Exercises to make your voice rougher. A man's voice is your weapon

Radio and television presenters, voice actors, and professional speakers use a lower tone because it attracts attention and enhances the speaker's authority in the perception of listeners. Men often want to make their voice rougher: women subconsciously associate this with reliability, strength and attractiveness. If you speak in a high-pitched voice, are preparing to play a theatrical role or voice a character, staging a speech is quite possible. Whatever the reason, it is not as difficult to implement as it might seem at first glance. How to make your voice lower, rougher and deeper will be discussed in this article.

Assess the situation

Listen to yourself to understand what your speech is like at the moment. This will help you consciously lower it to a lower tone. You need to listen to yourself carefully while standing in front of the mirror, or record your speech on a voice recorder (computer, phone, etc.) for playback purposes. Some devices produce better results than others, so you should use the best option available. It is worth noting that poor speakers are not able to satisfactorily reproduce bass, which is important for this purpose. Choose a quiet place to record to avoid unwanted sounds and voices. Try to do everything to learn to listen carefully and recognize all the features of your speech. What is your voice? Is he too sharp, high, shrill? When experimenting, don't try to sound like a sports commentator: be as natural as possible.

How to make your voice rougher?

It will be more difficult for a girl with a soprano or high tenor, but there is nothing impossible in the task. As an example, you can listen to famous opera singers who have contralto voices (Marietta Alboni, Marian Anderson and others). It is easier for men to naturally achieve a deep, low voice than for women.


Relax your throat as much as possible. Otherwise, the voice will turn out tense, feel irritated or anxious. Moisten your larynx and maintain a clear sound, trying to swallow saliva more often. Drink warm water or lightly brewed tea before starting your practice. This will help relax the muscles of the pharynx and larynx. On the contrary, cold water helps to constrict the vocal cords (you can drink it when you want to raise the tone of your voice). Breathe naturally, trying to take deep breaths in and out. Develop control over the movement of your diaphragm. Avoid short, shallow breathing and especially hyperventilation.

Body position

How to deepen your voice quickly? Pay attention to the posture in which you speak. Body position plays a big role in voice production. Standing with an upright posture opens up your diaphragm and allows more space for air to move freely, which helps you speak more clearly and clearly. Check the correctness of your posture in front of the mirror - it may require correction. Observe yourself as you speak in your normal manner and in your desired, lower voice. Explore how you can benefit from changing your body position. Open your mouth normally so that your speech sounds natural. Do not try to compress or shape your lips and cheeks.

Health and Safety

When speaking, avoid guttural, harsh and hoarse sounds, as they can harm your voice. If they are present, despite attempts to eliminate them, this may indicate a chronic complication (as a result of a previous illness, the presence of scars and even precancerous polyps in the throat). When hoarseness in your voice becomes persistent, it is most prudent to consult a doctor: it may be a symptom of a serious illness. Also try to avoid excessive nasal sounds.

How to make your voice rougher and expand the range in the lower register?

  1. With your mouth slightly open and your chin down so that it points towards your chest, make a low humming sound deep from the larynx - this is a warm-up exercise. Without stopping, slowly raise your head. Start speaking in the same low tone you used to make the humming sound.
  2. Add some nasal tones to make speech louder and more pleasant.
  3. Experiment. Try to feel how you can make your voice rougher, add more chest sounds to it, or vice versa. Go back to your normal speech and see what the difference is. Learn to control your voice. This is very similar to singing exercises for vocalists, but there is no musical element.

Observation and analysis

Learn to speak in such a way that you can hear yourself from the outside. When practicing this exercise, do not pull in your stomach, breathe from the diaphragm. You need to feel inhalations and exhalations not only in your lungs. Imagine that the air is moving the upper abdomen, the stomach area, and raising and lowering the chest. Communicate mindfully. Try to speak more slowly than usual to avoid losing control and reverting to your old way of speaking.

