Countries with the friendliest people. Where do the kindest people live?

Russians are far from being the most indifferent to the misfortune of others, as we sometimes think of ourselves. However, unfortunately, we cannot yet be called a nation of philanthropists. Where do the most sympathetic and kind people live?

The Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OECD) compiled a “kindness rating” by analyzing the social behavior of people in different countries.

It turned out that the people most predisposed to charity and compassion live in the United States. This country is followed by Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

Once in these countries, you most likely will not be left without the support and sympathy of others.

But the most indifferent people live in Greece and China. These countries found themselves at the very bottom of the “kindness rating”.

The five “outsiders” look like this:


Russia is ranked 42nd among 48 countries -...

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The International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development of Countries conducted a study and found out in which countries the people who are most open and ready to help live. The researchers looked at whether subjects were willing to voluntarily make a financial donation to charity or how often they helped others over the course of a month.

Acts such as going to the grocery store for an elderly lonely neighbor, helping a blind person cross the road, or teaching children to read were also considered selfless help.

The top five countries where the kindest people live are the USA, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

In Britain, for example, about 57% of men and women regularly performed acts for the benefit of others. The smallest number of people willing to help was identified in Greece.

According to experts, only 13% of residents in this country are ready to support a person who finds themselves in a difficult situation.

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According to experts, only 13% of residents in this country are ready to support a person who finds themselves in a difficult situation. In countries such as Hungary, Türkiye, Estonia or Portugal, only on average every...

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The Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OECD) has unveiled a “kindness rating” that identifies countries with the kindest citizens.

As the basis for sociological research, experts chose the social behavior of people in various countries with pronounced sociocultural specifics.

Following the United States, Ireland, Austria, New Zealand and the United Kingdom were listed as the kindest. In these countries, according to experts, people are most prone to moral support and sympathy.

The traditional “Russian soul” took 42nd place on this list, located between Slovakia and Portugal. Here, from the point of view of experts, people can come to the rescue in case of...

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The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation summed up the interim results of the all-Russian event #Marathon of Good Deeds and named the 10 kindest cities in Russia, and also noted the most active schools from all regions and the most enterprising citizens.

The kindest cities

During the marathon, cities were selected whose residents organized the largest number of environmental events during the spring stage. The kindest city was St. Petersburg, Khimki near Moscow came in second, and Kronstadt came in third. The top ten also included Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Ussuriysk, Cheboksary, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and Nizhny Novgorod.

The kindest Russians

In addition, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation named the names of the kindest marathon participants. “It must be said that not all projects were directly related to the environment, but we identified the most active and proactive people who simply did great and good things for their locality,” noted the initiator of the action, member of the OP of the Russian Federation Elena...

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This was reported in the press service of the organization. The top 10 cities were determined based on the results of the “Marathon of Good Deeds” event, which the Public Chamber held jointly with the Rospatriototsentr, the Association of Volunteer Centers and the Russian Peace Foundation.

As Elena Sutormina, head of the commission for the development of public diplomacy and support of compatriots abroad, said, each participant in the action pledged to do five good deeds. The organizers of the action set a goal to attract as many Russians as possible to civic activism.

Residents of Yakutsk turned out to be the most active participants in the event. In second place in the list of top 10 good cities is St. Petersburg. Moscow came in third place. Also among the good ones are Volgograd, Omsk, Vologda, Novocherkassk, Yekaterinburg, Cheboksary and Ulyanovsk.

It is noted that the action took place in 230 cities...

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The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development conducted a new study aimed at determining which countries have the most open and helpful people.

To achieve this goal, scientists conducted a series of experiments. Specifically, the researchers looked at whether subjects were willing to voluntarily make a financial donation to charity or how often they helped others during the past month.

For example, actions such as going to the grocery store for an elderly lonely neighbor, helping a blind person cross the road, or teaching children to read were also considered selfless help. Thus, the top five countries with the kindest populations include the USA, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. In particular, in Britain, about 57% of men and women regularly performed actions for the benefit of others. The smallest number of people ready to help was identified in Greece.

According to expert estimates,...

