Techniques for fulfilling desires. How to make a wish? Presenting your goals

“Be afraid of your wishes - they tend to come true.” I think many are ready to subscribe to this phrase from Bulgakov’s immortal novel. Surely everyone can remember a couple of episodes when a wish was fulfilled, but it did not bring anyone the expected joy. Either it came true at the wrong time, or the consequences of fulfilling the dream were, to put it mildly, not the most pleasant. And in the end, I had to once again be convinced of the truth of the phrase: “I wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

Do you dream that your wishes come true, and not “as always,” but in the best possible way? Then this book fell into the right hands at the right time.

About the author

Dmitry Aleksandrovich KALINSKY is the President of the International Academy of Psychogenetics, one of the leading psychogeneticists and psychoanalysts in Russia, a member of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), the Association of Psychological Sciences (APS), and the Association of American Psychologists (APA). For more than 17 years he has been practicing in Russia, America, many countries in Europe and the Middle East. Among his clients are Hollywood stars, famous politicians, successful businessmen, journalists, popular TV presenters and journalists, as well as ordinary people who have successfully solved their problems and found happiness and success.

Dmitry Kalinsky is the author of exclusive techniques that can qualitatively improve a person’s life, neutralize negative genetic predisposition and adjust the subconscious to achieve the goal. You are already familiar with some of his developments. And now in front of you is a unique publication in which you will find the key to making any dream come true.

Chapter 1
We dream correctly

Obstacle race in a closed circle

Lucky are the rare lucky ones, whose wishes always come true, as if by magic! Why is fate so unfair?..

Stop! First, fate is fair: it is the law. There are no coincidences. Do you think why you were born in this particular family, in this country, city, village? Why are your mom and dad your mom and dad and not the royal couple of England? Because for your growth and development, you needed to find yourself in exactly these conditions.

And of course, you should not shift responsibility for your life onto the shoulders of your parents. In previous publications I talked about the basics of psychogenetics. Let me remind you that scientists have proven that by inheritance we receive not only our appearance, certain talents and abilities, a predisposition to certain diseases, but also problems that our ancestors could not cope with in their time. So, these problems are inherited through generations, so parents are just a transmission link: they have nothing to do with it at all. Were you raised wrong? Punished, suppressed, paid little attention? Understand that they acted this way and not otherwise due to their own hereditary programs.

Besides, as I already said, you need this experience. Now you are an adult, so blaming your elderly parents for the fact that they somehow loved and raised you incorrectly is, at the very least, incorrect.

So, dear readers, remember how twice is two: life is fair by definition. If you still think differently (or say something similar out loud), then you are dooming yourself to run in a vicious circle, that is, you are personally attracting the corresponding situations into your life - when people will act dishonestly towards you or circumstances will begin to work out. against you and so on. You yourself said (or thought) that the world is cruel and unfair - well, in that case, as they say, get it and sign it. What you ordered is what you now have. This is how it works feedback law, which regular readers have, of course, heard of. If you are not yet familiar with it, I highly recommend studying it. So, let's get started?

I think many people have their favorite “rakes”. Someone constantly finds themselves in situations where they feel unfairly offended; another continually acts as a tyrant, and then is tormented by a feeling of guilt; the third, trying to please others, always forgets about his own interests, and so on. Why? Are your ancestors friendly? Grandparents, from whom we inherited their problems? It happens, but it doesn’t have to be. Moreover, regardless of your origin, you will have to solve them: firstly, to make your life easier and more enjoyable, and secondly, to save your own descendants from such a “gift”. As sad as it is to admit this, we often attract problems to ourselves by our behavior, our reaction to what is happening. And then we are also surprised: for what crimes are we being punished like this?

Well, let's figure it out. At the beginning of every consultation or training, I ask five questions. The questions are simple, there is no trick in them.

1. When you buy something in a store, how many times do you pay for the item?

Of course, one – what other options could there be?

2. Is it logical to pay for the same thing two, three, or even ten times?

For example, you bought candy. They gave the money and received a check. When you got home, you opened the box, tried it and... Would you ever think of going back to the store to pay for the same box of chocolates again? I highly doubt it. Even if the candies turned out great and you had great fun. After all, you already paid for them! Naturally: we only pay once for a purchase!

