Theme of class hours in 3. Open class hour

Goals and objectives

— introduce children to the history of the ballpoint pen;

- cultivate a caring attitude towards things;

- develop attention, logical and creative thinking, imagination, fantasy, memory.


The teacher has a table “Find a pattern”, a printout of the task with proverbs (for each pair); Students have a notebook, pen, and colored pencils.

Progress of the class hour

Introduction to the topic

Teacher. Today we will talk about an object that is in every home; it is our faithful assistant.

We take the rod with the ball

And we put it in the case -

The little thing is ready to write.

Teacher's word. “From the history of the ballpoint pen”

Teacher. You probably know that before the advent of the ballpoint pen, people wrote (and some still write) with fountain pens. Even when this innovation, the ballpoint pen, appeared, first graders in our schools were not allowed to use them. It was believed that they spoil handwriting. So the poor children suffered, dipping their pen into ink:

“Yes, it’s mo-lo-ko.”

The feather clings to "ko"

And the blot is black, like a beetle,

It suddenly slides off the end of the pen.

S. Mikhalkov

And yet, despite everything, the ballpoint pen has firmly entered our lives. It first appeared in our country in the 60s of the 20th century and has served us faithfully for about half a century. And the very first ballpoint pen appeared even earlier - in 1938. The name of its inventor is .... Decipher it yourself. (Write on the board.)

Answer. Laszlo Biro.

Teacher. The Hungarian journalist Biro, due to his profession, often visited printing houses, where he once noticed the almost instantaneous drying of a newspaper after it was printed. This gave him the idea that it was possible to create a pen that would use a similar - thick - coloring composition. His brother, a chemist by training, came to the journalist’s aid. The new invention used a rotating ball, which provided a continuous supply of coloring paste. Thus the ballpoint pen was born. Its mass production for military pilots began in 1943. Why specifically for pilots? Because, unlike ink, it did not “flow” at altitude, since it was not affected by atmospheric pressure, and was trouble-free when recording observations in the cockpit. After the Second World War, such pens became very fashionable. And the US military department decided to supply all its pilots with Biro pens.

By the way, decipher how this invention began to be called differently - the Biro pen. (Write on the board).

Teacher. Americans became seriously interested in ballpoint pens. Laszlo Biro sold them his rights to it, and soon, thanks to American acumen, the whole world switched to ballpoint pens, considering them a purely American invention.

The most popular people who write are schoolchildren and students. It is estimated that on average one schoolchild needs 3 ballpoint pens and 12 spare refills per year. And the student has 2 pens and 24 rods.

Nowadays there is a huge variety of ballpoint pens. Most of them are plastic, they are the cheapest, and you don’t mind throwing them away if they break. And yet you need to treat things with care, as if you were your friends. After all, a fountain pen, as a rule, serves us long and faithfully, but the length of its life largely depends on us, on our attitude towards it. Remember this!

What else are pens made from? (Children's answers.)

Creative tasks

1. Now I suggest you draw a ballpoint pen, but not the one we usually write with every day, but a gift option - either unusually beautiful or incredibly practical, for example, with an electronic watch, an alarm clock or a micro-calculator, etc.

Children draw and color. Exchange of impressions.

Who would you like to give this pen to? Why this person? (Children's response.)

2. Now look with fresh eyes at the pen with which you are now writing, at this tireless worker who has been working every day for perhaps several months, and maybe even years. What do you think she might be dreaming about? (Children's answers.)

3. Let's dream up. Game "What would happen if...":

♦ did the pen refuse to write “bad” words?

♦ has the pen learned to dance?

♦ could the pen sing?

♦ did the pen itself correct errors?

♦ was the pen filled not with ink, but with blueberry jam?

♦ was the handle made of caramel?

4. Find a pattern in the arrangement of the handles.

5. Ballpoint pens have saved us from a lot of blots and ink stains that occur when using a pen.

Let's imagine what shape ink spots and blots can be and what they resemble. To start, I'll show you a few samples. Here, for example. (Drawing on the board.)

Students answer that these blots remind them.

Teacher. Let's play: those who wish will come to the board, “make a blot,” and the rest will say what they look like. (The game is played for 2-3 minutes.)

6. People have many proverbs about writing and the means of writing. Here are some of them. You will read them, connecting the beginning and the end in meaning.

