Short poems about summer holidays. What does the sun look like? All year round

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without knowing shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
– Don’t write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind each poetic work of those times, a whole Universe was certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry, who rejected the word.

Hello Summer!

So much sun! How much light!
So much greenery all around!
What is this? It's SUMMER
Finally he hurries to our house.
Songbirds are discordant!
The fresh smell of juicy herbs,
Ripe ears of corn in the field
And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.
How many delicious sweet berries
In a clearing in the forest!
So we'll eat for a year
Stock up on vitamins!
I swim to my heart's content in the river,
I'll sunbathe to my heart's content.
And on grandma's stove
I'll sleep as long as you want!
So much sun! How much light!
How wonderful the summer heat is!
I wish I could make it so summer
It was with me for a whole year!

T. Bokova


August with autumn rain
Drumming on the glass
Wet trees are crying
In the piercing wind.

Summer passed quickly
Like dew in the morning
In a green sundress
With a forget-me-not in her braid.

And disappeared into the fog
Taking the warmth with you,
A flock of birds under the clouds
Gone to distant countries.

Autumn, red-haired cheat,
Came up unnoticed
She painted the leaves deftly,
I found bright colors.

Following the warm Indian summer
The forest and garden will be empty,
Will fly away with the wild wind
Multi-colored leaf fall.

I. Butrimova


Waves roll along the surface of the river,
The boat at the pier is rocked by the surf,
In the morning the lawns were covered with dew,
Pure, tender, like a tear.

The gentle wind shook the cornflowers
In a green field by a quiet river.
The willow tree bowed its branches to the water,
The sail glides on a transparent wave.

A generous summer will give you warmth,
Sunlight, flower carpet,
Singing in the thicket of the forest nightingale,
The gentle coolness of a forest stream.

I. Butrimova


The beginning of summer and the heat,
Balls of peonies in the wind,
There are droplets from the oar on the river,
Yes, the bittern is hooting in the forest.

Restless bumblebee itch
Above the cornflower blue pantry
And the call of a cool stream
Murmuring virgin water.

Ozone from pine needles
Tans amber resin.
Dropping glare of whiteness,
Birch trees sing in the wind.

And in the clear sky there is blue
The rays of the sun caress.
How I want to fall into the grass,
Treat yourself away from the city.

Summer is ending

The last gentle warmth
So far summer is spoiling us...
The sky is transparent, like glass,
Washed by rain and wind.
Rows of old poplars
Relaxing in an ancient park
And flower beds lushly along the alleys
They are blooming and fragrant...
A steamboat is sailing along the river,
The lawn grass is emerald,
And in autumn is coming soon coming
It's still very hard to believe...

N. Metelkina


Sunny summer again
It's free time again!
How many songs will be sung
By the campfire!

Goodbye, dear city!
Goodbye, school, home!
There are forests and mountains ahead,
Breakfast in a thick spruce forest.

Be healthy, agile, brave
The country gave us an order
To be a healthy person
Back to class in September!

E. Trutneva


Today the sun is in a lace shirt
Snow-white thin clouds,
In the lace there is a clearing of daisies,
And the ground looks like an alcove.
Summer nature triumphs,
Marching in colorful outfits,
Gives us good weather
Longsuffering is a reward.

L. Kuzminskaya

In the forest

Turn red in the sun
Pine trunks,
Spreads everywhere
Smell of resin;
And white lilies of the valley
The brushes are hanging;
How thin and tender
Their scent.
I'm walking through the forest,
I sing a song
And the pine trees listen
My song.
Through the thick branches
The sun is looking;
Chaffinch in response to me
The song rings...


In July

Barley is ripe in the fields.
He makes me happy!
I wander all day
On the waves of barley.

July laughs at me
The fields nod to me.
And the cloud is like tulle,
And the sun burns, scorching.

I've been wandering all day
In the dry waves of the earth,
While the night shadow
Will not darken the stems.

I'll go down to the river and take a look
On the muddy atlas;
Will he get sad, well,
Well, sadness from the eyes.

Should I be sad now?
When is the barley ripe?
I'll kiss everyone
I would like to on this day!

I. Severyanin

The summer evening is calm and clear;
Look how the willows sleep;
The western sky is pale red,
And the rivers sparkle with their twists and turns.

Sliding from peaks to peaks,
The wind creeps through the forest heights.
Do you hear neighing in the valleys?
The herd is trotting.

July day

The blue cloud was walking
In the clear blue sky,
Suddenly it fell like rain
And summer thunder rang out.

Where the droplets fell,
Sea of ​​blue cornflowers,
Where the lightning flashed,
There were no traces left.

The sun is in the clear sky again
A white light illuminated.
Daisies bloomed in the field
And there is no more bad weather.

Multi-colored arc
A rainbow is blooming in the sky,
With barely audible steps
The July day is upon us.

I. Butrimova

Carefree summer

Have a carefree summer
Golden time
Festival of sun and light
Gives joy in the morning.

Nothing is more beautiful
In the grove of birds singing,
Yellow-eyed daisies
Snow-white eyelashes.

Cornflowers bright blue
In the emerald grass
And lilac haze
Above the river at dawn.

Ripe raspberries
Sweet juice on lips
As a sign of July
In the forests near Moscow.

I. Butrimova

To my fellow countrymen

A sun-damaged summer day
I had a presentiment of the evening coolness -
Birch net shade
Slowly walked out of the fence,

And immediately into the burnt grass,
Stretching out the flaps of a torn robe,
She lay down and thoughtlessly into the blue
I watched while waiting for the sunset.

A dog was barking somewhere in a lazy bass voice,
The calf mooed plaintively in the alley,
From the heat of subdued, well-fed goats
A neighbor drove me home from a walk.

Like on the waves, through the grass, slowly,
The cat Vasily swam imposingly behind her...
The village lives - the Russian soul,
My love lives on - my Russia.

T. Shekova

Calico summer

Summer in a chintz sundress
With the blush of dawn it came
And let's be naughty and have fun,
Give smiles and warmth.

Dressed up in cute earrings
White birches and alders.
The poplars growing along the path
Suggested a down jacket.

The weeping willow's braids are disheveled,
Drying her tears with the breeze.
And, pouting his lips, he turned white
Lake of misty milk.

I worked tirelessly all day,
Trying to please everyone around me.
In the evening it became quiet - exhausted,
The sun decided to see him off.

And, admiring the pale moon,
Fireflies in the velvet of the night,
It settled down in a ravine across the river.
To take a nap while the pipe is silent.

