equal to a cubic meter from each body (1 m wide, 1 m long, 1 m high). If you weigh the resulting shares, then a cube of planet Earth will weigh about 28 tons, while a cube of the Sun will weigh 400 tons.

Having carried out such calculations and measurements, it is easy to understand that the star of our system in all respects exceeds the place where we live, and there is no way to equalize them. If we compare the Sun with the luminaries of other systems in our Galaxy, it will turn out to be far from the hottest, not the largest, not the most massive. What discoveries regarding our and other stars await us in the future - for now we can only guess.

Compared to the Sun. Photo credit: NASA.

Weight: 1.98892 x 10 30 kg
Diameter: 1,391,000 km
Radius: 695,500 km
Gravity on the surface of the Sun: 27.94 g
Sun volume: 1.412 x 10 30 kg 3
Density of the Sun: 1.622 x 10 5 kg/m 3

How big is the Sun?

Compared to other stars, the Sun is of medium size, and is also a small star. Stars with much higher mass can be much larger than the Sun. For example, the red giant Betelgeuse, in the constellation Orion, is believed to be 1000 times larger than the Sun. And the largest known star is VY Canis Majoris, which is approximately 2000 times larger than the Sun. If you could place VY Canis Majoris in our Solar System, it would be extended beyond the orbit of Saturn.

The size of the Sun is changing. In the future, when it produces usable hydrogen fuel in its core, it too will become a red giant. It will consume the orbits And , and perhaps even . Within a few million years, the Sun will be 200 times larger than its current size.

After the Sun becomes a red giant, it will contract to become a white dwarf star. Then the size of the Sun will become approximately the size of the Earth.

Mass of the Sun

Mass of the Sun 1.98892 x 10 30 kg. This is a really huge number and it's really hard to put it in an environment, so let's write the mass of the Sun with all zeros.

1,988,920,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.

Still need to turn your head? Let's make a comparison. The mass of the Sun is 333,000 times the mass of the Earth. It is 1048 times the mass of Jupiter and 3498 times the mass of Saturn.

In fact, the Sun accounts for 99.8% of the total mass in the entire Solar System; and most of the non-solar mass is Jupiter and Saturn. To say that the Earth is an insignificant speck is putting it mildly.

When astronomers try to measure the mass of another stellar object, they use the mass of the Sun as a comparison. This is known as the "solar mass". Therefore, the mass of objects, like black holes, will be measured in solar masses. A massive star can be 5-10 solar masses. A supermassive black hole could be hundreds of millions of solar masses.

Astronomers attribute to this the symbol M, which looks like a circle with a dot in the middle - M⊙ . To show , which has a mass of 5 solar masses, or 5 solar masses, that would be 5 M ⊙ .

Eta Carinae, one of the most massive stars known. Photo credit: NASA.

The sun is massive, but not the biggest star out there. In fact, the largest massive star we know is Eta Carinae, which has a mass of 150 solar masses.

The mass of the Sun is slowly decreasing over time. There are two processes at work there. The first is nuclear fusion reactions in the Sun's core, converting hydrogen atoms into helium. Some of the sun's mass is lost through nuclear fusion, when hydrogen atoms are converted into energy. The heat we feel from the Sun is the loss of solar mass. The second one is , which constantly blows protons and electrons into outer space.

Mass of the Sun in kilograms: 1.98892 x 10 30 kg

Mass of the Sun in pounds: 4.38481 x 10 30 pounds

Mass of the Sun in US tons: 2.1924 x 10 27 US tons (1 US ton = 907.18474 kg)

Mass of the Sun in tons: 1.98892 x 10 30 tons (1 metric ton = 1000 kg)

Diameter of the Sun

The diameter of the Sun is 1.391 million kilometers or 870,000 miles.

Again, let's put this number in perspective. The diameter of the Sun is 109 times the diameter of the Earth. This is 9.7 times the diameter of Jupiter. Really, really a lot.

The sun is far from the largest stars in . The one we know is called VY Canis Majoris, and astronomers believe it is 2,100 times the diameter of the Sun.