3. Suppose you talked on the phone, and after some time the courier brought you a receipt. The bill turned out to be quite large, and you are not thrilled at the thought of having to fork out more money. But who is responsible for the amount indicated on the receipt? That's right, on you.

4. Is it logical to file a claim against the courier who brought the bill? It’s completely illogical: did he really talk long distance for an hour? So, what complaints can there be against him?

5. Should the courier blame himself for delivering a bill for a tidy sum and thereby ruining your mood? Of course not. He was just doing his job. Your state of mind should not interest him at all. His job is only to bring the receipt.

Do you agree? Great. Then imagine a different situation. You are sitting at home, not bothering anyone, and then the phone rings. You pick up the phone: a friend calls and, out of the blue, starts accusing you of almost all mortal sins! And completely unfounded! Here's one for you: the mood is ruined, the day is down the drain...

Now tell me: who, in your opinion, is responsible for what happened? Many, without thinking twice, happily shift all responsibility onto the aggressor. Indeed: by what right does he allow himself such behavior?! Others show nobility and agree to take on a certain share of responsibility - twenty, thirty, or even fifty percent. After all, we have all heard that in any conflict both sides are to blame. Therefore, so be it, let’s share the burden, in the end, for me, white and fluffy, this will one day count.

What if I say that the responsibility for what happened falls entirely on your shoulders? Don’t rush to be indignant, think. After all, the impolite friend is the same courier who delivered the bill. Apparently, not so long ago you committed a fine - you were offended by someone, complained about life, and so on - and now it’s time to pay.

Someone will probably object: they say, I personally didn’t do anything bad to this comrade - so why pay for it? But, excuse me, did you communicate with the courier over the phone? No, he is a stranger, he just brought a receipt. It’s the same here: your friend launched a barrage of accusations at you not at all because you annoyed him in some way. He, I repeat, is just a courier who delivered the bill.

If only you knew what you were paying for... Well, it’s not difficult to find out. Remember situations in which you were dissatisfied with yourself, life or others, felt irritation, resentment, anger - in a word, experienced all sorts of negative emotions. You won’t have to travel into the distant past: all this happened no more than seven months ago. Where does this magical seven come from? There is no magic - quantum physics, according to the laws of which the subconscious works. So, seven months is the maximum time for an impulse to travel in space.

Any of our thoughts and experiences trigger corresponding impulses - and within seven months life bills us.

Let's say that on January 1st you suddenly remembered that you didn't wish your aunt a Happy New Year. “What a horror: the old woman is probably worried, feels abandoned and unhappy. What a scoundrel I am!” In general, you scolded yourself, felt a sense of guilt - and no later than July 1, you will be fully responsible for your experiences. Provided that on New Year's Day you completely closed the topic. For example, they called a beloved relative, which calmed their conscience. Or they happily forgot about the old woman again - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that your emotional turmoil did not recur. But if, say, on March 1 you remembered that episode and scolded yourself again, you will have to pay for it again. Now no later than October 1st.

If in reality everything happened strictly according to the algorithm, any sane person would sooner or later figure out this pattern. But in life the law works a little differently. When on January 1st I commit a certain action, then until August 1st, whether I like it or not, I will be fully responsible for it. When on March 1 I mentally return to that situation, then by October 1 I will have to pay both for this time travel and for the act itself committed in January. That is, the count increases. If on May 1st I remember the New Year’s situation again, then before December 1st I will be billed triple. Now the question is: how logical is it to pay on October 1 and December 1 for what was fully paid on July 1? In the store we only pay once. So why do we force ourselves to pay again and again in life?

When a person mentally returns back, he transfers a worsened version of the past into his future. And with every return to the past, the future becomes less and less beautiful. In other words, by living in the past, we block the opportunity to be happy in the future.

But why are we all talking about sad things? After all, you can remember pleasant things, right? Certainly. But this is also dangerous, and here's why. This is how a person works: he remembers the joyful moments of the past only when he is dissatisfied with the present. The subconscious perceives such “excursions” as an escape from reality and instantly closes the door to a happy tomorrow in front of us. Instead of solving pressing problems, we begin to feel nostalgic for the old days, think how wonderful it was then and how difficult life is now. Thus, we acknowledge our own helplessness, admitting that here and now we are unworthy of happiness, that we are unable to become happy in the future.

