Unified form t 7 vacation schedule. Is it required for employees to be familiarized with their signature? The storage location must be reliable and safe

Vacation schedule - a sample of filling out 2019 will be needed by both businessmen starting their business and companies with experience. We will tell you how to draw it up and avoid fines in our article. You can also download a form and a sample vacation schedule for free.

You can accurately create a vacation schedule using our video instructions:

What is a vacation schedule, who needs it and why?

A vacation schedule is an internal company document that takes into account the interests of the workforce and the employer. Thanks to the schedule, the continuity of the production process at the enterprise is maintained, and employees exercise their right to annual rest.

The vacation schedule is equally important for both employees and the company’s administration. The better it is drawn up, the less conflicts and confusion will arise in the future regarding employees going on regular vacations.

PLEASE NOTE! Mention of the vacation schedule as a document determining the order of annual rest for members of the work collective is contained in Art. 123 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Labor legislation does not specify for what number of employees a businessman is required to draw up this document. It is logical to assume that it is pointless for an individual entrepreneur carrying out commercial activities alone to draw up a vacation schedule. He has no one to argue with about the timing of his rest - he plans the labor process himself.

Completely different consequences arise in the absence of this document in work collectives with a larger number of workers. Statistics show that most people want to relax in the summer and early autumn. This fact poses a difficult task for the company's management - to take into account the interests of the team and not cause damage to the business. And it doesn’t matter whether 5 people work under a businessman or several thousand, you can’t do without a vacation schedule.

In addition, untimely registration of a vacation schedule can lead not only to vacation confusion, but also to material losses in the form of a fine.

PLEASE NOTE! Punishment for the director of a company who ignored the requirement of labor legislation to draw up a vacation schedule is provided for under Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Code and can range from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. The company will lose even more - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

If the violation is repeated, the directors of the company may be disqualified for 1-3 years or punished with an increased fine of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. A legal entity in this situation may be subject to a penalty in the amount of 50,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Who, how and when draws up the schedule

The vacation schedule is one of the personnel documents, so responsibility for its preparation and timely approval lies with the HR specialists and the company administration.

Until recently, all companies drew up vacation schedules using a single unified form T-7, the form of which can be downloaded on our website.

The 10 columns of the T-7 form were filled with the following information:

  • Column 1 - name of the structural unit (office, chief mechanic department, labor protection department, financial department, etc.);
  • column 2 - position according to the staffing table (director, secretary, mechanic, etc.);
  • columns 3 and 4 - last name, first name, patronymic and personnel number of the employee;
  • columns 5-9 - data on vacation (duration, start dates of vacation - planned and actual);
  • Column 8 - the basis for changing the planned vacation periods;
  • column 9 - date of proposed vacation;
  • column 10 - note.

Today it is not necessary to use a unified form of a schedule, but the legislation does not contain a ban on the use of the usual format of this document. So the personnel service has a choice: fill out the T-7 form or develop a new document with a similar name and purpose.

The main thing is to approve the vacation schedule on time, that is, no later than two weeks before the start of the new calendar year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, the schedule for 2019 should be approved no later than December 17, 2018.

After the manager approves the vacation schedule, this document must be familiarized to employees against receipt (Articles 22, 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, it is advisable to add another column to the schedule or create a statement where each employee will indicate the date of review and sign.

The vacation schedule is stored for one year (clause 693 of the List, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558).

IMPORTANT! Do not forget to notify the employee in writing (against receipt) about the start of the vacation no later than two weeks before it begins (clause 3 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

"Children's" nuances of the schedule

Labor legislation influences the regulation of vacation periods in the schedule. For example, the following categories of workers have the right to rest at a time convenient for them:

  • spouses during their wives' maternity leave (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • a parent or guardian working in the Far North to accompany a child under 18 years of age to another area to the place of his admission to a university or college (Article 322 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  • one of the parents raising a disabled child under the age of 18 (Article 262.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The category of “children’s” aspects of the vacation schedule also includes the mandatory consideration of the opinion on the rest period of an employee who has not reached the age of majority (under the age of 18). For this group of working employees in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vacation features are highlighted in a separate article. 267.

In addition to vacation benefits for workers with children, we must not forget about the restrictions. For example, paragraph 20 of the Supreme Court ruling dated January 28, 2014 No. 1 indicates the inadmissibility of simultaneous use of 2 or more leaves for various reasons.

