Ability to conduct telephone conversations. phrases that should not be said to clients on the phone

“A conversation on the phone lies halfway between art and life. This communication is not with a person, but with the image that develops in you when you listen to him” (André Maurois).


Knowledge of the basics of business etiquette and the ability to establish contacts are an integral part of the professional experience of employees. According to statistics, the telephone is actively used to resolve more than 50% of business issues.

Indirect negotiations differ in many ways from direct business communication. Failure to comply with the basics of telephone etiquette leaves an imprint on the image and reputation of any organization. What are the basic rules for communicating on the phone?

5 stages of preparation for telephone conversations

The outcome of telephone conversations largely depends on planning. Productive calls cannot be spontaneous. Preparation and planning of negotiations can be divided into 5 stages.

  • Information
Collecting documents and materials for conducting a telephone conversation.
Determining the purpose of telephone conversations (obtaining information, setting up a meeting).
Drawing up a plan for a business conversation and a list of questions to ask.
  • Time
Choosing a time convenient for the interlocutor.
  • Mood
Having a positive attitude is just as important as planning your negotiations. In the voice you can most often hear a smile, fatigue or negative emotions, which a business partner can attribute to his own account. In order for the voice to be “alive”, it is recommended to conduct telephone conversations while standing and smiling!

Rules for communicating on the phone in business

  • At the beginning of a conversation, you cannot use the words: “hello”, “listening”, “speak”. The first and elementary rule: introduce yourself kindly when answering the call. For example: “Good afternoon. Manager Tatyana. Fortuna Company.
  • Negotiations should be brief. You cannot discuss a transaction or other matter on its merits. To do this, you must schedule a personal meeting.
  • Passing the phone many times during a conversation is bad manners.
  • Negotiations are conducted only with decision makers.
  • The promise to call back should be fulfilled immediately, as soon as the problem is resolved, or within 24 hours.
  • If a specialist is absent from the workplace, it is possible to exchange information with the help of another employee or assistant manager. The content of the message via third parties or to an answering machine must be planned in advance, observing the rules of telephone communication. Ask the secretary to organize the transfer of data and ensure that it reaches the addressee in any case.
  • Recording on an answering machine begins with a greeting, indicating the date and time of the call. After a short message there are words of farewell.
  • Telephone calls should not be left unanswered, as any call can help obtain important information or close a deal. Pick up the handset quickly until the third ring.
  • Of course, you cannot answer two phones at the same time.
  1. Negotiate quickly and energetically. Presenting arguments clearly and clearly, answering questions without long pauses or vague phrases.
  2. The pause may, as an exception, last no more than one minute if the specialist is searching for a document. When the interlocutor waits longer, he has every right to hang up.
  3. Politeness is required when calling. Swearing and shouting in any case is a violation of the ethics of telephone communication.
  4. During telephone conversations, it is not recommended to use jargon, colloquial or profanity. It is also not advisable to use terminology that may not be clear to the interlocutor.
  5. You should not cover the handset or microphone with your hand when communicating with colleagues, as the interlocutor will likely hear this conversation.
  6. Forcing a guest or visitor to wait while you are on the phone is a violation of business etiquette. In this case, you need to apologize, state the reason and set a time for a new call.
  7. If the connection fails, when the conversation is interrupted, the person who called dials the number again. When a company representative negotiates with a client, customer or partner, the representative calls back again.
  8. Concluding negotiations, it is worth once again voicing joint agreements and understandings.
  9. The one who called, or the senior in position or age, ends the conversation and says goodbye first.
  10. Sincere words of gratitude are indispensable when ending a conversation. In parting, you can orient your interlocutor toward cooperation: “See you tomorrow” or “Call me in...”.

Taboo, or What expressions should be avoided?

Unwanted expression Rules for communicating by phone
"No" This word, especially at the beginning of a sentence, “strains” the interlocutor and complicates mutual understanding. It is advisable to express disagreement correctly. For example, “We will accommodate you and replace the product, but it is no longer possible to return the money.”
"We can't" Refusing a client right away means sending him to competitors. Solution: offer an alternative and pay attention first of all to what is possible.
“Call Back”, “Nobody’s There”, “Everybody’s at Lunch” The potential client will not call again, but will choose the services of another company. Therefore, we need to help him solve the problem or arrange a meeting, invite him to the office, etc.
"You must" These words should be avoided, using softer formulations: “The best thing to do is...”, “It makes sense for you...”
“I don’t know”, “I’m not responsible for this”, “It’s not my fault” Undermines the reputation of the specialist and the organization. If there is a lack of information, it is better to answer: “Interesting question. Can I clarify this for you?”
“Wait just a second, I’ll look (find)” Deceiving the client, since it is impossible to get things done in a second. It’s worth telling the truth: “Searching for the necessary information will take 2-3 minutes. Can you wait?
“Am I distracting you?” or “Can I distract you?” Phrases cause negativity and complicate communication. These questions put the caller in an awkward position. Preferred option: “Do you have a minute?” or “Can you talk now?”
Questions “Who am I talking to now?”, “What do you need?” Phrases are unacceptable because they turn negotiations into interrogation and violate the rules of telephone communication.
The question "Why..." The interlocutor may think that you do not trust him.

