List of positive and negative qualities of a person. Character Traits

Monday, 24 March 2014

The Vedas nowhere talk about nationalities; there are only Suras (divine natures), whose activity is aimed at creation, and Asuras (demonic natures), whose activity is aimed at destruction.

The conditioned living entities within the material world are divided into two categories.

  • People endowed divine nature, lead an orderly lifestyle, that is, follow instructions sastras (scriptures) and instructions from authorities. A person must perform the duties prescribed by authority shastras. This way of thinking is called divine.
  • Those who do not follow the commandments of the sacred scriptures and acts on his own whim, called demons, or asuras.

There is only one criterion - following the instructions of the scriptures. The Vedas say that both demigods and demons were born from Prajapati; the only difference is that some follow the injunctions of the Vedas and others do not.

Those who are possessed of demonic qualities and live according to their own whims and do not follow the injunctions of the sastras, in their next life they take birth among the lower beings and become increasingly entangled in the snares of the material world.

Those who possess divine qualities and live according to the rules established by the sastras achieve spiritual perfection.

Divine Qualities

  • fearlessness
  • purification of one's being
  • improvement in spiritual knowledge
  • charity
  • mastery of feelings
  • making sacrifices
  • study of the Vedas
  • performing penance
  • simplicity
  • non-violence
  • truthfulness
  • lack of anger
  • self-denial
  • calmness
  • lack of desire to slander
  • compassion for all living beings
  • lack of greed
  • softness
  • modesty
  • determination
  • determination
  • ability to forgive
  • durability
  • purity
  • absence of envy

All these twenty-six qualities are transcendental. They should be developed in ourselves depending on what place we occupy in society and what business we do.

If all people consciously develop these qualities in themselves, then, despite the inevitable material suffering, over time they will be able to rise to the highest level of spiritual self-knowledge.

In Vedic civilization there is an institution varnashrama-dharma- Vedic system of dividing society into four classes ( varnas) and four ways of spiritual life ( ashrams).

According to the varnasrama system, society is divided into four varnas:

  • brahmins(spiritual mentors and priests),
  • Kshatriyas(rulers, administrators, warriors),
  • Vaishyas(farmers, traders, entrepreneurs),
  • sudra(workers and servants).

It is necessary to state the fact that in our time, the era of Kali Yuga, systems varnashrama-dharma does not exist.

In ancient times, the head of the Vedic society was a pious king, guided in his activities by the advice of court sages and brahmanas. There were kings like Prithu Maharaj, Prahlada Maharaj, Dhruva Maharaj, Lord Ramachandra, Yudhishthira Maharaj and Parikshit Maharaj who ruled kingdoms and nations perfectly for thousands of years. But as predicted in the scriptures, the immaculate system of varnasrama-dharma presented in the Vedas degraded under the influence of Kali Yuga.

In the system varnasramas sannyasi , that is, a person who has renounced the world is considered the head, or spiritual teacher of all other castes and orders.

Brahmins are spiritual teachers for the other three castes: kshatriyas, vaishyas And sudra, however sannyasi standing on the highest rung of the social ladder are spiritual teachers even for brahmins.

Sannyasi should dedicate his life to spreading knowledge among family people and all those who have forgotten that the real purpose of life is to achieve spiritual perfection. Sannyasi must knock on every door and beg for alms, but this does not mean that he is a beggar. One of the qualities of a truly spiritual person is humility, and that's the only reason sannyasi knocks on every door, not so much to beg as to meet the householders and awaken them to Krishna consciousness. Such is duty sannyasi.

Asceticism- the lot of those who have moved away from family life. A person should not live with his family until the end of his life; it must be remembered that there are four periods of life: brahmacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha And sannyas. Having completed the period of family life, a person must retire from business. If the duration of human life is one hundred years, then the first twenty-five years should be devoted to the study of the Vedas, the next twenty-five years should be spent in family, then for twenty-five years one should lead a life vanaprastha, having retired from business, and then accept sannyas(renounce the world).

These are the rules governing the spiritual life of a person in Vedic society. A person who has retired from family life must perform penance to control the body, mind and tongue. That's the point tapasya. The whole system varnashrama-dharma intended for tapasya. Without it, no one is able to achieve liberation.

