Can you communicate? Psychological training for teachers “Can you communicate?

1. Do you like to show someone your affection?

a) yes, I really like doing this;

b) sometimes;

c) I never show anything like this to anyone.

2. When new people appear in your class, you...

a) you rush to be the first to meet them, because new people are always interesting;

b) you wait for other classmates to get to know them, and only then you begin to get acquainted yourself;

c) you are not interested in strangers, you already have enough communication with those with whom you have been friends for a very long time;

3. A cute, unfamiliar boy gave up his seat for you on the bus. You…

a) tell him: “thank you very much,” introduce yourself, chat with him and write down his phone number;

b) thank him, sit down and occupy yourself with your thoughts;

c) you will stand as you stood, pretending that you didn’t notice anything.

4. A passerby you meet pays you a compliment. Your actions:

a) thank him, smile and start a conversation with him about how good it is to live in the world;

c) Mom enlightened you well about how such communication can end. You never answer strangers, so you quickly try to hide, firmly convinced that the passerby has only bad things on his mind.

5. My friends tell me...

a) they never get bored, my worries disappear when I am among them;

b) sometimes they get bored; from time to time you want to be alone;

c) thoroughly tired of them, they irritate me.

6. I love...

a) be around people, I definitely have more friends than others;

b) good company, but there should be few friends, these are only people very close to me;

c) sit at home alone.

7. You are in a terrible mood, and then a passer-by comes up to you on the street and asks you to show the way. How will you react to this?

a) the passer-by is not guilty of anything, and I am a well-mannered person, so I will answer calmly, politely and thoroughly;

b) I will answer his question, but in an irritated, harsh tone: after all, sometimes I can take my anger out on someone;

c) I never talk to strangers, so let him talk to someone else.

8. You were urgently asked to speak at a meeting with some message. Are you satisfied with this offer?

a) why should I be unhappy? Always happy to perform;

b) I may refuse, but if the topic is close to me, I will speak;

c) I never liked public speaking.

9. When you are in trouble (bad at school, your parents don’t understand, you quarreled with your loved one), can you “cry into your vest” to a stranger?

a) of course, with great pleasure;

b) it is unlikely that a stranger will understand me, although this is not excluded;

c) how can you trust your personal experiences to strangers? Never!

Key to the test

Well, let's count what happened. See which answer option comes up most often. If most of the answers are under the letter “a,” then it follows that you are a sociable girl and you don’t know the feeling of loneliness. You can meet everyone and everywhere. Yes, you can’t be blamed for being unsociable. However, this may not always have a positive result. Sometimes you prefer the number of friends to the quality of your relationships. You need to learn to control your emotions sometimes - it will only benefit you. And one more thing: curb your curiosity, talk a little less and listen to others more, express your opinion on any matter a little more carefully - and everything will be fine.

If option “b” was most often found in your answers, then we can say that you adhere to the “golden mean” in everything. And that's not bad at all. You know how to find a common language with other people, but most importantly, you never impose your company on others. The character of the person you are friends with is important to you, so your friends are loyal and reliable. Your sociability is fine. You listen carefully to others, try to understand and accept their point of view. You make contact easily, but you always leave some secrets for yourself. And your friends can completely rely on you, entrusting you with any secret.

If you get the most answers under the letter “c,” this indicates that you have a rather low level of sociability. You are afraid of communication, of other people, you are constantly closed in your own world, you prefer solitude. Everything collective scares you, you are reluctant to make contact with strangers. You see only the negative in every person, and you are often wary of communicating even with those people who themselves are ready to offer you friendship. But don’t be upset, because it’s not too late to change your behavior and attitude towards others. You don't want to turn into a hermit, do you? Perhaps you should take a fresh look at your classmates, you will be able to find loyal, sincere friends among them and you yourself will become much more sociable.

Can you communicate?

Do people around you often misunderstand you? Because of this, do you often find yourself in conflict situations that you are unable to resolve? The test below will help you determine your level of conflict. Perhaps, after analyzing its results, you will be able to change yourself and your attitude towards people and become more friendly and open.

Answer all the questions and then calculate the number of points you receive.

1. After a quarrel with a friend or parents, are you the first to propose reconciliation?

A. Always (1 point).

B. In some cases (2 points).

B. Never (3 points).

2. What do you do when you find yourself in a difficult situation?

A. I shrink internally (2 points).

B. I am absolutely calm (1 point).

B. I begin to act actively (3 points).

3. How do you think your friends and family view you?

A. Overly self-confident, proud and arrogant (3 points).

B. Kind and sympathetic (2 points).

B. Balanced and independent (1 point).

4. The teacher offers you an important task, during which you will have to command your classmates. What will you do?

A. I agree to complete the task with some anxiety (2 points).

B. I agree without hesitation (3 points).

5. Your classmate took a pen from your desk without permission. What will you do?

B. I’ll make you put the pen back in its original place (2 points).

B. I will sympathetically ask if he needs anything else (1 point).

6. What will you do if a friend or girlfriend is late and late for a meeting?

A. I will try to find out the reason for the delay (2 points).

B. I’ll ask: “Where have you been?!” (3 points).

B. I will say that I started to worry about being late (1 point).

7. How do you behave when participating in a relay race in physical education class?

A. I try to overtake the leader at all costs (2 points).

B. I run slowly because I don’t care if someone overtakes me (1 point).

B. I will run as hard as I can to overtake everyone and come to the finish line first (3 points).

8. What are your views on life?

A. Harmonious and balanced (2 points).

B. Lightweight (1 point).

B. “Hard” and harsh (3 points).

9. Despite all your efforts, you failed to achieve your goal. What will you do?

A. I will try to find someone to blame for my failure “on the side” (3 points).

B. I will humble myself and calm down (2 points).

B. I will take into account the mistakes and act carefully in the future (1 point).

10. What do you do when old women scold young people?

A. I nod in agreement (2 points).

B. You say that young people simply have nowhere to relax and spend their free time (1 point).

B. I don’t care what old women think about my peers (3 points).

11. The teacher wanted to entrust the important task to you first, but at the last moment she changed her mind and gave it to your friend. How will you feel?