You can and should return to the past: for experience, for knowledge - but not for emotions!

Now let's get back to the situation with unfair accusations over the phone. We have already found out that all responsibility for what happened lies with the “victim”. But what do you think his reaction will be?

There are two options. Firstly, you can mentally express to the offender everything that you think about him. Fine? It seems like yes. The person does not swear at anyone, he is simply trying to analyze what happened, and at the same time, free himself from negative emotions. Right? No, that's not right. He mentally returns to the unpleasant situation, relives it - which means he earns additional penalty points. He doesn’t say “thank you” to the offender - he is trying to prove to himself that that person, if not a complete scoundrel, is at least far from an angel. In other words, he again experiences negative emotions, thereby increasing his score.

The second option: call a friend and tell about this episode. It would seem like a constructive solution: together with a friend, try to understand and analyze the problem. After all, one head is good, but two are better, right? Not at all. Quite the contrary: the situation will only get worse. Not only does the man return to the past again, he also drags his friend into trouble.

The “victim” shares his experiences, blows off steam, hoping that he will feel better. Indeed, he will feel momentary relief, but, by and large, he will only make things worse - both for himself and for “that guy.” Because it is impossible to transfer emotion to the future - and it returns to it, re-launching the destructive mechanism. But you can convey negative information - and the interlocutor’s subconscious will write it down and process it - and after a while this seemingly stranger will begin to encounter similar difficulties.

The subconscious is not able to separate its own from someone else’s: it perceives any problem as its own - and triggers a mechanism that attracts similar problems into our lives.

How will the subconscious act in this case? It will generate situations in which you could solve the problem.

So, easily and naturally, a person presented a problem to his neighbor. And he didn’t get rid of it himself, and he infected his interlocutor.

Such “therapeutic” conversations with friends on two topics are especially dangerous: business and personal life. Suppose a woman meets with a friend, she begins to complain about her husband - they say, he is a scoundrel, a scoundrel, an egoist. And in general, all men are the same... and I’m getting a divorce. A woman sympathizes or simply listens politely to her friend, and within three to five days her subconscious generates conflicts, as a result of which she quarrels with her husband. If the conversation with her friend did not greatly impress her, and such conversations do not occur often, then the family quarrel will not be particularly serious. But still, you must admit, it’s not pleasant enough.

Or, let’s say, a colleague insists that everything is bad: the deal fell through, the partners cannot be trusted, there is not enough money. Meanwhile, everything is going great for you. But several weeks pass, and you are convinced that your friend was right: indeed, difficult situations arise one after another - either colleagues let you down, then bosses are dissatisfied, or things stall. Although, in principle, these troubles should not have affected you - you simply transferred other people’s problems into your life.

What to do? How to behave in unpleasant situations? Let's figure it out.

Tell me, have you ever cooked soup? They probably cooked it. And probably at least once a small incident happened: you added too much salt or pepper or, being lazy, overcooked the noodles. What was your reaction? I doubt that you tore out your hair and sprinkled ashes on your head. You probably calmly admitted your mistake and tried to correct the failed culinary masterpiece - you added water, other ingredients, or, as a last resort, cooked a new broth. And they drew the appropriate conclusions: they understood how much salt was needed for a given volume of food, and when to turn down the heat. If your conclusions turned out to be correct, such trouble would not happen again. And most importantly, very soon, at most the next day, you forgot about your mistake (of course, if no “well-wishers” reminded you of it).

So, friends, This is the optimal algorithm for solving any problems:

1. Admit your mistake, that is, accept the situation.

2. Take all necessary actions to resolve the problem or protect your own interests.

3. Draw the right conclusions and move on without returning to what has already happened.

For the subconscious, it doesn’t matter at all how global the situation is; for it, burnt porridge and the collapse of one’s personal life are problems of equal value. And they need to be solved according to the same scheme. If fate continually offers you similar tasks, you probably haven’t yet come to the right decision: study! You will certainly succeed the second or third time. What if not? This means that the issue is not at all about your analytical abilities.