The theory that a person does not need to limit himself in any way, that he can continue to do whatever he wants and everything will be fine, does not find support either in the Vedas or in the Bhagavad-gita. Such theories are invented by self-interested preachers who want to increase the number of their followers. Restrictions and rules scare people away. Therefore, those who want to lead people, verbally hiding behind religion, do not require their students to follow any rules and do not follow them themselves. However, the Vedas do not approve of this.

Regarding the quality of Brahmins such as simplicity, then it should be possessed not only by representatives of any one way of life, but by every person, be he brahmachari, grihastha, vanaprastha or sannyasi. A person should be simple and straightforward.

The truth cannot be distorted to achieve selfish goals. Vedic scriptures sometimes contain passages that are difficult to understand. In this case, their meaning must be explained by an experienced spiritual teacher. This is the path to comprehend the Vedas. Word shruti means “to listen to knowledgeable people.” We should not interpret the scriptures in a way that suits us. There are many commentaries on the Bhagavad-gita that distort the original text. We have to explain to people the real meaning of the scriptures, and this can be done only by hearing from a bona fide spiritual master.

Ability to suppress anger. Even if something irritates us, we must restrain ourselves, because when a person gets angry, his whole body becomes polluted. Anger and lust are generated gunas passions, therefore, one who follows the spiritual path must be able to suppress anger in himself.

A person should not look for faults in others or unnecessarily reprimand people. Of course, calling a thief a thief does not mean looking for shortcomings in him, but by calling an honest person a thief, we will cause him a serious insult, which will become an obstacle to our spiritual development.

A person must be very modest and not do anything inappropriate.

Determination, manifested in a person’s ability not to be upset or despair when he fails. Some of our attempts may end in defeat, but this is not yet a reason to be upset. Despite failures, you need to patiently and persistently move along your chosen path.

Not only our mind and body must be pure, but also our actions. This requirement primarily applies to people engaged in business, who must not participate in black market fraud. Nati-manita, lack of desire for honor is a quality that should be possessed Shudras, workers (representatives of the lower class in the Vedic social system). They should not strive to occupy a higher position and achieve honor. They should be content with their place in society. Duty sudra- honor representatives of the upper classes, thus maintaining order in society.

This verse describes the direct path to hell. Demonic people often present themselves as champions of religion and defenders of spiritual progress, although they themselves do not follow any principles. They are always arrogant and proud of their education and wealth. Wanting to be worshiped, they demand respect and honor, although they do not deserve it. They get irritated over trifles and speak rudely and discourteously. They don't know what to do and what not to do. They always do as they please, indulging their own whims, and do not recognize any authority.

These demonic qualities are inherent in them by nature - they receive them in the womb and, growing up, demonstrate them to the fullest.

Demonic qualities

  • Pride
  • Arrogance
  • Vanity
  • Anger
  • Coarseness
  • Ignorance

In our time, the only divine quality that keeps the world afloat is the remnants of truthfulness.

Truthfulness greatly influences our lives because to have a vision, to have the right vision, to have knowledge of how to live correctly, to have an understanding of the situation, the environment, to understand the people who surround us. Of course, this all depends on the quality of truthfulness. Because truthfulness has not only an external quality, but it also has an internal function. It carries a certain internal function. Therefore, this is a very practical quality - truthfulness. Many people simply don’t think about this and commit deception without understanding what they are depriving themselves of.

For a successful life, for a successful spiritual practice It is necessary to develop divine qualities in oneself. Thanks to this, a person will be able to master his feelings. We cannot get rid of our feelings, but they can be contained within a cultural framework.

Thus, any person should control his feelings. Often one can observe manifestations of demonic feelings, in particular anger And greed. Our feelings influence our whole life, this is especially important in family life. Living according to the scriptures is to develop divine qualities in yourself.

In Vedic times, these qualities dominated in people depending on their mental type. For example, people who are renounced from the world are people who give knowledge to everyone else and improve themselves. Renounced people are the head of the entire society. And in order to accept a renounced way of life, it is necessary to develop in yourself such a quality as fearlessness. In order for a person to impart knowledge, he must lead a clean lifestyle.

To influence others, it is important to understand them, know about their interests and relationships, and be able to reach these people: what kind of person they are, what their position is on a particular issue, how best to communicate with them and how to influence them. Little things that can be important to gaining power and influence often go unnoticed.