T. Lavrova

I slept on fresh clover, in a cart,
And at night I suddenly felt in a dream,
It's like I'm running somewhere,
But heaviness fills my feet.

I woke up sharply and anxiously,
I saw a large horse nearby,
who approached and carefully
Pulled the grass out from under me.

Above him stood the glow of stars,
Blooming heavenly gardens -
So close that, probably, if desired
I could reach for a star.

There were bright spirals moving there,
Satellites made orbits there.
And from his kind soft lips hung
Disheveled small flowers.

K. Vanshenkin


The hotter the day, the sweeter it is in the forest
Breathe in the dry, resinous aroma,
And I had fun in the morning
Wander through these sunny chambers!

Shine everywhere, bright light everywhere,
The sand is like silk... I’ll cling to the gnarled pine
And I feel: I’m only ten years old,
And the trunk is a giant, heavy, majestic.

The bark is rough, wrinkled, red,
But how warm, how warm everything is warmed by the sun!
And it seems that the smell is not pine,
And the heat and dryness of a sunny summer.

The Last Bumblebee

Black velvet bumblebee, golden mantle,
Mournfully humming with a melodious string,
Why are you flying into human habitation?
And it’s like you’re pining for me?

Outside the window there is light and heat, the window sills are bright,
The last days are serene and hot,
Fly, sound your horn - and in a dried-up Tatar,
On a red pillow, fall asleep.

It is not given to you to know human thoughts,
That the fields have long been empty,
That soon a gloomy wind will blow into the weeds
Golden dry bumblebee!

Closing the distance of the fields like a haze for half an hour,
A sudden rain fell in slanting stripes -
And again the skies turn deep blue
Above the refreshed forests.

Warmth and dewy shine. They smelled like honey of rye,
In the sun the wheat shines like velvet,
And in the greenery of the branches, in the birches at the boundary,
The orioles chatter carelessly.

And the sonorous forest is cheerful, and the wind between the birches
It's already blowing gently, and the white birches
Drop a quiet rain of their diamond tears
And they smile through their tears.

In summer

Swallow's wings flutter
Silver in the sun;
The meadows are filled with flowers,
The forests are noisy all around.

How the swallows welcome the sun,
How high they soared!
Rings them with a cry of joy
All the blue heights.

The fields are spread out all around, -
There is no end in sight for them.
The rye has risen, is worried, -
Space and grace!


What does the sun look like?

What does the sun look like?
On the round window.
Flashlight in the dark.
It looks like a ball
Damn hot too
And on the pie in the stove.
On a yellow button.
On a light bulb. Onion.
On a copper patch.
On a cheese flatbread.
A little bit for an orange
And even on the pupil.
Only if the sun is a ball -
Why is he hot?
If the sun is cheese,
Why are there no holes visible?
If the sun is a bow,
Everyone would cry around.
So it’s shining in my window
Not a nickel, not a pancake, but the sun!
Let it look like everything else

T. Bokova

Above the river

It will just be over the river
Quiet and warm
In the bright splashes above the wave
I'll throw up my oar...
And I'll rush like a wild seagull
Away, into the silence of the river,
Where with the sleepy dodder
The reeds whisper;
Where the kupavas turn silver,
Corollas opened;
Where they bend over the shore
Branches of old willows;
Where is the green Grandfather sedge
Quietly rustling
And at the very bottom deep
During the day the mermaid sleeps...

G. Galina


Breathes over the sleeping cornfield
Light breeze;
He caresses, he sways
And a flower from tender caress
The wind is shaking,
And deep, serene
Sleep beckons him.
It's nice for a flower to rest
In the silence of the night:
During the day he was fired mercilessly
Stifling summer heat.
The boogers were bothering me,
Swarming noisily;
And now, to the fragrant grass
Bow your crown,
He fell asleep. Burns with stars
Blue vault of heaven
Beyond the sleeping fields
The forest sleeps quietly;
Both the grass and the blade of grass are sleeping,
And from the breeze
Slightly shining, the dewdrop trembles
In the cup of a flower.

D.L. Mikhalovsky


I'm lying in the meadow.
Not a gig in the sky.
Clouds float into the distance
Like a silent river.
And in the grass, on the ground,
On a flower, on a stem -
Singing and whistling everywhere,
And every leaf lives:
There's a fly and a beetle here,
And a green spider.
A bee has arrived
And she crawled into the flower.
There's a grasshopper's mustache
Cleans for beauty
And the ant groans
At work.
The furry bumblebee is buzzing
And he looks angrily
Where is the tallest flower?
Where is the honey tastier?
And the mosquito is a cannibal,
Like a friend or a neighbor,
As if you were visiting,
It flew into my sleeve.
It will sting and sing.
Well! We must endure:
I will kill in the meadow
I can't do anyone.

S. Gorodetsky


If the wind blows
Warm, albeit from the north,
If the meadow is full of daisies
And lumps of clover,
Butterflies and bees
They are circling over the flowers,
And a fragment of the sky
The puddle turns blue,
And baby skin
Like chocolate...
If from strawberries
The garden bed turned red -
True sign:
Summer has come

L. Korchagina


The sun was rolling like a bun,
in blue with white flowers.
Nobody could stop him
when it disappeared behind the hills.

And for a long time the sunset colored the distance
into a crimson color, fading little by little,
the windows of the huts glowed red,
and dusk crept across the road

And the blade of a garden knife
the tangle of branches was cut by the sharp month.
And the stars poured out of the bucket
and fell into the offered handfuls.

A. Starikov


Near the dacha, on the expanse,
At the bend of the river
Scattered in the collective farm field
Blue cornflowers.

I made a wreath out of them,
Like poems from blue lines,
I danced ballet in it.
Mom picked a bouquet.

They looked after us for a long time
We are old people in the village.
They reasoned: “the townspeople
They collect...weeds"

V. Ivchenko


What are the birds doing?
Hundreds of joyful roulades,
The echo rolls through the forest,
They move their ears...

I myself am in a green cage,
My comfort is not luxurious,
But at least I need pine branches
It's like they're giving hands.

There's thunder in the sky!..
The sky is apparently no joke:
Jets whistle
Mowing with wings like ducks.

I love the countryside and summer:
And the talk of the waters, and the shadow of the oak trees,
And the incense of flowers;
What soul doesn't love this?
Be it so, I forgive mosquitoes!
But I confess - a desert dweller,
Loving the deserted peace in her,
Two-legged mosquito, guest-tormentor,
No, I don't forgive you!