We only get stuck in those situations in which we initially did not accept ourselves and did not make the necessary conclusions and actions to resolve the problem.

Let's see how the algorithm works in a specific life situation. I was yelled at. Tell me, does a normal person scream just like that, without obvious reasons? No. He can only raise his voice in two cases: if he is provoked and if he is allowed to do so. Not necessarily in open text, but rather on a subconscious level. Surely you have met people to whom you would not raise your voice under any circumstances - no matter how upset, angry or offended you were. But on someone else you can recoup in full.

Well, who is responsible? On the one who raised his voice, showed aggression, tactlessness, disrespect - or on his victim? I think the answer is now obvious to you: a person who consciously or subconsciously provoked or allowed such an attitude towards himself bears responsibility for this. One hundred percent. And one hundred percent depends on his reaction in this situation, on the emotions that he experienced about this, whether a similar situation will repeat in the future. If the reaction is emotional, negative, if he feels unfairly offended, do not doubt that such episodes will still arise in his life.

What about the aggressor? Having let the dogs loose, he can experience a whole range of sensations: guilt, pity, discomfort, dissatisfaction with himself. Then a courier will also appear on his way, who will present an invoice, the contents of which will directly depend on which of these emotions he experienced. And it’s probably already obvious to you that the former aggressor – not the courier – will be held accountable for this.

Perhaps my arguments still seem unconvincing to some. Well, let's do a little experiment. Ask a car enthusiast where he feels more comfortable - behind the wheel or next to the driver. The answer is obvious: of course, while driving. If your grandmother is a great cook, will she trust someone else to cook the holiday dinner? Hardly. Do you know why? Because otherwise a person will not be able to control the situation.

The same rules apply in life: We are only responsible for what we can control.

The reverse is also true: when we shift responsibility to others, we lose control and the situation gets worse for us.

But let's get back to our unpleasant episode. They raised their voice at me. I begin to be indignant: they say, why on earth, and by what right, I am all white and fluffy, and you... That is, I relieve myself of responsibility for what happened, shift it to someone else and lose control over the situation, refuse to solve the task. And I get a failure: I will have to face a similar task again. In addition, I put myself in dependence: a person is in a good mood - he does not shout at me, if he is in a bad mood, he takes his anger out on me.

If I understand that it is no accident that they are shouting at me, that it is I who am responsible for this, then I cannot make any claims against the offender. I I accept the situation.

And after that I have the right to take any actions towards the aggressor, protecting my own interests. Moreover, these actions will be constructive - and the problem will be closed so that it does not happen again.

What can I do? For example, calmly listen to an angry tirade and say: “Stop. Calm down, and when you come to your senses, we will continue the conversation.” Am I irritated, offended, aggressive at this moment? No. Is the situation resolved? Allowed.

Another option. I was yelled at, I understand that I don’t want to get involved with this person - which I have every right to do. I tell myself - yes, I provoked this attitude, yes, I allowed it to happen. I draw conclusions and calmly move on. I don’t blame anyone, I don’t blame myself, I don’t blame the offender – and the problem goes away.

In addition, when I understand that I myself provoke or allow such an attitude towards myself, I have a chance to change the situation so that nothing like this happens to me in the future. That is, I am moving towards self-sufficiency. And such a person is inconvenient: it is difficult to manipulate him. That is why during upbringing there is a shift in areas of responsibility: we are reproached for having offended someone, angered someone, or committed a bad act - in other words, we are accused of something for which we cannot, by definition, be responsible. And they instill a feeling of guilt in order to manipulate us, to use us for their own purposes against our will!

But suppose I myself acted as an aggressor and begin to reproach myself for it. What's happening? I take on someone else's responsibility - and this is greed! By doing this, I attract additional problems into my life. I cannot be responsible for the act that I committed in relation to another person, since the responsibility for what happened lies entirely with him, since he, consciously or subconsciously, provoked me to these actions. I am only responsible for the emotion that I experienced in this regard.

So, let's determine what lies in our area of ​​responsibility, let's understand what we have to pay for.