My personal experience, research and observation have led me to the conclusion that the following qualities are especially important for achieving and maintaining power:

  1. Energy, endurance and physical vitality.
  2. The ability to concentrate one’s own energy and not waste energy in vain.
  3. Sensitivity towards others.
  4. Flexibility, especially in choosing different means to achieve one's goals.
  5. Willingness, if necessary, to enter into conflict or confrontation, in other words, a certain amount of toughness.
  6. The ability to forget about one's own self, at least for a while, and be a good subordinate or team player in order to gain someone's support and help.

All these qualities are inherent in people who know how to gain and manage power.

1. Energy and physical vitality

Endurance often trumps talent. While observing CEOs, John Kotter noticed that many of them worked 60 to 65 hours a week, i.e. at least 10 hours a day. The ability and willingness to work for a long time was inherent in many influential individuals. President Lyndon Johnson had extraordinary strength and physical endurance. A colleague who worked with him claimed that he was always running: “Whenever she saw Lyndon Johnson heading to the Capitol, he was sure to run.” He came to work earlier than all the secretaries of Congress and did not break for lunch. Even though virtually all congressional work stopped at four-thirty, Johnson and his aides often worked until half-past eight in the evening.

Johnson hired two young men he knew from Texas as assistants and began to work even more hard. Their willingness to work long hours, exerting considerable effort, was motivated by Johnson’s own personal example: “If they woke up at five, it was only because their boss woke up at five sharp, and if they climbed Capitol Hill before dawn, then their boss was next to them. “He worked harder than anyone. His head was working even when most of us were switching off.”

Energy and strength provide many benefits to those who seek to gain power:

  • Firstly, they allow you to outlast your opponent or, through hard work, beat those who are superior in intelligence or skill.
  • Secondly, energy and endurance become role models and inspire others to work harder. By working hard and long, you not only show your subordinates that it is humanly possible, but also emphasize the importance of the task at hand. At the end of the day, if you're willing to dedicate yourself to a job, it should be worth it.

If you ask people to list the characteristics of a leader, they are unlikely to mention energy or physical performance. But these qualities are one of the main ones. Without endurance and the ability to work hard, other skills and qualities are of little value.

2. Ability to concentrate

Every person's capabilities are limited. Influential individuals tend to concentrate their own efforts and actions in one direction. As children, we all conducted an experiment with a magnifying glass: by directing a sunbeam through it, we lit a bunch of dry grass. This simple example clearly demonstrates a simple fact: by concentrating the rays, we significantly strengthen them.

The ability to pay attention to detail is essential to achieving goals. It is this quality that students and managers often lack. Efforts distributed in many directions are wasted. Little things that can be important to gaining power and influence often go unnoticed. Lack of concentration can become a hindrance in even the most successful endeavors.

In 1970, Peter McCaulo, president of Xerox, realized it was time for the company to expand beyond its niche of copying services. Over time, patents will expire, become obsolete, and market growth will slow. New ways for growth and development were required. McCaulo understood this: “Xerox's highest goal is to find the best ways to organize information. We strive to be a leader in this area."

However, two things prevented this grand vision from becoming a reality, and both of them have a lot to do with focus. First, in the early 1970s, Xerox was accused by the government of violating antitrust laws. The lawsuit, which dragged on for many years, diverted the attention of managers from their direct responsibilities and practically paralyzed the planning process in the organization. Second, McCaulo moved into other businesses besides Xerox. “He devoted his time and energy to philanthropic activities with the United Way, the University of Rochester Board of Trustees, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Council on Commerce and Economic Relations, the Business Committee on the Arts, and the National Urban League. It seemed like McCaulo had lost his way."

3. Sensitivity towards others

To influence others, it is important to understand them, know about their interests and relationships, and be able to reach these people. Sensitivity is an understanding of what kind of person he is, what his position is on a particular issue, how best to communicate with him and how to influence him.

The negotiation process involves creating an environment in which exactly these moments are revealed. In the literature devoted to the analysis of discussions, it is most often recommended to discuss the interests, rather than the positions of the parties, to achieve agreement. In other words, it is important to find out what the other side actually wants and demands and why it is striving for this, and then, perhaps, you will be able to offer conditions that your counterpart did not even imagine. To achieve this, it is useful to be able to put yourself in the place of another, trying on his role and trying to look at the world through his eyes. This skill often helps reach agreement when there is a potential area of ​​mutually acceptable solutions.

