The essence, preparation and procedure for visual surveying of an area. What is a site plan

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1) Define the concept:

    An image of a small area of ​​terrain using symbols and in a reduced form is...

    A miniature model of the Earth is...

    An image of the entire earth or its large parts in a reduced form using symbols is...

    A collection of geographical maps is...

2) Determine in what direction and at what distance from Moscow is:

4) The compass serves not only to determine the sides of the horizon, but also to determine the degree value corresponding to a given direction. Set the correspondence: direction - degree value.

    Northeast a. 90 0

  1. Southwest in. 45 0

    East 225 0

    South-East 135 0

5) What does it mean to navigate in space?

6)What is the meaning of a compass? How to navigate with a compass?

7) What is azimuth? In what direction will you return home if you walked along an azimuth of 270°?

8) How to navigate by the Sun, the North Star, and local signs?

10) In what direction are the objects located if their azimuths are 40, 60, 180, 270, 325°?

11) Convert the numerical scale to a named one and vice versa:

1: 1000; 1: 30 000; 1: 250 000; 1: 5 000 000;

in 1 cm - 10 km; in 1 cm - 200 m; in 1 cm - 750 km; in 1 cm - 500 m.

12) Determine the scale of the plan if a 5 km long road on it has a length of 20 cm.

13) Calculate the actual area of ​​the square, which on a map of scale 1: 35,000,000 is depicted as a square with a side of 1 cm.

14) Students walked north 5500 m. Draw the route on a scale of 1 cm - 1 km.

15) A student lives in the village of Staroye and walks to school, located 600 m from his home in the village of Novoye. Using symbols, draw this route on a plan on a scale of 1:5,000, taking into account that the student first crosses the river on a bridge, then passes through a mixed forest, on the edge of which, next to a spring, there is a forester’s house, after which he goes out onto the highway, and walks along it 100 m, to the school in the village of Novoe. The plan must fit into a square with a side of 15 cm.

16) Residents of the village of Staroye go on foot to the lake, located at a distance of 550 m from the village. Using conventional signs, draw on a plan on a scale of 1:5,000 the route to the lake, taking into account that you first need to cross a ravine on the river bank, then go through a meadow, on the edge of which there is a swamp, and then walk along a clearing in a coniferous forest for 100 m, to the shore of the lake. The plan must fit into a square with a side of 15 cm.

17) Determine in what direction and at what distance from Moscow is:

18) The sides of the horizon are determined using

1) level 2) compass 3) thermometer 4) ruler

19) What azimuth corresponds to the direction to the west?

20) The excess of a point on the earth’s surface above another point along a plumb line is called

1) relative height

2) absolute height

3) height

4) horizontal

21) A conventional line connecting points with the same height above sea level is

1) azimuth 2) berg line 3) horizon

4) horizontal

22) A reduced image of the Earth’s surface on a plane using symbols is called

1) drawing 2) aerial photograph 3) geographical map 4) diagram


To create a topographic plan, study the special symbols that are used to mark objects located on terrain– roads, communications, buildings, hydrographic objects and vegetation.

If you want to make such a plan by eye survey, then select the highest point from where the entire area for which you want to make a plan will be visible. Attach a sheet of white paper to a rigid base - a tablet. Select the scale needed to fit the entire area. Draw an arrow -south and when making a plan, orient the tablet, placing it on a flat, rigid base, along.

Mark the point of your standing on the plan and, using a ruler, mark the directions to the objects of interest to you and the main landmarks located in this terrain. These include water pumps, pipes, free-standing buildings and trees, and road intersections.

Measure the direction to each such point by azimuth - the angle between the direction and the direction to the object. Plot this direction on the plan using a protractor. In this direction, mark to each point on the selected scale. It can be measured in steps or pairs of steps and then converted into meters and centimeters corresponding to the selected scale.

Reflect the main points selected as landmarks on the plan with the symbols that correspond to them. Look carefully at the area and draw, using step-by-step measurements or “by eye,” the remaining objects that you want to see on the plan - linear objects: rivers, roads, vegetation boundaries, fences. There you can mark ravines, holes or hills, indicating their approximate depth or height.

Useful advice

As a convenient and accurate basis, you can use high-resolution satellite images, which can be printed in the Google Earht or Yandex Maps mapping services.

Your dream has come true, you have become the owner of a garden plot or a country house. You want to do everything at once: plant flowers, build a gazebo, dig a sandbox for the children. There's no need to rush. Before you begin large-scale work, you need to carefully plan location of all objects. To do this, take a pencil, paper, use your imagination and go ahead.

