Means of connecting the subordinate clause with the main one. Moscow State University of Printing Arts

§ 10. Means of communication of parts
complex sentence
Subordinate clauses are added to
to the main or to another subordinate clause
ny unions and allied words. Subjugator
nal conjunctions are not members of subordinate clauses
provisions, but serve only for joining when
dative to the main or other subordinate clause:
Don't forget that there is a person next to you.
Conjunctive words not only attach clauses
clause to the main or other subordinate clause
nomu, but are also members of subordinate clauses
Grooms: Remember the songs What the nightingale sang.
(I. Bunin)
What - addition.
To distinguish a conjunction from a union word, you need to remember
1) in some cases the conjunction can be omitted,
but there is no conjunctive word: When he arrives I'll talk
with him
(He comes - I'll talk to him);
2) a union can only be replaced by another union,
a conjunctive word can only be replaced by the word itself

standing part of speech: When he will come, I don't know
(For example, soon, Tomorrow, late etc.);
3) you can ask a question about the allied word and define it
divide which member of the sentence it is:
The hares understood perfectly well What means traces from
buck paws on the road.

(D. Mamin Sibiryak)
What? - What );
4) in addition, the logical word falls on the conjunctive word
emphasis: Who can know What waiting for me?
(A. Pushkin)
73. Study the table carefully. Using this information
to her, tell us about the means of connecting the parts of a complex
offers. Make up and write sentences with several
unions and allied words presented in the table.
74. Copy it by inserting appropriate subordinates
unions. Put questions to the subordinate clauses.
1) Alyonka and I really wanted ... father to do the right thing
(V. Kozlov)
2) The sun was already starting to hide behind
snow ridge, ... I entered the Koishauri valley.
(M. Lermontov)
3) Now we know for sure ... the island is not
(V. Kozlov)
4) Gerasim has grown big and can
Whoa, ... the tree grows on fertile soil.
(I. Turgenev)
Subordinating conjunctions only
And unions
and allied
So that, bye,
as if, as if,
if, once,
only, exactly
Because, as it were
then, because, so
like, since,
due to the fact that,
just with that
so that, in view of this
that, as a result
Who, which,
what, whose,
how much, where,
where, from
yes, why
For what
when, how

5) The cranes flew quickly and screamed sadly, ...
called with you.
(A. Chekhov)
6) In the entryway it was blowing from all sides, ...
...the candle almost went out.
(A. Chekhov)
7) It was quiet in the steppe,
cloudy, ... ... ... the sun rose.
(A. Chekhov)
8) I put it on
an old overcoat and took an umbrella, ... ... it was raining.
(N. Gogol)
Unions for inserts
: so that, what, why, when, how,
although, because, so, as if, despite the fact that.
75. Write it down by inserting a conjunctive word instead of dots which or
in the required form. Indicate which members of the sentence
are allied words in the subordinate clause.
Sample: It was that special evening

only in the Caucasus.

(L. Tolstoy)
1) In October the weather was so warm that ...
It grows only in mountain valleys. 2) The material ... was with
bran with young pathfinders, interested the editors of Ga
Zetas. 3) People achieve great success... they give
all the strength. 4) His attention was attracted by a sound ... heard
above. 5) Clouds ... slowly floated across the sky, disappeared
behind the forest. 6) In the evenings the wind blows from the gorge, ... brings
coolness. 7) Athletes ... successfully completed the competition
niya, were preparing to fly home. 8) I’ll spread it out in front of him
elk hilly field... overgrown with grass. 9) Desert
left road, along the edges... apricots, apple trees, mulberries grew
Nick, led us to ponds overgrown with reeds.
76. Read and compare the two sentences. Determine which
of which What is a conjunctive word (the logical fall on it
stress, it answers the question and is a member of the subordinate clause
sentences), in which - with a subordinating conjunction (does not answer
question is not a member of the sentence, logs do not fall on it
ical stress).
1) I don’t know what will happen to me .
(S. Yesenin)
2) The air is so clean that every branch is visible.
(V. Inber)
what happens

77. 1. Write down the sentences, dividing them into two groups:
a) sentences with conjunctions; b) sentences with connecting words.
Fill in the missing letters. Create proposal outlines.
1) With amazing love and delicate taste of Ukrainian
Karelian shawls, household items that surrounded them in
everyday life. 2) The eastern part is very beautiful
the edges of the Komi, where there are many hills, the rivers are quite fast,
clean and transparent. 3) Pecho was created in 1930
ro Ilychsky reserve to protect and study
the unique nature of these places. 4) At the beginning of the 20th century
industry in the northern regions of Russia wore
artisanal and semi-artisanal character, therefore pr..d
there were few factory-type acceptances. 5) Mordo
Via is an industrial-agrarian republic, whose contribution
into the national economic complex of the Russian Federation
tion occupies an important place. 6) The Mansi retain
standing and temporary settlements, as fishing
farming requires moving from one place to another.
(From the collection “From Karelia to the Urals”)
2. Determine which part of the sentence the conjunctive words are
va in complex sentences.
78. Read the sentences out loud with the correct intonation. Sleep
sew, determining how the subordinate part is attached to the chapters
noah - a union or a union word. Compare pronunciation before
clauses with conjunctions and allied words.
1) Pavel Petrovich asked Arkady where his new
(I. Turgenev)
2) All night it seemed that someone
is banging on the door.
(I. Ilf, E. Petrov)
3) Now let sa
The smartest one of you will tell me what difference it makes
between letter and sound. 4) Having loaded the rifle, Andrey
rose again above the pile of stones, wondering where to
before shooting.
(M. Bubyonnov)
5) I am only partial to her
but because she is not indifferent to me.
(I. Ehrenburg)