Additional funds

Using a voice recorder plays an important role in the task of making your voice rougher. After achieving the first positive results, record your speech on a device with a good microphone. Play the file using bass-heavy speakers or headphones while assessing your voice. The recording will help you determine how natural your speech sounds to other people. Keep in mind that this is probably what your voice is, even if it differs from your own ideas about it. Therefore, if you do not like what you hear, continue to work, again and again evaluating the received recordings.

Be careful

To begin with, practice only for short periods of time, trying to lower your voice just a couple of semitones. Try to change your speech gradually, without trying too hard to avoid any damage to the vocal cords. Only then think about how to make your voice louder, moving towards the desired goal. Nevertheless, the practice must be regular, otherwise there can be no talk of a permanent result. Try to enjoy the exercises and observe how your family and friends react to changes in your voice. Don't be discouraged if your first attempts don't bring success - keep working and learn to control the way you speak. Remember the benefits of a low and deep voice to keep yourself motivated.

If you wish, you can undergo training or take several private lessons to speed up your progress and eliminate doubts. A professional speaker or vocalist can tell you how to deepen your voice.
. Use additional literature if you do not fully understand the technique or need additional exercises.
. Avoid any sounds that cause discomfort. In practice, always give priority to safety and carefully monitor the condition of your vocal cords.
. Do not use lemon juice or other products to clear your throat before exercise. Remember that in some cases, irreparable damage can be caused to the ligaments.

The overall perception of a person depends on the timbre of the voice. If the voice is too thin, squeaky and high-pitched, then it will not make a good impression. Therefore, the question of how to make your voice rough becomes relevant. The voice given by nature can really be changed for the better with the help of special exercises. It’s difficult to go against nature, but if you persevere, everything will work out.

How to make your voice rougher and is it worth it?

  • emotional - balance and confidence;
  • communicative – sympathy and location;
  • intellectual.

High testosterone levels are externally manifested by low pitch.

How to make your voice deeper: exercises

It is not possible to achieve a significant effect in one go; you need to practice for a long time. Useful exercises:

  1. Singing on low notes with the sound “a”. The sound must be continued for a long time and exactly for at least 5 minutes, periodically renewing the breath. Every day you need to lower your voice by half a tone.
  2. It is useful to breathe intensively through your nose while running. This contributes to the roughening of the ligaments.
  3. Lower your chin and pronounce the sound “zh”, periodically raising and lowering your head. You will notice that when you lower your head, the sound decreases, and when you raise your head, it increases. The reason for this is tension in the ligaments. We need to ensure that this does not happen.
  4. Singing songs with low notes helps you adopt the singer's mannerisms.

If you have the opportunity to go to a singing teacher, take advantage of it. Under his leadership and with practical advice, the result will be achieved faster.

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This question is mainly of interest to men whose timbre is too high and, in their opinion, not masculine enough. Making your voice rougher is quite difficult; it will require time, patience and systematic practice.

Also, the voice is lower in those people who have a low larynx and a longer extension pipe. To make this easier to understand, you need to imagine a musical instrument - an organ. His shorter pipes produce higher sounds, and his longer ones produce lower sounds. Therefore, in order for the voice to sound rougher, it is necessary that the larynx be longer. The striated muscles are responsible for the movements of the larynx in the human body. You can learn to manage them yourself. There are several exercises that will help your voice “coarse”.


  • Sing the sound “a” first in your “native” voice for 5-7 minutes, then for the same amount of time pull it down a tone. The next day, immediately start with a lower tone. This is a very effective exercise.
  • In addition to the "a" sound, you can sing any vowel in the same way, such as "o", "i" or "u".
  • Pull your chin to your chest and hum, then raising your head, then lowering it again. The exercise is done for 5 minutes.
  • Sing songs performed in rough voices, trying to repeat after the vocalist. You can listen to recordings of songs by rock artists, repeat their techniques, or sing in unison with them.
  • Take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds and exhale through your nose. The exercise is repeated 50 times in the morning and 50 times in the evening.

When performing exercises, you need to monitor your posture. Correct posture and a deep voice are interdependent. Therefore, it is important for those who wish to lower their voice to monitor their spine.

