Technogenic pollution. Chapter vi

Technogenic environmental pollution

All parts of the biosphere (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere) are actively polluted by various substances and their compounds.

Atmosphere. This is a mixture of gases that do not interact under normal natural conditions. The composition of the atmosphere at the Earth's surface (up to altitudes of about 50 km) remains constant: nitrogen - 78.08%, oxygen - 20.95%, argon - 0.9%, and in small fractions of a percent - carbon dioxide, helium and other gases. Ozone (2...7)10~ b% occupies a special place among small impurities. It strongly absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, which has great biological activity and, at high intensities, has a detrimental effect on organic life as a whole. The bulk of ozone is concentrated in the atmospheric layer of 15 -55 km with a maximum concentration at altitudes of 20 - 25 km.

The standard chemical composition of the atmosphere is always superimposed on a certain amount of impurities of natural origin. Impurities emitted from natural sources include:

dust (volcanic, plant, cosmic origin; released during weathering of soil and rocks; particles of sea salt entering the air masses during rough seas and oceans). For example, during the weathering of sedimentary and igneous rocks, 3.5 thousand tons of mercury enter the atmosphere annually;

smoke and gases from forest and steppe fires, gases of volcanic origin;

products of plant and animal origin.

All these sources are spontaneous, short-term in nature and spatially distributed locally.

The level of atmospheric pollution with natural impurities is background for it (“chemical background”) and changes little over time.

The state and composition of the atmosphere largely determine the intensity of solar radiation on the Earth's surface. The shielding role of the atmosphere in the process of transferring thermal energy from the Sun to the Earth and from the Earth to Space affects the average temperature of the biosphere, which is about +15°C.

The bulk of solar radiation is transmitted to the Earth's surface as visible radiation and reflected from the Earth's surface in the form of infrared (thermal) radiation. Therefore, the proportion of reflected radiant energy absorbed by the atmosphere depends on its gas composition and dust content in it. The greater the concentration of impurity gases and dust, the less reflected solar radiation goes into outer space and the more thermal energy remains in the atmosphere (greenhouse effect).

As calculations and measurements show, an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere leads to a slight increase in temperature at its surface: by +0.05, +0.17 and +0.46 °C, respectively.

specifically in 1978, 2000 and 2025, which significantly affects climate change.

The main air pollutants are motor transport, metallurgy, heat and power engineering, chemical industry, and construction materials production enterprises, which account for 30, 26, 25, 8 and 6% of emissions, respectively.

Thus, only when burning hydrocarbon fuels, about 400 million tons of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the planet’s atmosphere annually (or 70 kg for each inhabitant of the Earth). It should be taken into account that humanity’s energy needs are growing at a rate of 3–4% per year, i.e. double every 20 -30 years.

Increasing chemical pollution of the air in large cities can be considered an environmental emergency. Thus, with an average annual mileage of a passenger car of about 15,000 km, it consumes about 4,350 kg of oxygen and emits 3,250 kg of carbon dioxide, 530 kg of carbon monoxide and about 1 kg of lead into the atmosphere.

We list the most common substances that pollute the atmosphere: sulfur dioxide (SO 2) - 17.5%, carbon oxides (CO, CO 2) - 15%, nitrogen oxides (NO, NO 2) - 14.5%, solid impurities (dust , soot) - 14.5%.

It has been established that dust is emitted into the atmosphere annually, million tons: when burning coal - 93.6, during cement production - 53.4, by metallurgical enterprises - 26.7.

Most of the atmospheric air impurities in cities penetrate into residential and other premises. In the summer (with the windows open), the composition of the air in the room corresponds to atmospheric by 90%, in winter - by 50%.

Freons, gases or volatile liquids containing fluorine and chlorine, have a significant impact on the ozone layer. The duration of their “life” in the atmosphere is about 100 years, as a result of which impurities accumulate in the ozone layer. Sources of freons: refrigeration units when the tightness of the thermal circuit is broken, household cans for spraying various substances, etc.

As a result of technogenic impact on the atmosphere, the following are possible:

exceeding permissible concentrations of harmful impurities in cities and towns;

formation of smog and acid rain;

the emergence of the greenhouse effect, which contributes to an increase in the average temperature of the Earth's surface.

Hydrosphere. Almost three-quarters of the earth is covered with water. Depending on the salt concentration, natural waters are divided into fresh (salt concentration no more than 1 g/l) and sea water.

cues. Fresh water accounts for about 3% of the total water mass, with 2% contained in inaccessible ice.

River and lake waters are most convenient for use. As a rule, they are mineralized to one degree or another, mainly due to the salts of calcium, magnesium, etc. soluble in them.

Sea water has the same chemical composition throughout the World Ocean. The average salt concentration in it is

3.5%, and unlike fresh water, salts are mainly represented by chlorides.

A characteristic feature of technogenic pollution of the natural environment is the entry into it from the technosphere of gaseous, aerosol, solid and liquid pollutants that are unusual for it.

The main pollutants of the hydrosphere: domestic and industrial wastewater from municipal facilities, food, medical, pulp and paper industries; agriculture (near Uz, fertilizers applied to the soil are washed into rivers and lakes); maritime transport (primarily oil from tankers - about 0.1% of annual oil transportation ends up at sea).

Every year, 26.5 million tons of petroleum products (which is approximately 1% of their production), 0.46 million tons of phenols, 5.5 million tons of synthetic fiber production waste, and 0.17 million tons of plant organic residues enter the hydrosphere from the global runoff.

The impact of the technosphere on the hydrosphere leads to the following negative consequences:

The supply of drinking water with acceptable levels of impurities is decreasing;

the state and development of the flora and fauna of the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes changes;

the natural cycle of many substances in the biosphere is disrupted.

Land pollution is caused primarily by agricultural production (fertilizers and pesticides). It can lead to:

to a reduction in arable land and a decrease in its fertility;

saturation of plants with harmful substances, which inevitably leads to food contamination (currently up to 70% of the harmful effects on humans come from food products);

disruption of the balance of ecosystems due to the death of insects, birds, animals, and some plant species.

In a specific area, air pollution, and subsequently water and soil pollution, is formed due to the following three components:

global, due to the presence on Earth of numerous sources of industrial pollution and their transboundary transport over long distances;

regional, related to emissions in a given industrial region;

local (local), caused by emissions of a specific object in a given area.

During long-distance transport, the speed of propagation of air masses is usually hundreds of kilometers per day. Therefore, only those chemicals whose lifetime in the atmosphere exceeds 12 hours can spread over long distances. For a noticeable accumulation of harmful substances (coming from the atmosphere) in soil and water, their lifetime in these environments must be at least a year. Long-lived impurities include CO 2, freons and a number of others. Sulfur and nitrogen oxides have a lifetime of about ten days or less.

To ensure environmental safety requirements, the content of the entire range of chemical substances entering the environment is strictly regulated. For these purposes, two main quantitative indicators are used:

maximum permissible concentration (MPC);

maximum permissible emission (MPE).

Maximum permissible concentration - the maximum concentration (mass of an impurity (g) per unit volume (l) of air, water or mass (kg) of soil), which does not have a direct or indirect harmful effect on a person, his offspring and sanitary living conditions. Currently, maximum permissible concentrations have been established for the average person for the air environment of enterprises, the atmosphere of cities and other populated areas, and for the water of open reservoirs. Maximum concentration limits have been established in soils for the content of pesticides, heavy metals, and organic compounds. The average daily MPC is averaged over a long period of time, up to a year. The indicated maximum permissible concentrations are calculated taking into account the global and regional components of the technogenic chemical background.

Depending on the maximum permissible concentration standards, water sources are divided into two categories: sources for household and drinking purposes, including for water supply to food industry enterprises, and reservoirs within populated areas, as well as for swimming, sports, and recreation.

Hygienic requirements for domestic drinking water, fishery water sources, as well as requirements for drinking water are regulated by relevant standards and sanitary norms.

In order to practically control the flow of harmful substances into the environment from an emission source, the maximum permissible concentrations for harmful substances are calculated based on the established maximum permissible concentrations. The maximum permissible limit is established for each stationary and mobile source by the relevant regulatory documents (for example, “Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises” SN-245-71).