Students receive printouts of the assignment. Work in pairs. Checking, after which the children hand over to the teacher the assignment completed on printouts.

It’s not a pen that writes, but the meaning is direct.

The pen writes, it cannot be cut out with an axe.

The letters are crooked, but the mind leads.

What is written with a pen and hand

Answer. It is not the pen that writes, but the hand. The pen writes, but the mind leads. The letters are crooked, but the meaning is straight. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

Teacher. Explain the meaning of these proverbs. (Children's answers.)

7. The next task is to come up with as many sentences as possible with three words:


When composing sentences, you can change endings, add other words, and change words in places.

Examples. The pen fell on a cat playing with an orange. The cat left her autograph on the orange with a pen. The cat played alternately with a pen and an orange.

Summing up

Teacher. Let's check how attentive you were during the lesson. Answer, is it true:

Has the ballpoint pen replaced the fountain pen? (Yes)

Was the ballpoint pen invented by Americans? (No)

The rod won't write without the ball? (Yes)

Is a plastic handle cheaper than a metal one? (Yes)

Laszlo Biro invented the ballpoint pen? (Yes)

The date of invention of the ballpoint pen was 1943? (No)

Were pilots the first to use ballpoint pens? (Yes)

At altitude (for example, on an airplane) does a ballpoint pen “not flow” like an ink pen? (Yes)

People have been using ballpoint pens for about five centuries? (No)

Do pensioners use ballpoint pens more actively than others? (No)

Teacher. In conclusion, remember and write down in your notebooks the 4 proverbs you worked with today.

Independent work. Examination.


1. Teach to observe hygiene standards.

2. Develop creativity.

Equipment: handkerchiefs; paints; tassels; iron; fruits; needles; threads

Progress of the class hour

Teacher. Guys, look what's in your pockets. If it's not a secret, then show it to everyone.

(Children lay out the contents of their pockets on the table.)

I am very glad that almost each of you found a place in your pocket for a handkerchief. After all, this is a very important and necessary thing.

The handkerchief has a long history, but in the old days it was not at all the handkerchief that we carry in our pocket. The ancient Romans used handkerchiefs to wipe away sweat. But blowing your nose in front of strangers was not accepted and was considered bad manners. In the 3rd century AD they used a handkerchief to wipe their mouth at the table. In Byzantium, the scarf was a symbol of honor and nobility; in the Renaissance, it was part of the bride's dowry. Ladies often held ornate scarves in their hands to attract the attention of gentlemen. Such scarves were very expensive and cost a fortune. At the French court in the 16th century, a handkerchief for wiping tears, as well as a handkerchief for blowing one’s nose, appeared. The scarves were decorated with lace and embroidery and were very suffocating, because instead of washing hands, it was customary to wipe the fingertips with a damp scarf. When the fashion for snuff appeared, ugly stains began to remain on scarves and decorative scarves disappeared from use. They were replaced by a very ordinary scarf, similar to the one we use today. Already in the 18th century, the handkerchief became a mass product.

Currently, a handkerchief is used for hygienic purposes. You should understand the meaning of the handkerchief when you bring it to your mouth or nose. However, not everyone knows how to use this simple item correctly.

The scarf should be large enough. It must be folded in at least four layers and covered your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. After use, the handkerchief should be folded so that the surface contaminated by coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose is inside.

In addition to cloth handkerchiefs, there are paper handkerchiefs on sale. The paper handkerchief is intended for one-time use. It is thrown away immediately after consumption. An ordinary cloth handkerchief must be changed every day, and if you have a runny nose or cough, several times a day.

On the bus, in the store, at school, every now and then someone coughs or sneezes. And often, as they say, into space, not paying attention to others. This is how the disease is transmitted from one to another. So, a handkerchief can protect others from spreading the disease.

Guys, tell me what the owner of this scarf can be called. (Takes out a crumpled dirty handkerchief. Children answer.)

That's right, slob. A handkerchief can tell about the personal qualities of its owner.

A scarf can also become an object of play or entertainment. I suggest you play.

Games with a scarf


Everyone present plays. Players stand in a circle, pressing shoulder to shoulder tightly. The driver stands in the center. Music is playing.