Leaders must be able to understand the wide variety of clients they work with. The ability to negotiate with people is based on social sensitivity - the ability to accurately assess the readiness or resistance of followers, the ability to motivate and understand receptivity.

US Congress Speaker Tip O’Neill was no less sensitive: “O’Neill’s success was largely based on his ability to understand human weaknesses. When relationships are based on mutual dependence, you won’t get far without understanding human nature and human shortcomings... as Tip O’Neill liked to say, work for work, service for service. You bring people together and thus get the program, law, policy you need.”

Sensitivity towards others requires observing the behavior of others. It involves not only the ability to self-analyze, but, more importantly, the ability to analyze others. To feel people, a person must be able to stop thinking about himself and his own needs and beliefs, even for a moment. As cynical as it may sound, sensitivity is the ability to share the views of others, which is extremely important in order to get something for yourself.

4. Flexibility

Sensitivity to others is worthless unless you know how to use the information you receive to change your behavior accordingly. For politicians, flexibility is the key to success.

Although flexibility can sometimes have a negative connotation, it is an extremely important quality for those who hope to gain power. It gives you the opportunity to change course and adopt new ways of working, rather than cling tightly to those that don't work. In addition, flexibility makes it possible to find allies, since it is easier to change approaches and reconcile different interests.

John Gardner wrote: “It was said of Kemal Atatürk, the greatest figure in Turkish history, that he could quickly and without a moment's hesitation change an unsuccessful tactic to another approach, and if that did not work, then to a third... His goals were stable, and tactics flexible.”

Flexibility, which comes from the ability to focus on the end goal and the ability to remain emotionally detached from the situation, is a very important quality that allows people to gain power. Flexibility is especially important in situations where it is opposed by absolute inflexibility on the part of opponents. Lack of flexibility at the right time can prevent you from gaining support or changing tactics and approach to achieve your goals. Flexibility may not always appeal to everyone, but a lot of people will love the results of what it can achieve.

5. Ability to be confrontational

Power can be defined as the ability to overcome resistance and force others to do what you want. From this definition follows the assumption that disagreements between people are the norm of social relations. If everyone agrees on what should be done and how it should be done, there is no need to use power or influence others. The need to use power arises only when there is disagreement. Therefore, one of the essential personal qualities of an influential person is the willingness to enter into a conflict situation.

Not everyone likes conflicts and differences of opinion. For many, conflicts cause hostility and disgust. Various forms of conflict cause stress. To avoid stress, some people choose to give in to the wishes of others or avoid open conflict. By avoiding conflict, you will never achieve your goal. Conversely, if you are willing to stand up for your own views, you can gain power. Being willing to fight decisively for what you want will cause many of your opponents to back down without a fight. In organizations, conflicted people can make their way up the mountain, if only at the expense of those who prefer to give in rather than fight.

People who want to be liked by everyone are not prone to conflict. Therefore, a person who uses power effectively is one who is independent enough to not need the approval of others.

6. Suppression of self and learning to get along with others

Sometimes it is important to be able to fight, to be tough, to make your opponent pay for acting against your will. However, there are situations when it is important to be able to create alliances, friendships and get along with others. The main problem here may be our own self. Therefore, the last quality that we define as a source of power is the ability to suppress one’s own self in order to achieve something.

CBS executive Frank Stanton was a master of wielding and using power without lording it over his subordinates. Stanton developed generous incentive programs to encourage his subordinates to perform as efficiently as possible. When CBS faced a union strike, Stanton provided the picketers with coffee. After the strike ended, he organized overtime pay for employees who replaced striking colleagues in the workplace.

Stanton's prudence earned him the loyalty and support of the entire corporation. He was able to achieve this because he was confident enough in himself to somewhat compromise his own high position and help raise the authority of other people in the organization. Grateful, they became his faithful allies.

Assessing personal qualities as sources of power involves, in particular, answering the question to what extent they contribute to solving two key tasks facing those wishing to gain power in organizations: gaining the support of colleagues and gaining the upper hand in competition. As the environment evolves and cultural norms change, the qualities needed to win support and compete successfully will also change. However, in most countries and situations at the moment, it is precisely these qualities that seem to us to be the most important sources of personal power.

