A message about a real intelligent person. Intelligent man

I discovered “10 rules of etiquette that are mandatory for an intelligent person.” Funny title! It turns out that these rules are not mandatory for an unintelligent person...

1. Flowers to give a man: chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, delphiniums, orchids, bamboo, callas, lilies, anthuriums, gladioli, tulips, irises, gerberas, plumerias, heliconias, daisies, sunflowers. Don't forget about color colors when giving men flowers. These colors are welcome in colors: purple, burgundy, white, blue, green.

Cases when it is customary to give flowers to a man:
1) Film premiere;
2) Concert premiere;
3) Book publication;
4) Publication of the article;
5) Serious discovery;
6) Birthday;
7) Presentation of any award;
8) Sports record.

It is believed that it is better to give green or emerald calla lilies to the boss. Composition and its compilation It’s better to delegate to professional florists...

2. Handshake
It is not customary to shake hands with women, but if she extends her hand first, you should shake it, but not like that as strong as men. But your handshake shouldn't be weaker than women or she will decide that you're a weakling.

The eldest shakes his hand first, the teacher or mentor - the student, the boss - the subordinate. Not worth it change the rules of the game, even castes in our society and are absent, you can cause hostility and misunderstanding among others.

When shaking hands it's worth watching in the eyes and smile a little as a sign friendly disposition. Avert your eyes or look at all to the side Disrespectful when shaking hands. Sometimes looking away is perceived as deceit and serves a signal that such a person cannot be trusted.

3. According to the rules of etiquette, the plate of soup must be tilted AWAY FROM YOU while eating!
Some sources write that you can’t tilt it at all.

4. Men should ALWAYS stand up when a lady leaves the table!

5. There is nothing wrong when a husband calls his wife “bunny” and she calls him “bunny”.
However, these affectionate nicknames not intended for prying ears!
Not being alone It's better to call each other by name.

6. Sometimes it's nice to drink a drink through a straw., but in such cases you should not suck it out to the last drops, since a piercing gurgling will introduce some dissonance into a general conversation.

7. Here are the basic modern rules of restaurant etiquette:

a) Cut large pieces to smaller ones;
b) When a dish is eaten with hands, then no need to hunch over and invade your neighbor’s space with your elbows;
c) You can’t blow on hot food, you need to wait until it cools down;
d) When eating with your hands, it is better to bite off a little;
e) Use a napkin and do not lick your fingers;
f) Always blot your mouth with a napkin;
g) Never wipe your mouth with your hand or speak with your mouth full;
h) Even if everyone around you eats with your hands, it is quite acceptable to eat yourself with a fork and a knife;
i) You should never put your phone on the table.

8. Chewing gum in public and during conversation is considered vulgar! The habit of chewing chewing gum exposes us precisely in ignorance rules of decency!

9. It is considered the height of bad manners to be distracted by your watch, mobile phone or notebook during a conversation.

Even if you are tired and you're bored, don't show it!

10. On the stairs:

If on the stairs turn out to be a man and the woman then when rising, a man must leave a woman behind him, and going down, On the contrary, it is necessary for the woman to be in front. But if the staircase is too narrow, steep or dark, then the man should walk in front of the woman.

A woman walking up the stairs must choose the side that with railings. She may not leave the railing if she meets you on the way a man, even if this is contrary to the rules of right-hand traffic.

Man being on the stairs must give way at the railing women, elderly people and children.
- If a man climbs the stairs, holding a woman by the arm, then move his body he should just enough to serve as sufficient support for a woman, but at the same time do not move impulsively and do not pull it forward, just as a man should behave and going down the stairs with the woman.
- If you meet a person on the stairs, carrying a heavy load, you should stop or get down to the nearest platform and give way to him.

According to statistics, only 10% know these points.

Just imagine - you came to the district administration for a certificate and stood at office No. 158, waiting for the moment to slip through. And the citizens, who arrived even earlier to guard the treasured office, politely say: “Woman, you weren’t standing here.” Notice that they tell you this not rudely, but very affectionately. It turns out that the citizens did not humiliate themselves with rudeness, and you were not offended.