6) I will return when our spring branches spread out
ly garden.
(S. Yesenin)
7) Pavlik stopped, thinking,
where should he go now?
(A. Gaidar)
8) Anything
The fisherman knows what good seeds mean for the farm.
(V. Peskov)
9) Along the swaying tops of burdocks
one could guess that someone was carefully crawling along
(A. Gaidar)
10) I don’t remember where I heard this parable,
but I love her very much.
(V. Astafiev)
79. Read the poem and determine its main idea.
Find complex sentences in the text. Specify
means of connecting subordinate clauses with main clauses. Learn
poem by heart.
The aspen was painted with a bright blush,
The rowan trees of the crimson day are burning.
- What is your strength?
Answer me, Russia!
- My strength is that you love me!
They work
In the field people are simple,
And the crane's sadness sounds in the sky.
- What is your glory?
Answer me, Russia!
- My glory is that I work honestly.
(V. Bokov)
80. Write it down using punctuation marks. Select conjunctions and
useful words. Indicate which questions the conjunction words answer
and what members of the sentence they are.
1) Give something to do that will make your heart burn.
(L. Oshanin)
2) Vladimir saw with horror that he had driven into an unknown place
clod forest.
(A. Pushkin)
3) Before Pushkin, no one has yet
wrote in such an easy and lively language in which he connected
simplicity and poetic charm would emerge.
(N. Chernyshev

4) I was afraid to tell him how much I loved him.
(N. Not
5) I can’t tell you what was going on in her then
(M. Lermontov)
6) He spoke about the times of mud
who live when peoples have forgotten their strife in the great family
will unite.
(A. Pushkin)
7) I remember as children with blush
With our bare cheeks you and I ran through the fragile snow.
(Ya. Polonsky)
8) That she is an honest person is clear to me.
(I. Turgenev)
9) I invited you gentlemen in order to inform
to give you some very unpleasant news.
(N. Gogol)
10) From the forest
a small ravine at the bottom of which ran a small spring
the cooing of wild pigeons was heard.
(S. Aksakov)
81. Copy the proverbs using punctuation marks and definitions.
laying means of communication. Enclose the conjunctions in an oval, the conjunction words under
Draw as parts of the sentence.
1) Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today
today 2) Those who love to work cannot sit idle.
3) To eat a fish you have to get into the water. 4) Which way is the wind
it blows there and the clouds run away. 5) If life is fun at work
argues. 6) All that glitters is not gold. 7) What is your
friend, this is the respect for you. 8) Boring day until evening
if there is nothing to do. 9) Where you can’t take it by force, you need it
on the grip. 10) As is the root, so is the fruit.
82. Compose and write complex sentences:
a) with unions: so that, if, since, while; b) with allied words: Where,
where, where from
; c) with conjunctions / allied words: what, how, when.
83. Read it. Find complex sentences with soy
zami and allied words. Please indicate which members proposed
Zheniya are allied words in subordinate clauses.
Many gods were worshiped in ancient Greece, including
of which there was a god who was in charge of matters of medicine, Ask

The god of healing had many children. Among them would
two daughters of the goddess who helped their father as a doctor
One was called Panacea, her duties included the plaintiff
treatment of the sick. All forces began to be named after her,
capable of helping those suffering. We are now
we often talk panacea for all ills, meaning by this
a remedy that helps in all cases of life.
The second daughter's name was Hygieia. Her job was to monitor
so that people do not lose their health. Hygieia was depicted
a young woman with a snake that she was feeding from
bowls. Nowadays, a bowl with a snake is an emblem of medicine.
The branch of medicine, which was in charge of the goddess Hygieia, became
call it hygiene.
So, long before our era, people guessed
that medicine should have two directions: one -
treat the sick, the second is to maintain good health
(From the Internet)
§ 11. The role of demonstrative words
in complex sentences
In the main part of a complex sentence
Demonstrative words are sometimes used: That,
there, there, then, from there, so much, everything, everything,
everyone, everyone, everywhere, no one
etc. They are
members of the main sentence indicate that
that with the main part there is a subordinate clause, help
find out the type of subordinate clause, highlight in the main
the word or phrase that is being explained
subordinate clause For example: Has time everywhere That
(Who?), who is in no hurry.
(M. Bulgakov)