For the scheduler, this means that the vacation schedule should not include vacations for employees who are on parental leave and working part-time.

For the opinion of the FSS on double vacations, see the article “There can be one leave: either annual or for child care” .

“Preferential” vacation schedule regulators

In addition to the above-mentioned “children’s” vacation nuances, the vacation schedule may take into account one more group of employees, in respect of whom the employer is obliged to agree with any rest periods they choose.

Among these employees:

  • honorary donors (Law of the Russian Federation “On the donation of blood and its components” dated July 20, 2012 No. 125-FZ);
  • Heroes of Russia and holders of the Order of Glory (Law of the Russian Federation “On the status of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory” dated January 15, 1993 No. 4301-I);
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory (law “On the provision of social guarantees to Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory” dated 01/09/1997 No. 5-FZ);
  • Chernobyl victims (Law of the Russian Federation “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-I);
  • persons who received a certain amount of radiation in Semipalatinsk (Law “On social guarantees for citizens exposed to radiation as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site” dated January 10, 2002 No. 2-FZ).
  • employees of internal affairs bodies, if they have not exercised their right to the main leave provided for by the schedule (Law “On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” dated November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ).

If the company practices external part-time work, the part-time employee has the right to go on vacation simultaneously with the next vacation at the main place of work (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Find out how to properly arrange a vacation for a part-time worker .

When drawing up a vacation schedule, the employer will have to take into account the opinion of the employee - the spouse of a military serviceman, who has the right to go on vacation during the period of time coinciding with the spouse's vacation (Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ).

Vacation schedule and newcomers

When drawing up the vacation schedule for 2019, approved in December 2018, it is impossible to provide for the likely periods of rest for employees who started working after the start of the calendar year. However, the absence of a newcomer’s planned vacation in the schedule does not relieve the administration of the obligation to provide it.

PLEASE NOTE! In accordance with Art. 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who has worked for a given employer for six months has the right to leave.

In such cases, the personnel officer responsible for vacation regulations can do one of the following:

  • without changing the approved schedule, take a vacation by order(based on and decisions of the administration);
  • supplement the schedule with a separate appendix, which will reflect information about vacations for newcomers (vacation registration is carried out in the usual manner).

This article will help you when calculating leave for an employee “Unified form No. T-60 - form and sample” .

The impact of transferring rest days on the vacation schedule

The employee has the right to change the period of his rest in agreement with the employer. Art. allows you to do this. 123 and 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Information about the transfer of vacation is reflected in the vacation schedule in columns 8 and 9 specially designed for this. The employee will have to write application for transfer of vacation, in which you will need to indicate the new dates of the postponed vacation and the reasons for changing the vacation period.

The rest period may also change due to employee illness. Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer in this case to extend the vacation or postpone it to another date, recalculating vacation pay in the latter case.

You will also have to extend your vacation if the employee fell ill before the start. If an employee received sick leave while on vacation, the employer is recommended to clarify which option for extending vacation will suit the employee: extending the current or future vacation.

In any case, the employee writes a statement, and information about its transfer is entered into the vacation schedule. There are no special notes in the schedule for extending leave due to illness.

To make changes to your vacation schedule, see .

Adjustments to rest periods can occur not only due to the employee’s personal circumstances, but also due to production needs.

For example, a company needs to carry out a large-scale reconstruction of a production line in connection with the development of new types of activities and the introduction of improved technologies. Specialists involved in this process and each responsible in their area for a certain set of activities are required to be present at the workplace for a long time, so they will not be able to go on leave for production reasons.

In this case, Art. also works. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: based on the consent of the employee, expressed in writing, and the order of management, the vacation is transferred to the next working year.

Read about the nuances of postponing vacation in the article “Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: questions and answers” .

You can download a sample vacation schedule on our website.


A vacation schedule is an agreed upon and approved schedule of rest periods for the company’s employees, mandatory for both parties to the employment contract.

The vacation schedule - a sample form is available on our website - must be drawn up annually, and for its absence there is a penalty.

). According to the fifth paragraph of the thirty-seventh article of the Constitution of our country, every person who works on the basis of an officially concluded employment contract must annually receive a certain vacation, which is paid by the company by the employer.