E. Bartynsky

The summer forest is magnificently gentle.
If there is a river, it is doubly useful -
I rejoice at the silvery wave,
The southern breeze is like a fairy tale.
A person feels good then:
There is a place to find freedom of spirit!
A young mermaid will meet,
It makes the water even nicer!
The reeds talk to the sedge,
The reflection of the sun jumps, frolicking.
Wise forest, great and tall,
Blessings at the time of grace.

N. Glazkov

Summer evening

The evening day is languid and gentle.
Herds of cows shaking their sides
Accompanied by little helpers
They walk along the banks from afar.
The river, overflowing under the cliff,
Still as attractive to look at
And the sky is in a happy combination,
Having hugged her, he rejoices and burns.
Roses sculptured from the clouds
They curl up, get excited and suddenly,
Changing shapes and poses,
They are carried away to the west and south.
And the moisture kissed by them
Like a girl half asleep in the evening,
It barely sways with its waves,
Not yet completely intoxicated.
She still seems indignant
And weakly pulls away, but she
Already in a dream, a premonition draws
The delight and flame of August days.

N. Zabolotsky


Little by little it comes into its own
Blindingly hot summer.
Sun-hot grass
Dressed in vapors of moisture.

Burdock yellowed from the heat
Unfolded pinkish armor
And stands, choking on flies,
Under the high windows of the hut.

Is in the prime of my nature
A short moment of satiety,
The hour when pearlescent glue
The plant heads are isolated.

The instruments of love are tired,
The passion has dried up, but the flame is former
Smoldering and fermenting in the blood,
Not the body, but the mind, disturbing.

But by noon it too will fall asleep,
And in the middle of the vault of heaven
Only a spot of deadly heat
Distinguishes, freezing, nature.

N. Zabolotsky

These summer rains
these rainbows and clouds -
I feel better from them
as if there was something ahead.

As if there will be islands
unusual trips,
on the flowers there are dew pendants,
forever fresh grass.

As if life will be like that
where I haven't been for a long time,
in the soul, as in the blue sky
after the rain - cleanliness...

But come to your senses - think about it,
how fragile, how volatile
these rainbows and clouds,
these summer rains.

S. Kirsanov


Snails froze at the gates of July,
Claps the sheets
Soaked nut
Wind from the rain
Pulls out the threads
The sun is shining
From the cloud holes.

Frogs glow and don’t remember themselves
Jumping over the stones of a red stream...
Let me linger
At the threshold of midday,
Let me lean on your elbows
O beam beam!

N. Matveeva

Fall asleep to the sounds of the trees.
Wake up at first light.
Feel like a long summer
Surrounded on all sides.

Fall into soft grass.
It's amazing how fearless
Busy bug
Mincing along the sleeve.

Hear how discordantly
Kindly and melodiously
Suddenly it rains out of a cloud
Rain, warm and blind.

Pick the wet fruits
Rub your lips gently.
Reliably recognize yourself
Protected from harm.

And, trustingly with your temple
Leaning against the heated bark,
Understand that in this life
You will be an eternal debtor...

L. Sirota

Summer rain

Blue sky with sparkles.
Rain, blinded by the sun,
Sprinkles generously onto the ground
Jets of liquid glass.
Like a frequent comb
Adjusts the crowns of maples,
And the trees admire
Looking into puddle mirrors.

Under the azure sky,
Under a warm July shower
Come alive and shine
Fresh green bushes.
Tired nature
Summer rain is met with a touch
And tries on outfits,
Like in a beauty salon.

Hide your umbrella, you don't need it.
You see, illuminated by the sun,
Rising above the forest
Seven-colored eye?
Barefoot through shallow puddles
Let's run towards him
The way we ran when we were kids,
The two of us holding hands!

E. Merkulov


What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
"Tell me your fortune quickly!"
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

In summer

Outside the village in complete freedom
The wind is blowing like an airplane.
There's a potato field there
Everything blooms purple.
And beyond the field, where the mountain ash
Always at odds with the wind,
A path runs through the oak tree
Down to the icy pond.
A boat flashed through the bushes,
Ripple and sharp shine of the sun.
The raft rumbles clearly
The sound of rollers accompanied by a loud splash.
The pond turns blue in a round cup.
Willows bend towards the water...
There are shirts on the raft,
And the boys are all in the pond.
The sun streaked down.
Shadows curl like smoke
Eh, I’ll undress behind the birch tree,
I’ll stretch out my arms and go to them!

Sasha Cherny

Summer evening

Already a hot ball of the sun
The earth rolled off its head,
And peaceful evening fire
The sea wave swallowed me up.

The bright stars have already risen
And gravitating over us
The vault of heaven has been lifted
With your wet heads.

The river of air is fuller
Flows between heaven and earth,
The chest breathes easier and more freely,
Freed from the heat.

AND sweet thrill like a stream
Nature ran through my veins,
How hot are her legs?
The spring waters have touched.

F. Tyutchev

What will summer bring?

What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow arc in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cuckoo
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
"Tell me your fortune quickly!"
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

About jam

Plums ripen in the bright sun,
Tsetse butterflies chirp
And they climb with a snotty trunk
To the jam stain on your face.

The face screams at them indignantly
And he shakes his fist in response:
- No sausage, no millet porridge
For outsiders no more.

And then, take a closer look at the mirror
Slowly moving closer to you,
The face will lick itself.
Why wear jam in vain!

Last month of summer

Met last month summer,
It rained heavily.
And it is dressed in a colorful cloak,
Knows that September is ahead.

Is it because of the sadness in the green gaze,
A bitter smile on your lips?
Autumn in her golden outfit
Hiding in raspberry bushes.

Is your song really sung?
Is it time to retire?
Autumn, like a princess dressed up,
In September he will be driven out of the yard.

In the meantime, in the last days
Spare neither light nor warmth.
Buds are laid in August
Linden and birch and willow.

Because the earth rotates in circles,
You will return - I know it in advance.
Only your faithful friend
Summer doesn't wait after autumn...

N. Tsvetkova


Summer in a dried blade of grass,
What glows in the sun.
Summer in red strawberries,
We'll meet in the clearing.

Summer in the double-tailed swallows,
What they play in the sky.
And with pointed freckles,
In golden hair.

Summer in a striped ball
And swinging in the wind.
In summer the air is very tasty:
Get out into the field in the morning!

Summer in hopscotch at school,
And in the ice cream, popsicle.
Summer - the whole world funny,
We are so looking forward to it this winter!