84. Read the sentences. Is there enough information presented in them?
information to understand the meaning? What words indicate
that the situation is not fully reflected and requires clarification? Explain the chapters
ny sentences using subordinate clauses in brackets.
Indicate which word in the main the subordinate clause refers to.
1) What was important was...
2) The word must correspond to that...
3) We all loved him for...
4) The rain passed so quickly...
5) He looked there...
6) The river shines so brightly in the sun...
7) The wind blew with such force...
(that it hurts the eyes, where Olga pointed, that the earth
didn't have time to get wet, that it was impossible to stand, that
he is not like everyone else, what it expresses is that no one is his
85. Find demonstrative words in the sentences. Determine what
what parts of the sentence they are and what parts of speech
1) It was so quiet that the beetle heard the rustling of a leaf
ed to myself.
(K. Paustovsky)
2) The desert is conquered by those
who is not afraid of her harsh everyday life.
(V. Peskov)
3) Gray like that
I thought that I had forgotten about the owner.
(A. Green)
4) Half
I will give the kingdom to the one who heals me.
(L. Tolstoy)
5) There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.
(L. Tolstoy)
6) Only then will you understand a loved one
quite when you part with him.
(I. Turgenev)
7) You
arrows rang out in the courtyard of that manor house in which
Petya was with Dolokhov last night.
(L. Tolstoy)
8) Simple human grief filled my life so much,
that there was no longer room for other feelings.
(V. Nabokov)
9) Things lay in those careless positions that
they accept in the absence of people.
(V. Nabokov)
10) Oh that

what kind of friendship that cannot withstand the touch of
It’s true, there’s no point in regretting it.
(D. Pisarev)
86. Read the text. Find complex sentences
with indicative words and give them a full description.
A big city spreads out in front of the man,
It fits easily on a desk. It's only
layout. But the architect already sees movement on his street
tsakh. He thinks that this intersection, which is located
is located in the city center, you need to move it apart to be free
but cars were passing by. Kindergarten move up
closer to that big house in which many will live
th kids. And in the space between the houses it’s good
would like to provide such a sports ground so that
There was enough space for the guys both in winter and summer.
To conceive a new city, you need to know not only
to the laws of architecture. The architect must
to know and love those for whom he “invents” the city.
(From the newspaper)
87. Read it. Indicate main and subordinate clauses.
Write down using punctuation marks and including where necessary
We need an indicative word in the main sentence. Emphasize
demonstrative words as members of a sentence, indicate at the top what
by what part of speech they are expressed.
1) I didn’t immediately discover in the sky... the constellation about koto
they told us about rum in the planetarium. 2) We walked along...
the path that led to the river. 3) He told us...
How do reindeer herders live? 4) I... was tired that I couldn’t walk.
5) We were met... where a general meeting was scheduled
nicks of competitions. 6) Mother was pleased... as was I
Finished the semester well. 7) The speaker began his
speech with... that he asked us a few questions.
8) You must help me... when I ask you.

88. 1. Read the text.
The ascent to the ridge began. I took the direction
, covered with scree. It's interesting to watch
How trees growing on rocks adapt.
It seems as if they are consciously looking for land and a message
roots extend to it in the shortest direction. In one hour
we entered the area where mosses grow and lichen
Where do mosses and lichens get moisture from? Water
does not linger in the stones, but meanwhile mosses grow
lush. They feel extremely wet to the touch. If moss
squeeze it with your hand, then water drips from it. Answer to a question
the question is given to us by the fog, because it is constant
good source of moisture. Mosses do not get water from the ground,
but from the air. Since in the Zaussuri region in summer and weight
noah there are incomparably more foggy days than sunny days
nykh, then the lush development of mosses among scree becomes
quite understandable.
But the mosses were left behind. Now it's begun loaches.
This does not mean that the stones that make up the scree
tires of the mountains, naked. They are covered with lichens, which also
feed on moisture from the air. Depending on time
years they either become dry or become soft
and wet.
(According to V. Arsenyev)
ˆog- a side part of a mountain range that has separated
from the main ridge.
teapot- a plant growing on stones, bark
˜Scree- crumbled rock fragments.
ˆs- the name of treeless mountain peaks in Xi

2. Find answers to the questions in the text.
1) What was interesting to observe while climbing the ridge
2) What is mysterious about mosses?
3) Where do mosses get moisture from?
4) What is the same in the growth of mosses and lichens?
3. Title the text.
4. Indicate complex sentences. Name the means
connections of their parts. Which sentences use doubles?
5. Express the meaning of the given sentences in a complex manner
new proposals.
1) I took the direction along a spur covered with scree
mi. 2) Stones that make up scree on mountain tops are not
naked, they are covered with lichen.
6. Make complex sentences with soy from simple sentences
zom or allied word, using demonstrative words.
1) Mosses grow luxuriantly. There are many foggy days in spring.
2) The travelers were walking. Are the mountain tops covered?
3) Interesting to watch. Trees growing on the rocks
yah, adapt.
7. Retell the text using complex sentences
8. Compose and write complex sentences using
using demonstrative words, as well as conjunctions and allied words.
1) the one - who
5) there - where
2) that - what
6) there - where
3) such - what
7) there - where
4) such - which
8) so - so that
1. Find a complex sentence. (Prepi signs
knowledge is not arranged.)

