Tomsk Economics and Law Institute, Novosibirsk branch (NF TEYUI). Universities of Russia Center for Further Education NF Teyui

License No. 283048, reg. No. 9374 dated 10/01/2007
Certificate of state accreditation No. 001873, reg. No. 1836 dated March 11, 2009
Year of foundation: 1992.

Tomsk Economics and Law Institute was founded in 1992 by Tomsk State University, the administration of the Tomsk region, the administration of the city of Tomsk and representatives of the legal community of the city of Tomsk. The Novosibirsk branch of TEYUI became the first university in the city to offer full-time study to applicants. The institute also offers training in part-time and part-time forms. The branch successfully operates a legal clinic, where senior students acquire practical skills - they provide legal advice to residents of the city and region under the guidance of experienced teachers and practitioners. The NF TEYUI has developed educational technology aimed at the quality of education and the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. The branch has on its staff qualified specialists in modern law and economics, including candidates and doctors of science, which guarantees a high quality level of specialist training. The main feature of the institute is that the study of legal, economic and management disciplines is carried out in their close unity. Students undergo educational and practical training in government agencies, law enforcement agencies, institutions, organizations and enterprises of various organizational and legal forms. Graduates of the institute successfully work in various cities of Russia in the field of state and municipal administration, law enforcement agencies, and in commercial and non-profit organizations.

Direction: Jurisprudence

Documents: Notarized copy of education document, passport, 6 photos 3x4 cm.

Form of study: Full-time - 4 years, part-time - 5 years, evening - 5 years. Those with higher or secondary vocational (specialized) education are trained according to an abbreviated program.

Entrance tests: For admission to full-time and part-time studies, applicants provide Unified State Examination certificates (Russian language, Social studies, History or Foreign language). For those who do not have the Unified State Examination – an interview!

To enroll in a second higher education, applicants undergo an interview.

State diploma.

NF TEYUI has seventeen years of experience in training qualified specialists in the field of Law.

Center for Continuing Education NF TEYUI

CDO NF TEYUI offers unique programs of professional retraining and advanced training in various professional fields.

Professional retraining of specialists is an independent type of additional professional education in the form of training for persons who already have any higher or secondary vocational education or senior students of a university or college. NF TEEUI has a federal license to conduct the educational process under programs of additional professional education and to implement each program, the institute together with experienced university teachers, invites leading practitioners in the field of law, economics and management to cooperate. Professional retraining programs are designed for training within one academic year. After successful completion of the program, the student is issued a diploma of professional retraining.

Having two diplomas (basic and additional) expands the range of professional activities of a specialist and provides undeniable competitive advantages in the labor market

The center offers professional retraining programs in the field of law, economics and management (over 500 hours):

  • “Consultant on legal support of an enterprise” (over 1000 hours)
  • “Economist-analyst of a production and economic organization” (over 1000 hours)
  • "Jurisprudence"
  • "Real Estate Law"
  • "Jurisprudence in the field of housing and communal services"
  • "Jurisprudence in the banking sector"
  • "Jurisprudence in the field of mortgage legislation"
  • "Jurisprudence in the field of insurance"
  • "Banking"
  • "Insurance business"
  • "Human Resources Management"
  • “Financial Management”

To improve professional level and start new activities, NF TEYUI offers short-term advanced training courses. Course participants have the opportunity to study with professional teachers in the relevant fields, and practical skills are strengthened together with practicing specialists. Training is conducted on the basis of the institute, and students have a library, classrooms with multimedia equipment, and a computer class at their disposal for the educational process. After completing advanced training courses, a Certificate (up to 72 hours) or a Certificate (from 72 to 500 hours) of advanced training is issued. Training is conducted in the following areas:

  • “Modern personnel records management, document flow and enterprise archives”
  • “Foreign language (English, German, French)”
  • "English in business communication"
  • "Organization and management of real estate activities"
  • "Organization of mortgage activities in the Russian Federation"
  • "Accounting and taxation in small and medium-sized businesses"
  • "Banking"
  • "Insurance business"
  • "Human Resources Management"

The Center for Continuing Education offers a new direction of training in the field of taxation. For specialists with a higher legal or economic education, with experience in the field of taxation, and equally for those who are just planning to expand their professional activities, the Center for Educational Education of the NF TEYUI offers new one-year programs:

  • "Jurisprudence in the field of taxation (tax lawyer)"
  • "Jurisprudence in the field of taxation (tax and duties consultant)"

Along with the Diploma (9 months of training), students can optionally pass the qualification exam of the Chamber of Tax Consultants and receive the corresponding Certificate of the Chamber of Tax Consultants of the Russian Federation.

Reviews: 1

Nematchon Komilov

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Founded in 1993.

Tomsk Economics and Law Institute was founded in 1992 by Tomsk State University, the administration of the Tomsk region, the administration of Tomsk and representatives of the legal community of Tomsk.

The Novosibirsk branch of TEYUI became the first university in Novosibirsk to offer full-time education to applicants. The institute also offers training in form.

The purpose of the university is to train highly professional and sought-after specialists.