Before each new year, two weeks in advance, enterprises begin to draw up vacation plans for their employees. After the sequence and duration of employees going on vacation has been drawn up, it is necessary to approve this plan in accordance with the labor code. Next, we will consider how this should be done, in accordance with all the norms and rules of the law.

What is the vacation schedule for 2016-2017?

This is a document that indicates the dates each employee of the organization goes on vacation and the duration of this vacation. It is compiled before the end of this year for the next. In total, it consists of six columns, and in order for the document to meet the requirements, each of them must be completed before submitting for approval. The main purpose of forming this plan is to prevent disputes and misunderstandings regarding the date and duration of the vacation provided.

The first service that checks vacation schedules submitted for approval is the Rostrudinspektsiya. According to Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, if an enterprise at the beginning of the year does not have a drawn up and approved vacation schedule, its owner may be fined in the amount of thirty to fifty thousand rubles. He may also be required to stop the activities of the enterprise for a period of no longer than three months. A person can apply for leave only if he has worked continuously and without breaks in the employer’s company for more than six months. If the service period is shorter, the employee cannot claim paid leave.

Sample of filling out the vacation schedule for 2016-2017.

In order to determine what kind of vacation should be provided to a particular employee, you need to calculate his length of work, which will form the basis of the vacation record. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the following indicators:

The time period that a person spent on actual work;
The time period when the employee was not engaged in work activities, but at the same time retained his position;
If a person was fired from a company illegally or forcibly removed from work, and subsequently reinstated, then the period of time that was spent on this is also taken into account;
A time period when an employee was unable to attend work due to the fact that he did not undergo a regular medical examination. This time is counted only if the delay was not the fault of the subordinate;

The following working hours are not included in the vacation period:

Vacations that employees took at their own expense throughout the entire calendar year, without maintaining salary payments for this period, if it did not exceed two weeks;
Leaves that employees took to care for a newborn child until he reaches the age specified in the legislation are not included in the length of service and vacation time;
The vacation schedule for 2016-2017 is also drawn up without taking into account the working hours during which the employee was absent without a valid reason.

Additional leave is provided for those people who work in hazardous or unhealthy environments, but they are calculated only on the basis of the actual time worked by the employee. The relevant information is provided in the one hundred and twenty-first article of the Labor Code. If an employee has not used any part of his leave from previous years, he can add it to his current annual leave.

A certain category of employees has the right to additional vacation periods, about which you can also obtain detailed information by studying several articles of the labor code. In this case, when the employer accrues annual paid leave to employees, the additional vacation days are added up along with them. In the final document with data on employee leave, the total number of days of annual and additional leave is entered.

There are a number of categories of people who have the right to apply for long leave, for a period greater than twenty-eight days, in accordance with Articles No. 115, No. 267 and No. 334. The employer is obliged to provide certain preferential groups of employees with leave at any time of the year that is convenient for them. This happens even if the beneficiary has been on the payroll for less than six months. Groups of people who may qualify for these conditions:

Women who will soon go on leave due to pregnancy or those women who have recently returned from such leave;
Employees whose age does not exceed eighteen years;
Employees who have adopted children less than three months old;

There are other, individual cases that are provided for by law.

What form should I use to fill out vacation schedules in 2016-2017?

Due to the human factor, the largest number of employees going on vacation occurs in summer and autumn, with autumn meaning September and October. However, when drawing up a vacation plan, the employer must not forget that while employees are on vacation, the work of the enterprise cannot stop. Therefore, the desires of employees cannot always be satisfied.

There are two options for drawing up a document on a vacation schedule. You can make a form to fill out yourself and enter all your credentials there. There is also one that was approved by the State Statistics Committee. Since such a form is already completely ready to fill out, contains all the necessary fields and information about the data that needs to be entered, it is much easier to use.

All information about when and for how long each employee will go on vacation, regardless of which department he works in, must be included in the vacation schedule. This schedule is divided into months for more convenient completion and use and contains information about employee rest for the entire next year. The rules for drawing up this document can be found in the Instructions for Use, as well as filling out the forms of accounting documents necessary to control the work of employees and pay for it. This resolution was approved on January 5, 2014.

Employee leave plan must be drawn up and approved no later than two weeks before the new year, that is, the seventeenth of December is the deadline for approval of the vacation schedule.

