The essence of brainstorming methods. When and how is brainstorming used? The brainstorming method belongs to the group of methods

The essence of the brainstorming method is that a group of qualified experts is selected, but assessments and conclusions are made during the meeting. All experts are divided into two groups: the first generates ideas (gives assessments), and the second analyzes them. At the same time, it is forbidden to criticize this or that idea. The idea that most experts agree with is considered correct.

Brainstorming method:
  • quite efficient and reliable;
  • this is a maximum of ideas in a short period of time;
  • it is the absence of any criticism;
  • it is the development, combination and modification of both one's own and others' ideas.

This method is specifically designed to get the maximum number of offers. Its effectiveness is amazing: 6 people can come up with 150 ideas in half an hour. A design team working with conventional methods would never have realized that the problem they were considering had such a variety of aspects.

Brainstorming technique

The brainstorming technique is as follows. A group of individuals selected to generate alternatives gathers. The main principle of selection is diversity, qualifications, experience (this principle allows you to expand the fund of a priori information that the group has). It is reported that all ideas that arise both individually and by association while listening to the proposals of other participants are welcome, including those that only partially improve other people's ideas (it is recommended to write down each idea on a separate card). Any criticism is strictly prohibited - this is the most important condition for brainstorming: the very possibility of criticism inhibits the imagination. Everyone takes turns reading out their idea, the rest listen and write down on cards new thoughts that arose under the influence of what they heard. All the cards are then collected, sorted and analyzed, usually by another group of experts.

The number of alternatives can subsequently be significantly increased by combining the generated ideas. Among the ideas obtained as a result of brainstorming, there may be many stupid and unfeasible ones, but stupid ideas can then be easily eliminated by subsequent criticism.

Conditions and techniques for brainstorming

Categories of participants

  • There are no strict restrictions, but it is better to include workers with relatively little work experience in the group - they do not yet have developed stereotypes.
  • When solving specific problems, it is necessary to invite specialists (but they will be invitees, not participants).
  • It is recommended to form mixed groups (men and women). As a rule, the presence of representatives of different genders enlivens the work atmosphere.
  • When conducting a brainstorming session, it is desirable that the number of active and moderate group members be approximately equal.
  • It is necessary that the difference in age and official position between group members be minimal. The presence of superiors also constrains and limits the progress of the brainstorming session.
  • It is not recommended to invite a skeptical leader to a brainstorming session, even if he participates as an observer.
  • It is advisable to introduce new people into the group from time to time; new people bring new views and ideas that stimulate thinking.

Number of participants:

  • The optimal group composition is from 6 to 12 people. The optimal number of participants is 7.
  • It is not recommended to split group members into smaller ones (2 or more).
  • The number of people in a group also depends on the number of active and moderate members in it. If there are more active people, then the number of people in the group should be smaller; if there are more moderate ones, vice versa.

Setting, venue

  • To conduct a brainstorming session, it is advisable to use the venue in an auditorium or a separate room, away from extraneous noise. It is recommended to hang a poster on the wall with the basic rules of brainstorming.
  • It is advisable to have a board that participants can use to display their ideas. We recommend placing tables and chairs in the shape of the letter P, O, circle or semi-ellipse. This facilitates contact between participants and increases communication skills. If the group is small (5 - 6 people), a round table is most convenient.
  • It is advisable to have a tape recorder: a person may not have time to understand the idea and miss it.
  • Don't forget that humor is essential during meetings. This helps create a relaxed atmosphere and a creative atmosphere.

Duration and time

  • As a rule, the duration of a brainstorming session and the time ranges from 40 to 60 minutes. This is the most effective period of time.
  • When solving simple problems or when there is a time limit, the most appropriate length of discussion is 10-15 minutes.
  • The most suitable time for brainstorming is the morning (from 10 to 12 o'clock), but you can also do it in the afternoon (from 14 to 18 o'clock).

Types of Problems Solved by Brainstorming

  • The brainstorming method allows you to solve any problem that can be solved using a method that has several possible solutions. Brainstorming problems that have only one answer or a limited number of possible solutions are not suitable for solving with this method.
  • It is also necessary to avoid solving too general, abstract problems.
  • It is recommended to avoid completely solving the problem in one session. If the initial formulation is too broad and general, it should be divided into a number of sub-problems.
  • Brainstorming can be successfully used to collect information rather than ideas, i.e. to identify sources or formulate survey questions.
  • It is recommended to formulate problems for discussion simply and clearly.

Voicing the problem

  • The topic of the brainstorming session is revealed to the participants in advance, a few days before the discussion. In this case, the presenter (chairman) presents a brief summary of the topic or problem (up to 5 minutes, half a sheet of paper) and distributes it to the participants in advance.
  • Familiarizing brainstorming participants with a topic or problem directly during brainstorming.
  • There is also a mixed way of presenting a topic or problem for brainstorming. That is, partial rather than complete information on the problem is provided in advance.
  • Show or illustrate the way a problem or situation develops. If possible, it would be better graphically.
  • Provide recommendations for choosing the main points of contact. Use diagrams, models and whatever best suits the purpose. It is advisable to show and explain all this simply and clearly.
  • Summarize the existing points of view, show their advantages and disadvantages. Re-emphasize the need for a solution.

The role of the manager (leader)

  • The main functions of the leader are to inform all participants about the rules of the brainstorming session, to monitor their compliance, and to generally control the discussion so that it remains within the framework or boundaries of the topic or problem being discussed.
  • It is important that the leader himself participates in generating ideas. It should simultaneously serve as a stimulator or catalyst in case the pace of idea generation slows down. A good manager will usually have a list of possible solutions to a problem in advance.
  • The role of the leader is also to select brainstorming participants at least 2 days before it takes place.
  • An effective leader constantly throws out wild and reckless ideas and suggestions to demonstrate that they are encouraged.
  • Sometimes it happens that it is difficult for a group of participants to get rid of traditional approaches and stereotypes in solving a problem. In this case, we recommend using a little trick: the leader stops the brainstorming process and introduces restrictions: within 2-3 minutes, offer only impractical, most unusual ideas.
  • It often happens that participants continue to generate interesting ideas after the meeting. In this case, the leader’s task is to gather the group after a few days and record these ideas.

Evaluating ideas

  • To evaluate ideas, you need to select criteria. Evaluation criteria may be relevance, practical implementation, solvability, novelty, etc.
  • The evaluation of ideas can be carried out by the same or a different group in composition. If the assessment is carried out by the same group of participants, then, as a rule, it is carried out several days later.

Rules for brainstorming

Rule 1: Any criticism of ideas expressed during a brainstorming session is prohibited.