7 secrets of successful calls

  1. The rules for talking on the phone with clients suggest that effective negotiations are completed in 3-4 minutes.
  2. Posture and intonation are just as important as the information conveyed during a conversation.
  3. How does the interlocutor speak? Fast or slow. Successful managers know how to adapt to the pace of the client’s speech.
  4. It is preferable to replace monosyllabic “yes” and “no” with detailed answers. For example, a client asks whether you will be there on Friday, you should not only answer “yes”, but also inform your working hours.
  5. If the conversation has dragged on, then instead of apologizing, it is better to thank the interlocutor. The rules of talking on the phone with clients do not allow an apologetic tone.
  6. Taking notes and notes during telephone conversations in a notepad will help you restore the flow of an important conversation. A business person will not use scraps of paper or calendar sheets for this.
  7. The peculiarity of the phone is that it enhances speech impediments. You need to carefully monitor your diction and pronunciation. Recording and listening to your conversations with clients will help you improve your negotiation techniques.

When a client calls...

The client who gets through may not identify himself, but immediately begins to explain his problem. Therefore, it is necessary to tactfully ask: “Excuse me, what is your name?”, “What organization are you from?”, “Please tell me your phone number?”

The rules for communicating over the phone with clients are based on the fact that you should only convey accurate information if you have the necessary data. A client who does not wait for a clear answer will no longer contact your organization.

Sometimes you have to deal with an angry or nervous client. It is better to listen to his complaint and not interrupt. He will be capable of constructive dialogue only when he speaks out. When you hear an insult, you must hang up.

Making calls in public places or in a meeting

Meetings and business meetings are times when, according to the rules, you should refrain from calling. Live voice is a priority. Negotiations that distract the attention of those present are unacceptable.

Answering a call at a business meeting or meeting means showing your interlocutor that you do not value him and the time spent with him, that the person who called is more important.

There are also good reasons, for example, the illness of a relative, a large contract. The rules for communicating by telephone suggest that those present must be notified before the meeting or meeting and the receipt of the call must be coordinated with them. The conversation should be conducted very quickly (no more than 30 seconds), if possible in another office.

A person talking on the phone during a private meeting, in a restaurant, at a meeting looks uncultured and stupid.

Business conversation on the phone. Example

Option 1

Head: Satellite Center. Good afternoon.

Secretary: Good afternoon. Union of Consumer Societies. Morozova Marina. I'm calling about a competition.

R: Alexander Petrovich. I'm listening to you.

R: Yes. You can book a conference room with 150 seats.

S: Thank you. This will suit us.

R: Then it will be necessary to send us a letter of guarantee.

S: Okay. Can I send it by mail with a notice?

R: Yes, but it will take three days.

S: It's long.

R: You can send it by courier.

S: So, we’ll do that. Thank you for the information. Goodbye.

R: Goodbye. We will be glad to cooperate.

Business conversation on the phone. Example 2

Manager: Hello. I would like to talk with Ivan Sergeevich.

Exhibition Director: Good afternoon. I'm listening to you.

M: This is Vladimir Baluev, manager of the Maxi Stroy company. I am calling regarding negotiations to clarify prices.

D: Very nice. What specifically are you interested in?

M: Has the cost of an exhibition square meter increased?

D: Yes, I grew up. One square meter in the pavilion costs six thousand rubles from September 1, and three thousand in the open exhibition.

M: I see. Thanks for the information.

D: Please. If you have any questions, please call.

M: Thank you. I will contact you if necessary. All the best.

D: Goodbye.


The ability to apply the rules of telephone communication with clients becomes an integral part of the image of any organization. Consumers prefer companies that are pleasant to do business with. Effective business communication is the key to successful transactions, and therefore the financial well-being of the enterprise.

A key skill for running a successful business is the ability to effectively conduct business negotiations with clients and partners. There are methods and technologies of the negotiation process that help achieve desired goals, protect a personal point of view, or turn an opponent into a supporter.

How to prepare for negotiations with potential clients or partners

No matter what tactics you use in negotiations, you will need preparation.

You've spent a lot of time, money and energy on a potential client, only to hear in response: “I need to think about it.” What to do? Perhaps you need to start with what not to do.

We have selected 8 ways to deal with objections and increase company sales. You will also find a checklist for checking actions.

