Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug

→ Taimyr Autonomous Okrug

Detailed map of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug

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Map of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug with cities, districts and villages

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Satellite map of Taimyr Autonomous Okrug

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Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug - Wikipedia:

Date of abolition of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug: September 13, 1937
Population of the former Taimyr Autonomous Okrug: 38372 people
Area of ​​the former Taimyr Autonomous Okrug: 879.9 thousand km²

Former districts of the abolished Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug:

Avamsky district Diksonsky district Dudinsky district Ust-Yenisei district Khatanga district

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug existed until 2007; from January 1, 2007 - Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug- one of the subjects of Russia, which is located beyond the Arctic Circle. The territory of the district is washed by the Laptev Sea and the Red Sea. There is the northernmost point of Russia - Cape Chelyuskin.

The administrative center of the district is the city Dudinka, whose population is only 32 thousand people. Such large rivers of Russia as the Yenisei and Khatanga flow through the territory of this region.

Climate of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug arctic and very harsh. The average temperature in summer is from +2 to +13, and in winter - - 30 C. Therefore, for a long time the Taimyr Okrug was uninhabited.

The fauna of the district is especially diverse. The rarest species of predators and mammals live there - reindeer, polar bear, wolverine, sable, etc. In the waters of the seas that wash the shores of the district, you can see bearded seals, walruses and seals.

    DolganoNenetsky, a subject of the Russian Federation within the Krasnoyarsk Territory; for the North Arctic Circle; washed by the Kara and Laptev seas. Pl. 862.1 thousand km², adm. center of Dudinka. Formed in 1930. Occupies the Taimyr Peninsula, b.ch. North Siberian... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    TAIMYR (LONG NENETS) AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT, subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located in the Far North of Eastern Siberia, beyond the Arctic Circle. Includes the archipelagos of Severnaya Zemlya, Nordenskiöld, etc., ... ... Russian history

    TAIMYR (LONG NENETS) AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT in the Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk region). 862.1 thousand km². Population 51 thousand people (1993), urban 67%; Russians, Dolgans, Nenets, Nganasans, etc. 1 city, 1 urban-type settlement (1993).… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TAIMYR AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT- included in Ros. Federation. Pl. 862.1 thousand km2. Us. 55.0 thousand people (1989, census), including Dolgans (5 thousand), Nenets (2.5 thousand), Nganasans (0.9 thousand), Evenks, Enets, Kets. Center of Dudinka. The first school in the territory. district was opened under Turukhansky... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Subject of the Russian Federation Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Autonomous Okrug. Politics Portal:Politics Russia ... Wikipedia

    Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug. Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug, a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located in the Far North of Eastern Siberia, beyond the Arctic Circle. Includes... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug- Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug is a abolished subject of the Russian Federation, which on January 1, 2007 became part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Administrative center Dudinka. Region code 84 OKATO code 04100 ... Accounting Encyclopedia

    AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT- a type of state (regional, administrative, national-territorial) autonomy. Initially, these autonomous units were called national districts. The creation of this type of autonomy was provided for by the Resolution... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

    In the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk region. 862.1 thousand km2. Population 46 thousand people (1997), urban 67%; Russians, Dolgans, Nenets, Nganasans, etc. 1 city, 1 urban-type settlement. Dudinka Center. Located mainly on the Taimyr Peninsula.... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

0.045 people/km²

Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug- a former subject of the Russian Federation, located in the north of Eastern Siberia. Also called Taimyriya or Taimyr.


Merger with the Krasnoyarsk Territory

An excerpt characterizing the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug

The goal has been achieved. Since the last war of 1815, Alexander is at the height of possible human power. How does he use it?
Alexander I, the pacifier of Europe, a man who from his youth strove only for the good of his people, the first instigator of liberal innovations in his fatherland, now that he seems to have the greatest power and therefore the opportunity to do the good of his people, while Napoleon exile makes childish and deceitful plans about how he would make humanity happy if he had power, Alexander I, having fulfilled his calling and sensing the hand of God on himself, suddenly recognizes the insignificance of this imaginary power, turns away from it, transfers it into the hands of those despised by him and despised people and says only:
- “Not for us, not for us, but for your name!” I am a human being too, just like you; leave me to live as a human being and think about my soul and God.

Just as the sun and each atom of the ether is a ball, complete in itself and at the same time only an atom of a whole inaccessible to man due to the enormity of the whole, so each personality carries within itself its own goals and, at the same time, carries them in order to serve common goals inaccessible to man. .
A bee sitting on a flower stung a child. And the child is afraid of bees and says that the purpose of a bee is to sting people. The poet admires a bee digging into the calyx of a flower and says that the bee’s goal is to absorb the aroma of flowers. The beekeeper, noticing that the bee collects flower dust and brings it to the hive, says that the bee's goal is to collect honey. Another beekeeper, having studied the life of a swarm more closely, says that the bee collects dust to feed young bees and breed the queen, and that its goal is to procreate. The botanist notices that, by flying with the dust of a dioecious flower onto the pistil, the bee fertilizes it, and the botanist sees the bee’s purpose in this. Another, observing the migration of plants, sees that the bee promotes this migration, and this new observer can say that this is the purpose of the bee. But the final goal of the bee is not exhausted by either one, or the other, or the third goal, which the human mind is able to discover. The higher the human mind rises in the discovery of these goals, the more obvious to it is the inaccessibility of the final goal.
Man can only observe the correspondence between the life of a bee and other phenomena of life. The same goes for the goals of historical figures and peoples.

