Sea Cutthroat Vessels: Nine of the Most Formidable. Pirate nicknames and nicknames

1680 - 1718

The most famous pirate in the world is Edward Teach, or he is also called “Blackbeard”. He was known to the world for his cruelty, desperation, strength, and indomitable passion for rum and women. His name made the entire Caribbean Sea and the English possessions of North America tremble. He was tall and strong, had a thick black beard braided, wore a wide-brimmed hat and a black cloak, and always had seven loaded pistols. The opponents surrendered in horror without resistance, considering him an incarnation of hell. In 1718, during the next battle, the pirate Blackbeard continued to fight to the last, wounded by 25 shots, and died from a blow from a saber.

1635 - 1688

This pirate was known as the Cruel or Pirate Admiral. One of the authors of the Pirate Code. An incredible man who excelled in the pirate craft and was a respected lieutenant governor, commander-in-chief of the Jamaican navy. The pirate admiral was considered a talented military leader and a wise politician. His life was full of bright, major victories. Sir Henry Morgan died in 1688 and was buried with honors in St. Catherine's Church, Port Royal. After a while, due to a strong earthquake, his grave was swallowed up by the sea.

1645 - 1701

The most bloodthirsty pirate legend. He had amazing endurance, special cruelty, sadistic sophistication and skillful talent for piracy. William Kidd was an excellent expert in navigation. He had unconditional authority among pirates. His battles were considered the fiercest in the history of piracy. He robbed both at sea and on land. Legends about his victories and countless treasures live to this day. The search for the looted treasure of William Kidd continues to this day, but so far without success.


A successful English navigator and talented pirate during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The second, after Maggelan, Francis Drake circumnavigated the world. They discovered the widest strait of the World Ocean. During his career, Captain Francis Drake made many discoveries of lands unknown to mankind. For his numerous achievements and rich spoils, he received generous recognition from Queen Elizabeth I.

1682 - 1722

His real name is John Roberts, nicknamed Black Bart. The richest and most incredible pirate. He always loved to dress with taste, adhered to generally accepted manners in society, did not drink alcohol, wore a cross and read the Bible. He knew how to convince, subdue and confidently lead his minions to the intended goal. He fought many successful battles and mined a huge amount of gold (approximately 300 tons). He was shot dead on his own ship during a raid. The trial of the captured Black Bart pirates was the largest trial in history.

1689 - 1717

Black Sam - received this nickname due to his fundamental refusal to wear a combed wig, preferring not to hide his unruly dark hair tied in a knot. Black Sam was led to the path of piracy by love. He was a noble, purposeful man, a wise captain and a successful pirate. Captain Sam Bellamy had both white and black pirates on board, which was considered unthinkable at the time. He had smugglers and spies under his command. He won many victories and won incredible treasures. Black Sam died during a storm that overtook him on the way to his beloved.

1473 - 1518

Famous powerful pirate from Turkey. He was characterized by cruelty, ruthlessness, and a love of mockery and execution. He was involved in the pirate business together with his brother Khair. The Barbarossa Pirates were a threat to the entire Mediterranean. So, in 1515, the entire Azir coast was under the rule of Arouj Barbarossa. The battles under his command were sophisticated, bloody and victorious. Arouj Barbarossa died during the battle, surrounded by enemy troops in Tlemcen.

1651 - 1715

A sailor from England. By vocation he was a researcher and discoverer. Made 3 trips around the world. He became a pirate in order to have the means to engage in his research activities - studying the direction of winds and currents in the ocean. William Dampier is the author of such books as “Travel and Descriptions”, “A New Journey Around the World”, “The Direction of the Winds”. An archipelago in the North-West coast of Australia, as well as a strait between the western coast of New Guinea and the island of Waigeo, are named after him.