Diameter of the Sun in kilometers: 1,391,000 km

Diameter of the Sun in miles: 864,000 miles

Diameter of the Sun in meters: 1,391,000,000 m

Diameter of the Sun compared to the Earth: 109 Earths

Radius of the Sun

The radius of the Sun, the dimensions from the exact center to its surface, is 695,500 km.

The sun takes about 25 days to rotate on its axis. Because it rotates relatively slowly, the Sun is not flattened at all. The distance from the center to the poles is almost the same size as the distance from the center to the equator.

Somewhere out there there are stars that differ significantly. For example, the star Achernar, located in the constellation Eridanus, is flattened to 50%. In other words, the distance from the poles is half the distance from the equator. In such a situation, the star actually looks like a toy top.

Therefore, relative to the stars there, the Sun is almost a superior sphere.

Astronomers use the radius of the Sun to compare the sizes of stars and other astronomical objects. For example, a star with 2 solar radii is twice the size of the Sun. A star with 10 solar radii is 10 times larger than the Sun, and so on.

VY Canis Majoris. The largest known star.

Polaris, the North Star, is the largest star in the constellation Ursa Minor, and due to its proximity to the north celestial pole, it is considered the current north pole star. Polaris is primarily used for navigation and has a solar radius of 30. Which means it is 30 times larger than the Sun.

Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky. In terms of apparent magnitude, the second brightest star, Canopus, is only half the size of Sirius. Unsurprisingly, it really stands out. Sirius is actually a binary star system with the star Sirius A having a solar radius of 1.711 and Sirius B which is much smaller at 0.0084.

Radius of the Sun in kilometers: 695,500 km

Radius of the Sun in miles: 432,000 miles

Radius of the Sun in meters: 695,500,000 m

Radius of the Sun compared to the Earth: 109 Earths

Gravity of the Sun

The sun has a huge amount of mass and therefore has a lot of gravity. In fact, the Sun is 333,000 times the mass of the Earth. Forget that 5800 Kelvin is made of hydrogen - how would you feel if you could walk on the surface of the Sun? Think about it, the Sun's surface gravity is 28 times Earth's gravity.

In other words, if your scale says 100 kg on Earth, it would be 2800 kg if you were trying to walk on the surface of the Sun. Needless to say, a person would die quite quickly just from the pull of gravity, not to mention the heat, etc.

The Sun's gravity pulls all the mass (mainly hydrogen and helium) into an almost perfect sphere. Down towards the Sun's core, temperatures and pressures are so high that nuclear fusion becomes possible. The enormous amount of light and energy pouring from the Sun resists the pull of gravity to compress it.

Diagram of the Solar System, including the Oort Cloud, on a logarithmic scale. Credit: NASA

Astronomers determine as the distance under the influence of gravity from the Sun. We know that the Sun keeps distant (average distance of 5.9 billion kilometers). But astronomers think the Oort Cloud extends over a distance of 50,000 astronomical units (1 AU is the distance from Earth to the Sun), or 1 light year. In fact, the Sun's gravity could extend out to a distance of up to 2 light years, the point at which the pull of other stars is stronger.

Surface gravity of the Sun: 27.94 g

Density of the Sun

The density of the Sun is 1.4 grams per cubic centimeter. For comparison, the density of water is 1 g/cm3. In other words, if you found a large enough pool, the Sun would "sink and not float." And this seems counter-intuitive. Isn't the Sun made of hydrogen and helium, the two lightest elements in the Universe? So how can the density of the Sun be so high?

Well, it's all from gravity. But first, let's calculate the density of the Sun ourselves.

The density formula is mass divided by volume. Sun mass 2 x 10 33 grams, and the volume is 1.41 x 10 33 cm 3 . And so, if you do the math, the density of the Sun is 1.4 g/cm 3 .

Inner part of the Sun. Image credit: NASA.

The sun is held back by gravity. Although the outermost layers of the Sun may be less dense, strong gravity squeezes the inner regions under enormous pressure. At the Sun's core there is pressure of more than 1 million metric tons per square centimeter - equivalent to more than 10 billion Earth atmospheres. And as soon as you get that pressure, nuclear fusion starts.