Internal preparation

List all the goals and objectives that you want to achieve during the negotiations, write them down and analyze how achievable they are.

The basis of preparation is studying the information that you have, because this is one of the main conditions for achieving success. When studying your goals and analyzing your expectations from communication, you should take into account the fact that often the result of the negotiation process is a compromise solution. It is important to think it through in advance. Set a maximum goal (the best outcome of the negotiations) and a minimum goal (what should be achieved in any case).

Formulate an agenda - this will become your basis for the upcoming negotiations. Take the document with you to the meeting, place it on the table so that all participants in the conversation can see it. This will create the impression of you as a well-prepared and serious interlocutor, aware of your goals and objectives.

Analyze the motives of your opponents. In the negotiation process, you often have to justify your opinion on this or that matter and defend your point of view with arguments. However, it is equally important to understand the motives that guide your interlocutors when negotiating.

Determine the real powers of the negotiators. You can use the following classification of opponents by category:

  • those who make decisions;
  • those who influence;
  • those who apply the decisions: take upon themselves the implementation of the results obtained from the negotiation process;
  • those who make contact.

Find out the interests of your interlocutor. Showing that you understand his needs will immediately give you an advantage and make it easier to find a common solution that suits both parties.

External preparation

Determine the optimal time, duration and date for negotiations with clients. Psychologically, those who receive the invitation to communicate benefit, not those who initiate it. Give in to the other party in setting the time for the conversation, and leave the choice of location to yourself. If the negotiations take place on your territory, this is your advantage. The meeting should be arranged in advance (at least two to three days in advance), all the details should be discussed (its duration and the list of topics that will be covered).

Number of participants. Most often, an equal number of representatives from both sides participate in negotiations. By the way, the fewer there are, the faster and more efficient the meeting goes.

Language of negotiations. The one that is convenient for all participants in the process is selected.

A place for negotiations. A platform for communication should be thought through and prepared in advance, taking into account all organizational details: necessary documents, cards with the names of participants, etc.

The meeting of partners is an important moment during negotiations. This can be done in the lobby of your office, at a train station or at the airport (in the case when guests arrive from another city or country). Pay special attention to the female representatives of the delegation and present them with flowers as a sign of welcome.

Representation of negotiators. As a rule, the head of the receiving party is the first to introduce himself, and then he introduces the members of his team. Then the initiative passes to the guests, and they act in the same way.

Present. Usually they are given by guests to the receiving party, and if the hosts also have gifts prepared, they present them afterwards. Do not forget that gifts should be chosen in accordance with the status of the negotiators.

Stages of negotiations with a client

Stage 1.Initial phase of negotiations.

One of the most important and mandatory conditions at this stage of negotiations with clients is discipline. It is forbidden to pay attention to any extraneous activities; all participants in the conversation must develop a common position regarding the main topic of negotiations.

When starting to consider the subject of communication, you should not rush and show excessive interest in cooperation. It is important to observe the extent to which the subject of negotiations is important to the opposing side.

Stage 2.Agreeing on the topic of business negotiations.

In accordance with the agenda, the parties determine which topics should be given more time and attention, and what can be discussed in an accelerated manner, after which they proceed to voice their positions.

Stage 3.Finding out the opponents' point of view.

When one of the parties announces its position, it often happens that it is covered too one-sidedly and limitedly. Therefore, the task of the opposing side is to point out the need to adjust this point of view in order to achieve a compromise vision of the problem.

Stage 4.Identifying common interests.

At this stage, the parties receive as much information as possible about the opponent, his interests, position, its details and essence. Based on the information received, the partners determine for themselves the degree of flexibility that they are capable of in the negotiation process.

Stage 5.Arguing your point of view.

The most common motivation of negotiators is to obtain maximum benefits for their side. What's the best way to let your partner know what's important to you? Adapt to the intellectual level and style of speech of your opponents. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How does the other side perceive this situation?
  • What experience do your partners have in this area?
  • What goals and objectives does this company set for itself, and its difficulties?
  • What position do opponents defend? What is the reason for this point of view?

Stage 6.Dealing with objections.

Negotiators almost always deal with some form of objection or disagreement with the positions presented. To avoid disputes and disagreements that will not benefit either party, you should be extremely respectful of opposing opinions.

Directly refuting your opponent's counterarguments can lead to open resistance, so you should not use this method. First, you need to give your partners the opportunity to express their opinions openly and fully. There is a motive behind every statement. It is important to catch it and carry out a critical analysis, after which it will be possible to convince the interlocutor through his own statement.

The emotional displays of your negotiating partners should not worry or affect you. Please note the following important points:

  • you need to have a ready-made set of effective skills and communication methods that will help you maintain constructive negotiations, regardless of what attitude your opponent will show about it;
  • in the event that the parties cannot find a compromise solution that suits both, there is a possibility that one opponent will accuse the other of being unable to reach an agreement.