You will need

  • - geodetic plan indicating the routes of underground communications (gas and water supply, sewerage) and groundwater levels


Determine shapes and sizes. The more, the more interesting it will be for you. No matter the shape plot, having a well-developed imagination, you can place all the desired objects on it and it will be distinguished by its non-standard nature. If the area is small, you should not clutter it with small details, further reducing it visually.

Formulate a purpose for yourself plot: will it be with a vegetable garden, maybe in the future you are planning a house there or you want to improve and. Depending on this, you need to decide on the number of objects that you want to place on the site. Most often this is a house, bathhouse, toilet, barn, decorative flower beds, garden, vegetable garden, lawn, playground for children, walking paths, etc.

Draw a plan plot today, such as he is. Mark the boundaries, the location of the traffic intersection and all the objects that exist on the site: buildings, plantings, water lines, central sewerage and much more. If the site is uneven, the direction of the slope should be indicated schematically. Everything must be carefully measured and plotted plot.

Place all the desired objects on the plan. In this case, it is necessary to take into account sanitary standards and the interconnection of objects and their mutual influence. So, for example, it is better to place the beds in the garden on the sunny side, away from trees, and fruit trees and berries so that they have enough moisture, but at the same time the roots are far from groundwater, and also take into account the growth of shrubs in the future. If you are thinking of building a bathhouse on your property, you need to decide where the water drain will be located. The drainage pit and water drain should not be located in a well or well with drinking water.

Pay attention to the features of the landscape. If the area is flat, you can plant a lawn or make a playground there. Where there are a lot of uneven areas you can plant an alpine slide. Don’t rush to uproot trees; they can not only fit perfectly into the overall composition plot, but also successfully complement it.

Video on the topic

Please note

Consider sanitary standards and regulations.

Useful advice

If you have a non-standard plot with uneven surfaces, use the services of a landscape designer, he will help you hide visible imperfections in the soil.

Even ancient travelers and explorers drew maps of entire continents, which are still amazing in their accuracy, but they probably started with creating terrain plans. A terrain plan is a reduced image of a small area of ​​the earth's surface in orthometric projection, as if the direction of view of a person looking at it from above was perpendicular to this surface.

Why are plans and maps needed?

If you look at a satellite image and a topographic map of the same area of ​​the Earth's surface, you will immediately see the difference between them. The image, just like the map, will show roads and buildings, plant contours and forests, but you will not get any parameters or characteristics of these real estate objects from the image. At the same time, on the map, where the same objects are plotted in the form of symbols, everything will be clear to you. With the help of conventional signs and inscriptions for them, it will be noted: what material this or that building and structure is built from, how many floors it has and whether it is residential; road surface material, their width and purpose; what plants predominate in a particular area covered with vegetation; what tree species grow in the forest, what is the average diameter of their trunks and the average height of the crowns.

A local plan differs from such a map only in its larger scale, so it usually depicts a surface with a smaller area and greater detail. On plans of scale 1:500 and larger, literally every bush and every tree, even a pile of stones, is reflected; there is also such a conventional sign. The smaller the scale of the map, the less detailed it is, but the larger the surface it allows to cover. Plans and maps of the area are used to obtain an objective idea of ​​the location of real estate, including in situational terms, taking into account how far and in what direction other objects are located from them.

Land plan

Land plans, which are available to each owner of such a plot, are a particular example of a site plan. If this plan contains elevation marks of surface points, constructed buildings and ancillary buildings, fences, garden paths, gazebos and vegetable beds are shown, you essentially have a three-dimensional model of the area. This model is the basis for planning the territory of a land plot and landscaping work; it greatly facilitates the design and installation of utilities.

In the event that you have purchased a plot of land to build a new house on it, such a site plan is simply necessary. There are software products that allow you to model the relief of this area and visualize it. You can, for example, choose the optimal place to build a summer house or cottage, taking into account the existing project.

Types of images of the earth's surface

Before making a decision on the construction of new factories, schools, sports institutions, on the construction of roads, on the location of agricultural land, it is necessary to have an image of the given area.

A small area can be drawn or photographed, but many objects on the earth's surface will be difficult to identify from such images.

The most common images of the earth's surface are aerial photographs, images from space, maps and site plans.

Plan – a drawing of a reduced image of the area, made in conventional symbols on a large scale (usually 1: 5000 and larger). Typically, plans are made for a small area of ​​terrain, several square kilometers in size, and the curvature of the Earth’s surface is not taken into account. The first maps in history were plans. Plans are used in a wide variety of industries and agriculture. When constructing buildings, laying roads and communications, you cannot do without them.

