Sports holiday Cosmonautics Day in the middle group. Thematic lesson “April 12 - Cosmonautics Day” in the middle group

Elena Aksenova

"Great space journey"


1. Expand children’s understanding of space, Day Cosmonautics;

2. Develop healthy lifestyle skills;

3. Develop the physical qualities of the individual - speed, agility, endurance, mobility;

4. Contribute to the unity of the children's team, create a situation of emotional well-being in the form of play activities.

Educator: Dear guys, we are at a holiday. Look, you guessed what day our holiday is dedicated?

Children: Day astronautics.

Educator: That's right, this holiday is celebrated on April 12th. The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. They have long dreamed of mastering outer space. People thought for a long time about building space ship and fly to the stars.

Who knows the name of the first person who flew on a rocket on April 12, 1961? "East" V space?



IN space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Do you want to become astronauts and go into the unusual great space travel? Well then I invite you to school astronauts, where tests will take place today and two will compete space squad. Real astronauts must be friendly, fast, dexterous and brave.

CHILD: To control a rocket,

You need to become strong and brave.

IN space doesn't accept the weak,

After all, flying is not easy work.

Meet, space squad"Star".

Space Squad"Satellite".

Educator: But let's start our travel with warm-up. Are you guys ready?

1. Warm up « Cosmodrome» .

Text: Movements:

Everything is ready for flight. Children raise their arms first forward, then up.

Rockets are waiting for all the guys. Connect your fingers above your head to represent a rocket.

There is little time to take off, they march in place.

The astronauts stood in a row. We stood up in a jump - legs apart, hands on the belt.

They bowed to the right, to the left, and made bends to the sides.

Let's bow to the ground. Bend forward.

The rocket took off. Jumping on two legs

Ours is empty cosmodrome. Squat down, then rise.

Educator: The teams warmed up a little, it’s time to take off, but where are the rockets on which they will fly? We'll have to build them.

2. Game "Let's build a rocket together"

(Construction from blanks.)

Members of each team take the parts, bring them to the team and lay them out space rocket. The team that collects the fastest wins spacecraft.

Educator: Well done! We collected the rockets. Ready to fly?

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For flights to planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

3. Game « Astronauts» (whose house with hoops).

Educator: Well done! We completed this task too. Guys, we landed on a planet called "Sharotron". All the inhabitants of this planet move on alien koloboks - jumpers. Ready to try this alien species transport? Aren't you afraid? The team that finishes the competition first wins.

3. Planet "Sharotron"

Bouncing ball competitions.

Educator: Well done! And we coped with this difficult test! Attention! Attention! Received message: "Meteor shower is expected! Meteorites can damage your rockets!"

4. Game "Collect a meteorite"

Educator: You will need to collect meteorites in traps. The hoops that lie on the floor are meteorite traps.

Square-shaped meteorites should fall into one hoop-trap.

Round-shaped meteorites should fall into another hoop-trap.

Educator: Well done guys, we are no longer afraid of meteor showers.

And we go to the next planet called "Mystery".

On this planet, you and I must solve riddles.


1. To equip the eye and make friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way, you need a powerful one (telescope).

2. Telescopes have been used to study the life of planets for hundreds of years.

A smart uncle will tell you everything... (astronomer).

3. Astronomer - he is an astronomer, he knows everything inside out!

Only the full sky is visible better than the stars (moon).

4. A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon,

But she can do it quickly (rocket).

5. The rocket has a driver, a lover of weightlessness.

In English: "astronaut", and in Russian (astronaut) .

Well done, we coped with this task, let's move on. Guys, do you know that space gravity does not act in space, all objects, even the heaviest ones, become light like a balloon, in space - weightlessness. And in the next test our teams will try to cope with weightlessness.

6. Relay "Conquer weightlessness".

(Each participant must use a stick to push the balloon into the bucket (box).

