Test on topics General overview of the human body. Cellular structure (grade 8)

Choose the correct answer.

a) physiology;

b) anatomy;
c) zoology;
d) hygiene.

a) hygiene; b) zoology;

c) physiology;

d) anatomy.

a) environmental protection;

b) more sound sleep;

c) health protection;

a) their lifestyle;

b) structural features;

a) digestive system;

b) liver, kidneys;
c) nervous system;
d) mammary glands.


a) third eyelid;

c) tail;

d) wide pelvis.

Choose the correct answer.

1. The structure and shape of the body and its organs is studied by:

a) physiology;

b) anatomy;
c) zoology;
d) hygiene.

2. Science that studies the vital functions of the whole organism, individual organs and their systems is:

a) hygiene; b) zoology;

c) physiology;

d) anatomy.

3. The science of creating conditions favorable for maintaining human health, of the proper organization of his work and rest:

a) hygiene; b) anatomy; c) zoology; d) physiology.

4. Knowing the structural features and vital functions of the human body is necessary for:

a) environmental protection;

b) more sound sleep;

c) health protection;

5. The similarities between humans and other mammals are:
a) their lifestyle;

b) structural features;

c) their role in the environment;

d) presence of work activity.

6. Humans are classified as mammals because they have:

a) digestive system;

b) liver, kidneys;
c) nervous system;
d) mammary glands.

7. The rudiment in humans is:

a) third eyelid;

b) S-shaped spine;

c) tail;

d) wide pelvis.

8. Ape people include:

a) Cro-Magnon;

b) Australopithecus;

c) Pithecanthropus;

d) Neanderthal.

a) Cro-Magnons;

b) Neanderthals;

c) synanthropes;

d) all of the above.

applies to:

a) the most ancient people;

b) ancient people;

c) ape people;

d) new people.

do not agree - “no”.

8. Ape people include:

a) Cro-Magnon;

b) Australopithecus;

c) Pithecanthropus;

d) Neanderthal.

9. During the Great Glaciation there lived:

a) Cro-Magnons;

b) Neanderthals;

c) synanthropes;

d) all of the above.

10. A skilled person who makes tools from stone,
applies to:

a) the most ancient people;

b) ancient people;

c) ape people;

d) new people.

11. If you agree with the statement, you answer “yes” if.
do not agree - “no”.

    Neanderthals are the oldest people.

    Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus are considered ancient people.

    Neanderthals were the first to master speech.

    Cro-Magnons are fossil people of the modern type.

    Australopithecines are considered the predecessors of humans.

Biology test General overview of the body for 8th grade students with answers. The test consists of 2 options, each with 12 tasks.

1 option

1. The main features of epithelial tissue are:

A. Developed intercellular substance, an abundance of blood vessels, rapid cell turnover
B. Undeveloped intercellular substance, rapid change of cells, keratinization
B. Ability to contract, long cell lifespan, lack of intercellular substance

2. Neuron is:

A. Multinucleate cell with processes
B. Mononuclear cell with processes
B. Nuclear-free, contractile cell
D. Mononuclear cell with many cilia

3. Which tissue performs the function of coordinated regulation of the body's vital functions?

A. Connective
B. Muscular
B. Nervous
G. Epithelial

4. What is the most accurate feature that can be used to distinguish smooth muscle fibers from striated ones under a microscope?

A. By color
B. By the number of nuclei in cells
B. By the amount of intercellular substance
D. By the presence of cilia

5. What are the features of connective tissue?

6. What organ systems regulate the activity of the entire body?

A. Musculoskeletal and digestive
B. Circulatory and respiratory
B. Nervous and endocrine
G. Excretory and integumentary

7. Main function of the kidneys:

A. Hormone production
B. Gas exchange
B. Blood filtration

8. Which of the following organs is not part of the digestive system?

A. Liver
B. Spleen
V. Throat
G. Pancreas

9. Formulate a definition of the following concept: Organ - __________

10. List the functions of the circulatory system.

11. Which sequence of concepts reflects the organism as a single system?

A. Organ - tissue - organism - cell - molecules - organ systems
B. Molecules - tissues - cells - organs - organ systems - organism
B. Molecules - cells - tissues - organs - organ systems - organism
D. Organ systems - tissues - organism - cells - molecules