As we have already said, a person is responsible only for what he can control. This:

1. Attitude towards ourselves: actions and deeds that we perform towards ourselves.

It is very important to understand: how we treat ourselves is how others will treat us. If we do not respect our interests, others will not respect our needs; if we ignore our own desires, others will ignore us; if we feel sorry for ourselves, we will make others feel sorry for us, and so on.

Fulfillment of desires can be easy and simple if you know how to act correctly. We will share the most effective techniques from books and from famous trainers.

There are many ways to bring your desires closer to fulfillment. All of them are based on the power of the human subconscious and the training of positive thinking.

The most popular and effective of them:

  1. Affirmations are positive statements that need to be repeated daily. Option for psychological auto-training. It tunes you into a wave of positive emotions and thoughts, as a result of which your subconscious finds all sorts of ways to fulfill your desires.
  2. Visualization using a wish map. You draw or look for suitable images, stick them on whatman paper and sign them with positive affirmations. Within a year, all wishes made should come true. We wrote in detail about how to create and activate a wish card in.
  3. Meditations and energy practices. There are many of them - below we will talk about one of the most effective techniques for instant fulfillment of desires.

Regardless of the method you choose, practice daily. Develop the habit of thinking positively, and then your dreams will come true as if by magic.

Glass of water technique

This method is presented in two variations. The glass of water technique was proposed to be practiced by Jose Silva and Zealand.

  1. Pour clean water into a glass. You need to use distilled or spring water; tap water will not work.
  2. On a piece of paper, write your wish as if it has already come true. For example: “I got a manager position in company N.”
  3. Place the glass on a piece of paper. Sit down and bring your palms together, but so that they do not touch. Close your eyes.
  4. Imagine and feel a dense clot of energy between your hands, for example, in the form of a fireball. Visualize it unwinding and becoming more powerful.
  5. Say the wording of your desire out loud, and then “pour” the fiery energy from the ball into the glass. After that, drink water and go to bed.

Jose Silva method:

  1. Take a glass of clean water in your hands and hold it at the level of the solar plexus with two fingers - thumb and index.
  2. Say your wish mentally, and then drink half the water from the glass with your eyes closed. As you take sips, repeat: “This is all I have to do to solve my problem.”
  3. Go to bed and drink the remaining water in the morning.

Important: Zeeland's method is ideal for instant fulfillment of desires. The Silva method is also suitable for getting an answer to some question that worries you. In this case, do not make a wish, but formulate what you want to know. For example: “Where is it better to go to work: company N or B.”

Technique of wish fulfillment “Fireball”

This is a wish fulfillment meditation that works very quickly, in just two days. It is important to choose goals that are easily achievable within this period.

What to do:

  1. Turn on some nice music and lie down so that you are as comfortable as possible. Close your eyes. Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your stomach.
  2. Concentrate on your breathing: take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take 30-50 breaths in and out until you feel completely relaxed and have let go of all emotions, both negative and positive.
  3. Place both hands on the solar plexus area. Imagine that a fireball appears in this place of your body.
  4. Feel how it unwinds, and the heat from the ball spreads throughout your body. Imagine how it increases.
  5. After the ball becomes very large, formulate your desire. Mentally write it on a piece of paper and throw the package into the ball.
  6. Continue to breathe deeply, imagining a fireball spinning up.
  7. And then release the ball, let it fly away with your desire.
  8. Feel your body and slowly return to the room, open your eyes.

Important: if you could not easily imagine how the ball flies into the sky, it means that you are not yet ready to fulfill your desire, you do not believe that it can come true easily. You need to believe that the Higher powers will send all the necessary opportunities.

You can also play a video of this technique and repeat everything the announcer says:

Not a single wish fulfillment technique will work unless certain rules are followed.

Important factors:

  1. The more energy you have, the faster your wishes come true. Therefore, it is important to fill yourself up: externally and internally. Take care of your health, do things that bring you pleasure and exclude “toxic” people - energy vampires - from your social circle.
  2. Believe that the Universe will definitely send you the necessary opportunities. Then your dreams will quickly and easily come true in the most unexpected way.
  3. Train positive thinking. Get rid of negative attitudes, emotions and thoughts - they slow down the fulfillment of desires.
  4. Turn desires into intentions - take action. Don't sit still and don't wait for blessings to fall from the sky. Balance is important: sincere faith coupled with real actions is the key to success.
  5. Avoid denial when expressing your desires. The universe does not notice the “not” part. If you ask: “I am not sick,” then the Higher powers will hear you as “I am sick.”