Objects located on the surface (forests, rivers, villages, fields, etc.) will be seen better if the area is photographed from above, for example from an airplane. This image of the area is called an aerial photograph. On it, objects are similar to their true appearance on the ground, their sizes and relative positions are visible. There are many differences between a plan and an aerial photograph. A site plan is a drawing on paper depicting a small area of ​​the earth's surface in a reduced form. The plan differs from other images of the surface in that all objects on it are shown by conventional symbols. In general, it is more convenient and more informative to use a plan.

Rice. 2. Aerial photograph and site plan ()

Directions on the plan are indicated by an arrow, the tip of which always points north. Typically, north on a plan is at the top, south at the bottom, east at the right, and west at the left. Using the plan, you can determine the relative position of objects on the sides of the horizon and measure the distance between them using a single scale.

Rice. 4. Area plan and symbols for it

The conventional signs of the plan are, firstly, simple, secondly, unlike each other, and thirdly, they resemble the objects themselves. Under these conditions they are clear to everyone who reads the plan. Thus, rivers and lakes are shown with blue water, and forests with green, the color of vegetation. There is no special sign for fields and vegetable gardens, so such areas are left white on the plan. The grassland symbol resembles stalks of grass. Sands are represented by brown dots. Small streams, roads, narrow streets are depicted with conventional signs in the form of lines. Such symbols are generally accepted. They are used on all terrain plans.

Groups of symbols:

1. Area

Rice. 6. Area symbols ()

2. Off-scale

Rice. 7. Off-scale symbols ()

3. Linear

Rice. 8. Linear symbols ()

Terrain plans are actively used in various areas of human economic activity.


Paragraph 4.

1. What is a site plan?



1. Basic course in geography: Textbook. for 6th grade. general education institutions / T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukova. – 10th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2010. – 176 p.

2. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. – 3rd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, DIK, 2011. – 32 p.

3. Geography. 6th grade: atlas. – 4th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. – 32 p.

4. Geography. 6th grade: cont. cards. – M.: DIK, Bustard, 2012. – 16 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin - M.: Rosman-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Geography: initial course. Tests. Textbook manual for 6th grade students. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2011. – 144 p.

2. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual / A.A. Letyagin. – M.: LLC “Agency “KRPA “Olymp””: “Astrel”, “AST”, 2001. – 284 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian Geographical Society ().

4. Ukrmap - Ukrainian textbooks ().

Before making a decision on the construction of new factories, schools, sports institutions, on the construction of roads, on the location of agricultural land, it is necessary to have an image of the given area.

A small area can be drawn or photographed, but many objects on the earth's surface will be difficult to identify from such images.

The most common images of the earth's surface are aerial photographs, images from space, maps and site plans.

Plan - a drawing of a reduced image of the area, made in conventional symbols on a large scale (usually 1: 5000 and larger). Typically, plans are made for a small area of ​​terrain, several square kilometers in size, and the curvature of the Earth’s surface is not taken into account. The first maps in history were plans. Plans are used in a wide variety of industries and agriculture. When constructing buildings, laying roads and communications, you cannot do without them.

Objects located on the surface (forests, rivers, villages, fields, etc.) will be seen better if the area is photographed from above, for example from an airplane. This image of the area is called an aerial photograph. On it, objects are similar to their true appearance on the ground, their sizes and relative positions are visible. There are many differences between a plan and an aerial photograph. A site plan is a drawing on paper depicting a small area of ​​the earth's surface in a reduced form. The plan differs from other images of the surface in that all objects on it are shown by conventional symbols. In general, it is more convenient and more informative to use a plan.

Aerial photograph and site plan:

Rice. 2. Aerial photograph and site plan

Directions on the plan are indicated by an arrow, the tip of which always points north. Usually the north on the plan is at the top, the south is at the bottom, the east is on the right, and the west is on the left. Using the plan, you can determine the relative position of objects on the sides of the horizon and measure the distance between them using a single scale.

Rice. 4. Area plan and symbols for it

The conventional signs of the plan are, firstly, simple, secondly, unlike each other, and thirdly, they resemble the objects themselves. Under these conditions they are clear to everyone who reads the plan. Thus, rivers and lakes are shown with blue water, and forests with green, the color of vegetation. There is no special sign for fields and vegetable gardens, so such areas are left white on the plan. The grassland symbol resembles stalks of grass. Sands are represented by brown dots. Small streams, roads, narrow streets are depicted with conventional signs in the form of lines. Such symbols are generally accepted. They are used on all terrain plans.

Groups of symbols:

1. Area

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