Test are you an interesting person? How to find out what kind of person I am

Incredible facts

Can you imagine a world in which there is no deception? It is unlikely that anyone will have enough imagination to realize how much we will lose or how much we will gain if we stop lying to each other. The man is lying every day, so the skills of bringing an interlocutor to clean water will be useful to everyone.

Moreover, each of us has once made mistakes about people. At such moments, we think about how it was possible not to immediately notice that the person is unreliable and cannot be relied on. And it also happens that we simply cannot find a common language with someone because we did not bother to observe the person in order to create his portrait.

But how do you really get to know a person? Colleague, potential partner, friend? There are a lot of articles on the Internet like “ask these questions to really get to know a person.” But how do you imagine this? Do you sit a person in front of you and start interrogating them? Not many people will agree to this.

The other extreme is to believe that a person can only be known over a long period of time. However, coach John Alex Clark is confident that the key in this matter is not time, but observation and the ability to connect the information received into one chain.

There are several very simple and at the same time powerful techniques that will help you identify patterns in a person’s behavior and learn about his character. Let's talk about them.

How to recognize a person

1. Notice the details

Every day a person performs a huge number of routine actions: buying food, traveling in public transport, talking on the phone, etc. A person's actions can shed light on his personality and also help predict how he will behave in a given situation.

Example A. If a person chooses the same dish in a cafe every day, then he probably avoids change and does not like the state of uncertainty. Such people can be faithful and devoted spouses. But on the other hand, it will be extremely difficult to convince him to make risky investments or move to another country.

Example B. People who enjoy gambling and other risky activities are more likely to take risks in other areas of their lives. For example, such a person may quit his job without finding another one and without thinking about financial security during unemployment.

Example B. A person who always looks both ways when crossing the road is likely to be prudent and cautious. He will carefully consider every detail before making any decision, and will only take well-calculated risks.

That is, if you analyze a person’s actions in one area, you will be able to understand how he will behave in other areas.

2. Pay attention to how the person communicates

How does your interlocutor behave in communication? Does he try to build relationships with each person or does he single out those who are close to him in spirit and keep the rest at arm’s length? Does he talk without a clear plan, on a whim, focusing on impressions, or does he constantly analyze, try to be objective and do not trust his intuition?

Is a person more of a thinker, relying on concepts, images, diagrams and ideas, or is he more of a practitioner, living in a world of measurable quantities, tasks and facts? If you observe everyday words and behavior, you will be able to trace a general line.

3. Talk to the person about relationships with mutual friends and contacts at work.

Many people believe that gossip is an empty activity, devoid of any meaning. However, the main thing in this matter is what qualities the interlocutor gives to other people, how he explains their behavior. Often, when we talk about other people, we unconsciously notice what is present in ourselves.

These conversations will help us understand what we value in the people around us, who we want to be like, and also what we want to change in ourselves. The more we say that others are emotionally stable, happy, kind-hearted, or polite, the more likely we are to have these characteristics ourselves.

If a person says about another that he is pretending to dig a hole for someone, then this may mean that such a person is calculating and builds only relationships built on momentary gain.

4. Probe existing boundaries

When a person wants to build a relationship, he sees the good and ignores the bad. However, sooner or later, the illusions will still dissipate, and the person will appear before you in all his glory. A person who knows how to communicate correctly will, first of all, look not for the good in his interlocutor, but for his boundaries.

If the opponent is nice, where does the niceness end? He wants to help, but where does this desire stop? If he is sincere, then when will it start to get dark? Until what point is he tolerant of his subordinates’ mistakes? Are you honest with your clients? What if we are talking about a sum with a lot of zeros?

Adequate, sober-minded, understanding, reasonable? Where is his limit, beyond which he turns into a madman?

5. Pay attention to the person’s behavior in a critical situation

When force majeure happens, a person shows himself in all his glory, he simply cannot play or be disingenuous. He doesn’t have time to put on a mask, so he begins to behave as his instincts want.