Stage 7.Results of the negotiations.

Don't assume that you can retain all the details and nuances of the negotiations in your memory. It is imperative to keep a protocol of the conversation, which reflects not only the details, but also important points: for example, the obligations that the other party makes or any promises.

In order to reach a mutual agreement, it is necessary to determine:

  • What exactly has been achieved so far?
  • What did the parties decide to stop at?
  • What do both partners agree on?
  • What should be the next steps?

It will be useful if you formulate a specific proposal and demand a direct answer from the opposite party whether it is satisfied with this decision. Sometimes you may need to answer additional questions:

  • What aspects were left untouched?
  • What prevents reaching a compromise?
  • What are your fears and concerns?

It is quite possible that in some situations it will be advisable to meet the other side halfway on some issues in order to establish a positive attitude and more quickly make a mutual decision.

In the final phase of the negotiation process, the parties must fix the following points:

  • description of the current situation;
  • attracting experts;
  • making a decision;
  • delegation of consideration of a decision to another authority;
  • conclusion of an agreement.

Immediately before expressing final consent, some clarifying questions should be asked:

  • Have all existing opportunities been fully taken into account and used?
  • Has the problem been solved?
  • Have all legal, financial, organizational and personal implications of the proposed solution been taken into account?
  • What could facilitate or hinder the practical implementation of the agreement?

To ensure that no important aspect of the contract is missed, it is recommended to apply the “four eyes principle” when reviewing the agreement. At the same time, as a rule, the hierarchy and connections in the social system, which includes our actions and powers in negotiations, are preserved.

When drawing up an agreement, pay special attention to the following nuances:

  • the possibility of circumventing the agreement of each of the parties;
  • conditions that invalidate the contract;
  • sanctions for violation of the agreement reached;
  • control of compliance with the document;
  • details of the procedure for early termination of the agreement;
  • contract renewal procedure;
  • possible moves subject to a change in the situation that could lead to an unfavorable agreement for one of the parties;
  • image of the contract;
  • procedure for changing the document in case of modification of the relevant conditions.

4 effective negotiation techniques

1. Small moves. One of the fundamental techniques for negotiating with clients is to monitor the dynamics of your influence on your partner. To do this, small moves are made that help monitor the interlocutor’s reactions.

2. Negotiator suit. There are no universal rules that will be effective in all conditions. The technique of negotiating with clients will work most optimally, which will be combined with the personal characteristics and way of thinking of your interlocutor.

3.Power shoulder. The technique of business negotiations will work effectively only if the strengths of the parties are compared and if they are able to influence the opponent’s decision.

4.Inner observer. The inner observer technique involves constantly observing your interlocutor and understanding the full range of methods and techniques that he uses in his speech. This is important in order to recognize the psychological pressure exerted on you during the negotiation process and be able to change the course of their development. Otherwise, your desire to find a compromise solution under the yoke of psychological pressure will be perceived as weakness.

What methods of negotiations with clients can be used in practice?

Method 1.Variational method.

During the preparatory stage for complex negotiations with clients, it is important to find answers to the following questions:

  • How do you see the ideal comprehensive solution to the problem posed?
  • What details of such a decision are not so important and can be omitted?
  • What will be the optimal solution to the problem if the expected difficulties and interference arise?
  • What arguments are needed in order to properly respond to the partner’s expected assumption due to the divergence of interests and their unilateral implementation?
  • Which extreme proposals from your opponent should definitely be rejected and with what arguments?

These considerations will help you go beyond the scope of the negotiation; they will require you to have an overview of the subject as a whole, lively thinking and the formulation of realistic expectations.

Method 2.Integration method.

This method is used to convince the interlocutor of the necessary assessment of the problems to which the negotiations are devoted, taking into account the presence of many public relations and the need for cooperation. Using it will prevent you from reaching a detailed agreement. The method should be used when the interlocutor is too focused on his interests and ignores social relationships.

Method 3.Compromise method.

Negotiators should be prepared to make compromise decisions. When the interests of partners do not coincide, a solution that suits both parties should be sought gradually, from stage to stage. Finding it becomes possible due to the fact that each of the parties makes certain concessions, abandoning any of its conditions, wishes or changing requirements.

How to negotiate with a difficult client

Rude and aggressive customer.

Often such clients have as their goal to piss you off. Your task is not to succumb to this, to remain calm and balanced, no matter how boorish and aggressive the client’s behavior is. Do not forget that the manifestation of rudeness and arrogance arises, firstly, from a lack of arguments and patience, and secondly, from a feeling of weakness and self-doubt. A wise behavior on your part would be to allow the client to throw out all his seething emotions and feelings, and then allow him to calm down. Under no circumstances answer him in his own manner; do not forget that you are at work and it is important for you to deal with objective circumstances, and not with the psychological problems or lack of education of each individual client. Direct your full attention to calmly listening to your opponent and then offering constructive solutions to the problem.