N. Simbiryanka

Passing summer

Silence over the area, only somewhere
Suddenly a dog is heard barking...
The warm summer will soon end,
This year he will say to us: “Farewell!”

The plums have become ripe and juicy,
There are a lot of ruddy apples in the garden;
Autumn insinuatingly, leisurely
He says: “I’ll come to you soon!”

Yellow leaves are falling quietly,
The sun shines gently from the heavens;
Like an artist talented with a brush,
Autumn will color the forest...

Hot August is rare
But this time we're lucky
And we hasten to absorb with every cell
The passing summer is warm.

M. Kryukov

It's so terribly hot

Oak trees shady coolness
Can't save you from the heat.
And you don’t need to go to Africa -
Even the mosquitoes have disappeared.
The asphalt is hot as a frying pan.
Dry, cracked earth.
The birch tree stands like an orphan,
Green flame of grief.
Cows moo in the pasture -
They ask you to drink cold water.
And they wait for the mistresses again
They will come to milk them at noon.
And the forest paths are stuffy,
The nightingales fell silent in the groves.
Only obedient to the anthill
The needles are dragged by ants.
How long does it take for evening to come,
It's time for the rain to fall.
And it only makes people lazy
It's so terribly hot.
Preserving the greatness of nature.
Mighty oak trees stand.
And before heaven all the nations
Both defenseless and weak.

N. Tsvetkova

summer night

The smell of hay, tart and honey,
Overflowed the stuffy meadows,
The month is thin, drunk out of habit,
His horn got caught in the haystacks.

The half-asleep aspens are mourning,
Calming the leaves until the morning.
Dark blue velvet opened up
Above the carpet of still living grasses.

Quiet and warm in a sleeping world.
Dreams play with the braids of birch trees,
Nightingale, incorrigible lyricist,
Sleeps in the power of secret dreams.

Soon the time for silvery dew
Cool down the hot meadows,
Where sometimes in the night haymaking
Got caught in the haystacks for a month.

V. Truntov

Summer morning

Behind the blue grove of roses there is light,
The last star has faded
And my Rus' is like hundreds of years old,
Throwing off the blanket at night,
The field took a deep breath,
I inhaled the smells of the forest,
fluttered like a white dove
Come to me for the painted shutters,
Sat down near the table,
Crafty, sunny and wise,
And so much summer warmth
Splashed on the freezing morning!

V. Truntov

Summer is red

You, my red summer,
When will you come to me?
When I see you,
And you won't get lost?

And a bagel of yellow sun
Will paint the world amber,
A proud bird will fly up
Into the diamond distance?

And a ray of red sunshine
Will jump into my hand
And butterflies are like feathers
Will they sit on the window?

You, my red summer,
With a racket and shuttlecock.
You are a shameless girl
In a short sundress!

I. Gavrilova

Summer is difficult

I love both autumn and winter,
I love spring more.
But my soul is not silent,
When a beautiful picture
I see nature in the summer.

The grass sways gently
Under the quiet wind in the heat of the steppe,
And the leaves rustle like the surf,
It sounds so gentle and quiet,
And the fluff flies over the ground.

And the sun is burning bright
In the blue sky with clouds.
The grasshopper is hiding in the bushes
And the birds trill,
And butterflies sit in flowers.

Last summer we walked
They collected flowers together.
The children were happy
Summer hasn't forgotten us either!

Summer has come, everything is fine.
Life is good, the sky is clear.
But there is no escape from the heat,
And the mosquitoes conquered!

T. Pogorelova

Summer, summer is painted,
Summer, summer is naughty.
All in freckles and tan,
Summer in sunstroke.
In summer, even the wind is warm -
Heat breathes into the children's faces.
Summer is fishing with us,
In ripe berries and grass.
The rain is pouring down the path
You won't catch cold feet in the summer.
Summer shines like a rainbow,
How much joy and light!
And in the flowers it laughs,
Summer is flowing with a ringing trill!

E. Pankratova

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
It's a great time
When it comes summer
And it's hot.
I'm on nice days
I don't like sitting in the shade
I love swimming here:
There is a beach, sand and a pond.
I'm swimming, I'm swimming,
And I dive and splash,
I'll take a little rest
And I'll start all over again!

T. Tarasova

Summer, summer, how much light there is,
How much sun and warmth,
How many berry bouquets
I inhaled and tore!
Along the paths of friends
I won't get tired of running.
River, forest - I’m here at home -
This is my homeland.

L. Lukanova

Summer bosom friend,
Filled everything around with sunshine,
Let's go visit and relax
And we sunbathe in the sun.
Gives joy to adults, children,
Enjoy this gift.

N. Shichaeva

Careful like a cat
Summer jumped out the window
Brought warmth to my paws,
The tree has a lush hat,
Turned into a songbird
And it sang: “I’m back!”

It's arrived summer.
Everything is dressed in flowers...
And in July it’s hot!
Summer is a warm time.
In summer, the sun shines and warms.
The breeze will blow a little.
I'll go for a swim at the pond.
I'll be in warm water splash.
Summer is a glorious time.
Just be afraid of the mosquito.

L. Ishchenko

How many things do you have to do? summer, You know?
You can't count all the worries.
We need to cover the meadow with flowers,
Water the grass with rain,
Decorate the sky with a rainbow,
So that the world is not sad.
So that the birds sing loudly,
So that we have time to tan,
Swim for the whole winter -
Everyone needs this.
What else does summer need?
So that children live together,
We were able to grow up more.
May summer last longer!

V. Gvozdev

We are waiting from summer- a sea of ​​light!
The longest, brightest days.
Lots of ultraviolet
And holidays for children!
We are waiting for halts and hikes,
Sounding songs until the morning.
Dances, masks, round dances,
Sparks and smoke from the fire.
We are waiting for the pitch-black heat
And a saving shadow.
Just don't let there be a fire!
Hello, first day of summer!

S. Son

Long live the sun! Long live summer
With flocks of butterflies in the lush grass!
Long live the azure sea
And the seagulls above him in the blue!
Long live the bees!
Beetles and dragonflies!
And a cornflower meadow in thick bloom!
Long live the warm puddles of thunderstorms
And the rain under the rainbow with a bright umbrella!
Long live we are chocolate colored
On the sun-baked yellow sand
And you, long-awaited warm summer
With a huge bouquet of daisies in hand!

