Humiliate a person with clever words. How to humiliate a person without swearing, phrases with clever words

Everyone knows that violence is not the best way to solve a problem, and it should be resorted to only in the most extreme cases, when a person understands nothing but force. Not everyone has pumped up muscles or the ability or desire to physically hit a person, so many prefer to strike a different kind. Finding out how to morally humiliate a person is not difficult: you need to find his weak points and know several humiliation techniques. The main rule in this technique is to show your superiority over the “victim”. It is not necessary to insult or call a person names; carefully select the content of the phrase. How? How to humiliate a person morally by simply showing him where his place in this world is and where yours is? The easiest way to humiliate a person is with words, because they have enormous power: they can offend, heal, give or take away hope, sometimes even kill. So, let's take a closer look at how to humiliate a person morally with words.

Find your enemy's weak point

The first thing you should pay attention to, if you want to learn how to morally humiliate a person, is to look at his shortcomings, any - physical, spiritual or mental, that is, to find weak points. You, as the humiliating party, must be completely free from this shortcoming, otherwise humiliation will lose all meaning. First, you can tell this to the person directly, in private, and watch his reaction. If he looked offended, then to consolidate the effect, repeat the same words in public, it is better if it is in front of your mutual friends. You should not express yourself openly in public, so as not to be accused of tactlessness; just a hint will be enough. You can also joke about shortcomings without having a specific person in mind, but so that he is nearby, and it becomes clear to everyone that this concerns him.

Even if someone around you doesn't get the point of your joke, the person you're trying to humiliate will feel 100% uncomfortable, and that's exactly what you wanted. If your enemy seems almost perfect to you, and you cannot find any visible flaws in him, do not despair, it does not happen, keep an eye on him, and you will definitely see some kind of mistake.

Pin the result

How to humiliate a person morally so that he does not forget about his humiliation for a long time and constantly feels it? Okay, you showed the person how bad he is, thereby humiliating him. Now imagine that he came home and, surrounded by friends and family, immediately forgot about you. The question arises of how to humiliate a person morally with words in such a way as to leave a mark on his soul. The best way is to involve other people. Come up with a sonorous nickname that well reflects the appearance or person, tell it to your friends and acquaintances, most likely they will pick up the idea.

Now your enemy will hear a new offensive nickname everywhere, and will not forget about his humiliation for a minute. It’s better if the nickname is not trivial, then it will firmly cling to the enemy. This is how you can morally humiliate a person at any age. You shouldn’t persuade people to call a person by his nickname, just in a side conversation it’s enough to call him exactly that word, and if it is witty and funny, then first the nickname will spread in conversations where its “lucky” owner is not involved. Then the person will be called that openly. I think now you have no questions left about how to morally humiliate a person. But as you practice, think about whether you are doing the right thing and whether you are in any way different from your offender?..

AND the art of insulting beautifully or how to insult a person

So how insult a person? Yes, very easy! Just don't insult action, insult better in a word. After all, a word is worse than any weapon. In a word, you can not only insult, but also kill a person. Therefore, be extremely careful! Should not be used insults as a means of attack. Only as a weapon of self-defense. In a dialogue, in an argument, to put the exploded person in his place. That is, beautifully and gracefully parry your opponent’s statements. Direct all his attacks back towards him. This works especially well before the argument has completely turned to emotions. Construct your statements with contradictory phrases. Very often this puts the opponent into a stupor. A person does not immediately understand whether he was praised or crapped on. After all, he is initially determined to resist on your part. But there is no harsh resistance.
After all, this is a very useful quality, the ability to turn a person off with a word. Especially nowadays! Yes, and at all times, people with a well-spoken tongue were valued in society. They were quoted, their phrases were remembered. And then they themselves used it in everyday situations. The ability to find the right word in time and quickly react to an attack in your direction is a very good quality. It is stupid and useless to prove something to a person, especially if he is not initially inclined to constructive dialogue. And he's trying to humiliate you and insult. Point his own weapon in his direction. Insult his! Only not rudely, but gracefully and beautifully. Listen carefully to what they tell you. And respond quickly and effectively. But you shouldn’t stupidly and blindly repeat after someone. Situations in life are different. Improvise. Practice. And we will help you with this a little. And don't forget for insult to a person You can get a deadline! And sometimes in the ear! Think about who and where insult.
And yet, how to insult someone? There are a great many ways! Let us introduce you to some of them.