The NF TEEUI has developed educational technology aimed at high quality education and the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. The branch has on its staff qualified specialists in modern law and economics, including candidates and doctors of science, which guarantees strong training of specialists. The main feature of the institute is the study of legal, economic and management disciplines in their close unity. It is no secret that many lawyers become not just directors of legal services, but also general directors. Students undergo educational and practical training in government agencies, law enforcement agencies, institutions, organizations and enterprises of various organizational and legal forms. Graduates of the institute successfully work in various cities of Russia in the field of state and municipal administration, law enforcement agencies, in commercial and non-profit organizations, and open their own businesses.

Direction: Jurisprudence.

Forms of study: full-time - 4 years, part-time - 5 years. Persons with higher or secondary vocational (specialized) education are trained in a shortened period of time.

Entrance tests: for admission, applicants take the Unified State Examination in Russian language, social studies, and history.

To enroll in a second higher education, applicants undergo an interview in the Russian language, social studies, and history.

NF TEUI has 22 years of experience in training qualified specialists in the field of Law!


The Center for Education and Training of the National Scientific and Technical Institute offers programs of professional retraining and advanced training necessary for carrying out professional activities in various fields.

Modern conditions require professional development and specialization in certain issues. Thus, the opportunities to expand and deepen their knowledge and skills become relevant for any specialist who wants to increase their status and income.

Professional retraining of specialists is an independent type of additional professional education in the form of training for persons who already have any higher or secondary vocational education or senior students of a university or college. NF TEYUI has a federal license to conduct the educational process under programs of additional professional education.

Experienced university teachers and leading practitioners in the fields of law, economics and management participate in the implementation of each program.

Training in advanced training programs lasts from 6 weeks to 6 months. Professional retraining programs are designed for training during one academic year (from September to May). After successful completion of the professional retraining program, the student is issued a diploma of professional retraining.

Having two diplomas (basic and additional) expands the range of professional activities of a specialist and provides undeniable competitive advantages in the labor market, such as career and material growth, prestige and demand.

Our Center offers professional retraining programs in the fields of law, economics and management:

- “Consultant on legal support of an enterprise”;

- “Economist-analyst of a production and economic organization”;

- “Jurisprudence”;

- “Jurisprudence in the field of real estate”;

- “Jurisprudence in the field of housing and communal services”;

- “Jurisprudence in the banking sector”;

- “Jurisprudence in the field of mortgage legislation”;

- “Jurisprudence in the field of insurance”;

- “Organization of mortgage activities in the Russian Federation”;

- “Banking”;

- “Insurance business”;

- “Human Resources Management”;

- “Financial management”.

To improve professional level and start new activities, NF TEYUI offers short-term advanced training courses.

Course participants have the opportunity to learn from professional teachers in the relevant fields, and practical skills are strengthened together with practitioners.

Training is conducted on the basis of the institute, and students have at their disposal a library, classrooms with multimedia equipment, and a computer class for the educational process.

After completing advanced training courses, a Certificate (up to 72 hours) or a Certificate (from 72 to 500 hours) of advanced training is issued. Training is conducted in the following areas:

- “Modern personnel records management, document flow and enterprise archive”;

- “Organization and management of real estate activities”;

- “Accounting and taxation in small and medium-sized businesses”;

- “Insurance business”;

- “Human Resources Management”.

The Center for Continuing Education offers up-to-date training in the field of taxation. For specialists with a higher legal or economic education, with experience in the field of taxation and equally for those who are just planning to expand their professional activities, the Center for Educational Education of the NF TEEUI offers current one-year programs:

- “Jurisprudence”;

- “Jurisprudence in the field of real estate.”

About the university

History of NF TEUI

In 1993, the Novosibirsk branch of TEYUI (NF TEYUI) was opened. For the first time in the history of legal education in Novosibirsk, the NF TEUI began training full-time students. In 2000, the university successfully passed certification and received accreditation, which gave it the right to issue state diplomas. In 2006, the 10th anniversary edition took place. On September 17, 2008, the NF TEUI celebrated its 15th anniversary!

During its activity, the branch has created a modern material and technical base, which is an integral part for the training of competitive specialists in the field of jurisprudence - this includes a computer class that meets high technology requirements, the institute's library is equipped and equipped with the latest educational literature, and a forensic laboratory is equipped. The branch successfully operates a legal clinic, where senior students acquire practical skills - providing legal advice to residents of the city and region under the guidance of experienced teachers and practitioners. The NF TEYUI has developed educational technology aimed at the quality of education and the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. The branch has on its staff qualified specialists in modern law and economics, including candidates and doctors of science, which guarantees a high quality level of specialist training.

The main feature of the institute is that the study of legal, economic and management disciplines is carried out in their close unity. Students undergo educational and practical training in government agencies, law enforcement agencies, institutions, organizations and enterprises of various organizational and legal forms. Graduates of the institute work in various cities of Russia in the field of state and municipal administration, law enforcement agencies, and in commercial and non-profit organizations.

We are particularly proud of the graduates of the NF TEUI, who completed their postgraduate and master's degrees at TSU and returned to work at their home branch as full-time teachers. The fact that graduates of the NF TEUI are successful in their future careers is undeniable, since many students have already completed a master's degree at TSU, as well as the Russian School of Private Law under the President of the Russian Federation, received an academic degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences, having defended their dissertations at Tomsk State University. Some of our graduates have established their own firms, since the knowledge acquired at the institute allows them to become a competent lawyer and a skillful organizer.

Fifteen years is a successful start to the journey; there are still so many plans that I would like to implement, but now I can look back with pride and say: “Keep it up! And don’t stop there!”

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