1. Players quietly pass a handkerchief behind their backs.

2. The driver’s task is to guess who has the scarf by pointing to one of the players.

3. He raises both hands up, showing empty hands.

4. When a handkerchief is discovered, the “caught” takes the place of the driver.

"Drop the handkerchief"

One of the players leads, the rest stand in a circle. The leader takes a small scarf in his hands and begins to slowly walk around the circle from the outside (the children stand with their backs to him). The children say:

Miracles, miracles - this basket is green.

I wrote a letter to my dear friend,

I dropped it on the way and now I'm looking for it.

Miracles, miracles - that yellow basket.

And the kid picked up the letter and put it in his pocket.

When these words are heard, the presenter drops the handkerchief behind a player and immediately begins to run away. The one near whom the handkerchief fell quickly picks it up and runs after the leader, trying to hit him with the handkerchief.

If the leader is insulted, he leads the second horse. If he managed to run around the circle and take an empty place, the player with a scarf in his hands becomes the leader.


Many mothers embroider their child's initials on their scarf to help identify the scarf. In this game, participants are given scarves, needles and threads. The task is to embroider your initials as quickly and clearly as possible.


The teacher has prepared various fruits. He places one of them in the center of the scarf and ties it so that the fruit is not visible. By smell or touch, participants must determine what kind of fruit is in the handkerchief bag.

Teacher. Now I suggest you come up with and hold some kind of competition or game yourself.

(Students play their games.)

A scarf can also act as a gift, especially if you paint it with your own hands.

(Children are given simple white handkerchiefs, paints and felt-tip pens. The task is to draw something original on the handkerchief. This task can be done in teams or individually. When the handkerchief is ready, you need to put it between two damp rags and iron it with a warm iron. Thus the paint will be fixed.)

The presentation of the gift itself can be done in an unusual way. For example, giving a gift to your grandmother.

Handkerchief with a knot

Monday is a hard day

You have a lot to worry about.

Place a handkerchief on your forehead

Worker, wipe your sweat.

On Tuesday, the grandson jumped through the puddle!

This is where a scarf is needed.

Wipe your dear face,

You say: “Let me kiss you!”

On the third handkerchief

Knots as a keepsake.

Buy something on Wednesday

The scarf will not let you forget.

Watch a movie on Thursday

Yes, wipe away tears with a handkerchief,

At least a Brazilian series

He finished everyone off.

This scarf goes with your suit on Friday,

An empty corner sticks out of my pocket.

It goes very well with a white blouse,

No one takes their eyes off his owner.

If you yawn tiredly on Saturday

(There is so much housework!)

You cover your mouth with a sixth handkerchief,

And don’t let your yawn bother anyone.

And on Sunday dance with friends,

Waving a handkerchief to the sounds of “Kalinka”.

Remember, a scarf is a very necessary thing,

Applying it is a big science!

I hope that from tomorrow each of you will have a handkerchief with you.

Theme of class hours

3rd grade

Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren

  1. Class hour No. 1. Topic: " A holiday for everyone"(competitive game program for the Day of Knowledge)
  1. introduce students to the world of knowledge, briefly introduce them to future educational activities;
  2. develop the intellectual abilities of younger schoolchildren, instill an interest in acquiring knowledge
  1. Class hour No. 2. Theme: "Planet of Friends" (role-playing game)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. determine the principles (rules) of life in the class team and the team in general;
  2. develop students’ communication capabilities, skills of proper communication in society
  1. Class hour No. 3. Topic: “Study and work will grind everything down”(oral journal)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. cultivate a love of work, respect for books, nature, and the people around you;
  2. develop students’ spiritual and moral qualities and civic position;

Developing Healthy Habits

  1. Class hour No. 4. Topic: “A clean room is the key to health”

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. instill healthy lifestyle skills;
  2. introduce the basic rules for maintaining cleanliness in the classroom and living room;
  3. introduce the duties of the duty officer, teach how to draw up a duty schedule;
  4. to form the belief that a clean room in which people are located is the key to health.
  1. Class hour No. 5. Topic: “Be able to say:" No! » » (workshop conversation with training elements)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. cultivate the need for a healthy lifestyle;
  2. introduce the concepts of “support” and “self-support”, help students develop the skills to support others when they make mistakes, and to support themselves;
  3. introduce students to the rules of giving up bad habits.
  1. Class hour No. 6. Topic: “Composition of tobacco smoke and its effects on the human body”(conversation)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. introduce students to the chemical composition of tobacco smoke, show its toxicity and the effect of nicotine on the human body;
  2. introduce students to the self-cleaning system of the respiratory tract of the human body.
  1. Class hour No. 7. Topic: “Passive smoking”(conversation - correspondence instruction for smoking parents)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. bring students to the conclusion that smoking is not a personal matter of the smoker, that it has a detrimental effect on the health of others, worsens the environmental situation, and leads to production losses;
  2. introduce students to the legislation of different countries restricting smoking in public places;
  3. draw parents' attention to the dangers of smoking for people around the smoker.