12. Summarize the pairs of concepts:

A. Blood - bone __________
B. Mitochondria - ribosomes __________

Option 2

1. What functions does epithelial tissue perform?

A. Protects the body from the penetration of microbes and toxic substances, from mechanical damage
B. Provides body movement in space
B. Serves for the deposition of nutrients
D. Provides communication between organs

2. The basis of skeletal muscles consists of:

A. Smooth muscles
B. Cross-striped, multinuclear fibers
B. Cross-striped, mononuclear, interlacing fibers

3. Nerve tissue in the body performs the following functions:

A. Protection from mechanical damage
B. Regulation of vital processes
B. Nutrient deposits
D. Movement of substances in the body

4. What are the features of epithelial tissue?

A. Consists of cells with short and long processes
B. Consists of muscle fibers
B. Formed by cells tightly adjacent to each other, the intercellular substance is poorly developed
D. The cells are not adjacent to each other; there is intercellular substance between them

5. Main function of the lungs:

A. Hormone production
B. Gas exchange
B. Blood filtration
D. Absorption of nutrients

6. Which of the following organs does not belong to the nervous system?

A. Spinal cord
B. Kidneys
B. Brain
G. Nerves

7. What tissue does blood belong to?

A. Muscular
B. Nervous
V. Connective
G. Epithelial

8. What tissue consists of elongated, pointed cells containing one nucleus?

A. Striated muscle
B. Nervous
B. Smooth muscle
G. Epithelial

9. Formulate a definition of the following concept: Organ system - __________

10. List the functions of the integumentary organ system.

11. Eliminate unnecessary things:

A. Larynx - trachea - esophagus - bronchi - lungs
B. Kidneys - ureters - testes - bladder

12. Summarize the pairs of concepts:

A. Dendrite - axon __________
B. DNA - RNA __________

Biology Test Answer General overview of the organism
1 option
8 - B (pharynx - digestive organ, everything else - glands)
9 - organ - a part of the body that has a certain shape, structure, location and performs one or more functions
10 - protective, transport, metabolism;
A - connective tissue
B cell organelles
Option 2
9 - organ system - these are organs that are anatomically united, have a common structural plan, a common origin and perform common functions
10 - protective, metabolism, thermoregulation, secretion
11 - esophagus, testes
A - neuron processes
B - nucleic acids

I option


1 . Science studies the structure of the human body, its organs, tissues, and cells.:

2 . Inorganic substances in cells include:

A) glucose and glycogen B) fats and proteins C) amino acids D) water and mineral salts


D) nervous

4. Water content in the cell (in%):

A) 0.5 – 1 B) 1 – 5 C) 10 – 20 D) 70 – 85

5. The organ shown in the figure:

A) stomach B) kidney C) liver D) heart

6. Glucose and starch belong to the group of compounds:

7. Does not apply to connective tissue:

A) bone B) cartilaginous C) striated cardiac D) blood

8. Supporting, transport, protective – functions of fabric:

9. The cells that form the tissue are very tightly adjacent to each other, there is practically no intercellular substance. Cells are constantly exfoliated from the surface of the body - a feature of the tissue:

A) epithelial B) muscular C) connective D) nervous

10. Ability to respond to physical and chemical changes in the environment:

A) Biosynthesis B) Metabolism C) Excitability D) Reproduction

II . Find a match :

Cell properties:



    Decay of organic compounds

A) Increase in cell size and mass.

B) The formation of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and their compounds from simpler substances.

C) The set of chemical transformations (cleavage, synthesis) that ensure the growth, vital activity of the cell and metabolism with the environment.

D) The formation of substances of a simpler structure from complex substances.

