The message is whether a person can live without feelings. Isn't it easier to live without feelings?

Can a person live without feelings? This question arises in every person sooner or later. Should we replace emotions with reason? In the world you can find thousands of people who believe that life is worth living, including common sense, because it is calmer and more stable. Others, on the contrary, cannot imagine their life without constant bright outbursts of emotions. As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let's find out how to try to balance these two antipodes: rationality and emotionality?


It is common for every person to fear something and doubt something. A cool mind often “rescues” us: it protects us from tragedies, helps us comprehend difficult situations and come to a certain conclusion. Life without feelings protects us from disappointments, but also does not allow us to sincerely rejoice. Can a person live without feelings? Definitely cannot. That's why we are humans, to show emotions.

Another thing is that within us there is a constant struggle between reason and feelings. A person is not ideal; almost every day he has to think about what to do. Very often we react to a given situation, guided by generally accepted rules.

For example, if we are unfairly criticized by our boss, then, as a rule, we do not react very violently, but agree or calmly try to justify ourselves. In this scenario, the mind that awakens in us wins. Of course, feelings play an important role, but being able to control them if necessary is a good quality.


Can a person live without feelings? We are not robots, each of us constantly experiences a variety of emotions. Reason is given to people so that they can show emotions. Anger, joy, love, fear, sadness - who doesn’t know all these feelings? The characteristics are very broad and multifaceted. People just express them differently. Some people immediately throw out all their joy or anger on others, while others hide their emotions very deeply.

Nowadays, showing feelings is not considered “fashionable”. If a guy sings songs under his beloved’s balcony, then this will most likely be called eccentricity, rather than a manifestation of the most sincere feelings. We have become afraid to show our feelings even to the people closest to us. Very often, in pursuit of a prosperous life, we forget about our emotional state. Many people really try to hide their feelings as far as possible. In modern society, it is believed that the ability to show emotions is a sign of weakness. A person who experiences feelings will always be more vulnerable than a person for whom everything is based on calculation. But at the same time, an emotional person can be happier than a rationalist.

Different emotions can bring both great happiness and excruciating pain. Can a person live without feelings? It can't and shouldn't! If you know how to feel, then you are living an interesting life. Learn to enjoy simple things, not be upset by little things, and look at the world with optimism. If you can be “friends” with your emotional and rational “I”, then you will definitely achieve harmony and happiness.

Many people think that all people are emotional and know how to empathize. Although being emotional and being able to empathize are not the same thing. Many people believe that people cannot be indifferent to everything, otherwise this is not life. In fact, there are people who are practically devoid of feelings, or rather, devoid of the skill of empathy; they do not know how to empathize with others and generally somehow react to the emotions of others. For example, like sociopaths who are alien to emotions and empathy.

What is life without emotions?

Try to turn off feelings and emotions. At least once someone did this. Remember that indescribable feeling of emptiness? A feeling of peace, indifference to everything. It’s like you’re in your own paradise, where it’s quiet and deserted, there’s no one, you don’t care about anything. When you turn off your feelings, your brain turns on your instincts, and you begin to live in order to satisfy your needs: self-preservation, food, survival. For you there are no boundaries, “what if”, you think less, make fewer mistakes, you are not characterized by impulsiveness, only instincts. You live only by principles and rules, usually your own, and not by social norms.

You stop communicating with people, you are not interested, they do not evoke feelings or emotions in you, you make acquaintances for your own benefit and satisfaction of needs. This is not life, this is existence. Life is the ability to appreciate and enjoy every moment, and when there are no emotions, a person is like an animal that is trying to take its place, trying to survive...

Is it good to turn off emotions?

Of course, good, but for a while, for an hour, two hours, a day, two days. I remember once for three days there was indifference to everything, just in order not to feel pain, you suppress all emotions within yourself. Then a person is like a robot who performs actions consistently and methodically, without thinking about what he is doing. Someone in this state works very productively, especially if the profession is related to mathematical calculations and logic. When you need to be creative, you need ideas, to inspire people to do something, without emotions. Emotions are limitless imagination, colors of the world, fantasy.