The principle of brainstorming is to prioritize the quantity of ideas expressed over their quality. The ideas expressed by participants, no matter how crazy, can serve as a starting point for developing the thought process of other participants. This is the advantage of collective thinking over individual thinking. Any, even the smallest, assessment of the idea expressed can affect the entire brainstorming process. It will be successful if each participant directs their efforts in a constructive direction.

Rule 2: Free flight of thoughts and encouragement of the most “crazy” ideas

The purpose of brainstorming, as a collective creative process, is to search for non-standard, non-traditional ideas. Otherwise, this process can turn into a regular meeting, at which standard ideas and solutions are most often proposed and discussed, which are not always effective and efficient.

For creative ideas to appear, a certain mood is required, when thoughts rush freely through our heads. This state is characterized by the inclusion of our subconscious in the work. To achieve this mindset, brainstorming participants should

conduct a special warm-up with tasks on analysis and synthesis, associative connections, etc.

When expressing their ideas, participants need to remember that it does not matter at all whether they are applicable in practice or not, one way or another, many of them may help to find an effective solution.

Rule 3: Come up with as many ideas as possible

As already mentioned, the quantity of ideas expressed is more important for brainstorming than their quality. Since participants should (and can) generate ideas within a short limited time, they must learn to use ideas already expressed by other participants to quickly think about and propose new ones.

In the practice of such groups, it can be noted that the goal of brainstorming is to put forward more than 100 ideas in 20 minutes. The most productive (successful) brainstorming is the one in which 200 - 250 ideas are proposed in 20 minutes.

Rule 4: Mandatory recording of all ideas

When brainstorming, every idea should be recorded, even if it is repeated. All group members need to see all the captured ideas, so you should prepare for this in advance.

Ideas are usually written down with markers on large sheets of paper. It is better to hang them in advance, before the start of brainstorming, and place them on the walls so that they are clearly visible to each participant.

Rule 5: Incubation of ideas

After all the ideas have been expressed and recorded, time is needed to think about and evaluate them. Why is this stage needed? The fact is that the incubation period allows a person to recover from the fatigue associated with solving the problem. Taking a break from a difficult problem also allows you to forget inappropriate approaches to it.

Solving a problem may be hampered by functional fixation, and it is possible that during the incubation period a person forgets old and unsuccessful ways to solve it. Experience shows that during the incubation period a person continues to work on a task unconsciously. In addition, during a break in the process of solving a problem, reorganization of the material may occur.

Stages of brainstorming

Having studied the rules of brainstorming, you can now pay attention to the individual stages of successful brainstorming and evaluating ideas after they are “incubated”.

Stage 1

The leader should familiarize the group members with the rules of brainstorming. It is best to write these rules on a poster and post it on the wall at each group meeting so that it is clearly visible to all participants.

Stage 2

To successfully conduct a brainstorming session, participants need to be creative. The leader conducts a warm-up with the participants, solving various tasks on associative thinking, analysis and synthesis, etc. It is best for employees who are members of a permanent team to constantly develop their creative abilities.

Then it is recommended to conduct a brainstorming rehearsal. The group needs to choose a problem (preferably of an everyday nature), in which each of the participants is to some extent competent, and conduct a brief brainstorming session (warm-up) in order to reorganize thinking into the creative process.

Do this always, because it only seems that everyone can easily get involved in work, but in reality this does not happen!

The wording of the problems for the warm-up is given in Appendix 1.

Stage 3

Group members should prepare for brainstorming by hanging large sheets of paper on the walls on which incoming ideas will be recorded. At the same time, it must be remembered that with the rapid pace of putting forward ideas, difficulties may arise in the need to record them on paper. In this case, 2-3 people can record ideas in turn. The following conditions can also be accepted: participants record their ideas on a small piece of paper and express them one by one at the request of the presenter.

Stage 4
  1. The problem has already been formulated, but its definition is too general and requires clarification. In this case, the original statement should be placed as a heading on a large piece of paper.
  2. The group does not know what problem it will work on, but in this case it must try to formulate a general direction for the search. In this case, the best way to start the general heading might be: “How can we...” and then finish the phrase (transform something, improve it, etc.). After the topic is finally selected, its definition in the form of a title is also placed on a large sheet of paper.
Stage 5

The process of coming up with ideas can happen in different ways. There are many different techniques based on the principles of brainstorming, some of which are described later in this chapter. But with different options for brainstorming, two approaches to the process of putting forward ideas are usually used.

1 approach. Participants can express ideas one at a time, in a specific order. Usually the leader invites the next group member to speak. If one of the participants does not know what to propose, then he says: “I pass” and the right to speak passes to the next participant. The leader (or a group member specially designated for this) records the ideas expressed on large sheets of paper. Participants are advised to record their ideas on small pieces of paper so as not to forget them while they are waiting for their turn to speak. In this case, ideas come in order and are easy to record. In addition, all group members participate in the process.

2nd approach. The second approach is unsystematic, since each group member can express their ideas at any time. In this case, ideas are expressed freely and naturally, but there is great difficulty in recording ideas. In this case, you can increase the number of people who will record ideas (usually 2 - 3 people). The disadvantage of this approach is that such an approach does not stimulate the direction of thought and does not guarantee the involvement of all participants in the process of putting forward ideas.

Stage 6

After all the ideas are recorded, time is needed to think about and evaluate them. After brainstorming, group members are advised to separate for at least a week to reflect on all the ideas expressed.

It is best to hang the idea sheets in a visible place where group members can see them at all times. In addition, to the discussion of the ideas expressed during the brainstorming, other employees of the enterprise add their ideas to the hanging sheets (brainstorming on the board).

Then, after some time has passed (usually a week), the group members conduct a new brainstorming session based on the list of ideas compiled at the previous meeting.

Stage 7

It initiates the evaluation process. This usually happens at the next group meeting. The best way to organize the evaluation of ideas from a list is to group them into themes before some suggestions are rejected as unrealistic. Once you have a list of ideas grouped by topic, you should review each one to identify the best ideas that can be implemented quickly and easily.

The group's further actions depend on the subject of the brainstorming session. If the goal was to identify a problem to work on, the group should choose a major topic and then focus on ideas related to it to identify those most suitable for consideration. In another case, if as a result of brainstorming the group has received a set of possible solutions to a problem, then the next step is to analyze them using the Pareto method (see Chapter 8) to identify one or two of the most suitable options. The Pareto principle can also be used to scrutinize ideas when making precise decisions.

Methods based on the principle (technology) of brainstorming


This technique is based on the brainstorming technique, but group members express their proposals not out loud, but in writing. They write their ideas on pieces of paper and then exchange them with each other. The neighbor's idea becomes the stimulus for a new idea, which is added to the received piece of paper. The group exchanges sheets of paper again, and this continues for a certain time (no more than 15 minutes).

The rules of brainstorming also apply to writing down thoughts: strive for more ideas, do not criticize the proposals put forward before the end of class, encourage “free associations.”