  • Pour boiling water into a wide enamel pan halfway, throw in a bunch of mint, leave for half an hour. Next, take a sip, pull out the sound “a” for 15 seconds, take another sip and sound. And so on until the mint infusion is over. However, it should be remembered that mint has a negative effect on male potency. Therefore, using mint will make your voice a little rougher, but at the same time you can earn impotence.

Fastest way:

  • Surgical intervention. The doctor will perform the necessary manipulations under local anesthesia, and your voice will become rougher.

The most unhealthy way:

  • Smoking. Yes, it is this bad habit that contributes to the appearance of a rougher voice. However, in order to achieve the desired result, you will have to undermine your health for more than one year of your life. A normal voice from smoking will sound rougher and may produce high notes when singing. However, a significant disadvantage is that when smoking you can lose control over your voice. In other words, the voice will “wiggle” - involuntarily becoming lower, then higher.


No person is completely satisfied with what nature has given him. One is offended by the lack of thick hair, another complains about an imperfect figure, the third is the shape of the nose, but there are those who are not satisfied with the sound of their own voice. Men with a high, thin voice, which is in dissonance with their internal image of a brutal macho, suffer especially.

Not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a deep, velvety baritone, but developing and making a deeper, rougher voice is possible through perseverance, determination and desire.

Why do you need a low voice?

  1. Those with a low timbre look more representative and authoritative. When we hear a person without seeing him, we subconsciously draw a physiological and psychological portrait. By the way it “sounds” one can determine the role of activity, intelligence, temperament and character type. A person with a deep voice inspires more confidence and looks smarter. Large companies take this fact into account.
  2. A rough voice is a sexual weapon in the battle for hearts. The higher the level of the male hormone (testosterone), the lower the voice of the stronger half. Women feel this at the genetic level. Such a man becomes more sexually attractive in contrast to the male, even with the prefix “alpha,” who begins to speak shrilly, breaking into the crow of a cock.
  3. A low, rough voice is a salvation from stuttering. While studying stuttering, scientists came to the conclusion that people with low voices are less likely to suffer from this problem. A person who stutters tries to squeeze out a sound, strains his vocal cords, and his voice sounds unnaturally high. Such people are recommended to lower their sound tone and speak in a “deacon” bass.

What does the pitch of the voice depend on?

The sound produced by a person originates in the larynx, an important part of which is the vocal cords. The sound of the voice depends on their length, width and thickness. In women and children, the folds are lighter than in men, and in bass vocalists their mass is 4 times greater than in soprano singers.

The cavities of the pharynx, mouth and nose form an extension tube, which changes its size and shape over the years. During adolescence, the voice breaks down. The pharynx goes down, manifests itself as an Adam's apple (Adam's apple), the nasal tube becomes longer, the ligaments are more powerful, and speech is rougher.

Ways to lower your voice

Before you decide whether you want to change the timbre of your voice or not, test yourself, listen to the sound of your own speech from the outside.

There is no point in refuting the opinion that tobacco makes a smoker’s voice rough - this is true. Just don’t forget that the speech of tobacco lovers is accompanied by a cough, the voice becomes hoarse (smoky) - this is not the effect that you want to achieve. There are much more pleasant methods of fighting to reduce timbre without harming your health.