T. Nenasheva

Lots of sunshine -
You know, it's arrived summer!
Waving a lilac branch,
Dasha, Irochka, Elena.
Invites you to take a walk
Play in nature.
Ball, hopscotch, rubber band
And catch some fluff in the garden.
Ride a scooter
Show off in a beautiful dress.
Sit on the bench
Shake your leg and sing-
This is summer, this is summer
And nature is warmed by it.
Bloomed, turned green,
Managed to please everyone -
Here, thanks for coming
We all feel very good!

Summer returned to us yesterday,
The sun smiled brightly.
To blue skies
The clouds filled the sails.
Brought half a ton of flowers
On lawns and lawns.
Birds were sent to us from the south,
To sing in the morning.
Summer returned to us yesterday,
Everything is warmed by its rays.

A. Abol

Accidentally, unexpectedly,
Suddenly summer it came.
On the street and in the park,
It's already quite warm.
The foliage has all blossomed,
The streams have dried up.
Cheerful kids
They play by the river.
Where does so much light come from?
That sun has risen!
Summer has already arrived
It's warm outside!

Yu. Kamysheva

The sun is a red orange
Shined in the blue sky.
From its hot rays
The windows of the dacha opened.
From his touch
The lilac bush has blossomed.
From his red smile
The redhead laughed in the thicket.
There was an echo immediately
A loud, carefree laugh.
If you heard this
Shout out loud:
- Hello, summer!

S. Bakhrushina

The sun has warmed up,
And the earth began to sing,
Flowers bloomed
Shines with lights.
On the green tree
The needles have grown
Cones on the top of the head
Here are the toys for you.
Hares and foxes,
They lead round dances.
After all, with the arrival summer,
Holiday in nature.

S. Pshenichnykh

Summer is everywhere

Cornflowers bloom in the rye,
Forget-me-nots are at the boundary,
There are daisies to the side.
Rosehip bush in a hole.
A gopher in a field, like a candle.
On the right is a grove, on the left is a river.
Fisherman near the river
The hook fits the fishing rod.
There is a leaf on the water of a water lily.
The sun is shining, the air is clean.
The birds are cheerful. And me
Quite happy too.
Why? It's no secret:
Because everywhere summer!

T. Goette

We bought two tickets -
We're leaving tomorrow for summer!
In the cornflower blue sea
We'll be swimming soon!
And also drowning in the snow
In the chamomile meadow!
Drink steamy milky mist,
Inhale the floral aroma!..
How nice is this...
Plunge into the joy of summer

You won't find it in the store
What I carry in the basket.
There are three sips of fog in it,
Two balls of cobwebs,
A piece of a bright rainbow,
A hair's breadth of the horizon,
The rustle of dragonfly wings,
Dew necklace
Strawberry aroma,
Loud thunderclap...
I guessed who it is for me
Gave it? Certainly, Summer!

B. Zakhoder

It's still winter.. Where is it? summer?
Animals and birds are waiting for an answer!
“Summer,” the swallow counts, “
Arriving very soon.
Summer needs to hurry
and it flies like a bird!
“Are you coming?” the mole snorted.
It's crawling underground!
Are you saying summer is coming?
I don't hope so!
Toptygin grumbled: “Summer.”
Sleeping in his den somewhere...
The horse neighed: “Where is the carriage?”
I'll deliver summer now!
“Summer,” the hares told me, “
He gets on the train at the station,
Because maybe it's summer
Ride like a hare without a ticket.

A. Yasak

Tired of mittens
Winter boots,
Hat crumpling pigtails
And a little coat.
Tired of wool ones
Warm tights,
The nights are so long
The day is so short.
Very tired of:
Snow, drifting snow, wind.
I want it so quickly
Summer has come!
Waiting with me impatiently
Sunny summer
Dresses, sundress with shimmer,
Velvet ribbon,
Two shiny earrings
The medallion is beautiful,
Little white sandals
And a blue beret...
The sun's radiant gaze,
Looked out the window
And said: Summer near,
Be patient a little.

Yu. Kamysheva

A path runs through the forest,
And Marinka is running along it.
Shoes creak, creak.
And in the basket there is a mushroom, a mushroom.
And there are berries in the basket,
And there's a rainbow in the basket,
And in the basket there is mushroom rain -
Silvery, pouring...
It's fun to carry Marinka
Summer day in your basket!

M. Korneeva

There are rumors that somewhere
They sell tickets to summer!
I would find this cash register
I would take two tickets at once!
And quickly, without any bags,
I would put the tickets in my pocket,
I would call my friend Vasya -
He is with me at my desk in class.
And then on those tickets
We're right behind summer,
Along the boulevard, along the alley,
On a big kite.
Here is the sea, here are the rocks.
We are not tired at all!
I dive head first
For the pearl shell!
It would be good for us, by the way,
In a small boarding house:
Until the morning - playing on the computer,
And there would be a scooter waiting outside the door,
Or at least bicycles...
Sleep until lunchtime!
No tasks for you
Early morning rises...
I wish I could find this cash register,
Where are the tickets during the holidays?

M. Mishakova

Dear ones! - us Summer said. -
I'm tired.
I'm very tired!
Let the coolness remain with you,
Believe me! - I need to unwind.
I'll probably be gone for a week.
I'll be back on the twenty-fifth, Wednesday,
I'll definitely be there at six in the morning.
Protect yourself from colds!
We sighed, but did not argue -
We just got some warm clothes.
They waved after Leta from the porch
And they went to get wood for the stove.

N. Volkova

Packing suitcases Summer:
It’s hot, he puts flowers in bags,
And in an even stack after drying -
Pillows made from dandelions.
Folded it carefully into a pocket:
Frogs, butterflies, insects,
Beetles and night moths...
- It's time! I think I'm ready!
In the pantry there are juices and pickles,
And currant jam.
My train will be at eight sharp.
And don't forget to meet

T. Lavrova

Tell me, children, summer
What color is it:
Green, burgundy,
Maybe lilac?
And summer is very different:
Brown, red,
Like a cloud - fluffy.
Like an apple - ruddy,
Like mint for tea – spicy.
Cheerful and loud,
With boys, with girls.
It's cool from the rain,
Everything about flowers is elegant.
It's very hot from the sun,
Happy and bright!
We all need -
It's always a FAVORITE!

I. Zakharova

Summer. What is it?
This is the freshness of the breeze.
This sky is blue.
This is the sun in the clouds.
These are insects running.
These are lilies of the valley in the forest.
These are white daisies
I'll bring it to mom from the field.