a) The strange old man spoke in a very drawn-out sound
his voice also amazed me.
b) The elk left, but nearby there was a sound made
weak creature.
c) Levitan’s paintings, according to art critics
reflects the discreet beauty of central Russia.
d) The trees around you were all golden
yellow or red.
2. Indicate a complex sentence.
a) The weather was cold, windy, so there were snowdrifts
much higher than the windows.
b) It fell like fog, then suddenly it
soy big rain.
3. Specify a complex sentence.
a) As we approached the sea, the shi disappeared more and more
deciduous tree species, but they predominate
Slavic spruce and white fir have become popular.
b) I left my land long ago, where the meadows and bowls bloom.
4. Indicate which part of the complex sentence is
(1) I put my hand in the water, (2) to find out the direction
current flow.
(V. Arsenyev)
a) 1;
b) 2.
5. Indicate which part of the complex sentence is
(1) Through the window I saw (2) like a big gray bird
sat on a maple branch in the garden.
a) 1;
b) 2.

6. In what series are all the listed words subordinate?
private unions?
a) which, where, also;
b) if, since, in order to;
c) and, however, from where.
7. Determine what the highlighted words are - conjunctions
or allied words.
a) And on this gloomy land I am happy because What I do
walked and lived.
b) What helped him most were the forests, the forest house, Where He
visited this summer.
c) The simpler it was What he saw, the more difficult it is
went to the music.
d) The one Who I've seen this region at least once, never
won't be able to forget.
8. Which answer option contains all the numbers correctly?

I returned to the cozy clearing (1) near (2) which
(3) I recently picked mushrooms.
a) 1;
b) 1, 3;
c) 3;
d) 2, 3.
9. Determine the place of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
Never forget that the theater does not live by its brilliance.
her, the luxury of scenery and costumes, spectacular mi
off-stage, but by the playwright's ideas.
a) before the main clause;
b) after the main clause;
c) in the middle of the main clause.

10. Which answer option contains all the numbers correctly?
Where should commas appear in the sentence?
We will need a conductor (1) for reliability
(2) which (3) there would be no doubt.
a) 1;
b) 2, 3;
c) 3;
d) 1, 3.
11. Which sentence contains a punctuation error?
a) In order to truthfully play any role,
First of all, you need to find the grain of an artistic image
b) I especially like the nightingale’s singing at night, when
The stars are shining overhead and everything in the forest is silent.
c) To the questions asked, Dersu explained that if
in calm weather the fog rises upward, certainly
We have to wait for a long rain.
12. Make a synonymous replacement for a simple sentence
tions with participial phrases in complex sentences
On a river floodplain that is flooded, there are
rich corn harvests.
13. Which sentence corresponds to the scheme: (), ?
a) If you study Russian, I passionately love
beat him, then a world of boundless joys will open to you,
for the treasures of the Russian language are limitless.
b) When it snows, you don’t really want to go home.
14. Which diagram corresponds to the proposal? (Punctuation marks
tions are not placed.)

While I was getting dressed, the sunspot on the floor disappeared
A) (), .
b) , ().
V) [, (), ].
15. Write down the sentence, add punctuation marks.
The ability to say exactly what is needed and exactly how
to be listened to and understood, to be led without a doubt
some skill that is given to very few and to whom
no one has the right to neglect.
16. Come up with ideas and write down the suggestions you received.
a) ..., as if he wanted to tell me something.
b) ... that they listened without saying a word.
17. Complete the complex sentences.
a) Please find out...
b) Since we settled by the lake, ....
c) The girl smiled so sweetly, ... .
d) I like songs...
18. Connect subordinate clauses with main clauses.
1) After 10 years I arrived there,
a) the room was filled with aroma
volume of lilac.
2) When I opened the window,
b) we ran out barefoot
3) I don't know
c) where did I spend my childhood?
4) As soon as the warm
summer shower,
d) where is the border between
Europe and Asia.

19. Place commas, draw sentence diagrams.
a) It was already getting dark when we arrived home.
b) Since I remember myself I remember Natalia Sa
c) And now when I entered the room Karl Ivano
Vich looked at me from under his brows.
d) Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
20. Make a complex one from two simple sentences.
a) I went to school. My brother worked at a factory.
b) The rain has stopped. Everything became quiet, as if frozen.
c) The evening dawn has faded. We have returned from the forest.
21. Construct a complex sentence from two simple sentences
repaired, draw diagrams.
a) We ran to the station. The train was already leaving.
b) The night dew and mountain air refreshed my grief
I feel my head. My thoughts returned to normal order.
c) He rushed there headlong. There were screams
about help.
d) I found a mushroom. The mushroom turned out to be a boletus.
22. Complete simple sentences with subordinate clauses. Preobra
call for suggestions.
a) I was on a plane there...
b) They turned to the side and walked along the slope
c) The school reported that...
d) From the results of the experiment it is clear...