Let's look at an example.

Managers of a perfume company decided to use the method of recording thoughts in search of innovative ideas for business development. Each participant in the meeting wrote down his idea on a piece of paper and exchanged it with his neighbor. One of the managers thought about producing a new brand of soap and laundry detergent, while another listed a proposal to develop a new line for the production of shampoo and hair conditioner. Well, the third one, when he received this piece of paper with these two ideas, combined them and proposed to create a unique product: soap, shampoo and conditioner in one bottle.

Brainstorming on a whiteboard

In work areas, you can hang a special board on the wall so that employees can place sheets of paper on it with notes on the creative ideas that come to them during the working day. This board should be hung in a visible place. In the center of it should be written - in large bright (multi-colored) letters - the problem that needs to be resolved. Anyone who has an interesting idea that can help solve a given problem can pin a piece of paper with the idea recorded on it on the board.

Brainstorming in Japanese

This technique, developed by the Japanese Kobayashi and Kawakita, is based on the awareness of the need for a common approach to defining and solving a problem for all group members. This technique is also sometimes called “Rice hail”.

1) Definition of the problem
  • The team leader lists all the concepts relevant to the topic (eg, sales, costs, distribution, competition).
  • Each participant writes down factors related to the issue under consideration on cards - one fact per card. Facts must be significant and directly related to the topic under study.
  • The presenter collects and redistributes the cards so that no one gets the same ones.
  • Group members choose those cards that are related to the statement brought to their attention. A set is made up of these cards.
  • The presenter reads out the contents of one of the cards.
  • The group gives the set a name that reflects, in the general opinion, the essence of all the facts presented in the set. The name must meet the following requirements: its meaning must be derived from a set of facts, it must not be too general, it must not be a simple listing of facts from a set. By giving the set a name, the group summarizes all the facts at its disposal and then extracts from them the essence of the problem.
  • Group members combine the remaining facts into sets - each under its own name. All sets are then combined into one, which the group gives a name that reflects the essence of the final set.

This final comprehensive set will get as close as possible to the essence of the problem and its definition. It may be necessary to rearrange the keywords to create a clear and concise definition of the problem.

When a common understanding of the task appears in the group, the positions of the participants converge; everyone present agrees with the definition of the problem; During the process of joint discussion, group members begin to feel a “sense of common ground.”

2) Solving the problem
  • Each participant writes down their solutions to the problem on separate cards - one option on each card, the number of options is not limited.
  • The group leader collects and redistributes the cards so that no one gets the same ones.
  • Participants select cards associated with this solution option. Once all offers have been selected, they are grouped.
  • The presenter reads out one of the options.
  • The set is given a name. During further discussion, the remaining proposals are also combined into sets of options for solving the problem, and from them the final set is compiled. This set should contain the essence of all proposed solutions.

The title of the final set should express the essence of all sentences. The facilitator asks the group a question: “What unites all the proposed ideas?” The search for an answer will generate many thoughts, and the presenter will be able to select and group the most interesting of them.

Multi-stage (cascade) brainstorming

In this case, all participants in meetings (meetings) are divided into two groups: the “idea generation group” and the “evaluation group.” It is desirable that the “idea generation group” consist of people of equal rank. This group includes widely erudite brainstorming employees who are prone to imagination, but clearly understand the essence of the task facing them. The approximate equality of group members in temperament is of great importance. The optimal number of members of an “idea generation group” aimed at solving a problem of medium complexity is 10 people.

The “assessment group” includes people with a critical mindset. The presence of superiors with certain powers is required here. This is necessary so that a positive assessment of an idea has a real basis for its implementation.

Both groups must have leaders whose role is extremely important. This is the conductor of the “synthetic brain”. A lot depends on his erudition, tact, and ability to “get” the group members on board. It should be noted that the problem of selecting both groups is very important and complex. Let us formulate the main stages of a multi-stage brainstorming session.

Stage 1 “Reconnaissance”. The first brainstorming session is held, during which the “idea generation group” puts forward the first ideas. This stage is considered as the idea generation stage.

Stage 2 “Counterdictation”. At this stage, participants continue to put forward ideas, but one limitation is imposed on statements about the problem: the same problem must be solved without resorting to proposals already made. Ideas that are contrary to those previously expressed are approved and supported.

As a result of implementing this approach, two opposing lists of proposals for solving the problem are compiled. In total, they contain a maximum of proposals and counterproposals. The greatest effect is obtained when the brainstorming participants at the first and second stages are different people: emphasizing the need to “not touch” previously received proposals that are presented as dead ends, the facilitator does not prohibit their use.

Stage 3 “Synthesis”. At this stage, the “evaluation group” joins the discussion. It combines the proposals made during the first and second discussions in one system and develops solutions.

Stage 4 “Forecast”. Based on a “synthetic” list of ideas, it is proposed to predict the opportunities and difficulties arising from the solution.

Stage 5 “Generalization”. The meaning of this stage is to generalize the ideas received, reducing their diversity to a small number of principles.

Stage 6 “Destruction”. This stage is carried out to check the results obtained “for strength”. His task is to “defeat” proposals from various positions: logical, factual, social. In this case, criticism is permissible only in relation to the formulated ideas, but not each other. To increase the effectiveness of this stage, it is necessary to form a group of different qualities in intellectual and professional terms; ensure the administrative and legal independence of its members from the organizers of the development; do not name the authors of the ideas.

After all stages are completed, the final decision is made. It should be noted, however, that the technique does not replace the talent, knowledge, or experience of people; it only multiplies their thoughts. The atmosphere of emotional elation that is created during collective thinking helps to reveal the deep creative reserves of the human personality.

Brainstorming is a method that is incredibly popular today. With its help, you can find alternative ways to solve complex problems. In addition, it allows the individual to reveal his inner potential. This method is most often used in large teams at meetings when it is necessary to come to a specific decision.

Brainstorming is a method that implies that all participants in the process will show significant activity. The situation when employees of one enterprise take turns expressing their individual opinions allows everyone not to remain on the sidelines and be heard. In modern reality, when the boss often does not have the opportunity to devote time to each employee, this method is simply a godsend.

History and description

The brainstorming method first appeared in 1930, and it was described much later - in 1953. The author of this concept is American researcher Alex Osborne. At one time, this scientist defended free speech and recommended his method primarily for proper planning of any business activity. Brainstorming is still used by leading businessmen to organize and conduct business. Its usefulness is noted: labor productivity increases, profits increase, new ideas appear as if by themselves.

The essence of the brainstorming method is as follows: managers and employees gather in a meeting room. The general task that must be resolved during the meeting is voiced. Each participant has the opportunity to openly express their point of view, challenge their partner’s concept, discuss the results obtained, and make additional assumptions. From the outside, it seems that colleagues deliberately contrast different concepts with each other in order to reach a new understanding of the essence of things.