And why all? Because intelligent people gathered in line. By the way, who are they?

What is it anyway, intelligence - a sensitive state of mind, a Buddhist level of emotional maturity, multi-degree status or skyscrapers of books read?

Each statement has criteria: if in early spring your garden is a pioneer in terms of tulips, you are without a doubt a talented gardener; if yesterday you brought home a hungry kitten again, you are a kind and sensitive person; If you can conduct a reasoned debate for hours about the opposition to the literary significance of Pushkin and Karamzin, you are smart and erudite. At the same time, it is not a fact that he is an intellectual.

The debate about who can be classified as an intelligentsia has been going on for several centuries and continues today. Historical events and social norms have repeatedly changed the portrait of an intellectual. We have compiled our own shortlist of definitions of this cultural phenomenon, written by personalities of national and municipal scale.

Repost in Russia is more than repost

In Latin, the word intellego was a verb and meant “to think, to understand,” i.e. broadcast the action.

Today's intellectuals are more inclined to observe and make assessments than to climb onto the barricades and from there, from nine to six, recklessly change the world.

The easiest way to find a Russian intellectual of the 21st century is on Facebook. It is here that he collects or sows a harvest of opinions, exchanges curtsies with pleasant citizens, picks with unpleasant ones and desperately resists evil - hypocrisy, stupidity and hypocrisy. Evil has a rating - the first place is occupied by any politics and arbitrariness of power, the second is the decline of morals, the third is near-religious debates, the fourth is the callousness and rudeness of officials, the fifth is all sorts of little things, such as PR nonsense of show business stars.

In terms of goodness, the modern intelligentsia is a club concept. Thanks to the spread of social networks, the intellectual is no longer an individualist. An intellectual shares bright thoughts, fiery appeals and spontaneous manifestos with club members - fortunately, today this is done with a simple repost. A repost in Russia is more than a repost.

And yes, whether you agree with it or not, trend of the modern Russian intelligentsia - mat. Moreover, the carriers of the ideology of swearing themselves have reliable arguments on this matter, like a safe door - firstly, we are not prudes, secondly, swearing gives imagery to speech, thirdly, swearing is a demonstration of personal freedom. It seems to us that intelligent swearing is simple foppishness. However, the intelligentsia does not like this argument.

Intellectuals vs intellectuals

In Russia it is generally accepted that, on average in the ward, the nature of a Russian person is subtler, more sensitive and sharper in perception than the nature of a thick-skinned European. This is partly confirmed by the emergence of an intelligentsia in Russia.

The West did not understand the subtleties and nuances of this phenomenon, but simply divided society into two teams - mental workers and manual workers. During the formation in Russia of a special class of idealists with a fiery heart and a sensitive soul, Western empires appointed lawyers and philosophers as the flower of the nation, calling them intellectuals. It turns out that Europeans simply did not single out the intellectual Jedi, the guardians of the spirituality and honor of their civilization, into a separate group, believing that an educated and law-abiding person brings comprehensive benefits to society and does not need additional social burdens.

Intelligentsia from encyclopedists

Now let's try to figure out the definitions.

The 1988 Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary defines intelligentsia as "society, a layer of people professionally engaged in mental, mainly complex, creative work, development and dissemination of culture"

Indeed, everything seems to be in its place - it’s not clear where to find the creative component in the work of an educated and even well-read local therapist? And an ideological downshifter - an inspired baker who once defended a dissertation on the influence of the north wind on Tsvetaeva’s poetic form - also has no chance of intelligence in this definition.

Intelligent Negativity

Lev Gumilev. Photo: gumilevica.kulichki.net

Many Russian philosophers did not hide their negative attitude towards the intelligentsia. So when Lev Gumilyov asked if he considered himself an intellectual, the historian replied:

« God save me! The current intelligentsia is such a spiritual sect. What’s typical is that they don’t know anything, they can’t do anything, but they judge everything and don’t accept dissent at all.”

