Specialized school for disabled people. Types of correctional schools for children with disabilities

Project presentation -Education of children with special needs within the framework of inclusive education at Children's Art School

The project is dedicated to the study and use of the opportunities of children's art schools in the learning and creative development of children with partial or complete loss of vision on an equal basis with other children.

Attention to this problem is dictated by the presence of a significant number of artistically gifted youth who belong to the category of people with disabilities and who need high-quality art education, especially at the initial stage. And also in the immediate vicinity of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow, the general education boarding school for blind students No. 1 of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow (3rd Mytishchinskaya St., no. 3).

Despite the fact that at present there are no theoretically based approaches to the implementation of high-quality and full-fledged art education for people with special needs, pedagogical practice is of a “targeted”, intuitive nature, there is no targeted program for training teachers to work with this category of students and there is no developed methodology for inclusive activities.

Currently, the goal of state policy is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in realizing their rights. The task of society is to create conditions for their independent living in society, accessibility for them to the physical and information environment, ensuring their professional employment and full-fledged individual development.

Inclusive education is the process of development of general education. Inclusive education tries to develop an approach to teaching and learning that is more flexible to meet different learning needs. Inclusive education is based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination and ensures equal treatment of all children.

All children are individuals with different learning needs. This is the main idea of ​​inclusive education. And, from the point of view of a social approach to the problem, disability is understood not as a limited opportunity, but as a special need.

Children with disabilities are often creatively gifted. At the children's art school, they, along with other children, can show their creative abilities and receive a professional education that will allow them to successfully decide in life.

The education system at the Children's Art School can easily adapt to the needs of any child due to the following factors:

The creative nature of teaching the basics of art,

The combination in the educational process of individual, small-group, group forms of training and collective concert and creative events. This mode of exercise promotes satisfaction individual educational needs of each student, provides special conditions for everyone.

Close connection with parents.

— attracting children with disabilities to the departments of the Children's Art School;

— creation of educational methods that take into account the special educational needs of children with visual impairments (cognitive capabilities of the blind, the formation of figurative ideas when working on musical works);

— introduction of special courses and subjects to facilitate the development of educational programs by disabled children (music reading in the Braille dot system);

— use of innovative tools and teaching methods to work with disabled children;

— involvement of specialists to monitor and evaluate the dynamics and results of the development of children with disabilities,

— accumulation and generalization of teaching experience, improving the methodological qualifications of teachers.

The project solves the following problems:

— early recognition and development of giftedness as a compensatory factor in children with disabilities

— creating opportunities for targeted pre-vocational education and future professional determination

— promoting the wide participation of disabled children in the public, social, and cultural life of the school, district, and city.

Social adaptation of school students: the formation of tolerant, friendly attitudes of students towards each other, the development of a sense of mutual assistance, mutual assistance, the destruction of barriers in communication between “ordinary” children and children with special needs.

The specificity of the project is a wide target audience - children and parents of both categories of citizens.

Some achievements of school students from the category of children with special needs.

Lisichenko Daniil - winner of the Olympiad in theoretical disciplines at MGIM. A. Schnittke, laureate and diploma winner of city competitions (composition, synthesizer, computer music studio, piano).

Maria Salomatina is a Moscow Government scholarship holder for gifted children, a diploma recipient of the New Names of Moscow Foundation, a laureate of city exhibitions, a student at the Textile University. A.N. Kosygina.

Trishkin Alexander is a graduate of the composition class, a laureate of city composition competitions, a student at the Music School at the Moscow Conservatory.

Nikolaev Evgeniy - (11 years old, 4th grade, teacher Zharkova L.A.) - Laureate II awards in the general category “Piano” XI International competition-festival of children's and youth artistic creativity "Open Europe" (March 2014), Laureate XIII Open Festival named after. Edvard Grieg (March 2014), participant in the concert at the Hungarian Cultural Center (May 2014), winner of the First City Festival-Concert “Warm Heart” for children with disabilities - students of children’s music schools and art schools in Moscow” (December 2013),

Currently there are 14 children with visual impairments studying at the school. In addition to them, 17 more disabled children study in different departments of the school.