1530 - 1603

Female pirate, legendary captain, lady of fortune. Her life was full of colorful adventures. Grace had heroic courage, unprecedented determination and high talent as a pirate. For her enemies she was a nightmare, for her followers an object of admiration. Despite the fact that she had three children from her first marriage and 1 child from her second, Grace O'Mail continued her favorite business. Her work was so successful that Queen Elizabeth I herself invited Grace to serve her, to which she received a decisive refusal.

1785 - 1844

Zheng Shi closes the list of the most famous pirates in the world. She etched her name in history as one of the most successful female pirates. Under the command of this small, fragile Chinese robber there were 70,000 pirates. Zheng Shi started the pirate business together with her husband, but after his death, she boldly took over the reigns. Zheng Shi was an excellent, strict and wise captain; she formed a disciplined and strong army from a chaotic bunch of pirates. This ensured successful offensive operations and fabulous victories. Zheng Shi lived out her years in peace, as the owner of a hotel within the walls of which there was a brothel and a gambling house.

The most famous bloodthirsty pirates Video

Nothing sounds better to the ear than a firm, stern, and quickly memorable pirate name. When people became sea robbers, they often changed their names in order to make it difficult for the authorities to identify them. For others, the name change was purely symbolic: the newly minted pirates were mastering not only a new activity, but also a completely new life, which some preferred to enter with a new name.

In addition to the many pirate names, there are also many recognizable pirate nicknames. Nicknames have always been an integral part of gang culture, and pirates were no exception in this regard. We will talk about the most common pirate nicknames, analyze their origins and provide a list of the most popular ones.

  • Blackbeard. The origin of the nickname is very trivial. had a thick black beard, and, according to legend, before battle he wove burning wicks into it, the smoke of which made him look like the devil himself from the underworld.
  • Calico Jack. Nickname pirate, so he was dubbed for his love for various decorations made of chintz fabric.
  • Spaniard Killer. This is exactly what they called the famous man who was cruel and ruthless towards the Spaniards.
  • Red, Bloody Henry. Two nicknames that belonged to the famous pirate. The first nickname has a direct relation to the color of his hair, and the second - to his far from merciful deeds.
  • Gentleman Pirates. A nickname given to him due to his aristocratic origins.
  • Vulture. Nickname of a French pirate. It is not entirely clear why this nickname stuck to him; apparently, it somehow better reflected his character and temperament.
  • Lanky John. Pirate nickname of a fictional pirate. In addition to this nickname, he had one more - Ham.
  • Black Corsair. Nickname of the main character in the novel of the same name by Emilio Salgari.

These were the nicknames of the most famous real and fictional pirates. If you need unique thematic names, then in the Corsairs Online game, when creating a character, you have at your disposal a pirate nickname generator, you can try to pick up something interesting for yourself.

Pirate nicknames for a party

If you are throwing a pirate-themed party and need to somehow name everyone present, then the list below should help you with this.

The phenomenon of piracy has given human history many names of legendary adventurers. The peak of maritime robberies occurred in the 17th century, when the World Ocean was the scene of struggle between Spain, England and some other emerging European colonial powers. Most often, pirates made their living through independent criminal robberies, but some of them ended up in government service and deliberately harmed foreign fleets.

Francis Drake

Born in 1540, he came from an ordinary farming family, and nothing foreshadowed that he would become a great pirate and navigator. A sharp turn in his fate happened at the age of 12, when his parents moved to Kent. There the teenager became a cabin boy on a merchant barque. The owner of the ship was his distant relative. Dying, he handed over the ship as an inheritance to Drake. So, by an amazing coincidence, already at the age of 18, the young man turned out to be a captain.

Like all other contemporary sailors, Francis dreamed of the distant western seas, where the Spaniards continued to rule since their discovery. The most famous pirates of that time, as one, hunted royal galleons loaded with American gold. The Spanish did control the West Indies and had no intention of giving its resources to the British. There were constant skirmishes between the ships of these two countries. In one of them, in 1567, Francis Drake almost lost his life. Of the entire English flotilla, only two ships survived. After this episode, the Spaniards became Drake's sworn enemies.