Environmental education of schoolchildren

  1. Class hour No. 8. Theme: “Travel through the natural areas of our Motherland”(in the form of KVN)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. test students’ natural history knowledge, develop their intelligence, memory, logical thinking, skills;
  2. develop the emotional, moral, practical and active attitude of children to the environment.
  1. Class hour No. 9. Topic: “We know the world around us”(in the form of KVN)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. generalize children’s knowledge about minerals, the water cycle in nature, and develop the ability to navigate the terrain;
  2. to cultivate a sense of responsibility for all living things that surround us.
  1. Class hour No. 10. Topic: “Journey through the solar system”(conversation - correspondence space travel)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. introduce the planets of the solar system;
  2. to develop figurative and abstract thinking in younger schoolchildren, to create positive motivation for learning and interest in astronomy.
  1. Class hour No. 11. Topic: “A miracle is near you”(conversation - dialogue)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. develop cognitive interest in nature, a sense of surprise and admiration, teach to see the unusual in the familiar;
  2. to cultivate a love for the environment and the need to maintain ecological balance in nature.

Ethical education of schoolchildren

  1. Class hour No. 12. Topic: "Manners of behavior"(conversation-dialogue)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. introduce children to the behavior patterns of a cultured, well-mannered person;
  2. instill ethical standards of behavior in society.
  1. Class hour No. 13. Topic: “Let's talk about politeness”(conversation - dialogue)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge about politeness, teach children to use various verbal forms of politeness;
  2. instill in children ethical standards of behavior.
  1. Class hour No. 14. Topic: “I can be a wizard”(conversation - dialogue with game situations)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. help children understand themselves and learn to better understand other people;
  2. to educate students in ethical standards of behavior in society and communication with each other.
  1. Class hour No. 15. Topic: “About conscientious attitude to work”(conversation - reflection)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to instill in children the need for learning and a conscientious attitude towards it;
  2. instill confidence in the need for knowledge in modern society.
  1. Class hour No. 16. Topic: “About caring attitude towards people”(conversation - reflection)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to cultivate the most valuable human qualities: kindness, responsiveness, modesty;
  2. instill in children ethical personality traits and norms of behavior in society.
  1. Class hour No. 17. Topic: “Be able to defend your opinion if you are confident in its validity”(conversation-reflection)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. bring students to the idea that they need to fight for justice, truth, and goodness, that they need to defend the right opinion even if they find themselves in the minority.
  1. Class hour No. 18. Topic: “Be intolerant of rudeness and callousness, do not be indifferent”(conversation-dialogue)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. to cultivate an active life position, unity of word and deed;
  2. instill in students ethical standards of behavior in society.

Nurturing students' information culture

  1. Class hour No. 19. Topic: “The Red Book - the book of memory of the Motherland”(thematic information and educational hour)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. familiarize students with the history of the Red Book;
  2. show the role and significance of the Red Book for saving nature;
  1. Class hour No. 20. Topic: “Why do people need dictionaries and encyclopedias?”

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. familiarize students with the history of the appearance of dictionaries;
  2. promote the development of interest in reading the dictionary as a necessary assistant on the path to knowledge;
  3. stimulate intellectual and creative activity, develop a culture of working with the dictionary.
  1. Class hour No. 21. Topic: “One day in the life of our country. Through the pages of newspapers and magazines"(overview informational and educational hour)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. familiarize students with materials from newspapers and magazines under the heading “One day in the life of the planet”;
  2. show the role and importance of possessing information for the development of one’s intellectual abilities;
  3. contribute to the formation of information culture in schoolchildren, the ability to listen, understand and obtain information, reflect and draw conclusions.
  1. Class hour No. 22. Topic: “Names and People”

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. familiarize students with the history of the appearance of names on earth;
  2. show the role and significance of traditions and customs in determining a person’s name;
  3. contribute to the formation of information culture in schoolchildren, the ability to listen, understand and obtain information, reflect and draw conclusions.
  1. Class hour No. 23. Topic: “Theater meetings. To the International Theater Day"(thematic information and educational hour)

Goals and objectives of the class hour:

  1. introduce students to the theater encyclopedia;
  2. show the role and importance of theater in the life of every person, adult and child;
  3. contribute to the formation of information culture in schoolchildren, the ability to listen, understand and obtain information, reflect and draw conclusions.