Vyacheslav Pleve spoke about the intelligentsia like this:

“The Russian intelligentsia has one feature that is predominantly inherent to it: it fundamentally and, moreover, enthusiastically perceives every idea, every fact, even rumor, aimed at discrediting the state, as well as the spiritual-Orthodox power, but it is indifferent to everything else in the life of the country.”

Subsequently, Plehve, who spoke contemptuously of the intelligentsia, was killed by an intellectual bomber. So, “whoever comes to us with a sword...”

Here's an opinion Nikolai Berdyaev :

“The intelligentsia resembles a monastic order or a religious sect, with its own special morality, very intolerant, with its obligatory worldview... The intelligentsia is characterized by groundlessness, a break with all class life and traditions...”

Ivan Bunin also spoke quite sharply about the subject of controversy:

“If it weren’t for the people’s disasters, thousands of intellectuals would be downright miserable people. How then to sit, protest, what to shout and write about? And without this, life wouldn’t exist.”

It turns out that the main complaints that significant Russian thinkers made about the concept of the intelligentsia were superficiality, covered by a tendency to ostentatious restlessness and fussiness against the background of apathy and lack of initiative.

Today it looks like this: a significant person with high humane principles throws a sarcastic post online, scolding and ridiculing, say, the stupidity of official N. The post ends with the author’s piercing bitterness about the rusted system. That's all. No offers. No action. Every like and repost passed off as an action is not. This is a convenient illusion that you are bringing goodness and justice to the world. Just. Comfortable. For you!

Intelligent positive

Fortunately, there is an opposite view of the intelligentsia.

After the ideologists of the concept - Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Nikolai Dobrolyubov, the most prominent representative of the beautiful-hearted Russian intelligentsia was the intellectual“Striving not so much for a political, but for a moral reorganization of the world.”

Continued the baton of intellectualophiles Leonid Andreev:

“First of all, this was not singing along with the powers that be. Secondly, a person with a heightened, downright debilitating sense of conscience. And thirdly, no matter how much you drink, you still remain a cultured person.”

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin

There are also more modern positive definitions. Vasily Shukshin wrote this:

« An intelligent person is a troubled conscience, a mind, ... a bitter discord with himself because of the damned question: “what is truth,” pride ... And compassion for the fate of the people. Inevitable, painful»

The subtleties of perception of the intelligentsia in modern history were clearly outlined by Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

“In the Soviet Union, this word acquired a completely perverted meaning... All party, state, military and trade union bureaucrats ended up here... All office employees. With all the greater ease they include all teachers here (and those who are nothing more than a talking textbook and have neither independent knowledge nor an independent view of education). All doctors (and those who are only able to dabble in medical history with a pen). And without any hesitation they include here everyone who just walks around editorial offices, publishing houses, film factories, philharmonic societies, not to mention those who publish, make films or play the bow.

Meanwhile, based on none of these signs, a person cannot be included in the intelligentsia. If we do not want to lose this concept, we should not exchange it. An intellectual is not determined by his professional affiliation or occupation. A good upbringing and a good family also do not necessarily produce an intellectual. An intellectual is one whose interests and will towards the spiritual side of life are persistent and constant, not forced by external circumstances and even in spite of them. An intellectual is one whose thought is not imitative.”

Based on the opinion of adepts, it can be argued that the most important characteristics of an intelligent person are genuine sincerity, keen mercy, an unquenchable thirst for spirituality and stubborn, reckless cultivation of one’s own personality. Say what you think. Help quietly. Be sure to thank. Always think. Something like this...

What do the intelligentsia think about this?

“And no one knew what the Rabbit thought about this, since the Rabbit was very well-mannered.” Remember, y? With the intelligentsia, despite their good upbringing, everything is different. A thin layer of society continues to make capacious, simple, laconic attempts at self-determination, which can be classified as aphorisms:

— An intelligent person is educated and erudite, constantly improving himself. His mind knows no peace;

— An intellectual observes the laws of decency and behaves culturally in any social environment, regardless of the level of intelligence, status and material wealth of those around him. When communicating with him, people begin to suspect that he absorbed the norms of etiquette with his mother’s milk;

— An intellectual is a person who can write this word without errors;

— An intellectual is a person who has three higher educations: the first was received by his grandfather, the second by his father, and the third by himself;

— An intellectual has intellect and knowledge, knows how to use them for his own benefit and not to the detriment of others, is tolerant, tolerant of the shortcomings of others and wise enough not to argue with fools;

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How many people of the current generation think about what intelligence is? How is it expressed and is it necessary for society at all? There were times when this word sounded like an insult, and sometimes vice versa - this was the name given to groups of people trying to pull Russia out of the darkness of ignorance and stupidity.