The rapid growth of the world's population, industrial and agricultural production is accompanied by a sharp increase in organic and inorganic industrial waste and consumer products, the discharge of which causes almost universal pollution of natural waters. This process progresses rapidly over time, covering ever larger areas of land and ocean waters. Pollution of individual rivers, lakes and a number of areas of the World Ocean has reached such limits that it has begun to disrupt their biological regime. In vast areas of the Earth, a shortage of drinking and industrial water began to be felt.

The sanitary condition deteriorates especially quickly and the greatest damage is caused to the fisheries of those rivers and lakes on the banks of which large industrial enterprises and cities are located. Isolated and poorly connected sea basins are also intensively polluted. The ever-increasing pollution of water and soil with harmful chemicals in such basins often causes the emergence of processes that entail the death of flora and fauna, including the mass death of valuable species of commercial fish.

However, although water pollution has become global in nature, at present there is clearly a lag between the growth trends in pollution and the pace of production development. This happens due to the fact that technological progress ensures increasingly complete use of industrial raw materials and fuel, as a result of which their losses are significantly reduced. Closed production cycles and dry (water-free) technology are beginning to be widely used. The trend of converting enterprises and transport to electrical energy from nuclear power plants is intensifying. All existing and newly built large industrial enterprises, as a rule, provide for the construction of a special wastewater treatment complex. In some cases, the effectiveness of these measures is so great that individual, previously heavily polluted water bodies have been almost completely cleaned up and the restoration of flora and fauna has begun. This, naturally, is facilitated by the self-purifying ability of water basins (which, however, is limited to certain limits).

Every year around the world, about 6.5 million tons of phosphates, more than 5 million tons of petroleum products, 2.3 million tons of lead, 1.6 million tons of manganese and a large number of other chemicals are released into rivers, lakes and seas in the form of industrial waste. elements. As a rule, these substances are discharged in the form of aqueous solutions, or suspensions, since water is almost always a component of technological processes. When producing 1 ton of cast iron, depending on the technology used, from 150 to 200 cubic meters are consumed. m of water, to obtain the same amount of paper requires 65-110 cubic meters. m, pulp 175-500 cubic meters. m, petroleum products 2-20 cubic meters. m of water, etc. The largest volume of contaminated water is discharged by oil refineries, metallurgical, chemical and pulp and paper enterprises. Large quantities of chemicals enter groundwater and river waters from agricultural lands, where they are used as fertilizers and to control pests of crops and forests. Water basins are heavily polluted by petroleum products discharged by ships, as well as as a result of the leakage of crude oil in places of its production (especially underwater) and during the transportation of petroleum products.

The composition of wastewater contaminated with waste from industry, transport, agriculture and municipal enterprises includes organic substances (organic acids, alcohols, phenols, herbicides, detergents, etc.), inorganic substances (salts, acids, alkalis), petroleum products, toxic substances (cyanides, arsenic, copper salts, zinc, mercury, etc.), radioactive and bacteriological substances, etc.

Based on the nature of their impact, all pollutants can be divided into three types of agents: chemical, bacteriological and radioactive.

§ 1. Chemical pollution

Among the chemical pollutants of water masses, the most dangerous are hydrocarbons, pesticides (pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides), mercury and detergents.

The amount of pollutants in water is usually negligible compared to its total mass, but they can cause great harm to animals and plants of the water body. This is facilitated by three circumstances: firstly, the natural ability of a number of organisms to accumulate pollution products; secondly, most of the pollution is localized in coastal areas where most fish and other aquatic organisms breed, feed and grow; thirdly, a certain stability of the preservation of pollutants in the aquatic environment.

The impacts of industrial effluents are poorly understood and almost nothing is known about the cumulative effects of pollutants on aquatic organisms. It is known, for example, that nickel is relatively low-toxic. But if it gets into water with “copper runoff”, its toxicity increases 10 times. Almost nothing is known about the intensification of the effects of pollutants with an increase in water temperature, its density, salinity, changes in lighting conditions, water mixing and the impact of other factors.

All this is the subject of further study.

Hydrocarbons are the main component of oil and petroleum products - not only the most common, but also the most dangerous agent of pollution. Oil production and the use of petroleum products are growing rapidly. Therefore, the danger of contamination of natural waters with these substances is constantly increasing, significantly exceeding in scale the danger of bacteriological and radioactive contamination.

Petroleum products are a complex mixture of saturated, unsaturated, alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons. In 1968, the working group of the CMEA countries on the unification of methods for analyzing natural and waste waters decided to consider “petroleum products” the most characteristic part of oil and its products, consisting of non-polar and low-polar compounds extracted with hexane (or petroleum ether). This definition limits the concept of “petroleum products” to hydrocarbons and a very small number of organic compounds that are rarely associated with hydrocarbons in natural and waste waters. At the same time, this definition quite clearly expresses the chemical and analytical properties of petroleum products.

Oil in water can be present in the form of a film consisting mainly of light oily and oily-resinous fractions, in the form of a stable highly dispersed emulsion (particles less than 30 microns) in suspension, in the form of relatively large lumps adhered to suspended sediment, in dissolved form (oil solubility is insignificant - according to some authors, from 2 to 100 mg/l). Heavy fractions of oil (30-40%) sink to the bottom and form a layer that is very resistant to oxidation, in which organisms living on the bottom and serving as food for fish die. With waves and a sharp increase in the speed of bottom currents, oil products on the bottom can again be involved in hydrodynamic processes and become a secondary source of water pollution during resuspension.

Pesticide. To combat agricultural and forest pests, a large number of different toxic substances are used, which have strong toxic and carcinogenic properties. Since the beginning of World War II, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroatane (DDT) has been widely used to control field pests. The persistence of this drug has led to the fact that living creatures living in water, air and on land (including humans) currently contain DDT. Now the production of DDT has been significantly reduced. Some countries (including the Soviet Union) have completely abandoned its production and use.

Mercury and other metals enter natural waters along with waste from industrial enterprises and agriculture. Mercury, in particular, is used for seed treatment, in the pulp and paper industry, as a catalyst in the production of polyvinyl chloride and in other industries. Mercury has a strong toxic effect, can accumulate in animal and plant organisms and be transmitted through the biological food chain. About 100 Japanese died as a result of poisoning from fish caught in Minamata Bay, where waste from a polyvinyl chloride plant was dumped.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of lead and zinc also get into the water, which, like mercury, are toxic and accumulate in large quantities in aquatic organisms. The normal concentration of copper in seawater is approximately 3 parts per billion parts of water. A solution containing one part copper to 10 million parts water is toxic to aquatic organisms. The concentration - one part copper per million parts water - kills edible shellfish in less than 2 hours, and the ability of brown algae to produce oxygen is reduced under these conditions by about 70% within 9 days.

Detergents are synthetic surfactants that degrade very slowly (for example, Novost, Ladoga soaps, etc.). Wastewater containing detergents mainly pollutes rivers and coastal areas. The presence of surfactants can be determined both by directly measuring surface tension and by determining the intensity of foam formation: the presence of even a small amount of detergents in water becomes noticeable (including when observed from low altitudes from an airplane) due to the formation of foam.

Detergents pose a great threat to the reservoir, since foaming water inhibits the processes of mineralization of organic substances, reduces the organoleptic properties of water, and complicates the sedimentation and decomposition of suspended matter. It is known that under the same conditions, the oxidation of dissolved organic pollutants proceeds 10-25 times faster than the oxidation of undissolved suspended substances.

Detergents used to clean sea coasts from oil products have a more destructive effect on the flora and fauna of the sea than the oil itself.

§ 2. Bacteriological contamination

Pollution containing bacteria dangerous to human and animal life enters water bodies and watercourses mainly through sewer systems. Bacteria that enter the aquatic environment are partially neutralized over time. Therefore, the greatest danger is the direct discharge of sewage water into bodies of water used for water supply or bathing. In the seas, the danger of bacterial infection is relatively low, since sea water has the ability to destroy pathogenic microorganisms: during the first 15 hours, 70% of the bacteria die off, and on the fifth day only a fraction of a percent remains. However, even during this period, bacteria can cause great harm. The intensity of the processes of biochemical oxidation of wastewater depends on the water temperature. At a temperature of 20° C, their complete oxidation usually occurs within 5-10 days. At lower temperatures this period increases noticeably.

