Topic Global Problems of Today. Translation of "will help poor countries" in Chinese The problem of helping poor countries in English

It is not a secret that today more than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day. Poverty has become global and it causes wars, crimes, violence, and deaths. It causes a situation when 1 child dies every 4 seconds because of lack of food or poor medical treatment. Despite the fact that poverty is treated today as something natural, we state that it is totally inhuman and unethical.

The main principles of ethical state that human dignity is the main value; its basic foundation is that all people have certain rights they cannot be deprived of. The rights for life, dignity and happiness belong to the most essential ones. It goes without saying that poverty deprives people of their rights and that is why it is unethical.

Of course, we are far from an idealistic idea that the entire world should enjoy an equal distribution of food, wealth and recourses. It is quite obvious that some countries are richer than the others and it cannot be changed, but the most important thing is that the rich countries should not dump their problems on the poor ones. The problem of climate change caused by carbon emissions is one of the brightest examples of disparity.

Industrial countries cause dangerous emissions but do not want to participate in solving economic problems of such countries as Haiti that has become a constant victim of storms and hurricanes, and one of the poorest countries in the world. Furthermore, rich countries are not willing to reduce the level of fossil fuels consumption and in this way to slow down climatic changes that cause natural disasters and lead to poverty. We believe that this attitude should be changed since it deprives people of their rights and degrades their dignity, and that is why it is absolutely unethical.

Global poverty

It's no secret that today more than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day. Poverty has become global and it causes war, crime, violence and death. It leads to a situation where every 4 seconds a child dies due to lack of food or poor medical treatment. Despite the fact that poverty is treated today as something natural, we declare that it is absolutely inhuman and unethical.

Basic principles of ethics state that human dignity is the primary value; this means that all people have certain rights which they cannot be deprived of. The rights to life, dignity and happiness are among the most essential of these. It goes without saying that poverty deprives people of their rights, and that is why it is unethical.

Of course, we are far from the idealistic idea that the whole world should enjoy an equal distribution of food, wealth and resources. It is clear that some countries are richer than others and this cannot be changed, but the most important thing is that rich countries should not dump their problems on the poor. The issue of climate change caused by carbon emissions is one of the most striking examples of inequality.

Industrialized countries cause dangerous emissions but are unwilling to participate in solving the economic problems of countries like Haiti, which has become a constant victim of storms and hurricanes and is also one of the poorest countries in the world. Moreover, rich countries are unwilling to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels and thus slow climate change, which causes natural disasters that lead to poverty. We believe that this attitude must be changed because it deprives people of their rights and degrades their dignity, and that is why poverty is completely unethical.

Musin Alexander. Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Perm, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination People and society.

Social Problems of the Russian Society

As it is known, there is no an ideal society, it is utopia. Every society has its problems and weak points. The Russian one is not an exception.

Unfortunately, our country’s development was always unstable and erratic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian economy found it unable to enter the world’s economy though the necessity in intergovernmental relationship and the transition to the market economy following the example of highly-developed countries was evident.

First of all it is the people of our country who suffered from the damage as immense sums weredirected to the elaborating of a new economic mechanism and the government decided to limit social expenses. And the first social problem countries try to overcome we can divide as a consequence of this fact, and it is a demographic crisis. People have no sufficient means to have large families. The found issue was the following, - it is better to have one child and to raise him in relative prosperity, than to have some children and to raise them having no sufficient means and food products. The government turns its attention to this problem. It begins to adopt different target federal programs such as “Children of Russia”, the duration of which was marked for the period of 2007-2010. At that time the mothers giving birth to the second or to the third or to the next following child receive the Mother`s Certificate has increased in size as it passed with the birth allowance. And indeed these measures helped, the birth rate has increased.

But the death rate is also rather high in our country. Naturally, it is provoked by the general level of living as well as by the ecology condition, and by addictions. The state carries different federal laws into effect which ban noxious emissions and bind the factories to be equipped with cleaning filters. The state tries to fight the citizens’ bad habits. For instance, today all tobacco enterprises have to indicate the slogans about the harm of tobacco use, and its terrible consequences. Another measure to fight smoking was contained in increasing of the VAT rate and excise tobacco tax.

One of the most important problems related to the world economical crisis is unemployment. To solve this problem a special anti-crisis fund was created, for the financing the banks were given noninterest in earning loans. Persons who have lost their jobs received a chance to start an own business, the employment centers pay lump-sum allowances to every registered unemployed citizen until he finds a new job. The micro-entrepreneurship is also actively supported.