Types of complex subordinates
sentences in Russian
Complex in meaning and structure
proposals are divided into three groups, which are related
meet with three groups of minor members before
provisions: defining, explanatory, circumstantial

1 How are complex and complex sentences different? 2 What means of communication in a complex sentence do you know? What do they have in common and how do they differ? 3 What is the role of demonstrative words in a complex sentence? 4 What place can subordinate clauses occupy in relation to the main clause in a complex sentence? 5 What are the semantic relationships? can be expressed in a complex sentence can take subordinate clauses 6 Tell us about the types of complex sentences, give examples

1 What is the difference between compound and complex sentences
2 What means of communication in a complex sentence do you know? What do they have in common and how do they differ?
3 What is the role of demonstrative words in a complex sentence
4 What place in relation to the main clause in a complex sentence can subordinate clauses occupy?
5 What semantic relationships can be expressed in a complex sentence? Can subordinate clauses occupy
6 Tell us about the types of complex sentences, give examples

  • A compound sentence is a complex sentence with conjunctions. The parts of this sentence are connected by coordinating conjunctions

    A complex sentence is a conjunction sentence, but one part of the sentence depends on the other.

    Differences in CPP.
    VSPP means of communication are subordinating conjunctions and allied words. What both types of sentences have in common is that they are means of communication,
    The difference is that conjunctions are not members of the subordinate clause, when the conjunction words, on the contrary, are.

    Demonstrative words help link sentences. They can be demonstrative adverbs or pronouns. They always appear in the main clause.
    Any place in a sentence can come before or after the main word.
    Adverbial clauses: place, manner of action and degree, purpose, condition, consequence, concession, time, comparison, reason.
    Explanatory: Mom knew that there was no food at home.
    Definitive: Alesey bought the product that the seller recommended to him.
    Circumstantial, which are divided into:
    Places: We arrived to where this beautiful waterfall began.
    Time: this happened when he came to our school.
    Conditions: If he starts doing it, then I will start too.
    Reasons: Andrey was late because there was no bus.
    Goals: Masha ran home to pick up her things.
    Consequences: It had already become cold so that I wore a warm kurta.
    Concessions: Although today is a day off, we decided to get up early.
    Comparisons: He worked as quickly as his father once taught him.
    Measures and degrees: He is guilty to the same extent as the rest of us.
    Mode of action: It was already dark, as it should be in the evening.

A sentence is a syntactic unit characterized by semantic and grammatical completeness. One of its main features is the presence of predicative parts. According to the number of grammatical bases, all sentences are classified as simple or complex. Both perform their main function in speech - communicative.

Types of complex sentences in Russian

A complex sentence consists of two or more simple sentences connected to each other using conjunctions or just intonation. At the same time, its predicative parts retain their structure, but lose their semantic and intonational completeness. Methods and means of communication determine the types of complex sentences. A table with examples allows you to identify the main differences between them.

Compound Sentences

Their predicative parts are independent in relation to each other and equal in meaning. They can be easily divided into simple ones and rearranged. Coordinating conjunctions, which are divided into three groups, act as a means of communication. Based on them, the following types of complex sentences with coordinating connections are distinguished.

  1. With connecting conjunctions: AND, ALSO, YES (=AND), ALSO, NEITHER...NOR, NOT ONLY...BUT AND, AS...SO AND, YES AND. In this case, parts of compound conjunctions will be located in different simple sentences.

The whole city was already asleep, I Same went home. Soon Anton not only I re-read all the books in my home library, but also turned to his comrades.

A feature of complex sentences is that the events described in different predicative parts can occur simultaneously ( AND thunder roared And the sun was breaking through the clouds), sequentially ( The train rumbled And a dump truck rushed after him) or one follows from the other ( It's already completely dark, And it was necessary to disperse).

  1. With adversative conjunctions: BUT, A, HOWEVER, YES (= BUT), THEN, THE SAME. These types of complex sentences are characterized by the establishment of opposition relations ( Grandfather seemed to understand everything, But Grigory had to convince him of the need for the trip for a long time) or comparisons ( Some were fussing in the kitchen, A others started cleaning the garden) between its parts.
  2. With disjunctive conjunctions: EITHER, OR, NOT THAT...NOT THAT, THAT...THAT, EITHER...EITHER. The first two conjunctions can be single or repeating. It was time to get to work, or he would be fired. Possible relationships between parts: mutual exclusion ( Either Pal Palych really had a headache, either he just got bored), alternation ( All day long That the blues took hold, That suddenly there was an inexplicable attack of fun).