§ 3. Radioactive contamination

Radioactive contamination of water masses is created either as a result of the deliberate discharge into water (“burial”) of solid radiodecay products, which sink to the bottom, polluting water and soil, or as a result of the discharge of industrial water containing radioactive substances, or as a result of radioactive fallout formed during explosions of atomic bombs.

The most dangerous are radioactive elements that have a long half-life. Among them, strontium-90 and cesium-137 are in first place, having a half-life of about 30 years. These elements are absorbed by aquatic organisms and are included in biological processes, giving rise to harmful mutations.

Observations of radioactivity in waters are carried out in the same way as for pathogenic microbes: through sampling for chemical analysis. The distribution of jets of radioactive (as well as bacteriologically contaminated) industrial waters that have a specific color can be traced by mapping them from an airplane. In cases where they are not colored, they can be artificially masked with some kind of coloring substance at the point of discharge.


Pollution of the water basin and monitoring the state of the hydrosphere……5

    Environmental pollution………………………………………...5

    Consequences of pollution……………………………………………………………...9

    Cleaning steps………………………………………………………...11




The hydrosphere is the water shell of the Earth, representing the totality of all types of reservoirs, including groundwater. Water is the only natural liquid available on the surface of the Earth in large quantities - 1386 million km 3, and it is found not only in the hydrosphere, but partially in the atmosphere (0.001%) and the lithosphere (1.72%).

Life on Earth is mainly dependent on fresh water (2.5% of total water). The role of water in all life processes is decisive. Plants contain 90% water by weight. The human body consists of 2/3 water, thanks to which the “transport” of all substances in the human body occurs. The loss of 15% of the body's water supply is dangerous for human life. Blood is 80% water. The main cause of natural human death is dehydration.

All water losses in the human body are replaced with drinking and food; a person consumes about 1 ton of water per year; The vast majority of fresh water reserves are difficult to access, 80% of it is contained in ice sheets or is located at various depths of the earth's crust (up to 200 m). The most valuable part of water resources (renewed water) is contained in rivers, which are sources of water supply for the population and industry, sources of energy, and a fishing base. Solar energy brings water into a constant cycle, due to which water in rivers is exchanged in 10-12 days.

However, the anthropogenic factor makes its own “corrections” both to the water renewal regimes and to the constant change in water quality. These “corrections” amount to waste transportation, with most of the river water used being returned as wastewater.

Atmospheric pollution, which has become large-scale, has caused damage to rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and soils. Pollutants and products of their transformations sooner or later reach the Earth's surface from the atmosphere. This already big problem is significantly aggravated by the fact that waste flows directly into water bodies and onto the ground. Huge areas of agricultural land are exposed to various pesticides and fertilizers, and landfill areas are growing. Industrial enterprises discharge wastewater directly into rivers. Runoff from fields also flows into rivers and lakes. Groundwater, the most important reservoir of fresh water, is also polluted. Pollution of fresh water and land boomerangs back to humans in food and drinking water.

Water pollutionand monitoring the state of the hydrosphere

WATER POLLUTION is an environmental crime under Art. 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The objective side consists of pollution, clogging, depletion of surface or underground waters, sources of drinking water supply, or other changes in their natural properties, if this resulted in significant harm to the animal or plant world, fish stocks, forestry or agriculture. Depending on the severity of the consequences and other circumstances, it may be considered an administrative offense.

Several Norilsk Nickel enterprises violate water laws by releasing harmful substances into the water. Rosprirodnadzor specialists came to this conclusion following an inspection of the company’s Polar Branch. In particular, it was discovered that industrial wastes with high contents of iron, nickel, petroleum products, lead, copper, chlorides, nitrates, calcium, magnesium, phosphates and zinc are poured into the water.

1. Pollution

The introduction of new, uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological agents or exceeding their natural level.

Any chemical contamination is the appearance of a chemical substance in a place not intended for it. Pollution arising from human activity is the main factor in its harmful effects on the natural environment. Chemical pollutants can cause acute poisoning, chronic diseases, and also have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. For example, heavy metals can accumulate in plant and animal tissues, causing toxic effects. Sources of environmental pollution include by-products of the pulp and paper industry, waste from the metallurgical industry, and exhaust gases from internal combustion engines. These substances are very toxic to humans and animals even at low concentrations and cause damage to the liver, kidneys, and immune system.

Along with environmental pollution by new synthetic substances, great damage to nature and human health can be caused by interference in natural cycles of substances due to active production and agricultural activities, as well as the generation of household waste.

Sea water also ceases to be water: many coasts are washed by a liquid with a completely different chemical composition than the one that sea water had several decades ago. Symptoms of degradation of the flora and fauna of the World Ocean have been noticed by researchers at great depths, even far from the coasts. But the World Ocean is the cradle of life and the “weather factory” on the whole Earth. If we continue to pollute it, it will soon make it impossible for life to exist on our planet.
Water is a necessary condition for life on Earth. Pollution of water bodies with various wastes complicates self-purification processes, which, along with a lack of fresh water, pose a threat to human health.
Water pollution can have harmful effects on human health in two ways:

Water pollution manifests itself in changes in physical and organoleptic properties (impaired transparency, color, odors, taste), an increase in the content of sulfates, chlorides, nitrates, toxic heavy metals, a reduction in air oxygen dissolved in water, the appearance of radioactive elements, pathogenic bacteria and other pollutants. Russia has one of the highest water potentials in the world - each resident of Russia accounts for over 30,000 m3/year of water. However, currently, due to pollution or clogging, about 70% of Russian rivers and lakes have lost their quality as a source of drinking water supply, as a result, about half of the population consumes contaminated, poor-quality water.

Natural bodies of water are not a natural habitat for pathogens. In contrast, domestic wastewater always contains various microorganisms, some of which can be pathogenic. The potential danger of the spread of intestinal infections with water is judged by the presence in it of so-called indicator microorganisms, primarily E. coli. According to hygienic standards, the presence of no more than 3 E. coli in 1 liter is allowed in drinking water. It has been proven that after water is disinfected with chlorine, ultraviolet rays, ozone or gamma radiation when it contains about three E. coli per liter, the water no longer contains viable microbial pathogens of abdominal typhoid, dysentery and others. However, the resistance of pathogenic viruses is higher than that of E. coli. Currently, complete confidence in the disinfection of drinking water can only be achieved by boiling it.

In waters containing fecal matter, plant or animal residues coming from food industry enterprises, paper fibers and cellulose residues from pulp and paper industry enterprises, the decomposition processes proceed almost identically. Since aerobic bacteria use oxygen, the first result of the breakdown of organic residues is a decrease in the amount of oxygen dissolved in the receiving waters. It varies depending on temperature, and also to some extent on salinity and pressure. Fresh water at 20° C and intensive aeration contains 9.2 mg of dissolved oxygen in one liter. As the water temperature increases, this indicator decreases, and when it cools, it increases.

In small streams with fast currents, where the water is intensively mixed, oxygen coming from the atmosphere compensates for the depletion of its reserves dissolved in the water. At the same time, carbon dioxide formed during the decomposition of substances contained in wastewater evaporates into the atmosphere. This reduces the period of adverse effects of organic decomposition processes. Conversely, in bodies of water with weak currents, where the waters mix slowly and are isolated from the atmosphere, an inevitable decrease in oxygen content and an increase in carbon dioxide concentration entail serious changes. When the oxygen content decreases to a certain level, fish die and other living organisms begin to die, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the volume of decomposing organic matter.
Most fish die due to poisoning from industrial and agricultural wastewater, but many also die from a lack of oxygen in the water. Fish, like all living things, absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. If there is little oxygen in the water, but a high concentration of carbon dioxide, the intensity of their respiration decreases (it is known that water with a high content of carbonic acid, i.e. carbon dioxide dissolved in it, becomes acidic).