III . Complete the sentence:

1. The human body consists of... types of tissues.

2. Tissue consists of ………………… and intercellular substance.

3. Epithelial tissue forms the top layer………………..

4. Bones and cartilage consist of ………………………………………… tissue.

IV .

Larynx, trachea, bronchi, intestines, lungs.

II option

I . Choose one correct answer:

1. The main function of the cell membrane:

A) the union of all organs b) participation in the process of cell division

B) the implementation of metabolism between cells and intercellular substance

D) the formation of a substance rich in energy

2. Biosynthesis is:

A) the formation of complex organic substances from simpler ones

B) movement of organic substances

B) chemical decomposition of complex organic substances

D) the process of dissolving substances in liquid

3 . Amino acids include:

A) fats B) mineral salts C) carbohydrates D) proteins

4 . Cell carbohydrates are characterized by the following function:

A) motor B) energy C) storage and transmission of hereditary information

D) enzymatic

5. Place of protein synthesis in the cell:

A) nucleus B) ribosomes C) mitochondria D) Golgi complex

6. Fabric shown in the picture:

) cartilaginous B) bone C) epithelial

D) nervous

7. Function characteristic of nervous tissue:

A) respiratory B) contractile C) storage

D) ensuring coordinated activity of various organ systems

8. The organ shown in the figure:

A) lungs B) kidneys C) pancreas D) liver

9. A part of the body of a multicellular organism that has a certain shape, structure, location and performs some function:

A) cell B) tissue C) organ D) organ system

10. The cells lie tightly in one or several layers and are capable of rapid regeneration; there are a large number of glands - tissue:

A) epithelial B) muscular C) connective D) nervous

II. Find a match :


    Inorganic compounds.

    Organic compounds.

    An organic compound that takes part in the synthesis of proteins, in the storage and transmission of hereditary information.

    An inorganic compound that plays a significant role in the life of a cell (in particular, it is a solvent and a direct participant in many chemical reactions).


A) Proteins

B) Fats

B) Carbohydrates

D) Nucleic acids

D) Water

E) Mineral salts

III . Complete the sentence:

1. The main function of epithelial tissue is ………………….

2. Blood and lymph are …………………… connective tissue.

3. In the connective tissue between cells there is a lot of …………………………… substance.

4. Cartilage and bone tissue perform …………………………………… function.

IV . Choose the odd one out and explain your point of view.

Kidneys, urethra, ureters, testes, bladder.

III option

I . Choose one correct answer:

1. Cell organelles are located in:

A) nucleus B) cytoplasm C) membrane D) intercellular substance

2. Cells adhere closely to each other in tissue:

A) muscular B) connective C) nervous D) epithelial

3 . Fabric shown in the picture:

A ) cartilaginous B) bone C) epithelial

D) nervous

4. Function not characteristic of cell proteins:

A) motor B) energy C) storage and transmission of hereditary information

D) enzymatic

5 . Site of ATP synthesis:

A) nucleus B) ribosomes C) mitochondria D) Golgi complex

6. Type of muscle tissue:

A) striated skeletal B) fibrous C) glandular D) adipose

7. Structural unit of nervous tissue:

A) osteocyte B) neuron C) erythrocyte D) osteoblast

8. Organ shown in the picture:

A ) lungs B) kidneys C) pancreas D) liver

9. Increase in cell size and mass:

10. Inorganic compounds of the cell:

A) fats B) mineral salts C) carbohydrates D) nucleic acids

II . Find a match :


3. Muscular. 4. Nervous.

Features of fabric structure:

A) Star-shaped cells with many processes.

B) There are three types of tissue, the main feature of which is the ability of cells to contract.

C) Cells lie loosely; the intercellular substance is well developed.

D) Cells lie tightly in one or several layers and are capable of rapid regeneration; there are a large number of glands.

III . Complete the sentence:

    The ability to respond to physical and chemical changes in the environment - ...

    An obligatory part of any cell capable of division is usually located in the center of the cell -....