Etymology of the word

“Intelligence” is a word that comes from Latin. Iintelligence- cognitive power, the ability of perception, which, in turn, comes from the Latin intellectus- understanding, thinking. Despite the Latin origin of the word, the concept of “intellectual” is considered originally Russian and in the vast majority of cases is used only in the territory of the former USSR and among Russian-speaking segments of the population.

The father of the term “intelligentsia” is considered to be the Russian liberalist writer Pyotr Bobrykin (1836-1921), who repeatedly used it in his critical articles, essays and novels. Initially, this was the name given to people of mental work: writers, artists and teachers, engineers and doctors. In those days there were very few such professions and people were grouped according to common interests.

Who is an intelligent person?

“Cultural and not swearing,” many will say. Some will add: “Smart.” And then they’ll add something about being educated and well-read. But are all doctors of science and great minds of this world intellectuals?

There are enough people in the world with a huge amount of knowledge, who have read thousands of books, polyglots and true masters of their craft. Does this automatically make them part of the intelligentsia, the social stratum?

The simplest definition of intelligence

One of the greatest minds of the Silver Age gave a very short but succinct definition of the concept of intelligence: “This is the highest culture of the human spirit, aimed at preserving the dignity of one’s neighbor.”

Such intelligence is that daily work is constant self-improvement, the result of a huge educational process on oneself, one’s personality, which first of all cultivates in a person the ability to be attentive and empathetic towards another living being. An intellectual, even if he commits a dishonest act under the will of circumstances, will suffer greatly from this and be tormented by remorse. He will rather do harm to himself, but will not be tainted by base things.

Universal human values ​​inherent in an intellectual

According to the results of a social survey, the majority of people indicated the importance of education and good manners. But the great Faina Ranevskaya said: “It is better to be known as a good, but swearing, than a well-mannered bastard.” Therefore, higher education and knowledge of etiquette do not mean that you are an old-school intellectual. The following factors are more important:

  • Compassion for the pain of others, no matter whether it is a person or an animal.
  • Patriotism, expressed in actions, and not in shouting from the podium at rallies.
  • Respect for other people's property: therefore, a true intellectual always pays debts, but takes them out extremely rarely, in the most critical cases.
  • Politeness, compliance and gentleness of character are mandatory - they are the first calling card of the intelligentsia. Tactfulness is at the top of their attitude towards people: he will never put another person in an uncomfortable position.
  • The ability to forgive.
  • Absence of rudeness towards anyone: even if an impudent person pushes an intellectual, he will be the first to apologize for the inconvenience caused. Just don’t confuse this with cowardice: a coward is afraid, but an intellectual respects all people, no matter what they are.
  • Lack of intrusiveness: out of respect for strangers, they are more likely to remain silent than to be frank with just anyone.
  • Sincerity and unwillingness to lie: again, out of decency and love for the people around you, but more out of respect for yourself.
  • An intellectual respects himself so much that he will not allow himself to be uneducated, unenlightened.
  • A craving for beauty: a hole in the floor or a book thrown into the dirt excites their soul more than the lack of dinner.

From all this it becomes obvious that education and intelligence are not related concepts, although they interact. An intellectual is a rather complexly structured personality, which is why he is never loved by the lower strata of society: against the background of an esthete who has a keen sense of the world, they feel flawed and do not understand anything, and this is why anger manifests itself, leading to violence.

Modern intellectual

What is intelligence today? Is it even possible to be like this in the arena of total degradation and dullness from the media, social networks and television shows?

