Thank you for winning in your own words. Thank you for the Victory! A country built by the hands of ordinary workers

Statuses for Victory Day - Thank you, grandfather, for the fact that I live in peace... for the peace that reigns on earth, for this blue sky!

It’s so good that there is no war, that the sun is shining in the sky... we need to say “thank you” to the front-line heroes for everything!

Fireworks on Victory Day, May 9th, peace and happiness have a straight road, let's only follow it!

Bow to the veterans who gave their health and strength for us. Let this be our “thank you” for the peaceful sky and independence.

Those who have not seen war, have not known its grief - congratulations on Victory Day, we are glad that we did not know pain!

Happy May 9, Happy Victory Day to everyone who took all troubles away from us, who gave us peace, tranquility and a lot of earthly joy!

May 9 is not just a day of remembrance of the past Great Patriotic War. This is a kind of guideline - what our country should be like. Great, powerful and invincible!

May day of light and joy, Victory Day, hour of remembrance. And it’s time for everyone on our Victory Day to recall the memorable verb: The enemy, and this is our credo, Strike where he came from!

I remember... I am proud... And I will kneel at the marble wall... at the Eternal Fire... And many, like me, will certainly bow down - after all, everyone who died died for me.

May your sky be clear, may the star of joy not go out. And the roar of tanks and guns will disappear forever. Happy Victory Day!

Dear veterans! You are a great example for us! How to be a faithful, strong, brave Human with a soul!

Glory to you, brave ones! Glory to the fearless! The people sing eternal glory to you: You who lived valiantly, who conquered death, The memory of you will never die.

“Thank you grandfather for the victory!” - every second person pasted it, but only a few actually said thank you.

It would be nice for everyone on May 9 to replace their photo or avatar on social networks, games, Skype, etc. with a photo of their ancestor - a participant in the war. Then the entire Russian Internet will become a large immortal regiment.

The military storm has long passed. For a long time now, thick rye has been sprouting in the fields where hot battles took place. But the people keep in their memory the names of the heroes of the past war.

Happy Victory Day to everyone! Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought to live in a free and normal country. Hooray!

No one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten, and hope lives in the heart. That the world that was conquered by our grandfathers will be preserved by us!

Victory Day - May 9 - remains unchanged in our hearts. Eternal glory to the winners! We remember, we love, we thank you for the Great Victory!

Veterans! how few are left... Of you in your native expanses of the country... Your faces are marked by old age... With the echo of the past war...

I congratulate everyone on the holiday of MAY 9, and I ask, let's take care of the veterans, because every day there are fewer and fewer of them, and we have our past, present and future only thanks to them!

Victory Day is a holiday of spring, the Day of the defeat of a cruel war, the Day of the defeat of violence and evil, the Day of the resurrection of love and goodness.

Bow to the Russian soldier, On this holiday, on this bright day Every year, celebrating this date, We remember how the shadow of war covered the entire Earth and the planet trembled, But Russia is again too tough. We remember how we got the victory. Our veterans, glory to you.

To congratulate veterans on Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, finding the right words is not so easy.

We have the power to pass on information to our children about what happened during the Second World War. What trials befell the people of that time, and how stoically they were able to withstand the onslaught of the Nazis, surviving hunger and the cruel loss of loved ones, children, husbands, wives, mothers and fathers. To convey the story of the feat of our veterans -

There are very few veterans who took part in those terrible events, but those congratulations on Victory Day that we have collected in this article are also dedicated to those living on earth and to the celestials.

Let each of us realize the feat of our grandfathers and feel the words. that sound in the congratulations we collected on Victory Day. The more often we remember those terrible years, the more we will appreciate the world in which we live. A world without war!

In order not to remain unsaid, congratulate our veterans on Victory Day! Tell them thank you for their feat, which will forever remain a symbol of eternal will and courage for all subsequent generations.

Congratulations on Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War

Don't believe anyone who says this:
“They walked because there was an order” -
We stood two steps away from death
By the will of the heart, and more than once!