1. Agree with offensive you person, and lower it to the same level.
This is the simplest thing - it's a classic:

- Yes, you are a complete fool and an idiot!
- Yes. I have a certificate too! Do you think it’s very smart to prove something to a fool?

- You're just a fool!
- Agree! This is because you constantly have to talk to fools.

– I’m not satisfied with your answers!
– What questions, such answers!

– Yes, I’m smarter than all of you combined!
- Certainly! After all, you are crazy. I wish I had a watchman for this shed...

2. Take a statement directed at you to the point of absurdity:

- Hey, slow down!
– I can’t, there must be only one brake. (It’s impossible, our pair already has one brake!)

- What are you doing?
- I'm doing it in my pants.

– Why are you scamming me now?
– And now who do you consider yourself to be, a bee or a rabbit?

3. Turn a negative statement into a positive one:

- You are a horse!
– If it weren’t for the suckers, where would you be now?

- There are only idiots around!
– Is it unusual for you to feel smart?

– What kind of phone is being grabbed when I’m talking to you?!
– I also prefer to talk to smart people!

4. Press the person “too weakly.” After all, no one likes to feel like a weakling:

– You’re dancing somehow crappy..
– I’m not dancing, I’m just moving my legs so you don’t crush me... (And you know how great I am at cross-stitching!)

-What are you babbling about?
- It’s strange, but others like my speech... Don’t you have a sense of beauty, or have hearing problems?

– Are you pretending to be smart?
– Do you have problems communicating with smart people?

5. What do you want?

- Well, why are you quiet?
– Did you already want to get to the surgeon’s table by this time?

- Well, who is brave here?
“You talk to me like that, as if your subscription to the emergency room is disappearing.”

– You are a simple housewife!
– Would you like me to be a currency prostitute?

That's all for today. If suddenly there are wishes from grateful readers, then we will be happy to introduce you to other ways, how to insult someone.
In the meantime, read insults on our Clueless Site.

Every person has to deal with unfair accusations and insults directed at them.

Many people do not want to go beyond the bounds of decency by responding with rudeness. Do not accumulate grievances within yourself, protect your honor and dignity. Read how to morally humiliate a person with words.

How to morally humiliate a person with words?

Situations when you have to stand up for yourself can be different. More often, conflicts occur in couples. The goal of a woman or man is to hurt the feelings of her opponent. In a quarrel, it is important to put pressure on the pain points.

Choose words based on the person’s obvious weaknesses:

  1. Man he is afraid that he will be compared to a woman, and girls tense up when they hint at her masculinity.
  2. Tell me that the partner does not satisfy you in bed. Any person, guy or girl, won't like it.
  3. Criticize appearance. Hint to the man about exhausted muscles and a hanging belly. A woman can be offended by discussing any part of her body.
  4. Name a mediocre person, unable to realize his ambitions.
  5. Show me that a man is at the woman’s beck and call or vice versa. Think about failures, inability to become independent.

Important! To hurt a person, it is enough to press on one painful point.

When answering harshly, find words for each item on the list. In such a situation, the conflict will reach an acute stage.

Accumulate facts so that you can always get your word in. If you subsequently plan to interact with the person and make peace, choose mild forms of insults.

How to intelligently insult a person without swearing with clever words?

During a discussion that has become increasingly loud, it is impossible to remain silent. In order not to listen to aggressive instructions addressed to you, find something to respond to anger. The main thing is to attack the weak point of your interlocutor.

Check out the table to find the pungent word:

Search group Description Example
Exposure Reveal a person's secret publicly. This will show the dark side of a man or woman and make him shut up. Did you come at 9.00 yesterday? It's strange, yesterday I saw you in the hall only at 10 o'clock
Intelligence Laugh at your opponent’s statement, hint that his head is empty Don't worry, you're not the only one, many people are stupid
Incompetence Publicly ask your opponent a question that he should understand. This method can be used at work Is Africa near America? So that's why there are so many African Americans in the USA
Appearance Find a visible flaw, hinting that the hairdresser is very close. Offer to show the person to the nearest salon. Take a closer look, saying that not every master can fix “this” Is this your grandma's costume?
Sexual domination Any remark said to a former lover about intimate life will sting painfully in the heart. Men react especially sharply to sexual insults addressed to them. As usual, 2 minutes have passed and you're already done?
Is it true The most cruel way is when the insulter puts pressure on an obvious point that no one dared to pay attention to. Maybe stop eating donuts? You're already turning into 100% fat

Important! Humiliate the person ironically, without raising your voice or using obscene language. By hiding your excitement, humiliation will have the maximum effect on your opponent.