“Fearlessness, purification of one’s existence, development of spiritual knowledge, charity, self-control, making sacrifices, studying the Vedas, asceticism, simplicity, non-violence, truthfulness, freedom from anger, self-control, calmness, unwillingness to find faults in others, compassion for all living things. beings, freedom from greed, kindness, modesty, steadfast determination, energy, forgiveness, fortitude, purity, absence of envy and desire for glory - all these transcendental qualities are inherent in righteous people endowed with a divine nature. (Bkh.g.16. 1-3)

Fearlessness- this is the property of a soul that has completely surrendered itself to the Lord. One who has perfect faith in God is completely fearless. He is confident that God as Paramatma (Supersoul) is in his heart, always with him. It is said that the Lord cares for a person to the extent that he is devoted to Him.

Purification of your existence - means that at the end of life a person must accept sannyas, a renounced way of life that involves withdrawal from material activities. For anyone who aspires to rise to the platform of spiritual awareness, it is necessary to cease all activities aimed at sense gratification, avoiding association with the opposite sex and involvement in monetary matters. This way of life is called sannyasa, renunciation.

Development of knowledge accompanies the adoption sannyas. Those who are most renounced are the spiritual masters of all people. They preach higher knowledge and live on alms. But this does not mean that they are beggars. It’s just that God Himself takes care of them. One should not pretend to be a renunciant by begging, turning sannyas into business, making begging a professional occupation.

Humility – this quality is inherent in a person who has achieved transcendental realization. One who identifies himself with the material body cannot be truly humble.

Charity - means a voluntary donation to those who are engaged in the dissemination of spiritual knowledge. These include brahmins And sannyasi. These two types of people represent the color of civilized society, and society should take care of them. Just as dissemination of knowledge and preaching of higher knowledge is a direct responsibility sannyasi And brahmins, so charity is the duty of people living family life as householders( grihasthas). These people should earn a decent living and spend 10% to spread higher knowledge throughout the world. This kind of charity is in guna goodness. It contributes to the development of the spiritual principle in a person, in contrast to that which belongs to guna passion and ignorance.

Self-control - This means control of feelings and passionate desires.

Asceticism good for every person, but especially for those who want to leave home and embark on efforts to places of pilgrimage, for the sake of their purification. A person who has retired from family affairs must be an ascetic in body, mind and language. Those who indulge their senses can never achieve spiritual realization.

Simplicity, non-violence, truthfulness - uh then the inherent qualities brahmins. Being teachers of humanity. They must be simple in communication, simple-minded, truthful and non-violent, otherwise their teachings will be invalidated.

Freedom from anger - an important quality for all people, because anger, as well as greed and lust, opens the wide gates of hell.

You should not look for faults in others. You should not engage in empty criticism out of envy of your superiors. Of course, if you call a thief a thief, then this is not nit-picking, but if you call an honest person a thief, then this is an unforgivable offense that will become an obstacle in spiritual life.

Modesty implies the absence of pride, which arises from a false ego. A person who understands his position as an eternal servant of the Lord is always humble. He knows that only by the grace of the Lord could he achieve anything in his life.

Determination - means that if the results of an activity do not come immediately or, contrary to what was expected, they end in failure, then in this case one should not become despondent. Those who are devoted to God are always determined. They continue their service to the Lord with great enthusiasm under all circumstances.

Energy – means the quality inherent in rulers. Leaders of society must be energetic, strong, and always ready to provide protection to the weak. For them, the use of violence in accordance with the laws of God is a kind of valor. To punish bandits and criminals, a ruler, warrior, administrator or other leader of society must know and be able to use violence for the triumph of justice, peace and tranquility of citizens.

Forgiveness - This quality, along with energy, is also necessary for those who lead. Being steadfast in doing the will of the Lord, he can bend his enemy, but under other circumstances he should show mercy. “The sword does not cut off a submissive head!”

Purity - This means not only the purity of the body, but also the purity of the mind, the purity of a person’s thoughts and actions. Cleanliness and correctness in business, commerce and business are especially important.

Lack of envy and desire for fame - this quality is valuable for those who are engaged in crafts and in the service of others. Workers, proletarians who do not have any property are very sensitive to those who have it. They are more inclined than others to envy. According to his pious and impious activities ( karma) perfect in the past, everyone gets what they deserve: a good or bad birth, wealth or poverty... A person needs to know this. Good is repaid with good and evil with evil. That's the law karma. No one should complain and look for those to blame for their misfortunes, for this is the result of their own sinful acts committed by them in past incarnations. For those in the service sector, it is necessary to be respectful to superiors in order to maintain public order. He should not be proud of his half and demand honors. One who is endowed with divine nature by birth is clearly aware of his position as a servant of the Lord, and therefore he is devoid of any pretensions, always courteous and peaceful.