They didn’t wait for God or the Messiah,
And they took guns and bayonets
And you defended Russia -
Our dear old people!

On a joyful bright day,
on your Victory Day -
Let them leave this life
Diseases and troubles.
Today all hymns sound only for you
Please accept our words of gratitude.


When fireworks thundered from one end to another.
Soldiers, you gave to the planet
Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world,
When in a military storm of fire,
Deciding the fate of future centuries,
You fought a holy battle!

Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with Victory.
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you, soldiers.
For life, for childhood and spring,
For the silence
For a peaceful home,
For the world we live in!

May your sky be clear
The star of joy does not go out,
And the roar of tanks and guns
He will die forever.

Over the years, without arguing,
We wish you with all our hearts
Health and health again
And life, good and big!

The last shot fell silent long ago,
The last groan of the forties.
The years rush by with a quick gait,
And the line of living soldiers melts.

They died for our lives
Those who are old today.
With their last breath they shouted:
"Forward! “- in spite of everyone’s deaths.

Hiding behind a branch from the enemy's eyes,
He knew how to hit without missing a beat.
Only the eye, falling like a mark to the rifle,
I went numb from tension.

One... another... there are fewer, fewer,
Invaders of my land.
And on a May day sometimes in the spring
They were gone. And the world is brighter!

You had to go through half of Europe,
To finish them off in their hole.
War-spattered paths
Does not sweep away dry winds.

And time for everyone on our Victory Day
Remind memory verb:
The enemy, and this is our credo,
Hit where he came from!

Bow to the ground, soldier, from life,
From everyone you shielded.
You saved freedom, the honor of the Fatherland,
He deserves a memory in his descendants!

I want to congratulate you on Victory Day!
This is a very difficult holiday,
After all, our grandfathers died for our peace,
Sacrificing your entire young life.

So that people can continue to live in peace,
So that there is no more war,
How many lives have people laid down -
We must remember everything about this.

May day of light and joy,
Victory Day, hour of remembrance.
It will be an eternal day of youth.
Your courage, valor.

Our Fatherland does not have
A cleaner holiday.
For the younger generation
There is no wiser mentor.

Your services to the Motherland
We appreciate it. In search of conscience
We all go in search of the truth.
She is yours through all the sorrows.

So the triumph of the winners
Will be forever marked.
To us, dear parents,
Victory is yours.

These covenants are wonderful,
As dear to us as life itself.
Your eyes are burning clear
Vigilance of a bright mind.

Be healthy and happy,
Be beautiful and young
Let the grandchildren be quick-witted -
They will bow their heads on your shoulder.

Congratulations on Victory Day will help you find the right words to express your gratitude to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Not every one of us knows how to write poetry, so the most beautiful, in our opinion, congratulations on Victory Day have been selected to help you.

I understand what Victory means
For veterans who have known all the troubles
A terrible war, survivors with hope,
That Victory Day will come inevitably.

We only read about the war in books.
We watched films and then froze
In horror, anger and heartache.
You are not in a movie, but in battle to the end.

They fought to the death to save their
Homeland, your city, home and family.
Everything that is dear to you, beloved and sacred,
What was in the heart of every soldier.

We could thank you tirelessly.
Will the wounds of the past heal?
Veterans are not waiting for laudatory speeches,
And so that the memory is constant.

Remember and appreciate. For us you are like stars,
Peace on Earth was created by your feat.
We are ready to congratulate you on Victory Day
On holidays, weekdays, all over again!

It’s not for nothing that they call you heroes -
Your contribution to the destiny of the country is invaluable!
You exposed yourself to life's bullets.
Thank you for the victory!

Your descendants will remember and glorify you!
We honor your courage and courage!
May there never be sadness.
We want peace, happiness, joy!

You are forever young at heart,
Even though the wounds ache from time to time...
Happy Victory, big one
Congratulations, veterans!

Let the years fly by
But the memory will live for centuries,
Like a Red Army soldier
He fought fiercely against his enemies.