Francis received from his authorities a privateering patent and the right to freely plunder enemy bases. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the pirate captured Spanish fortresses and outposts in the Caribbean. In 1572, his detachment intercepted a huge cargo of silver. A robber sailed to England with 30 tons of precious metal.

Drake became famous not only as a threat to the Spaniards, but also as a brave navigator. In 1577, Queen Elizabeth I sent him on an expedition around the world. It was this pirate who became the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. During his journey, he found out that Tierra del Fuego is an island, and not the southern mainland, as was previously believed in Europe. After his triumphant return, Francis Drake received a knighthood and became sir. The high rank did not change the habits of the sea wolf. On the contrary, over and over again he was eager to embark on another adventurous voyage.

In 1588, Francis Drake took part in the defeat of the Spanish Invincible Armada. The victory of the English fleet heralded British naval rule for several centuries. After this success, Drake went on expeditions to the West Indies several more times. He destroyed enemy pirate bases that interfered with profitable English trade. Sir Drake died in 1596 while traveling in Panama. His lead coffin was buried in the ocean. Without a doubt, the adventurer is the most famous pirate of the 16th century.

Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan was born in 1635 in the Welsh countryside into the family of a landowner. The boy could have become his father's heir, but from childhood his passion was not agriculture, but the sea. As time has shown, the love for distant horizons turned out to be justified. The most famous pirates were jealous of the success of Henry Morgan, who became a living legend of his time.

As a young man, the Englishman was hired on a ship sailing to the harbor of the island of Barbados. Once in the Caribbean, Morgan began to build an amazing pirate career. Having joined the sea robbers, he moved to Jamaica. Young quickly became a participant in raids, the main purpose of which was to rob ships that came to hand. In a short time, the boy learned all the laws and customs of marine life. Already in his youth, he became the owner of considerable capital, amassed from pirate earnings and winnings at dice. With this money Henry bought his first ship.

Very soon, even the most famous pirates heard about Morgan's daring and luck. A group of like-minded people formed around the pirate. New ships began to join his ship. Growing influence could not but lead to growing ambitions. In 1665, Morgan decided to give up looting ships and began planning an operation to capture the entire city. His first target was Trujillo. The bandit then captured several Spanish bases in Cuba. Both simple privateers and the most famous pirates could not boast of such successes.

Morgan's most famous military enterprise was his campaign against Panama, which took place in 1670. By this time, the robber already had a fleet of 35 ships and a crew of 2 thousand people at his disposal. This gang landed in Panama and moved to the Spanish fortress of the same name. Although the garrison numbered 2.5 thousand soldiers, it was unable to defend the city. Having taken Panama, the pirates exterminated all those who resisted and plundered everything they could reach. The city was set on fire and destroyed. After this raid, the names of the most famous pirates faded in comparison with the name of Henry Morgan.

When the English subject returned to Jamaica, which belonged to the crown, the authorities unexpectedly arrested him. The fact was that the day before London and Madrid made peace. The pirates did not act on behalf of the state, but enjoyed its benevolent connivance. Having made peace with Spain, the English government promised to rein in its pirates. Henry Morgan was exiled to his homeland. A trial awaited him at home, but the trial turned out to be only a sham demonstration. The authorities were not going to punish the pirate who had provided them with so many services in the fight against Spanish rule at sea.

Soon Henry Morgan returned to Jamaica. He became the island's vice-governor and commander-in-chief of its fleet and army. Subsequently, the pirate continued to faithfully serve the crown. He died in 1688 and was buried with honors in Port Royal Church. A few years later, Jamaica was rocked by a catastrophic earthquake, and Morgan's grave was washed into the ocean.

Anne Bonney

Although sea robbery has always been traditionally considered an exclusively male affair, the most famous female pirates are of no less interest. One of them was (born in 1700). The girl came from a wealthy Irish family. When she was still a child, her father acquired an estate in distant America. So Anne moved to the New World.