A. I will think resentfully that I wasted my time searching for the optimal option for completing the assignment (1 point).

B. I will decide that the teacher trusts her friend more (2 points).

B. I won’t be particularly upset, because I think I can complete such a task another time (3 points).

12. What feelings come to you when watching a horror film?

A. Fear (3 points).

B. Boredom (2 points).

B. Pleasure, interest (1 point).

13. How will you feel if you are late for a school meeting?

A. I will be nervous (1 point).

B. Being late will be a reason to cause condescension towards me (3 points).

B. I’ll be upset (2 points).

14. How do you behave when participating in sports?

A. I try to win at all costs (3 points).

B. For me, the pleasure I get from active recreation is more important than victory (1 point);

B. After losing, I get very angry (2 points).

15. What will you do if a classmate offends you?

A. I will remain silent (1 point).

B. I will talk to the offender in front of other classmates (3 points).

B. I’ll tell my teacher about everything (2 points).

16. What would you do if your younger sister was bullied at school?

A. I'll talk to her teacher (1 point).

B. If necessary, I will talk to the parents of the offender (2 points).

B. I will advise my sister to hit back at the offender next time (3 points).

17. What kind of personality are you?

A. I don’t know (1 point).

B. Self-confident (3 points).

B. Decisive and purposeful (2 points).

18. What would you do if you ran into a junior class student at the door?

A. I'm sorry (1 point).

B. I won’t pay attention to it (3 points).

B. I’ll make a remark (2 points).

B. I am sure that adults are to blame for such a situation (2 points).

20. What is your favorite animal?

A. Leo (3 points).

B. Dog (2 points).

B. Bear (1 point).


Less than 34 points. You're too peaceful. People around you do not always appreciate your friendliness and selflessness and often treat you with disdain. You need to become more determined and confident, and then you can succeed!

From 35 to 44 points. You are moderately aggressive. You can be called quite successful. Despite the fact that you are quite ambitious, you have been able to maintain goodwill and compassion for people.

More than 45 points. You are too aggressive. In difficult situations, you often cannot control your own emotions. You are unbalanced and conflicted. In order to achieve your own goal, you often sacrifice good relationships with friends and loved ones.

If you rated 7 questions from the entire test as 3 points and less than 7 questions as 1 point, you are very aggressive, can do rash things and do not yield to anyone in disputes. You treat the people around you with disdain and deliberately provoke conflict situations that, in principle, could not have happened.

If you rated 7 or more questions as 1 point and less than 7 questions as 3 points, you can be characterized as a closed person who carefully hides his aggressiveness.

Are you able to take the first step?

1. You met a guy who you have liked for a long time. How do you behave on a first date?

A. I’m so embarrassed that I can hardly squeeze out words (1 point).

B. Questions pour out of me like from a cornucopia (3 points).

B. I listen to him carefully, smile slightly and throw a few half-joking phrases at him (2 points).

2. What do you do to attract a boy's attention?

A. I flirt with him subtly (3 points).

B. I do nothing (1 point).

B. I rely on the natural course of events (2 points).

3. How would you like to confess your love to him?

A. Send him flowers with a small card (2 points).

B. Invite him to a cafe and confess your feelings over a cup of coffee (3 points).

B. Send him love poems without signing them (1 point).

4. What type of girl would you like to consider yourself?

A. Cute, but shy (2 points).

B. Very modest (1 point).

B. Charming and confident (3 points).

5. At a party they tell you that you are not the only one in love with your chosen one. What will you do?

A. I will not leave him alone for a second (3 points).

B. I will not try to win him over to my side, but will wait until he makes a choice himself (2 points).

B. I admit to myself my defeat and will not do anything (1 point).

6. What is the hardest thing for you?

A. Meet a guy (1 point).

B. Hold him (2 points).

B. Don't get carried away by every cute guy in your path (3 points).

7. How do you behave at first after meeting?

A. I listen to his every word and agree with him in everything (1 point).

B. Every now and then I add variety to our conversation with my ironic remarks and comments (3 points).

B. I always avoid speaking truthfully about myself (2 points).


Less than 10 points. You will never allow your feelings to be said out loud. If you really like a boy, let him know it and don’t be afraid to be misunderstood.

If you continue to passively dream about him, you will never get anything. At the same time, you can lose faith in yourself and your strength. Decide to take the first step towards fate, and it will be favorable to you.

From 11 to 16 points. It's not as bad as you think, but it could be a lot better. You're not entirely confident in yourself. Look around carefully and you will definitely catch more than one admiring glance. Maybe this will help you gain confidence. Your intuition is well developed, so trust it, tell your chosen one a few pleasant compliments and... wait for a response.

From 17 to 21 points. You always achieve what you want, so it won’t be difficult for you to take the first step. You can conquer a guy with your naturalness and spontaneity. Your humor and cheerfulness arouse genuine interest among your interlocutors, who instantly fall under your charm. Don't be cruel to your fans, joke with them kindly.