If you feel bad from emotions and feelings, turn them off. Everyone needs rest. What if you don't know how to do it? Learn! Every person knows how to turn off emotions. Find your instincts, not the desire to eat (the thirst for constant food, just emotional), not the desire to hide from everyone in order to be safe (this is fear, these are emotions). And look at wild animals, they live by instincts, not domestic ones, but wild ones, for example, how a jaguar, a tiger, a lion, the same zebra behaves. They are guided by instincts. This helps when you want to turn off your emotions for a long time.
And if you just want to turn your mind off from everything, meditation helps. If you don't know how to meditate, learn a meditation technique. It is not necessary to follow all the rules in meditation, the main thing is the ability to turn off the mind.

Task 48. How do you understand the expression “laughter heals”? Tell me if you have had such cases.

Answer. Laughter, according to scientific research, first appeared more than 10 million years ago, and even then not in humans, but in apes. But when we laugh, we hardly think about how we would express our joy and pleasure now if laughter had not been born one day. After all, the ability to smile and, especially, laugh is given to us by nature as an inheritance, and for free. Having told a good joke, we are immediately morally satisfied with the person’s reaction: the wider the smile and the longer the laugh, the more pleasant it is for us. Which means it’s more pleasant for the body.

So what happens in the body when we laugh? This is what happens: when you laugh, “useful” impulses flow from the facial muscles into the body. They not only have a beneficial effect on our nervous system, but also relieve stress. Even a fake, fake smile brings a little relief to a person, what can we say about a sincere one? Merry people and people who love laughter are much less likely to suffer from heart disease than stern, unsociable people. This is because laughter strengthens the heart cells. But, of course, moderation is needed in everything.

Another important detail: there is some connection between intelligence and humor, albeit indirect - the higher the IQ, the better a person understands jokes and makes jokes himself.

The hormone of joy has the amazing property of smoothing out wrinkles on the face. And also - smooth out sharp corners. Well, and the most important thing is to resolve any conflicts, because humor is our most formidable peaceful “weapon.”

Task 49. Prepare skits without words on the following topics: “Joy”, “Chagrin”, “Shame”.

Joy is when meeting friends.

Disappointment - a glass of water spilled onto the notebook.

Shame - the boy drew something in his neighbor's textbook.

Task 50. Tell me: What upsets you? When are you happy? What day do you consider lucky? When does a person feel ashamed? When is he happy? What does the expression “soul hurt” mean?

It saddens me that forests burn every day, waste is dumped into rivers and lakes, and animals are deprived of their habitats.

I am happy when I get good grades, win in sports competitions, when my grandparents come.

I consider the day successful when everyone in our family feels good.

A person is ashamed of his actions, which bring distress and suffering to someone.

He is happy when all the students in his grade 4 and 5 passed their exams.

The soul hurts - a person is worried about something. Worried about someone or something. This is when they hurt you very much. A person is worried about something. something is preventing you from living normally and not worrying about something or someone.

Task 51. Give examples of musical works that evoke different emotions: joy, sadness, calm.

Answer. Calm - "Moonlight Sonata" - Beethoven, Gershwin "Rhapsody in Blue" ("Rhapsody in Blue"),

Joy - "Flight of the Bumblebee" - Nikolai Rimsky, Mozart "Lacrimosa",

Sadness - "Saint-Saens "The Swan".

Plan for telling a person's emotions:

1. What are emotions

2. Types of emotions

3. The influence of emotions on human health

4. How to manage emotions

Task 52. Underline words denoting negative human emotions.

Answer. Anxiety, grief, anger, horror, despair, frustration, resentment, fear.

Task 53. Come up with situations on any of the topics: “We were happy...”; “We were surprised...”, “We were offended...”.

Answer. Today we were happy when we learned that our school took first place in the competition

We were surprised when we found out that water can also cause fire.

We were offended when they told us that we did not work well enough during the cleanup.

Task 54. Write down the positive emotions opposite to those listed.

Hate is love;

Despair - delight;

Sorrow is rejoicing;

Sadness is joy;

Disappointment - inspiration.

Task 55. Write what feelings the heroes of A.S. fairy tales experience. Pushkin. Explain what words in the text help us understand this.