If other people are present during aggressive behavior on the part of the client, try to stay alone with the aggressor and solve problems in personal communication without the intervention of strangers.

A soft and shy client.

When negotiating and in relationships with such clients, you should be open, friendly, and kind. Under no circumstances should you make harsh and categorical statements; make sure that your facial expressions and gestures also convey gentleness, calmness, and goodwill. Communicate with your interlocutor, talk about various options and possibilities, ask what he likes best and why.

Indecisive client.

It is important to understand that hesitation does not always mean softness. Often indecisive people are afraid to make a mistake and are in constant doubt. Such clients will think for a long time, question, come back and check. The technology for negotiating with them will be to offer them no more than two suitable options. If the client cannot choose any of them, offer others, but again no more than two. This type of consumer has a very difficult time making choices, so if you immediately offer five or six options, this will confuse the client even more, and he may leave without deciding anything.

It would be a big mistake if you start pointing out to the buyer his indecisiveness. On the contrary, you need to do everything to give him self-confidence, and not point out flaws that he most likely knows about himself. Your task in this case is to help the client make a choice, and you can reduce his thinking time by giving arguments demonstrating the advantages of a particular product, reminding him of its limited quantity, value, uniqueness or high quality. Explain to your interlocutor that his level will be reflected in the cost of the product.

Sometimes an indecisive client is a representative of the company and then he needs to coordinate his decision with management. You can offer your support, as such people often have difficulty defending their opinions to their superiors. They are afraid to take full responsibility for their choices. In addition, the setting and environmental conditions are of great importance for this type of client. Offer him communication not in an office, but, for example, in a park: it is likely that an indecisive consumer in a less formal environment will feel more relaxed and free, which will affect his easy and quick decision-making.

A client who behaves in a familiar manner.

With people who prefer informal communication with you, behave freely and naturally, but make it clear that you are serious and principled in business matters. This way, you won't feed such clients' hopes for any concessions on your part.

Talkative client.

Often, behind the image of a chatty interlocutor, there are people who are insecure. You should not enter into competition with such a client and try to talk him down. Your goal is to convince him to choose your product. Therefore, return the client to a topic that is important to you if he constantly moves on to secondary topics in the conversation. For example, indicate that you understand the interlocutor, and then ask what exactly and in what quantity he intends to purchase. Try to concentrate his attention on the product, its quality and advantages. Invite him to interact with the product: test it, try it, take a closer look. The danger is that the client may lead you in circles or “jump around the top” in a conversation. In this case, you can resort to closed questions that will help focus the opponent’s attention on specific points that directly relate to the purchase decision.

Silent client.

When communicating with silent people, it is important to have “feedback” and understand their reaction to your proposals. Your plan for negotiating with such a client: do not talk for a long time and a lot, since the interlocutor allows you to do so with his silence, but give out a certain amount of information and ask him about his attitude to what you have stated. After this, you should be silent for a while in order to give the initiative in communication to the client himself. Your task is to be an active listener and support your interlocutor if he initiates communication. The “echo” method helps very well with this. It consists of starting your sentence by repeating the client's last words. In addition, try to ask clarifying and open-ended questions that will help get your opponent talking and allow you to learn more about his mood, opinions and preferences.

A client demonstrating competence.

This type of consumer will demonstrate their deep knowledge of your products and services. You should not compete or argue with such clients; your advantage in such communication will be calmness and modesty. You should listen carefully to your interlocutor and ask him a lot of questions. Try to make it clear to your client that you respect his depth of knowledge and recognize the authority of his opinion. However, do not miss the opportunity to bring your own reasons and arguments. Try to channel the energy of your intelligent interlocutor into reasoning and discussing the merits of a product or offer. Use questions that can give the conversation the direction you need: “Why do you think this way?”, “For what reason...?”, “How do you explain...?” etc. Try to remain objective and critically examine the facts with which your client operates. Don't try to expose his mistakes, because you don't want confrontation with him. Remain as calm and objective as possible, do not forget about your main task: to sell what you have and under the conditions that are defined. When communicating with such a difficult person, try to put into practice all the sales methods and techniques that you know.

In our progressive age, communicative interaction takes a leading position. Most complex issues and problems can be resolved through telephone conversations. Thanks to communication through this means of communication, people are able to conclude the most profitable agreement or, in the “wrong situation,” completely lose an important client. That is why every literate man is required to master the basics of telephone etiquette. What is business communication over the phone and how to conduct it correctly is the topic of our article today.