Do you know how to love

1. Which of your shortcomings seems the most innocent to you?

A. Absent-mindedness (1 point).

B. Jealousy (4 points).

B. Tendency to gluttony (2 points).

D. Extravagance (3 points).

2. Your boyfriend was late for the date, but gave you a bouquet of beautiful roses. What do you think?

A. “Well done, you got out!” (2 points).

B. “I love him!” (3 points).

B. “What’s wrong with him?” (1 point).

G. “Maybe he’s hiding something from me?!” (4 points).

3. What word, in your opinion, stands next to the word “love”?

A. Power (3 points).

B. Memory (2 points).

B. Adventure (4 points).

D. Reflection (1 point).

4. Do you allow your boyfriend to hug you in front of everyone?

A. Always (3 points).

B. No, I don’t like it (2 points).

B. Why not (1 point).

D. Yes (4 points).

5. How do you feel after his kiss?

A. I am filled with energy (1 point).

B. I am romantic (2 points).

B. My love for him becomes even stronger (3 points).

D. I am confident in myself and my power over him (4 points).

6. Your associations with the word “money”:

A. To be (3 points).

B. Create (2 points).

B. Divide (1 point).

D. Possess (4 points).

7. What do you think love is?

A. This is when they understand me (2 points).

B. This is when I want to constantly be close to my loved one (4 points).

B. This is when I trust him as I trust myself (1 point).

D. This is when it’s hard for me to breathe if he’s not around (3 points).

8. What thing could your chosen one turn into?

A. Springboard (4 points).

B. Computer (2 points).

B. Sofa (1 point).

D. Fashionable bandana (3 points).


Less than 13 points. You are happy that friendship prevails in your relationship. You don't like that love brings sadness, because you want to constantly maintain your cheerfulness.

Your boyfriend's worries and problems don't affect you. The future of your relationship depends only on you.

From 14 to 19 points. You have already become practically attached to the boy with all your soul and you think that he also feels the same way about you. Most of all you appreciate his tenderness.

You are happy when you are confident in the strength of your relationship. You are calm if he connects his plans for the future with you. You protect your relationship so much that you don’t tell him about your troubles. You are capable of real, deep feeling.

From 20 to 26 points. There are no barriers to your love. You only feel confident if your boyfriend constantly hugs you and wants to kiss you. You shouldn't get carried away with other guys. Learn to appreciate your chosen one.

From 27 to 32 points. You are demanding in love and very jealous. You are bossy towards your boy and want him to completely submit to you and meet your high demands. A scene of jealousy for you is an indicator of the strength of your love.

You undeservedly suspect and blame your chosen one.

Try to be more restrained, learn to show your love differently, and then you can be happy.

Do you know how to express your feelings

1. When you were a child, did you allow guests who came to your birthday to kiss you?

A. Yes, I don't think it's bad (15 points).

B. No, I can’t stand these tendernesses (5 points).

B. Only relatives (10 points).

2. Did you like soft toys as a child?

A. No, I liked construction sets more (5 points).

B. I still love toys! I have a lot of them (15 points).

B. I only have 2 favorite toys left, I gave away the rest a long time ago (10 points).

3. What do you do with cards and letters from loved ones?

A. I store it in a box for several months and then burn it (5 points).

B. I can’t bring myself to throw it away, I dream of rereading everything (15 points).

B. I keep only the most interesting letters, and tear up the rest and throw them away (10 points).

4. What breed of dog would you like to have?

A. Spaniel, poodle or pug (15 points).

B. Sheepdog, hound or guard dog (5 points).

Q. I don’t care, I love absolutely all dogs (10 points).

5. Do you often make comments to people around you?

A. Yes, often, I just can’t resist it (15 points).

B. I try to restrain myself, although sometimes it is very difficult (5 points).

B. Sometimes it happens if I understand that a person cannot see himself from the outside (10 points).

6. Do you have a habit of chewing pens and pencils?

A. I always chew pens and pencils when I'm nervous (15 points).

B. I tried to get rid of this habit, because I realized that it looks simply terrible from the outside (10 points).

B. I have never had such a habit (5 points).

7. What do you think about if you see a handsome young man on the bus with a gorgeous bouquet in his hands?

A. “It’s a pity that this bouquet is not intended for me” (5 points).

B. “I wonder what his girlfriend looks like?” (10 points).

B. “He’s not very cheerful, he probably did something wrong and wants to make amends” (15 points).

8. How do you feel about mutual nicknames like “baby”, “bunny”, “kitten”, etc.

A. I don’t see anything wrong with such treatment (10 points).

B. This is so stupid (5 points).

B. I like these affectionate nicknames so much (15 points).

9. Would you like it if your boyfriend pats you on the head?

A. I like any signs of attention and tenderness from him (15 points).

B. I will distance myself, but at the same time I will try not to offend him. I want to keep a distance between us for now (5 points).

B. I’ll like it very much, which means it’s not far from a kiss (10 points).

10. What do you think when you see lovers kissing?

A. “What kind of window dressing?!” (5 points).

B. “Wow, people haven’t stopped falling in love yet!” (10 points).

B. “It’s even enviable how they love each other!” (15 points).

11. What do you think about Romeo and Juliet?

A. This is a tale of love (5).

B. This is an eternal symbol of love (15 points).

B. They are merely victims of these circumstances (10 points).

12. If, while switching channels, you accidentally came across a very explicit love scene, what would you do?

A. I’ll definitely watch it, I need to learn this (15 points).

B. If I’m in the mood, I can watch it to the end (10 points).

B. I’ll immediately switch to another channel, I’m not interested (5 points).


Less than 95 points. Your actions in all areas of life are guided by your mind, not your feelings. It’s good that you have little chance of losing your head in love, but you don’t have enough emotions to feel the fullness of life. Try to at least sometimes give vent to your feelings so that your life will be richer. And if you fall in love, don’t be afraid of your emotions!

From 100 to 135 points. You are emotional in moderation, but more emotions will not hurt you. You need to be more confident and braver. You do not accept haste in feelings, and this is very good. In addition, you know how to see the good in people and love them with all their flaws. This is simply wonderful! A little patience and wisdom, and then your chosen one will fall head over heels in love with you!