Teachers participating in the implementation of this project: Fedorovskaya L.I., Zharkova L.A., Sviklin V.A., Pilipenko V.N., Kokzhaev A.M., Piskareva L.F., Bankovsky I.V. (instrumental departments), Sokolova G.V., Perehrest T.A. (theoretical disciplines), Podolskaya G.M. (collective music-making), Minakova V.A., Fedorova V.L. (department of fine arts).

The school's teachers have accumulated invaluable experience working with this category of students, which is summarized and systematized during the project.

Due to the increase in contingent students with disabilities , The school regularly holds methodological messages and open lessons from teachers working with visually impaired children (Fedorovskaya L.I., Sviklin V.A., Zharkova L.A., Piskareva L.F., Sokolova G.V., Perehrest T.A. .). A concert-meeting was held with students of boarding school No. 1 for blind and visually impaired children and teachers T.L. Shustova and S.A. Sanatorov (February 2014). This academic year, 3 graduates from this category of students successfully graduated from the instrumental departments and the art department: Pavlova K., Tsvetkov K., Grigorieva A. Lisichenko D. - RPO class.

In 2013-14, as part of inclusive education For students with visual impairments, a special course “Notation in Braille” was introduced (teacher V.N. Korshunkova). In collaboration with the Laboratory of Means and Methods for Teaching Children with Visual Impairments at the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a plan has been developed to improve the learning conditions in our school for children with special needs.It is planned to publish a collection of methodological works by school teachers working with visually impaired children (Fedorovskaya L.I., Sviklin V.A., Zharkova L.A., Piskareva L.F., Sokolova G.V., Perehrest T.A.)

Rev. Aleksandrova E.V., Sokolova G.V., Zharkova L.A., Fedorovskaya L.I., Piskareva L.F., Perehrest T.A., Sviklin V.A. participated in All-Russian round table "Current issues in teaching art to children with special educational needs" (APRICT, February 2014).

In the 2013-14 academic year, the school took part in Creative Projects Competition among children's art schools in Moscow. The socially oriented project “My Light, Music”, dedicated to the inclusive education of children with special needs (directed by E.V. Alexandrova), was awarded a Grant from the Moscow Department of Culture and participated in City Biennale of the Children's Art School within the framework of Festival of Education for Children "START AP" at the Central House of Artists (April 2014).

Children with disabilities require a special approach.

Each violation has its own correction and development scheme.

Therefore, schools for such children are divided into types according to health problems and their degree.

What are these educational institutions?

Children with health problems require special educational programs.

Unfortunately, in recent years this problem has become more pressing, as the number of children with disabilities is only growing. The Law “On Education” provides equal opportunities in obtaining education for all minors, regardless of their health status and disorders of their psychophysical state. Special correctional educational institutions are called upon to provide them with this opportunity.

Features of such institutions is that a special developmental environment is created for students, which facilitates the acquisition of education corresponding to a special program. In addition, specific methods of education and development are used here, and all conditions have been created for the treatment and correction of developmental disorders. Great importance is attached to the socialization of such children, their self-realization in professional or social activities.

A special commission can send a child to study at such a school only after a psychological, medical and pedagogical conclusion and with the consent of his parents. Each school independently develops curriculum, within the framework of which it will implement a training program for students, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development.

In addition to educational activities in such schools, students are provided with full medical and psychological support. The school staff necessarily includes pediatricians, medical specialists, and psychologists. They help teachers build the educational process taking into account developmental disorders. Children, if necessary, receive medicinal treatment, physiotherapy, physical therapy classes, massage and other corrective and therapeutic activities are organized for them.

Schools for children with disabilities can be like public and private. By decision of the commission, the child can be transferred to a regular secondary school if it has all the conditions for working with such children. In recent years, it has become widespread form of inclusive education when children with developmental disabilities study together with healthy ones.

Types of institutions

For children with developmental disabilities there are several types educational institutions.

Depending on the types and degree of violations of the student’s psychophysical health, such institutions are divided into 8 types.

For deaf students

Here, teachers and educators, together with medical specialists and psychologists, are engaged in the upbringing, education, socialization and professional training of children with complete hearing loss.

Main attention is devoted to the formation of logical thinking skills, the development of verbal speech, and the expansion of speech practice.

Much work is done to develop and preserve as much residual hearing as possible. Children attend school for 12 years in classes of no more than 12 people.