Any of us must learn to negotiate correctly, since the person conducting the conversation does not have the opportunity to see the opponent and his actions. To persuade a potential client in your favor in such a way that he does not have the desire to hang up in the first minutes of the conversation will require a lot of effort. The reputation of a person and the organization he represents depends on the ability to conduct telephone conversations.

Preparing for the upcoming conversation

Before a serious phone call, you should carefully prepare for it as follows:

  1. Get ready mentally.
  2. Formulate, or better yet, write down the goal, plan and main issues of the upcoming conversation on paper, which will always lie in front of you during the negotiations.
  3. Be sure to prepare all materials that may be useful during telephone conversations.
  4. It is necessary to distance yourself from negativity and personal problems even before the conversation begins, since the voice can give off an aggressive attitude, which the client often takes personally.
  5. The time for negotiations must be selected so that it is convenient for both you and the interlocutor. If you plan to call a business partner, try to discuss with him in advance a convenient time for him.

Basics of business communication by phone

When making a call, first of all, you should introduce yourself and say for what purpose you are calling. In this case, you need to choose a friendly tone. A telephone conversation should take place without long pauses, it should be energetic and concise.

You cannot apply psychological pressure during the negotiation process, since in this case it is unlikely that you will be able to win the favor of a potential client in this way. Try not to ask inappropriate questions. In the case where the telephone call is international or long-distance, it is necessary to ensure that it lasts no more than six minutes. All business proposals and demands must be supported by arguments. Questions should be answered truthfully and briefly. It is better to outline the conversation plan on paper in advance.

At the end of the conversation, be sure to talk again about all the agreements that you came to during the conversation. Since you initiated the call, the end of the conversation should also come from you, except in situations where the interlocutor is senior in position.

When at the end of negotiations you make a promise to call back, try not to delay it and make a second call within 24 hours. Be sure to keep in mind that you cannot dial partners to your home number.

In a situation where, having called, you do not find your partner at work, specify a convenient time to call him back and do not ask where he is now. From a business ethics point of view, this is incorrect.

Follow these rules of business etiquette:

  • Try to pick up the phone after the third ring at most.
  • When answering from the workplace, you need to greet the person, say the name of the company, and then introduce yourself.
  • If the caller does not introduce himself, politely ask him to give his name. For example, phrases that would be appropriate here are: “I’d like to know who I’m talking to,” “Could you please introduce yourself?” or “Excuse me, how should I contact you?”
  • When answering your interlocutor’s questions, you should quickly find telephone numbers that may be useful during negotiations.
  • If you get a call during your lunch hour, ask someone else to answer so you don't have to answer with your mouth full.
  • The caller will have to end the conversation; if the initiative comes from you, the action will look unethical.

What mistakes are made during a telephone conversation?

Numerous studies that have been conducted among business people have indicated that about 56% of calls are made without greeting phrases. Explaining the reason for not saying greetings, businessmen said that it goes without saying, and they also cannot say hello many times during the day. It is important to remember here that in speech communication there is nothing that goes without saying, and therefore every phrase must be voiced.

Under no circumstances should you interrupt your interlocutor mid-conversation - give him the opportunity to express his thoughts to the end. It is necessary to pronounce words clearly, and also to monitor the tone of speech and its volume. There should be a pause between questions to give the interlocutor the right to answer.

Negative emotions should not be given free rein, as this may offend a business partner.

  • Do not pick up the phone for a very long time.
  • At the beginning of a conversation, you should not say the following words: “say,” “yes,” “hello.” Unless it's your old friend.
  • Carry on several conversations at the same time.
  • Leave your phone unattended, even for a few minutes.
  • Use scraps of paper for notes, which are easy to lose later.
  • Passing the phone to colleagues many times.

If you speak with an accent, try to pronounce phrases as clearly as possible. Under no circumstances should you hold the receiver with your hand to comment on the conversation to your colleagues, as the interlocutor can hear everything. Thus, you will find yourself in an awkward situation.

If your interlocutor voices a complaint to you, you cannot tell him that this mistake is not yours, or this issue is not within your competence. Such a response could have a negative impact on the organization’s reputation and will not help resolve problems. If it is your fault, be sure to apologize and try to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

There are some phrases to avoid:

  • "I don't know".
  • "We can't solve this."
  • "You must."
  • "I'll be back in a second."

It is better to replace these answers with neutral ones, which will be more loyal and will not spoil the company’s reputation. When you are unable to give an exact answer, it is better to say that you will try to clarify the information and call back. Use these phrases:

  • “I’ll clarify the information and call you back right away.”
  • “We will try to resolve the issue.”

By maintaining a culture of business communication over the phone, you will be able to establish yourself from the best side and confirm the positive image of the company for which you work.