2. Consequences of hydrosphere pollution.

Pollution of aquatic ecosystems poses a huge danger to all living organisms and, in particular, to humans. It has been established that under the influence of pollutants in freshwater ecosystems there is a decrease in their stability due to disruption of the food pyramid and breakdown of signal connections in the biocenosis, microbiological pollution, eutrophication and other extremely unfavorable processes. They reduce the growth rate of aquatic organisms, their fertility, and in some cases lead to their death. The process of eutrophication of water bodies is the most studied.

Eutrophication– enrichment of the reservoir with nutrients, stimulating the growth of phytoplankton. As a result, the water becomes cloudy, plants die, the concentration of dissolved oxygen decreases, and fish and shellfish living in the depths suffocate. This natural process, characteristic of the entire geological past of the planet, usually proceeds very slowly and gradually, but in recent decades, due to increased anthropogenic impact, the speed of its development has increased sharply.
Accelerated, or so-called anthropogenic eutrophication is associated with the entry into water bodies of a significant amount of nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements in the form of fertilizers, detergents, animal waste, atmospheric aerosols, etc. The destruction of the Baltic Sea occurs as a result of the process of eutrophization (enrichment reservoir with nutrients that stimulate the growth of phytoplankton). This form of pollution is typical for water spaces in which water is renewed slowly. This is the case with the practically closed Baltic Sea. Eutrophication occurs when the sea receives too many nutrients. These substances, in this case phosphorus and nitrogen, which are present in nature, are also found in fertilizers and household chemical products. Algae assimilate them and begin to multiply rapidly. One of the consequences of this "explosive" reproduction, increasingly observed in the summer months, is the disappearance of oxygen from deep waters. The Baltic Sea has the unfortunate reputation of being the most polluted sea on the planet. Shipping traffic here is the heaviest in the world, and some species of fish caught here, particularly herring and salmon, are prohibited from export to the European Union. The processes of anthropogenic eutrophization also cover many large lakes of the world - the Great American Lakes, Lake Balaton, Ladoga, Geneva, etc., as well as reservoirs and river ecosystems, primarily small rivers.

In addition to the excess of nutrients, other pollutants also have a detrimental effect on freshwater ecosystems: heavy metals (lead, cadmium, nickel, etc.), phenols, surfactants, etc. For example, the aquatic organisms of Lake Baikal, which have adapted in the process of long evolution to a natural set chemical compounds of the lake's tributaries turned out to be incapable of processing chemical compounds alien to natural waters (petroleum products, heavy metals, salts).

The rate at which pollutants enter the World Ocean has increased sharply in recent years. Every year, up to 300 billion m3 of wastewater is discharged into the ocean, 90% of which is not pre-treated.

The problems of eutrophication and microbiological pollution of coastal ocean zones are becoming increasingly acute. In this regard, it is important to determine the permissible anthropogenic pressure on marine ecosystems and study their assimilation capacity as an integral characteristic of the ability of a biogeocenosis to dynamically accumulate and remove pollutants.

The most serious environmental problem is the restoration of water content and purity of small rivers (i.e., rivers no more than 100 km long), the most vulnerable link in river ecosystems. They turned out to be the most susceptible to anthropogenic impact. Ill-conceived economic use of water resources and adjacent land has caused their depletion (and often disappearance), shallowing and pollution. Currently, the condition of small rivers and lakes, especially in the European part of Russia, as a result of the sharply increased anthropogenic load on them, is catastrophic. The flow of small rivers has decreased by more than half, and the water quality is unsatisfactory. Many of them completely ceased to exist.

    Cleaning steps.

A sanitary sewer system integrates all waste pipes from sinks, bathtubs, etc. located in buildings, just like a tree trunk connects all its branches. From the base of this “trunk” flows a mixture of everything that has entered the system - raw wastewater . Since we use huge volumes of water to remove tiny amounts of waste or simply pour it unnecessarily, in primary waste water there are approximately 1000 parts of water for every part of waste, i.e. they contain 99.9% water and 0.1% waste. With the addition of stormwater, the dilution increases further. But waste or pollutants from primary effluents are of great importance. They are divided into three categories.

Garbage and sand. Garbage- these are rags, plastic bags and other items that enter the system from toilets or through storm drains, if they are not already separated. TO sand conditionally includes gravel; They are brought mainly by storm drains.

organic matter, or colloids. These are both living organisms and non-living organic matter of excrement, food waste and fibers of fabrics and paper. Term colloids means that this material does not settle but usually remains suspended in the water.

Dissolved substances. These are mainly biogens, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compounds from waste products, enriched with phosphates from detergents.

For treatment to be complete, water treatment plants must eliminate all named categories of pollutants. Garbage and sand are removed at the stage pre-treatment.

Combination primary And secondary treatment allows you to get rid of colloidal material. Dissolved nutrients are eliminated using post-treatment.

It must also be borne in mind that wastewater treatment in each specific case does not necessarily have to include all four stages. Most often they complement each other depending on the circumstances. Consequently, in some places they still simply discharge raw wastewater into reservoirs, in others they carry out only primary treatment, in some places they carry out secondary treatment, and only a few cities carry out additional treatment of drains.

Pre-cleaning. Garbage is disposed of by passing the original wastewater through bar grid, i.e. a series of rods located at a distance of about 2.5 cm from each other. The waste is then mechanically collected from the grate and sent to a special incineration oven. The water, cleared of debris, enters a container resembling a swimming pool, where the movement of the water slows down so much that the sand settles; it is then mechanically removed from there and taken to a landfill.

Primary cleaning. After pre-treatment, the water undergoes primary purification - it is slowly passed through large tanks called primary settling tanks. Here she remains almost motionless for several hours. This allows the heaviest particles of organic matter, constituting 30-50% of the total, to settle to the bottom, from where they are collected. At the same time, fatty and oily substances float to the surface and are skimmed off like cream. All this material is called raw sludge. The water leaving the primary settling tanks still contains 50-70% unsettled organic colloids and almost all dissolved nutrients. Secondary treatment involves removing remaining organic matter but not dissolved nutrients.

Secondary cleaning. This cleaning is also called biological, since it involves living natural decomposers and detritivores that consume organic matter and, in the process of respiration, convert it into water and carbon dioxide. Two types of systems are commonly used: trickling biofilters and activated sludge. In systems with drip biofilter water splashes and flows in streams over a layer of stones the size of a fist, the thickness of which is 2-3 m. Organisms accidentally washed off from biofilters are later eliminated from the water when it enters secondary settling tanks, similar to primary settling tanks. The material settled in them is treated as with raw sludge. After undergoing primary treatment and drip biofilters, wastewater loses 85-90% of organic matter. Another method of secondary purification is becoming increasingly widespread - activated sludge system. In this case, the water after initial purification enters a reservoir that could accommodate several trailers parked one behind the other. A detritivorous mixture called activated sludge is added to the water as it enters the reservoir. As it moves, it creates an oxygen-rich environment ideal for the development of these organisms. As they feed, the amount of organic matter, including pathogenic microorganisms, decreases. Leaving the aeration tank, the water contains many detritivores, so it is sent to secondary settling tanks. Because organisms typically accumulate in pieces of detritus, settling them is relatively easy; the sediment is the same activated sludge, which is pumped back into the aeration tank. Water is purified from organic matter by 90-95%. Until the last two decades, there was no urgent need to carry out additional water purification after secondary water treatment. Afterwards, the water was simply disinfected with bleach and discharged into natural reservoirs. This situation still prevails today. However, as the problem of eutrophication worsens, more and more cities are introducing another stage - post-treatment, eliminating nutrients.

Additional treatment. After secondary purification, the water goes to post-treatment, which eliminates one or more nutrients. There are many ways to do this. Water can be 100% purified by distillation or microfiltration. Purifying such an amount of water using the above methods is too wasteful, so more affordable methods are currently being developed and implemented. For example, phosphates can be eliminated by adding lime (calcium ions) to the water. Calcium reacts chemically with phosphate to form insoluble calcium phosphate, which can be removed by filtration. If excess phosphate is the main cause of eutrophication, this is already enough. With appropriate purification, it is possible to ensure that the resulting water is suitable for drinking.