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Guy, are you really living in illusions, or in order to “hit” someone you need to prove the insignificance of his kindness in relation to yours... go to civilized countries and you will be amazed by kindness; I really doubt that you will distinguish it from the usual “lack of rudeness” "... this is in personal relationships and in public...
“We are for the Russians, we are for the poor,” our politicians shout at every corner. We beat ourselves in the chest, tear the shirt on our chest: “Yes, we are beggars, but we have spirituality.” We organize “Russian marches” and simultaneously destroy everything in our path. And the Americans, those same “stupid, greedy Americans” with a calculator in their heads, do everything to make any disabled person, be they down or cerebral, feel like a full-fledged, living person. There, in this damned America, there is not a single sidewalk that is not equipped with a special entrance for wheelchair users, not a single bus without automatic descending steps, not a single house without...

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When you're on vacation, you probably don't want to encounter rude people. If you're looking for a place where you can expect to make a lot of nice connections, you need to head to one of the countries with the friendliest people in the world. Their residents offer such a warm welcome that a boring, inexpensive tour can easily turn into an unforgettable trip.

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Thailand is often referred to as the "land of smiles" and it really is. Overall, Thailand is a very hospitable, friendly country, especially when you travel outside of the major tourist centers such as Phuket and Bangkok. One visitor noted that restaurant employees even get annoying by “trying to be too nice.” In addition to friendly townspeople, Thailand has picturesque beaches, good weather, a dazzling ocean, interesting shops and outdoor cafes with fantastically delicious food.

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Readers of online travel magazine Rough Guide have voted Scotland as the friendliest country in the world. This is the only European country that deserves to be at the top of our list. You will definitely enjoy Irish humor and the funny accents of the calmest and friendliest people in the world, Scotch whiskey and beautiful scenery. Scots laugh at themselves, rarely take anything seriously, and have a great sense of humor (many of the world's best comedians come from Scotland). They will definitely tell you a lot of funny stories.

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Ireland is not only one of the most beautiful countries in the world, it is also famous for its cheerful, generous people who greet you as if you were best friends who lost each other a long time ago and have now met. If you like to joke and laugh, the townspeople will share anecdotes and be happy to listen to your stories. The Emerald Isle is one of those rare places where you will always find at least one new friend without even trying. All you have to do is walk into almost any pub, have a pint, and someone will definitely start talking to you. The sincere hospitality of the Irish is known throughout the world, and their laughter is quite contagious. Be sure to visit the impressive sights of Giant's Island in Northern Ireland, the Ring of Kerry in the southwest, make new acquaintances from the townspeople, and you will remember a trip to Scotland as one of the best trips of your life.

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Thanks to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, almost everyone in the world is now familiar with New Zealand's stunning landscapes, with soaring snow-capped mountains, volcanic forests, sparkling lakes and golden beaches. This is one of the most popular adventure destinations and is home to several extreme sports such as zorbing, in which a person slides down mountains in a large inflatable ball. It is also the birthplace of rafting, bungee jumping, air diving and jet skiing, as well as softer sports such as nature trekking and mountain biking.

But New Zealand is not only an extreme paradise, the locals here are known for their generous, often exuberant nature and positive attitude towards life. Every citizen will definitely smile at you when they meet, and this is not a tribute to tradition - they are really happy to see you.

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Iceland has a fairly cold climate, but the warmth of the hearts of its people and the breathtaking scenery raise the temperature to an acceptable level. In a land that sees only a few hours of sunshine during the darkest days of winter, it seems that people would be gloomy and irritable, but ancient elven magic must be at work here, because the locals are always smiling and in great spirits.

Iceland's awe-inspiring and rugged landscape is filled with roaring waterfalls, velvety black sand beaches, glacial lagoons, hot springs and steaming volcanoes. Don't be surprised if the locals want to treat you to free food, drinks, or give you advice on where to go and what to see, friendliness is part of the culture. You have a good chance to find one or two walking buddies, enjoy some friendly banter, add a lot of new contacts on Facebook, and leave a lot of pleasant memories.

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Although Canada is a huge country with a very diverse landscape, one thing that is consistent across all of its regions is that the people here are extremely friendly and polite. Store clerks, hotel staff, and even strangers give you smiles and courtesy in abundance. Canadians are so polite that even if you crash your car into a tree, they will apologize for planting the tree in such a bad place.