For peace and happiness, for love,
For life and the first baby talk
You went on the attack again and again,
And the adversary answered for everything.

We are inspired by your feat
We bow our heads to you...
You shed blood for us,
Congratulations on Victory Day!

Lord, what happened that day?
Everyone knows, but will our children understand?
That spring, that holiday, that moment,
When are the enemy cells completely broken?

Memory... This is what connects us all
The memory that emerges leaves wounds in our souls.
Relatives, relatives and friends,
Congratulations on May 9, Happy World!
There is nothing better in the world. The world is better!

On the chest - orders,
There is gray hair at the temples,
The military campaigns are behind us.

Don't be sad, old man,
What the war stole
Your best young years.

Dreaming about the Dnieper and Mozdok
And an alarm beep
You dream of bayonet attacks.

Trains - to the east,
Clouds - to the east,
You are heading west, under bullets and tanks.

At twenty years old gray hair...
Don't be sad, old man,
Fate has destined you to have a difficult time.

Your gray hair for us,
Your orders for us
Every year it becomes dearer and dearer.

There is gray hair at the temples.
There is silence outside the window.
May it never explode.

Let the gray hair come
But the country remained
What is called Great Russia!

Many years have passed since that time,
But the light of memories did not fade,
And your noble gray hairs
They sparkle in the sun like fireworks...

May God grant that your descendants never experience
Wars that are ghostly from afar!
Thank you for the world! And happy Victory Day -
Unfading, great, forever!

Where the grass is damp with dew and blood,
Where the pupils of machine guns look fiercely,
Full height above the front line trench
The victorious soldier stood up.

The heart beat against the ribs intermittently, often.
Silence - Silence - Not in a dream, in reality.
And the infantryman said: “We’ve given up!” That's it!
And I noticed a violet in the ditch.

And in the soul, yearning for light and affection,
The singing stream of the former joy came to life.
And the soldier bent down, and to the bullet-ridden helmet
Carefully adjusted the flower.

Came to life again in memory were alive
Moscow region under snow, Stalingrad on fire.
For the first time in four unimaginable years,
The soldier cried like a child.

So the infantryman stood, laughing and sobbing,
Trampling a thorny fence with a boot.
A young dawn burned behind my shoulders,
Foretelling a sunny day.

Spring is not just a season,
Spring is a priceless gift for us
Heroes. Those who are for the people
Putting out a raging fire!

An earthly bow to the fallen soldiers,
Whose lives were cut short by the war,
For being in our land again
Spring is coming, blooming, singing!

And, congratulating you on Victory Day,
Every person wishes
You have happiness, endless joy,
And prosperity forever!

Great day - day of worship
To those who sacrificed themselves
For the future generation,
For peace, freedom and love.

And in gratitude today we
we bring flowers and give them to you,
Let there be peace above your head,
Subject to white doves.

The jubilant May has opened for us
All hearts for love unspeakable.
May Day has just passed,
The long-awaited Victory Day has arrived.

We feel the winners.
In front of a gray, thinning column
We part, give flowers,
We look at the heroes with admiration.

“Congratulations! - we shout to them. - Hooray! »
But the old people walk silently.
They don't need loud fame,
And our heartfelt “thank you.”

Today and the years are already gray
Since the war was over,
But congratulations on Victory Day
Country of grandfathers and great-grandchildren.

Thank you, dear, dear,
Those who protected us then
And those who defended Russia
At the price of military labor.

We congratulate you with love,
And the great-grandchildren will remember the day,
Washed by your pure blood,
When the lilacs were in full bloom.

So many lines have been written about this,
And the same number of songs have been sung,
Years pass, but this is not the time
So that we can forget about it.

And every soldier scorched by war,
Having put on orders and medals,
Today we will remember the dead guys,
Who were not given medals.

And let us know about this war
From the books you wrote,
For this we are doubly grateful to you,
Thank you for being with us!