All this is true, but universal human values ​​do not change from era to era: at any time, tolerance and respect for others, compassion and the ability to put oneself in the place of another are important. Honor, inner freedom and depth of soul, together with a keen mind and a thirst for beauty, have always been and will be of paramount importance for evolution. And today's intellectuals are not much different from their brothers in the spirit of the century before last, when man - this really sounded proud. They are modest, honest with themselves and others, and are always kind from the heart, and not for the sake of PR. On the contrary, a spiritually developed person will never boast of his actions, achievements and actions, but at the same time he will try to do everything possible to become at least a little better, knowing that by changing himself, he changes the entire world around him for the better.

Do modern society need intellectuals?

Education and intelligence are now as important an aspect as global warming or cruelty to animals. The thirst for money and universal adoration has so captured society that modest attempts by individuals to raise the level of human awareness resemble the painful efforts of a woman giving birth, who, despite all the pain, sacredly believes in a successful outcome.

It is necessary to believe that intelligence is such a culture of the soul. This is not the amount of knowledge, but actions in accordance with moral principles. Perhaps then our world, mired in the mud of a distorted mind, will be saved. Humanity needs bright-hearted individuals, intellectuals of the spirit, who will promote the purity of relationships without mercantile motives, the importance of spiritual growth and the need for knowledge as the initial basis for subsequent development.

When does the formation of moral qualities occur?

In order to be, or rather, to feel like an intellectual and not be burdened by this burden, it is necessary to absorb the inclinations with mother’s milk, to be brought up in the appropriate environment and environment, then highly moral behavior will be like a part of the being, like a hand or an eye.

It is for this reason that it is important not only to raise a child in the right direction, but also to set a clear example with rational actions, correct actions, and not just words.


Of course, high education is not intelligence in itself, but it is something that generally unites all intelligent people. Education is not limited only to a narrow professional circle of interests, but is constantly growing, increasing in volume, expanding in a wide variety of areas.

A book is an integral attribute of an intelligent person, and not so much because it is necessary, but simply because one cannot help but read, one cannot help but learn something new, developing and supplementing one’s thoughts. An intelligent person is driven by some invisible force towards culture, knowledge, thought.

An intelligent person is basically a theorist. Even if he is engaged in some very specific business, he achieves great things in it, but the main thing that drives him is thought. One can even argue that it is for the sake of thought that he acts, and this thought fuels all his deeds. Continuous mental activity is what distinguishes an intelligent person from a simple one.

In his affairs, an intelligent person is aimed at universality; he wants to discover something that will be useful and acceptable to everyone. In this sense, we can say that he respects the interests of the common good. Therefore, truly intelligent professions have always been considered such as a teacher, doctor, writer, actor, artist - these are those people who work for the benefit of all people.

An intelligent person always feels acutely, and, consequently, all its flaws and imperfections. His high regard for lies, hypocrisy, dishonesty, and the troubles of complete strangers does not leave one indifferent. Often all these experiences are much higher than taking care of yourself, your own people and loved ones.

Therefore, activity, both specific physical and mental, is aimed at remaking the existing reality. An intelligent person dreams of creating a world in which everyone will be happy. He is enthusiastic about his work, his occupation, and often, working even in one area, he manages to change something, somehow influence people, even from his immediate environment.

And that is why, carrying these thoughts within himself, an intelligent person has a high culture of communication, simplicity, and attentiveness to his interlocutor. It seems that this person is as close as possible and, at the same time, as far away from you as possible. And this assumption is correct, because the field of its existence is not here and now, next to you, but in your head, in thoughts and ideas, in an endless internal dialogue.

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  • Credo New is a theoretical journal.
  • intelligent person

Once in an interview, Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev said a short monologue: “Is it possible to pretend to be a knowledgeable person? You can if you remember a few facts. Is it possible to pretend to be smart? Yes, you can, if you remember a few connections between facts. Is it possible to pretend to be an intelligent person? It is forbidden".