Educator: Attention! The guys invite us to visit the planet Mars,

We are landing. But on this planet you will have to wear spacesuits.

7. Relay "Running in Spacesuits" (running in bags.)

Educator: Well done guys, what kind of Martians they are. Let's draw them.

8. Competition "Draw a Martian"

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to finish our journey and return to Earth.

9. Relay "Running into a Rocket"

(Children in two teams, taking turns overcoming obstacles, must quickly take a place in "rocket". The entire team must be in "rocket".)

Well done! This is where ours ends space travel. It's good to be away, but it's better to be at home. Did you like our space travel? This is how interesting and mysterious everything unknown can be.

Project for Cosmonautics Day

"Wonderful World - Space"

in the middle group

Developed by: Teacher of the first qualification category

Lobova Oksana Igorevna

Project type:educational, research, gaming.

Duration: short term.
Project participants: teachers, middle school children, parents.

Educational area: cognition, reading fiction, communication, artistic creativity, socialization.

Relevance of the project: The relevance of this project is due to the fact that space is a broad topic for research, arouses interest among children and provides an opportunity to develop the personality of preschoolers in many ways. In preparation for the trip, children draw, sculpt, design, and learn to count. At the same time, creative imagination, communication skills, and curiosity develop. The knowledge children receive is relevant and necessary for them.

Problem: develop and expand the child’s ideas about the world around him, about the diversity of space to the depths of the Universe.

Project goal:

· introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day,

· develop children's cognitive and intellectual abilities,

· development of a personally significant relationship with nature, to arouse children’s interest in the world around them,

· to form children's ideas about space.


· enriching children's ideas about Space: the Solar System; Sun; Moon; Earth, Outer space,

· introduce the history of space exploration; expand and deepen ideas about the surrounding world of the Earth and the role of humans in its ecosystem,

· introduce the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin,

· develop creative imagination, fantasy, and the ability to improvise.

The role of parents in the implementation of the project: attract parents to participate in the “Wonderful World - Space” project through the creation of collages and crafts.

Planned result: Enriching children's knowledge about space and our planet, children's vocabulary on this topic is activated. Children are active, inquisitive, interested in new, unknown things in the world around them, capable of solving basic intellectual problems, and using the acquired knowledge in play activities.

Project stages:

1. Preparatory:

Statement of the problem: Identifying children’s initial knowledge about space and our planet.

Selection of material:

· illustrations, photographs, presentations about space, our planet,

literature about space: poems, riddles,

· didactic and outdoor games.

2. Main/Research:

1. Conversation “What is space?”

Listening to music.

Target: give children an idea about the planets of the solar system, the sun, stars, the first flight into space, find out children’s knowledge on this issue (using visual material and ICT).

Arrange an exhibition of various visual and didactic material dedicated to the topic of the project.

Listen to the song by A. Zatsepin “The Secret of the Third Planet”, VIA “Earthlings” - “Grass at the House”.

2. Conversation “Blue Planet - Earth”.

Outdoor game “Fast rockets are waiting for us”

Target: Explain to children what a telescope and outer space are, show how beautiful our Earth is from space (use ICT, presentations).

Outdoor game: “Fast rockets are waiting for us”

In a group, rocket chairs are placed on the carpet. There are several fewer of them than there are players. Children hold hands and walk in a circle saying:
“Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets.
Whichever one we want, we’ll fly to that one!
But there is one secret in the game: There is no room for latecomers!”

After the last words, the children scatter and take places in the “rockets” (if there are many children, then two or three people can sit in one rocket) and take different space poses. Those who did not get a place in the rocket choose the most interesting and beautiful poses of the astronauts. Then everyone stands in a circle again and the game starts all over again.

3. Conversation “The Moon is a satellite of the earth.”

Target: find out children's ideas about the Moon, month, expand knowledge about the lunar surface, atmosphere (use ICT, presentations).

Watching the animated film “Flight to the Moon.”