1. The king is sad, worried, and falls into despair. It helps to understand the word “suffering.”

2. Joy, delight, jubilation. The word “buried” helps to understand.

3. Despair, sadness. Helps to understand the word “eats.”

4. Hostility. Helps to understand the words “angry, jealous.”

Question. How was task 10 completed? Mark only one statement.

Quickly, correctly, independently. (+)

Task 56. Color the circles - convey the emotional state of a person:

1) Cries;

2) Gets scared;

3) Is sick;

4) Got an A;

5) Won the competition;

6) Met a friend;

7) Got into a fight;

8) Broke the cup.

Question. Write down what will upset and what will please your parents.

Answer. It will upset you: you got a bad mark, you got into a fight, you told a lie.

Makes you happy: I got an A, won a competition, cleaned the house.

Let's work on the project

Project topics

2. Human feelings in works of art.

3. Emotions of animals in drawings and photographs.

1. Can a person live without feelings? This question arises in every person sooner or later. Should we replace emotions with reason? In the world you can find thousands of people who believe that life is worth living, including common sense, because it is calmer and more stable. Others, on the contrary, cannot imagine their life without constant bright outbursts of emotions. As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let's find out how to try to balance these two opposites: rationality and emotionality? It is common for every person to fear something and doubt something. A cool mind often “rescues” us: it protects us from tragedies, helps us comprehend difficult situations and come to a certain conclusion. Life without feelings protects us from disappointments, but also does not allow us to sincerely rejoice. Can a person live without feelings? Definitely cannot. That's why we are humans, to show emotions.

Can a person live without feelings? We are not robots, each of us constantly experiences a variety of emotions. Reason is given to people so that they can show emotions. Anger, joy, love, fear, sadness - who doesn’t know all these feelings? The characteristics of human feelings are very broad and multifaceted. People just express them differently. Some people immediately throw out all their joy or anger on others, while others hide their emotions very deeply. We have become afraid to show our feelings even to the people closest to us. Very often, in pursuit of a prosperous life, we forget about our emotional state. Many people really try to hide their feelings as far as possible. In modern society, it is believed that the ability to show emotions is a sign of weakness. A person who experiences feelings will always be more vulnerable than a person for whom everything is based on calculation. But at the same time, an emotional person can be happier than a rationalist.

2. Creative people are the most susceptible to emotions. Some artists prefer to live “walking wide” with “eyes and souls wide open.” And some successfully sublimate human feelings in works of art. Let us take an example of one of these paintings that describe such emotions.

Example 1. V. Vasnetsov, “Alyonushka” This Russian fairy tale is familiar to many children from childhood. The disobedient Ivanushka drank some water from a puddle and became a little goat. His sister Alyonushka warns of what could happen, but his brother does not heed her. When this happens to Ivan, the sister experiences feelings of grief, hopelessness, despair, grief and sadness. In the painting she is depicted near a pond on a “flammable” stone. Hiding from human eyes, the girl experiences a complex range of emotions, skillfully shown by the artist.

Example 2. K. Bryullov, “Horsewoman” Human feelings in works of art can be expressed in different ways. Bryullov’s painting depicts a young beauty riding up on a horse to the veranda of a house. She is greeted by dogs and a little girl. The whole picture is imbued with emotions: a feeling of joy of meeting, admiration for the festive diversity and adoration of life in its brightest manifestations of beauty and grace.

Example 3.I. Aivazovsky, “The Ninth Wave” Human feelings in works of art can be expressed through the depiction of natural phenomena. So, in Aivazovsky’s painting we see a feeling of strength, power and might of nature. At the same time, the awareness of the insignificance of everything human before the elements comes to mind. The artist embodies such a complex storm of feelings in this work.

3. We are accustomed to the fact that when it comes to emotions, ranging from deep sadness to boundless joy, they mean a person. It would seem, what other creature can reflect its feelings outwardly so well. Well, not only people really have this ability - animals are also endowed with it. It seems unreal, but just look at the different expressions on their “faces.”

Animal emotions include surprise, sadness, joy, worry, modesty, and generally a complete set, so similar to ours. There is even a special difference in favor of our smaller brothers - their faces look so cute when they try to portray something.