Before submitting for approval, the drawn up schedule must be given for signature to the head of the personnel department and structural departments, after which it must be certified by the head of the company. If, for some reason, the manager cannot certify the document personally, this must be done by an authorized person. There are organizations and enterprises that have trade union bodies. In this case, the vacation schedule must certainly be agreed with him, in accordance with the one hundred and twenty-third article of the labor code. The order in which this document must be signed and approved is stated in article three hundred and seventy-two.

According to the instructions in the list of standard management documents that arise in the course of the company’s activities, the vacation schedule must be stored in the institution throughout the entire calendar year, and the storage period must be indicated on it.

Sample of filling out the vacation schedule according to form No. T-7 in 2016-2017 You can search the Internet on various sites, and we will give the basic rules for drawing up the document below.

An HR department employee, when filling out a document on a vacation schedule, must fill out all six fields without missing any of them;
An exception may be a situation where it is not customary for an enterprise to assign a personnel number to each employee - in this case, the fourth field remains empty;
In the second field, you must indicate the position of each employee, according to the staffing table;
In the seventh field, an entry is made only after the vacation is actually over;
If an employee has asked to postpone the vacation, then it is necessary to indicate the reasons why he makes such a request in the eighth column of the document, and also provide a personal statement or an order from management;
The seventh, eighth and ninth fields are filled in sequentially, depending on each employee going on vacation and his return, as well as in the event of changes in vacation conditions. Data must be entered by hand;

Vacation schedule is a document that contains information about the vacations of all employees without exception, including beneficiaries and those who receive additional vacation days. Just like for annual standard leave, for additional leave the date is also noted in the sixth field of the document, and information about its change and transfer is in the eighth and ninth paragraphs.

The manager must inform the employee that he may soon go on vacation, two weeks before the start of his vacation, according to the labor code.

If the manager does not have the opportunity to personally inform the employee, this can be done using a special notice. The text of this notice can be written in any form and has no specific formatting requirements. If there was a notification, then it must be attached to the rest of the documentation regarding employee vacations.

In order for the reader to better visualize all the above information, we will give a simple example.

There is a limited liability company called "Sirius". The workforce consists of six employees, of whom there is not a single benefit recipient or person who has the right to additional rest. The chief accountant of the company, due to circumstances, was on paid leave for only fourteen days. The director of the department and the manager of the department chose to divide their vacation into several parts. The manager of another department fell ill for five days during the vacation period, which is confirmed by a sick leave certificate issued at the clinic. On this basis, five more days were added to his vacation, which he chose to transfer to the next calendar year. The production manager drew up an application addressed to the manager with a request to postpone his March vacation to January next year, due to family circumstances. The designer was forced to suspend his vacation due to an urgent call to work. He also decided to postpone the remaining days until next year. This organization does not have a trade union, therefore, there is no additional, eleventh line in the vacation document, since there is no need to record the opinion of trade union bodies.

Each employee must necessarily sign the notice of leave, which can be given in person, sent by mail or delivered by courier. Thus, the employee confirms that he agrees with the date and duration of the paid vacation, and is also notified of it. The document, which contains the signatures of all employees, is attached to the main schedule. This procedure and document control is carried out by the head of the personnel department. So, in this article we looked at the vacation schedule and sample filling for 2016-2017, which should help you understand the basic rules for drawing up such documents.

According to the law, the employer must provide its employees with paid rest periods for the time they work. To avoid confusion and interrupt the work of the company, there is a need to regulate this issue. For this purpose, the company develops a vacation schedule, which is approved by its management. Each employee must be familiar with it upon signature.

Work on the preparation of this document should begin at the end of the year preceding the planning year. The heads of each division of the company survey their subordinates about their expectations regarding vacation.

After this, they determine the number of personnel required so that the enterprise can always operate as usual. By comparing this data, department heads allocate periods for the next calendar year.

They submit their schedules to the enterprise’s personnel service, which draws up a company-wide vacation plan. It must be remembered that there are categories of citizens who have preferential rights when determining rest time. It is also necessary to take into account the vacations of new employees, since they are provided strictly at a certain time and are not subject to a schedule.

For registration, you can use a vacation schedule form according to the unified form T-7 or a document developed by the enterprise in accordance with its own needs. Many specialized HR programs include a standard form.