At the age of 18, the daughter ran away from home and embarked on a path of adventurous adventures. She met a pirate and decided to join his sea adventures. The girl had to get used to men's clothing and master fighting and shooting skills. Rackham's crew was captured by the authorities in 1720. The captain was executed, but the punishment for Anne was constantly postponed due to her pregnancy. Her further fate remained unknown.

According to one version, Bonnie was freed and died during another raid; according to another, she was rescued by her influential father, after which the former robber spent her entire life in South Carolina and died in 1782 at a ripe old age. Be that as it may, the most famous female pirates (another famous robber at the time) generated even more rumors than their male companions.


The legendary figure of Blackbeard remains one of the most recognizable in the pirate pantheon. Edward Teach was hiding under this nickname. Almost nothing is known about his childhood. The sailor made his presence known in 1713, when at the age of 33 he joined the bandits of Benjamin Hornigold. Like all world-famous pirates, this crew hunted in the Caribbean Sea, attractive for its valuable cargo. Teach was the true ideal of a pirate. He knew nothing except regular raids and robberies. His ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, terrified both sailors and civilians on earth.

In 1717, thanks to the efforts of the governor of the Bahamas, the official authorities began an uncompromising fight against pirates. In new unusual conditions, many robbers (including that same Hornigold) decided to lay down their arms and receive a royal pardon. However, Teach refused to change his lifestyle. From that moment on, he became enemy number one for the British military and naval forces.

Many famous pirates who did not want to fit into the new order joined Blackbeard. The most famous adventure of this captain was the blockade of Charleston in South Carolina. The raiders captured many high-ranking citizens and received a colossal ransom in exchange for their return.

The treachery of the owner of Queen Anne's Revenge did not go unpunished. The authorities promised 100 pounds for the pirate's head, which was a fortune at the time. A real hunt has begun for Blackbeard. Very soon, on November 22, 1718, he died in a boarding battle against the team of Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Often the most famous pirates and their ships haunted the seas for an extremely short but eventful period. The same was the lot of Blackbeard.

Bartholomew Roberts

The fame enjoyed by the most famous pirates in history gave rise to many rumors and myths around them. Bartholomew Roberts was no exception to this rule. It is he who is credited with the authorship of the Pirate Code, a set of rules according to which many generations of sea robbers lived.

Roberts was born in 1682 in the small Welsh town of Haverfordwest. His sea travels began on a slaver ship, where Bartholomew was mate. He became involved with pirates at the age of 37, when he was hired on the ship Princess of London. Within a month and a half, the novice robber was elected captain of his own ship.

Roberts' further independent enterprises made him famous in many seas and countries. At that time it was believed that he was the most famous pirate in the world. Bartholomew's team operated not only in the Caribbean, but also in the coastal waters of West Africa, Brazil and even Canada. The thugs robbed everything that could be sold profitably: ships with precious metals, galleons with northern furs, barges with rare American goods. Roberts made his flagship a hijacked French brig, which he named the Royal Pirate.

Bartholomew was killed in 1722 during another trip to Africa, where he intended to engage in the profitable slave trade. The legendary pirate was ruined by his companions' addiction to drinking. When a British ship unexpectedly attacked Roberts' ship, its entire crew was dead drunk. The most famous pirates of the Caribbean and the admirals of the Royal Navy were amazed at what happened: it seemed to everyone that Bartholomew was invincible. Roberts stood out noticeably from his comrades not only in his own successes, but also in his habit of dressing well, as well as his aversion to gambling and foul language. There is no doubt that he was one of the most extravagant pirates of his time.

Henry Avery

During his short life he managed to acquire many nicknames. Some contemporaries called him Long Ben, others - the Arch-Pirate. Avery's love for the sea was predetermined by his own roots. Henry's father served as a captain in the English fleet. In 1659, a son appeared in the officer’s family, who was destined to become one of the brightest and most legendary pirates of his era.