In congratulations on Victory Day, congratulators try to express their thoughts and recognition to veterans for their great feat. The authors of all the congratulations echo each other, saying how grateful they are to the veterans for their Great Victory. You also have the opportunity to congratulate veterans on Victory Day using these verses.

We honor the dead and the living,
Those who fell defending the Fatherland,
We will remember their names forever,
They gave their lives for us.

Every year the series gets shorter
Eyewitnesses of those bloody battles,
Let the explosions no longer thunder,
Do not disturb the old wound.

Your heroic deed will not be forgotten,
Let the years fly by inexorably,
But lilac is a velvet brush
The inflammable tree blooms in your honor!

So many years! Today we celebrate
VICTORY DAY in a disastrous war,
And a very serious reason
Let everyone in the country stand for a minute.

Stand up and remember the feat of our grandfathers,
There are already few of them, that’s the problem.
Apart from them, hardly anyone will tell us
How terrible the war years are.

Stand up the whole world and be silent for a minute,
Look at yourself from the outside.
Look and do everything you can
So that there will be no more war.

So let's celebrate the victory,
Congratulations to our veterans,
After all, when the war came to earth,
It fell to them to defend the land.

Peace and happiness have a straight path,
Let's just follow it!

We wish you joy and renewal,
The sun is shining, spring is blooming!

Please accept our gratitude and congratulations
On the day of the holiday of our great country!

Let's raise a glass on Victory Day
For freedom and peace on earth,
For all those who died in battle,
Defended his land in the war.

Let the air always smell like spring,
Peace, happiness, love, freedom.
We are a huge and close family
We will protect the will of the people.

Sunrise. And the first ray of the sun
Suddenly the darkness of the night burned away,
And the sky, dark with clouds,
Illuminated with a victorious light.

For everyone who survived that war,
That day became the main day
Now he is doubly important
In the country where we live!

And among us there is one,
Having gone through the pain of loss,
And we thank him
For the world that we have now!

One who remembers this hell
Death, the roar of guns, the explosion of grenades,
But returned back
Soviet Army Soldier!

Let time erase your memory
All the horror of that long war
Let your wound heal,
But we will always remember!

Holidays and memories come:
Victory, returning home,
The delights of meeting, the sadness of parting
With the guys from the company, with myself.

Another life: devastation, hunger, construction,
And at night I have nightmares about the war.
And the pain frozen at the bottom of any drinking session,
Between “Let’s remember! " and "And I live! »

For half a century already the dividing line
There’s almost no one left to say: “Do you remember...”
and, waving his hand at everything,
Explode in song, go out in a circle and dance.

May our faith, our wishes,
The inexorable running of time will slow down.
Your experience, wisdom, strength, knowledge
Bring it into the twenty-first century.

In '41 they announced:
"The war has begun!"
You beat the fascists then,
So that the country can live.

On planes and tanks
They went on the offensive
You are in greatcoats and pea coats
The letters were taken care of.

Congratulations on your Victory,
Warrior fighters!
Although you are already grandfathers,
Well done though!

Our air no longer smells of war,
And the earth does not bathe in blood,
The shells don't fly overhead
The voice of grief and misfortune is not heard.

Tens of long years have passed,
Since the earth began to come to life.
And we wish everyone to live on May Day,
Under the peaceful sky of glory and goodness!

War, that's what it is - war...
And to those who are scorched by the fierce breath,
That bitter cup that has been drunk to the bottom,
Not even sweeter... with fireworks.

War, that's what it is - war...
To this day, the old wounds ache.
And yet - put on your medals!
And happy Victory Day, veterans!

For some, the word "war"
Doesn't really matter
Without thinking about why life was given,
They burn it with pleasure.

But for those who served and fought,
Giving moments for others,
I learned about fear in full in this life,
And wanting to escape the bullet.

And therefore a low bow,
Veterans - freedom fighters,
We congratulate you on your holiday,
And thank you for your service to the people!

Tears in the eyes of the old people.
They remember the fear and horrors of war.
They remember the day when from those shackles
Our people were saved.