The wedding of Natasha, who married Bezukhov in 13, was the last joyful event in the old Rostov family. That same year, Count Ilya Andreevich died, and, as always happens, with his death the old family fell apart.
The events of the last year: the fire of Moscow and the flight from it, the death of Prince Andrei and Natasha’s despair, the death of Petya, the grief of the Countess - all this, like blow after blow, fell on the head of the old count. He did not seem to understand and felt unable to understand the meaning of all these events and, morally bending his old head, as if he was expecting and asking for new blows that would finish him off. He seemed either frightened and confused, or unnaturally animated and adventurous.
Natasha's wedding occupied him for a while with its external side. He ordered lunches and dinners and, apparently, wanted to appear cheerful; but his joy was not communicated as before, but, on the contrary, aroused compassion in the people who knew and loved him.
After Pierre and his wife left, he became quiet and began to complain of melancholy. A few days later he fell ill and went to bed. From the first days of his illness, despite the doctors' consolations, he realized that he would not get up. The Countess, without undressing, spent two weeks in a chair at his head. Every time she gave him medicine, he sobbed and silently kissed her hand. On the last day, he sobbed and asked for forgiveness from his wife and in absentia from his son for the ruin of his estate - the main guilt that he felt for himself. Having received communion and special rites, he died quietly, and the next day a crowd of acquaintances who had come to pay their last respects to the deceased filled the Rostovs’ rented apartment. All these acquaintances, who had dined and danced with him so many times, who had laughed at him so many times, now all with the same feeling of inner reproach and tenderness, as if making excuses for someone, said: “Yes, whatever it was, there was the most wonderful Human. You won’t meet such people these days... And who doesn’t have their own weaknesses?..”
It was at a time when the count’s affairs were so confused that it was impossible to imagine how it would all end if it continued for another year, he unexpectedly died.
Nicholas was with the Russian troops in Paris when news of his father's death came to him. He immediately resigned and, without waiting for it, took a vacation and came to Moscow. The state of financial affairs a month after the count's death became completely clear, surprising everyone with the enormity of the amount of various small debts, the existence of which no one suspected. There were twice as many debts as estates.

TAIMYR (DOLGANO-NENETS) AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT , a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located in the Far North of Eastern Siberia, beyond the Arctic Circle. It includes the archipelagos of Severnaya Zemlya, Nordenskiöld and others, and is washed by the Kara and Laptev seas. Included in East Siberian economic region. Pl. 862.1 thousand km 2. Population 44.5 thousand people. (1998). Center - Dudinka. Urban population 65.4%. Residents (%): Russians 73, Dolgans 10, Nenets, Nganasans 1.7, etc. Includes 3 administrative districts, 1 city, 1 urban village. Wed. population density 0.1 people. per 1 km 2. The most densely (relatively) populated area is the area subordinate to the Dudinsk city administration. Formed December 30, 1930.

Occupies the Taimyr Peninsula, b. parts of the North Siberian Lowland, the northern part of the Central Siberian Plateau (altitude up to 1629 m on the Putorana plateau). The coast is heavily indented (large bays are Yenisei, Pyasinsky and Khatanga). In the southwest, along the left bank of the Yenisei, there is part of the West Siberian Plain. Deposits of polymetallic ores, coal, table salt. The climate is arctic and subarctic. Winters are severe and long (up to 10 months), summers are cold. Wed. January temperatures -32 °C, July 2-13 °C. Precipitation approx. 250 mm per year. The growing season is 40-80 days. Permafrost is ubiquitous. Basic rivers - Yenisei, Pyasina, Khatanga, Upper and Lower Taimyr. There are many lakes (Taimyr, Lama, Pyasino, Khantayskoe, etc.) and wetlands. Typical tundra and peat-gley soils predominate; in the south there are podzolic soils, and in the Yenisei valley there are floodplain meadow soils. In the north of the district there are arctic and high-mountain deserts and semi-deserts, on Wed. parts - vegetation of lichen, moss-cotton grass, moss-sedge and shrub tundras, in the south - forest-tundra with sparse larch forests and shrubs. On the territory of the district there is the northernmost point of distribution of woody vegetation on the globe (Daurian larch - 72 ° 50 "N). Reindeer, arctic fox, wolf, lemming, ermine, mountain hare have been preserved in the district; among birds - white owl , white and tundra partridges. In the summer, the tundra is a nesting place for migratory birds (ducks, geese, swans, waders, loons). Among the valuable commercial fish are salmon and sturgeon. In the seas there are seals, walruses, and beluga whales. Putorana Nature Reserve, Taimyr Nature Reserve.

Natural conditions for the population's life are unfavorable and unfavorable. Due to low economic development, the environmental situation as a whole is relatively favorable. An acute and very acute environmental situation associated with chemical pollution of the atmosphere, waters and lands was noted in the industrial zone of Norilsk.

Basic industries: mining (Kotum mine - hard coal), fishing (Khatanga and Dudinsky fish factories). On the territory of the district is the Norilsk industrial region (RAO Norilsk Nickel). Ust-Khantayskaya HPP.

Reindeer husbandry, fur farming, fur farming (blue fox, silver-black fox). Meat and dairy cattle breeding and poultry farming are slightly developed. Navigation on the Yenisei, Khatanga and Northern Sea Route rivers. Main ports: Dudinka, Dikson, Khatanga. Railway Dudinka - Norilsk - Talnakh. Gas pipeline Messoyakha - Norilsk. Road density 0.1 km/thousand, km 2 (1997).

Cash expenditures per capita 94% of the Russian average; number of personal cars 25.0 per 1000 people; unemployment 4.0% (1997).

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