    Science that studies the influence of living and working conditions on human health, develops measures to prevent diseases, preserve health and prolong life - ....

    The most diverse in structure and function is fabric - .....

IV . Choose the odd one out and explain your point of view.

Pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, sweat gland, adrenal gland.

IV option

I . Choose one correct answer:

1. The organ shown in the figure is part of the system:

A) circulatory B) nervous C) Digestive D) Endocrine

2. The functions of the whole organism, individual cells, organs and their systems are studied by:

A) anatomy B) physiology C) psychology d) hygiene

3. Star-shaped cells with processes are the main structural unit of tissue:

A) muscular B) connective C) nervous D) epithelial

4 . Fabric shown in the picture:

) cartilaginous B) bone C) epithelial

D) muscular

5. Perform an enzymatic function in the cell:

A) fats B) proteins C) carbohydrates D) nucleic acids

6. Fabric that does not have a supporting function:

A) cartilage B) bone C) fibrous D) blood

7. A set of bodies that jointly perform common functions:

A) cell B) tissue C) organ D) organ system

8. An inorganic compound that plays a significant role in the life of a cell (in particular, it is a solvent and a direct participant in many chemical reactions):

A) fat B) protein C) table salt D) water

9. There are three types of tissue, the main feature of which is the ability of cells to contract:

A) muscular B) connective C) nervous D) epithelial

10 . Reproduction of one's own kind by dividing a cell in half:

A) growth B) reproduction C) biosynthesis D) metabolism

II. Find a match :


1. Connecting. 2. Epithelial.

3. Muscular. 4. Nervous.

Functions of fabrics:

a) motor.

b) carries out the interconnection of tissues.

c) protective.

d) support, transport, protective.

III . Complete the sentence:

    Fabric has the properties of excitability and contractility -....

    The main part of the spinal cord and brain is formed by tissue -....

    Tissue formed by cells with a large number of processes through which cells contact each other - ....

    Consists of long multinuclear fibers - ...

IV . Choose the odd one out and explain your point of view.

Stomach, small intestine, nasal cavity, esophagus, duodenum

Test on the topic "General overview of the human body." 8th grade.

Option I

1. A muscle tissue cell is: 1) a myocyte 2) an osteocyte; 3) neuron.

2. Science that studies the functions of the whole organism, individual cells, organs and gas systems. - this is: 1) physiology; 2) anatomy; 3) hygiene.

3. Nervous tissue in the body performs the following functions: 1) regulation of vital processes; 2) movement of substances in the body; 3) protection from mechanical influences.

4. In the human chest cavity there are: 1) stomach; 2) kidneys; 3) esophagus.

5. The number of axons in a nerve cell can be: 1) 2; 2)1; 3) a lot.

6. The study of tissues is the science of: 1) histology; 2) cytology; 3) embryology.

7. Groups of cells and non-cellular substances that perform functions and have a similar structure are: 1) an organ; 2) organ system; 3) fabric.

3. The main inorganic substance of bone tissue is salts: 1) potassium; 2) magnesium; 3) calcium.

9. The gland located on the lower surface of the brain is: 1) the pituitary gland; 2) pineal gland; 3) parathyroid gland.

10. Tendons are formed from tissue: 1) muscle; 2) connecting; 3) epithelial.

11. The liquid internal environment of the body is formed by tissue: 1) epithelial: 2) muscle; 3) connecting.

12. Nervous tissue has the following properties: 1) conductivity only; 2) excitability and conductivity; 3) excitability, conductivity and contractility.

13. The similarity of an animal cell with a plant cell lies in the presence of: 1) chloroplasts; 2 cell walls; 3) nucleus and cytoplasm.

14. Chromosomes in a cell are involved in: 1) protein synthesis; 2) energy metabolism; 3) the formation of spindle threads.

15. Organelles in a cell are located: 1) only in the nucleus; 2) only in the cytoplasm; 3) in the nucleus and cytoplasm.

16. The diaphragm separates: 1) the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity; 2) the pelvic cavity from the abdominal cavity; 3) chest cavity from the pelvic cavity.