From 140 to 180 points. You are spontaneous and cannot hide your state of love from others. Since childhood, you have been fascinated by books about a handsome prince and princess, about love with a happy ending.

You are too naive and expect too much from love and your loved one. You see life through rose-colored glasses that you can't take off. Learn to soberly assess the situation, while maintaining a love for beauty.

How does he treat you

1. During a disco, you notice the gaze of an unfamiliar boy who smiles at you. What do you think?

A. “I guess I look good today!” B. “He looks and looks, but won’t come to me!”

B. “I somehow don’t care what he’s looking at!”

G. “Why is he looking, maybe there’s something wrong with me?!”

2. Who did you like to play with in early childhood?

A. With the boys.

B. With girls.

B. With both.

3. A boy you know from the next door suddenly told you that you are very beautiful. What do you think?

A. “Finally he noticed me!”

B. “I wonder what he wants from me?!”

B. “That’s good to hear!”

G. “It can’t be that he’s falling in love!”

4. You were invited to the cinema by a guy who seems to like you. But at the last moment he called and canceled the date. What will you do?

A. I cannot understand what important matter could interfere with our meeting.

B. I will let him know that all this is very unpleasant for me.

B. I won’t be angry at all and will go to the cinema with my friend.

D. I will be upset and try to understand that my hopes for his feelings were not justified.

5. Your boyfriend says terrible things about his ex-girlfriend. What do you think about this?

A. "He's angry that she left him."

B. “It’s unpleasant for me to listen to him, I’ll tell him about it now.”

B. “What if he later tells similar things about me.”

G. “It’s good that he told me this, I know what he doesn’t like in girls and I’ll be smarter.”

6. You found out that your boyfriend tells his friends some details about your relationship. What do you think?

A. “Well, we’re even, I’m also telling my friend about him.”

B. “I realized that he couldn’t be trusted.”

B. “I’ll definitely say that I don’t like it, and I’ll see how he behaves further after that.”

G. “Although it’s unpleasant for me, I won’t say anything to him: what if he gets offended?!”

7. Your birthday is coming very soon. What feelings are you experiencing?

A. I have no doubt that a surprise awaits me from my beloved.

B. I'm looking forward to the gift.

Q. I hope he will understand what kind of gift I want to receive.

G. I'm worried that my boyfriend may have already forgotten when my birthday is.

8. Your close friend is sure that your boyfriend has no real feelings for you and told you about it. What do you think?

A. “What is she talking about?!” She just wants us to quarrel!”

B. “I wonder on what basis she claims this? We should ask her in more detail!”

B. “I can understand his feelings without her! Why is she bothering us?!”

G. “We need to be more careful, maybe she knows better from the outside!?”


Answers “A” predominate. You have no doubt about your attractiveness. Even if you have heard unflattering reviews about your boyfriend more than once, you don’t believe them, because you think that he will never break up with you. Of course, it’s good to be confident, but objectivity will not hurt you.

Answers “B” predominate. Under the influence of emotions, you easily believe both good and bad. When you deal with a situation in the heat of the moment, you often make mistakes from which you yourself suffer.

Therefore, no matter how much you want to throw out your emotions, first calm down, count to 15 and try to look at the current situation from the outside.

Answers “B” predominate. You trust only your own opinion and your own logic. You try to resolve any conflicts peacefully, but never compromising your interests. You can always correctly assess how a young man treats you.

“G” answers predominate. You are not confident in yourself and do not consider yourself attractive, so you live in constant anxiety, afraid of losing your loved one. You think you don't deserve his love, so you expect him to leave you. So you try to adapt to him, put up with his shortcomings and sacrifice your feelings. Won't you regret it later?!

What impression do you make on boys?

1. Do you consider yourself beautiful?

A. Yes (5 points).

B. No (0 points).

B. I am very beautiful (10 points).

2. Did you have to be the first to approach a boy to get acquainted?

A. Yes, and more than once (10 points).

B. No. I think that the guys themselves should come first (5 points).

Q. It’s difficult for me to decide on this because of my shyness (0 points).

3. What does a kiss on the first date mean?

A. The meeting ended well, because we liked each other (10 points).

B. It’s just a rush of feelings, but now he will think that I’m frivolous (5 points).

B. It's not about me. I won’t allow myself this (0 points).

4. On the bus, a handsome young man looks at you all the time. How will you behave?

A. I will also look at him without stopping. (10 points).

B. I will turn away embarrassedly and look out the window, and at the first opportunity I will get off the bus (0 points).

B. I will smile back (5 points).

5. A stranger comes up to you on the street and says: “Girl, have we met somewhere before?!” What will you answer him?

A. “Perhaps, but I won’t go there again” (10 points).

B. “Sorry, you are clearly confusing me with someone” (0 points).

B. “Don’t pester me, otherwise I’ll scream” (5 points).

6. What do you talk about with your friends?

A. I ask what interesting things happened to them (5 points).

B. I’m talking about my relationship with my boyfriend (10 points).

B. I talk less and listen more (0 points).

7. What motto suits you?

A. “The one who knows how to wait will win” (5 points).

B. “Worry, don’t worry – this can’t change anything” (0 points).

V. “If you want to be happy, then be it!” (10 points).

8. Who should your boyfriend be to you?

A. A reliable, stone wall (0 points).

B. An interesting person with whom you don’t feel bored (5 points).

B. Must be everything (10 points).

9. Your best friend broke up with her lover. What will you tell her to console her?

A. “Don’t worry! One romance has ended, another one will begin soon!” (5 points).

B. “Spit on everything! This scoundrel is not worth your little finger!” (10 points).

V. “I’m also unlucky in love. Let's stick together!" (0 points).

10. Your boyfriend has a very cute friend. One day he invited you to the cinema. What will you do?

A. I’ll go to the cinema, but I won’t tell my boyfriend anything (10 points).

B. I’ll tell my boyfriend about this and ask him to get his friend away from me (5 points).

B. I don’t want to become the reason for their quarrel, so I will break off relations with both (0 points).


Less than 30 points. You are just a real “gray mouse” who is trying to be invisible. If you want boys to pay attention to you, stop being shy, and then your life will immediately change.

