Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas monologue. "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"

“You can turn your back on a person, but you can never turn your back on a drug.” Especially when the drug is in a person. And in the man’s hands is a huge hunting knife.

– As a lawyer, I advise you to drive with all your might. It will be a miracle if you get there without turning into a beast.

“As a lawyer, I advise you to take a dose from the brown bottle in my shaving kit.”

– Well, this is how the world works, energy flows depend on the whims of the great magnet. I was an idiot for denying it.

“The race has definitely begun.” I saw the start and therefore I was confident.

– My lawyer is driving, not some asshole from the road!

– We were already on the edge of the desert when it began to cover us...

- Son, why do you need two boxes of soap?
- I like to wash.

“The trunk of our car resembled a mobile police drug laboratory. We had at our disposal two bags of weed, seventy-five balls of mescaline, five strips of blotters of fierce acid, a salt shaker with holes full of cocaine, and an entire intergalactic parade of planets of all sorts of stimulants, trunks, squealers, laughers, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser ", a pint of crude ether and two dozen amyl.

– The Bazooko circus has the coolest crowd. If the Nazis had won the war, it would have become the Sixth Reich.

- Here he comes. One of the prototypes of the Almighty. A superior mutant, not designed for mass production. Too wild to live, too rare to die.

– As a lawyer, I advise you to buy a motorcycle, otherwise the material will not be truthful.

- The cows want to kill me. Bisexuals want to kill me. That's it, let's get out of here, where's the elevator?

- Let's go, damn junkie!

“It wasn’t difficult to get shirts and drugs, but it wasn’t easy to find a car and a tape recorder at half past seven in Hollywood.

“You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug addict.” Especially when he's waving a razor-sharp knife right in front of your nose.

- Look!
- What?
– Two women fuck a polar bear!
- Don't tell me such things. Not now.

- God! Did I just say that or was I just thinking it? I speak? Did they hear me?
- It's okay, he just likes your skull shape

“The only thing that will help you, boy, is peanuts.”

“As a lawyer, I advise you to take the fastest car without a top, cocaine, a tape recorder for special music, two bright shirts, and get out of Los Angeles for at least two days.” The weekend is ruined. Why? Because, naturally, I will have to go with you, and I will have to be armed to the teeth.

– A drug addict is accustomed to many things, for example, to the sight of his late grandmother crawling with a knife in her teeth...

- Fuck off, this is serious. One more hour in this city and I'll kill someone!

- Go easy on your words. The vultures will peck your body before sunset...

- What kind of nonsense are they talking about, I don’t know how you need to get high on acid to find the resemblance between a truck and a cockroach?

“I felt a monstrous protest against the whole situation.

– A takeoff that can never be returned. San Francisco, late sixties... special time and place. But no words, music or memories will return the feeling of being in that time and space. Whatever it was, it's gone.

– The world is crazy in any direction and at any time, you constantly encounter it. But there was an amazing, universal feeling of the correctness of everything we did.

- Do you get paid to sleep with a bear? (to the waitress)

“I was in the middle of this damn terrarium, and someone was selling booze to these bastards.”

- I'm a journalism professor! Damn, this is fucking important!

– (Gonzo has withdrawal symptoms) It’s okay. Just a guy with a heart problem, but I have a lot of medicine (gives him cocaine). I'm Dr. Gonzo.

– There is a huge machine in the sky, it looks like an electric kite. Now he will attack.
- Shoot him!
- Not right away. First I'll study the habits.

- Where are we, dude?! This looks like bat country!

- Madam, sir, baby, or whatever you call it... there is change, here you go. I think that's enough.

“We drank a cocktail with mescaline, trying to escape from the vile reality.

– What are we doing in the middle of this damned desert?

“It was the wrong city.” Menacing vibrations came from all sides.

– There is one thing you should know. This is a very dangerous undertaking. You can get into so much trouble that you won’t even be able to recover your bones! In fact, we're going to Vegas to kill a drug baron named "Savage Henry."

- We can't stop here! This is the country of bats!

- The day will come when I will
- I'm bombing this place.

- After sleepless night reporters needed donuts and a cup of coffee. We needed something stronger.

– These naive freaks believed that they could find peace of mind and understanding by buying a pill of joy for $3, and the result was a generation of lifelong cripples who never understood the main error of the drug culture, as old as the world - the belief that Someone or Something keeps the light at the end of the tunnel.

- I was sweating. My blood was too thick for Nevada. In this climate I won't be able to explain anything.

Everyone who watched this film is simply obliged to know by heart these sayings about a pint of raw ether, a grandmother crawling with a knife in her teeth and the land of bats. Let's read!

1) The trunk of our car resembled a mobile police drug laboratory. We had at our disposal two bags of weed, seventy-five balls of mescaline, five strips of blotters of fierce acid, a salt shaker with holes full of cocaine, and an entire intergalactic parade of planets of all sorts of stimulants, trunks, squealers, laughers, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser ", a pint of crude ether and two dozen amyl.

2) The day will come when I will destroy this place with bombs.

3) - You drove off the curb at 40 mph.
- Everything is fine. This is how I check the transmission.
- Young people, aren’t you drunk?
- Not us, we are responsible people.

4) Where are we, dude?! This looks like bat country!