Direct brainstorming

This is the most common option, allowing you to quickly solve a pressing problem. Direct brainstorming implies that during the process the most significant and pressing issues will be discussed regarding the implementation of certain projects, development of activities, etc. Not many modern managers realize that it is possible to hold regular meetings, planning sessions and various gatherings, using a creative approach. One has only to add a little variety to the boring course of professional everyday life, and employees themselves begin to generate stunning ideas. The manager can only wonder where all this potential has been hidden until now. The use of this method allows you to improve relationships in an established team and overcome various psychological obstacles and barriers.

Reverse brainstorming

It is used when a certain concept has turned out to be unprofitable for some reason, has reached a dead end, and there is an urgent need to develop a new one. This implies that the participants in the process will actively challenge each other’s thoughts. Disputes and entering into polemics are permissible here. The reverse brainstorming method is useful when the enterprise has insoluble contradictions that require radical intervention.

Employees can express whatever they really think, their freedom is not limited in any way. It is unlikely that you will find anything as effective and efficient as the reverse brainstorming method. A description of the problem and concentrated attention to detail by several people at once will allow you to approach the issue in a timely manner and from the best perspective.

Individual brainstorming

It can be used in cases where a person urgently needs to achieve a specific result, but for some reason he has suffered a professional crisis. Brainstorming is a method that a creative person can use in moments of temporary loss of productivity. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it effectively affects even one person who is alone with his own thoughts. You can have internal dialogues with yourself and come to bold, unexpected decisions. The result of such actions will soon pleasantly surprise you. All that is required is to allow yourself to think in a limited time period (say, a few minutes), having a specific, clearly formulated task in front of you. Unfortunately, many people from childhood become accustomed to thinking in common stereotypes. Brainstorming methods allow you to overcome stereotyped perceptions of the world and reach a higher level of worldview.


This concept includes three main periods. They must be carried out consistently and with great care.

1.Formulation of ideas. At this stage, the goal is formulated and the necessary information is collected. Participants in the process must be aware of the type of information they are offered for consideration. All voiced ideas are usually recorded on paper so as not to miss anything important.

2. Formation of a working group. Participants are divided into idea generators and experts. The first are people who have a developed creative orientation and imagination. They offer non-standard methods as a solution to the problem. Experts discover the value of each idea put forward, whether they agree with it or not, motivating their choice.

3. Analysis and selection of proposals. Criticism and active discussion of proposals are appropriate here. First, idea generators speak, after which the floor is given to experts. Proposals are selected based on logical inference and creativity. Any non-standard approach is welcomed and therefore considered with special interest.

The manager must control the process and monitor the progress of the discussion of the problem. In case of controversial issues, he always brings clarity, clarifies details, and guides the further development of thought.

Additional terms

Despite the emerging desire of young and promising managers to immediately start using this psychological tool, a competent approach is required. You can’t use it too often, otherwise it will lose the element of novelty and will be perceived by employees as something ordinary and everyday. One of the main conditions for carrying out is the suddenness of use. Participants should not specifically prepare for the meeting or think through the moves to be used.

The manager needs to know the general direction of the conversation, but in any case he will not be able to determine in which direction the discussion will go. The great thing about brainstorming methods is that they allow you to openly express your point of view. People may not be tied to the consequences of what is said.

Brainstorming method: reviews

Participants in this concept note that its use makes any meetings more interesting and productive. The method is reminiscent of simultaneously turning on several “light bulbs” that light up in the heads of different people. Brainstorming allows you to take into account not only the judgments of specialized experts, but also related industries. In other words, it covers many spectrums and helps to look at the same situation from different angles. In addition, relationships in the team after the implementation of the method become more open and trusting.

Involvement in the process

Usually at meetings and planning sessions there is a “one-man show”. One boss speaks, and his subordinates are forced to listen to long monotonous lectures and agree with him. This is incredibly tiring and unnerving for the latter. The personality of employees is suppressed and finds itself squeezed into the narrow framework of official duties. Sometimes employees, for one reason or another, prefer not to voice the ideas that arise in their heads and do not strive for self-expression.

As a result, the motivation to work “with a spark” is lost, putting your soul into the process. The brainstorming method allows you to remove psychological pressures and barriers, allowing employees to express their individuality. Being psychologically involved in the process, a person increases his productivity.

Creative approach

Agree, this concept cannot be called everyday and often used. Most of all they resort to it when the issue requires some kind of ambiguous solution. The method has become widespread in creative teams, where there is a need to move away from everyday life and immerse oneself in a solution. As a rule, a positive result does not take long to arrive.

There are a large number of such concepts that imply different meanings. This is where the brainstorming method comes in handy.

11th grade

The technology for introducing Alex Osborne's concept can be used to organize graduate classes. At the senior level, students are often given assignments that encourage unconventional ideas. This is a very useful acquisition, since individual personality characteristics are taken into account, existing abilities are developed, and necessary skills are strengthened. The more freedom is given to realize the thoughts that arise in the head, the more daring the endeavors of young researchers will be able to become. The method provides that students themselves will strive to achieve their goals. Feedback from participants is entirely positive, as teenagers appreciate the attentive attitude towards them.

Instead of a conclusion

Brainstorming is a method that has gained popularity relatively recently. More and more managers are choosing to use a non-standard approach to solving everyday issues.

Among the many methods for generating ideas and developing creative thinking, the brainstorming method (another name) stands out. It is extremely popular all over the world. Using the method allows you to find solutions to complex problems and helps to reveal personal potential. As a rule, the method is used in large teams at meetings when there is a need to find the optimal solution to a particular problem.

The method was developed in 1930. Its author is the American scientist Alex Osborne. He proposed his methodology to business managers for the most effective planning of business activities. In 1953, A. Osborne published the book “Controlled Imagination”, the author described the techniques he developed, and which quickly gained popularity among business managers. Many large businessmen respect the method and successfully practice it, noting increased labor efficiency, increased profits, and the emergence of a large number of new, interesting ideas.

The essence of the method is as follows: employees and managers of the enterprise get together. They are given a problem that needs to be solved. Each group member can offer their own solutions, put forward hypotheses, make assumptions, discuss the results, and challenge the proposals of other participants. As the process progresses, new ideas and proposals begin to emerge.

Alex Osborne

A. Osborne was prompted to create the method by a situation that arose at the enterprise where he worked. The company was faced with the problem of a lack of creative ideas, although there was sufficient intellectual and creative potential. The scientist began to understand the problem and came to the conclusion that the reason for the current situation is the closed nature of the development and adoption of management decisions, since only experienced specialists participate in this process. But their train of thought, as a rule, is patterned, although they themselves do not notice it. The remaining employees who do not have the appropriate specialization do not participate in the search for solutions. Osborne suggested allowing non-specialists into the discussion process who can submit non-standard ideas. He also divided the process of working on a problem into two stages: proposing ideas and their analysis and selection. Osborne considered an important condition for the discussion to be the absence of restrictions on the creative activity of the participants. This is how the brainstorming method was born.