Disinfection. No matter how thoroughly wastewater is treated, it is usually still disinfected by chlorination before being discharged into natural bodies of water to destroy pathogenic organisms that may have survived. The use of chlorine gas (Cl2) for this purpose entails certain environmental issues that require discussion. There are safer disinfectants, such as ozone (O3). It is extremely destructive to microorganisms and, acting on them, breaks down into gaseous oxygen, which improves the quality of water. However, ozone is not only toxic, but also explosive. It is also proposed to expose water to ultraviolet or other radiation that kills microorganisms but does not have any side effects.


The water cycle, this long path of its movement, consists of several stages: evaporation, cloud formation, rainfall, runoff into streams and rivers, and evaporation again. Throughout its entire path, water itself is capable of purifying itself from contaminants that enter it.

Theoretically, water resources are inexhaustible, since with rational use they are continuously renewed in the process of the water cycle in nature. Even in the recent past, it was believed that there was so much water on Earth that, with the exception of some arid areas, people did not need to worry about running out of it. However, water consumption is growing at such a rate that humanity is increasingly faced with the problem of how to meet future needs for it. In many countries and regions of the world today there is already a shortage of water resources, which is increasing every year.

The problem of land water pollution (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, groundwater) is closely related to the problem of fresh water supply, therefore special attention is paid to monitoring and monitoring the level of pollution of water bodies. Economic regulation of the rational use and protection of water includes: planning and financing of measures for the rational use and protection of water; setting water use limits; establishing payment standards for water use and water consumption; establishing payment standards for discharges of pollutants into water bodies; provision of tax, credit and other benefits when using low-waste and non-waste technologies, carrying out other activities when they have a significant effect in the field of rational use and protection of water; coverage of damage caused to water bodies and human health due to violation of water legislation.


    Yu.V. Novikov, Ecology, environment and people. 2000 p.320

    A.N. Pavlov, V.M. Kirillov, Life safety and prospects for environmental development, 2002, p. 352

    Ecology. V.I.Korobkin, L.V.peredelsky, 2003 p.576

    Engineering ecology and environmental management / ed. N.I.Ivanova and I.M.Fadina, Moscow 2001. p.528

Since the time of the scientific and technological revolution, humanity has been rapidly destroying nature and its resources, thinking less and less about their difficulty in replenishment.

Nuclear energy, the development of metallurgy and the chemical industry - active human activity leaves its mark on all elements of the environment: flora, fauna, air, soil, water.

The abundant waste of natural resources has prompted scientists to consider environmental issues, identifying key pollutants and methods to combat them.

The main poisoners of nature at the moment are compounds that are produced by industrial and energy facilities, electromagnetic and radioactive radiation, household waste, petroleum products and other harmful substances. Amount of pollution

A distinction is made between primary and secondary pollution: with primary pollution, harmful substances are formed directly during natural or anthropogenic processes, and with secondary pollution, harmful substances are formed in the environment from primary ones. In most cases, secondary pollutants are more toxic than primary pollutants.

Methods of influence

The mechanism of action of the pollutant can be different: some substances are irritating, changing the acidity level of the mucous membrane or irritating the nerve endings; others change the ratio of redox reactions in the body; still others replace chemical elements and compounds in cells; fourth - influence electromagnetic and mechanical oscillatory processes in the body.


Technogenic pollutants are classified into the following categories:

  1. Origin(mechanical, biological, physical, chemical, energy and material).
  2. Duration of action(medium stability, semi-resistant, unstable and stable).
  3. Influence(indirect and direct).
  4. Character(accidental, accompanying, intentional).
  5. Danger level(toxicity level).
  6. Prevalence(local, regional, global, space).


Based on their origin, the following types are distinguished:

And the most common is mechanical pollution of the environment, since every inhabitant of the planet faces this every day. The bulk of mechanical waste is plastic, which practically does not decompose, so nature, despite the presence of protective mechanisms in it, is not able to cope with mechanical waste on its own. It is also directly related to the continuous process of the widespread construction of new buildings by man. All kinds of landfills, where large quantities of solid household waste are stored, are places of environmental disasters.

Chemical as the most common

Chemical pollution regularly attacks all parts of the biosphere, as daily chemical emissions amount to tons. It affects the balance of microelements, depletes the microflora, reduces the productivity of ecosystem elements and generally disrupts its balance.

Chemical elements such as heavy metals (including cadmium, arsenic, mercury and lead) require special control, the distribution of which is facilitated by metallurgical plants, factories, industrial warehouses and enterprises whose activities are related to the search for minerals.

Pesticides, which are used to protect plants from pests and control disease vectors, play an important role in chemical pollution. Technogenic soil pollution is a type that is deliberately introduced into nature by humans. Pesticides can affect the central nervous system, provoke allergic reactions, cause cancer, and even change the genetic code.
Mutating pests, against which pesticides were originally aimed, provoke people to throw out chemicals in even greater quantities.

The release of chemicals affects not only the soil, flora and fauna. Man-made atmospheric pollution is characterized by an abundance of sulfur gas, which leads to acid rain, which infects and destroys clean water bodies and forests. The consequences of using aerosol sprays can even lead to the destruction of the planet’s ozone layer, which protects all its inhabitants from ultraviolet radiation.

Environmental situation in Russia

The environmental situation in our country is tense. Lack of funding and a general policy of laissez-faire towards a clean environment only contributes to the deterioration of the situation.

Industrial emissions reduce the frost resistance of plants, which affects agriculture. The northern regions of Russia, with their characteristic humid and cloudy climate, coupled with the presence of toxic substances in the atmosphere, threaten the extinction of plants and the formation of wastelands.

There are also a number of natural factors that also do not contribute to the cleansing of the biosphere: the soil has the property of accumulating radiation that enters it with waste and radioactive fallout after nuclear tests. Because of this, radioactive substances are included in food chains and affect living organisms.

Man-made sources of radioactive radiation are medical institutions using X-rays, building materials with high levels of radiation: granite, crushed stone, pumice and, oddly enough, household appliances that use radium, for example, watches with a light dial.

When there is a shortage of fresh water, the problem of self-purification of polluted water bodies is especially acute: when harmful substances are discharged, various suspensions and solutions appear.

Organic substances oxidize and release heat, carbon dioxide and water are formed - this is how the reservoir is cleared of organic substances, but the oxygen content in it rapidly decreases. When it is completely used up, anaerobic organisms begin to multiply, while all aerobic organisms die. In this case, self-purification stops, the decomposition of organic substances begins, and this is associated with the formation of toxic substances (ammonia, methane and hydrogen sulfide). So, the reservoir becomes “dead”.

Ways to fight

To combat global environmental pollution, it is necessary to minimize the use of toxic pesticides. Low-waste, and ideally, waste-free production will also be effective.

Establishing production will reduce the recurrence of unauthorized releases of harmful substances.

Detailed monitoring of the situation at all levels is necessary - there are emission standards that must never be exceeded.

But the most important thing: a change must occur in the consciousness of a person, who should learn to take care of everything whose purity is the guarantee of his own life.

Technogenic emissions and impacts

In the previous chapter, essentially two large categories of anthropogenic impacts were considered: a) changes in landscapes and the integrity of natural complexes and b) removal of natural resources. This chapter is devoted to technogenic pollution of the ecosphere and the human environment. Technogenic pollution of the environment is the most obvious and fast-acting negative causal relationship in the ecosphere system: “economy, production, technology, environment.” It determines a significant part of the environmental intensity of the technosphere and leads to the degradation of ecological systems, global climatic and geochemical changes, and damage to people. The main efforts of applied ecology are aimed at preventing pollution of nature and the human environment.

Rice. 6.1. Classification of man-made environmental pollution

Classification of technogenic impacts, caused by environmental pollution includes the following main categories:

1. Material and energy characteristics influences: mechanical, physical (thermal, electromagnetic, radiation, acoustic), chemical, biological factors and agents and their various combinations (Fig. 6.1). In most cases, such agents are emissions(i.e. emissions - emissions, sinks, radiation, etc.) from various technical sources.

2. Quantitative characteristics impact: strength and degree of danger (intensity of factors and effects, mass, concentration, characteristics of the “dose-effect” type, toxicity, permissibility according to environmental and sanitary standards); spatial scales, prevalence (local, regional, global).