Considering the types of complex sentences with a coordinating connection, it should be noted that the connecting conjunctions ALSO, ALSO and the adversative SAME are always located after the first word of the second part.

Main types of complex sentences with subordinating connections

The presence of a main and dependent (subordinate) part is their main quality. The means of communication are subordinating conjunctions or allied words: adverbs and relative pronouns. The main difficulty in distinguishing them is that some of them are homonymous. In such cases, a hint will help: an allied word, unlike a conjunction, is always a member of a sentence. Here are examples of such homoforms. I knew for sure What(union word, you can ask a question) look for me. Tanya completely forgot What(union) the meeting was scheduled for the morning.

Another feature of NGN is the location of its predicative parts. The location of the subordinate clause is not clearly defined. It can stand before, after or in the middle of the main part.

Types of subordinate clauses in SPP

It is traditional to correlate dependent parts with members of a sentence. Based on this, there are three main groups into which such complex sentences are divided. Examples are presented in the table.

Subordinate clause type


Communication tool



Which, which, whose, when, what, where, etc.

There was a house near the mountain, a roof whom I'm already pretty thin.



What (s. and s.w.), how (s. and s.w.), so that, as if, as if, or... or, who, like, etc.

Mikhail didn't understand How solve the problem.


When? How long?

When, while, how, barely, while, since, etc.

The boy waited until Bye the sun hasn't set at all.

Where? Where? Where?

Where, where, where

Izmestiev put the papers there, Where no one could find them.

Why? Why?

Because, since, for, due to the fact that, etc.

The driver stopped for the horses suddenly began to snort.


What follows from this?

By morning it cleared up So the detachment moved on.

Under what conditions?

If, when (= if), if, once, in case

If the daughter did not call for a week, the mother involuntarily began to worry.

For what? For what purpose?

In order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, if only,

Frolov was ready for anything to get this place.

Despite what? In spite of what?

Although, despite the fact that, even if, for nothing, whoever, etc.

Overall the evening was a success Although and there were minor shortcomings in its organization.


How? Like what?

As if, exactly, as if, just as, as if, just as, as if,

Snowflakes flew down in large, frequent flakes, as if someone poured them out of a bag.

Measures and degrees

To what extent?

What, in order, how, as if, as if, how much, how much

There was such silence What I felt somehow uneasy.


what (in the oblique case), why, why, why = the pronoun this

There was still no car, why The anxiety only grew.

SPP with several subordinate clauses

Sometimes a complex sentence may contain two or more dependent parts that relate to each other in different ways.

Depending on this, the following methods of connecting simple sentences into complex sentences are distinguished (examples help to build a diagram of the described structures).

  1. With consistent submission. The next subordinate clause depends directly on the previous one. It seemed to me What this day will never end, because There were more and more problems.
  2. With parallel homogeneous subordination. Both (all) subordinate clauses depend on one word (the entire part) and belong to the same type. This construction resembles a sentence with homogeneous members. There can be coordinating conjunctions between subordinate clauses. It soon became clear What it was all just a bluff So what no major decisions were made.
  3. With parallel heterogeneous subordination. Dependents are of different types and refer to different words (the entire part). Garden, which sowed in May, already produced the first harvest, That's why life became easier.

Non-union complex sentence

The main difference is that the parts are connected only in meaning and intonation. Therefore, the relationships developing between them come to the fore. They are the ones who influence the placement of punctuation marks: commas, dashes, colons, semicolons.

Types of non-union complex sentences

  1. The parts are equal, the order of their arrangement is free. Tall trees grew to the left of the road , to the right stretched a shallow ravine.
  2. The parts are unequal, the second:
  • reveals the contents of the 1st ( These sounds caused concern: (= namely) in the corner someone was rustling persistently);
  • complements the 1st ( I peered into the distance: someone’s figure appeared there);
  • indicates the reason ( Sveta laughed: (= because) the neighbor’s face was smeared with dirt).

3. Contrasting relationships between parts. This manifests itself in the following:

  • the first indicates a time or condition ( I'm five minutes late - there is no one anymore);
  • in the second unexpected result ( Fedor just got up to speed - the opponent immediately remained behind); opposition ( The pain becomes unbearable - you be patient); comparison ( Looks from under his brows - Elena will immediately burn with fire).

JV with different types of communications

Often there are constructions that contain three or more predicative parts. Accordingly, between them there can be coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, allied words or only punctuation marks (intonation and semantic relations). These are complex sentences (examples are widely presented in fiction) with various types of connections. Mikhail has long wanted to change his life, But Something was constantly stopping him; As a result, the routine bogged him down more and more every day.