Good afternoon, friends. We constantly study new materials, articles on the Internet, read new books, engage in self-development in order to learn new techniques and innovative solutions to our problems. Today I want to talk to you about telephone communication, or rather, business communication. What gave me the idea to write this article was a book I recently read again by Dale Carnegie, which is as relevant today as it was many years ago.

This topic, of course, is very broad and interesting, ranging from working with cold calls, closing objections, inviting people to meet... to telephone sales.

What the article is about:

  • 1. The purpose of the business conversation.
  • 2. Telephone communication: business, with a client, examples.
  • 3. How to properly take feedback on work over the phone.
  • 4. How to properly make a discount on a product or service over the phone.

The ability to competently conduct a business conversation on the phone will be useful in your off-line environment. Let's say you have and you accept orders over the phone, advise clients about your product, services, then at the time of the conversation, it is important to close the buyer for the purchase so that the transaction is 100% successful. After all, very often a client refuses a purchase after an illiterate conversation on the phone.

The purpose of a business conversation on the phone can be different:

For example, these are negotiations, selling a product or service, receiving mail for the purpose of further communication, establishing contact with a client, a supply agreement, signing up for a webinar, workshop, etc.

Telephone communication: business, with a client [Examples]

  • 1. When you call a person on the phone for the first time, build the beginning of the conversation to establish personal contact.
    So, be sure to first introduce yourself, then ask the client’s name. “Excuse me, please, what’s your name?” After the conversation is over, you need to figure out how to contact him again. Perhaps this will be an email address or check again his personal phone number. This is necessary in order to leave yourself one more chance to contact this person if the first conversation was unsuccessful or to continue communication and negotiations.

At the same time, you need to introduce yourself every time you call a person and call him by the name he used to introduce himself to you the first time. For example, if he said that his name is Sasha, you should not call him Alexander or Alexander Ivanovich. A person himself determines how you should address him, this is very, very important.

  • 2. When you call a person, be sure to ask if it is convenient for him to talk now. People are often busy with their own business and may avoid talking to you if you don't ask such a simple question. And your sale of goods or negotiations will fail. Your friendliness and confidence will be an additional plus.
  • 3. Don’t start a phone conversation with:
    “I’m not distracting you” or “What’s bothering you is...”.

    The fact is that then you automatically take a weaker position and characterize yourself as an annoying person who bothers and distracts. Remember this when you start a conversation.

  • 4. During business negotiations or telephone sales, try to think in advance what you will say to the client and immediately announce your call so as not to beat your interlocutor around the bush. Perhaps you have promotions, discounts, a business proposal - this is where you need to start.

    The conversation should be to the point and take a minimum of time, usually 3-5 minutes. For example: “I’m selling..., we have discounts today...”

    • 5. Think about telephone response patterns in your business. to popular questions, objections, refusals, greetings, i.e. a conversation script or they are also called scripts, algorithms, speech modules.

    For example, scripts for incoming calls - greetings or outgoing calls - sales at discounts, promotions, invitations.

    • 6. Listen and give the other person a chance to respond to you when you call him on the phone. By doing this, you make it clear that you are interested in him, pleasant, and that you are attentive to him. Remember in Dale Carnegie’s book there are these lines: “when you want to convince someone to do something, be quiet before you speak” or “to become interesting, be interested.”

    • 7. And also, don’t interrupt and argue on the phone, if you receive a complaint regarding your business activities. Otherwise there will be incoherence, and you know how such scenes end. It’s better to do this at the end of the monologue.

      Example: “I understand you, Maria Ivanovna...” and briefly summarize the complaint, or “If I were in your place, I would probably call about this” and briefly summarize the essence of the complaint.

      This will show that you listened to the client!, understood why he was dissatisfied and take measures to eliminate dissatisfaction. Otherwise, if you try to argue and prove him wrong over the phone, his pride would not give you the chance to concede.

    • 8. If you want to persuade a person to your opinion, then when entering into a conversation on the phone, do not start it with those issues on which you disagree with your interlocutor. Make him say from the very beginning: “Yes, yes, okay.” Keep him from saying “no” as much as you can. Using this method will give you the opportunity to retain and attract a customer who might otherwise have been lost.
    • 9. The art of communicating on the phone includes both the tone of the conversation and the pace of speech. during a conversation. Dale Carnegie wrote about this very well in his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” which everyone has probably read.

    How to properly get feedback on the work of your, for example, online store by phone

    The method of assessing an enterprise using a five-point system works well. The trick is that you ask the client to evaluate the work of the enterprise based on five points. And then name the pros and cons of your work. At the same time, be sure to structure the conversation like this.

    For example: “Maria Ivanovna, what did you not like and what did you like (emphasize!) in the work of our store.”
    The fact is that a person, as a rule, always begins to answer from the end of the sentence, which means to the last question. And when he talks about the pros, believe me, there will be few cons left, because he will tune in to a positive conversation.