Types of brainstorming

There are several types of brainstorming: direct, reverse, shadow and individual.

  • Direct brainstorming is the most common type of method and is used to quickly solve a pressing problem. It is suitable for discussing the most important issues related to the development of the enterprise, the implementation of new projects, etc. Introducing an element of a business game into ordinary planning sessions and meetings allows you to reveal the intellectual potential of employees. In addition, this method improves the psychological climate in the team.
  • Reverse brainstorming is effective when a previously made decision turned out to be untenable and you urgently need to come up with another one. During the discussion, participants should actively challenge each other's ideas. Disputes and entry into debate are welcome. The reverse brainstorming method can be used to overcome intractable contradictions that require thorough intervention. Participants in the discussion can make any proposals without restrictions. This approach is very effective.
  • Shadow Brainstorming is designed for people who cannot be creative in a group. To implement the method, the group of participants is divided into two subgroups. One subgroup actively discusses, expresses ideas and challenges them. The other subgroup does not actively participate in the discussion, but plays the role of observers. Each participant in the second subgroup writes down on paper the ideas that arise in his head under the influence of the work of the active group. A list of ideas come up with both the active and shadow groups is passed on to experts for evaluation, refinement and further development.
  • An individual brainstorming session is suitable for a person experiencing a professional or creative crisis. The technique is perfect for activating ideas not only in a team, but also in an individual. During the individual approach, a person conducts a dialogue with himself, puts forward a wide variety of ideas, and evaluates them himself. This method works quite effectively and helps overcome creative crisis. It can be used as a method for making decisions under time pressure.

How the method is implemented in practice

All work is carried out in three stages:

  1. Preparatory stage. At this stage, preparations are made for brainstorming. First of all, a group leader is selected, who must formulate the tasks and goals of the method, select participants for subsequent stages and resolve all organizational issues. Discussion participants are divided into two groups: “generators” and “analysts”. The first group includes active employees with developed creative thinking. The second group includes experts who are well versed in the topic of discussion. They evaluate the ideas put forward by the first group. In some cases, a third, additional group is created - “counteridea generators”.
  2. Main stage (idea generation). The main stage of work lasts approximately 15-20 minutes. At this time, there is an active search for ideas. The entire brainstorming process takes 1.5-2 hours. All ideas put forward by group members are carefully recorded. During the generation process, the group leader supports the participants in every possible way, trying to maximize their creative thinking. He can give examples of the craziest ideas to encourage others to join the process.
  3. The final stage (summarizing). At this stage, the collected proposals are presented to a group of “analysts” for analysis, systematization and assessment of their viability. The most interesting and constructive options are selected and a list of them is compiled.

Rules for brainstorming

The optimal number of participants is 6-12 people. It would be good if the group included not only experienced employees, but also young ones who do not yet have rigid thinking patterns. Groups must be mixed and consist of men and women. We must try to ensure that the difference in age and service status of the participants is not too great. It is recommended to occasionally introduce new people into groups who can bring fresh, unconventional ideas.

The number of active and moderate members in the group should be approximately the same. To conduct a brainstorming session, you need to choose a separate room or meeting room where nothing will interfere with the process. It is most convenient to conduct a discussion at a round table.

The leader should try to create a relaxed atmosphere that will allow participants to feel free. You can use humor and other techniques for this. All ideas need to be recorded on paper or recorded on a voice recorder.

The manager also takes part in the process of generating ideas. The leader’s task is to free group members from stereotyped thinking and push them towards creative search. Often the process of generating ideas among discussion participants continues after the meeting ends. In this case, the leader should gather the group after a few days and record the ideas they came up with.

Conditions for a successful brainstorming session

During the discussion, criticism of the ideas put forward is not allowed. Even the most fantastic and unusual idea should be written down. This helps to activate the thinking of group members. Participants should try to come up with as many sentences as possible.

The essence of the brainstorming method is to free participants from stereotyped thinking and force them to think outside the box. Only in this case will the method be effective. It is not the quality of ideas that matters, but their quantity. In total, in 20 minutes of work the group can create about 100 ideas. With proper organization of the process, a higher result is possible – 200-250 ideas.

All ideas are written down so that the participants in the discussion can see them. It is most convenient to write them down with markers on large sheets of paper or on a special board. After all the ideas have been collected and written down, group members should be given a break so that they can take a break from mental work. At this stage, work on the task at an unconscious level often continues and a reorganization of ideas may occur.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The brainstorming method, like any method of generating ideas, has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages :

  • creative thinking is activated;
  • the process of collective discussion brings group members closer together and teaches them to work effectively in a team;
  • the process of searching for ideas eliminates laziness, stereotyped thinking, passivity, pushing even the most inactive members towards the creative process;
  • the method is easy to use, its rules are easy to understand for all participants in the process, in addition, its implementation does not require special equipment and conditions.

Flaws :

  • due to the encouragement of any, even the most fantastic ideas, group members can move away from the real problem;
  • Among the options put forward, it can be difficult to find a truly practical option;
  • the most experienced and active participants can begin to claim leadership and try to promote their ideas as the most productive.

The use of the brainstorming method will help the manager to reveal the intellectual potential of his subordinates and direct it to the search for new, creative ideas that can improve the efficiency of production.

Every seventh problem can be solved using the brainstorming method. After reading this article, you will learn what and how to do to solve your problems, both business and personal, using this method.

What is it and when is it used?

You've probably encountered such a situation, at work or even in life, when you need to solve an important and complex problem.

And the ideas are boring templates that are certainly not capable of resolving the problem, except perhaps for a small improvement in the situation. So, just in this case you need to use the brainstorming method.

Brainstorm– a method for generating ideas based on creativity and intelligence.

Now the picture begins to emerge. A characteristic feature of the method and its main advantage is the ability to find a non-standard approach to solving a problem.

And that’s why this approach will help you quickly find a way out where you don’t see it. The areas where brainstorming is used are vast.

And you guessed it, more than one person is involved in the process. For example, this could be: a client, a product developer, several potential clients.

However, the composition is selected based on the tasks. But I will tell you about this a little later.

Pros and cons

Brainstorming can be skillfully applied in any situation. At the same time, you shouldn’t idealize it too much. Like any other method of solving problems, it has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Efficiency;
  • A large number of solutions in a short period of time;
  • Opportunity to look at a task from different angles;
  • Going beyond stereotypes when solving problems;
  • Elimination of criticism;
  • Ease of mastering the method.


