Poems and stories about nature. Fairy tales of foreign writers

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You have passed the most difficult part of the journey - you have overcome the ABC, learned to put letters into words, words into sentences.
Now you can independently open the door to the wonderful world where books live. But how not to get lost, how to find the right road and unravel the secrets of the land of Literature?
We think that you will never say: “Why should we read?” You will love books like your best friends.
What is the first thing we want to teach you? Enjoy the experience of reading a good book, try to understand the meaning of the work, think about what the author wanted to say.

Reading book.
Read quickly, pronounce all words clearly.
Trees were planted near the school porch:
Faith - willow
Ash - Vasya,
Glory to the plum
Klava - maple...
You worked -
You were lazy -
Get out.

Rain, rain, water -
There will be a loaf of bread,
There will be rolls, there will be baked goods,
There will be delicious cheesecakes.

Books are my friends
To a new reader. S. Marshak
Who speaks silently?
Jokes for a moment
The emergence of writing
How would we live without books?
S. Mikhalkov
Jokes for a moment
We're going to the library
There is a green oak near the Lukomorye
A. S. Pushkin
Independent reading
Mom brought Tanya a new book
B. Oseeva
Family reading
It's bad for him who doesn't do good
to no one. K. Ushinsky
Our theater
Aibolit. K. Chukovsky
Songs of the Russian people
Songs of different nations
Jokes for a moment
Hut under the mountain
Proverbs and sayings of different
We're going to the library
Independent reading
Mother Goose Rhymes
Family reading
Our theater
English folk song
Jokes for a moment
What's happened?
Small and big secrets of the country of Literature
Hello fairy tale!
Find out the fairy tale
Once upon a time there were letters
Why is "A" first? G. Yudin
Katya and letters. T. Coty
Little goats. N. Konchalovskaya
Wolf. V. Lunin
The story of the wise crow. T. Pavlova Once upon a time there lived a red fox, a gray hare and the Ryaba Hen
A hen and ten ducklings. S. Marshak
Fox, hare and rooster. Russian folk tale
Two frogs. L. Panteleev
Jokes for a moment
Four Anyutochka E. Blaginina
We're going to the library
Independent reading
Living alphabet. I. Gamazkova
Jokes for a moment
Family reading
Three daughters.
Tatar folk tale
Two lazy people.
Tatar folk tale
Hare and turtle.
Ingush folk tale
Our theater
It's your own fault. S. Mikhalkov
Small and big secrets of the country of Literature

Text on testing reading technique

(2nd half of the year)

In the grove

The children came to the grove. It's fun and noisy there. The bee took honey from the flower. The ant was dragging a blade of grass. The dove was building a nest for the pigeons. The bunny ran to the stream. The stream gurgled over the stones. He worked. The stream provided clean water to people and animals.

K. Ushinsky (38 words)

Questions to test your understanding of what you read:
1. Where did the children go?
2. Who lives in the grove?
3. Why is there a stream in the grove, what did it do?

Educational and methodological support

for the teacher:

ü Vachkova S.N. How to teach children to read fables. – M.: ARKTI, 2007.

ü Klimanova L.F., Boykina M.V. Methodological manual for teachers “Reading Lessons”. – M.: Education, 2011.

ü Regulatory document. Monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes. - M.: Education, 1998.

ü Omorokova M.I. Fundamentals of teaching reading to primary schoolchildren. - M.: Education, 2005.

ü Omorokova M.I. Reading in primary grades. - M.: Education, 2003.

ü “Perspective”: Programs for elementary school. - M.: Education, 2011.

ü Sheverdina N.A., Sushinskas L.L. New Olympiads for primary schools. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007.

for students:

ü Klimanova L.F., Vinogradskaya L.A., Goretsky V.G. textbook “Literary reading” part 1. – M.: Education, 2012.

ü Klimanova L.F., Vinogradskaya L.A., Goretsky V.G. textbook “Literary reading” part 2. – M.: Education, 2012.

ü Klimanova L.F., Koti T.Yu. Creative notebook “Literary reading”. – M., Education, 2012.

ü Klimanova L.F., Koti T.Yu. The magical power of words. Workbook on speech development. 1st grade.

Internet resources.

1. Unified collection of Digital Educational Resources. – Access mode: http://school-collection.edu.ru

2. Presentations of lessons “Elementary school”. – Access mode: http://nachalka.info/about/193

3. I’m going to an elementary school lesson (materials for the lesson). – Access mode: www.festival. 1september.ru

4. Educational materials and dictionaries on the Cyril and Methodius website. – Access mode: www. km. ru/education

5. Lesson plans: methodological piggy bank, information technology at school. – Access mode: www.uroki.ru

6. Official website of educational complex “Perspective”. – Access mode: http://www.prosv.ru/umk/perspektiva/info.aspx? ob_no=1237