"Pride, arrogance, vanity, anger, rudeness and ignorance - these are the qualities inherent in those who have a demonic nature, O son of Pritha." (Bh.g.16.4.)

It often happens that people want to show their religiosity, but since they are demons by nature, they themselves are not able to follow the principles of religion. Moreover, due to their demonic nature, they always try to justify their evil inclinations by falsifying the scriptures and interpreting them in a whimsical manner as if they had entered into a pact with the Supreme.

Christ commanded his followers: “Thou shalt not kill!” This means they should give up meat-eating. A person should not kill innocent animals, “his little brothers,” and eat their flesh. In fact, no religion encourages the killing of animals. But the demons say that the commandment “thou shalt not kill” applies only to people. It follows from this that Christ preached to murderers and highway bandits. Maybe it was like that? Indeed, the commandments: “thou shalt not kill,” “thou shalt not commit adultery,” “thou shalt not steal,” etc. are very strange for a normal person: he already does not kill anyone, does not steal, and does not commit adultery. A civilized person does not need to be reminded that killing, stealing and committing adultery are wrong. There is no need to remind those who are devoted to God that He must be loved. It is in the nature of the soul. A godly person, endowed with a divine nature, has no inclination to do anything contrary to the will of the Lord. Only people under the influence of demonic nature, living like animals, must say, under pain of death: “Thou shalt not kill!” "Don't steal!" “Don’t commit adultery, don’t mate like an animal!” Love God...” Demons understand nothing but fear. “Gehenna of fire” burns only for them, in fear of which they are forced to restrain their evil inclinations and desire to blaspheme. Out of fear of hellish torment and the possibility of being beaten or punished by the Lord and His representatives, they curb their lustful desires and do not show their demonic inclinations. But it happens that they come to power. You need to know demons by sight.

Anger, rudeness and ignorance are the qualities of demonic people. Their speech is unpleasant and rude. They get angry over trifles. When a person spews abusive words from his mouth, antagonism is inevitable. The mind immediately becomes agitated, the eyes become bloodshot and...

We see that material existence is dual. It is subject to the forces of good and evil. Enmity in human society is inevitable until everyone attains Krsna consciousness, freed from the materialistic concept of life, which is based on the consciousness “I am the product of matter, I am the body.” The soul is pure. She is transcendental to all manifestations of material nature, which affects only the body, mind and intelligence of a person, but does not touch his soul. Only because a person identifies himself with the body, he is forced to obey the laws of this nature, acquiring divine or demonic qualities during his life. Once he clears his mind, he will immediately become infallible. This is the secret of true freedom, equality and brotherhood of all living beings, united by their spiritual, transcendental nature.

“Finding delight in insatiable lust and absorbed in vanity, pride and false prestige, demons, thus in illusion, are always attracted by impure activities, attracted by the transitory.”

“They believe that sense gratification is the first necessity of human civilization. Thus, for the rest of their lives, their worries are immeasurable. Entangled in a network of thousands of desires and consumed by lust and anger, they obtain money by unjust means in the name of sense gratification.”

“Three gates open the way to hell: lust, anger and greed. Every reasonable person should abandon them, as they lead to the degradation of the soul.”

And in conclusion, remember that “Transcendental qualities lead to liberation, while demonic qualities bind...” (Bh.g.16.5.)

The choice is yours!

Inherent qualities

♦ (ENG proper qualities)

(lat. idiomata)

attributes or properties that identify the specific individuality of a certain thing and, thus, are “inherent” in it.

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms. - M.: "Republic". McKim Donald K.. 2004 .