Even when stuck in traffic in large cities such as Toronto or Montreal, it is very rare to hear the horn blaring. Nobody honks, everyone waits patiently. One story published in the National Post exemplifies the Canadian mentality. A law student in Edmonton, Albert forgot to turn off his car lights at night. When he returned to his car, he found a dead battery and a note on the windshield. “I noticed that you forgot to turn off the headlights. If you're reading this, your battery probably doesn't have enough charge to start your car. I left the blue extension cord on the fence and the battery charger under the car in a cardboard box. The note also described in detail how to start the car. “Good luck,” the unknown well-wisher added at the end.

In addition to the friendliness of Canadians, there are magnificent landscapes from wild beaches to high mountains, an abundance of wildlife and many other interesting things. When visiting Newfoundland, you can interact with the locals, many of whom have Irish roots, making Newfoundland one of the most hospitable cities on earth.

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This exotic country attracts many tourists with its rich culture, interesting history, futuristic cities and magnificent coastline. The gateway to North Africa, it is a bustling center of trade where the languages ​​and customs of about a dozen different cultures mix. Moroccans treat tourists like family, showing them around, giving advice, and treating them to a cup of mint tea. In a recent ranking of 140 countries from around the globe, Morocco was awarded third place as the most hospitable country.

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One reader of the online magazine Rough Guides commented, “Fijians are the most genuine and nice people I have ever met! They have open hearts, and although they are poor, they say that money does not buy happiness." Of course, they can afford to smile a lot, living among the lush emerald islands, turquoise waters, wealth of marine life, colorful reefs and fantastic landscapes.

Locals love to share their joy with tourists, making them feel at home, giving advice to help travelers discover the best islands that will give them an unforgettable experience.

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Even though the people of Nepal come from widely different ethnic groups and speak several different languages, they all have at least one thing in common: a very sociable nature. Nepalese people have been called “The Most Beautiful People on the Planet” in a number of studies. Some travelers even call this country paradise.

There are more than 3,000 temples, 1,200 monasteries and 12 of the highest mountains in the world, including the tallest mountain on Earth, Mount Everest, one of the most incredibly beautiful places you can see on our planet. While climbing the mountain is risky, traveling within Nepal itself is considered safe, as crime rates are quite low.

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Travelers often mention Laos as one of the most hospitable countries in the world. In this southeast Asian country, friendliness seems to be part of the local tradition. Rarely will you hear someone speak with a raised voice, all the people here seem to be extremely positive despite their country's tragic history. People will greet you like an old friend and stop what they're doing to help you find your way. Enjoy beautiful sunsets on the Mekong River while sipping Beerlao, a popular beer served on the rocks, and chatting with friendly Vietnamese people.

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The Philippines is a piece of Asia cut off from the mainland in the South China Sea, consisting of more than 7,000 beautiful islands. This cosmopolitan country not only offers a wide range of cultural heritage, along with all kinds of outdoor, water and land activities, but also the genuine friendliness of the local people. One travel blogger, summarizing his experience, noted that “I have visited almost all parts of Southeast Asia.”

The people in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia are very beautiful and very friendly. But the people in the Philippines are simply amazing. Every time I thought people couldn't get any friendlier, they exceeded my expectations. I was invited to their house for dinner, I sang karaoke all night with the locals (a national hobby in the Philippines), I played with their small children on the beach, everyone was smiling and genuinely happy to see me.

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This magnificent country will surely surprise you. Situated between Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece, it abounds in geographical and cultural attractions and is renowned for its hospitality. Explore the rich history of local architecture, art, music and poetry, attend one of the country's many annual festivals, hike, ski or climb beautiful, towering mountains.

Popular among tourists are Lake Ohrid and the charming village of Ohrid, which lies on its shores, the lively city of Bitola and its lively bazaar, and Skopje, the dancing fountain, in the center of the capital.

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It is the birthplace of classical music and high mountains. Its beautiful cities are filled with architectural wonders, and incredibly beautiful views of the Alps. There are many luxury ski resorts here, and the locals have been voted the friendliest and most hospitable people in all of Europe. Austrians are known for their politeness, and are usually the first to greet strangers on the street.