Offensive phrases for correspondence on the Internet

There is even a special group of trolls on the Internet whose goal is to provoke forum or group participants into conflict. You can humiliate a person with clever words and shut him up with just one phrase.

Read the best examples of derogatory options:

  • Are you still here? Hasn't your mother brought any milk yet?
  • You are not God's creation, but God's creature.
  • I won’t even be offended; I don’t hit the mentally retarded.
  • I didn't know that plants can think.
  • Don't open your mouth at me, I'm not a dentist.
  • Not witty, your stupidity is off the charts.
  • He came, he saw and did not get up.
  • When does your brain return from vacation?
  • Don't look at me, maybe it's contagious.
  • I don’t speak the language of stupid people, I don’t know how to explain it to you.

At the right moment, the necessary phrase is forgotten and does not come to the rescue. Remember a few key sentences so that you can respond with pride in a critical situation.

Hide your emotions, don’t show your inner feelings. The calmer and smoother the tone of voice, the more you will hurt the ego of your interlocutor.

Advice! In personal correspondence on VK, do not enter into a polemical dialogue with a person. Ignore messages or add the user to your blacklist.

Avoid swearing, it reveals real emotions and experiences. In any situation, remain an intelligent person who does not lose composure.

Sending a person to an interesting place is a simple and crude way. Show yourself above the average working class.

How to correctly respond to curse words?

When receiving obscene curses in response, be prepared for psychological restraint. An arrogant look offends the interlocutor no less than a caustic phrase.

Choose your replicas based on the current situation:

  1. Control your feelings. Do not show your excitement with your facial expressions, body, or even the timbre of your voice. Don't stoop to the level of hysteria.
  2. Be polite. Show yourself superior to your interlocutor. Well-mannered abstinence hurts more than shouting and swearing.
  3. Show me mental superiority. You can hint at a person’s lack of education and brains.
  4. Ignoring. The main goal of the interlocutor is to complete you. Look dejected and ignore what was said.

    For maximum effect, roll your eyes, turn around and leave the room.

Don't be the instigator of the conflict, sort out the dispute without offensive phrases whenever possible. The word is not a sparrow.

After rude opinions are expressed, it is difficult for quarreling people to establish relationships. Try to solve problems peacefully.

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Have you ever thought about how to morally kill a person? I think everyone thought about it. Starting from an early age, when a person encounters the social environment, he begins to experience pressure. Peers test each other's strength, gradually transferring similar behavior into adulthood. Someone is leaving these childhood pranks in the past. But there are people who like to humiliate others. How to repel them and forever discourage them from training on you?

How to morally kill a person while maintaining dignity

Let's say an insolent person publicly speaks out, is insulting, sarcastic, makes inappropriate jokes, and mocks in every possible way. The friendly laughter of his friends and those around him can throw anyone off balance. But... this situation can easily be turned against the offender. What does he expect from you? In Russian speaking, bummer. To show their superiority, such people assert themselves at the expense of others. This is a kind of duel: whose spirit is stronger? Now I will list a number of tips on how to morally kill a person in such a situation:

  • Keep your cool. A calm, ironic attitude towards attacks sobers up the offender and intrigues observers.
  • To offensive questions like “Well, how is it... so and so?” you can simply say: I don’t know, you know this better..
  • All nasty things can be turned against the attacker, calmly ironizing his words without dirt or insults. Don't stoop to your opponent's level.
  • Observers will quickly lose interest in the incident or even laugh at clumsy attempts to humiliate you.
  • Seeing your spiritual superiority and inner strength, the mocker will quickly retreat in search of a weaker victim.

There are situations when we experience treacherous betrayal. Most immediately think about revenge, mentally savoring the details, imagining what they will do in response. But it is much more possible to kill a person morally while maintaining dignity and spiritual nobility. Believe me, squabbles, plans for revenge, and various nasty things in response humiliate you, making you petty. Later it will be unpleasant for you, maybe even ashamed.

It is much wiser to act wisely and carefully. Refute the slander. Make hidden intrigues public. Turn the offender's baseness against himself. The worst thing is public condemnation. However, think a hundred times when punishing others this way: maybe people deserve a second chance?