4. Conversation “The Sun is the source of life on Earth.”

Role-playing game "Cosmonauts".

Target: clarify children's knowledge about the sun and its shape; explain what it consists of (use ICT, presentations).

Role-playing game:"Cosmonauts"

Target: expand the theme of story games, introduce the work of astronauts in space, cultivate courage, endurance, expand children’s vocabulary: “outer space”, “cosmodrome”, “flight”, “outer space”.

5. Riddles about space.

Relief sculpture "Earth and stars".

Target: development of attention, memory, imagination.

Modeling (relief):"Earth and Stars"

Target: arouse interest in creating a relief picture of the earth with stars and comets. Develop a sense of composition and form. Mixing colors.

6. Conversation “The First Cosmonaut”.

Construction (wooden construction set/Lego) “We will build a spaceship.”

Target: Introduce the biography of the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin; expand your understanding of modern professions; talk about the work of our Russian cosmonauts in space (use ICT, presentations).

Construction"We will build a spaceship."

Target: Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills.

7. Reading fiction: Poems about space.

Application "Rockets".

Target: teach to understand figurative content, notice and understand figurative words and expressions in the text; develop creative imagination, develop the ability to reproduce objects from memory.


Target: teach children to create rockets in a rational way: divide the square into two and three triangles. Develop combinatorial abilities.

8. Magnetic mosaic: “Space adventures”.

Listening to music.

Target: create and develop artistic imagination and creative skills, train fine motor skills.

Listening to music“The Earth is Full of Wonders” E. Zaritskaya; “March of Young Cosmonauts” by T. Shutenko.

3. Final:

Design of a child-parent exhibition on the theme of the project “Wonderful World - Space” through the creation of collages and crafts.

Project presentation.



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Project “Let's fly into space!” Goryacheva I.E. Strelkova T.N. group "Znayka"

Choosing a project theme The choice of a project theme is not accidental. For several years, parents have been paying insufficient attention to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day. Children’s superficial knowledge about space, the first person to fly into space, the existence of a holiday in Russia - Cosmonautics Day - all this determined the theme of the project for middle-aged children “Let’s fly into space!”

Model of three questions What do I know? About space What do I want to know? How to find out? Anya - he is high Do they live on other planets? Ask mom Dasha S. - are there planets there? How far is it from us to the Sun? Ask dad Dasha F. - The sun is very hot. What planets are there in space? Go to the Marina Planetarium - there are stars there. Is it possible to fly to the moon? Watch the educational program Sofia - small stars Who flew into space Ask dad Sophia - it’s cold in space How many stars are there in the sky? Ask your parents Dasha I. - flying saucers fly in space. Which planet is the largest? Go to the Lera Planetarium - aliens live on other planets. What's inside the rocket? Read the encyclopedia with your mother Katya Ch. - above the clouds How do astronauts eat? Ask grandma Katya D. - there are stars, the Sun, planets. What is the smallest planet? Go to the planetarium, read a book

Type of project - practice-oriented Type of project - complex Duration of the project - short-term (3 weeks) Subject of research - space Age of children - 4-5 years

Goal: To introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, and space heroes. Objectives: 1. Involve parents in joint activities to celebrate Cosmonautics Day. 2.Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about space, the date of Yuri Gagarin’s first flight into space, the holiday