And remember: it makes no difference to the Universe what it sends to you. She always sends to a person what he often thinks about and expresses in his thoughts. That’s why it’s so important to abstract yourself from the negative and not focus on problems. It’s better to mentally imagine the result of their decision.

Tell us what wish fulfillment techniques you have already tried - share your reviews in the comments. Did you manage to get the desired result?

The science of making miracles. Author's training for the fulfillment of desires Karavaeva Natalya Gennadievna

The most effective techniques for fulfilling desires

There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is as if there are only miracles all around.

Albert Einstein

Science has proven that a patient recovers faster if he believes in the professionalism of the attending physician and the effectiveness of the medications he is taking, even if the medicine is a placebo (a placebo is a physically neutral substance, a dummy pill that is offered to the patient as a miracle cure).

For the techniques of wish fulfillment to really work, you must believe in this very possibility.

Choose only those “magic remedies” that you have a passion for, that, in your opinion, “have something.” If you read the description of the technique and the “butterflies in your stomach” came to life in anticipation of a miracle, then it’s yours, feel free to take action.

As you may have guessed, this was advice for Romantics.

For skeptics and realists, I’ll tell you in a nutshell what the action of “magical” rituals is based on.

As you remember, access to the treasures of the unconscious gives us unlimited opportunities to realize our goals. However, the entrance to the subconscious is guarded by a critical consciousness. Therefore, most techniques for fulfilling wishes and all kinds of magical rituals are aimed at lulling the vigilance of consciousness and putting a person into a trance. The trance state is also called “altered consciousness.”

For example, most ancient magical rituals were performed either early in the morning (at dawn) or late at night (after midnight). This is the time when a person has not yet really woken up or, on the contrary, is already tired. The time when a person is in a sleepy state, that is, in a state of natural trance.

A person can be put into a trance by the so-called paradoxical logic. When statements or actions devoid of rational meaning are presented under the guise of being logical.

Absurd recipes, “strange” magical actions, “mysterious” phrases and spells - all this is a clear example of paradoxical logic.

While the consciousness is looking for a rational grain in the proposed absurdity, the subconscious remains open to suggestions.

“No, this cannot possibly be,” the foreigner objected firmly.

- Why is this?

“Because,” the foreigner answered and looked with narrowed eyes at the sky, where, anticipating the evening coolness, black birds were silently drawing, “Annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought it, but even spilled it.” So the meeting will not take place.

M. Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

For example, the Simoron system (a wish fulfillment game system developed by Peter and Petra Burlan) is almost entirely built on absurd and paradoxical techniques. In addition to the fact that such fun rituals help to release the creative unconscious, they are good for removing the excessive importance of desire.

You can also enter an altered state by performing certain rhythmic movements (for example, shaman dance, round dance), drawing, listening to special music, pronouncing or shouting special words, through meditation and prayers.

I won’t bore you with a list of all the ways to influence the subconscious - there are many of them.

Another thing is important - behind all these “frivolous”, at first glance, magical manipulations there are very real levers of influence. Therefore, you should be serious about choosing a specialist whom you trust to make changes to your mental program. In my opinion, a better candidate than yourself cannot be found.

I tried to select for you the most interesting and effective techniques for fulfilling desires, which are presented in this chapter.

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Exercise “Formula for making a wish come true” I’ll tell you another little secret to make your desires truly come true. It’s best to pronounce affirmations and do it where you feel especially good, where you can breathe easily. Everyone has their favorite places

Elinaya Sunlight

Technique of wish fulfillment

© E. Sunlight, 2011

© Astrel SPb LLC, 2011

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A Guide for Wizards and Sorceresses

When this book was written, and it just needed to be polished, I wondered: what should I tell the reader before he reads the first lines of its first chapter? It is probably necessary to somehow define my attitude to what I am writing about, to explain how this attitude developed, and to explain some of the things that the reader will encounter while reading. Where to start?