It's good that we don't know
Hunger, death and the smell of emptiness.
Let every veteran receive
Our gratitude and flowers.

May there be peace throughout the whole earth,
May there be peace in your family,
Let there be peaceful dreams
May you and I live in peace!

So that not us, not our grandchildren,
We didn’t hear the sounds of land mines,
No machine gun fire
Not the sound of empty plates in the cupboard.

So as not to trample someone else's boot,
Neither our lands, nor the threshold.
To stop mothers from crying,
Do not accompany relatives to the door.

Don't finish eating, don't get enough sleep,
To fight in water and mud,
See your loved ones in the picture,
So that no one can offend them,

Fight to the death and everywhere,
On land, air, water.
Don't forget about those few
Strict soldiers and officers,

that still remain
They fought for us, for the world,
And bow to all those who fell,
They gave us life and happiness.

Having gone through torment, tears, troubles,
They fought until victory.
I congratulate you and them,
Soldiers of the dead and the living!

Who saved our native land from destruction,
Who recaptured his homeland in an evil moment -
He chose a peaceful path for us,
I was able to win the victory by taking risks.

And on victory day we will say - hurray!
And we congratulate everyone on this May holiday.
After all, the life of a slave is dull and gray.
If you want to win, then defend yourself.

The Victory Day congratulations that we have collected for you are the brightest and most beautiful words for our veterans. Let these congratulations help you congratulate the heroes on Victory Day and become a decoration on May 9th.

In the congratulations on Victory Day, the authors put their emotions and all their gratitude for the eternal feat in that terrible war.
Let these congratulations remain a bright imprint in the memory of our heroes, let gratitude for their feat always meet them in the faces and words of our compatriots every day that they live with us.

We hope that the congratulations on Victory Day that we have collected for you will come to life in your mouth, cards and letters on May 9.

70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Tragedy and greatness, sorrow and joy, pain and memory... All this is Victory.

She sparkles like a bright, unquenchable star in the horizon of Russian history. Nothing can replace it - neither years nor events.

It is no coincidence that Victory Day is a holiday that not only does not fade over the years, but occupies an increasingly important place in our lives.

2015 is a significant year. Humanity celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War.

For our country, this date is filled with special meaning. This is the sacred memory of those killed on the battlefields. This is our story, our pain, our hope...

The main duty of all subsequent generations of our country is the duty to the generation of winners - to preserve the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War, not to leave a single dead soldier in oblivion, to pay tribute of gratitude for the heroic feat in the Great Patriotic War to living veterans of the war and the labor front.

We are children of the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries who have never seen war. We cannot imagine that gunfire and the roar of explosions can be heard in the world around us. Our brothers and sisters do not starve, and our fathers do not go to the front to fight. We did not lose friends in battle and we are not familiar with the fear of captivity and concentration camps.

All this is thanks to you, dear Veteran. Because you shouldered all these hardships and hardships. You liberated our country from fascism.

My grandparents also contributed to the Victory over Nazi Germany. They were so modest that they did not tell the details of their war. When I asked why my grandfather received this or that award, he answered: “There was a war, and we were simply doing our duty.”

We will look up to you. We will do everything possible to ensure that war never happens again. We will keep your feat in our hearts and pass on the memory of it to our children. And no matter how much they try to rewrite the history of the Great Patriotic War, the history of the victory of the Russian people over fascism, we remember what you did for us and will not allow the memory of the Liberator Warrior, who has no nationality, to be desecrated. Because then, in the face of the enemy, you rallied into a single nation, into a single and invincible Russian people.

Eternal memory and Eternal peace to all those who laid down their lives on the battlefields, who forged Victory in the rear, standing at the machine, who did not spare themselves so that others could live!

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

Low bow to you for the peaceful sky above our heads!

Your feat is immortal.

Deacon Anthony Skorlupin

All your letters received on our website and brought to the editorial office of the newspaper “BEREZNIKOVSKAYA WEEK” are published in the section:

We invite visitors to our website to take part in the promotion “Write a letter to a Veteran”.