“Cobweb” for the project Educational area “Physical education” Outdoor games “Sunshine and Rain”, games “Touch the Star”, “Find the Planet” Educational area “Health” 1. Sunbathing 2. “So that we don’t get sick” 3. “ Solar" vitamin Educational area "Socialization" 1. Profession - astronaut 2. Portraits of Yu.A, Gagarin - recognizing emotions 3. "Evening of questions about space" 4. HRE "Flight into space" Educational area "Labor" 1. "Clean Planet » 2. “Let's make the planet beautiful” (planting flowers in flower beds at a preschool educational institution) Educational area “Communication” 1. Introduction to the project. Presentation of crafts about space. 2. Learning the rhyme “Planets” 3. The theme of the project “Let's fly into space! » Educational area “Reading fiction” 1. Reading the documentary story “First in Space” by V. Borozdin. 2. E.P. Levitan “Kids about stars and planets” (chapters from the book) Educational area “Safety” 1. “When the Sun can be dangerous” 2. Why sunglasses are needed Educational area “Music” Listening to songs “I believe, friends” “To the distant planets” etc. Educational area “Artistic creativity” 1. Application “Rocket” 2. Modeling “Cosmonauts” 3. Origami “Rocket” 4. Drawing “I’ll draw a rocket”, “Our planet Earth”, “Starry sky” Educational area “Cognition ": The child discovers the natural world - the solar system, the Sun - a big star, plants and sunlight, Water - in our lives. FEMP recalculation of stars, comparison of planets by size, board game “Space Encyclopedia”

Thematic planning algorithm Stages Activities Participants I . Selecting a project topic Start the project. Quiz “Mysteries of the Forest” Children, educators, parents II. Project planning 1. “Three Questions Model” Children, educators, parents 2. “Spiderweb” Children, educators, parents 3. Schedule planning Educators 4. Determination of the final product Children, educators, parents III. Implementation of the project 1. Creation of a subject-development environment Children, educators, parents, specialists of the State Budgetary Educational Institution 2. Organization of children's activities Children, educators, parents 3. Organization of work with parents Children, educators, parents IV. Product Newspaper “Flew into space” Children, educators V. Presentation of the project Presentation of the project at the teachers' council Educators

Start of the project Introduction to the project. Presentation of crafts about space. (creativity of children and parents)

Decorating a corner for parents

Work with parents 1. Working together with children - crafts about space 2. Replenishing the book corner with books about space, astronauts, the solar system 3. Help in designing a folder about space 4. Reading stories and poems about space and water at home

Organization of a child-oriented environment In order for children to “immerse” themselves in the topic of the project, a subject-based developmental environment has been created in the group, which promotes the development of the child’s research, search, creative and independent activities and allows him to find answers to questions of interest.

Special organization of the development environment

Children's activity products

Products of children's activities (artistic creativity)

Our mini library

Formation of mathematical concepts (universe)

Physical education “Fly to Mars”

Newspaper - “Let's fly into space!”

Yulia Babaeva

Sounds space music, children enter the hall

Presenter Hello, guys! You probably already know that every year on April 12, our country and the whole world celebrate Cosmonautics Day. Do you want to know why exactly April 12, and not some other day? The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961 that our astronaut made the first in the world space flight. Do you know who was the first person to visit space?

Children's answers.

Presenter The first person in the world to fly in space, was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On spaceship"East" he flew around the globe. And since April 12, 1961, we have celebrated every year Cosmonautics Day. Now let's imagine that we are young astronauts.

There is a knock on the door. Music is playing. Dunno enters the hall.

Dunno Oh! How many people gathered! You're probably waiting for me?

Presenter First of all, hello!

Dunno Yeah, hello!

Presenter And secondly, what makes you think, Dunno, that we are waiting for you?

Dunno I don't know. I just decided. Why are you sitting then?

Host with us holiday. And not only here, today is the World Cosmonautics Day. Do you know what this is? such a holiday?

Dunno I don't know. Will you tell me?

Children read poems

We built a rocket

From stones and from sand,

And today straight to the stars

We'll fly for sure.

IN spring day, April day,

Many years ago

rushed in space rocket

Mesmerizing to look at.

Mom already bought a helmet -

Soon I'll fly to the stars.

I eat porridge and carrots

Even if I don't want to.

Dunno Great! So what, you all dream in visit space?

Presenter Of course, all boys and girls dream of seeing at least once what is there, beyond our planet.

Dunno Ha! Okay, still boys, but so that the girls flew into space. Don't make me laugh. They're girls!