  • Unpredictability of the result;
  • Lack of realistically feasible proposals at the output;
  • The influence of the organizational process.

Proper organization of the process is the cornerstone of brainstorming.

According to statistics, every third assault does not lead to the desired result precisely because of non-compliance with the rules. Therefore, in order for you to get results, carefully read the points below.


Now let's look at this tool in more detail. But don’t think, this is not an ordinary theory, these are important points that you should rely on when generating ideas.

And I’ll say right away that all this affects the result. Besides, someone has already stepped on this rake before you.

1. Quantity

Before you start organizing a method, you must understand how many people are involved in the process.

It could be one person, or maybe five, ten... And that’s why brainstorming happens:


Yes, yes, it sounds unusual, but you can conduct a brainstorming session alone. Therefore, by concentrating on the question, and at the same time releasing your creativity, you have the opportunity to develop the thought into something truly worthwhile.

For example, you are not ready to discuss the size of your debts with anyone. Then you can carry out the assault on finding ideas on how to get out of the debt hole in private.

Moreover, solitary reflection often brings more tangible results.



This is already a kind of group discussion, because the procedure consists of collective discussion. This option is suitable for solving work and creative problems.

In it you can gather a huge number of specialists and even invite representatives from, so the ideas will be more diverse.

2. Stages

One of the most important points, and all because correct adherence to the steps directly affects the result, and then you will understand why.

Therefore, read more carefully. So, now I’ll tell you how to brainstorm. The method includes the following steps:

  1. Getting to know the rules. We'll talk about them below. But I will say right away that it is important for you to ensure that everyone understands these rules equally and follows them.
  2. Warm up. A small task before brainstorming. For example, try saying all the letters of the alphabet in reverse order. This is necessary for your brain to switch from problems and release creativity.
  3. Problem formulation. It should be clear to all participants in the discussion what you want to see as a result. For example, we need a fresh idea for an advertising campaign to introduce a new product to the market.
  4. Generation and presentation of solutions. Ideas can be expressed one by one or at will. The main thing is to record all proposals, even the most unrealistic ones. For example, invite Schwarzenegger to star in a commercial.
  5. Evaluation of proposals. Determine by what principle you choose the best offer. For example, this could be ease or speed of implementation, minimum budget, or something else.

As you can see, it’s not that difficult at first glance. However, there are subtleties that must be applied to each type of method.

3. Optimal conditions

It is worth noting that improper organization of brainstorming can nullify all your efforts.

And in order for it to bring you the desired result, carefully study the description of the factors that should be taken into account during preparation.


Involve employees with little experience in the brainstorming session, and therefore have a fresh look at the activities of your company. But don’t forget about the more experienced ones.

For example, if you use the brainstorming method in a company, when making a collective decision, then invite people of different genders and professions to get interesting solutions as a result of the unity of opposites.

And at the same time, do not overdo it with the age difference so that the discussion process does not reach a dead end.

You shouldn’t involve big company executives if you understand that this will constrain other participants.

And exclude skeptics, outright critics and grumblers, this method is not for them.

Important. The optimal number of participants for productive work in a group storm is from 6 to 12 people. In the individual - one warrior in the field.

Venue and props

The most important thing is a separate room, away from extraneous noise. And since this is the age of technology, don’t forget to ask those present to turn off their phones and turn on the voice recorder to capture ideas.

An interesting point: for this type of work, a table without corners - round or oval - is best suited.

You may also need a board and markers to make a kind of map on which you will reflect all the ideas voiced.


You should not overdo it here. And don’t even think that the more time you spend in the method, the more ideas you will be able to collect. Not at all.

For example, for extensive creative tasks, the most productive period is 40-60 minutes.

And if the question is quite simple, 20 minutes will be enough. You yourself know that thinking with a fresh head is much better than after long hours of hard work.

Important. The optimal time for productive work is from 10 to 12 hours in the first half of the day, and from 14 to 16 hours in the second.

Problem Statement

The task must be formulated specifically, simply and clearly. And the question should not be too general, but at the same time have a large number of possible solutions.

And it is also very important that the question is aimed not at finding a cause, but at finding a solution.

Incorrect wording:“Why is there low sales in our company?”

Correct wording: “How in our company?”

Moreover, the brainstorming task can be announced to the participants in advance so that they can allocate time to think about it independently before the discussion begins.


The main task of the leader is to inform those present about the rules of the discussion and monitor their compliance.

And at the same time, the leader also participates. In the case of an individual assault, you will have to control the process yourself.

The height of a leader’s skill is to throw out the most unconventional and template-breaking ideas during the discussion.

Especially if he sees that others cannot discard stereotypes and unleash their creative potential.

Your gifts from partners

Summing up or choosing an idea

The main thing here is the evaluation criteria, as I said earlier. What will be paramount for us when choosing?

Don't be afraid to rule out suggestions. For example, if there are not enough resources, we cross them out. There is no time for implementation - we cross it out. The idea is not interesting to anyone - we cross it out.

If an idea is selected by outside experts, it can be selected immediately. But if the same participants choose what they came up with, then it is better to evaluate and select a solution after 2-3 days.

Methods. Methods. Methods

Unlike types of brainstorming, there are a huge variety of techniques for using brainstorming.

And the choice of method depends on the problem that you need to solve, as well as on the individual characteristics of the participants. But we will look at the coolest and most famous options, and not the TOP 100, don’t understand which ones...

1. Reverse

Reverse, like moonwalk

The essence of the method: compile the most complete list of disadvantages of the object of discussion.

Method technology: You and those present focus only on: the shortcomings of the service, product or situation, the obstacles in the customer’s path when receiving this product or service, the most dire consequences.

Then, for each item from the resulting list, you come up with possible solutions.

Suitable for: This brainstorming technique can be used both in a group and individually. The most suitable task is to introduce a new product or service to the market.

And all because this method will allow you to study a new service or product from all sides and anticipate many difficulties that can interfere with its success and its further existence.

Brainstorming script: Imagine that you are launching a new model of vacuum cleaner on the market.

What's wrong with the vacuum cleaner?

  1. It is similar to other vacuum cleaners;
  2. It's heavy;
  3. It is not powerful enough to pick up construction debris;
  4. It is not controlled using a mobile application;

What can we do about it?

  1. Come up with an unusual design in the form of an elephant with a trunk;
  2. Replace some metal parts with plastic ones;
  3. and sold for home use only;
  4. Develop a program for remote control of a vacuum cleaner;

Which solution do we choose and why? For example, we will replace metal parts with plastic ones, because we can do it quickly, and it will not only lighten the weight, but also reduce the cost of the design of the vacuum cleaner, and so on.

Defects, shortcomings, difficulties in use - the “hit list” should not be limited to anything.

Here you can also add those problems that may arise in 5-10 years. Imagine, look into the future. Of course, the example is exaggerated. But it well reflects the essence of the process.