The last but not the least is the problem of our system of education. It lacks teaching personnel, educational level in schools is low enough and some other problems. Country schools suffering from the teachers’ lack have no at all some disciplines, or these subjects are taught by the personnel having little competence for this. Besides, the remuneration of school teachers is low enough. The Russian education practically has no value abroad. Despite all the difficulties the Russian system of education changes too, and different educational reforms are initiated such as Unified State Examination.

In conclusion it should be mentioned that many social and economic mechanisms of our state are far from its efficiency. We have many other problems to solve within perhaps some decades. But the first positive steps towards the citizens’ lives improvement are evident.

As you know, an ideal society is a utopia; in everyone’s life there will be problems and weaknesses. Russian society is no exception.

Unfortunately, the development of our country has always been unstable and uneven. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian economy turned out to be incapable of integrating into the world economy, although there was a need to maintain interstate ties and move to a market economy following the example of developed countries.

First of all, the population of our country suffered, since most of the funds were aimed at creating a new economic mechanism, and the state decided to reduce its expenses for the population. From here we can highlight the first social problem that people are trying to fight with various methods to this day - the demographic crisis. People did not have enough money to support a large family. The solution was found to be this: it is better to have one child, but for him to grow up more or less in prosperity, than for several children to grow up in poverty and hunger. The state does not ignore this problem. Various federal target programs are being developed and adopted, such as “Children of Russia”, the duration of which was determined from 2007-2010. For mothers who have given birth to a second or more child, the maternity certificate has increased in size, as has the lump sum benefit for the birth of a child. Indeed, to some extent these measures helped, the birth rate began to increase.

But the mortality rate in our country is quite high. Of course, this is influenced by our general standard of living, the state of the environment, and bad habits. The state applies various federal laws banning harmful emissions and mandating the installation of cleaning filters in factories. The government is even trying to combat the bad habits of citizens. For example, now all companies producing tobacco products are required to indicate on cigarette packs slogans about the dangers of smoking and its dire consequences. Also, another measure in the fight against smoking is an increase in VAT rates and excise taxes on tobacco.

One of the main problems associated with the global economic crisis is unemployment. To combat this problem, a special anti-crisis fund was created, and interest-free loans were provided to banks for lending. For people who have lost their jobs, they have been given the opportunity to open their own business; a lump sum of money is paid from the employment center, which every registered unemployed person receives every month until they find a new job. There is also active support for small businesses.

I would also like to note as not the last problem of education. Lack of teaching staff, low level of knowledge among schoolchildren and some others. In rural schools, where there are not enough teachers, some subjects are either not taught at all, or are taught by a teacher teaching a completely different subject. In addition, the salaries of school teachers are quite low. Education received in Russia is practically not valued abroad. In our country there are very few such academic institutions, after which you will be gladly accepted for the same specialty in foreign countries. Despite everything, everything possible is being done in the field of education, various educational reforms are being developed, such as the Unified State Exam.

In conclusion, I would like to note that many of the social and economic mechanisms of our state are far from perfect. We still have many other problems that will have to be solved over the next decade. But the first, confident, firm steps are being taken towards improving the lives of citizens.



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Translation of "help poor countries" in Chinese

Other translations

We hope that the developed countries of the South and North will help poor countries create appropriate conditions in terms of education and training of the population to show them where their interest in preserving the environment lies.

We hope that the developed countries of the South and the North will help poor countries to create the right conditions in terms of informing and training their populations in order to show them that they have an interest in preserving the environment.

Will help poor countries to create the right conditions in terms of informing and training their populations in order to show them that they have an interest in preserving the environment.">

In this regard, he urges the Committee to take decisions that will help poor countries participate in international trade on fair terms so that they can create the resources needed to reduce poverty themselves, rather than relying on handouts from rich countries.

In that regard, he urged the Committee to reach conclusions that would help poor countries engage in international trade on equitable terms so as to enable them to generate the resources needed to reduce poverty, instead of relying on handouts.

Would help poor countries engage in international trade on equitable terms so as to enable them to generate the resources needed to reduce poverty, instead of relying on handouts.">

Let us consolidate the positive achievements of globalization and take advantage of the opportunities it provides, let us try to mitigate its negative consequences by stimulating economic relations that will help poor countries gradually overcome their plight.

Let us espouse the positive achievements and promises of globalization, and attenuate its negative implications by favoring economic relations which will provide for the emergence gradual of poor countries from their dire predicaments.

Will provide for the gradual emergence of poor countries from their dire predicaments.">

Suggest an example

Other results

The resources released as a result of such initiatives will help poor countries- debtors to solve problems in the field of health and education, thereby improving the prospects for timely achievement of the MDGs.