Presenter But you’re laughing in vain, Dunno. Of course you don't know that there are women among the astronauts. The world's first flight in space of the women was carried out by Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova on spaceship"Vostok-6". (photo)

Dunno Wow! It turns out that girls are not such crybabies!

Presenter Girls can also be brave and dexterous. And I suggest we play a fun game, and at the same time we’ll test your dexterity.

Game "Pass it to someone else."

Game with balls. Two teams of 7-10 people. At a signal accompanied by music, children throw the ball back over their heads, starting with the first participant. The last participant with the ball runs forward of the column and also passes the ball back. The game continues until the first participant returns to his place.

Presenter You see, Dunno.

Dunno But I’m in too I'll fly into space. Znayka will finish building his comic ship, and I will fly to the moon.

Presenter Firstly, not comic, but space, and secondly, so that in space fly, you need to prepare for a very long time. Do you know how many planets there are? And you need to know exactly which planet you will fly to.

Dunno I don't know. And what?

Presenter But listen to our guys - they will tell you.

All planets in order

Any one of us will call:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Presenter And our guys are also very good at solving riddles.

1. Here is a stone flying towards us from the sky.

What's his name? (meteorite)

2. From which bucket?

They don't drink, they don't eat,

But they just look at him. (Big Dipper)

3. Wanders alone

Fiery eye.

Everywhere it happens

The look warms you! (Sun)

4. B space through the thickness of years

An icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object. (comet)

5. Peas are scattered across the dark sky

Colored caramel made from sugar crumbs,

And only when the morning comes

All the caramel will suddenly melt. (Stars)

Presenter Dunno, do you remember anything?

Dunno Oh, come on, I’m already smart. But can guys be dexterous and brave? Let's check it out!

Presenter And this is a good idea. And what do you offer us?

Dunno I don't know. Maybe we should play?

Presenter Indeed, we have a game. Just for agility, speed and endurance.

Competition "Pass the Obstacle"

Two teams of 6-7 people each participate. Along the way there are obstacles like pins.

Presenter Well done, guys! Take your seats. Well, Dunno, are our guys clever?

Dunno Come on, sports are great, but to be healthy you need to eat well. So I eat oatmeal in the morning and drink milk.

Presenter Yes, Dunno, you’re right about that. You also need to eat. Do you know what real people eat? astronauts?

Dunno Ha! Yes, they eat everything, porridge, soups, vegetables, and fruits. Borscht, compote.

Presenter Okay, I’ll ask differently, How do they eat? astronauts in space? Do they place plates and pour tea?

Dunno What are you saying? How can they eat off plates, they are in space! There are no plates, there are only stars.

Presenter Guys, maybe someone knows how to eat astronauts in space? Children's answers. Let's see how and what they eat astronauts in space? (Video from presentation)

Dunno That's great! I didn't even know about it.

Presenter And our guys can also assemble a real rocket.

Children are divided into 2 teams and assemble a rocket.

Dunno It turns out that it’s so interesting to know everything! Okay, thank you for this amazingly interesting and educational holiday, and I’ll probably run. I will brag about my knowledge. Otherwise Znayka will fly to the moon without me. Thank you guys! Goodbye!

Dunno runs away to the music.

Presenter Well, we continue our holiday. And I suggest testing your knowledge. Let's do a mini-quiz. I will ask questions about space, and you try to guess, but we don’t shout from our seats, but raise our hand.

Quiz game "Guessing"

The man who flies in space.


What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly space?

(spacecraft, rocket)

What was the name of the first woman? astronaut?

(Valentina Tereshkova)

Who was first astronaut, flying to space?

(Yuri Gagarin)

What was the name spacecraft, on which Gagarin made his first flight?


(Cosmonautics Day)

Presenter All this is wonderful, but there is no better and dearer planet than ours.