I'll probably start with Gratitude.

Of course, this will be Gratitude to those who, with their Creativity and their Knowledge, once pushed me on the path of searching - searching for my own answers to my own constantly arising questions. As it turned out very quickly, the number of these questions is not getting smaller; on the contrary, there are more and more of them. And the answers? Surprisingly, having found the answer, after a short time I realized that it was incomplete. And it all started again. It often felt like an exciting game, and almost always the game brought joy. Not only because there were complete, at some point in life, answers. It was the joy of a job well done, when sometimes you get tired, but at the same time you feel real satisfaction and say to yourself: “This is done well, it could not have been better.”

But the feeling I want to talk about is even deeper. This is Gratitude for something greater. How can we define this more? Different spiritual traditions have different words for this. I want to thank our Earth - Gaia, Gaia. After all, without it there would not be even the smallest speck of dust in the world around us. She is the basis of everything for us. And it would be strange if she were just a stone ball in the icy abyss of space. It would be simply hopeless. And primitive. No, everything is much more complicated.

Therefore, now I will say a few words about Gaia (or Gaia) - our beloved and beautiful, unique and unpredictable Earth.

We can say that Gaia is her spiritual name, because, as surprising as it may sound, she has her own consciousness, she, like us, can show emotions. She is often depicted as the Mother who gives life. Where did the name Gaia come from? It is believed to have originated in the Greek language a long time ago. How? It seems to me that someone just once was the first to think of “asking” our Earth about its name. And he accepted the answer.

We may feel it or ignore it, but it is always with us. She is our home, bright and beautiful, and we must take care of it. And we must create together with her. However, a separate chapter is devoted to the Earth. And here I want to explain some concepts and terms that you will encounter while reading. For example, the “Universal Library”. What is it? It is implied here that our Earth itself acts as a huge repository in which the best examples of all life that has ever been created in the entire Universe are stored and will be stored. This applies to animals, plants, and minerals... And someday, when the creation of this unique and inimitable Library is completed, any representative of extraterrestrial civilizations will be able to visit it, get acquainted with its samples and even take what they like into their world.

What are the Akashic Records? This is a cosmic information field in which not only all events of the present, past and probable future are recorded, but also information about everyone who has ever lived, lives or will live on Earth, about all his feelings, thoughts, emotions, actions, intentions, desires. This is also a kind of data bank, which, if desired and able, you can visit and take information of interest, get an answer to your question, and see probable options for the future. It is with him that clairvoyants interact.

From time to time I will mention our Galactic Family. What is this? Where is it? Just as we have a family here, we have a Family on the other side of the “veil.” And it is much bigger than we can imagine. It is with the members of that Family that we plan tasks for our next incarnation, and work out ways to implement various ideas (in a global sense). Unfortunately, in earthly life we ​​are rarely able to realize them. We can feel the presence of members of our Galactic Family, perceive their tips and reminders. They are like gentle and light touches that calm, give strength in difficult moments, and double it in moments of joy.

Who are the members of this Family? Apparently, it is so great that it is simply impossible to think about everyone who is connected with us by spiritual ties. Therefore, I will mention only a few that are closest to us and most closely related to us and our incarnation on this planet. For every person, this is his Higher Self, these are his Angels-Mentors, who are invisible, but always next to him. And this is Kryon - Spirit, Spiritual Teacher, which writer Lee Carol told us about.

I also cannot help but mention the Pleiadians - the inhabitants of the Pleiades star system, these highly spiritual beings, about whom the writer Barbara Marciniak spoke. Her books are “Family of Light”, “Bringers of the Dawn”, “Earth. Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library" - not only carry a lot of important information, but also charge us with Love, Warmth and Care, through them our Family seems to touch us easily and tenderly. I will call the information transmitted by the Galactic Family “messages”, but these are not just messages, they are also the so-called channeling. What is it? This term comes from the English word channel, that is, “channel”. This means that channeling is a “transmission through a channel”, it is a way of communicating with consciousnesses of a different kind. Therefore, people participating in channeling are now often called channelers or contactees, and those who transmit information to them are called Mentors.