    How to make a discount on a product or service over the phone

    Often the discount is purely, that is, a person simply needs it in order to feel that he is a lucky person who knows how to bargain, has saved, and has not overpaid.

    In general, a discount on the purchase of a product or service for the first purchase is not justified. It destroys business. Neither the buyer nor the seller owe each other anything at the first meeting.

    A discount is given, for example, because a person has returned to you, repeat purchases, is a regular customer, brought new customers to your business, purchased for a large amount or extends the service for a long time.
    Over the phone, you can make it clear that if he enters this category of clients, he is guaranteed to receive a certain discount.

    P.S. Of course, these are just the main points in the world of competent telephone communication with clients. I hope you weren’t bored reading and you learned something important and interesting for yourself. Supplement the article with your own tricks that you use during business communication over the phone. Sincerely, .

    Every businessman should know how to conduct telephone conversations. The dynamic rhythm of modern life dictates its own rules. The desire to increase sales, improve service quality or improve technological processes is forcing business people to increasingly perform many tasks outside of their office. The time allocated for solving current office problems is often scheduled down to the minute. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to pay attention to the interlocutor who has done the honor of an unplanned visit. Telephone communication has become a full-fledged way of conducting negotiations. However, the necessary agreements can only be reached by understanding the key features of this form of communication.

    Preparing for the conversation

    Before conducting telephone conversations, you need to prepare for them. In this case, communication will be as productive as possible and focused on a specific interlocutor. This approach is simply necessary when presenting your services and products to potential business partners or clients. Typically, preparation involves the following stages:

    1. Intelligence (searching for information about the company of interest and its management helps to identify needs; sources of information of this type can be various forums, printed publications, the website of the organization itself, reviews of other partners, etc.);
    2. Development of an exclusive offer (the presentation should take into account the industry, market position, length of work, etc., since the terms of cooperation must be adapted to solve the problems of a particular company);
    3. Goal setting (focus on expected results allows you to choose the most effective means; negotiations may involve acquaintance, preliminary agreements, sales, etc.).

    Intonation nuances

    Understanding how to conduct telephone conversations helps you choose the right intonation. The main difference between communication in this format is the absolute concentration of the interlocutor’s attention on the auditory and verbal features of the presentation of the material.

    To achieve maximum effect, several rules should be followed in terms of intonation:

    • try to communicate only in the most suitable mood for this (otherwise the feeling of forced necessity will be transmitted to the interlocutor);
    • present the material optimistically (a slight friendly smile will help make communication more pleasant);
    • radiate confidence in the value of your proposal (often even giving your partner the opportunity to refuse allows you to achieve the desired results faster than numerous arguments);
    • avoid asking intonations (from a psychological point of view, a request can be annoying and provoke refusal);
    • adapt to the interlocutor (the ability to speak at the same volume and speed contributes to the most successful delivery of information).

    Verbal design

    Almost all types of communication require following certain traditions. Compliance with business etiquette will favorably reflect the cultural level of the call initiator and will demonstrate concern for the interlocutor. Successful telephone communication is facilitated by:

    • classic greeting (a short self-introduction usually includes last name, first name, position, company and purpose; this helps to understand the importance of the call);
    • determining the chronological framework of the conversation (information about the planned duration of communication will allow the interlocutor to assess the possibility of communication in a specific period of time);
    • wording proposals in a positive way (heard negations at the subconscious level force you to refuse the proposal).

    Various techniques can encourage your interlocutor to take the necessary actions. Telephone sales techniques make it possible to effectively use many traditional methods of attracting a client or partner in a conversation. These include:

    • presentation in the “properties - benefits” format (such presentation of information will explain the specific advantages of certain points of the proposal);
    • the principle of three times “yes” (obtaining agreement on 2 minor issues will most likely make it possible to reach agreement on the third);
    • clarity in numbers and details (the use of statistics and detailed calculations inspires confidence);
    • a link to respected partners (mentioning famous people as real clients or business partners indicates the obvious value and profitability of cooperation);
    • rhetorical questions (this form helps formulate hidden statements);
    • choice without an alternative (a proposal in this format helps achieve the desired result regardless of the interlocutor’s decision), etc.


    Often, telephone communication is only one step in a long negotiation process. An indicator of successful communication in this case is an agreement on a further meeting. For the call initiator, it is fundamentally important to be able to control the situation until the end of the conversation. It is he who must clarify the time required to make a decision, find out the coordinates of the employee assigned to this direction, and agree on the date of the follow-up call. Proper telephone conversations will allow you to attract promising clients and reliable partners. This will help the dynamic development of the business and ensure good profits.


    We invite you to watch a video in which a business coach talks about the technique of conducting telephone conversations.

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