Write your warm words of gratitude to Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers in the feedback form on our website or send it to email address: [email protected] or bring it to newspaper editorial office"Berezniki Week" at the address: Yubileinaya, 1, 3rd floor, room. 5 and Your letter will not only be published, but also personally delivered to the Veteran on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Victory on May 9, 2015.

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers and residents of the Saratov region!

On May 9, our entire country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

65 years ago, the victorious Soviet soldiers put the finishing touches on this bloody war, not only defeating the invaders, but also freeing Europe from the yoke of fascism.

Today we all remember the feat that all the soldiers of our Motherland, including our fellow Saratov residents, accomplished. Among them were people of our profession, who built bridges and crossings, and after the war, restored cities and villages destroyed by enemies.

On Victory Day, we must express words of gratitude to the living front-line soldiers - veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers. They endured difficult trials and difficult post-war everyday life. Their life is an example of courage, heroism and devotion to the Motherland.

Our duty is also to remember everyone who died in battle and did not live to see this day. We owe them an enormous debt.

All of them made a huge contribution to the Victory, which earned them eternal memory and recognition from their descendants. We remember them and are proud of them.

Without that Victory on May 9, 1945, today's Russia would not exist. Their feat is an example for the current generation.

I wish all veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers health, happiness, prosperity and long life, and peace and prosperity to all Saratov residents.


General Director of the non-profit partnership “Interregional Association of Builders (SRO)

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War!

I sincerely congratulate you on such a wonderful and important
for every Russian a holiday - Victory Day!

The memory of the great feat of our people must live in every new generation. We must remember, we must be proud of the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who for four long years waged a stubborn struggle against the invaders and won for you and me the right to live under a peaceful sky.

65 years is a long time. There are fewer and fewer veterans left alive, witnesses of that bloody and cruel war, but the memories of these people who are able to convey the whole truth about the war are all the more valuable. It is all the more important to fill their lives with attention and care.

In the year of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, the government of the Saratov region implemented a number of events in support of veterans. All veterans who registered as needing improved housing conditions before March 1, 2005 have already been provided with housing. Now those who registered later are receiving apartments and social benefits. Additional social support measures are also being implemented to carry out major repairs in the residential premises of veterans at the expense of the regional budget. Our task is to provide decent living conditions for every veteran.

Happy holiday once again, our dear veterans! I wish you good health and long life, surrounded by care and warmth!

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Saratov Region

Dear veterans, home front workers! Dear fellow countrymen!

Please accept my heartiest congratulations on Victory Day!

65 years have passed, but the years cannot overshadow the experience. In the Great Patriotic War, our people won not only by force of arms, but also by strength of spirit. He fought for the right to live on his own land, speak his native language, and have his own traditions and culture. These were years of severe trials and heavy losses, but also years of incredible growth of the national spirit and immeasurable valor that our fathers and grandfathers showed on the front line and in the rear.

For all Russians, Victory Day is truly a holiday with tears in our eyes. On May 9, tears of joy and pride are mixed with tears of bitterness and loss. Paying tribute to the memory of fallen front-line soldiers, deceased veterans, and honoring those who are now living, we understand: it was thanks to their courage on the front line and heroic work in the rear that Victory was achieved. It was they who won peace on earth; the price of their blood paid for the independence of our Motherland and the free life of all future generations.

You fought courageously on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, gained fame as fearless and hardy soldiers, and became heroes. Unfortunately, many of our fellow Saratov residents did not return home from the war. We will always remember them as fearless, resilient people. Their names today are carefully preserved in the volumes of the Book of Memory published in the region, monuments and obelisks in every district and city of the Saratov region. Their immortal feat lives in our hearts.

I bow to you for the peaceful sky above your head, for the fact that, at the cost of incredible efforts, you were able to withstand that terrible war and revive the wounded country.