17. Organic substances of the cell are: 1) water; 2) proteins: 3) mineral salts.

18. Keratinizing multilayered epithelium forms: 1) the cornea of ​​the eye: 2) the walls of the stomach; 3) top layer of skin

19. Inorganic substances of the cell are: 1) nucleic acids; 2) fats; 3) mineral salts,

20. The division of an ordinary somatic cell consists of phases in the following quantities: 1) 4; 2)6; 3)2.

Option II

1. The structural unit of nervous tissue is: 1) neuron; 2) myocyte 3) lymphocyte.

2. Science that studies the structure of the body, its organs and systems, organs 1) physiology; 2) psychology; 3) anatomy.

3. The science of the general laws of mental processes and individual and personal properties of a person is: 1) histology; 2) psychology; 3) anatomy.

4. The section of medicine about creating conditions for preserving and strengthening health is: 1) anatomy; 2) psychology 3) hygiene.

5. In the abdominal cavity there are: 1) the spinal cord; 2) liver; 3) lungs.

6. The gland located in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach is: 1) the adrenal gland; 2) pancreas; 3) sexual.

7. Nervous tissue is formed by: 1) neurons; 2) dendrites, axons; 3) neurons and neuroglia.

8. The periosteum of bones is formed by: 1) dense connective tissue; 2) cartilage; 3) special bone tissue.

9. An anatomically separate part of the body that has a clear structure and performs certain functions is: 1) a cell; 2) fabric; 3) organ.

10. By their chemical nature, enzymes are: 1) proteins; 2) fats; 3) carbohydrates.

11. Inorganic substances of the cell are: 1) water; 2) proteins; 3) carbohydrates.

12. A bone tissue cell is: 1) an osteocyte; 2) neuron; 3) myocyte.

13. Organic substances of the cell are: 1) water; 2) ATP; 3) mineral salts.

14. The heart is an organ that is the main one for the system: 1) excretory; 2) circulatory; 3) respiratory.

15. Kidneys are organs that are part of the system: 1) reproductive; 2) digestive; 3) excretory.

16 Ribosomes are organelles that perform the function in a cell: 1) the formation of a substance rich in energy; 2) assembly of a protein molecule; 3) formation of spindle filaments.

17. The period between two cell divisions is: 1) shorter than the division itself; 2) equal to the division period; 3) significantly longer than the division itself.

18. The number of chromosomes in each of the daughter cells after division of the original mother cell: 1) decreases; 2) remains unchanged; 3) increases.

19. A significant part of the cell is water, which functions as: 1) a solvent; 2) energy; 3) informational.

20. A well-defined intercellular substance is characteristic of the tissue: 1) nervous; 2) connecting; 3) muscular.

Topic 3. Structure of the body

Option #1

    What is the name of the science that studies the structure and life processes of cells?

a) physiology c) cytology

b) histology d) anatomy

2. Which cell organelles are responsible for the formation of substances that are rich in energy

a) nucleoli c) lysosomes

b) ribosomes d) mitochondria

    What is the name of the section of the DNA molecule responsible for the synthesis of certain proteins?

a) chromosome b) ribosome

b) gene d) nucleolus

    A part of the body that has a certain structure, shape, location and performs one or more functions is...

a) tissue b) organ system

b) organ d) organism

    What are the names of biological catalysts of protein nature that speed up chemical processes many times over?

a) hormones b) enzymes

b) vitamins d) secrets

a) respiratory

b) circulatory

c) digestive

d) excretory

    What organs are located in the abdominal cavity?

a) bronchi and trachea c) aorta and heart

b) lungs and trachea d) kidneys and bladder

    At what level do the most important life processes of the human body begin: metabolism and energy conversion, transmission of hereditary information?

a) tissue b) cellular

b) molecular d) organismal

    What is the internal environment of the body?

a) contents of the respiratory tract

b) the location of all the cells of the body

c) contents of the digestive tract

d) the space that surrounds the body

    In which organelle do complex organic substances decompose and are subject to processing?

a) in the nucleolus b) in the lysosome

b) in mitochondria d) in ribosome

    What is the name of the short process of a nerve cell?

a) transmitter b) axon

b) synapse d) dendrite

    Which tissue has excitability and contractility?

a) nervous b) epithelial

b) muscular d) connective

    Which tissue is not connective?

a) nervous b) cartilaginous

b) blood d) lymph

14. This figure shows a reflex arc.

Under what number is the motor neuron located?