From 35 to 65 points. Guys follow you, considering you smart and beautiful, and girlfriends burn with envy. This is probably how it should be.

From 70 to 100 points. You are confident in yourself and soberly assess your shortcomings. You are decisive and even tough in relationships with friends and boys. These qualities of yours scare many people, so try to be a little softer and more feminine.

How does he treat you

When answering questions, score 1 point for each positive answer.

1. Before you met, did your boyfriend already have several hobbies?

2. Has he told you about all the negative aspects of his ex-girlfriends?

3. Does he ask you to tell you about your former fans?

4. Is he jealous of you over a simple conversation with another guy?

5. When making an important decision, does your boyfriend always consult with you?

6. Is he often late for dates or forgets about his promises?

7. Is he embarrassed to hug and kiss you in public?

8. Does it happen that he goes to a disco and parties with friends, but doesn’t invite you?

9. In response to your reproaches, does he immediately recall your mistakes?

10. If you want to find out how he feels about you, does he laugh it off and try to avoid conversation?

11. Has he repeatedly forgotten to congratulate you on various holidays and even on your birthday?

12. If you haven’t seen each other for several days, does he ask you about your affairs?

13. In a dispute, do you most often have to compromise?

14. Can he joke or seriously flirt with other girls in front of you?

15. Did he introduce you to his friends and parents, introducing you as his girlfriend?

16. Does he allow himself to talk about your and his parents with disrespect?

17. Does he vocally judge your clothing style and the music you like?


From 10 to 13 points. The young man does not take your relationship seriously. Be careful and don’t allow yourself to fall too deeply in love, otherwise you will be disappointed and offended.

From 6 to 9 points. Your boyfriend is very selfish and often does not take your opinion into account. He treats you like his property. Try telling him everything you don't like about your relationship. Maybe he will be afraid that he will lose you and change his behavior.

Less than 5 points. Your boyfriend values ​​you very much and cares about your relationship. If anything bothers you about what's going on between you, don't be shy, tell him and everything will work out. Take care of your love.

What awaits you ahead

The questions of this test must be answered not only by you, but also by your chosen one. Believe me, the result may be unexpected. For each positive answer, award 5 points, and for each negative answer, 0 points. After taking the test, compare your results.

1. Has love always ruled in your family and peace and harmony reigned?

2. Can you easily meet a guy (girl)?

3. Can’t imagine your life without parties and discos?

4. Do you think falling in love brightens life?

5. Is it true that there can be no secrets between loving people?

6. Do you allow yourself to communicate with your friends of the opposite sex in the presence and absence of your boyfriend (girlfriend)?

7. Do you always try to resolve conflicts peacefully?

8. Do you courageously admit your mistakes and mistakes?

9. How long does it take for you to calm down after a quarrel with your friends?

10. Do you introduce your boyfriend (your girlfriend) to your friends?

11. You won’t go to the cinema with a guy (girlfriend) if he (she) invites you to watch a movie at home alone?

12. Do you believe in the existence of eternal love?

13. Do you think that you need to confess your love to each other as often as possible?


The difference is less than 20 points. Your views on life are largely similar. You have a lot in common in hobbies and passions. Perhaps you are two halves who have found each other.

The difference is from 25 to 40 points. Conflicts in your relationship are inevitable because you have completely different views on life. If you still want to be together, you should learn to give in to each other and find a compromise on controversial issues.

The difference is more than 45 points. You are complete opposites. For you, creating harmony in love is hard work. Patience and more patience!

What does Valentine's Day mean to you?

1. What is love?

A. A theorem that requires constant proof (5 points).

B. I + HE = WE (10 points).

B. A crystal vase that is easy to break (0 points).

2. Why is Valentine's Day celebrated?

A. This is another reason to celebrate (5 points).

B. You can once again confess your love to each other (10 points).

B. So that those who are not in love will envy those who are in love (0 points).

3. Who do you dream of celebrating this holiday with?

A. With your loved one (5 points).

B. With Brad Pitt (10 points).

B. With a boy I’ve liked for a long time, but he doesn’t like me, so I’ll have to celebrate with a friend (0 points).

4. For what qualities do we love boys?

A. For their courage and the fact that they understand computers (10 points).

B. Because they kiss great (5 points).

B. For the fact that they exist in the world and are always nearby (0 points).

5. Which SMS message would make you the most happy?

A. “Press the phone to your cheek and receive a virtual kiss. Repeat five times” (5 points).

B. “This is a virus that got into a cell phone and sent an SMS kiss to the most beautiful, kind and smart girl” (10 points).

Q. “Do you think I’m crazy about you? That I only think about you? What are you the meaning of my existence? Yes, you’re right if you think so” (0 points).

6. What is Cupid?

A. Big river (0 points).

B. Roman god of love (5 points).

B. The prankster who sent an arrow to my heart. Now I'm just lost in love (10 points).

7. Which valentine would you choose for your special someone?

A. Darling! Native! Beloved!

You are a fair wind to the ship!

I would only like to be next to you,

Because I love you (5 points).

B. Happy Valentine's Day,

Intoxicated with light and happiness!

God willing, we won’t part,

Enjoy eternal happiness (10 points).

Q. Years will pass, and the waves will rush!

In the darkness, like a bird, love will hide.

And I will say: “What happiness,

That you and I are on the same planet!” (0 points).