Calendar and thematic planning of the work program for literary reading, grade 1

Date Lesson number Lesson topic Elements of educational content Basic teaching aids Planned results Homework
subject meta-subject
10.03 Introductory lesson on the course of literary reading System of symbols. Contents of the textbook. Message from the textbook authors. Concepts: textbook, cover, title, contents of the textbook Electronic application Form an idea of ​​what a book is, the meaning of a book in a person’s life, and be able to handle a book. Distinguish between concepts: book, writer, reader, library.
11.03 Books are my friends. S. Marshak “To the New Reader” S. Marshak. To a new reader. Who speaks silently? Riddles, proverbs about the book. Concepts: book, writer, reader. Electronic application Know ways to transmit information using gestures, drawings, books, computers. Regulatory: mastering ways to select books, the ability to choose the right source of information. Cognitive: improving reading skills, the ability to select the necessary information. Communicative: developing constructive ways of interacting with a book.
14.03 The emergence of writing. The emergence of writing. Subject letter. Knot letter. Rock paintings. Hieroglyphs. Compose your letter using drawings. Creative work: pictorial writing. Electronic application Distinguish between concepts: book, writer, reader, library. Learn to choose a book in the library. Talk about your favorite books. Understand the value of the book. Discuss the illustrations of the book. Name the elements of the book. Talk about the emergence of writing. Regulatory: mastering ways to select books, the ability to choose the right source of information. Cognitive: improving reading skills, the ability to select the necessary information. Communicative: developing constructive ways of interacting with a book.
15.03 How would we live without books? Excursion to the library. Reading-learning book (reading in whole words). A. Barto. “We became literate.” S. Marshak. "Conversation with the first class." B. Zakhoder. "Living ABC" Concepts: “library”, indexes, alphabetical catalogue, subject index. Electronic application Ability to choose books; refer to the thematic index; ability to work with illustrations; receive the necessary information; ability to read texts at different paces R. Accept and save the learning task; adequately perceive the assessment of a teacher or friend, control their actions to accurately and efficiently navigate the textbook. K. formulate one’s own opinion, participate in a collective discussion P. improve the level of reading competence, reading comprehension techniques
28.03 My favorite writers. Verbal drawing of pictures for a speech to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila.” A book as a special form of art. The book as a source of necessary knowledge. Selection of books based on a recommended list, card index, open access to children's books in the library. Alphabetical catalogue. Multimedia projector Describe orally the pictures depicted in the work of A.S. Pushkin. Know the concepts: “poet”, “writer”. Regulatory: mastering ways to select books, the ability to choose the right source of information. Cognitive: improving reading skills, the ability to select the necessary information. Communicative: developing constructive ways of interacting with a book.
29.03 Tales of K. Chukovsky. Introducing children to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales “Aibolit”. Genre originality of K. Chukovsky’s work “Aibolit”. Dramatizing the passage; highlighting the words of the author and characters; practicing expressive reading. Concepts: “fairy tale”, “artists”, “scenery” Electronic application Know the works of K. Chukovsky; ability to stage; highlight the words of the author and characters. R. Monitor your actions for accurate and operational orientation in the textbook. K. formation of constructive ways of interacting with the book. P. improving reading skills
31.03 From the books of K. Ushinsky. Section summary Independent reading. V. Oseeva. Reading by roles. Family reading. From the books of K.D. Ushinsky. The moral meaning of the works of K.D. Ushinsky. Awareness of the meaning of a work when reading silently. Monitoring and verification of learning results. Concepts: “good”, “evil”, “lie”, “mercy”, “envy” Electronic application Explain the moral meaning of various words used in the works of K.D. Ushinsky. Read aloud in whole words with a gradual transition to silent reading. Reproduce the content of the text based on questions and independently. R. The ability to choose the right source of information K. the formation of constructive ways of interacting with a book P. improving reading skills, the ability to select the necessary information
01.04 Proverb - folk wisdom Introduce works of small folklore genres; develop interest in works of folk art; learn to solve riddles; compare; highlight the signs indicated by the riddle; stimulate the manifestation of creative activity Concepts: “folklore”, “proverb”, “saying”, “riddle” Electronic application Talk about the genre diversity of works of oral folk art of different peoples. Read aloud works of small genres of oral folk art. Read expressively, observing intonation. Determine the moral meaning of proverbs and sayings. Reproduce favorite proverbs and sayings from memory, discuss their meaning. Come up with life situations in which you could use one of the proverbs you read. Match the riddle and the answer. Distribute riddles into thematic groups. Ability to compare folk songs of different nations; find commonality; ability to read expressively. R. Plan actions according to the assigned task K. ability to interact in pairs and groups. P. ability to distinguish between proverbs and sayings.
04.04 Songs of different nations. Concepts: “songs”, “counting books”, “chants”, “rhyme songs”. Comparison of songs of different nations. Expressive reading of songs. Independent reading. Mother goose rhymes. Riddles. Proverbs and sayings of different nations. Multimedia projector
05.04 We're going to the library. Collections of works of oral folk art. Work with an exhibition of books-collections of folk riddles, proverbs, sayings; acquaintance with the most famous book of English folklore for children, “Rhymes of Mother Goose”; reading funny songs; distribution of roles using a counting rhyme. "Our theater" "Gloves". English folk song. Multimedia projector Ability to choose books for independent reading; ability to read the content of the text; use dramatization techniques Regulatory: mastering ways to work with a book. Cognitive: the ability to distinguish between proverbs and sayings, the formation of expressive reading skills. Communicative: the ability to interact in pairs and groups, distribute roles in games and dramatizations.
07.04 What do we know about the genres of oral folk art? Generalization, small folklore genres, songs, proverbs, sayings, riddles. Enrich your speech with words with diminutive forms. Electronic application The ability to compare proverbs and combine them into thematic groups; the ability to identify different types of riddles; the ability to use different words in your speech. Name the studied genres of folklore, express your attitude towards Russian folk songs, riddles, proverbs, and folklore works of other peoples of Russia. Regulatory: mastering ways to work with a book. Cognitive: the ability to distinguish between proverbs and sayings, the formation of expressive reading skills. Communicative: the ability to interact in pairs and groups, distribute roles in games and dramatizations.
08.04 Find out the fairy tale. G. Yudin. “Why is A first?” Letters are like fairy-tale characters. "Reader-training book." Independent reading. I.Gamazkova. "Living ABC". T.Koti. "Katya and the letters." Exchange of opinions about the fairy tales read, their evaluation; character characteristics; work with a book exhibition; practicing intonation-expressive reading; collective invention of a continuation of a fairy tale Electronic application The ability to express one’s own opinion about the fairy tales read, their evaluation; characterization of characters, ability to compare fairy tales, see their similarities and differences, ability to tell stories based on a series of illustrations; ability to read whole words; the ability to continue a fairy tale; come up with a different ending to the story. R. Monitor your actions for accurate and operational orientation in the textbook. K. formulate one’s own opinion and position P. the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from other literary works.
11.04 Comparison of fairy tales. Comparison of fairy tales. Russian folk tale. Chicken Ryaba. S. Marshak. Chicken Ryaba and ten ducklings. Mastering different types of retelling of a literary text: detailed, selective and brief. Multimedia projector Ability to read the text; The ability to compare fairy tales with similar content; the ability to read expressively and convey the character’s mood; the ability to continue a fairy tale. Retell the text of a work of art: in detail, briefly, selectively Regulatory: mastering ways to work with a book. Cognitive: the ability to distinguish between proverbs and sayings, the formation of expressive reading skills. Communicative: the ability to interact in pairs and groups, distribute roles in games and dramatizations.