2. Shadow Assault

Everything is in the shadows...

The essence of the method: dividing the discussion participants into three groups.

Technology: the first group generates ideas publicly, and the second group is “shadow”, that is, it does not interfere in the discussion, but simply monitors its progress.

So the participants of the second group write down the ideas that come to them during the discussion of the first group.

And there is a third group - experts, those who will evaluate the entire list of ideas from the first and second groups. Experts can also offer their own solutions, obtained at the intersection of the ideas of the first two groups.

Suitable for: This use of the brainstorming method is suitable when solving a problem in a company in which a large number of people are involved.

At the same time, you know that some of them can offer good ideas, but do not really like to express them publicly. Or they have good observation skills, but are not inclined to generate new things.

Brainstorming script: The first group discusses out loud options for the further development of a shoe company.

The first group offers:

  1. Open a production line - creams, sprays, orthopedic insoles;
  2. Create an online store and deliver shoes to customers’ homes;
  3. Increase market share by entering new shoe retail chains;
  4. on sports shoes as the most cost-effective.

The second group offers:

  1. Create an online store and solve the delivery issue with the help of other shoe retail chains;
  2. Offer existing partners – shoe retail chains – related products;

The third group chooses the option of opening an online store and delivering through networks of partners selling shoes.

Because there are already several partners who are ready to cooperate, and the marketing budget includes an item on .

3. Written

We write everything down

The essence of the method: ideas are generated by writing one by one on a piece of paper.

Technology: everyone present does not express thoughts and suggestions out loud, but writes them on a piece of paper, then they exchange sheets of paper in a circle.

So the proposal of the previous participant is the starting point for generating an idea by the next participant.

Suitable for: Best used in teams of technical specialists or when you know that those present are not ready to share their thoughts publicly.

And that the situation of public speaking will hinder their creativity.

Brainstorming script: we need to find a way to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment.

The first participant writes: “change supplier,” the second adds: “find a supplier in the nearest city to reduce delivery costs.”

The third one makes his contribution: “offer the new supplier to supply only components and carry out the assembly themselves.” And so on.

It is effective to change leaves in a circle for no more than 15-20 minutes. And then attract a group of experts, as in the previous case, and invite them to evaluate the results obtained and make a choice.

Be sure to indicate the selection criteria and discuss them with experts in advance. The good thing about this method is that each idea does not just “hang in the air”, but receives its own development and further development.

4. Assault with sketches

Let's draw, get creative

The essence of the method: not just describe, but sketch every idea that comes to mind during a brainstorming session.

Technology: everyone present takes pieces of paper and any tool with which you can draw: pencil, felt-tip pen, brush, pen - it doesn’t matter.

After which the discussion leader once again voices the topic, the issue to be resolved.

Each participant then makes a short presentation of their proposal.

Suitable for: This use of the brainstorming method is suitable both for a group and individually.

I think it is clear from the definition that it is used in cases where the solution to a problem can be visualized.

For example, you generate ideas for the appearance of a new refrigerator model or the content of an advertising leaflet.

Brainstorming script: come up with a new form of tea bag for the production and sale of a new type of tea. The results of such an attack may look like the figure below.

Example of sketches

The technique is simple and will allow you to maximize the creative potential of each participant.

The most important thing is not to lose speed and not to delve into small details, trying to draw a masterpiece. It's best to sketch out what comes to mind.

5. Role assault

Well, how do you like me in this role?

The essence of the method: try on different roles and from these positions give an answer to the question, task, problem that you pose to the participants in the discussion.

Technology: You identify several roles or positions from which it would be useful to look at the situation, product or service.

Each participant in the process takes turns presenting himself in one role or another. And from this position he expresses out loud his proposals for solving the problem.

Who is it suitable for: the method is equally good for both group and individual work.

Suitable when you want to more deeply understand the attitude of all participants in the process towards a product, service or situation.

Brainstorming script: the task is to get out of debt. And if I were those from whom I borrow money, I would advise myself to plan my finances in more detail and save 10% of any amount received. So long until it becomes a habit.

If I were a much richer person, I would advise myself to find options where you can profitably invest some of your money so that it works and generates additional income.

If I were someone who had the same problems, I would advise myself to find additional sources of income and monetize my skills.

For example, I know German very well, you can become a tutor and give lessons in your free time. And so on.

Lifehack. If you are introducing a new product to the market, be in the role of a client, seller, or manufacturer. And by looking at the situation from different angles, you will discover facts that you had not noticed.

Of course, there are many more different methods. And as a way - you can try to combine all of the above.

For example, identify obstacles or disadvantages through reverse brainstorming. And then look for how these obstacles can be eliminated using role-playing.

Lifehacks and mistakes

Well, now, as you like, I’ll tell you about life hacks that are used in the brainstorming method and the most common mistakes.

By the way, if you already conduct brainstorming sessions and know the secret of how to make them as effective as possible, then share them in the comments.


This is what I love

Of course, approaches to discussion are individual. But summarizing all of the above, we can still identify several “golden” rules. And they are as follows:

  1. Prepare in advance. Before brainstorming, warn all invitees about the topic of discussion and the amount of time it will take to conduct it, so that participants get ready to work and are not in a hurry.
  2. Invite different people. Participants can be: men and women, marketers and product managers, buyers and sellers. Because a diverse composition will provide you with unexpected ideas and a new perspective on the task.
  3. Create a general information field. Before starting work, it is worth once again briefly discussing the current situation and the purpose of the assault to make sure that everyone will continue to communicate about the same thing.
  4. Capture all ideas. Absolutely all ideas, even the craziest ones. And for this you can use a marker board, Whatman paper or a voice recorder. The most important thing is not to lose a single one; in this method, all ideas are worth their weight in gold.
  5. Ban criticism. No idea should be excluded. Even the most crazy, unrealistic ideas have a right to exist. You need to convey this to everyone present. And I repeat, there is no place for skeptics here.
  6. Get participants to do all the talking. Some of them may feel insecure, pondering ideas more than sharing them. Therefore, you need to encourage them, allow them to express absolutely any thoughts, set an example.
  7. Be prepared for negative results. The discussion may not go at all as you planned. Again, I repeat that criticism is prohibited. And you need to accept the result as it will be.

So, we've sorted out the life hacks. I advise you to work them out in detail each time you conduct a brainstorming session. Well, now let's move on to typical mistakes.


I listen carefully

So, what obstacles might stand in your way? This is what others have stumbled upon more than once when organizing brainstorming sessions.

Therefore, read and remember, or better yet, write down, so as not to make mistakes:

  • There is no specific topic or purpose for discussion;
  • There is no interest from the participants;
  • The team does not have enough knowledge to resolve the issue;
  • The composition of the team is the same;
  • Stubbornness and skeptical attitude;
  • Super-seriousness;
  • Frequent pauses in discussion;
  • There are competitors within the group;
  • Excessive pressure from the manager.