Less than 20 points. You don't want to be lonely anymore. You dream of being inundated with hearts and declarations of love on this day. Believe me, it will happen!

From 25 to 45 points. You are preparing very seriously for Valentine's Day. This holiday is of great importance to you. You really want the boy you really like to be next to you.

From 50 to 70 points. For you, Valentine's Day is another reason to spend an unforgettable day with your loved one. He likes surprises, he appreciates your imagination and on this holiday he completely trusts you.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Belarus

GBOU SPO "Gusinoozersk Energy College"

Educational and methodological documentation

2.6. Educational work


Methodological development of class hour

Considered at the meeting MO

Class teachers

Protocol No._______________



Deputy Director for VR


____ __ ____ T.P. Mokhonko

signature of I.O. Surname




(situational workshop on communication culture)

Gusinoozersk, 2015


Development of a culture of communication and communication skills of students.

Fostering ethical standards of conflict-free communication with younger people, with peers and with adults.

Equipment. If possible, prepare for each student texts of extracts from books and the text “Conflict without violence,” sheets, papers and pens.

Progress of the class hour.

Situation 1. “Do you know how to manage conflict?”

Rules to follow in conversation:

It is necessary to conduct the conversation politely and in an even voice;

There must be a desire to talk;

You should look your interlocutor in the eyes;

Wrinkle your forehead and nose;

There is no need to interrupt or interrupt the interlocutor;

You should not get too carried away with gesticulation;

You should not unnecessarily complicate your speech by using foreign words or scientific terms;

Try to speak clearly, without rushing, without muttering or swallowing the endings of words;

The intonation should not be offensive or offensive to the person.

1. You need to know how the conflict develops:

The emergence of disagreements; increasing tension in relationships;

Awareness of the situation as a conflict by at least one of its participants;

Conflict interaction itself, the use of various interpersonal styles of conflict resolution, accompanied by an increase or decrease in emotional tension;

Outcome (resolution) of the conflict. Conflict resolution is the elimination of the problem that gave rise to the conflict situation and the restoration of normal
relationships between people.

2. Finding out the hidden and obvious causes of the conflict, determining what really is the subject of disagreements and claims. Sometimes the participants themselves cannot or do not dare to clearly formulate the main cause of the conflict.

4. Focus on interests, not positions. Our position is what we declare, what we insist on, our decision model. Our interests are what prompted us to make this decision. Interests are our desires and concerns. They are the key to solving the problem.

5. Make distinctions between the parties to the conflict and the problems that arise. Put yourself in your opponent's shoes. Be tough on the problem and soft on the people.

6. Treat the initiator of the conflict fairly and impartially. Do not forget that behind dissatisfaction and complaints, as a rule, there is a problem that burdens a person, gives him anxiety and inconvenience.

7. Do not expand the subject of the conflict, try to reduce the number of claims. It is impossible to immediately understand all the problems.

8. Adhere to the rule of emotional restraint. Be aware of and control your feelings. Consider the state and individual characteristics of the parties to the conflict. This prevents realistic conflicts from developing into unrealistic ones. When discussing conflict, it is important to avoid the following serious mistakes:

The partner puts forward his own mistake as the other’s mistake;

The partner's behavior is dictated solely by tactical considerations;

The partner hides behind “production necessity”;

The partner insists on recognition of his authority;

The partner's most vulnerable spots are used;

Old grievances are recalled;

In the end, a winner and a loser emerge.

Possible and other mistakes made by interlocutors:

Disengagement: Anything that is unusual or irritating can distract your attention. For example, the appearance of the speaker, his voice or pronunciation;

High speed of mental activity. We think four times faster than we speak. Therefore, when someone speaks, our brain most of the time
free and distracted from the speaker's speech;

Antipathy to other people's thoughts. We value our thoughts more; it is more pleasant and easier for us to follow these thoughts than to force ourselves to follow what someone else says;

Selectivity of attention. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to listening to many things at the same time, without paying utmost attention to everything. Trying to listen carefully
everything would be an overwhelming task. In self-defense, we learn to alternately choose what is of interest now. This switching habit makes it difficult to fixate on one thing;

Need for a replica. The words of another may make us feel the need to respond. If this happens, then we no longer listen to what they tell us. My thoughts are busy formulating “devastating” arguments and comments.

Task 1. Do you agree with all the “rules”?

Task 2. Have you ever had to apply some of the “rules” given in the text in any life situation?

Situation 2. “What is tact?”

Tact primarily means a sense of proportion, the ability to navigate in certain circumstances. What to do at the moment? What should you say and what should you keep silent about? Should I stay in the room or go out? Pretend not to notice the bad remark or turn it into a joke?

Tact is sensitivity, modesty in behavior, the result of upbringing, it is based on respect for others, respect for other people's opinions, care in relation to loved ones, friends, colleagues.

The following is considered tactless:

By your behavior, attract attention in some public places (museum, theater, library, etc.);

Talk in a public place about the personal affairs of your loved ones (friends, relatives, etc.);

Imposing your tastes and ideas.
Exercise. Complete the concept with your own sentences:

“considered tactless...”

Situation 3. “How to get a person to accept your point of view?”

Convincing a person of something does not mean arguing with him: the only way to win an argument is to avoid it. Misunderstandings cannot be resolved by dispute; they
can only be resolved through tact, a desire for reconciliation, and a sincere desire to understand the other's point of view.

Respect the opinions of other people, never tell a person sharply that he is wrong, especially in front of people. In such conditions it is difficult for a person to agree with

If a person expresses some thought, and you are sure that it is wrong, it is better to turn to him with the words: “I may be wrong. Let's get the facts straight."
This will force the interlocutor to be just as fair, force him to admit that he can also be wrong.