12.04 Russian folk tale. Cat, Fox and Rooster. The main characters of the fairy tale. Be able to compare fairy tales. T. Pavlova “The Tale of the Wise Crow.” Russian folk tales “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Ryaba Hen”. S. Marshak “Ryaba the Hen and Ten Ducklings.” Understanding the content of the fairy tale, searching for answers to questions; development of actions, preparation for retelling; understanding the characters’ actions; expressive reading of dialogues. Electronic application The ability to read a text and comprehensively comprehend its content; ability to answer questions; ability to monitor the development of action; retell; highlight the main idea; read dialogues expressively Regulatory: mastering ways to work with a book. Cognitive: the ability to distinguish between proverbs and sayings, the formation of expressive reading skills. Communicative: the ability to interact in pairs and groups, distribute roles in games and dramatizations.
14.04 Comparison of fairy tale heroes. Author's, folk tales. L. Panteleev. Two frogs. Comparison of fairy tale heroes. Following in the footsteps of family reading. Tales of different nations. Comparison of Russian fairy tales with fairy tales of the peoples of Russia. Awareness of the concept of “motherland”, ideas about the manifestation of love for the Motherland in the literature of different nations (using the example of the peoples of Russia). The similarity of themes, ideas, heroes in the folklore of different nations. Multimedia projector The ability to read a text and comprehensively comprehend its content; ability to answer questions; ability to monitor the development of action; retell, highlight the main idea. Distinguish between original and folk tales. R. Accustom to follow the development of actions in a fairy tale, prepare for a retelling. K. draw children’s attention to the speech of the characters P. teach them to read dialogues in a fairy tale expressively.
15.04 Tales of the peoples of Russia. Collections of Russian folk tales. Tatar folk tale "Three Daughters". Comparison of fairy tales: “Two Lazy Men” and “The Hare and the Tortoise.” Proverbs. (Laziness - hard work, honesty - deception, kindness - anger, familiarity with fairy tales of different nations; the ability to compare them according to the main idea; the ability to read expressively. . Electronic application Read a fairy tale out loud. Tell a story using a series of drawings. Identify the heroes of the work. Determine the characters' characters and name their qualities. Compare fairy tales with similar content. Distribute roles. Stage the work. R. accept and maintain the learning task K. develop constructive ways of interacting with the book. P. Reading skill in whole words; teach to read expressively
18.04 Laziness will not bring you any good. "Our theater" S. Mikhalkov. “It’s your own fault” dramatization of a fairy tale. Multimedia projector The ability to distinguish between a folk tale and an author's one; ability to read dialogue expressively; understand the main idea of ​​the work. R. Plan actions according to the task. K. formation of constructive ways of interacting with the book. P. improving the level of reading competence
19.04 1. “Little and big secrets of the country of Literature.” An idea of ​​folk and author's fairy tales (at a practical level). Last name and first name of the author-creator of the fairy tale. 2. “The Fox and the Cancer”, “The Fox”. (Practical comparison of literary text with scientific and educational text.) Multimedia projector Ability to compare texts; observe and combine works based on the similarity of the main idea; ability to read expressively. Regulatory: mastering ways to work with a book. Cognitive: the ability to distinguish between proverbs and sayings, the formation of expressive reading skills. Communicative: the ability to interact in pairs and groups, distribute roles in games and dramatizations.
21.04 Don't offend anyone. The moral meaning of the works. V. Lunin. Don't offend anyone. E. Blaginina. Kitty. Understanding the moral content of what is read, awareness of the motivation for the behavior of the characters, analysis of the actions of the characters from the point of view of moral standards. Family reading. L. Tolstoy. Fire dogs. B. Zhitkov. Evening. Electronic application Ability to work with a book; read expressively; the ability to find words that characterize the characters. Understanding of concepts: “dialogue of heroes”, “Red Book”, “prose text” R. Monitor and objectively evaluate your actions. K. develop the ability to work in pairs and groups; P. be able to read poetry expressively.
22.04 The use of sound recording as a means of creating an image. I. Tokmakova. Frogs. Conversation between a tit and a woodpecker. V. Bianchi. Birds talking at the end of summer. Introduction to sound recording as a means of creating an image; finding the words that poets use to convey the sounds of nature; development of skills to work in pairs; read expressively. Multimedia projector Have an idea of ​​the technique of sound recording as a means of creating an image; the ability to find words that poets use to convey the sounds of nature. Be able to read the text and comprehensively comprehend its content; be able to answer questions; be able to monitor the development of action; highlight the main idea; read poems expressively, conveying the peculiarities of the conversation of various birds. Master the technique of sound recording as a means of creating an image. Find the words the poet uses to convey the sounds of nature. R. Learn to find words that poets use to convey the sounds of nature K. develop the ability to work in pairs P. teach children to read expressively
25.04 “We are responsible for those we have tamed” I. Pivovarova. She treated everyone. S. Mikhalkov. Finch. S. Marshak. At the zoo. Communication with the natural world. N. Sladkov. Without words. Independent reproduction of the text using expressive means of language: sequential reproduction of episodes using vocabulary specific to a given work (based on questions from the teacher), story based on illustrations, retelling. Creation of a photo newspaper “Forest Life”. (Creation of the “Protect Nature” poster) Multimedia projector Regulatory: mastering ways to work with a book. Educational: select material to create a poster or newspaper in accordance with the topic. Determine the theme of the book exhibition, find the right book. Communicative: the ability to interact in pairs and groups, distribute roles in games and dramatizations.
26.04 Communication with the natural world. Independent reproduction of the text using expressive means of language: sequential reproduction of episodes using vocabulary specific to a given work (based on questions from the teacher), story based on illustrations, retelling. Creation of a photo newspaper “Forest Life”. (Creation of the “Protect Nature” poster) Electronic application Be able to read the text and comprehensively comprehend its content; be able to answer questions; be able to monitor the development of action; highlight the main idea; read works expressively. Find words that characterize the hero. Identify the heroes of the work and their characters. R. Accept and save the learning task; adequately perceive teacher K’s assessment. interact productively with peers. P. Analyze literary text, be able to read poetry expressively
28.04 We're going to the library. Books about nature and animals. We're going to the library. L. N. Tolstoy. Treat everyone kindly. Do not torture animals. Acquaintance with the works of Russian and Soviet writers about nature and animals; acquaintance with the work of L. Tolstoy; develop the ability to hear and listen to a work of art and, based on listening, analyze the work of art; develop the ability to read books independently. Multimedia projector Ability to work with a book; determine the theme of the exhibition and classify books into subtopics; know about the work of L. Tolstoy; ability to read books independently. R. develop the ability to hear and listen to a work of art. K. participate in a group discussion P. mastery of reading comprehension techniques
29.04 Our theater. S. Marshak. Wolf and Fox. Analysis of the work. Characteristics of heroes. Distribution of roles, expressive reading of dialogue. Staging. Electronic application Compare concepts: doing well, doing badly, Explain their meaning. Identify the heroes of the work and their characters. Distribute roles. Stage the work. Create a work based on a series of drawings. Regulatory Test yourself and independently evaluate your achievements based on the diagnostic work presented in the textbook.