The educational process at school designated the position of the teacher in relation to the child as a person, as an individual.

The pedagogical analytical mind reveals, behind the variety of classroom topics, a tireless search for a methodology that would maximally contribute to individual insight, self-awareness, and the formation of personal responsibility in a small schoolchild for his thoughts, actions, and deeds.

A specially prepared, professionally and interestingly conducted class hour, group or collective activity, during which each student is given the opportunity to express himself creatively, give a message, read, play a role, participate in games, testing, competitions, etc., raise schoolchildren to a higher level of communication, development, understanding of oneself and one’s purpose in the world.

An interesting activity in which children are participants has a colossal power of influence: it creates an emotional field, focuses children’s attention on the meaning of what is happening, and highlights the internal culture of students.

Class hour is a time for productive communication between the teacher and students, an opportunity for each child to express himself, realize the correctness of his actions, and realize his communicative intention in the best possible way. The proposed material will help teachers in planning and organizing thematic classroom hours, taking into account the interests and inclinations of children, in creating an environment favorable for the development, self-knowledge and self-expression of the student, building extracurricular activities based on partnerships between the class teacher and students, between students, which meets the requirements The Federal State Educational Standard allows for the formation of personal and meta-subject educational standards.

This article presents detailed developments of conversations, mini-conferences, relay races, travel games, KVN, literary and music tournaments aimed at the comprehensive education and development of primary schoolchildren.

All presented classroom developments are rich in content and will not take the teacher much time to prepare them and do not require maximum physical and mental strength. Their organization and implementation are extremely simple, and therefore require minimal preparatory work.

Despite all the diversity and diversity, the forms of conducting classroom hours described in the collection allow the teacher to become a creator, to expand the kaleidoscope of personal interesting activities and educational activities.

Intended for class teachers, after-school teachers, and additional education teachers.

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In elementary school, classroom hours are considered. The older the child gets, the more serious topics need to be discussed with him.

Class hours in the 3rd grade must correspond in their content to the age criterion of the student. At the same time, developments from previous years are not always ideal. It is worth considering that modern children are developing much more actively. It is quite possible and necessary to talk about adult topics with a 9-10 year old child.

Age characteristics of students 9-10 years old

During the first two years of studying in elementary school, children learn to act according to a pattern; they have a strict distinction between good and bad. 3rd grade - the beginning of forming your own opinion, your “I”. At this age, problems of success and personal relationships with students, parents and teachers come to the fore. A child should strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

At this age stage, children are developing new definitions and concepts; they learn to independently evaluate this or that action of an adult. In this situation, it is very important for the teacher himself to uphold his standards, so as not to go from ideal to the category of contempt. Such moments, unfortunately, are not uncommon in the lives of schoolchildren. You cannot constantly scold students publicly; you need to find positive aspects in each child and, whenever possible, praise them for their actions and successes. The educational process should be built according to the above criteria. Class hour is not only a discussion of the features of the educational process. At such events, children should discover something new for themselves. This is why it is so important to think through the topic in advance.

Goals and objectives

Of course, the main goal of the classroom as educational work is the formation of a comprehensively developed human personality. Regardless of the chosen topic, each lesson should cover the following tasks:

  • development of students’ mental and speech activity;
  • helping children develop their own “I”;
  • formation of the concept of friendliness, solidarity, sympathy and experience, mutual assistance, tolerance;
  • developing the ability to analyze current situations (introduce the concept of self-analysis);
  • development of child communication;
  • development of responsibility through the implementation of specific assignments.

How children will behave in a particular group depends only on the teacher. And it will be possible to direct the children in the right direction and solve a number of problems at the initial stage with the help of classroom hours.

Basic topics for classroom hours

The success of the lesson is largely determined by the theme of the class hours. Grade 3 allows children to develop the following topics:

  • "Friendship and relationships with peers."
  • "Me and my family."
  • "What is frugality."
  • "What to become in the future."
  • "Pedestrian and Driver"
  • "Russia is my homeland."
  • “To take care of nature is the commandment of our ancestors.”
  • "The Red Book - a necessity or a whim?"
  • "The world around us."