How to really know a person

6. Pay attention to his attitude towards the service staff

People whose life has been unfair, in their own opinion, have a habit of taking it out on the service staff. Sellers, waiters, cleaners - everyone gets it. If your interlocutor calls the waiter by snapping his fingers or whistling, then this is the first sign that the person is, at a minimum, poorly brought up with all that that implies.

7. Observe intonation and body language

There is a lot of information on the Internet about body language. Liars are recognized by certain signs: they pause in conversation, change the topic of conversation, begin to make excuses even if there is no reproach, look away when answering a question, and often touch their face.

How to understand yourself? Many people are familiar with this issue firsthand. Each of us has probably compared ourselves with the people around us, thought about the reasons for our actions, and found ourselves in a situation of choice. We are all different. Why does my neighbor run in the morning, my friend plays in the theater, and I spit at the ceiling? Why do I do this, what do I want, how do I know what kind of person I am? We are looking for an answer in personality psychology, which allows us to understand both the essence of human nature and the individual characteristics of a particular person.

What kind of temperament am I?

We are all born with a certain temperament, that is, with a set of mental personality traits that manifest themselves in our behavior. Temperament cannot be changed, unlike character. We are sure that everyone has heard about the types and poles of temperament.

Temperament types

  • Choleric is an optimist, fast, active, hot-tempered, unbalanced, impatient, impulsive, conflictual, vulnerable.
  • A sanguine person is cheerful, active, fast, friendly, responsive, sociable, and easily copes with failures.
  • Phlegmatic - peace-loving, calm, restrained, unhurried, attentive, passive, lethargic, indifferent.
  • Melancholic - reasonable, assiduous, easily vulnerable, non-conflict, slow, anxious, shy, withdrawn.

Poles of temperament

  • Extrovert - outward-oriented, sociable, open, active, adaptable.
  • Introvert - self-oriented, inward, calm, shy, focused.

The types and poles described above contain extreme characteristics of temperament. There are no 100% sanguine people or pure melancholic people. You can find out which type is closest to you using tests.

Temperament type test

There are psychological techniques that can be used to determine what type of temperament I am. We recommend a fairly simple online temperament test by G. Eysenck, which anyone can pass without having a psychological education. If you want to manually process your results, understand the essence of the Eysenck circle and give the test to your friends, then refer to the questionnaire with instructions.

Test: introvert or extrovert

We suggest you turn to the well-known method of K. Jung, which will allow you to determine online which personality type predominates in you.

What kind of character am I?

Character, unlike temperament, can be changed. Of course, it is determined by innate characteristics, but to a greater extent depends on the environment, on the person’s surroundings. Kind, polite, greedy, envious, capricious, affectionate, persistent - all these are character traits.

Diagnosis of character by a psychologist

If you take the matter seriously, we recommend studying the character accentuation method of G. Smishek and K. Leonhard. Here you will see the questionnaire, instructions for processing the results and their interpretation. Please note that character accentuations (types) in this technique are extreme variants of the norm, that is, all the traits of the described character are too strengthened and sharpened.

Online tests, what kind of character am I?

For fun, you can use the collection of popular character tests http://www.opentests.ru/personality/character.html. They really show your character traits and help you better understand and describe yourself.

  • Take the test for

To your attention, dear visitors of the site of psychological assistance website, it is proposed to take the most popular and sought-after psychological test for a person’s personality character online and for free.

This character test is based on the test-methodology for determining character accentuation according to Leonhard and determines 10 scales of accentuation corresponding to a person’s psychotype, showing many personality traits and temperament.

The online personality test consists of 88 questions that must be answered “YES” or “NO.”

Test to determine a person’s personality online

Instructions for an online test to determine a person’s personality:
Important- answer the person’s test questions quickly, without thinking - whatever comes to mind first. Then the results will be correct.

Your leading accented character will be determined by the highest score (total 24 points for each psychotype)

Take a character test

You can take the test and find out your character absolutely free, online and without registration.
You can view the entire printed text of the test, without a computer program, and independently calculate the points and determine your accentuation at

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