At first, the future criminal sailed on merchant ships and only then changed them to robber ships. In 1694, 25-year-old Emery was hired on a privateer ship. The main difference between such a ship and a classic pirate ship was that it robbed and attacked foreign traders with the permission of its government. Sometimes contracts were violated: when the ship stopped paying wages, the crew rebelled. The sailors decided to become pirates and chose a new one instead of the old captain. It turned out to be Henry Emery.

The new leader of the robbers left the Caribbean Sea and went to the Indian Ocean, where there was also something to profit from. The place of the first long stop was Madagascar. Emery's team then attacked ships belonging to the Indian Mughal Empire. The robbers managed to seize a huge amount of rare oriental goods and all kinds of jewelry. All American pirates dreamed of such a profitable enterprise. After that expedition, Avery disappeared from view. There were rumors that he moved to England and tried to start an honest business and ended up completely broke.

Thomas Tew

The path that Henry Emery followed during his famous expedition was called the “Pirate Circle”. Thomas Tew was the first to travel this route (Atlantic - southern Africa - Madagascar - India). Like Emery, he began as a privateer and ended as a pirate. In 1693, he robbed several ships in the Red Sea. Before his attack, European cutthroats had never traded in this area. Perhaps Tew's success is connected to this - no one expected the appearance of the Caribbean gentlemen of luck.

On his second voyage to Madagascar, Thomas met Henry Emery by chance. Due to the spread of rumors about easy money in the eastern countries, the most famous sea robbers now sought to repeat the success of Tew. This captain remained in the memory of the pirates precisely as the discoverer of the “Circle”. He didn't have time to do more. In 1695, Thomas Tew was killed during an attack on a Mughal flotilla.

Thomas Cavendish

A list that includes the most famous pirates in world history cannot be complete without mentioning Thomas Cavendish (1560-1592). He was a contemporary of Francis Drake. The biographies of these two pirates, who acted in the interests of the English crown, have many similarities. Cavendish, following Drake, decided to travel around the world. The expedition, carried out in 1586-1588, was not at all peaceful. Rounding America, English pirates robbed many Spanish ships filled to capacity with gold. In a sense, Thomas Cavendish's journey was an audacity. The Spaniards considered the Pacific Ocean to be their “inner lake” and were furious when foreign robbers entered these still unknown waters.

Cavendish's team made its most profitable attack off the coast of Mexico. Subjects of Elizabeth I attacked a galleon that was carrying an annual supply of Peruvian gold (120 thousand pesos). Another profitable enterprise of the pirates was the stopover in Java. This island was famous for its pepper and cloves. Spices at that time were worth their weight in precious metals. Cavendish managed to obtain a large cargo of this expensive product. The pirates returned to their native Plymouth in 1588. Having traveled around the world in 2 years and 50 days, they set a speed record that lasted for two centuries.

Cavendish quickly spent the fortune he had earned. A few years after his amazing success, he assembled a second expedition, intending to exactly repeat his previous triumph. However, this time the pirate was plagued by failure. In 1592 he died in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Presumably Cavendish's ship sank near Ascension Island.

Francois Ohlone

Although the most famous pirates and their ships were usually associated with England, other countries also had their own nuggets. For example, the Frenchman Francois Olone (1630-1671) left a significant mark on history. In his youth, he became famous in the main Caribbean pirate port of Tortuga. In 1662, the young robber received a privateering patent and began to hunt Spanish ships. One day the Ohlone ship was wrecked. The pirate washed up on the Mexican coast, where he and his crew were attacked by the Spaniards who arrived in time. All the French died, and only Olona, ​​who pretended to be dead in time, managed to survive.