05.05 Small and big secrets of the country of Literature. Generalization of the initial ideas that each of the heroes of the work has its own character; introduce a new work by S. Marshak. Practical comparison of literary and scientific texts. Distinguishing between drawing techniques with words and messages, explanations using words. Multimedia projector Know the works of S. Marshak; the ability to read expressively; stage R. Accept and save the learning task. K. develop the ability to work in groups; P. conscious and voluntary construction of speech utterances orally when formulating answers to questions.
06.05 When my friends are with me. S. Mikhalkov. Song of friends. M. Tanich. When my friends are with me. A. Barto. Sonechka. Expressive reading of poems. Characteristics of heroes, based on their speech and actions Multimedia projector Read expressively, conveying the main emotional tone of the work. Identify the heroes of the work. Characterize the hero of the work by his speech and actions. Find the main idea of ​​the work, correlate the content of the work with the proverb. R. Form the idea that disputes need to be resolved on the basis of mutual understanding and friendly relations K. be able to work in pairs and groups P. learn to read expressively, conveying the main emotional tone of the work.
10.05 Hero of the story. Comparison of works by topic, content, main idea. Comparison of works by topic, content, main idea. E. Permyak. The worst thing. V. Oseeva. Good. E. Shim. Brother and younger sister. Characteristics of the hero of the work using artistic and expressive means of this text. Finding words and expressions in the text that characterize the hero and the event. Analysis (with the help of a teacher) of the character’s actions and his motives. Comparison of the heroes’ actions by analogy or contrast. Characteristics of the hero of the work. Portrait, character of the hero, expressed through actions and speech. Electronic application The ability to determine the main idea of ​​a work; the ability to read the text, the ability to compare works by topic, content and main idea; the ability to characterize a hero by his speech and actions. R. control and objectively evaluate one’s actions K. be able to work in pairs P. analyze a literary text
12.05 We're going to the library. Excursion to the library. Books about children. Generalization of knowledge. Electronic application Find a book in the library using specified parameters. Classify the books at the exhibition into subtopics.
13.05 A kind word is better than a soft pie. E Blagina. A conversation about gifts, about expressing one’s attitude towards them, the ability to accept and give gifts, and to be grateful for gifts; independent reading of a poem by E. Blaginina; analysis of the work; reading a poem by V. Lunin. Electronic application Determine the theme of the poem. Read expressively, conveying the main emotional tone of the work. Understand the author's attitude towards the characters. R. Develop interest in the book, read K.’s work thoroughly and be able to formulate one’s own opinion and position. P. conscious and voluntary construction of verbal utterances of answers to questions
16.05 Our theater. M. Plyatskovsky. Sunshine as a keepsake. Our theater. M. Plyatskovsky. Sunshine as a keepsake. Combined reading of the poem by Yu. Moritz “This is yes! This is a no! Reading by roles. Multimedia projector Regulatory: test yourself, independently evaluate your achievements based on the diagnostic work presented in the textbook. Cognitive: analyze literary text, be able to read poetry expressively. Communicative: develop the ability to work in pairs and groups.
17.05 Small and big secrets of the country of Literature Comparison: story - fairy tale. V. Suteev. “Whose mushroom is this?” (Ways to resolve conflict situations.) Family reading. L. Tolstoy. “Don’t be lazy”, “Bone”. (The concepts of “deception”, “honesty”, “conscience”, “laziness”, “hard work”.) The moral and ethical meaning of the works. Electronic application Know the works of L. Tolstoy and V. Suteev; ability to communicate based on respect and mutual understanding. Regulatory: control and objectively evaluate your actions. Cognitive: analyze literary text, be able to read poetry expressively. Communicative: develop the ability to work in pairs and groups.
19.05 Summarizing the material studied Monitoring and verification of learning results. Electronic application Identify the heroes of the work. Characterize the hero by his speech and actions. Distribute roles. Regulatory: control and objectively evaluate your actions. Cognitive: analyze literary text, be able to read poetry expressively. Communicative: develop the ability to work in pairs and groups
20.05 There is no better native land. Basic concepts of the section: poetry, rhyme. Poetic speech: recognition, distinction, highlighting the features of a poetic work (rhythm, rhyme). P. Voronko. There is no better native land. Poems by Russian poets about nature. Works by Russian artists about nature. A. Pleshcheev. Spring. S. Yesenin. Bird cherry. S. Drozhzhin. The cold winter will pass. I. Surikov. Summer. A. Pushkin. For spring, the beauty of nature. A. Pleshcheev. Summer has passed. I. Surikov. Winter Multimedia projector Understand the specific meaning of the main concepts of the section. Talk about your homeland; about your family; about your feelings for the Motherland, the place where you were born and raised; about love for family, parents, brothers and sisters. Convey the mood when reading poetry in accordance with the speech task. Find rhyme in a poem. Find comparisons. Observe the use of comparisons. Determine the rhythm of the poem, read based on the rhythm. Regulatory: determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson in dialogue with the teacher and classmates Cognitive: analyze a literary text, be able to read poems expressively. Communication skills: be able to work in pairs and groups
23.05 Works of Russian poets and artists about nature. Seasons: autumn, winter. A. Pushkin. “For spring, the beauty of nature...”; A. Pleshcheev. “The summer has passed...” I. Surikov. "Winter". "Four Sisters" Fairy tale. Comparison of texts: A. Maikov. "Martin"; N. Sladkov. "The first swallow." Rereading poems; working on expressive reading; reading poems about winter, finding comparisons in them, collectively composing a fairy tale; generalization. Multimedia projector Painting reproductions The ability to compare the works of different poets in terms of content and mood; ability to observe the use of comparisons; the ability to create the emotional tone of a poem with your voice; the ability to find words indicating the poet’s attitude, his mood.
24.05 Comparison of works of literature and painting. Reproductions of paintings by I. Grabar, I. Shishkin, I. Levintana, I. Repin, P. Konchalovsky. Comparison of works of literature and painting. The image of nature in a literary fairy tale. V, Sukhomlinsky. Four sisters. V. Berestov. Loved for no particular reason. G. Vieru. How many stars are there in the clear sky! N. Bromley. What's the very first word? A. Mityaev. Why I love you Electronic application Painting reproductions Compare works of verbal and visual art; find commonalities and differences. Read works, expressing the mood and your own attitude towards what is depicted. Explain the meaning of the works you read. Write your own fairy tales. R. evaluate his work according to the criteria specified by the teacher, using rating scales, K signs. formulate his own opinion and position. P. independent search and creation of ways to solve creative problems
25.05 “Beloved homeland, like a dear mother.” Magical fantasy land. Pay attention to the concepts of “homeland like mother”, “family harmony”; cultivate respect and love for parents; learn to compose stories about your family, parents, convey in words your attitude towards them; practice expressive reading skills. Listening and reading works from ancient textbooks (I. Kosyakov. “She’s All”; K. Ushinsky. “Medicine”;); reading a poem by V. Berestov; generalization. Basic concepts of the section: creativity. R.Sef. It's completely unclear. V. Mayakovsky. Tuchkin's things. V. Viktorov. The poet found the words within himself. Yu. Moritz. A hundred fantasies. I. Pivovarova. I am a magic wand. G. Tsyferov. About me and about the chicken. Writing your own stories based on literary texts. Multimedia projector Ability to write stories about your family and parents; convey in words your attitude towards them; ability to read expressively. Based on the section, guess which works will be considered in this section. Read aloud with a gradual transition to reading silently. Make up your own stories. Explain the meaning of the concept “creativity”. Compose a short story or fairy tale, imitating the writer of the works you read. R. check himself, independently evaluate his achievements based on the diagnostic work presented in the textbook. K. participate in a collective discussion of problems P. mastering reading comprehension techniques; compilation of oral histories. R. Discover and formulate an educational problem in dialogue with the teacher and classmates. K. participate in collective discussion of problems. P. conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral form.

