Wall newspaper on the theme of the world around us. Subject week on the surrounding world for primary school students

Bad habits These are actions that people repeat over and over again, despite the fact that they are not useful or even harmful. When a person smokes, tobacco burns slowly and smoke is formed, which consists of many harmful substances, including 30 poisonous ones. These are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tobacco tar. Nicotine negatively affects the functioning of the heart, and carbon monoxide impedes the access of oxygen, and tobacco tar clogs the lungs. nicotine, carbon monoxide and tobacco tar. When a person smokes, tobacco burns slowly and smoke is formed, which consists of many harmful substances, including 30 poisonous ones. These are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tobacco tar. Nicotine negatively affects the functioning of the heart, and carbon monoxide impedes the access of oxygen, and tobacco tar clogs the lungs. nicotine, carbon monoxide and tobacco tar. Alcohol is a universal remedy that can turn a person into a reckless creature. Dependence on alcohol occurs gradually and leads to a disease - alcoholism. The destruction of an adult's personality occurs after 10 years, and a child - after 3-4 years... alcoholism Alcohol is a universal remedy that can turn a person into a reckless creature. Dependence on alcohol occurs gradually and leads to a disease - alcoholism. The destruction of an adult's personality occurs after 10 years, and a child - after 3-4 years... alcoholism A drug is a drug that reduces physical and mental activity, dulls pain and has a calming and hypnotic effect. Having tried a drug, a person becomes addicted to drugs and subsequently dies... drug addiction and subsequently dies... A drug is a drug that reduces physical and mental activity, dulls pain and has a calming and hypnotic effect. Having tried a drug, a person becomes addicted to drugs and subsequently dies... drug addiction and subsequently dies...

Hardening Water Air Sun Hardening is a system of special training for the body. First, wash your hands in warm, then cool water, then your feet. Then general douches: while rinsing after the bath, gradually reduce the water temperature. The main thing is to take your time! Stay in the sun only with a hat. Tan gradually: start with 4 minutes, gradually increasing the time to minutes. Protect your skin from burns - use a protective cream. Alternating between exposure to the sun and shade is very beneficial. Stay in the sun only with a hat. Tan gradually: start with 4 minutes, gradually increasing the time to minutes. Protect your skin from burns - use a protective cream. Alternating between exposure to the sun and shade is very beneficial. Do exercises with the window open, play outdoors more often, go ice skating and skiing in winter, dress for the weather - don’t bundle up.

Personal hygiene rules 1. Keep your body, clothes and home clean. 2. Wash with soap and a washcloth, brush your teeth 2 times a day, take a shower daily. 3.Ventilate the room. 4. Clean your apartment regularly. 5.Keep your yard clean. 6. Never throw garbage on the street. A healthy lifestyle starts with cleanliness! A healthy lifestyle starts with cleanliness!

Proper nutrition Proper nutrition should be moderate and varied. You should try to eat a variety of foods so that the body receives all the nutrients it needs. Eat less buns and sweets. They contain a lot of carbohydrates, the excess of which the body converts into fat and stores under the skin. And who needs such a supply? There is no need to eat a lot of fried, smoked, salty, spicy foods. Such food may be tasty, but not very healthy, and in some cases even harmful. You should try to eat at the same time. The body gets used to a certain regime, and then food is better absorbed. In the morning before school, you must have breakfast. Some guys are in such a hurry in the morning that they don’t eat anything. And then they get a headache, lose attention, and decrease their productivity. You should have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Eating too much right before bed is very harmful.

Ten Commandments of a Good Mood 1. Smile! Remember that a smile makes you even more beautiful. 2. Give people more than they expect and do it with joy. 3. Smile when you answer the phone, you can hear the smile! 4. In times of adversity, take comfort in the thought that there were more difficult times, and even those have passed... 5. There is always a reason to smile. 6. A smile has a mirror effect! Smile... and you will see a smile! 7. Smile even when you are sad, because it can bring joy to someone! 8. Look for someone who can make you smile, because only a smile can brighten the darkest day! 9. Look at all things from the positive side, because even failure can turn into victory! 10. Remember! A smile is a curve that straightens everything!

“How a person understands the world” - Why? Science. Curious people. How does a person learn about himself? -From other people -Self-esteem. Knowledge. What is truth? Inflated self-esteem. Art. Knows the world. What questions do people most often ask? A person experiences the world. Know yourself. I am dynamic (What I want to be). I am real. Draw comparison lines in a comparison table.

"Basic subjects" - Geometry. Physics. Geography of the world Geography of Russia Geography of Europe Geography of Asia. Practical English Spelling Grammar. History of the World History of Russia History of Europe. Physics thermodynamics electrostatics. Russian language English language Geography Literature History. Literature of peoples Western Literature Foreign Literature.

“Man and the World” - Circle from heart to heart. Why is the ability to see the world an art? What does the beauty of the world around you mean to you? Reading the text: “The Art of Seeing the World” by Konstantin Paustovsky. Conversation: Reflection on the situation Reading the parable “Sky and Lake” “Look at the sky.” “Beauty lives everywhere” - Yuri Antonov. Why is no one in the world alone?

“Knowledge of the surrounding world” - What is perception made of? Perception -. What is your idea of ​​media? With the help of our senses we perceive individual objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Performance -. The possibilities of sensory knowledge are limited. You were treated to an apple. What did you imagine when you said the word “snow”?

“Science Day” - Literature The world around us Extracurricular activities A total of 25 projects! City Science Day. Biology. Informational and illustrative projects. Primary school. Individual educational projects. Philology. Special thanks to the teachers! City subject Olympiads. Collective educational projects: Network games and Olympiads.

“How beautiful this world is” - Eat delicious berries that our nature itself created. The forests are all covered with leaves. The trees are turning green. Sun, air and water, what else does a person need? They launch boats and play different games. Spring is coming. In the summer our family went to the village. Buds appeared on the trees. It's warm outside. Children swim in rivers.

How to draw a poster on the theme “Save the air” in 3rd grade on the world around us? A question that arises in children and their parents when studying the topic of air pollution and its protection.

We have put together a selection of posters, pictures, and drawings for those who need to come up with and draw a poster on this topic themselves.

Additional information for creating a poster “Take care of the air” in grade 3 on the subject “The World Around You”

Main sources of air pollution.

Currently, the main contribution to air pollution in Russia is made by the following industries:

Thermal power engineering (thermal and nuclear power plants, industrial and municipal boiler houses, etc.),

Ferrous metallurgy, oil production and petrochemical enterprises,

Motor transport (sources of such pollutants are cars, aircraft and ships, trains)

Enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy and production of building materials.

How do people protect urban air?

People plant trees in the city. Have you noticed that poplars often grow along city streets and in parks? These tall, slender trees release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. In addition, poplars perfectly purify polluted air. Why do poplars purify the air so well? Thanks to their long, thin petiole, poplar leaves are very mobile; they capture dust well, which is easily washed off by rain or flies off their smooth leaf surface. Poplars and other trees are planted along highways.

In large cities there are factories and factories, from whose chimneys toxic gases, soot and dust are emitted into the atmosphere. How to clean such air? Many enterprises install special filters, through which the air is purified. Particles of soot and dust are deposited on the filter, and toxic gases are captured by special installations.

They are switching to the production of environmentally friendly types of energy, using the power of wind, sunlight, and water flows. And thermal power plants should be closed as an obsolete type of production.

To save air, we need to stop deforestation and thoughtless use of minerals.

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