Presenter There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet -

What is the name of our planet? (Earth)

Presenter That's it. Well, guys, today we learned a lot of interesting and new things about space and astronauts, tried themselves in the role of themselves astronauts. Did you like our holiday? Children's answers.

Presenter Now you and I know that an astronaut must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you, when you grow up, will realize your dreams and become astronaut.

Presenter Guys, you know that after every flight astronauts awarded with government awards. And today, because you were so knowledgeable, dexterous, and skillfully controlled a flying saucer, you are all nominated for awards.

Presentation of medals

Cosmonautics Day in the middle group. Scenario

Scenario of sports entertainment for children of the middle group “Space travel”.

Botyakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher at MBDOU Krasnoborsky kindergarten "Kolosok" village. Krasny Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description of material: The material will be useful to teachers, physical education managers and parents for the purpose of organizing sports entertainment. This event is recommended for children in the middle group.
Target: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through increased physical activity.
- develop healthy lifestyle skills;
- develop the physical qualities of the individual - speed, agility, endurance, mobility;
- cultivate determination in achieving results, a sense of camaraderie and responsibility to the team.
Preliminary work:
Getting to know the profession of an astronaut, reading stories, memorizing poems about space, looking at photographs, postcards depicting space, encyclopedias.
Equipment: cubes, two cones for building a rocket, hoops one less than children, small balls, two medium balls, two large hoops, landmarks, ribbon with sticks tied at the ends.
Hall decoration: starry sky, rockets, planets, comets.
Participants: presenter, children.

Progress of entertainment:

Today is not an easy day,
Everyone in the world knows this.
Flew into space for the first time
The man from Earth is brave.
Leading: Dear guys, we have gathered at a holiday dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.
People have dreamed of exploring outer space since ancient times.

For the first time in the world, a man ascended into space on the Vostok spacecraft. This was our compatriot. Who knows what his name was?
Children: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.

Leading: Do you want to become an astronaut and go on an unusual space journey to the planets? Well, then I invite you to the cosmonaut school, where two space teams will compete today. Meet the Lunokhod space squad. Space squad "Comet".
For each task completed quickly and correctly, the team receives a star. At the end of the competition, the results are summed up - whose sky has more stars, that team wins.

Leading: Various challenges and surprises await you on the planets.
I suggest you take with you speed, courage, resourcefulness, ingenuity and wish each other success.
To control a rocket,
You need to become strong and brave.
They don't take the weak into space,
After all, flying is not easy work.
We will train
We will gain strength.

Leading: We will start our journey with training. Are you guys ready?
1. Warm-up “Cosmodrome”.

Everything is ready to fly, (Children raise their hands first forward, then up).
Rockets are waiting for all the guys. (They connect their fingers above their head, depicting a rocket.)
Little time to take off (They march in place).
The astronauts stood in a row. (Stand up in a jump - legs apart, hands on the belt).
Bowed to the right, to the left, (Bend to the sides).
Let's bow to the ground. (Bend forward).
The rocket took off. (They do jumps on two legs).
Our cosmodrome is empty. (Squat down, then rise).

Leading: The teams warmed up a bit, it's time to take off! But where are the rockets on which they will fly?
Children: They can be built.

2. Game “Build a Rocket”
Children line up in 2 columns, each with a cube in their hands, the last child has a cone. At the leader’s signal, the first players run to the designated place and place a die, run back, etc. Until they build a rocket out of cubes.
The team whose players complete the task first wins.

Leading: Well done! We collected the rockets. Ready to fly?
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For flights to planets.
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no room for latecomers!

3. Outdoor game “Take a seat in the rocket”
There are hoops on the floor - rockets, there are one more children than "rockets." Children run in circles to the music. With the end of the melody, you need to take a seat in the rocket. The one who does not have enough “rocket” (hoop) leaves the game. After which one hoop is removed. The game continues.
Leading: The first planet on our way is the Moon.