3. Time parameters and differences in effects by the nature of the effects: short-term and long-term, persistent and unstable, direct and indirect, having pronounced or hidden trace effects, reversible and irreversible, actual and potential; threshold effects.

4. Categories of impact objects: various living recipients (i.e. capable of perceiving and reacting) - people, animals, plants; environmental components (environment of settlements and premises, natural landscapes, earth's surface, soil, water bodies, atmosphere, near-Earth space); products and structures.

Within each of these categories, a certain ranking of the environmental significance of factors, characteristics and objects is possible. In general, in terms of the nature and scale of current impacts, the most significant chemical pollution, and the biggest potential threat comes from radiation. As for the objects of influence, in the first place, of course, is the person. Recently, a particular danger has been posed not only by the growth of pollution, but also by its total impact, which often exceeds the final effect of a simple summation of the consequences.

From an environmental point of view, all products of the technosphere that are not involved in the biotic cycle are pollutants. Even those that are chemically inert, since they take up space and become the ballast of ecotopes. Industrial products also become pollutants over time, representing “deposited waste.” In a narrower sense, material pollutants - pollutants(from Latin pollutio - soiling) - consider waste and products that can have a more or less specific negative impact on the quality of the environment or directly affect recipients. Depending on which medium - air, water or earth - is polluted by certain substances, they are distinguished accordingly aeropollutants, hydropollutants and terrapollutants.

Environmental pollution refers to unintentional, although obvious, easily recognized environmental violations. They come to the fore not only because many of them are significant, but also because they are difficult to control and are fraught with unforeseen effects. Some of them, for example, man-made CO 2 emissions or thermal pollution, are fundamentally inevitable as long as fuel energy exists.

Quantifying global pollution. The scale of waste in the global anthropogenic material balance was described in the previous chapter. Let us recall that the total mass of waste of modern humanity and products of the technosphere is almost 160 Gt/year, of which about 10 Gt form a mass of products, i.e. "delayed departure".

Thus, On average, one inhabitant of the planet accounts for about 26 tons of all anthropogenic emissions per year. 150 Gt of waste is distributed approximately as follows: 45 Gt (30%) are emitted into the atmosphere, 15 Gt (10%) are discharged into water bodies, 90 Gt (60%) end up on the surface of the earth.

These emission volumes are so large that even small concentrations of toxic impurities in them can add up to a huge amount. According to various expert estimates, the total mass of technogenic pollutants classified into different hazard classes ranges from 1J5 to 1/8 Gt per year. those. approximately 250-300 kg for every inhabitant of the Earth. This is it minimum score global chemical pollution.

Chemicalization of the technosphere has now reached such a scale that significantly affects the geochemical appearance of the entire ecosphere. The total mass of produced products and chemically active waste from the entire chemical industry of the world (together with associated production) exceeded 1.5 Gt/year. Almost all of this amount can be attributed to pollutants. But it’s not just the total mass, but also the number, variety and toxicity of the many substances produced. The world chemical nomenclature includes more than 10 7 chemical compounds; Every year their number increases by several thousand. More than 100 thousand substances are produced in noticeable quantities and offered on the market; about 5 thousand substances are produced on a mass scale. However, the vast majority of substances produced and used are not assessed in terms of their toxicity and environmental hazard.

Sources of technogenic emissions are divided into organized and unorganized, stationary and mobile. Organized sources are equipped with special devices for directional emission removal (pipes, ventilation shafts, discharge channels and gutters, etc.);

emissions from unorganized sources are arbitrary. Sources also differ in geometric characteristics (point, linear, area) and in operating mode - continuous, periodic, burst.

Processes and technologies. The sources of the predominant part of chemical and thermal pollution are thermochemical processes in energy - fuel combustion and associated thermal and chemical processes and leaks. The main reactions that determine the emission of carbon dioxide, water vapor and heat (Q):

Coal: C + O 2 ¾® CO 2 and

Hydrocarbons: C n H m + (n + 0.25m) O 2 ¾® nCO 2 + (0.5m) H 2 O,

where Q = 102.2 (n + 0.25m) + 44.4 (0.5 m) kJ/mol.

Associated reactions that determine the emission of other pollutants are associated with the content of various impurities in the fuel, with the thermal oxidation of air nitrogen and with secondary reactions already occurring in the environment. All these reactions accompany the operation of thermal stations, industrial furnaces, internal combustion engines, gas turbine and jet engines, metallurgy processes, and roasting of mineral raw materials. The greatest contribution to energy-dependent environmental pollution is made by thermal power engineering and transport.

Rice. 6.2. Impact of thermal power plant on the environment

1 - boiler; 2 - pipe; 3 - steam pipe; 4 - electric generator;

5 - electrical substation; 6 - capacitor; 7 - water intake for cooling the condenser; 8 - water supply to the boiler; 9 - power transmission line;

10 - electricity consumers; 11 - pond

The general picture of the impact of a thermal power plant (TPP) on the environment is shown in Fig. 6.2. When fuel is burned, its entire mass turns into solid, liquid and gaseous waste. Data on emissions of the main air pollutants during the operation of thermal power plants are given in table. 6.1.

Table 6.1

Specific emissions into the atmosphere during the operation of thermal power plants with a capacity of 1000 MW on different types of fuel, g/kW * hour

The range of values ​​depends on the quality of the fuel and the type of combustion units. A 1000 MW coal-fired power plant, subject to the neutralization of 80% of sulfur dioxide, annually emits into the atmosphere 36 billion m3 of waste gases, 5000 tons of SO2, 10000 tons of NO x 3000 tons of dust and smoke particles, 100 million m3 of steam, 360 thousand. tons of ash and 5 million m 3 of wastewater containing impurities from 0.2 to 2 g/l. On average, about 150 kg of pollutants are emitted per 1 ton of standard fuel in the fuel-based thermal power industry. In total, stationary heat and power sources around the world emit about 700 million tons of pollutants of various hazard classes per year, including about 400 million tons of air pollutants.

Number internal combustion engines(ICE) in the world exceeded 1 billion. About 670 million of them are car engines. The remaining amount relates to other types of transport, agricultural machinery, military equipment, small motor vehicles and stationary internal combustion engines. More than 80% of the vehicle fleet is made up of passenger cars. Of the 3.3 billion tons of oil currently produced in the world, almost 1.5 billion tons (45%) are used by all types of transport, including 1.2 billion tons by passenger cars.

Let's consider the metabolism of an “average” passenger car with a carburetor engine with a fuel consumption in mixed driving mode of 8 liters (6 kg) per 100 km. With optimal engine operation, combustion of 1 kg of gasoline is accompanied by the consumption of 13.5 kg of air and the emission of 14.5 kg of waste substances. Their composition is reflected in table. 6.2. The corresponding emissions from a diesel engine are slightly lower. In general, up to 200 individual substances are recorded in the exhaust of a modern car. The total mass of pollutants - on average about 270 g per 1 kg of burned gasoline - gives, in terms of the entire volume of fuel consumed by passenger cars in the world, about 340 million tons. A similar calculation for all road transport (plus trucks, buses) will increase this figure by at least up to 400 million tons. It should also be borne in mind that in actual practice of operating vehicles, spills and leaks of fuel and oils, the formation of metal, rubber and asphalt dust, and harmful aerosols are very significant.

Table 6.2

Composition of vehicle exhaust gases, % by volume

Metallurgical processes are based on the recovery of metals from ores, where they are contained mainly in the form of oxides or sulfides, using thermal and electrolytic reactions. The most typical summary (simplified) reactions:

(iron) Fe 2 O 3 + 3C + O 2 . ¾®2Fe + CO + 2CO 2 ;

(copper) Cu 2 S + O 2 ¾® 2Cu + SO 2 ;

(aluminum, electrolysis) Al 2 O 3 + 2O ¾® 2A1 + CO + CO 2.