The legislation establishes a mandatory requirement that this employee rest time plan for the next year must be approved at least 2 weeks before the end of the current year.

The vacation schedule form must be available for review by every employee of the enterprise, up to its director. After viewing it, all employees put their signatures and actual dates of signing in the appropriate column.

This document is mandatory for all parties to the labor relationship, that is, everyone must comply with its periods. However, changes can be made to the schedule, but there must be good reasons for this. If necessary, the employee submits a written application to the manager with a request to postpone his vacation. If the decision is positive, the director issues an order on the basis of which changes are made to the existing schedule.

Sample of filling out a vacation schedule form T-7

Let's take a closer look at the vacation schedule, sample filling:

  • At the top of the document, the full name of the company is indicated, and its code is also written according to the OKPO classifier.
  • If the company has a workers’ union, then below on the left you need to write down the serial number and date of its opinion on the distribution of vacations among workers. If there is no such authority, then a dash is entered in these columns.
  • In the center of the document the serial number of the vacation schedule, the date of its preparation, and also for what year it was made are indicated.
  • On the right side there is a place for the director to approve the schedule. Here his position, full name and personal signature are written down. It is also necessary to indicate the date of its approval.
  • Name of the employee's structural unit;
  • The name of his position based on the organization;
  • Full name;
  • Personnel personal number;
  • Duration of vacation in calendar days;
  • Scheduled start time of vacation;
  • The actual start time of leave (entered upon the fact that it is granted to the employee);
  • If the vacation is transferred to another time, then it is necessary to indicate on what basis this action is being carried out and the approximate date of the transfer;
  • Available clarifications and notes.

The document is endorsed by an employee of the enterprise's HR department - you need to indicate the position he occupies and his full name.


Each employee must be familiar with the vacation schedule upon signature. This can be done by adding another column “Signature” to the existing form, or by creating an appendix to this document in the form of a table with the names of employees, the date of signing and signature.

An employee who is registered as a part-time worker at the company must also be included in the vacation schedule. However, his leave must be granted at the same time as at the main place of activity. To do this, the personnel officer requests a certificate from the main place of work from him in advance before drawing up the schedule.

If an employee does not go on vacation during the year according to the schedule, he must be included in the next plan in the first half of the year. Since, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can exercise his right to it within one and a half years. Otherwise, this time expires, and administrative penalties may be applied to the company.

The vacation schedule (a sample in Excel is provided in the article) (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 123) establishes the order of vacations for employees in the organization. The document is approved by order of the manager for the calendar year two weeks before its onset and is binding for both the employer and the employee.

An employer can take into account the opinions of all employees, but there are categories whose opinions must be taken into account. These include:

  • women with three or more children under the age of 12, as well as other employees (including guardians) raising such children (Article 262.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees under the age of 18 (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • parents (including adoptive, guardians or trustees) who are raising a disabled child under the age of 18 (Article 262.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Heroes of socialist labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, participants in the Great Patriotic War, disabled war veterans, combat veterans, including those who received disabilities (Article 6, 14-19 of the Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ);
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory (clause 3 of Article 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation of January 15, 1993 No. 4301-1);
  • honorary donors of the USSR and Russia (Parts 1, 2 of Article 23 of Law No. 125-FZ of July 20, 2012);
  • victims of the Chernobyl disaster and other accidents associated with any types of nuclear installations (subclause 1, part 3, article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1).

What to show in graphics

The document must indicate the positions held by employees in structural divisions, their personnel numbers, and the duration of vacation in calendar days. It should be noted that the number of days for employees may vary, since it consists of:

  • basic leave, which according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is, as a rule, 28 days, but for some categories of citizens (disabled people, civil servants, teaching staff) this figure is usually higher;
  • (for example, employees engaged in work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, working in the Far North, etc.);
  • days of rest that were not used by the employee and transferred to the next working year.

Design rules

Let's figure out how to correctly fill out the vacation schedule for 2019. It is necessary to start in advance, before the established two-week deadline for its approval. The procedure for preparation, coordination and approval is best fixed in a local legal act (internal labor regulations or a separate order), which will reflect:

  • person responsible for compilation (most often the head of the human resources department);
  • those responsible for structural units for providing the HR department with information about the desired rest periods of employees;
  • deadlines for providing such information.