– summarize knowledge on the topic “Me and my friends”;
– improve the skill of expressive reading and the skill of reading whole words;
– continue to develop the skills to analyze and compare works;
– develop speech skills, creativity, observation, attention, memory;
– cultivate a caring and attentive attitude towards people around you.

Equipment: recording of the song “When my friends are with me”; colored crayons, pencils; crossword; cards with excerpts from works; puzzles; drawings by students on the theme “Me and my friends”; proverbs about friendship.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

There is a recording of the song “When my friends are with me” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tanich).

II. Checking homework.

Retelling of D. Tikhomirov’s work “Nakhodka”.

Exhibition of drawings on the theme “Me and my friends.”

III. Setting the lesson goal.

– Today in class we will remember the works that we studied in the “Me and My Friends” section.
– Read the puzzles:

– What words refer to friendship?

IV. Consolidating students' knowledge.

1. Speech minute.

- Read the following sentence:

Tra-tra-tra -
Children are having fun and playing.
At-at-at -
In games you have to give in.
Is-is-is –
Don't fight with your friend.
Bro-bro-bro –
Do only good for people.
Kno-kno-kno –
I'm going to the cinema with my family.
Gru-gru-gru -
We finished the game.

– Read the tongue twister from the “Colorful Pages” section (p. 131 of the textbook), first slowly, then quickly and clearly.
– Who is this tongue twister about?
-What were the names of the geese?
- Why are they always together?
– How do they say this in a tongue twister? Read it.

2. Reading the poem by Yu. Entin “About Friendship.”

-What is the name of the poem?
– Read the author’s name.
– What do you think this poem is about?
– Who can be called a true friend?
– Read the poem by Yu. Entin “About Friendship.”
– Explain what the expression “friendship should be treasured” means.
– Read what wish the author expresses.
– Do you agree with the poet that “there is no need to quarrel with friends”?
– What is said in the first quatrain?
– What phenomena, objects, living beings does the poet Y. Entin talk about the friendship of?
– Draw a diagram of this quatrain.

- Read the second quatrain.
– What advice does the author give?
– How should you share with your friends?
– Explain the words and expressions: “divide in half”, “you should never quarrel.”
– Listen to A. Barto’s poem “I have grown up.”

Pre-prepared students read by heart A. Barto’s poem “I have grown up.”

I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book,
I'll collect my toys
And I’ll give it to Seryozha.

Wooden dishes
I won't give it away yet.
I need the hare myself -
It's okay that he's lame.

And the bear is too dirty...
It's a pity to give away the doll:
He'll give it to the boys
Or he'll throw it under the bed.

Give the locomotive to Seryozha?
It's bad, without a wheel...
And then I need it too
Play for at least half an hour.

I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book,
But it seems that I am Seryozha
I won't give you anything!

– What rules of friendship are described in this poem?
– How should you treat people close and dear to you?
– Tell us about your real friends.
– Can your parents be your friends?