Technological chain in ferrous metallurgy includes the production of pellets and agglomerates, coke, blast furnace, steelmaking, rolling, ferroalloy, foundry and other auxiliary technologies. All metallurgical processes are accompanied by intense environmental pollution (Table 6.3). In coke production, aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, ammonia, cyanides and a number of other substances are additionally released. Ferrous metallurgy consumes large amounts of water. Although industrial needs are 80 - 90% satisfied through recycling water supply systems, the intake of fresh water and the discharge of contaminated wastewater reaches very large volumes, respectively, about 25 - 30 m 3 and 10 - 15 m 3 per 1 ton of full cycle products. Significant amounts of suspended substances, sulfates, chlorides, and heavy metal compounds enter water bodies with wastewater.

Table 6.3

Gas emissions (before purification) of the main stages of ferrous metallurgy (without coke production), in kg/t of the corresponding product

* kg/m metal surface

Non-ferrous metallurgy, Despite the relatively smaller material flows of production, it is not inferior to ferrous metallurgy in terms of total toxicity of emissions. In addition to a large amount of solid and liquid waste containing such dangerous pollutants as lead, mercury, vanadium, copper, chromium, cadmium, thallium, etc., many air pollutants are also released. During metallurgical processing of sulfide ores and concentrates, a large mass of sulfur dioxide is formed. Thus, about 95% of all harmful gas emissions from the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant account for SO 2, and the degree of its utilization does not exceed 8%.

Technologies of the chemical industry with all its branches (basic inorganic chemistry, petrochemical chemistry, forest chemistry, organic synthesis, pharmacological chemistry, microbiological industry, etc.) contain many essentially open material cycles. The main sources of harmful emissions are the production processes of inorganic acids and alkalis, synthetic rubber, mineral fertilizers, pesticides, plastics, dyes, solvents, detergents, and oil cracking. The list of solid, liquid and gaseous waste from the chemical industry is huge both in terms of the mass of pollutants and their toxicity. In the chemical complex of the Russian Federation, more than 10 million tons of hazardous industrial waste are generated annually.

Various technologies in manufacturing industries, primarily in mechanical engineering, include a large number of different thermal, chemical and mechanical processes (foundry, forging, machining, welding and cutting of metals, assembly, galvanic, paint and varnish processing, etc.). They produce a large volume of harmful emissions that pollute the environment. A significant contribution to overall environmental pollution is also made by various processes accompanying the extraction and enrichment of mineral raw materials and construction. The contribution of various industrial sectors to environmental pollution is shown in Fig. 6.3.

Agriculture and the everyday life of people with their own waste - residues and waste products of plants, animals and humans - are essentially not sources of environmental pollution, since these products can be included in the biotic cycle. But, firstly, modern agricultural technologies and municipal services are characterized by concentrated discharge of most waste, which leads to significant local excesses of permissible concentrations of organic matter and phenomena such as eutrophication and contamination of water bodies. Secondly, and even more seriously, agriculture and people’s everyday life are intermediaries and participants in the dispersal and distribution of a significant part of industrial pollution in the form of distributed emission flows, residues of petroleum products, fertilizers, pesticides and various used products, garbage - from toilet paper to abandoned farms and cities.

Between all environments there is a constant exchange of part of the pollutants: a heavy part of aerosols, gas, smoke and dust impurities from the atmosphere falls onto the earth's surface and into water bodies, part of the solid waste from the surface of the earth is washed into water bodies or dispersed by air currents. Environmental pollution affects humans directly or through a biological link (Fig. 6.4). In technogenic flows of pollutants, the key place is occupied by transporting media - air and water.

Rice. 6.3. Relative contribution of industrial sectors of the Russian Federation to environmental pollution, % (1996)

A - emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere;

B - discharges of contaminated wastewater

Rice. 6.4. Scheme of the effects of environmental pollution

Air pollution

Composition, quantity and danger of air pollutants. Of the 52 Gt of global anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere, more than 90% comes from carbon dioxide and water vapor, which are not usually classified as pollutants (the special role of CO 2 emissions is discussed below). Technogenic emissions into the air include tens of thousands of individual substances. However, the most common, “high-tonnage” pollutants are relatively few in number. These are various solid particles (dust, smoke, soot), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO 2), nitrogen oxides (NO and NO 2), various volatile hydrocarbons (CH x), phosphorus compounds, hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S ), ammonia (NH 3), chlorine (C1), hydrogen fluoride (HF). The quantities of the first five groups of substances from this list, measured in tens of millions of tons and emitted into the air around the world and Russia, are presented in Table. 6.4. Together with other substances not listed in the table, the total mass of emissions from all organized sources, the emissions of which can be measured, is about 800 million tons. These amounts do not include air pollution from wind erosion, forest fires and volcanic eruptions. This also does not include that part of the harmful substances that are captured using various means of cleaning exhaust gases.

The greatest air pollution is confined to industrial regions. About 90% of emissions come from 10% of the land area and are concentrated mainly in North America, Europe and East Asia. The air basin of large industrial cities is especially heavily polluted, where man-made flows of heat and air pollutants, especially under unfavorable weather conditions (high atmospheric pressure and thermal inversions), often create dust domes and phenomena syllable - toxic mixtures of fog, smoke, hydrocarbons and harmful oxides. Such situations are accompanied by strong excesses of the maximum permissible concentrations of many air pollutants.

Table 6.4

Air emissions of the five main pollutants in the world and in Russia (million tons)

According to state accounting data, the total emissions of pollutants on the territory of the Russian Federation for 1991-1996. decreased by 36.3%, which is a consequence of a drop in production. But the rate of decline in emissions is less than the rate of decline in production, and per unit of GNP, emissions into the atmosphere remain at the same level.

More than 200 Russian cities, with a population of 65 million people, experience constant excesses of the maximum permissible concentrations of toxic substances. Residents of 70 cities systematically encounter MPC exceedances of 10 times or more. Among them are cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Khabarovsk. In the listed cities, the main contribution to the total volume of emissions of harmful substances comes from motor transport, for example, in Moscow it is 88%, in St. Petersburg - 71%. The Ural economic region is the leader in terms of gross emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Along with this, Russia as a whole is not the main supplier of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, since the flow of air pollutants per capita and per unit area of ​​the country is significantly lower than in the United States and Western European countries. But they are noticeably higher per unit of GNP. This indicates high resource intensity of production, outdated technologies and insufficient use of emission treatment means. Of the 25 thousand Russian enterprises that pollute the atmosphere, only 38% are equipped with dust and gas treatment plants, of which 20% do not work or work ineffectively. This is one of the reasons for the increased emissions of some small but toxic pollutants - hydrocarbons and heavy metals.

Russia occupies an unfavorable geographical position in relation to the transboundary transport of aeropollutants. Due to the predominance of westerly winds, a significant share of air pollution in the European territory of Russia (ER) comes from aerogenic transport from the countries of Western and Central Europe and neighboring countries. About 50% of foreign sulfur compounds and nitrogen oxides are supplied to the EPR by Ukraine, Poland, Germany and other European countries.

For integral assessment of the state of the air basin The index of total air pollution is used:


where q i is the annual average concentration of i-ro substance in the air;

A i is the hazard coefficient i-ro of a substance, the inverse of the maximum permissible concentration of this substance: A i = 1/maximum concentration i;

C i is a coefficient depending on the hazard class of the substance: C i is 1.5; 1.3; 1.0 and 0.85, respectively, for hazard classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 (brief information about the maximum permissible concentrations and hazard classes of the main air pollutants is given in Appendix PZ).

I m is a simplified indicator and is usually calculated for t = 5 - the most significant concentrations of substances that determine total air pollution. The most common substances in this top five are benzopyrene, formaldehyde, phenol, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, carbon disulfide, and dust. The I m index varies from fractions of one to 15-20 - extremely dangerous levels of pollution. In 1996, the list of cities with the highest levels of air pollution (I m > 14) included 44 Russian cities.

The earth's atmosphere has the ability to self-purify itself from pollutants, thanks to the physicochemical and biological processes occurring in it. However, the power of technogenic sources of pollution has increased so much that in the lower layer of the troposphere, along with a local increase in the concentration of some gases and aerosols, global changes are occurring. Man invades the cycle of substances balanced by biota, sharply increasing the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, but not ensuring their removal. The concentration of a number of anthropogenic substances in the atmosphere (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides, etc.) is growing rapidly. This indicates that The assimilation potential of the biota is close to exhaustion.