See what “Inherent qualities” are in other dictionaries:

    information model of communicative speech quality- One of the abstract schemes of an invariant nature, including the following typical components, reflecting the general patterns inherent in each of the communicative qualities of speech: 1) meaning; 2) KKR forms; 3) language levels at which it is implemented... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Inherent qualities... Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

    PRESS- (French la presse, from Latin presso I press, press) periodic. print, i.e. newspapers and magazines published daily or at regular intervals. P. is one of the most important sources on the history of modern and modern times. The prototype of modern P. were Acta… … Soviet historical encyclopedia

    NATURE- Three more or less distinct general meanings of this term can be distinguished. 1. Those traits or characteristics of an organism that are considered innate or hereditary. The issues raised by this meaning are reflected in what is often called... ... Explanatory dictionary of psychology

    Agreement- (Contract) The concept of a contract, types of contracts, terms of contracts Information about the concept of a contract, types of contracts, terms of contracts Contents > Contents Concept and meaning. Agreement and scope of its application. Legislative regulation of the agreement... Investor Encyclopedia

    Identity of the criminal- Photos of criminals. Attempts to discover the connection between a person’s appearance and his criminal behavior have been made repeatedly, but have not been successful. Personal ... Wikipedia


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    Criminal- Photos of criminals. Attempts to discover the connection between a person’s appearance and his criminal behavior have been made repeatedly, but they have not been successful. The personality of a criminal is a set of socio-psychological properties and qualities... ... Wikipedia

    Criminals- Photos of criminals. Attempts to discover the connection between a person’s appearance and his criminal behavior have been made repeatedly, but they have not been successful. The personality of a criminal is a set of socio-psychological properties and qualities... ... Wikipedia


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Probably each of you sometimes looks at people much higher than you and dreams of someday becoming as big and successful. You look at geniuses in any field and, perhaps, the thought comes to your mind that in some ways they were lucky, and some actually achieved it only thanks to a lucky coincidence of circumstances. Indeed, for a small part of the people who achieved fame this was the case, but only for a small part of the people. The rest really were, are and remain geniuses.
What qualities are inherent in geniuses? Why did these people become so popular and achieve such resounding success? The answer to this is in this article.
On my own behalf, I can only add that all these qualities can be developed and improved in yourself, and then you, too, will be geniuses.

24 qualities of GENIUS

Geniuses have a strong desire to work hard and hard. They are ready to devote themselves to the project. Build your drive by focusing on future success and keep going.

It takes a certain amount of courage to do something that others think is impossible. Stop worrying about what people will think of you if you are different from them.

Geniuses know what they want and go after it. Take control of your life and daily routine. Every day, define something specific for yourself that you can accomplish.

Geniuses are constantly collecting information. Never go to bed without learning something new that day. Read and ask questions to those people who have knowledge.

Geniuses are frank, direct and honest. Take responsibility for what goes wrong. Don't be afraid to admit that you made a mistake and learn from your mistakes.

Geniuses never doubt that they will succeed. Intentionally direct your attention to something good that awaits you.

Try to understand the facts of any situation before making a decision. Assess the situation with an open mind, without prejudice, and be prepared to change your mind.

Geniuses are always excited about what they do. This inspires others to collaborate with them. They really believe that everything will turn out well. Geniuses don't back down.

They are not afraid to take risks because they understand that they learn from their mistakes.

Don't sit still waiting for something good to happen. Be intentional about achieving this.

Geniuses look for opportunities. Take on jobs that others won't take on. Never be afraid to try something unknown.

Geniuses know how to motivate people to help them. It's easy to convince others if you believe in what you're doing.

Geniuses are able to make many friends easily and they are good friends. They lift the spirits of others rather than bring them down. This attitude will help you make many good friends.

Geniuses are able to communicate their ideas to others very effectively. They take every opportunity to explain their ideas to others.

Be patient with others, but always be impatient with yourself. Demand more from yourself than from others.

Geniuses are constantly watching. They think about the needs of others more than their own.

Geniuses cannot stand mediocrity, especially in themselves. They are not satisfied with themselves, they are always trying to become better.

They are always ready to joke about themselves and are not offended when jokes are made about them.

The more things you learn to do, the more confidence you will have. Don't be afraid of new adventures.

The ability to be flexible gives geniuses the ability to easily adapt to changing conditions. Geniuses don't like to do things the same way. They are always looking for new opportunities.

An inquisitive and inquisitive mind helps geniuses find new information. Don't be afraid to admit that you don't know something. Always ask questions about what you don't understand.

Do things the way you see fit, without fear that someone will not approve of it.

Do not lose ground under your feet, but direct your thoughts far. A genius tries to achieve good goals not only for himself, but for all humanity.

Geniuses know how to think in new combinations. They see things from a different angle than other people. Find time every day to dream and fantasize. Immerse yourself in dreams, as it happened in childhood.

“If you want to be a leader, you must make sure that the people around you are very good.”

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