Hearing impaired and late deaf people

Main task specialists working in such schools are overcoming and correcting the consequences associated with hearing impairment or loss.

Teachers should stimulate speech development, develop lip reading skills. In such schools, children study in two departments.

In the first - those with minor problems associated with hearing impairment, such as dysgraphia and dyslexia, phonetic-phonemic deviations in speech.

Another department works with students who have major problems in speech development due to serious hearing impairment.

Depending on the degree of development of the deviations, children study in such a school from 10 to 12 years. With successful correction over time, by decision of the commission, the child can be transferred to general education institutions.


Children with complete absence or minimal residual vision study here.

Maximum saving residual vision is what the school staff set as their main goal. Training is based on tactile-kinesthetic and auditory perception.

An ophthalmologist, pediatrician and neuropsychiatrist are in constant contact with students. A lot of attention is paid to ensuring that blind students have the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with sighted adults and children. This contributes to their better development and helps to avoid some deviations.

Training programs here they correspond to ordinary educational schools, but taking into account the specifics and special approaches to physical education, industrial training, drawing and drawing.

Visually impaired

Unlike type III schools main task, which is decided by the specialists of this institution, is compensation for visual impairment and, if possible, its restoration. For this purpose, a special gentle regime is created.

The success of training and correction of violations depends on the created conditions. The work uses special technical means, including audio recordings, relief visual material, special technical and optical means.

Important compliance to lighting, individual regimen, dosing of visual loads.

With speech impairments

These are special centers that can be created at clinics in which speech therapists help children and adults eliminate speech disorders.

Specialized kindergartens and schools also belong to this type.

With severe speech pathology

If a child has a severe speech development disorder that does not give him the opportunity to study in a regular educational institution, then a special commission gives him a referral to study in such an institution.

Here are engaged in treatment and correction violations in oral and written speech. At the end of each school year, the commission evaluates the child’s condition; if improvement is observed, he can be sent to study at a regular educational institution.

With dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system

These schools provide not only educational but also therapeutic activities.

Main task, in addition to training, this is the maximum restoration of the motor functions of the body, overcoming disorders, vocational training and social rehabilitation of such children.

Mental retardation

Here educational work is carried out with children lagging behind in intellectual and mental development.

In addition, therapeutic and educational measures are carried out to help eliminate the causes of school failure.

Based on the results of each year, a decision is made on the child’s further education, his ability to return to a general education school or to be sent to a specialized educational institution of another type.

Mentally retarded

Main task The specialists of this school prepare students for studying in a special correctional school.

In addition to educational work, therapeutic activities are also carried out. Much attention is paid not only to mastering the school curriculum, but also to obtaining a job specialty, preparing for professional activity, independent living and integration into society.

In addition to the main schools of 8 types, there are also specialized boarding schools for blind, deaf and mute children, centers for students with autism and Down syndrome.

Organization of the educational process

Depending on the type of school, they all develop their own individual plans and programs to ensure that children have the opportunity to receive affordable education and medical support.

However, they are all based on basic principles:

This is the basis for the work of correctional schools working with children with disabilities. In addition, an individual approach to each child and the creation of psychological comfort play a big role here. In their work, specialists from such educational institutions use special methods to activate cognitive activity, develop oral and written speech, and develop educational skills.

Much attention is paid to restoring and strengthening mental health: classes and exercises are conducted to relieve stress and develop emotions.

Distribution of such establishments

Today in our country several forms of education for children with disabilities and children with disabilities are successfully functioning.

This is the use of the so-called inclusive teaching method, distance schools, allowing children who are home-schooled to integrate into society. In addition, there are traditional educational institutions for students with disabilities. In large cities, in addition to public schools, there are private schools.

In Moscow There are at least 10 large public schools and centers for working with special children, correctional classes have been created in some general education schools, and an inclusive education system is being actively used and implemented. About 10 private educational institutions and kindergartens also offer their educational and correctional services to students with disabilities.

In St. Petersburg and Leningrad region There are about 90 such institutions, both private and public. They accept children with varying degrees of disabilities of preschool and school age.

Similar educational institutions have been created in all regions of the country: Krasnodar, Kazan, Siberia, etc.

An example of the work of one of these educational institutions is presented in the following video:

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