The best way to kill a person morally is to show him his baseness so that he clearly understands it. Pangs of conscience, mental humiliation, condemnation of others will force you to seriously think about your own behavior. Maybe even get better. I wish everyone to be worthy, wise, strong people, capable of repelling any insolent person!

Dear girls, I want to dedicate this article to you, dear smart girls!

The main message of all my subsequent letters will be the following: let's say humiliating phrases and destructive words to our men as often as possible. Let's make rags out of them!

Or perhaps there are young ladies among you who are against it?) Do you think so? Okay, read to the end anyway and think about how correctly you behave with your husband and boyfriend.

How to morally humiliate your loved one: magical humiliating phrases

Humiliating words... They contain crazy power. I really want to use it. I want to put the man in his place. Do you want to? Admit it. Modern strong women know perfectly well how to humiliate morally. They need power so much: power over their weaknesses, power over their spouse, power over the world.

So let's get started! Let's start, perhaps, with self-esteem (if HE still has it, of course). Let's hit it hard.

ABOUT Excellent humiliating phrases for men: set No. 1.

  • Yes, you are a mama's boy!
  • All like a good-for-nothing mother/unlucky father.
  • You are a real coward.
  • Are you responsible? You are a spineless creature!
  • A doormat! Slut!
  • Do you have an opinion? Shove him far away, pseudo-smart guy.
  • You can’t even provide for your wife or girlfriend, you loser!
  • What kind of man are you? One name!

Now you know how to morally humiliate your man. So tell me what you think about him. Why be silent?)

So, let's move on to his irresistible masculine strength and sexuality. Here you need to try to remember all the incidents that happened in your intimate life; it would be nice to tell him about how gorgeous your previous lovers were. Let him know the truth! Yes, an important point: if you decide to humiliate a morally limited person, try to do it in front of friends. The effect is better.

Great Humiliating Phrases for Men: Set #2.

  • M-d-ah, you’re not up to par, not up to par.
  • Well ok, this time you were a little better in bed than yesterday.
  • Eh, you are so far from Vaska. What a lover he was!

Hit your sweetheart below the belt. There will be fewer problems!

So, we almost forgot about appearance. Use the derogatory words you will find below - and you are guaranteed to be able to humiliate HIM morally.

Chic humiliating phrases for men: set No. 3.

  • Oh, Mishka, you are so handsome, not like my idiot!
  • Well, you've eaten like a wild boar.
  • Have you seen what muscles our neighbor pumped up?
  • You're as clumsy as an elephant
  • No, friends, he is not sick, he always looks like this.

They said - look at the reaction.

Then you can move on to his talent and intelligence.

Good humiliating phrases for men: set No. 4.

  • Your talent died in its infancy.
  • What kind of mediocrity are you?
  • Why are you so stupid?
  • If you have nothing to think about, then at least connect the bone marrow.
  • But... (here it is worth remembering a star, a famous actor, some kind of idol), he's smart. Take him as an example.
  • Why do everyone have smart husbands/boyfriends, but I got this one?

So you know how to morally humiliate a loved one.

You can make up your own derogatory phrases for a man. After all, we haven’t touched on HIS hobby yet, haven’t reminded him what disgusting and unworthy friends he has, etc. If you’re going to humiliate him morally, then do it comprehensively. And most importantly - use derogatory phrases as often as possible, dear girls!

Believe me, by deciding to humiliate your moral partner in life, you can achieve the impossible and incredible:

  1. It definitely won’t make you feel any better by telling your loved one about what he’s like. But you will be able to experience a lot of wonderful sad feelings, you will be able to enjoy self-flagellation to the fullest.
  2. If you're lucky, you can experience fear. You don’t have to spend money on dangerous rides, because you can excite your loved one in such a way that it will give him a great adrenaline rush.
  3. Having dumped the negativity out, you can stew in unpleasant emotions for a long time. Rest assured, you can destroy a boring relationship.
  4. Using derogatory phrases, you will never (hear, NEVER) achieve affection, love, respect from your loved one. And you don’t need them. Really?)
  5. Get to know your new “friends” better - Loneliness and Indifference. You will never be bored with them!
Good luck, dear KUL readers. Please value your men.

P.S. It’s so easy to humiliate someone who is morally sweet. But are you ready to take responsibility for your “dirty” mouth, which sometimes is so eager to utter humiliating words?

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