3. Reading works from the section “Colorful pages” on p. 52–53 textbooks.

– First read the highlighted words in V. Lunin’s poem “Wolf”.
– Explain what these words mean.
– Read the entire text, observing punctuation marks.
– Why is it unprofitable for a wolf to be friends with a ram?
– What rule of friendship did the poet describe in this comic poem?
– Read clearly and quickly “The Tale of the Wise Crow” by T. Pavlova.
– What sounds helped convey the crow’s conversation?
– What advice does the author give to friends on behalf of the crow?
– Explain the title of the work.
– What happened to the guys?
– What are the children’s names?
– Read the lines in which the crow gives advice to all his friends.
– Continue the phrases by answering T. Pavlova’s question “Who?”

Physical education minute

A rooster walks around the yard
Himself with spurs,
Tail with patterns.
Stands under the window
He screams throughout the yard,
Whoever hears it runs.

V. Generalization of students' knowledge.

1. Quiz “Find out the work and name the author.”

Students choose a card with an excerpt from the studied works of the “Me and My Friends” section and answer the questions:

– What is the name of this work?
– Who is its author?
– What does this work teach us?

He took a step back
And he said:
- Seal is a mattress...
I. Pivovarova. "Polite Donkey"

...They don’t buy friends,
Friends are not for sale...
V. Berestov. "In the toy store"

...And when I need it,
I'll beat her myself!
A. Barto. “What a protector!”

Here's the briefcase
Coat and hat.
Dad's Day
Day off…
S. Marshak. "Nice day"

...We quarreled
Cup and saucer.
Now they will break...
R. Sef. "Advice"

-Who offended whom first?
- He me!
- No, he me!..
V. Orlov. "Who's first?"

A friend came to see me
And we played with her.
And here's one toy
Suddenly she liked...
E. Blaginina. "Present"

The sun is shining above,
And below the river flows.
Early in the morning in this river
Two sheep drowned...
S. Mikhalkov. "Sheep"

2. Game “Proverbs and sayings about friendship and family.”

– Restore proverbs and sayings:

> Scold people - but don’t forget your comrade.
> To a true friend and don’t lose old ones.
> Make new friends, but there are no friends.
> Stronger agreement will not lead to good.
> Lots of friends, no good.
> Take care of yourself, so your soul is in place.
> Quarrel and stubbornness have no price.
> The whole family is together, stone walls.

- Explain these proverbs.
– Read the words written on the board:

>help each other
>they are greedy
> have common interests, games, activities
>hurt each other
>argue and quarrel
>think only about themselves
>attentive and caring

– Read only those words and expressions that correspond to your ideas about friendship.
– Which of these qualities do you have?

3. Crossword “Friendship”.

– What do you play with your friends?
– Can you give your toy to a friend?
– Solve the crossword puzzle and read the key word.


1. The stick is thin,
And the song in it is ringing.

2. On the blue tablecloth
Egorka is swimming -
Linen shirt,
Wooden shoes.

3. My outfit is colorful,
My cap is sharp
My jokes and laughter
They make everyone happy. (Parsley.)

4. Wooden horses
They jump in the snow,
And they don’t fall into the snow.

5. Blinks his eyes
The brakes squeak.

6. In this young lady
The sisters are hiding.
Every sister
For the smaller dungeon. (Matryoshka.)
7. You need to drive carefully
You can hold on to the horns.
The only pity is that there is no mane...
What kind of horse? (Bike.)

– Read the key word.
– Who can you call a friend?
– Do you have many friends?
– Can you call yourself a true friend?

VI. Lesson summary.
– What did you learn in class?
– Which works about friendship did you like the most? Why?
– Can books be friends?
- Why?

Homework : complete task 5 on p. 54 textbooks.

Literary reading. 1st grade. At 2 o'clock Klimanova L.F., Goretsky V.G., Vinogradskaya L.A.

M.:2011. - Part 1 - 96 p., Part 2 - 112 p.

Literary reading 1st grade textbook in 2 parts for general education institutions. This textbook is part of the “Perspective” system, founded in 2006. You have passed the most difficult part of the path - you have overcome the “ABC”, learned to put letters into words, words into sentences. Now you can independently open the door to the world where books live. But how not to get lost, how to find the right road and unravel the secrets of the land of Literature? What we want first of all is to teach you to enjoy communication with a good book.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Books are my friends
To the new reader. S. Marshak 7
Who speaks silently? 8
Jokes for a minute 8
The emergence of writing 10
How would we live without books?..
S. Mikhalkov 13
Reading book 14
Jokes for a minute 14
We're going to the library 15
There is a green oak near the Lukomorye...
A. S. Pushkin 20
Independent reading 22
Mom brought Tanya a new book...
B. Oseeva 22
Family reading 23
It is bad for him who does no good to anyone. K. Ushinsky 23
Our theater 24
Aibolit. K. Chukovsky 24
Small and big secrets of the country of Literature 27
Songs of the Russian people 29
Songs of different nations 31
Jokes for a minute 35
Under the mountain hut 35
Riddles 36
Proverbs and sayings of different nations 38
Reading book 40
We're going to the library 42
Independent reading 43
Mother Goose Rhymes 43
Family reading 44
Our theater 46
English folk song 46
Minute jokes 49
What's happened? 49
Small and big secrets of the country of Literature 50
Hello fairy tale!
Find out fairy tale 53
Once upon a time there were letters 56
Why is "A" first? G. Yudin 56
Katya and letters. T. Koti 58
Reading book 60
Little goats. N. Konchalovskaya 60
Wolf. V. Lunin 61
The story of the wise crow. T. Pavlova 61
Once upon a time there lived a red fox, a gray hare and Ryaba Hen 62
A hen and ten ducklings.
S. Marshak 63
Fox, hare and rooster.
Russian folk tale 66
Two frogs. L. Panteleev 70
Minute jokes 75
Four Anyutochkas... . E. Blaginina 75
We're going to the library 76
Independent reading 77
Living alphabet. I. Gamazkova 77
Minute jokes 79
Family Reading 80
Three daughters.
Tatar folk tale 80
Two lazy people.
Tatar folk tale 83
Hare and turtle.
Ingush folk tale 84
Our theater 86
It's your own fault. S. Mikhalkov 86
Small and big secrets of the country of Literature 90
Dictionary 92