If you are wrong, admit it quickly and decisively. It is much easier to admit your mistakes or shortcomings yourself than to listen to condemnation from another person. If you know that the other person thinks or wants to say something negative about you, say it yourself first, this will disarm him,

Don't start important conversations with demands to say yes or no. If a person said “no”, his principles require him to remain completely consistent. He may later feel that “no” was wrong, but you yourself cut off his path to retreat. Therefore, it is very important to conduct the conversation in such a way that the interlocutor does not have the need or opportunity to say “no.”

If you want to convince people of anything, try to see things through their eyes. You will save a lot of time and save your nerves.

Task 1. Do you agree with the given rules?

Task 2. In your opinion, do these rules always “work”?

Situation 4. “Will the given recommendations help you to speed up the process? conflict resolution?

During negotiations, priority should be given to discussing substantive issues.

The parties should strive to relieve psychological and social tension.

The parties must demonstrate mutual respect.

Negotiators should strive to turn the hidden part of the conflict situation into an open one, openly and demonstrably revealing each other’s positions and consciously creating an atmosphere of public, equal exchange of opinions.

All negotiators must be willing to compromise. The final, post-conflict stage is of particular importance. At this stage you should
efforts will be made to finally eliminate contradictions of interests, goals, attitudes, eliminate socio-psychological tension and
any struggle has ceased.

Exercise. Do you agree with these recommendations?

Situation 5. “How should you greet someone you know?” Exercise:

What greeting methods do you know?

Are greetings among young people different from greetings among adults?

Do you choose this method of greeting your acquaintances only based on age or on the personal qualities of this person?

Please take note of the information below.

“Why do people shake hands?” There are many other ways to greet each other. In movies, you've probably seen courtiers bow, well-bred girls and ladies curtsying, and gentlemen raising their hats when they meet.

More exotic forms of greeting are also known: among some peoples, for example, when meeting, it was customary... to rub noses or even perform a special dance. However, the handshake alone has survived all times and has become widespread. This happened because this is the most peaceful, most friendly gesture, understandable to everyone.

By extending his open palm, the man seemed to show the other that he had no weapon, that his intentions were pure. And if these intentions were not rejected, exactly the same response gesture followed. And by shaking hands, people were convinced that there really was no weapon hidden in the other’s hand. That’s why it’s customary to take off your glove before shaking hands - your palm should be open.

A persistent prejudice has come down to us from very ancient times: you cannot shake hands across the threshold. Its meaning is this: at home, a person is reliably protected by walls, but behind the threshold lies danger and the unknown. So if someone comes to the house, let them come in first

inside, into the light, where you can clearly see the newcomer and recognize a threat in time, if there is one. And if not, exchange a firm handshake.

Situation 6. “Will a test help you communicate?”

Test “Conflict without violence”

Choose what you think are the correct answers.

1. Are constant arguments with friends a manifestation of your freedom of choice?

A. yes, they are; B. no, they are not;

V. it all depends on the culture of the person, the country where he lives, and the legislation.

2. Children have the right to freely make their choice:
A. in all spheres of life and activity;

B. only among his friends; V. only in the family.

3. Why should a person follow generally accepted rules?

A. because it is so accepted in society;

B. because it coincides with his desires;

V. because it turns out that way.

4. When people come to an agreement with each other, they:
A. quarrel;

B. defend their positions; V. develop rules.

5. Why does a person not follow the rules?
A. living by the rules is not interesting;

B. he is poorly brought up, he has a low level of culture;

V. believes that following the rules is a sign of weakness.

6. What are the causes of conflicts?
A. rudeness; B. weak character;

B. selfishness; G. kindness;

D. responsibility; E. difference of views.

7. Can there be conflict without violence?
A. yes; B. no; V. always.

8. What concept does the definition of “a state of mutual hostility, a serious disagreement” refer to:

A. conflict; B. quarrel; B. contradiction.

According to psychologists and teachers, the correct answers are: 1.b; 2.a; For; 4.c; 5.c; 6.a, c, e; 7.b; 8.b.

Joking situation 7. “Will humor help you when communicating?”

Test “Can you speak beautifully at the blackboard?”

Studying is not such an interesting activity. But you have the power to make sure that every time you go to the board becomes a memorable event for you, your classmates, and your teacher (and your teachers have even fewer opportunities for entertainment than you do).

Don't limit yourself to just answering the question (although some people can't do that), but complement your presentation at the board... How? Well, as best you can.

Mentally or on paper, give yourself 2 points for an optimistic answer, 1 point for a positive answer, and 0 points for a negative answer to the following questions:

1. Do you know funny jokes?
I know a lot!

I know, but you can’t say things like that in an audience.

I don't know, I'm an excellent student.

2. Do you know at least one song by heart?
Yes, I know a lot!

I know, but words scare me all the time.

I tried to learn it, but I couldn't yet.

3. Do you know how to dance any exotic dances, for example, break, mazurka, squat, little swans, dance of the cannibal tribe mambu-khryambu?

I can!

No, I can’t yet.

I only know kindergarten dances.

4. Can you stand on your head?
I can do it on the head and other parts of the body.
I can, but only on someone else’s head.

I can hardly stand on my feet yet.

5. Can you reach your nose with the tip of your tongue?
In no time!

Only up to someone else's nose.

Not yet, but I have already started training.

6. Can you show me any trick?

I can “cut” the teacher (the number is performed only once).

I don't know, I haven't tried it.

Let's summarize. If you typed:

10-12 points. You are a cheerful young man (girl)! Humor helps you not only in your studies, but also in communication.

6-9 points. You can please your classmates and don’t miss this chance!

1-5 points. Are you really such a boring person?
How then do your classmates communicate with you?

Learn at least one of the student jokes by heart and tell it to your friends at a convenient time. Maybe this will help...