Many people think that receiving an education, a candidate's degree and defending a doctorate, years spent traveling, knowing several languages ​​- all this makes an intelligent person. What if such an “intellectual” is deprived of all his knowledge? After all, a lot can happen in life. So what then? Emptiness, stupidity, and maybe even selfishness and soullessness... A truly intelligent person can be deprived of education, knowledge and memory. He can forget everything, but at the same time a sense of aesthetics and responsibility will remain in his soul, towards knowledge. He will admire you and will never show indifference, rudeness, or envy towards his neighbor. In a word, intelligence manifests itself in the ability to understand others. Education is synonymous with intelligence. Another thing is spirituality, which is accompanied by honor, dignity, decency and a clear conscience - all these are signs of intelligence. It is impossible that a soulless person is disgusting and insignificant, he is simply weak. No, not physically, his weakness manifests itself in anger and envy of everything around him, in misunderstanding and rudeness. Such weakness is not just a flaw, it is an inability to live and enjoy life. And as mentioned above, an intelligent person always shows understanding and sympathy for the weak. Perhaps this is why there are known cases where the intelligentsia was destroyed and humiliated. Weak people were afraid of intelligent people; they became furious that someone could be stronger (morally) and wiser than them. The weak had power, and the intelligent had soul. Intelligence is not a document with many seals. This is a life position and mental balance. An intelligent person is original in the expression of his feelings, courageous and able to protect the offended. As they say: “The secret always becomes clear.” Likewise, intelligent falsehood can be clearly identified over time. Whether by accident or design, one day the fake person will reveal his true self. This can manifest itself in behavior, in the manner of dressing, and in habits, even in the expression of thoughts or apartment. In the modern world, “Intelligence” is ambiguous, but overall, it’s probably just a good person.

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It's nice to spend a weekend reading a book and enjoying the development of the plot. True, with a large selection to choose from, it’s not easy to decide right away. What interesting things can you find from serious writers?


Read Irving Stone's biographical novel Michelangelo. Torment and joy." You will learn details of the life and work of Michelangelo Buonarotti. The greatest sculptor and artist of the Renaissance went through a difficult life path: he experienced wealth and recognition and the endless intrigues of envious people. His well-being and creativity depended entirely on the favor of the popes, who, to his misfortune, changed too often. After the death of each, the fate of the great one changed radically. You will get acquainted with facts about how Michelangelo created the legendary sculpture “David”, and what patrons he had. You may be interested in the details of the work on painting the famous frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. The biography describes the difficult, and rather competitive, relationship between Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

By reading Carlos Castaneda's book "Journey to Ixtlan", you can get acquainted with the mysterious world of shamans of ancient Mexico. The author of the book was a simple American anthropologist and carried out research work on plants. The meeting with the magician Don Juan turned his life upside down. Carlos paid less and less attention to his career as a scientist, and soon, unnoticed by himself, he took the Path of the Warrior. Several times a year, Castaneda visited his teacher, and they talked for a long time. Many times their trips to the Sanor desert ended in a revolution of consciousness for the pedantic scientist. Carlos recorded all his encounters with the mysterious and incomprehensible. He desperately resisted, questioning his new knowledge. This book should not be taken solely as a manual for modern shamans. It will be very interesting for lovers of metaphors and allegories. You will learn self-irony, appreciate every moment of life and take responsibility for what is happening. From the book you can learn about the sources of Personal Power. The shaman reveals the secrets of ancient tribes and teaches how to achieve your goals, living in harmony with the world and paying attention to. “Journey to Ixtlan” is an allegorical story about the search for oneself, one’s best path in life.

In the collection “Humor of Serious Writers” by F. Krivin you will find many stories by Russians with an uncharacteristic humorous form of presentation. The book contains ironic essays by A.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, M.A. Bulgakov and many others. Read the story by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crocodile", in which Ivan Matveevich decided to act outside the box in order to attract public attention. The official concluded that if he was swallowed by a crocodile, he would be spotted there sooner. Outside the crocodile, he had no such opportunity. Ivan Matveevich invited his wife to join, but she was embarrassed by the thought of her unpresentable appearance. The official's friend tried to save his comrade and cited the advantages of a free life. However, those swallowed have their own. Find out how his prank ended for Ivan Matveevich and what was the hidden subtext of F.M. Dostoevsky.