4. Game “Flight to the Moon”
Wooden sticks with paper rockets attached to them are tied to a long ribbon at both ends. An image of the moon is attached in the middle of the ribbon. Two participants hold sticks and wrap a ribbon around them. The first one to bring the rocket closer to the moon wins.

Leading: And now we will learn how to move on a special lunar rover.

Leading: In order for the lunar rover to move quickly, it must be controlled by two astronauts at once.

5. Relay race “Racing on Lunar Rover”.
Two participants need to ride a gymnastic stick - “lunar rover” and “ride”, holding it between their legs to the turning mark and back. The fastest duo wins.

Leading: Well done! And we coped with this difficult test! Attention! Attention! A message came from mission control: “Meteor shower is expected!” Meteorites can damage your rockets! You will need to collect meteorites in traps.

6. Game “Collect meteorites”
At the leader’s signal, children collect balls into hoops that lie on the floor - meteorite traps. One team collects balls in a blue hoop, the other in a red hoop. Which hoop has more balls - “meteorites”, that team wins.

Leading: Well done guys, we are no longer afraid of meteor showers.
How big and beautiful space is,
There are so many mysteries...
But only one who knows how to think
Solve any riddles.

On this planet, you and I must solve riddles.

7.Competition “Space mysteries”:
He conquers space
The rocket is controlled
Brave, brave astronaut
It's simply called... (astronaut)

What a wonderful car
Walking boldly on the moon?
Did you children recognize her?
Well, of course... (lunar rover)

When you're in space, my friend,
Miracles are happening all around.
You're soaring - that's news,
After all, this is... (weightlessness)

It's black as night
And there are countless stars in it.
Planets and constellations
There is a lot in it.
What kind of place is this?
A question arises.
And everyone will answer
After all, this is... (space)

Flies from the ground into the clouds,
Like a silver arrow
Flies to other planets
Swiftly... (rocket)

He floats around the Earth
And it gives signals.
This eternal traveler
Under the name... (satellite)

Leading: You probably know that in outer space there is no gravity of the Earth, everything seems to float in the air, as in water. This is called...(weightlessness).

Leading: Astronauts need to be able to catch objects flying out of their hands.

8. “Weightlessness” relay race.
At the signal, the captains begin to run with the balloon, tossing and catching it, go around the limiter, run back and pass the ball to the next participant, and stand at the end of the team. The task is considered completed when the last participant crosses the start-finish line.
Leading: Attention! Astronauts from the planet Sirius are asking us for help. Their spaceship has crashed and they need help.

9. Relay race “Save the astronaut”
On one side of the hall there are captains, on the other - team members. The captains, putting a hoop around their waists, run to the other side of the hall at a signal, take one team member with them and “transport” them to their “spaceship”. The team that can save all the astronauts the fastest wins.

Leading: But now our journey is coming to an end. And it's time for us guys to go back.
We returned from the flight
And they landed on Earth
Our cheerful squad is coming
And everyone is glad to meet us!

The day will come
When we grow up
Rockets into space
Let's lead boldly.
Brave and resilient
Guys, get ready
We will be astronauts
We give you this word.

Leading: Well done! Is our space journey over? What did you like and remember most?

Lesson topic: Road to space

Program content: Introduce children to the globe, planet Earth, spaceships. Introduce the location of cities on the globe, green spaces and water spaces. Introduce the concept of space - the space between planets. To consolidate knowledge of the astronaut profession. Develop constructive creative activity. To form in preschoolers a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Develop observation, visual and auditory memory, fine motor skills. Cultivate respect for people of any profession.

Material: constructors for the games “Assemble a rocket”, “Assemble a drawing”. Globe, balls of different sizes. Cut-out pictures for the didactic game “Assemble a lunar rover.” Cards depicting people of different professions. Dummies of products, first aid kit, control panels (can be made of paper)

Progress of the lesson

Dunno and his friends will come to visit us today. They invite us to go to the moon together. Let's remember where the moon is? (in the sky)

What else can we see in the sky? (children's answers are discussed: sun, stars, clouds)

What do you use to get to your home when you return from kindergarten and why? (children's answers are discussed)

Mom and I return home on foot. Because our house is not far from the kindergarten.