Mini-results. The class teacher sums up all the students' arguments.


    Yes, you can’t be blamed for being unsociable.
    It wouldn’t hurt you to moderate your curiosity a little, talk a little less, and most importantly, express your opinion on any matter a little less often. Admit it, you love to be the center of attention. You don’t know how to refuse requests, even when you can’t fulfill them. It happens that you suddenly flare up, but, fortunately, you quickly move away. What would help you is perseverance and the ability not to give in to problems. However, if you want, you can force yourself not to retreat, to finish the job you started.

    Yes, you can’t be blamed for being unsociable.
    It wouldn’t hurt you to moderate your curiosity a little, talk a little less, and most importantly, express your opinion on any matter a little less often. Admit it, you love to be the center of attention. You don’t know how to refuse requests, even when you can’t fulfill them. It happens that you suddenly flare up, but, fortunately, you quickly move away. What would help you is perseverance and the ability not to give in to problems. However, if you want, you can force yourself not to retreat, to finish the job you started. everything about me +3

    Thanks to curiosity, you listen to any new interlocutor. One of your advantages should also include the fact that you object without getting excited, do not put pressure on others, but try to convince. New contacts are easy and simple for you. If anything irritates you, it is verbosity, fussiness, extravagance. Although in these cases you know how to restrain yourself.

    Your sociability is fine.

    Thanks to curiosity, you listen to any new interlocutor. One of your advantages should also include the fact that you object without getting excited, do not put pressure on others, but try to convince. New contacts are easy and simple for you. If anything irritates you, it is verbosity, fussiness, extravagance. Although in these cases you know how to restrain yourself.

    Your sociability is fine.
    Thanks to curiosity, you listen to any new interlocutor. One of your advantages should also include the fact that you object without getting excited, do not put pressure on others, but try to convince. New contacts are easy and simple for you. If anything irritates you, it is verbosity, fussiness, extravagance. Although in these cases you know how to restrain yourself.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Amur Region

State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Amur Region “Special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 5 for orphans and children left without parental care,

Smt. Novobureysky"


"Can you communicate"

Prepared by:

Teacher of the 1st qualification category

Ponurovskaya V.I.

village Novobureysky


"Can you communicate"

Goals: Correction of communication with peers and adults; psycho-emotional state; development of communication skills.

Tasks: Formation of ideas about the culture of communication. To promote mastery of the rules and techniques of communication.

Methods: Dialogue with training elements, story game, testing.

Material: Handouts, outline, colored pencils.

1) Educator: The topic of our lesson: “Can you communicate”

As you may have guessed, today we will talk about communication.

What is communication? ( Children's answers)


What does communication mean? (Contact, conversation, meeting, conversations, exchange of information)

(Generalization by the teacher)

COMMUNICATION is the establishment of contacts between people as members of society.

Educator: The only true luxury in the world is the luxury of human communication. Man exists and develops in society. Communication permeates our entire lives; it is a human need, like water and food. If there was no communication, we would not become who we are...

Educator: At the end of the lesson you will have to answer two questions:

Can you do without other people?

Will other people be able to get by without you?

2) Educator: Guys, I suggest you take the test - training “My Social Circle”

"My social circle"

Each pupil is given a sheet on which a circle is depicted; colored pencils.You need to use different colors to define your social circle.

(Question for children)

The test is analyzed and a small social circle is determined.

What difficulties did you encounter during the training?

Why do you communicate with some people more and less with others?

3. Test

Guys, I suggest you determine what prevents people from communicating? What helps?

(Everyone receives cards with a test that lists various qualities of a person)

Assignment: Signs + or – note the qualities that help and hinder communication.

(Ask 1 – 2 guys)

Was it difficult to work with the dough?

What were the difficulties?

4. Let's name the basic rules of communication.

FIRST RULE: You must be able to listen to your interlocutor.

Exercise: "Transfer of information"We ask everyone to listen carefully.

Now you will all leave the room, one person will remain, I will tell him the text, then I will invite a second person into the room and the first will tell him the text that I just listened to. Then, on the third, the second one will tell him what the first one told him. Then I will call the next one and so on until all the students are in the room.

Text: I have a friend Borka, he loves to draw for his birthday, I gave him paints, he drew a beautiful card for his mother.


What caused the distortion of information?

What did each person contribute to the story?

Why didn’t the teacher understand anything?

Conclusion: The interlocutors must listen carefully to each other. Their speech should be understandable.

5. SECOND RULE: Use intonation correctly.

Exercise: “Intonation”

Educator: Do you remember the expression that it is often not what is said that is important, but how it is said, i.e. you need to be able to control intonation. Now let’s check how developed this skill is in you. (Each child has cards with a sentence that needs to be said with a different intonation.)


Was it difficult to complete the task?

What were the difficulties?

6. THIRD RULE: When communicating, it is necessary to take into account the age of the interlocutor.

Children are divided into two groups. One group prepares a verbal congratulation for a peer, the other for an adult.

Conclusion: When communicating with adults, you cannot use a cheeky tone, without tact; you must communicate in a “you” manner.

Other people can get by if: (they don’t know how to communicate, behave badly in society, offend others, you can get by without such people)

7. Guys, now I suggest you answer the questions that were asked at the beginning of the lesson.

Let's summarize your answers with a reminder (children hand out reminders)


I suggest you give memos to your friends from other classes.


  • Respect your interlocutor
  • Be tactful
  • Don't humiliate your interlocutor
  • Be attentive to your interlocutor
  • Know how to listen and hear your interlocutor without interrupting him
  • Strive for mutual understanding

8. Continue my suggestions:

Today I found out...

I was wondering...

I want to end our lesson with the words of Leopold the cat from the song:“Guys, let's live together!”

Thank you for your attention.

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