The diagram will help to summarize information on the topic “Types of complex sentences”:

Means of communication that form a structural mechanism that determines the dependence of the subordinate part on the main one:

1) unions: a) by structure: simple, complex, compound; b) by the number of positions occupied: single / double; c) in connection with certain syntactic meanings: semantic (although, if) / asemantic, i.e. syntactic ( What, How etc.); d) by participation in the differentiation of syntactic meaning: conjunctions of differentiating / non-differentiating type;

2) allied words, which are relative pronouns or pronominal adverbs and correlate with certain reference words;

3) intonation completeness or incompleteness;

4) correlates– demonstrative pronouns used in the main part and indicating its incompleteness;

5) reference words– words in the main part, extended by the subordinate part;

6) predicative order parts: fixed and non-fixed;

7) paradigm: free and unfree;

8) typed lexical items: a) emotional vocabulary; b) modal vocabulary; c) antonymic vocabulary;

9) private means of communication: a) parallelism in the structure of predicative parts; b) incompleteness of one of the parts.

  • - A colon is placed before a subordinating conjunction in those rare cases when the preceding part of a complex sentence contains a special warning about subsequent clarification, for example: And having done this, ...

    A reference book on spelling and style

  • - are placed as a single sign: 1) before the main sentence, which is preceded by a number of homogeneous subordinate clauses, if the breakdown of a complex whole into two parts is emphasized, for example: Who is to blame...

    A reference book on spelling and style

  • A reference book on spelling and style

  • - With intonation emphasis, subordinate clauses, less often conditional clauses and clause clauses, standing in front of the main clause, can separated from it not by a comma, but by a dash, for example: Will...

    A reference book on spelling and style

  • - 1) coordinating and subordinating conjunctions; 2) allied words, or relata in a complex sentence; 3) correlates; 4) supporting words in complex sentences of undivided structure; 5) intonation...
  • - 1) connecting unions; 2) dividing unions; 3) adversative conjunctions; 4) explanatory conjunctions; 5) connecting...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Means, which include structural features of predicative parts, due to the need for their connection with other parts: 1) the paradigm of a complex sentence, including about 49 members, reflecting...

    Syntax: Dictionary

  • Syntax: Dictionary

  • - 1) widespread use of double conjunctions: if... then, if... so, etc.; 2) a combination of conjunctions: what if, what although, etc....

    Syntax: Dictionary

  • Syntax: Dictionary

  • - Means, which include structural features of predicative parts, due to the need for their connection with other parts: 1) the paradigm of a complex sentence, including about 49 members, reflecting the relationship...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Particular syntactic meanings, which are determined by the lexical content of the predicative parts: 1) syntactic specialized elements that specify the syntactic meanings of the consequence, result,...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - 1) widespread use of double conjunctions: if.. then, if... so, etc.; 2) a combination of conjunctions: what if, what although, etc....

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - 1) supporting words with a predictive function in the first part: a) verbs of perception, verbs of mental and speech activity and correlative nouns, adjectives, category words...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Means of communication that form a structural mechanism that determines the dependence of the subordinate part on the main one: 1) conjunctions: a) by structure: simple, complex, compound; b) by the number of positions occupied: single / double...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

"means of connecting predicative parts in a complex sentence" in books

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence


Punctuation marks in a complex sentence § 115. In the subordinate parts of a complex sentence, conjunctions and allied words are used as if, where, for nothing that, if (if... then), for, why, as if, as soon as, how, which, when, which, who, where, only, only,

in a complex sentence

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Reference author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

in a complex sentence, a comma between the main and subordinate parts of the sentence § 115 before the words especially, in particular, namely, and also, and (but) only and others, if they stand before the subordinating conjunction § 116 before intensifying-restrictive particles just,

XXVIII. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence

author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XXVIII. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence § 107. Comma between the main and subordinate clauses The subordinate clause is separated from the main clause by a comma, or is separated by commas on both sides if it is inside the main clause, for example: How many

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 109. Punctuation in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses 1. A comma is placed between homogeneous subordinate clauses not connected by conjunctions, for example: It seemed to me that my father was looking at me mockingly and incredulously, that I was still a child for him

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 111. Dash in a complex sentence When intonation is emphasized, explanatory subordinate clauses (additional and subject), less often conditional and concessive, standing in front of the main sentence, can be separated from it not by a comma, but by a dash, for example: If he asks

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 112. Colon in a complex sentence A colon is placed before a subordinating conjunction in those rare cases when the preceding part of a complex sentence contains a special warning about subsequent clarification (at this point there is a long pause and

§ 113. Comma and dash in a complex sentence

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 113. Comma and dash in a complex sentence Comma and dash in a complex sentence are placed as a single sign: 1) before the main sentence, which is preceded by a number of homogeneous subordinate clauses, if the splitting of a complex whole into two is emphasized


author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XXVIII. PUNCTION MARKS IN A COMPLEX SENTENCE § 107. Comma between the main and subordinate clauses The subordinate clause is separated from the main clause by a comma or separated by commas on both sides if it is inside the main clause, for example: When we