S. Lopatina

The sun began to get hot -
Means, summer is coming.
I sat down on the bed
I started dreaming about it.
I have things to do at my dacha
There's quite a lot
The first thing I would do is eat
Sweet strawberries,
Then run to the lake,
To take a swim
On the golden sand
Have a good time lying around.
Chess tournament with grandfather
In the summer I will arrange
And there's a hut on the tree
I'll build it myself.
My friend and I will go hiking
On a bicycle
Afterwards I will be there for a whole year,
Remember the summer!
I was dreaming about summer,
I need to be more serious.
I'll go make a list
Don't forget anything!

Yu. Simbirskaya

The red-hot capital.
Summer languishes in the city,
Choking in the dust.
I like summer in the country,
Where green garden disheveled
And the paths are overgrown.
On the train, without a ticket
Summer will sit next to us
Only with a song, lightly.
Will go out into the field near the ravine
And shy daisy
He will rest in my wreath.

T. Vtorova

Summer walked across the earth -
Dressed in green grass, dressed in flowers,
With a red sunny crown,
Barefoot, freckled,
With a blue vein on the temple,
Sunbathing on the sand
In a flock, with fish, frolicking,
Running after dragonflies,
Like a butterfly it fluttered,
Sang songs with the bird,
Flopped into the water with a frog
And it buzzed along with the front sight...
Played enough on the edge,
And fell asleep on the pillow!

E. Mirko

Bring the planes,
Summer sunny days...
Only summer for some reason
They don't bring it to me.
I meet steamships
Day I look into the sea fog,
So, I'm probably years old
Summer is expected from the southern countries.
I'm standing by the freeway
Where the trucks run.
I really need to celebrate summer!
I'm looking forward to warm days!!!
The truck rushes after the truck
I wouldn't miss summer...
Only visible with the hot summer
Everyone, alas, is not on their way.
I went to bed, and in the morning it was clear
A miracle suddenly happened
The sun is shining, how beautiful!
It's so warm outside!!!
A clear stream beckons,
Beach with orange sand.
- "Summer, what took you so long?!"
- “Because it was on foot!”

E. Grudanov

The lilacs have bloomed in the gardens,
It's arrived summer.
How many every day
And warmth and light!
The night for rest is short,
And all around there are things to do, things to do...
Summer brings a lot to everyone
Both fun and worries!

M. Pridvorov

In a glass jar with a lid
Canned summer.
It happened that there was too much summer,
Too many butterflies and light.
There are plenty of pine smells,
There is a supply of flowers, an abundance of grass.
Under the lid, summer tastes sweet.
The drink turned out wonderful.
To the magic jar on the shelf
Press your ear for a minute:
Then the grasshopper will quietly click in it,
The bumblebee will touch the glass as a joke.
Don't open it hastily
Better yet, just take a look:
There are the colors of blueberries and cherries,
There's raspberry and strawberry juice.
But if suddenly you have no patience,
The bitterness of tangerines has become boring,
Open summer in a glass jar
And listen to the voice of the mosquito.

E. Zikh

The sun is shining clear!
Hello, years oh red!
Hello, river banks!
Hello, gentle meadow!
My greetings to you, moths,
Wonderful hot days!
How beautiful is the marvelous forest,
It seems to have grown to the skies!
I see a strawberry -
I collect from the stream!
I'll lean closer to her:
I see her so well!
Red beauty
I really like it!
I'll put it in a basket -
I'll overtake my sister Zinka.

G. Leaf fall

In a dress woven from light,
Summer walks across the earth.
With lights on the edge,
With the ringing song of the cuckoo,
A bug-eyed dragonfly,
Thunder, lightning, storm,
Bright rainbow, rain,
A light-winged moth,
A freckled fly agaric,
Burdocks under the fence,
Bright, unsteady water,
Yes, rich ear,
With a clear rooster crow,
Juicy, ripe strawberries...
That's for everything for everything for this
We love you so much summer!

R. Maskaeva

I love summer for the warmth,
For the fact that every day is light,
And you can run barefoot
Don't remember home at all,
About the fact that there is a bed in it:
You can lie on the grass
And, lying down, see like a bug
I fell in love with a flower.
You can't think about anything
About the sky only blue.
Eyes don't see the ceiling:
They look at the clouds.

E. Ranneva

To the armful of sun rays
Add the cries of cranes,
Add the voice of a stream,
And then - a cricket song.
Blow the warm breeze
Top with rainbow afterwards.
And if you mix everything,
Close your eyes and wait
Sit on the tender grass -
That's possible summer eat with a spoon!!!

Where is the highest mountain
Dressed in clouds
That's where the day before yesterday
ran away Summer!
I'll hurry after Summer
Along the forest path
"Summer, Summer - I ask -
Wait a little."
It will smile at me
In the evening sunshine
"Sorry, but I passed.
Don't worry! See you!"

E. Filippova

Tired summer
In an autumn coat.
I noticed him
And no one else.
Walked in the rain
Raised the hood.
Tired summer
And - past me...
I caught up with him
And he asked randomly:
- Tired summer,
Or maybe back -
Where the holidays are
A riot of grass?
Tired summer
Sighed: - alas...

Why is summer short?

Why for all the guys
Is summer not enough?
- Summer is like chocolate
It melts very quickly!
V. Orlov

Summer song

Summer is laughing again
Out the open window
And sunshine and light
Full, full!
Panties and T-shirts again
Lying on the shore
And the lawns bask
In chamomile snow!
T. Belozerov


Walking along the path
Golden summer.
Fords the river,
A bird is whistling somewhere.
Walks and wanders through the dew,
Through the colorful meadow,
Wears a rainbow in her braid,
Braided tightly.
N. Zidorov

Hello Summer!