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Senegal prides itself on its reputation as one of Africa's most hospitable countries, with a kindness of people that is foreign to people in many other parts of the world. On the street, you will often see friends walking hand in hand, smiling or laughing contagiously. The Senegalese are truly some of the most smiling and welcoming people you will ever meet. Don't be surprised if one of the locals invites you into their home to eat one of the local mouth-watering dishes. Of course, you can also enjoy the many deserted beaches, rainforests and dazzling nightlife along the coast.

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Portugal is a wonderful holiday destination with ideal weather, beautiful beaches, ancient castles and charming towns such as Sintra, one of the most beautiful cities in all of Europe. But no matter where you go in this country, you'll find delicious Mediterranean cuisine, different types of music and dance festivals throughout the year, and people known throughout the world for their kindness and openness. While traveling through small villages, locals are free to invite you into their homes and have a leisurely conversation over a glass of wine.

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Not only is the weather in Brazil usually quite hot, but the attitude of the people towards tourists will surprise you with its warmth. Brazilians are open, friendly and happy people who smile often and are incredibly hospitable. This diverse group of people with roots from every corner of the globe puts family and friendship above all else. If you find a friend here, it's a friend for life.

There are many other reasons to visit Brazil - the clean sand of its legendary beaches, the green paths of the Amazon forests and the annual carnival extravaganzas are really worth a look if you love fun and noisy celebrations.

One of the most pleasant and important properties of human character is kindness. It is difficult to describe and formulate, but very easy to feel and accept. In a world in which there is a definition for any thing or event, there was also a measure for kindness. This term refers to a person’s ability to share his material wealth, including money, as a donation. Also taken into account is the frequency with which a person selflessly helps other people, be it going to the grocery store for a person who cannot do it on their own, or helping a visually impaired person cross the road.

Current Research

Scientists conducted experiments in which people from completely different countries of the world participated. For a long time, a count was kept of actions done from the heart out of selflessness. As a result, it was established which countries have the kindest people: the United States of America, Australia, Ireland, England and New Zealand. Citizens of these countries are quite easily and naturally accustomed to helping each other out; in particular, 57% of subjects from Australia regularly provide assistance to people in need.

Turkey and Estonia had average results, as did Hungary and Portugal. People in these countries are still kind, but they put their own well-being before helping. On average, 25% of residents of these states are ready to selflessly provide assistance to someone in trouble. Unfortunately, there are also those who do good less often. In Greece, only 13% of residents are ready to support their neighbor.

What in practice?

Despite research, there is something good in every person, but there is a place where the kindest people in the world live. In a small village in India there lives a group of people who adhere not just to Buddhism, but to its kindest manifestation - the Bishnoi tribe.

One day, guru and spiritual mentor Jambheshwar saw people suffering from heat and drought. People destroyed the world around them in order to survive. The Guru decided to change the situation by developing 29 mandatory instructions and rules. Today there are about 6,000 followers of this religion, which is called “Bishnoi”. Residents of this village give at least 10% of their harvest to flora and fauna. Village residents consider wild animals as members of their families and feed them regularly. Only dead wood that has “died” from a storm or lightning is used. Believers themselves often die while protecting the environment from poachers.

Is Russia not without good people?

The Public Chamber has created its own list of Russian cities in which the most responsive people live, thanks to whom more than 35 thousand good deeds have been carried out, including environmental events - garbage collection, recycling of secondary raw materials, etc. The leader in the list is the northern capital - St. Petersburg. The second place of honor goes to Khimki, and Kronstadt closes the top three. Among those who were not indifferent were also: Kazan, Cheboksary, Ulyanovsk, Moscow, Ussuriysk, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod.

From a scientific point of view

Scientific research by American experts suggests that being a kind person is quite beneficial. Proper upbringing from childhood and a sensitive attitude towards the people around us helped schoolchildren become physically healthy and psychologically stronger. Helping your neighbor among older people reduced the risk of sudden death by 42%, without taking into account gender, marital status or lifestyle.

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