§ 109. Punctuation in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 109. Punctuation in a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses 1. A comma is placed between homogeneous subordinate clauses not connected by conjunctions, for example: It seemed to me that my father was looking at me mockingly and incredulously, that I was still a child for him

§ 111. Dash in a complex sentence

From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 111. Dash in a complex sentence When intonation is emphasized, explanatory subordinate clauses, less often conditional and concessive, standing in front of the main sentence, can be separated from it not by a comma, but by a dash, for example: If someone asks you about something, keep quiet... (Pushkin);

§ 112. Colon in a complex sentence

From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 112. Colon in a complex sentence A colon is placed before a subordinating conjunction in those rare cases when the preceding part of a complex sentence contains a special warning about subsequent clarification (at this point there is a long pause,

§ 37. Semicolon in a complex sentence

author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 37. Semicolon in a complex sentence If homogeneous subordinate parts of a complex sentence are common, especially if there are commas inside them, then a semicolon can be placed between such subordinate parts instead of a comma: What is it about?

§ 38. Dash in a complex sentence

From the book Handbook of the Russian Language. Punctuation author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 38. Dash in a complex sentence 1. A dash is placed to intonation separate the main part of a complex sentence from the subordinate clause. Most often, a dash is used in cases where the main part is preceded by: 1) subordinate explanatory: How he

§ 39. Colon in a complex sentence

From the book Handbook of the Russian Language. Punctuation author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 39. Colon in a complex sentence A colon is placed before a subordinating conjunction in those rare cases when the preceding main part of a complex sentence contains a special warning about subsequent clarification (at this point it is done

§ 40. Comma and dash in a complex sentence

From the book Handbook of the Russian Language. Punctuation author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 40. Comma and dash in a complex sentence Comma and dash as a single sign are placed in a complex sentence: 1) before the main part, which is preceded by a number of homogeneous subordinate clauses, if the splitting of a complex sentence into two is emphasized

The sentences in the text are interconnected both in meaning and grammatically. A grammatical connection means that the forms of words depend on other words in the neighboring sentence, which are consistent with each other.

Lexical means of communication:

Lexical repetition is the repetition of the same word.
Around the city, forests spread across the low hills, mighty and untouched. In the forests there were large meadows and remote lakes with huge old pine trees along the banks.
Similar words.
Of course, such a master knew his worth, felt the difference between himself and a less talented person, but he also knew perfectly well another difference - the difference between himself and a more talented person. Respect for the more capable and experienced is the first sign of talent. (V. Belov)
We saw a moose in the forest. Sokhaty walked along the edge of the forest and was not afraid of anyone.
Nature has many friends. She has significantly fewer enemies.
Descriptive phrases.
They built a highway. A noisy, fast-moving river of life connected the region with the capital. (F. Abramov)
Grammatical means of communication:

Personal pronouns.
1) And now I’m listening to the voice of an ancient stream. He coos like a wild dove. 2) The call for forest protection should be addressed primarily to young people. She should live and manage this land, she should decorate it. (L. Leonov) 3) He unexpectedly returned to his native village. His arrival delighted and frightened his mother. (A. Chekhov)
2) demonstrative pronouns 1) A dark sky with bright, needle-like stars floated above the village. Such stars appear only in autumn. (V. Astafiev) 2) The corncrakes screamed with a distant, sweet twitch. These corncrakes and sunsets are unforgettable; they were preserved forever by pure vision. (B. Zaitsev) – in the second text the means of communication are lexical repetition and the demonstrative pronoun “these”.
Pronominal adverbs (there, so, then, etc.)
He [Nikolai Rostov] knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore it was necessary to pretend that you did not doubt it. That’s what he did (L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”).
Conjunctions (mostly coordinating)
It was May 1945. Spring thundered. The people and the land rejoiced. Moscow saluted the heroes. And joy flew into the sky like lights. (A. Alekseev). With the same chatter and laughter, the officers hastily began to get ready; again they put the samovar on dirty water. But Rostov, without waiting for tea, went to the squadron” (L.N. Tolstoy)
Introductory words and constructions (in one word, so, firstly, etc.)
Young people spoke about everything Russian with contempt or indifference and, jokingly, predicted for Russia the fate of the Confederation of the Rhine. In short, the society was quite disgusting. (A. Pushkin).
Unity of tense forms of verbs - the use of identical forms of grammatical tense, which indicate simultaneity or sequence of situations.
Imitation of the French tone of the time of Louis XV was in vogue. Love for the fatherland seemed pedantry. The wise men of that time praised Napoleon with fanatical servility and joked about our failures. (A. Pushkin) - all verbs are used in the past tense.
Incomplete sentences and ellipsis that refer to previous elements of the text:
Gorkin cuts the bread and distributes the slices. He puts it on me too: it’s huge, you’ll cover your whole face (I. Shmelev)
Syntactic parallelism is the identical construction of several adjacent sentences.
To be able to speak is an art. Listening is a culture. (D. Likhachev)

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