5) Go easy on your words. The vultures will peck your body before sunset...

6) A drug addict is accustomed to many things, for example, to the sight of his late grandmother crawling with a knife in her teeth...

7) One of the prototypes of the Almighty: a supreme mutant, not designed for mass production, too wild to live, too rare to die...

8) The race has definitely begun. I saw the start and therefore I was confident.

9) The only thing that will help you, boy, is peanuts.

10) There is one thing you should know. This is a very dangerous undertaking. You can get into so much trouble that you won’t even be able to recover your bones! In fact, we're going to Vegas to kill a drug baron named "Savage Henry."

11) Do you want me to throw this thing in the bath when white rabbit will squeal. So?

12) You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug addict. Especially when he's waving a razor-sharp hunting knife in front of your eyes.

13) - I don’t dare fall asleep while you wander around with your head full of acid and want to cut me into shreds with that damn knife.
- Who told you about the flaps? I just want to carve a little "Z" on your forehead.

14) - Look! There are two women fucking a polar bear!
- Don't tell me such things. Not now.

15) This big car there's a type of electric snake in the sky, and it's coming straight towards us.

16) - The cows want to kill me. Bisexuals want to kill me. We need to get out of here, where is the elevator?
- No! Don't go near the elevator, that's exactly what they want. Catch us in a steel box and lower us to the basement. Come here. Don't run. They are looking for any excuse to shoot us.

17) - I am a professor of journalism! Damn, this is fucking important!
- Get the rake off my neck!

18) ... if so, you’ll have to cut off his head and bury it. There is no point in letting us go, otherwise he will hand us over to some Nazis from the provincial authorities...

19) Get back into the bath. Take reds, smoke weed, shoot heroin... Damn! do what you want, just let me rest!

20) The Bazooka Circus is what the whole world would do on Saturday nights if the Nazis had won the war. This was the Sixth Reich.

He who makes himself a beast gets rid of the pain of being a man.

It's your turn to steer!

We had two bags of weed, 75 ampoules of mescaline, 5 bags of diethylamine-lysergic acid, or LSD, a salt shaker half filled with cocaine, and a whole sea of ​​colorful amphetamines, barbiturates and tranquilizers.

You're already eating, you bastard! It’s okay, you’ll see bats soon!

Stop talking or I'll pour leeches on you, got it?

He will immediately report us to some fascist committee and the hunt will begin for us.

This is the American dream in action.

Journalism in Gonzo style.

We were delayed on the way. An electric stingray killed a passerby on the highway.

I always check the clutch like this, just in case.

We demonstrated the fantastic possibilities of life in this country, but only for those who can handle it.

Why the hell are we hanging around here in the desert?

We'll rip his lungs out by the roots easily and eat them.

So, a 16-year-old girl, her head was bitten off right in the parking lot, can you imagine?

Two Cuba Libre cocktails, beer and mescaline in ampoules.

Buy us golf shoes, otherwise we won't leave here alive.

It's time to catch up and start this damn report, no matter how unfortunate it is.

Ali was beaten by the hamburger man, and Bob Kennedy was killed by mutants.

Damn broadcast! After it, you get carried away in such a way that you look like a drunkard from an old Irish story: complete loss of motor-supporting skills, hallucinations, loss of balance, tongue goes numb, fears begin and the spine fails. But the most interesting thing is that you see yourself in this ugly pose.

The air has already been released. LSD is long gone. But mescaline still gave me a high. He comes out slowly. The first hour you wait. Then at the beginning of the second hour you start cursing the idiot who sold you this canoe. And then - bang!

Two women fuck with a polar bear!

Laugh and laugh, and now he’s pouring glue into her eyes.

What am I driving? “On the Mother of God,” I wanted to say, but then it began.

The main thing you need to learn when dealing with drug addicts is that you can turn your back on normal person, but you should never turn your back on an addict. Especially when he's waving a knife in your face.

Who said I wanted to cut you? I just wanted to cut a Z on your head, that's all.

If he's lucky, he'll just ruin his life. He will always remember that behind this bar door, people in red woolen shirts get a thrill from things unknown to him.

It was a fantastic feeling that everything was right.

The feeling of inevitable victory over the forces of evil.

Why don’t they write books in prison?

I knew it was a crime and I did it anyway. I'm a criminal, don't look at me.

Why do you need two boxes of soap?
- I want to be clean.

I needed to get rid of the car. Many people could recognize her. Especially the cops in Las Vegas.

I've been fucked by cops left and right in my time. And now... now it’s my turn. So fuck you, officer, I'm in charge here.

I felt like a fascist, but it was necessary.

Damn mescaline! Why do they make it so clean?

This is how much LSD you need to swallow to see a cockroach in the capsule!

Even a werewolf gets a lawyer. I couldn't leave him in trouble. He could easily have taken a knife and cut off my gland.

If you sniff this canoe, you will look like a medical encyclopedia.

In the room I noticed traces of everyone's drug overdose known to people species.

Who is this? Oh shit, it's me.

We are too wretched to live and too rare to die.

LSD users believed they could buy peace and understanding for $3.

They themselves did not understand the main dark mysticism of drug culture: the awareness that someone, some force is blocking the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm just a weirdo in a weird kingdom.

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