So much sun! How much light!
So much greenery all around!
What is this? It's SUMMER
Finally he hurries to our house.
Tatyana Bokova


Bells! Daisies!
Forget-me-nots! Cornflowers!
Barefoot and shirtless
We go and weave wreaths.
Beginning of July
Take a look into the July forest:
The strawberries are ripening.
Each clearing -
Self-assembled tablecloth.
End of July
Found in July
Very tasty finds.
All pots know this,
Jars, bowls, pans.
Valentin Berestov

Nice day

What a good day it is:
It blows light breeze,
Summer sun rays
So nicely hot!
And don't
Not a shirt
No stockings
Not a jacket
No galoshes...
What a good day!
A. Shibaev


The meadow is buttoned up for all the dewdrops.
Silently a ray made its way to them,
Collected dewdrops into a web
And hid it somewhere between the clouds.
G. Novitskaya


There is Heat in the middle of the courtyard,
It sits and roasts in the morning.
You climb into the depths of the yard -
And in the depths there is Heat.
It's time for the heat to go away,
But everyone is in spite of the Heat.
Today, tomorrow and yesterday
It's hot, hot, hot everywhere...
Well, isn't she lazy?
Standing in the sun all day?
E. Bitsoeva

How we spent our time

We walked, sunbathed,
They played near the lake.
They sat on the bench,
We ate two cutlets.
They brought the frog
And they grew up a little.
E. Uspensky

Sunny joke

We lay in the sun
And they didn’t recognize each other.
Who are we?
Or chocolates?
Genrikh Sapgir

Summer - hot time,
The sun is shining in the morning,
Even if it rains -
Everything around is shining and singing.
Summer - blue river
And the clouds float in it,
The berries burn like ruby,
It's vacation time for the guys.
Elena Erato

Seasons. Summer.

Well, summer has come to us:
June, July and August.
Warm and bright everywhere
It's time for flowers and berries!
Under the summer sunshine
Everything is lushly green,
We are looking forward to summer:
It warms so generously.
Alla Goltseva
If there are thunderstorms in the sky,
If the grass has bloomed,
If there is dew early in the morning
Blades of grass are bent to the ground,
If in the groves above the viburnum
Until the night the hum of bees,
If warmed by the sun
All the water in the river to the bottom -
So it's already summer!
So spring is over!
Evgenia Trutneva


Dawn meets dawn,

And in the field the rye sways,

And the grass is all covered in dew -

They dream of a braid.

And the sky is a rainbow ribbon

Rinses in the Volga, Ladoga.

We're jumping over the ground

On a black cloud

And we see under the birches

Father and mother with braids.

We're taking it to father and mother

Sour cream and pancakes.

M. Sukhorukova


June came, June, June.

Birds are chirping in the garden,

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fly apart.

S. Marshak

Beyond the outskirts

Beyond our outskirts

It's warm in the sun.

Green plantain

The road was covered in snow.

And along the edges of the road,

Along the river bank,

Chamomiles with cornflowers

They run in a race.

V. Lisichkin


Work for a small bee

Not at all lazy.

From flower to flower

Flying every day.

For many kilometers

The path goes from home

But a smart little bee

He will always find his home.

Collects bit by bit

Floral scent,

And the honey will become fragrant,

Which I am very happy about!

N. Migunova


Bells, daisies,

Forget-me-nots, cornflowers.

Barefoot and shirtless

We walk around and weave wreaths.

V. Berestov

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers, -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

T. Sobakina

On the lawn by the stump

We found a beetle in the grass.

The beetle is big and mustachioed,

Sing us a song.

The beetle took flight

Sounded like an airplane:

“Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

Goodbye, I'm in a hurry."

E. Trutneva


Morning is a time of cleanliness.

It's important for cats to lick.

Swifts clean their feathers.

Hedgehogs wash their faces.

And only one pig

He won't wash himself when he wakes up.

I woke up a little - I immediately eat,

He will dive into the trough up to his eyebrows -

So the face is washed.

Morning in the early hours

Everywhere in the early hours

Sewed the country morning

To all the blades of grass from the dew

The dress is transparent.

I. Demyanov

Why are watering cans bored?

In the garden by the bench

Watering cans get bored all day long.

The sky is very cloudy

That's why it's boring.

G. Lagzdyn

Summer evening

Everything is visible from my window:

The yard and the garden, and the pine trees beyond the meadow,

The sun is leaving little by little,

Waving an orange handkerchief at me.

Dad will say:

Makes the child sleepy.

What are you talking about, dad, it’s not time for me to sleep.

I just sat on the windowsill in the evening,

And the smell of flowers comes from the yard.

V. Prikhodko


Clouds raced in the sky, staring into the sky.

In one there is thunder, in the other there is hail,

In the third - lightning is burning,

And in the fourth cloud, a mighty rain cloud,

An accordion is folded, a path in seven colors!

G. Lagzdyn

Thunder with a bucket

There is thunder with a bucket cloud.

Brings streams of rain and dewdrops.

Frogs set up

Sounding mugs.

Filled with daisies

Porcelain cups.

The herons drank

The last drops....

And at the very bottom -

N. Maznyak

White swans

White swans live in the sky,

Swans swim smoothly along it.

White feathers curl slightly,

Hello cloud swans!

L. Kudryavskaya


Oh, what a cloud

The cloud is deep

White, distant,

Right above me.

Oh, what a cloud

The cloud is high

The cloud is distant

Can't reach with your hand.

Will swim and hide

In the field outside the outskirts,

He will wash himself in the lake

Fresh water.

V. Stepanov


On a thawed forest patch

Strawberry under a pine tree.

Small strawberry

Bloomed well in spring.

Bees sat on it

The cockchafer flew over her,

Her neighbor is cheerful -

Spring among the stones.

The sun was warm for many days

Lush bush near the stones.

Strawberry was becoming

Everything is nicer and bigger.

She blushed on every side,

Filled with fragrant juice.

E. Trutneva

Multi-colored globe

If they bloomed in the field

Only white flowers

I'd be tired of admiring

They will soon be you and me.

If they bloomed in the field

Only yellow flowers

You and I would get bored

From such beauty.

It's good that there are daisies

Roses, asters, cornflowers,

Dandelions and porridges,

Forget-me-nots and frying!

It's good that they are different

People with eye and skin color.

How beautiful the colorful world is,

Multi-colored globe!

A. Shlygin

Lying, sitting, half-sitting,

Standing and crawling

In cramped conditions, but not offended

Friends met:

Moss, nut, whiny bastard,

Acorn, beetle, twig,

Two dewdrops, an aspen leaf,

Scarlet like a badge

And an orange saffron milk cap -

Sign of rainy days -

I've burned a place here

With its redness.

N. Matveeva


Along the field path

I'm hurrying home from the river.

And from a small cloud

It's pouring rain.

It's like someone's on top

Carries water in a sieve,

Rain, pour more joyfully,

Don't regret the warm drops!

The harder it rains,

The fatter the rye will be!

A. Yashin

Merry rains

How much rain have I known?

Count quickly:

Wind and rain

Mushroom rain,

Rain with a rainbow-arc,

Rain and sun

Rain and hail,

Rain with red leaf fall.

A. Taraskin


The prickly rain is lashing, lashing,

And when it gets tired of pouring -

We'll hang clouds in the yard

Dry on a line.