The resources freed up by such initiatives will help poor indebted countries to face health and education challenges, thus improving prospects for the timely achievement of the MDGs.

Will help poor indebted countries to face health and education challenges, thus improving prospects for the timely achievement of the MDGs.">

However, wider flows of official development assistance will help more poor countries implement economic and social development projects and will help them to recover from the devastating consequences of armed conflicts or natural disasters.

Would help the poorer countries implement economic and social development projects and promote recovery from the ravages of armed conflict or natural disaster.">

These institutions knew, or should have known, that their loans and assistance were not will help desperately poor people countries.

Going to help the country's desperately poor people.">

The Kuwait Fund is also contributing to the multilateral debt relief initiative for all poor countries heavily indebted and has reached a point of completion, giving these states greater flexibility to spend funds on programs and activities that will help them in achieving the MDGs.

The Kuwait Fund also contributes to a multilateral initiative to alleviate the debt burden on all heavily indebted poor countries and has achieved a completion point that gives these better States opportunities to spend funds on programs and activities that would help they achieve the MDGs.

Poor countries and has achieved a completion point that gives these States better opportunities to spend funds on programs and activities that would help them achieve the MDGs.">

A thorough analysis of the links between trade, finance and external debt from a commodity-dependent perspective countries will help policymakers to consider debt sustainability criteria for poor countries with large debts.

Thorough analysis of the links between trade, finance and external debt in the context of commodity-dependent countries would help decision makers to deal with the debt sustainability criteria developed with regard to the heavily indebted poor countries .

Countries would help decision makers to deal with the debt sustainability criteria developed with regard to the heavily indebted poor countries.">

The apparent failure of international cooperation to respond positively to the needs of more poor countries in development leads to a growing gap between the rich and poor countries.

The obvious failure of international cooperation to respond favorably to the development needs of poorer countries has led to an increasing gap between the rich and poor countries .

Poorer countries have led to an increasing gap between the rich and poor countries.">

Topic: The Unemployment

Topic: Unemployment

The market economy is unstable, so there are such phenomena as unemployment, rise in prices and inflation. Unemployment is a macro-economic problem that affects every person. Job loss leads to a reduction of the living standard of causing psychological trauma.

The market economy is unstable, so phenomena such as unemployment, rising prices, and inflation occur. Unemployment is a macroeconomic problem that affects every person. Losing a job leads to a decrease in the standard of living of a person and his family and causes psychological trauma.

Unemployment is the lack of job and opportunity to find it. That is, the unemployed is an active capable person who strives to get a job, physically has the opportunity to work, but does not have any.

Unemployment means a lack of work and the ability to find one. That is, an unemployed person is an active, capable person who strives to get a job, physically has such an opportunity, but does not have a place to work.

In order to calculate the number of the unemployed in the country, the population is divided into several groups depending on the degree of labor activity. The first group includes the economically inactive population. who are not considered the labor force: high school students and full-time university students, pensioners, housewives, women on maternity leave.

In order to calculate the number of unemployed in the state, the population is divided into several groups depending on the degree of labor activity. The first group includes the economically inactive population. These are citizens of the country who are not considered to be the labor force: schoolchildren and full-time university students, pensioners, housewives, women on maternity leave.

The group of economically active population consists of capable citizens who are willing to offer their labor power. This group includes both employed people and the unemployed. Economists define three main causes of the unemployment: the dismissal, voluntary leave and supply of someone’s labor power on the labor market for the first time.

The group of economically active population includes able-bodied citizens who are ready to offer their labor force. This group includes both employed citizens and the unemployed. Economists name three main reasons for unemployment: dismissal, voluntary leaving a job, and offering one's services to the labor market for the first time.

There are three types of the unemployment: frictional, structural and cyclical. Frictional unemployment is a temporary state of a specialist who is looking for a job. This process certainly requires, its main reason is the lack of information about available job openings.

There are three types of unemployment: frictional, structural and cyclical. Frictional unemployment is a temporary state of a specialist who is looking for a job. This process, of course, requires a lot of time and effort, and its main reason is the lack of information about available vacancies.

The phenomenon of frictional unemployment has a positive side, as it contributes to the rational allocation of qualified personnel and as a result increase of the productivity of the country as a whole.

The phenomenon of frictional unemployment also has a positive side, since it contributes to the rational placement of qualified personnel and, as a result, increases productivity in the country as a whole.

Structural unemployment is a result of structural changes in the economy. The development of science and technology leads to the disappearance of some sectors of production and services, and the emergence of the others. By and by, the demand for a particular kind of products changes in the country. New demanded professions appear.