We return home with mom by minibus. And if my dad picks me up, then we go home in my dad’s car.

We return home with mom by bus. Etc.

Guys, if you and I want to go to another city, what transport can we use to get, for example, to Moscow? (by car, by bus, by train, by plane)

What transport will we use to get to Moscow faster? (by plane)

What other city names do you know? (children's answers)

All these cities are located on one planet called Earth. She looks like this (the globe is displayed)

The teacher invites the children to look at the globe.

What do you think this green part of the globe looks like? (on grass, tree leaves, Christmas trees)

You're right. These are the green spaces of our planet.

What do you think this blue part of the globe looks like? (for water, river, sea)

But these small dots on the globe show us the location of cities. Look, this point is our city of Voronezh. And here is the main city of our country.

Who remembers what it's called? (Moscow)

The fact that this city is the main one is indicated to us by a red flag next to the Moscow city point.

We have already told you that the fastest way to get to another city on our Earth is by plane. But planes fly only over our Earth. And you and I need to get to the Moon. The Moon is located very far from the Earth. Look at how our Earth is positioned in relation to the Sun and Moon.

The teacher places a large yellow ball in the center. Several different balls are placed around the Sun, among which the ball is the planet Earth. Far from the Sun and Earth there is another ball - the Moon.

What do you think is between the Sun, Moon and other planets? (children’s answers are discussed and brought to the conclusion that this is air)

Otherwise, we can say that between the planets, the Sun and the Moon there is outer space - space.

What kind of transport can we use to get to the Moon? (children’s answers are discussed and brought to the conclusion that it can only be reached by rocket or spaceship)

Conducted didactic game “Let’s assemble a rocket!”

Children assemble a rocket using a construction set according to the model. The teacher tells the children that this is a sample drawing of a rocket.

You and I will be designers. Designers first look at their drawing and then build the rocket.

We have designed rockets, now we can go to the Moon. But one rocket is not enough. What else is needed for a rocket to take off? (it needs to be launched)

Who should launch the rocket? (astronaut)

Conducted didactic game “We are astronauts.”

Children must choose among cards depicting people of different professions - an astronaut.

How did you guess that it was an astronaut? (children's answers are discussed)

How many of you know what commands an astronaut must say for the rocket to take off? (children's answers are discussed)

There is a knock on the door, Dunno and his friends enter: Vintik and Shpuntik. Children welcome guests and invite them to look at the constructed rockets for a trip to the Moon.

Vintik and Shpuntik carefully examine all the rockets, compare them with the drawing and thank the children for their good work.

Then they tell the children that they will only fly to the moon on the rocket. But to move on the Moon, you need a lunar rover. They had a drawing of the lunar rover, but Dunno mistakenly tore it up.

The teacher invites the children to help Shpuntik, Vintik and Dunno assemble the drawing.

The didactic game “Assemble a drawing” is played.

Children on the table assemble individual parts of the drawing. Then a lunar rover is assembled from a large construction kit.

How many of you guessed why the lunar rover was called the lunar rover? (children's answers are discussed)

Our spaceships are ready. What do we call spaceships? (rocket, lunar rover)

It's a long way to fly to the moon. What might we need along the way? (children’s answers are discussed and lead to the need to take food and a first aid kit)

Children, Dunno and his friends take places on chairs that stand in a circle. They hold small control panels in their hands. There is a lunar rover in the center. The astronauts give their final orders.

Ready to fly!

During the journey, children sing their favorite songs, look at passing planets or their Earth from afar. They talk about her.

At the end of the lesson, Shpuntik, Vintik and Dunno thank the children for flying together.

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