I. Bruckner

Mischievous rain

Top-top-top along the pavement,

Over umbrellas, over roofs

The mischievous rain is jumping

Sometimes stronger, sometimes quieter.

Rainbows sparkle in puddles,

The wet tires rustle

The city smells clean.

Forest, leaves, grass...

The city smiles, the city washes itself.

I. Mikhailova


Rain, rain... It pours, it pours...

We are waiting for it to pass.

The cat is crying at the door:

"Meow! Let me into the house quickly.”

The squirrel jumped into the hollow:

It's dry and warm there.

The ant hurries to his house,

He covered himself with a petal.

Only clouds have fun:

They are not afraid of rain and thunder.

Clouds like to race

One after another, day after day.

E. Sokolova


The rain fell along the garden path,

Drops hang on the branches like earrings,

If you touch a birch tree, it will perk up

And he will laugh, he will laugh until he bursts into tears.

The rain rustled across the green meadow,

Even the flowers were surprised at each other:

In the cups of leaves, on every blade of grass -

One by one, one by one.

G. Ladonshchikov


Like out of a thundercloud,

The rain is pouring obliquely, prickly!

For nettles, for raspberries,

To our basket for berries,

Herbs, smacking, chewing,

Not a step behind!

He rushes with us to the gate!

He will wet us to the skin!

G. Lagzdyn


Striped, barefoot,

The rain splashed down the road.

A mischief maker just in case

He was attached to his mother-cloud.


Do you hear? I hear you!

Do you hear? I hear you!

Drops fall on the roof

Only suddenly the people see -

The roof moved forward:

She ran along the road

And under the roof are someone's legs.

Is this a miracle? No, not a miracle:

Luda is holding my mother’s umbrella.

I. Mikhailova

Sunshine through the window

It's shining for us in the morning.

Take a walk a little

The kids came out.

If you ask for rain,

It won't drizzle:

“Rain, rain, don’t be angry,

Don’t rush to drive us away!”

E. Sokolova

Summer sentences

Sunny, show yourself!

Red, gear up!

So that year after year

The weather gave us

Warm summer

Mushrooms in birch bark,

Berries in a basket,

Green peas.

The sun is red,

The horn is clear!

Fly into the sky like a bird,

Light up our land

So that gardens and vegetable gardens

Green up, bloom, grow!

The sun is red,

Burn, burn clearly!

Swim like a fish in the sky,

Revive our land.

All the kids in the world

Warm up, improve your health!

Vitilek moth,

Bring us the breeze:

Turn from the gate

Drive the boat into the stream.

Wey, wey, breeze,

Pull up the sail

They're shavings

From west to east!

Oh you, rainbow-arc,

You're tall and tight!

Don't let it rain

Give us a bucket!

For the kids to take a walk,

So that the calves can gallop,

Need some sunshine



Fly to the patch

Bring us rain from the sky,

To be with us in the summer

There are beans in the garden,

There are berries, mushrooms in the forest,

There is water in the spring,

There's wheat in the field!

Box butterfly,

Fly to a cloud

Your kids are there

On a birch branch!

Snail, snail,

Stick your horns out!

Let's give you some flatbreads

pork feet,

Porridge pot,

A pile of bread!

July the sufferer

July is the peak of summer,

And the earth is sunny

Caressed, warmed.

I'm on a throne of sand

In a chamomile crown

Like a king.

Swimming, sunbathing

And I help my mother:

I will weed all the beds -

I don't like to be lazy.

July is a seething sufferer,

A horseman with a wreath of berries.

M. Sukhorukova


Haymaking is in July

Sometimes thunder grumbles somewhere,

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

S. Marshak


Take a look into the July forest -

The strawberries are ripening.

Each clearing -

Self-assembled tablecloth.

Found in July

Very tasty finds.

All pots know this,

Jars, bowls, pans

V. Berestov

Good morning!

The sleepy birch trees smiled,

Silk braids are disheveled,

Green earrings rustle

And the silver dews burn.

The fence is overgrown with nettles

Dressed in bright mother of pearl

And, swaying, whispers playfully:

"Good morning!".

S. Yesenin


Pale pink stripe

Dawn goes out behind the mountain.

The ear is dozing, bending over

Above the dewy boundary.

The day says goodbye to the earth.

Quietly, quietly the night goes by,

In the sky a month follows

The stars lead clear.

A. Pleshcheev


Seven-color arc

It stood above the houses.

This, my son, is a rainbow, -

Mom told me. -

If it's raining but there's sunshine

Shines brightly from above,

Meet the rainbow at the window:

You will recognize the seven colors.

A. Loktev


A beautiful rainbow came out,

Multi-colored braid.

Variegated ribbons in a braid -

And there are exactly seven of them in total.

The beauty gives them -

Take whichever one you like.

E. Izmailov


Why is this suddenly

Has the meadow turned white today?

The children are all running there.

Has something happened?

A flock of birds flew away.

So I’m running to the meadow...

Very white eyelashes

By the daisies in the meadow.

S. Khudyakov


White daisies scattered

Through the meadows, among tall grasses.

It's like someone scattered papers

Drawing suns on them.

A ringing bell invites

Gather them into a field bouquet,

But daisies are cunning girls -

They just smile back.

G. Novitskaya


Haymaking, haymaking,

The meadow was left without hair!

He has his hair cut in braids,

He is sprinkled with dew.

The haystacks scattered like a herd,

Just don't graze them.

We all helped adults:

They raked and raked.

And when the haystacks were swept away,

We counted them ourselves!

M. Sadovsky


Haymaking, haymaking,

A cart of hay and a cart again.

Haystack and new haystack.

Both in the fields and along the roads.

How is this hairstyle

Good for summer!

I. Tokmakova

What a sunshine

It's dawning, it's dawning...

The village is waking up.

The sun rises early,

He calls everyone to exercise.

Woke up the piglet

And a foal

Mother duck and ducklings

On a crooked willow they are giggling,

There are sunflowers under the window.

What sunshine!

E. Avdienko

In the garden

Suppresses weeds

Pea bushes,

And the carrots are barely visible.

In general, things are bad.

Carrots won't grow that way

It won't do any good!

Two sisters again today

We went out to weed.

Marinka has two hands,

And Sveta has two hands,

Work went well

Watch out, weeds!

A. Barto


Don't let your parents get angry

That the builders will get dirty.

Because the one who builds

He's worth something!

And it doesn't matter what for now

This house is made of sand!

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