I love all living things
Don't offend anyone. V. Lunin 5
Kitty. E. Blaginina 6
Frogs. I. Tokmakova 7
Conversation between a tit and a woodpecker.
I. Tokmakova 8
Birds talking at the end of summer.
V. Bianchi 9
Reading book 12
She treated everyone. I. Pivovarova 13
Finch. S. Mikhalkov 15
Jokes for a minute 17
Without words. N. Sladkov 18
We're going to the library 20
Treat everyone kindly.
L. N. Tolstoy 22
Don't torture animals. L. N. Tolstoy 23
Independent reading 24
At the zoo. S. Marshak 24
Family reading 26
Fire dogs. L. Tolstoy 26
Evening. B. Zhitkov 28
Jokes for a minute 31
"One day in July..." Y. Tuvim 31
Our theater 33
Wolf and fox. S. Marshak 33
Small and big secrets of the country of Literature 34
Little frogs. V. Berestov 35
Good neighbors, happy friends
Song of friends. S. Mikhalkov 39
When my friends are with me 41
Sonechka. A. Barto 43
The worst thing. E. Permyak 44
Good. V. Oseeva 46
Brother and younger sister. E. Shim 48
Reading book 50
Cyclist. V. Lunin 50
Minute jokes 51
“Fedya went to the buffet for candy...”
V. Lunin 51
“I was sewing a fur coat...” E. Blaginina 51
Out of place. I. Tokmakova 51
We're going to the library 52
Independent reading 54
"Locomotive, locomotive..." E. Blaginina.. 54
“A friend came to see me...”
E. Blaginina 54
“I need shoes...” V. Lunin 55
Our theater 56
Sunshine as a keepsake.
M. Plyatskovsky 56
It's true! This is a no! Yu. Moritz 58
Family Reading 60
Don't be lazy. L. Tolstoy 60
Bone. L. Tolstoy 60
Small and big secrets of the country of Literature 62
Whose mushroom is it? V. Suteev 63
Native land, forever beloved
There is no better native land.
P. Voronko 67
Spring. A. Pleshcheev 70
Bird cherry. S. Yesenin 72
“The cold winter will pass...”
S. Drozhzhin 72
Summer. I. Surikov 73
In summer. N. Grekov 74
“For spring, the beauty of nature...”
A. Pushkin 76
"Summer has passed..." A. Pleshcheev 76
Winter. I. Surikov 78
Four sisters 80
Reading book 82
Song about rain. A. Vvedensky 82
Minute jokes 83
Haymaking. I. Tokmakova 83
“They loved you for no special reason...”
B. Berestov 85
“How many stars are there in the clear sky...”
G. Vieru 86
“What is the very first word...”
N. Bromley 86
Why I love my mother. A. Mityaev 87
Poems for dad. V. Berestov 88
We're going to the library 89
Independent reading 90
First fish E. Permyak 90
Family reading 91
All of her. I. Kosyakov 91
Boy and father. L. Tolstoy 92
Medicine. K. Ushinsky 92
Small and big secrets of the country of Literature
The swallow came rushing. A. Maykov 93
A hundred fantasies
It's completely unclear. R. Sef 96
Tuchkin's things. V. Mayakovsky 97
“The poet found the words in himself...”
V. Viktorov 97
A hundred fantasies. Yu. Moritz 98
Learn to compose yourself 100
“I use a magic wand...”
I. Pivovarova 100
About me and about the chicken. G Tsyferov 101
Vocabulary 104
We recommend reading in summer 105

A child learns a lot from books, so reading should be encouraged and supported. Oddly enough, mothers mostly read to their children, and from the age of three books begin to fade into the background, it’s sad to realize this. On the contrary, the range of books should expand, because the child is now able to understand more complex things, he can now feel and live the book together with its characters. Reading with your parents and reading independently will help you perform better in school. But what should a first grader read? This article lists school literature for reading in the first grade according to the "Perspective" program. The list is based on which works will be mentioned in school textbooks for a given program. On our website you can find audio versions of these books.

Books, the knowledge of which is required when studying the ABC, the textbook The World Around us, the Russian language.

  • Poems, proverbs and riddles about autumn
  • Doctor Aibolit
  • Beast starting with the letter Y
  • Uncle Styopa
  • Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
  • Geese-swans
  • Cinderella
  • Hare and hedgehog. K. Ushinsky
  • Moidodyr
  • Cat's house
  • Whale and cat
  • About Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about shaggy Misha - a meek tail. D. Mamin-Sibiryak
  • Fox and wolf
  • turnip
  • Koschey the immortal
  • Ryaba hen

Poems about children

A. Barto. “We became literate,” “Why did Petya wake up 10 times today.”

S. Marshak. “Conversation with the first class”, “A memory for the schoolchild”, “Important day”, “Friends and comrades”.

E. Blaginina. “Locomotive, locomotive...”, “A friend came to see me...”.

V. Lunin. “I need shoes mom...”

Poems about animals

B. Zakhoder. "About furry and feathered creatures."

Yu. Moritz. "Crimson cat"

S. Marshak. “Children in a Cage”, “Where the Sparrow Dined”, “Kindergarten. Zoo", "At the Zoo".

Poems and stories about nature

"Seasons". Poetry.

"Signs of Autumn" Works of Russian writers.

"Glorious Autumn" Poems of Russian poets.

A. Blok. "Bunny."

Funny poems

B. Zakhoder. “The Whale and the Cat”, “Gymnastics for the Tadpole”, “Once Upon a Time There Was an Eagle Owl”.

A. Barto. “Lidochka”, “I grew up”, “Alyosha”, “The house moved”, “Toys”.

A. Prokofiev. “Like on a hill, on a mountain.”

"Mother Goose Rhymes."

Folk tales

"Ayoga", "Little Willie Winky". Scottish folk tales.

K. Ivanov. "Two daughters." Chuvash fairy tale.

Russian folk tales

“Teremok”, “Swan Geese”, “Turnip”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Tereshechka”. "The black horse gallops into the fire."