This essay is a continuation of the previous one about the message “Don’t Feel”
There were interesting discussions in the comments, and I decided to expand on the topic in more detail.

Surely you have come across the opinion that:
“Are feelings really necessary? Or they only cause problems"
“I feel safer and calmer without feelings”
“I’d rather be insensitive than to suffer and suffer like this”

Indeed, when a person finds himself in a situation where feelings are too strong and unbearable, or when it is unsafe to express this or that feeling, especially if this situation lasts for a long time, he may decide “not to feel.”
Very often, such a decision is made in childhood - when the child finds himself in an emotionally unbearable situation, or when this or that feeling in the parental home is prohibited (in the first part there was a description of the exercise “You run into your parental home”)

Therefore, today we will talk about why feelings are needed and how you can learn to feel again.

About emotions and feelings
It is common to use both the word “emotion” and the word “feeling”. Are these concepts different?

Emotions and feelings vary in time and depth.
Emotions are situational, arise and pass quickly
Feelings are long lasting and deep.

For example:
You can love a person (this feeling, it lasts a long time)
And right now you may feel anger towards this person (this is an emotion)

Basic emotions and feelings
In psychology, basic emotions/feelings are identified - which are inherent in people of different levels of development and different cultures.
The list is slightly different in different directions.

For example, in transactional analysis there are 4 basic emotions:

By the way, if you look at animals, animals can also experience these emotions. A cat or a dog can be happy, afraid, angry or sad.

There is another list of 7 basic emotions
Anger (anger)

Other emotions and feelings are “composite”, are based on basic emotions, as well as thoughts, beliefs, assessments, and so on.
For example, feelings of shame or guilt may be based on fear of rejection, assessments “I’m bad, there’s something wrong with me, I’m doing wrong,” beliefs “if I’m bad/do this, I’ll be rejected,” and thoughts “I urgently need to correct myself/my actions”

Who controls the feelings
Feelings and emotions are not directly controlled by consciousness.
They arise as a response to one or another life situation, when needs are met or not met.

What specific feeling will arise depends on the characteristics of the person himself.
In the same situation, one person may be afraid and another may be angry.
This may depend on congenital characteristics, as well as on decisions made in childhood - a person could decide that it is impossible to get angry and defend himself, it would be safer to hide and run away.
In childhood, a child “learns” from his parents - in what situations one can feel this or that. For example, he may learn to feel guilty or suffer - because this is what older family members did, sometimes for many generations.

What are feelings for, and isn’t it easier to do without them?

1. In order to feel alive. I have repeatedly heard from people who repress and forbid themselves feelings that they feel like robots, people-functions - who simply perform certain actions, and life seems to pass by.
2. To feel the joy of life. If a person forbids himself to be angry or sad, then the range of feelings decreases, and he ceases to experience joy and happiness. Life becomes gray and insipid, tasteless.
3. Feelings and emotions are important signals. They indicate that an important need is not being met and something is going wrong.

Living without feelings and emotions is like traveling through an unfamiliar city with your eyes closed.. Theoretically, traveling from point A to point B is possible. But there is no fullness of impressions, there is no joy from what you see, and you can get lost and go to the wrong place. In addition, you may miss something important or not notice a danger.

What to do, how to learn to feel again

Method 1. Acceptance and awareness
Don't fight emotions and feelings. If they exist, it means they are needed for something (even if at the level of consciousness it is not clear for what)
Instead of giving an assessment (right or wrong, good or bad emotion-feeling) - just let them be.
Give emotions-feelings space and time, observe them with acceptance, allow yourself to recognize and feel them.
Emotions and feelings are usually “reflected” in the body - as unpleasant sensations, tension. Most often in the face, hands, torso.
You can observe these sensations, and your emotions and feelings, without judging them in any way.

It’s important here not to rush to do something as soon as emotions and feelings arise, but to stay with them for a while, allow yourself to feel and live them.
While you are doing this, you may just understand what your needs are associated with these emotions and feelings.