May 9 is a holiday not only for veterans, but also for all generations of Russians. Years, decades will pass, but the memory of the Great Victory will be cherished forever. The more years that separate us from the victorious May 1945, the more majestic the incomparable feat of the people who defeated fascism seems. We are confident that the children and grandchildren of the winners will also deeply love their Motherland, preserve traditions and always remember the great feat of their people.

I would like to express my gratitude to the public organizations of veterans actively working in the region, whose activities are aimed at creating conditions for the social and creative activity of older people and protecting their interests.

We will continue to do everything so that you are not alone, so that you feel confident and protected, receive everything you need, including being provided with housing.

Please accept my most sincere gratitude for your immortal feat, for the great Victory. Your contribution to the good that you have done in the name of peace on earth, for the benefit of the development of your native land and everyone who lives here, is invaluable. Low bow to you.

With all my heart I wish everyone health and prosperity, peace and goodness. Be happy.

Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region

Dear veterans, fellow front-line soldiers and home front workers!

Please accept my sincere, heartfelt congratulations on this significant date - the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

May 9 is a day of celebration of the unparalleled courage of Soviet soldiers, a day of bright memory of the immeasurable sacrifices of our people. On this day, we traditionally bow our heads to the heroism and resilience of the entire military generation. You not only defended the country in a mortal battle with a cruel enemy, you proved to the whole world that a people fighting for their freedom, for the peaceful life and happiness of their children and grandchildren cannot be defeated.

The streets and squares of many European capitals witnessed your victorious march on Berlin. You liberated enslaved Europe from fascist invaders. The red banner over the Reichstag was the result of four years of heroic battles and the most difficult trials that befell our country. These years are forever inscribed in the annals of national and world history.

During the war years, more than 500 thousand people left Saratov for the front, more than 300 thousand did not return to their homes. To know and remember each person who died, to bequeath to preserve the memory of this great sacrifice to all future generations is the civic duty of each of us.

We admire the military courage of our fellow countrymen, but we also remember the great feat of life of those people who, despite hunger and devastation, within weeks restored evacuated factories in vacant lots and began producing products for the front in the open air; who dug trenches, who continued to grow bread, who saved wounded soldiers in hospitals. We remember everyone who brought the Great Victory closer day after day.

Dear veterans, you went to the front, leaving your families and homes behind. The thought of home, of the opportunity to return and continue a peaceful life, warmed and strengthened you in the most difficult moments. That’s why today we want every veteran’s home to become brighter and more comfortable during this anniversary year, and for those who were never able to get their own home to finally have one.

We are indebted to you for saving the world, for persistent work, for faith in the future. Our deep respect and gratitude is in the daily help and support of older people, war veterans. We can and must manage to make their lives easier, bring joy and goodness to every new peaceful day.

A low bow to you, winners, and a big filial thank you for life, for peace, for freedom!

Leonid PISNOY,
Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, General Director of ZAO Saratovoblzhilstroy

Combat friends, dear fellow countrymen!

On behalf of the Military Council of the Red Banner Volga-Ural Military District, I personally congratulate you on the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

In the fateful forties, Soviet citizens showed unparalleled mass heroism, loyalty to military duty and boundless love for the Motherland.

At a huge price, our people acquired the happiness of living under a peaceful sky in a free country. Both in the rear and on the front line, sparing no effort or life, overcoming incredible difficulties, people fulfilled their civic duty and made a worthy contribution to the Victory over fascism. Every family has experienced the grief of loss, which is why Victory Day is so dear to each of us. Our duty is to sacredly preserve and carefully pass on from generation to generation the chronicle of the heroic deeds of our native country, to honor the memory of its defenders, to educate a new generation of soldiers using the worthy example of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Dear front-line soldiers, you have shown the whole world your indestructible willpower and desire for Victory, low bow to you for your courage and fearlessness.

Dear home front workers, during the war years you stood at machines, worked on collective farm fields, giving the front everything they needed: weapons, clothing, food. Low bow to you for your dedicated work.