Technogenic oxides of sulfur and nitrogen in the atmosphere. Acid precipitation. According to a number of indicators, primarily in terms of the mass and prevalence of harmful effects, the number one atmospheric pollutant is considered sulfur dioxide. It is formed by the oxidation of sulfur contained in fuel or in sulfide ores. Due to the increase in the power of high-temperature processes, the conversion of many thermal power plants to gas and the growth of the car fleet, emissions are increasing nitrogen oxides, formed during the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen. The entry into the atmosphere of large quantities of SO 2 and nitrogen oxides leads to a noticeable decrease in the pH of atmospheric precipitation. This occurs due to secondary reactions in the atmosphere, leading to the formation of strong acids - sulfuric and nitric. These reactions involve oxygen and water vapor, as well as technogenic dust particles as catalysts:

2SO 2 + O 2 + 2H 2 O ¾® 2H 2 SO 4 ;

4NO 2 + 2H 2 O + O 2 ¾®4HNO 3.

A number of intermediate products of these reactions also appear in the atmosphere. The dissolution of acids in atmospheric moisture leads to precipitation "acid rain". The pH of precipitation in some cases decreases by 2 - 2.5 units, i.e. instead of the normal 5.6 - 5.7 to 3.2 - 3.7. It should be recalled that pH is the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions, and therefore water with pH = 3.7 is a hundred times more “acidic” than water with pH = 5.7. In industrial areas and in areas of atmospheric transport of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, the pH of rainwater ranges from 3 to 5. Acid precipitation is especially dangerous in areas with acidic soils and low buffering capacity of natural waters. In America and Eurasia, these are vast territories north of 55° N latitude. Technogenic acid, in addition to its direct negative effect on plants, animals and microflora, increases the mobility and leaching of soil cations, displaces carbon dioxide from soil carbonates and organic matter, and acidifies the water of rivers and lakes. This leads to unfavorable changes in aquatic ecosystems. The natural complexes of Southern Canada and Northern Europe have long felt the effects of acidic precipitation.

Over large areas, coniferous forests are degrading and the fauna of water bodies is becoming poorer. In the 70s, salmon and trout began to die in the rivers and lakes of Scotland and Scandinavia. Similar phenomena are occurring in Russia, especially in the North-West, in the Urals and in the Norilsk region, where vast areas of taiga and forest-tundra have become almost lifeless due to sulfur emissions from the Norilsk plant.

Destruction of the ozone layer. In the 1970s, reports emerged of regional declines in stratospheric ozone. The seasonally pulsating ozone hole over Antarctica with an area of ​​more than 10 million km 2, where the O 2 content decreased by almost 50% during the 1980s. Later, “wandering ozone holes,” although smaller in size and not with such a significant decrease, began to be observed in winter in the Northern Hemisphere, in zones of persistent anticyclones - over Greenland, Northern Canada and Yakutia. The average rate of global decline for the period from 1980 to 1995 is estimated at 0.5-0.7% per year.

Since the weakening of the ozone shield is extremely dangerous for all terrestrial biota and for human health, these data attracted the close attention of scientists and then of the entire society. A number of hypotheses have been put forward about the causes of ozone depletion. Most experts are inclined to believe that technogenic origin ozone holes. The most substantiated idea is that the main reason is the entry into the upper layers of the atmosphere of technogenic chlorine and fluorine, as well as other atoms and radicals that can extremely actively add atomic oxygen, thereby competing with the reaction

O + O 2 ¾® O 3 .

Rice. 6.5. World production of chlorofluorocarbons

The introduction of active halogens into the upper atmosphere is mediated by volatile chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) such as freons (mixed fluorochlorides of methane and ethane, for example, freon-12 - dichlorodifluoromethane, CF 2 CI 2), which, being inert and non-toxic under normal conditions, disintegrate under the influence of short-wave ultraviolet rays in the stratosphere. Having broken free, each chlorine atom is capable of destroying or preventing the formation of many ozone molecules. Chlorofluorocarbons have a number of useful properties that have led to their widespread use in refrigeration units, air conditioners, aerosol cans, fire extinguishers, etc. Since 1950, world production

Rice. 6.6. Global Warming Data:

A - deviations from the average surface air temperature in the 20th century and forecast,

B - global trend in average temperature in the second half of the century

CFCs increased annually by 7 - 10% (Fig. 6.5) and in the 80s amounted to about 1 million tons. Subsequently, international agreements were adopted obliging participating countries to reduce the use of CFCs. The United States introduced a ban on the use of CFC aerosols back in 1978. But the expansion of other uses of CFCs has again led to an increase in global production. The transition of industry to new ozone-saving technologies is associated with large financial costs. In recent decades, other, purely technical ways of introducing active ozone destroyers into the stratosphere have emerged: nuclear explosions in the atmosphere, emissions from supersonic aircraft, launches of reusable rockets and spacecraft. It is possible, however, that part of the observed weakening of the Earth's ozone screen is associated not with man-made emissions, but with secular fluctuations in the aerochemical properties of the atmosphere and independent climate changes.

Greenhouse effect and climate change. Technogenic air pollution is to a certain extent related to climate change. We are talking not only about the quite obvious dependence of the mesoclimate of industrial centers and their surroundings on thermal, dust and chemical air pollution, but also about the global climate.

Since the end of the 19th century. to date, there has been a tendency for the average temperature of the atmosphere to increase (Fig. 6.6); over the past 50 years it has increased by approximately 0.7°C. This is by no means small, considering that the gross increase in the internal energy of the atmosphere is very large - about 3000 EJ. It is not associated with an increase in the solar constant and depends only on the properties of the atmosphere itself. The main factor is a decrease in the spectral transparency of the atmosphere for long-wave back radiation from the earth's surface, i.e. gain greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is created by an increase in the concentration of a number of gases - CO 2, CO, CH 4, NO x, CFCs, etc., called greenhouse gases. According to data compiled recently by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there is a fairly high positive correlation between the concentration of greenhouse gases and deviations in global atmospheric temperature. Currently, a significant part of greenhouse gas emissions is of technogenic origin. The dynamics of their average concentrations over the past 200 years is shown in Fig. 6.7.

Trends global warming is given very great importance. The question of whether it will happen or not is no longer worth it. According to experts from the World Meteorological Service, at the current level of greenhouse gas emissions, the average global temperature in the next century will increase at a rate of 0.25 ° C per 10 years. Its growth by the end of the 21st century, according to different scenarios (depending on the adoption of certain measures) can range from 1.5 to 4°C. In northern and middle latitudes, warming will have a stronger impact than at the equator. It would seem that such an increase in temperature should not cause much concern. Moreover, possible warming in countries with cold climates, such as Russia, seems almost desirable. In fact, the consequences of climate change can be catastrophic. Global warming will cause a significant redistribution of precipitation on the planet. The level of the World Ocean due to melting ice may rise by 30 - 40 cm by 2050, and by the end of the century - from 60 to 100 cm. This will create a threat of flooding of large coastal areas.

Rice. 6.7. Changes in greenhouse gas concentrations from the beginning of the industrial revolution to the present

CFC-11 - freons, chlorofluorocarbons

For the territory of Russia, the general trend of climate change is characterized by slight warming, the average annual air temperature from 1891 to 1994. increased by 0.56°C. During the period of instrumental observations, the warmest years were the last 15 years, and the warmest year was 1999. In the last three decades, a tendency towards a decrease in precipitation has also been noticeable. One of the alarming consequences of climate change for Russia may be the destruction of frozen soils. An increase in temperature in the permafrost zone by 2-3° will lead to a change in the load-bearing properties of soils, which will jeopardize various structures and communications. In addition, the reserves of CO 2 and methane contained in permafrost from thawed soils will begin to enter the atmosphere, exacerbating the greenhouse effect.

Along with such forecasts, there are also certain doubts about the entirely technogenic cause of climate change. They are based, in part, on the fact that changes in global temperature during the industrial era are still within the range of natural secular temperature fluctuations in the past, while greenhouse gas emissions have far exceeded natural changes.

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