Information from each department can be provided in the form of reports or tables indicating the rest periods of each employee. After providing information for all departments, the person responsible for compilation brings all the data into one table, personally signs the completed form and issues an order signed by the head of the organization. A sample of filling out the vacation schedule for 2019 can be found further in the article.

Vacation schedule form for 2019

You can download the schedule form for free in our article. To draw up the document, we recommend a unified form No. T-7 (vacation schedule, form, presented below), approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1. Below you can download the vacation schedule for 2019 (excel) for free.

Download the vacation schedule in Excel format

If you prefer Excel, you can use this program to create a vacation schedule, form T-7 (free download 2019) is presented below.

Changes and cancellations

It should be remembered that the compiled vacation schedule (the template is available for download in the article) is, first of all, a plan that may not coincide with the actual progress of work in the organization. If the planned dates do not ultimately coincide with the actual dates, it is necessary to make changes to the schedule. To do this, you need to receive a transfer application from the employee, on the basis of which an order is issued. When making changes, you must indicate the start date of the postponed holiday, and you can also indicate the reason for the transfer.

This is what it looks like in the document.

Changes are made if:

  • temporary incapacity for work of the employee during rest;
  • feedback from it;
  • if providing rest to an employee in the current working year may adversely affect the normal course of work of the organization.

Cancellation of the vacation schedule after its approval is no longer possible, but all additions (for example, for new employees) can be issued in the form of attachments.

Should staff be familiar with this document?

Since this document is mandatory for execution by both parties to the labor relationship, it is advisable that all employees familiarize themselves with it and sign it, despite the fact that this is not provided for by law. In a self-developed form, you can provide a column for review, and if you use the unified form T-7 (vacation schedule, a sample of filling can be viewed and downloaded in our article), then make a separate standard review sheet with the order.

Vacation schedule storage period

P. 693 “List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods,” approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture No. 558 dated August 25, 2010, states that such a document is stored for one year. This period is counted from January 1 of the year for which it is approved. That is, the schedule for 2019 must be approved in 2019 and stored until 01/01/2020.

The vacation schedule is intended to establish the order of provision of annual vacations to company employees. At the same time, according to Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, the vacation schedule approved by the employer is mandatory both for each employee and for the employer himself.

Important: scheduling is mandatory for all legal entities, regardless of the size of the organization’s staff. If such a document is not available at the enterprise, then this is an administrative violation with penalties.

If the employer uses an independently developed schedule form, then, if desired, he can provide printing details on it and fill it out.

Common mistakes and ways to avoid them

To correctly draw up a vacation schedule, you need to know the norms of existing legislation. and remember that:

  1. The boss and deputy cannot go on vacation at the same time.
  2. The department must retain such a number of employees as can support its normal functioning.
  3. Specialists of the same profile cannot take a vacation at the same time.
  4. The vacation accumulated over several years should not be summed up; it is better to break it into several parts.
  5. There is no need to assign the responsibilities of an employee on vacation to someone who has the right to go on vacation out of turn.
  6. The distribution of vacation days must be formed in such a way that the work process and the workers do not suffer.

Employee familiarization

Since the vacation schedule does not always reflect the wishes of employees, it is advisable to familiarize all employees with its approved version. To do this, you can provide a special column in the form of the vacation schedule (“I am familiar with the vacation dates”), or draw up a familiarization sheet.

The employer is obliged to notify each worker of the start date of the holiday under a personal signature. no later than two weeks (Part 3 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To do this, you can include an additional column in the schedule form (“Notified about the start date of the vacation”). Other options for notifying workers are also possible, for example, introductory sheets, statements, an introductory visa on a vacation order (). The employer independently determines the most appropriate method of notifying employees about leave.

So, we looked at how to work with the annual leave schedule. To summarize, we note that this is a mandatory document that must be formed in every company with the formation of a legal entity. The document is approved and signed by the head of the organization.

A vacation priority plan is drawn up 14 days before the start of the new calendar year. Changes are made in individual cases (subject to the employee’s application and other documents). To clearly and correctly reflect information, the unified T-7 form is used, but a free-form option is also allowed.

Video on the topic

Watch a video about drawing up a vacation schedule using the T-7 form:

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