Animal Tales

K. Chukovsky. “Chicken”, “Telephone”, “Stolen Sun”, “Cockroach”.

N. Yusupov. "The Dove and the Grain of Wheat."

“The Three Little Pigs”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “The Fox, the Wolf and the Bear”.

Tales of Winter

“Morozko”, “Snow Maiden”.

V. Suteev. “Bag of Apples”, “Uncle Misha”, “Boat”, “Magic Wand”, “Who Said Meow?”

V. Berestov. "The braggart snake."

S. Marshak. “The Tale of the Goat”, “The Cat’s House”.

V. Bianchi. "Forest bun - prickly side."

V. Dahl. “Old Year Old Man.”

Fairy tales of foreign writers

C. Perrault. "Cinderella".

I. Grimm. "Seven Brave Men", "The Brave Little Tailor".

G.-H. Andersen. "Swineherd".

D. Rodari. "Why? Why? For what?".


B. Zakhoder. "Living ABC".

V. Oseeva. “Mom brought Tanya a new book.”

I. Gamazkova. "Living ABC".

E. Permyak. "Hasty knife."

L. Panteleev. "The letter "You".

G. Skrebitsky. "Mother".

V. Stepanov. "My homeland is Russia."

P. Voronko. "Your book."

S. Baruzdin. "Main City"

E. Trutneva. "In my native land."

L. Preobrazhenskaya. "Our street"

K. Ushinsky. "Four Wishes", "Wind and Sun".

Stories about children

V. Oseeva. “Sons”, “Before the First Rain”, “Bad”, “Blue Leaves”.

E. Permyak. “The First Fish” (“Yura lived in a large and friendly family...”), “Paper Kite”.

E. Moshkovskaya. "Resentment", "Book for a Friend".

V. Lunin. "Me and Vovka."

V. Golyavkin. "Chatterboxes."

A. Barto. "If he needs you."

N. Artyukhova. "Girlfriends."

Stories about animals

V. Bianchi. “The First Hunt”, “The Snow Book”, “Forest Houses”, “The Fox and the Mouse”.

N. Sladkov. "Forest Tales".

E. Charushin. “About Tomka”, “Tyupa, Tomka and others”, “Wolf”.

Ya. Akim. "My faithful little siskin."

B. Zakhoder. "A dog's sorrows."

R. Sef. "Who loves dogs?"

K. Paustovsky, G. Skrebitsky, K. Ushinsky. Stories about nature.

Oral folk art (small genres)

“The round dance winds and winds.” Sayings, folk songs.

Nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, riddles, fables.

S. Marshak. “To the New Reader”, “Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings”, “Wolf and Fox”.

K. Chukovsky. "Aibolit".

G. Yudin. “Why is A first?”

T. Coty. "Katya and the letters."

V. Lunin. "Little goats." "Don't offend anyone."

T. Pavlova. "The Wise Crow's Tale."

S. Mikhalkov. “It’s our own fault”, Fairy tale “Finch”, “How would we live without books?”, “Song of friends”.

L. Panteleev. "Two frogs."

E. Blaginina. "Kitty".

V. Bianchi. "Birds talking at the end of summer."

I. Pivovarova. “I treated everyone.”

N. Sladkov. "Without words."

B. Zhitkov. "Evening".

I. Tokmakova. “Frogs”, “Conversation between a tit and a woodpecker”, “Inadvertently”.

E. Permyak. "The worst thing."

V. Berestov. “Little Frogs”, “Poems for Dad”.

E. Shim. "Brother and little sister."

M. Plyatskovsky. "Sunshine as a souvenir."

P. Voronko. “There is no better native land.”

Yu. Moritz. "It's true! This is a no!

V. Suteev. “Whose mushroom is it?”

A. Pleshcheev. “Spring”, “Summer has passed”.

S. Yesenin. "Bird cherry".

I. Surikov. "Summer", "Winter".

N. Grekov. "In summer".

Oral folk art. Proverbs and sayings of different nations.

Songs of different peoples.

Counting books.

Russian folk tales.

Proverbs, sayings, wise sayings.

"Three daughters." Tatar folk tale.

"Two lazy people." Tatar folk tale.

"The Hare and the Tortoise." Ingush folk tale.

I. Kosyakov. "All of her."

J. Harris. "The Tales of Uncle Remus."

E. Schwartz. "The Tale of Lost Time."

Tales of the peoples of Russia.

Russian folk tales.

Amusing folklore: tongue twisters, counting rhymes, fables.

Brothers Grimm. "King Thrush".

Reference (methodological) literature for teachers

Klimanova L. F. Literary reading lessons in grades 1, 2, 3, 4. - M., 2006.

Levin V. A. When a little schoolboy becomes a big reader. - M., 1994.

Omorokova M.I. Fundamentals of teaching reading to primary schoolchildren. - M., 2005.

Kubasova O. V. How to help a child become a reader. - M., 2004.

Matveeva E.I. Teaching younger schoolchildren to understand the text. - M., 2005.

Voyushina M.P. Criteria and levels of literary development // Literary and speech development of schoolchildren: / interuniversity collection of scientific works. - St. Petersburg, 1992.

Romanovskaya Z.I. Reading and development of a junior schoolchild. - M., 1982.

Rubakin N. A. Psychology of the reader and books. - M., 1977.

Nikiforova O. I. Psychology of perception of fiction. - M., 1972.

Lazareva V. A. Technologies for analyzing a work of art. - M., 2006.

Rez Z. Ya. Studying lyrics at school. - M., 1968.

Voyushina M.P. Studying the lyrics of Sergei Yesenin in elementary school. - St. Petersburg, 1996.

Propp V. Ya. Morphology of a fairy tale: historical roots of a fairy tale. - M., 1972.

Russian language in primary classes: theory and practice of teaching / ed. M. S. Soloveichik. - M., 2000.

Churakova N. A. How to get into the world of painting. - Samara, 2001.

Vorobyova V.I., Tivikova S.K. Essays based on paintings in primary grades. - M., 2006.

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