And that’s all, it’s not such a big list. And yet, I recommend not to forget about mistakes. They are quite simple, but often overlooked.

Briefly about the main thing

The brainstorming method is great for solving both managerial and personal problems. And the most important thing in this method is to organize the process correctly and not forget to be creative.

Remember that your goal is to find the maximum number of solutions and record them. Since the method assumes that even the most ridiculous deceitful decisions have a right to exist.

Who knows, maybe by transforming them you will get the most effective solution to the problem.

The second common method of conducting examinations is brainstorming method. This method, also known as “brainstorming”, “conference of ideas”, was proposed by the American scientist A. Osborne in 1955.

The main focus of the method is to identify new ideas and solutions. For this purpose, the organizers of the examination create an atmosphere most conducive to the generation of ideas (benevolence, support), freeing the expert from unnecessary constraint. The problem being discussed must be clearly formulated.

The brainstorming method is characterized by open expression of the opinions of specialists (at a special meeting) on ​​solving a specific problem. In this case, two conditions must be met: firstly, criticism of other people’s opinions is prohibited; secondly, it is expected to express any ideas to resolve this issue without taking into account immediate value or feasibility. All ideas expressed are recorded and, after discussion, are worked out in detail. At the same time, rational points in each of the assumptions made are identified and solutions are formulated based on their generalization. The advantage of the brainstorming method is the ability to make decisions in a relatively short time.

When implementing the method, the Pareto principle can be applied. After registering ideas from their entire pool, each expert selects 20% of the ideas that, from their point of view, deserve the greatest attention. This selection is also recorded. Next, those who received the most points are selected from their composition.

In the brainstorming method, a significant role belongs to the organizer who conducted the examination. He knows about the ultimate goal of the examination, directing the discussion in the appropriate direction, but if the leader highlights only promising ideas from his point of view, the result of the examination will be less significant.

The use of this method eliminates the effect of conformity, i.e. opportunism allows you to get productive results in a short time, involving all experts in an active creative process.

The best results of brainstorming are achieved in developing new products, improving products and existing ways of working, promoting marketing and sales, improving technical designs, and building a goal tree.

The brainstorming method is based on the following principles:

1. Two groups of people are involved in solving the problem - idea generators and experts. Idea generators bring together people with creative thinking, imagination and knowledge of science, technology and economics. Experts are usually people with a lot of knowledge and a critical mind. Experts play the role of analysts.

2. There should be no restrictions when generating. Any ideas are expressed, including obviously erroneous, humorous ones, without any evidence or feasibility study. The ideas expressed are usually recorded in a protocol, on a computer, on a dictaphone, etc. Thus, the basis of the method is the separation of the process of integrating ideas from the process of evaluating them.

3. The philosophical basis of the method is the theory of S. Freud, according to which the human consciousness is a muddy and fragile layer over the subconscious. Under normal conditions, a person’s thinking and behavior are determined by the basic consciousness, in which control and order reign: consciousness is “programmed” by habitual ideas and prohibitions. But through the thin crust of consciousness, dark elemental forces and instincts, raging in the subconscious, break through every now and then. These forces push a person to illogical actions, violation of prohibitions, and all sorts of irrational thoughts. The inventor has to overcome all psychological complexes and prohibitions caused by ideas about the possible and impossible.

The main advantage of the brainstorming method is the prohibition of criticism. But the ban on criticism is also a weakness of the method. To develop an idea, it is necessary to identify its shortcomings, and for this we need criticism.

The entire “attack” process can be divided into six stages:

1. A group of experts is formed. Usually its number is 10-15 people.

The composition of the group involves their targeted selection:

a) from persons of approximately the same rank, if the participants know each other;

b) from persons of different ranks, if the participants are unfamiliar with each other (in this case, each participant is assigned a number and subsequently addressed by number);

c) the group may include specialists from other fields of knowledge who have a high level of erudition and understand the meaning of the problem situation.

2. A problem note is drawn up.

To prepare it, a problem situation analysis group is first formed. The note may contain the following information: the composition of the causes of the problem situation, analysis of the causes and possible consequences of the problem situation, analysis of world experience in resolving similar problems (if any), classification (systematization) of possible ways to resolve the situation, formulation of the problem situation in the form of a central question with a hierarchy sub-questions.

3. Generation of ideas.

The facilitator reveals the contents of the problem note, reminds the participants of the brainstorming session about the following:

a) statements must be clear and concise;

b) skeptical remarks and criticism of previous speakers are prohibited;

c) each participant can perform multiple times, but not in a row;

d) it is not allowed to read out a list of ideas prepared by the participant in advance.

One of the main tasks of the presenter is to induce the mental receptivity of the participants, their will to purposeful thinking. The leader’s work is supposed to be active only at the beginning of the “assault”. Soon enough, the excitement of the participants reaches a critical point and the development of new ideas becomes spontaneous.

After this, the role of the presenter comes down to the following:

a) focus the participants’ attention on the problem situation;

b) not to announce, condemn or stop the research of any project;

c) support and encourage participants who need it;

d) create a relaxed atmosphere, thereby facilitating the active work of experts.

The duration of a brainstorming session can be 20-60 minutes (depending on the activity of the participants). It is advisable to record the ideas expressed so as not to forget and be able to systematize them later.

4. Systematization of ideas expressed at the third stage (generation).

This work is assigned to the problem situation analysis group.

At this stage:

a) a nomenclature list of all ideas expressed is compiled;

b) duplicate and additional ideas are identified, then they are combined with the main idea;

c) signs are identified by which ideas can be combined;

d) ideas are combined into groups according to the selected characteristics;

e) a list of ideas is compiled into groups; in each group, ideas are written according to the rule from general to specific.

5. Destruction (destruction) of systematized ideas.

Each of the systematized ideas is studied for the possibility of its implementation. Participants in the assault put forward arguments that refute the systematized idea. In the process of destruction, a counter-idea may appear. The process of destruction continues until the systematized idea is criticized.

6. Evaluating criticisms and compiling a list of actionable ideas.

At this stage, a summary table is compiled. The first column of the table is the stages of systematization of ideas, the second is critical comments refuting ideas, the third is indicators of the practical applicability of ideas, the fourth is counter-ideas.

Each criticism and counter-idea is then evaluated:

a) is deleted from the table if it is refuted by at least one indicator of practical applicability;

b) is not crossed out if not refuted by any indicator.

A final list of ideas is compiled. Only ideas that are not refuted by criticism or counter-ideas are transferred to the list.

The brainstorming method is often used when developing a tree of goals. With the help of experts, the tree itself is obtained, as well as the coefficient of the relative importance of the goals.

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