François's most ambitious undertaking was his capture of the Spanish city of Maracaibo in modern-day Venezuela. The daredevils who attacked the colony fit on only five ships. On the way, the pirates plundered a Spanish ship and obtained a valuable cargo of jewelry and cocoa. Arriving on the mainland, Ohlone led the assault on the fort, which was garrisoned by 800 people. The pirates captured the fortress and obtained 80 thousand silver piastres. In honor of the fall of Maracaibo, the captain received the nickname “scourge of the Spaniards.”

The last campaign for the famous French robber was his expedition to Nicaragua. After three months of searching for profit, pirates captured a ship loaded with cheap paper. Due to failure, part of the team returned to Tortuga. Ohlone continued the raid, but unfortunately for the captain, his ship ran aground near Cartagena. A French detachment of 40 people who reached the shore was attacked by a crowd of Indians. Ohlone and his crew were torn to pieces and eaten by local cannibals.

Amaro Pargo

Amaro Pargo is one of the most famous Spanish pirates. He was born in 1678 on the Canary Islands and already in his youth began to earn his living by transporting slaves from Africa to America. Free workers on plantations were highly valued, thanks to which Pargo quickly became rich. He was the sworn enemy of Blackbeard and all English pirates in general.

Before his death in 1747, Pargo drew up a will in which he indicated that he had buried a chest with fabulous treasures: silver, gold, pearls, jewelry, precious stones and expensive fabrics. For several decades, many adventurers, including the most famous pirates, tried to find this treasure. There are still a lot of blank spots in the story of Pargo's inheritance. Despite a long search for the Spanish pirate's treasure, no one found it.

These ships have been burning in the furnaces of the underworld for a long time. All because the most evil pirates carried out their most terrible plans on them.

“Adventure” (Adventure Galley)

William Kidd's favorite ship. This is a Scottish sailor and English privateer, who became famous thanks to a high-profile trial - he was accused of crimes and pirate attacks. The results are still disputed to this day.

“Adventure” is an unusual frigate galley, equipped with straight sails and oars. Due to the latter, it was very maneuverable - both against the wind and in calm weather. Weight - 287 tons, armament - 34 guns. 160 crew members could easily fit on board. The main goal of “Adventure” is to destroy the ships of other pirates.


Queen Anne's Revenge

The flagship of the legendary captain Edward Teach. Teach, aka Blackbeard, was an English pirate who operated in the Caribbean from 1703 to 1718.

Teach loved “Revenge” for its weapons - 40 guns. The frigate, by the way, was originally called “Concord” and belonged to Spain. Then he moved to France, and then he was captured by “Blackbeard”. So “Concord” became “Queen Anne’s Revenge”, which sank dozens of merchant and military ships that stood in the way of the famous pirate.



“The Master” is the pirate Black Sam Bellamy, one of the most famous pirates of the Golden Age of sea robbery. The Ouida was a fast and maneuverable vessel capable of carrying a lot of treasure. But a year after the pirate robbery began, the ship was caught in a terrible storm and was driven ashore. Result: the entire team (except for two people) died.


“Royal Fortune”

It was listed in the possession of Bartholomew Roberts, the famous Welsh pirate (real name John Roberts), who traded in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. By the way, he captured more than 400 ships. He was distinguished by extravagant behavior.

So, Roberts was crazy about the 42-gun, 3-masted “Royal Fortune”. It was on board that he met his death - in a battle with the British warship Swallow in 1722.



The owner is Henry Avery, aka Arch-Pirate and Long Ben, a pirate nicknamed “one of the most successful buccaneers and gentlemen of fortune.” Fantasia was originally the Spanish 30-gun frigate Charles II. Her team successfully robbed French ships. But then a riot broke out on it, and power passed to Avery, who served as the first mate. The pirate renamed the ship and continued to rampage on it (and with it) until death did them part.


“Happy Delivery”

A small, but no less beloved ship of George Lowther, an English pirate of the 18th century who “worked” in the Caribbean and the Atlantic. Lowther's trick is to ram an enemy ship with a simultaneous lightning-fast boarding. Often the pirate did this on “Delivery”.