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We like to communicate. Even just being next to them is somehow more pleasant. A special power emanates from them: understanding, awareness, goodwill. Is this what intelligence is? We will try to formulate what it is and how to recognize it in a person in our short conversation.

We will rely on statements and observations from psychology and social sciences. This concept has become interesting not only to us here and now, but also to researchers of human character. Modern realities have changed little in the essence of the concept, which means that knowing it is just as useful.

What is intelligence: definition and essence

Intelligence is usually called those that together help him meet social expectations in a variety of ways. It is considered an obligatory attribute of the stratum of the population, considered advanced, to some extent elite. The bearers of the cultural fund of humanity are also credited with intelligence.

The problem of intelligence is interesting from the perspective of its constituent elements. Through them it will be easier for us to highlight the essence of the concept.

Components of intelligence

The concept of intelligence includes psychological, intellectual, and ethical aspects.

Thus, independent thinking, conscious conclusions about certain facts of the surrounding world, control of behavior and emotionality are some of the brightest manifestations of intelligence.

The essence of the concept through its components

Intelligence is the ability to think independently, to make judgments about the affairs of people and the manifestations of the universe. This also includes such ethical concepts as nobility and cordiality. Intellectual productivity, mental alertness, firmness and reliability of what is said by a bearer of intelligence (we will call such a person that way), tolerance for other manifestations of human character are also identified as components. They help to better understand the essence of intelligence.

The attitude towards the cultural and scientific achievements of one’s people and humanity as a whole is important for intelligence. Thus, a person is supposed to be interested in and respect history, art and other directions in the development of human thought.

Why does a modern person need intelligence?

The importance of intelligence should not be underestimated even in the age of radically new ways of interaction between individuals (we mean electronic technologies). So, it gives us the strength to remain friendly and open to people. Understanding and accepting new things, demonstrating emotions, respecting the opinions of others and not interfering in their personal spheres of life is already intelligence. What else is special about it?

Being an intelligent person, a person steadfastly endures manifestations of rudeness and lack of culture, expresses his thoughts more freely and is ready to resist injustice. He has a developed sense of the common good, high moral values, which are usually called traditional.

How to become an intelligent person?

To develop your intelligence, you need to constantly work on your personal qualities.

It all starts in the family. It is upbringing that forms the first communication skills, respect for other people’s opinions, and the ability to listen and hear. The foundation of intelligence is laid by parents through upbringing in a favorable atmosphere.

Reading contributes to this in the best possible way. Classic literature will feed your brain and your sense of beauty.

Although education in educational institutions is not everything, it is an equally important factor. The information and social environment gives a lot to a person. Among intelligent people, the personality itself begins to rise to their level.

An interesting factor in the development of intelligence is charity in all possible forms. By learning to give and help in word and deed, a person always grows above himself. A sense of responsibility for one’s actions also develops, as does a great awareness of one’s help to others. This is a kind of self-education by which a person is able to transform himself.

How to recognize an intelligent person?

The signs of intelligence are quite specific. So, from the first words spoken by a person, you will hear logical, literate speech, decorated with aphorisms. His education is predominantly higher. Behavior is reserved, but sincere, a wonderful sense of humor.

Good manners are a mandatory sign of an intelligent person. At the same time, he refrains from condemning the behavior of others until he knows their motives.


Thus, we have formed a certain image of the concept of “intelligence”. What it is, how this trait manifests itself and what it can give to its bearer - all this is now easier to imagine.

We like the manifestation of this trait in other people, because communication with such individuals is extremely pleasant. To improve yourself, it is worth developing and maintaining intelligence. What it is for you personally - you will determine when you realize what you need. Let us briefly summarize the generally accepted concept in such a way that intelligence is expressed in the emotional, intellectual, cultural, and ethical aspects of the human personality.

The value of intelligence is great. Develop these qualities in yourself, it will be easier for you to form a full-fledged personality. Thus, developing intelligence in oneself means growing above all oneself.

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