Based on thematic planning, a lesson summary is drawn up, which reflects the goals and objectives of the event, and also indicates the main stages of its implementation. If you think through everything in advance, the class hour will not only be useful, but also interesting for the children.

How to prepare a class hour on a given topic

Once the teacher has drawn up thematic planning, you need to decide on the method of conducting the class hour. These could be:

  • conversations;
  • intellectual games;
  • excursions;
  • open class hours.

Grade 3 allows students to be introduced to a new form of holding an event - debate. In this case, it is very important to choose the right topic. It should be quite extensive and consider many opinions. The teacher also needs to remember that a dispute should not lead to a “bazaar”, much less to fights. Therefore, when using this method, you need to be extremely careful and constantly keep the situation under control.

Once a method has been chosen, it is necessary to proceed directly to its development.

The main topic is interpersonal relationships

Being at this stage of development, the child increasingly begins to look for friends. The class is divided into subgroups and can be observed very often. In order to prevent this from happening, the class teacher needs to provide class hours in the 3rd grade devoted to the topic “Friendship.”

At such a cool event you can:

  • consider literary works devoted to this topic;
  • talk about friendship and camaraderie;
  • to understand the question of whether it is good to be single;
  • find the answer to the question of who a friend is;
  • conduct a survey on the topic “Do they want to be friends with me and why?”

These are just approximate aspects. Teachers who are interested in this event can benefit from the experience of their colleagues. Class hour (3rd grade) “Friendship” will help children find answers to many questions.

Conversation as a form of conducting a class hour

Conversation is the main method of influencing primary school students. Its presence also includes a class hour (3rd grade). Friendship is not just the relationship between children at school. It is necessary, through dialogue between the class and the teacher, to explain this concept in the broad sense of the word, to form a clear distinction between comrades and friends.

Very often, teachers, having planned a conversation with the children, conduct a lecture session. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully consider class hours (3rd grade). Developments must be described with all questions asked and expected answers. Children aged 9-10 years are still led by the teacher, and therefore sometimes an incorrectly formulated question can ruin the entire conversation and lead it in the wrong direction.

Open class hour

You can schedule an open class hour (grade 3) in advance. It is envisaged that parents will be present at events with a general focus. Topics may be the following: “Serving Russia”, “Her Majesty Mother”, “Women’s Day among friends”, etc.

This kind of class helps to strengthen the relationship between an adult and a child, allows you to reconsider your views on certain aspects of success, discover new aspects of personality, and smooth out distrustful attitudes towards each other.

Class hours in the 3rd grade must necessarily affect the child’s emotional background and contribute to the development of his interest in understanding himself and the world around him.

Mind game

In connection with the development of modern technologies, children from childhood become familiar with such intellectual games as “One against all”, “What? Where? When?”, “Clever men and women.” Classroom hours in 3rd grade in a familiar form allow students to expand the boundaries of their knowledge, skills and abilities. This age category also provides an opportunity to try yourself as a presenter.

In this case, the teacher, together with the students, is involved in the development and preparation of a class event. It is mandatory for the newly-minted presenter to have a script, since the children are just beginning to express themselves. Sometimes excessive excitement or the desire for perfection can provoke a number of problems and the event will not go according to plan.

The following topics may be suitable for this form of delivery:

  • "Animals of the Red Book."
  • "In the world of professions."
  • "I am a pedestrian."
  • "The world around us."

Of course, each teacher can choose his own topic.

3rd graders really like imitation of intellectual games. Class topics must be announced to students in advance - this is the basic rule of success. Children should have time to independently study the topic through additional materials suggested by the teacher.

How to choose the right topics for class hours?

Of course, it will not be difficult for an experienced teacher to determine the topics of classroom hours in elementary school. But still, in addition to the age aspect, several more factors should be taken into account.

  1. At the beginning of the year it is necessary to discuss this issue together. Ask for advice on the best open class hours. The teacher must offer parents his plan of activities for the year.
  2. Taking into account the opinions of students. At the first class meeting, it is worth discussing with the children what events they would like to attend during the year. You can use a survey to find out the topics that interest children the most.

Only the joint cohesive work of parents, students and teachers can give positive results in raising children.

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