“Rising Sun”

The ship was part of the estate of Christopher Moody, one of the most ruthless thugs - on principle he did not take anyone prisoner, and quickly and efficiently released everyone to the next world. So, “Rising Sun” is a 35-gun frigate that terrified everyone, especially Moody’s enemies. True, this continued until the thug was hanged. The bright and then painfully recognizable Moody flag deserves special attention.

Incredible facts


Edward Teach, known as Blackbeard, established a reign of terror in the Caribbean that lasted from 1716 to 1718.

The sailor began his career as a privateer, fighting for England during the War of the Spanish Succession, honing his skills as a sea raider before turning to piracy.

A fierce fighter, Blackbeard was known both for his distinctive style of capturing ships and for his enormous mane of hair.

Anne Bonny

The most famous female pirate in history was just as fearsome as her male counterparts, and she was also very smart and educated.

The daughter of a plantation owner, Anne left her comfortable life in the early 1700s to sail the seas.

She joined the crew of Jack Rackham's ship Calico Jack Rackham, disguised as a man, but according to legend she was spared the death penalty after the crew was captured because she was pregnant.

Captain Samuel Bellamy

Although he died at a very young age (he was only 28 years old), "Black Sam" made a name for himself after capturing several ships, including the Whydah Gally, a ship that was full of gold, silver and other valuable goods. Bellamy made this ship his own in 1717, but it was also the one on which he sank during a storm that same year.

Ching Shih

The golden age of piracy did not spare China, and women on board or even at the helm were not uncommon.

From 1801, her “career” developed very rapidly, and she became one of the most powerful female captains, and, in the end, the commander of a fleet of 2,000 ships and 70,000 sailors.

It is believed that the key to the Jin's success was the iron discipline that reigned on its courts.

Bartholomew Roberts

"Black" Bart Roberts was one of the most successful pirates of the Golden Age, patrolling the waters off the coasts of Africa and the Caribbean.

In less than four years, he captured 400 ships.

Bart was very cold-blooded and rarely left anyone alive on captured ships, so he was actively sought by the British authorities. He died at sea.

Captain Kidd

Pirate or privateer? Scottish sailor William Kidd is known for his high-profile legal battles with the British government regarding its brutal crimes and pirate attacks.

However, the veracity of this claim is still disputed. According to some modern historians, Kidd acted in accordance with the marque patent issued to him and did not attack allied ships.

However, he was hanged in 1701. Rumors about the whereabouts of the huge treasures hidden by him still excite the minds of many adventure lovers.

Henry Morgan

So popular that he had a rum named after him, Captain Morgan first served as a privateer in the Caribbean, then became a pirate, and famously wreaked havoc on the golden Spanish colony of Panama City in the mid-1600s.

He is also known as one of the few pirates who managed to "retire".

Calico Jack

"Pioneer of the Jolly Roger Flag" Calico Jack Rackham was a pirate of the Caribbean who had several epic names, but is best known for his association with Anne Bonny, as well as his classic pirate death.

Captured in Jamaica in 1720, Rackham was hanged, doused in tar and set on fire to show what would happen to every pirate. Now the place where this event took place is called Kay Rackham.

Sir Francis Drake

Noble to some and criminal to others, Drake spent his time between the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 and his circumnavigation of the world actively involved in piracy and the slave trade in the Caribbean.

The conquests he carried out, especially the attacks on the Spanish colonies in Central America, were considered some of the richest in terms of loot in the history of piracy.

Barbarossa brothers

Names like Aru and Khizir may not sound familiar, but the nickname given to Turkish corsairs by Europeans - Barbarossa (red beard) - probably conjures up images of tough, rugged sailors on the Mediterranean.

In the 16th century, using North Africa as a base, the Barbarossa brothers attacked several coastal cities and became some of the most powerful people in the area.

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