Structural unemployment is the result of structural changes in a country's economy. The development of science and technology leads to the disappearance of some industries and services and the emergence of others. Over time, the demand for one or another type of product changes in the state. New in-demand professions are emerging.

Cyclical unemployment is associated with reduction of the production scale. The increase of its level actually means the economic downturn in the country and leads to a backlog of GNP comparing to its size applied in the state budget for the current year.

Cyclical unemployment is associated with a reduction in the scale of production. An increase in its level actually means an economic recession in the country and leads to a lag in the volume of GNP from its value, which is included in the country’s budget for the current year.

Unemployment has serious consequences, both for the state and for the person left without a source of income. A person experiencing financial difficulties due to the job loss is exposed to the stress, various diseases; there may be disagreements. Lack of money pushes some people to committing a crime.

Unemployment has dire consequences both for the state and for the person left without a source of income. A person experiencing financial difficulties due to job loss is susceptible to stress, various diseases, and disagreements arise in his family. Lack of money pushes some people to commit crimes.

Currently, there is a trend of unemployment rising in Western Europe, especially among young people. Job loss at a young age inflicts significant psychological "wounds" and reduces the chances of the young specialist to find a well-deserved job in the future. In Europe there is also a growing number of the long-term unemployed, i.e. people who are out of work for more than a year.

Currently, in Western European countries there is a trend of rising unemployment, especially among young people. Losing a job at a young age leaves significant psychological “wounds” and reduces the young specialist’s chances of finding a decently paid job in the future. Also in Europe, the number of long-term unemployed, that is, people who remain unemployed for more than a year, is growing.

The population of European countries is gradually aging, and the number of people on welfare is growing. Youth unemployment adversely affects the stability of social security systems.

The population of European countries is gradually aging, and the number of citizens on social security is growing. Youth unemployment negatively affects the stability of social security systems.

The ruling circles of the European community see the ways of overcoming the unemployment in the revival of economic growth, increased foreign investment and assistance to commercial banks in the recovery of credit granting. Curtailments in the unemployment can only be possible by means of strong economic growth.

It is not a secret that today more than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day. Poverty has become global and it causes wars, crimes, violence, and deaths. It causes a situation when 1 child dies every 4 seconds because of lack of food or poor medical treatment. Despite the fact that poverty is treated today as something natural, we state that it is totally inhuman and unethical.

The main principles of ethical state that human dignity is the main value; its basic foundation is that all people have certain rights they cannot be deprived of. The rights for life, dignity and happiness belong to the most essential ones. It goes without saying that poverty deprives people of their rights and that is why it is unethical.

Of course, we are far from an idealistic idea that the entire world should enjoy an equal distribution of food, wealth and recourses. It is quite obvious that some countries are richer than the others and it cannot be changed, but the most important thing is that the rich countries should not dump their problems on the poor ones. The problem of climate change caused by carbon emissions is one of the brightest examples of disparity.

Industrial countries cause dangerous emissions but do not want to participate in solving economic problems of such countries as Haiti that has become a constant victim of storms and hurricanes, and one of the poorest countries in the world. Furthermore, rich countries are not willing to reduce the level of fossil fuels consumption and in this way to slow down climatic changes that cause natural disasters and lead to poverty. We believe that this attitude should be changed since it deprives people of their rights and degrades their dignity, and that is why it is absolutely unethical.

Global poverty

It's no secret that today more than

3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day. Poverty has become global and it causes war, crime, violence and death. It leads to a situation where every 4 seconds a child dies due to lack of food or poor medical treatment. Despite the fact that poverty is treated today as something natural, we declare that it is absolutely inhuman and unethical.

Basic principles of ethics state that human dignity is the primary value; this means that all people have certain rights which they cannot be deprived of. The rights to life, dignity and happiness are among the most essential of these. It goes without saying that poverty deprives people of their rights, and that is why it is unethical.

Of course, we are far from the idealistic idea that the whole world should enjoy an equal distribution of food, wealth and resources. It is clear that some countries are richer than others and this cannot be changed, but the most important thing is that rich countries should not dump their problems on the poor. The issue of climate change caused by carbon emissions is one of the most striking examples of inequality.

Industrialized countries cause dangerous emissions but are unwilling to participate in solving the economic problems of countries like Haiti, which has become a constant victim of storms and hurricanes and is also one of the poorest countries in the world. Moreover, rich countries are unwilling to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels and thus slow climate change, which causes natural disasters that lead to poverty. We believe that this attitude must be changed because it deprives people of their rights and degrades their dignity, and that is why poverty is completely unethical.

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