I usually show my clients this way of observing:
1. Notice that there is an emotion-feeling. If possible, name it. For example, “I feel anxious right now.”
2. Pay attention to where the emotion-feeling is reflected in the body
3. Consciously observe it, directing attention to the area of ​​the body where this emotion-feeling is reflected.
4. You can metaphorically direct your breath to this area of ​​the body. Concentrating on your breathing helps you stay in the process and maintain awareness.
(I developed this method from the methods of Ericksonian hypnosis, psychosynthesis, body-oriented therapy and the direction of mindfulness)

When you stop fighting your emotions and feelings, you establish good contact with them.
If this is a short-lived emotion, then by observing and feeling, you can live it completely, and it will go away, making room for something else.
If this is a long-term feeling that occurs regularly, then you can understand what it indicates and find new options for action.

Method 2. Drawing and art therapy
You can draw your feelings. This will also be aimed at accepting and living feelings.
It's very easy to do this:
You can draw on a sheet of paper - A4 format works well
Or you can draw in a circle (mandala)

From materials you can take what is at hand: pencils, pastels, paints. Felt-tip pens and colored pens are not very good, but if you don’t have anything, then you can use them. You can even use a one-color pen or a simple pencil, if there is nothing else, but you want to express your feelings right now.

Choose a time and place where no one will distract you for 5-10 minutes, and draw your feeling on paper. It is better if it is an abstract drawing (without specific objects, symbols and shapes) - color spots, strokes, lines.

The material also matters.
For example, my client drew anger at her parents with colored pastels. She said that she wanted to press the pastels very hard, and in the process the pastel pencils often broke. And this also helped her express her feelings.

After you have drawn, you can tear the sheet and throw away the scraps, and symbolically put your feelings into this action in order to react to them.

What to do if feelings are flooded
The paradox is that if you fight these feelings and forbid yourself from them, then flooding will happen even faster.
When you observe your feelings or draw them, you become to some extent disidentified with them and stop completely immersing yourself in them. Because there is one part of you that draws or feels, and a second part that observes and realizes.
If you try to stop the “unpleasant” feeling, then an internal conflict develops and this only increases the tension. You lose awareness, become a direct participant in the conflict, begin to scold yourself for the “wrong” feeling, fight with yourself, evaluate your feeling and yourself as “wrong, inappropriate” - and this makes you immerse yourself in the experience even more. For example, you may feel guilty that you are experiencing the wrong inappropriate feeling, which makes the condition even worse.

I invite you to discuss in the comments!

We are different, but we are protected by God, Each has its own Angel and destiny, We are touchy and vulnerable from rude words, from envy and evil. It happens that feelings disappear, The soul is empty, and only the pain of loss... From kind words all feelings come to life , The pain subsides - I’m happy about life again. And life goes on, putting everything in its place, But you can’t live forever with a ruffled head. May good feelings not leave us, May the soul be filled with kindness!
A person cannot live without feeling, After all, this is a value for his soul, But if there is no feeling, that soul is empty, And there is neither warmth nor kindness in it. Only kind words take away pain, - And warm words are important for everyone, Responsiveness, like help comes to us, Good feelings are healers of the soul.
Feelings are the greatest gift to a person, an integral part of his personality. Society has always valued and values ​​true feelings. They decorate the person himself and bring joy to others. American psychologist K. Izard identifies 10 fundamental emotions: interest, joy, surprise, grief (suffering), anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame and guilt (repentance).
Excitement - nervous excitement, strong anxiety caused by something. (fear, joy, expectation, etc.).
Surprise is a short-term, quickly passing reaction to a sudden, unexpected event. Described as a “reset” state in which the mind is cleared of thoughts for a split second.
Shame is a feeling that arises in a person when he commits actions that contradict the requirements of morality and humiliate the dignity of the individual. The content of actions that evoke the feeling of S. has a socio-historical nature and depends on the evolution of moral norms. S. is experienced as painful anxiety, dissatisfaction with oneself, condemnation of one’s behavior, and regret about an action committed. S. can be experienced due to unworthy behavior of other people, especially close ones. The feeling of S. also arises when remembering a humiliating act committed in the past. The experience of S. may have distinct bodily symptoms - redness of the face, drooping of the eyes, etc.
Joy - an internal feeling of satisfaction, pleasure and happiness
Fear is an internal state caused by a threatening real or perceived disaster.
Anger is a sharp and strong negative feeling; irritated and hostile state.

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