The military heroic traditions are worthily continued by the current generation of warriors. They religiously fulfill their constitutional duty, persistently strengthen the country’s defense capability, show restraint, perseverance, and perseverance in improving their combat skills. After all, you, veterans and home front workers, set an example for them. Happy Victory to you, on the holiday of unbending will and perseverance, courage and spiritual unity of the army and people in the battles against fascism for the freedom and independence of our Motherland - Russia.

Arkady BAKHIN, commander of the Volga-Ural Military District, lieutenant general

Victory Day is a holiday that fills our hearts with pride and gratitude. This is a holiday of courage, heroism, bravery and kindness. This is a holiday that gave the future to us, our children and grandchildren! With all my heart I wish you and your family good health, happiness, and peaceful skies above your heads!

Victory Day is the day of soldiers who fell on the battlefield and mothers, wives and children who did not spare themselves in the rear! This is the Day when we celebrate courage, heroism and bravery. We sincerely wish you, your loved ones and colleagues good health, success in your work, prosperity, peace and happiness.

A terrible word is war, and a wonderful word is Victory! It’s so hard to realize that every year there are fewer and fewer of them! Our veterans... They stood, did not break and did not give up! They did not see a rich and well-fed life and knew how to be content with little, but they were happy when on May 9 they learned about the Great Victory over fascism! Low bow to you, dear veterans and good memory to all the heroes who did not live to see this bright day! I wish you good health and long days of life

This holiday is special for every person in our country. The greatness of the Victory and the bitterness of losses in our country touched every family. Red combat banners, St. George ribbons and carnations became permanent symbols of Victory Day. But these are not just symbols, they are a tribute to those who are not with us, but those who remain in the memory of the people and in the hearts of everyone who cares about the history and fate of the Motherland. I sincerely wish you great joy, good health, happiness, love and success in all your endeavors!

Please accept sincere congratulations on Great Victory Day! Victory Day is a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery of people who defended their Motherland. This is a call to persistently fight for increasing the glory of our ancestors, for a great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness for your family and friends, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!


I cordially congratulate you on Victory Day! Truly this is a great holiday! This is the Day when the word Victory was of great importance not only for our people, but also for the whole world for millions of people who pronounced this word with tears in their eyes. These were tears of joy and happiness. Simple human happiness, the right of every person to a calm, peaceful life! I wish you good health, good spirits, family well-being and all the best!

This truly national holiday unites all people, regardless of their nationality and religion, age and political beliefs, for, celebrating Victory Day, we remember the indestructible fortitude, courage and great sacrifices of our people. Happy Great Holiday.

On this day, I would like to congratulate not only those who gave their lives in the fight for the cause of peace, in the fight against fascism, not only those who went through the entire war and carried victory on their shoulders, not only those who worked tirelessly in the rear , worked for victory. I would like to congratulate everyone. Everyone without exception. This victory is common, it is one for all, like this fragile world is one for all, like one for all we have a home - our blue planet. Happy holiday to all of us! May there be peace throughout the world!

Our dear veterans. Home front workers deserve sincere gratitude and appreciation. In plants and factories, on collective farm fields, they did everything to bring the moment of the long-awaited Victory closer. Thanks to the selfless work of the older generation, our Motherland has become one of the leading powers in the world.

Congratulations on the holiday of peace on the entire planet are easy and pleasant. There is so much goodness and bright, pure feeling in this holiday that expressing it is a real joy. Congratulations on the holiday of victory in the Great Patriotic War, a war that claimed the lives of so many millions of people, in a war that left its black mark, taking a human sacrifice, in almost every family. Let the festive fireworks, thundering and coloring the sky with bright colors, forever teach children not to be afraid of explosions, let explosions be only festive fireworks for our children!

Dear friends! Today we celebrate an important date for our entire country - Victory Day! Probably not a family that would not have been affected by the Great Patriotic War. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the future without sparing themselves. A future without violence and the fascist yoke! Today we bow our heads to the memory of all the front-line soldiers and home front workers who are no longer with us! May their memory be blessed! We wish you and your families never to know war, but to live in peace, happiness and prosperity!

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