    Which tissue is characterized by close proximity of cells to each other and poor development of intercellular substance?

a) nervous b) muscular

b) connective d) epithelial

16. The figure shows muscle tissue. Where can she be found?

a) in the walls of arteries

b) in skeletal muscles

c) in the heart muscle

17. What is the name of the structural unit of muscle tissue?

a) osteocyte b) erythrocyte

b) neuron d) myocyte

18. Eliminate the unnecessary concept:

a) kidneys b) ureters

b) bladder d) heart

19. What organelles are unique to plant cells?

a) chromosomes b) chloroplasts

b) ribosomes d) lysosomes

    What function is characteristic of white blood cells - leukocytes?

a) oxygen transport

b) recognition and destruction of foreign compounds and cells

c) accumulation of nutrients

d) blood clotting

Topic 3. Structure of the body

Read the assignment carefully. Think over the answer and find it among the proposed options. Write the corresponding letter in the answer matrix, which must be drawn in your test notebook.

Option No. 2

    What is the science of tissue called?

a) cytology c) physiology

b) histology d) anatomy

    Which cell organelles are responsible for protein formation?

a) ribosomes b) nucleoli

b) lysosomes d) mitochondria

    The endocrine system regulates organs with the help of...

a) nerve impulses c) mineral salts

b) hormones d) vitamins

    The structural unit of nervous tissue is...

a) osteocyte b) neuron

b) myocyte d) nephron

    Which cells in the human body do not contain 46 chromosomes?

a) neurons b) spermatozoa

b) osteocytes d) myocytes

a) respiratory

b) circulatory

c) digestive

d) excretory

    What organs are located in the thoracic cavity?

a) pancreas and stomach c) spleen and liver

b) lungs and kidneys d) heart and aorta

    What is the highest level of organization of life on planet Earth called? At this level, the circulation of substances and the transformation of energy associated with the life activity of all living organisms living on the planet takes place.

a) tissue c) biosphere

b) cellular d) organismal

    A group of cells and intercellular substance that have a common structure, origin and perform common functions is...

a) organ system c) organism

b) tissue d) organ

    Which tissue has excitability and conductivity?

a) connective b) nervous

b) muscular d) epithelial

    What is the name of the long process of a nerve cell?

a) synapse b) dendrite

b) axon d) transmitter

    Which tissue is not a connective tissue?

a) blood b) epithelial

b) bone d) cartilage

    Which tissue is characterized by a loose arrangement of cells relative to each other and a well-developed intercellular substance?

a) connective c) epithelial

b) nervous d) muscular

    The picture shows muscle tissue. Where can she be found?

a) in the heart muscle

b) in the walls of the stomach

c) in the walls of blood vessels

d) in skeletal muscles

    As a result of the division of the mother cell, two daughter cells are formed. What set of chromosomes will they have?

a) doubled b) halved

b) the same d) tripled

    Which cells of the human body contain 23 chromosomes?

a) neurons b) eggs

b) myocytes d) osteocytes

    Eliminate the unnecessary concept:

a) stomach b) lungs

b) large intestine d) small intestine

    Which cell organelles are responsible for the process of photosynthesis?

a) nucleus b) lysosomes

b) chloroplasts d) mitochondria

    What function is characteristic of the formed elements of blood - red blood cells?

a) protection against pathogens

b) oxygen transport

c) blood clotting

d) accumulation of nutrients


Response codes

Topic 3. Structure of the body

Option #1

Option No. 2

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