Title of the article you read "Characteristics of the Sun".

Initially, there was an opinion that the Sun revolves around our planet, thereby illuminating each part of it in turn. But in the process of developing the science of astronomy, scientists nevertheless came to the truth that it is around the Sun that all objects in the solar system, including the Earth, rotate, and not vice versa.

Thanks to the radiation of this star, life is maintained, the process of photosynthesis occurs, during which oxygen is produced, which is so necessary for all living beings on the planet. But I wonder what is bigger: the Sun or the Earth?

Structure of the Sun

By studying the only star in the solar system, scientists came to a conclusion about its structure. The center is occupied by the nucleus. Its radius is approximately 150-175 thousand km. Helium is formed in the core as a result of continuously occurring nuclear reactions. Heat and energy are generated here, the rest of the star is heated due to the phenomenon of thermal exchange with the core. The energy, passing through all layers, is emitted from the photosphere in the form of bright sunlight.

It is by the upper layer of the Sun - the photosphere - that one can judge its size and distance to our planet.

The sun compared to the big stars

Structure of the Earth

The structure of the Earth is similar to that of the sun. The center of our planet is the core, the radius of which is approximately 3.5 thousand km. It is assumed that it consists of two parts, between which a so-called transition zone may periodically arise. In the central part there is a solid core with a radius of 1300 km, from the outside it is enveloped by a liquid outer core.

The mantle is the layer covering the Earth's core. And on top of the mantle there is a solid layer of the Earth - its surface, on which continents and oceans, mountains and depressions, land and water are located. Earth is one of the largest planets in the solar system. In 365 days, it manages to travel around the Sun and turn around its axis the same number of times. It is precisely due to the side of our planet facing the sun and the angle of inclination of the earth’s axis that climate changes and the daily alternation of days and nights are observed. The deviation of the axis from the vertical is 23.5 degrees.

For a long time, humanity has been concerned with the question of how many times the Sun is larger than the Earth.

The closest star to us, thanks to which the existence of life on our planet is possible. If it were a little hotter or colder, smaller or larger in radius, then the appearance of people and other living beings would be impossible. In ancient times, people believed that it was the Sun that revolved around the Earth. This theory was put forward by Ptolemy, who lived in the 2nd century BC. But only centuries later, in the 16th century, the Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus was able to prove, using complex calculations, that this particular star stands at the center of the solar system. At the moment, astronomy continues to develop and already has sufficient knowledge about the star closest to us, including how many times the Sun is larger than the Earth.


When we look at the star, it seems as if its diameter is no larger than a coin, but this is not so, because the star is much larger than our planet. This effect occurs due to the large size (approximately 150,000,000 km). To make it easier for people to understand the size of the star, scientists determined how many times the radius of the Sun is larger than the Earth.

In order to understand the size of a star, it is necessary to measure its radius, but this is much more difficult to do in relation to a gas ball than to a solid body, so a term such as limb was introduced. The limb is the sharply defined edge of the luminary, which is taken to be the boundary of the ball. Next, the magnitude of the star is calculated in the same way as any other space object. According to astronomers' calculations, the radius of the star is 696,000 km. Thanks to these data, it is not difficult to calculate how many times the diameter of the Sun is greater than the diameter of the Earth. It turns out that 109 times! If, for clarity, we imagine our planet the size of an orange, then the star, by analogy, will look like a two-story house.


If, in order to imagine the real scale of the star, its size is not enough for you, then it’s time to compare the masses of our planet and the hot ball around which it rotates. So, the mass of the first is 5.9736x1024 kg, and the second is approximately 2x1030 kg (easy to calculate from Kepler's third law). From this we can determine that the Sun is approximately 333,333 times heavier than its third planet. If, again for clarity, we imagine the Earth in the form of a thing familiar to us, the size of which we can easily imagine, for example, a grain of wheat, then the Sun, compared to the planet, would have a mass like four 5-liter bottles of water.

It is important to imagine the real size of our star not only because it is the closest star to us, but also in order to understand the enormous scale of the Universe and our tiny place in it.

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