When reading this book, you will see that it contains very diverse information. In general, this is how it is. First of all, I collected materials for myself. Moving from question to question, from answer to answer, I kept a so-called “witchcraft book” in my laptop in a modern way, took notes on everything, and so this book gradually began to take shape.

I called the introduction to it “A Manual for Wizards and Sorceresses.” But the book is not only a guide. This is my World, and I will reveal it to you. Let it become your World, in which miracles are possible and desires can be fulfilled. We will walk the path to it together.

And at the beginning of this journey, I would like to thank my closest and most beloved people who are next to me in the “here and now.” This is my husband, who not only envelops me with his love, rejoices with me, supports and fills me with optimism when I am sad, but also from time to time pushes me to move forward. These are my parents, to whom I am grateful for being who they are - the best, dearest and most beloved. I would also like to say a special thank you to all my animals who are next to me and teach me unconditional love. After all, they also love us as we are - simply because we are, simply because they don’t know how to do otherwise. Thanks to them, I constantly have many questions, and they also help me find answers.

In the book you will see the phrase “increasing vibrations” more than once. Everyone, of course, knows that any substance is in constant oscillatory processes. In other words, it vibrates. The cells of our body also constantly vibrate, and each organ has its own vibration frequency. In order to increase the frequency of vibrations, it is necessary to use more energy, therefore, the stronger our energy, the higher our vibrations can be. This approach does not claim to be absolute truth, but it has already been confirmed by many experiments.

By and large, it is more correct to say “harmonious” or “inharmonious” vibrations, since in reality it is impossible to separate high from low, black from white, day from night. When we say that we “raise our vibrations,” I mean that we attune, harmonize our vibrations with the vibrations of the reality we are striving to get into. This is like tuning a radio receiver to the selected wave.

Are there any special exercises or methods for “raising your vibrations” - for the sake of inclusion in a new reality, for the sake of healing? You can call the systems Reiki and Qigong. These are ancient energy practices whose goal is to help a person enter a state of balance and harmony.

Starting to get to know ourselves, we gradually come to understand that the world around us is in many ways our reflection, that is, What we radiate That and we get the answer. And then we begin to look for new ways to communicate with the world, study the language of its signs and clues, and come up with our own in response. It's even starting to feel like a game. And in this game we can use many means. For example, “magic words” (mantras, affirmations), “magic gifts” (simoron), “magic instruments” (singing bell, singing bowl). I will talk about all this in the book.

In this article you will find 3 effective and efficient techniques for making wishes, and also learn how to choose “your” technique.

How to choose a technique for making wishes?

Making wishes is a fascinating and creative process. Some techniques for fulfilling desires are more suitable for some, others are more suitable for others.

You need to choose your technique. Why? Because it should evoke positive emotions in you, and this is already half the success in making your dreams come true.

Techniques for making wishes - choose yours!


Buy yourself a notebook or notebook and write down everything for which you can be grateful to the Universe every day. After just a month of daily writing, you will notice how much your life will change.

“Letter to the Future”

Sit down and write down everything you want to have in the future. This is a very effective technique for making wishes. Write down your wishes as if they have already come true. Put the date at the bottom and keep what you wrote down until your plan comes true.

List of seven wishes”

For this wish-making technique, you will need paper and pen. Write 7 of your wishes on a piece of paper. Include as many details as possible - this is the main point in making wishes.

Also indicate the time frame for when your wishes should be fulfilled. In the evening, put this piece of paper under your pillow, and in the morning, burn it and write 7 wishes again. This must be done daily.

If some of your wishes come true, cross them out and write new ones. Don't forget to thank the Universe for your dreams come true.

And now an important moment for any technique of fulfilling desires!

For a wish to come true, you need to invest strong energy and emotions into it!

Desires made at the peak of passions materialize much faster.

You can try to evoke these emotions (this can be done with the help of a film, a book, communication...) or wait for strong emotions¹ to arise on their own. At this moment, think about your desire, imagine it in detail, and then just let it go.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Emotion is a mental process of medium duration, reflecting a subjective evaluative attitude towards existing or possible situations (

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