  1. A technique with the original name “from toes to crown.” When pronouncing words using this method, it is necessary to focus not on the vocal cords, but on the muscles of the diaphragm. We speak from within ourselves, from the inside, unnaturally protruding our stomach while inhaling, rather than retracting it. Basic exercise: lie on your back with a volume of a book on your stomach and breathe, while inhaling, raise your abs along with the load.
  2. Imitates the sound of a vinyl record when braking. The slower we speak, the lower the voice sounds, like a vinyl record, when it is slowed down, it begins to bass. Carry out a small experiment: pronounce the letters of the alphabet to the sound of the record, do the same when it slows down, and so on several times. Gradually you will notice a decrease in the timbre of your voice.
  3. Relaxation of the vocal cords and increase in the length of the extension tube. We relax the ligaments with an exercise: sit on a chair or stand straight near a wall in a relaxed state. We lower our chin to our chest and say “and”, slowly raise our head while holding the vowel sound. We repeat this several times a day so that the pitch of the sound with the head lowered and tilted back becomes the same in sound.
  4. We lower the larynx. During a yawn and half-yawn, the larynx moves down; if we try to make a sound, it will be rough and low. When speaking, try to fix the oral apparatus, larynx, and diaphragm in the yawning position and you will see real changes in your voice. The great Chaliapin, through the efforts of his will and brain, transformed his body into one loud-sounding biblical trumpet of Jericho, and he succeeded. After all, by nature the timbre of his voice was not the same as what the audience heard; the vocalist developed “paradoxical” breathing, the secret of which was known only to him.

Psychologists and doctors advise not to get carried away with lowering your voice too much, so as not to break it. You need to choose a middle ground at which it will sound harmonious and natural.

Contact an endocrinologist

Sometimes, the pitch of the voice depends on a hormonal imbalance in a man’s body. It is necessary to check the level of testosterone in the blood; the lower it is, the higher the timbre. As a rule, as men age, the amount of sex hormone in their blood decreases, and their voice resembles a woman’s in sound.

If your testosterone levels are low, your doctor will prescribe pills and medications, after treatment, your voice will become rougher and more masculine.

Surgical intervention
Vocal cord surgery is performed on an outpatient basis if there are no contraindications. As a result, you will get the desired tone of voice. Surgery carries certain health risks and large financial investments.

From all that has been said, we conclude:

  1. To lower the sound of your voice, you need to breathe through your nose and diaphragm, and not through your chest; people call it “chest voice.”
  2. When talking, relax, remove nervousness.
  3. Speak as calmly as possible, a little slower than usual.
  4. Watch your posture; a flexible person with good control of his body usually has a low, rough voice.

Everything in the world is relative; success in life and work was achieved not only by men who spoke rudely, in a low voice, but also by a high one (tenor, countertenor). If you are still dissatisfied with the sound and coloring of your speech, consult a physiatrist, do some exercises, and the result will not take long to come.

Video: how to make your voice rougher and lower

A low, thick voice timbre is better perceived in conversation than a high one. Moreover, it inspires greater confidence and goodwill in the interlocutor. Unfortunately for many men, their voice is not as deep as they would like it to be. It is clear that it is almost impossible to achieve a “Chaliapin bass” if you are tuned in, say, to a baritone. But there are still certain ways

Exercises for ligaments

This approach will require persistence, regularity, systematicity and consistency. The exercises themselves are not difficult, but they will take a long time to do. The lesson begins with long, drawn-out singing of the sound “a”. On the first day, he speaks in a normal, familiar voice, but not less than a quarter of an hour. The next day the same “a” is sung lower, and every day the tone decreases. The second useful exercise on how to deepen your voice is humming with your chin pressed to your chest. By raising and lowering your face, you can hear changes in timbre (higher - lower), which are caused by the tension of the ligaments. You will have to buzz until the ligaments learn to be relaxed in any position of the chin. The main caution is not to overdo it at the very beginning! Otherwise, you will tear the ligaments and wait until they come back to normal. Everything needs to be done gradually, including increasing the time spent training the ligaments.

Nasal breathing

If you train yourself to breathe only through your nose, the ligaments will harden themselves over time. It is clear that if you use only this method of making your voice rougher, you will probably have to wait for years. But if you combine it with others, you will achieve your goal much faster. Moreover, doctors claim that nasal breathing is much healthier than oral or mixed breathing.

Tuvan singing

Simply buzzing or drawing out a monotonous “a” is boring, and other than making your voice coarser, you won’t achieve any other goals, so to heighten your interest and develop some additional skills, look for a club, circle or section near your home. The same Georgians, for example, everyone like one they have low voices and at the same time charm the ladies with their vocal abilities. You can follow their example!

Traditional methods

“Grandmother’s” recipes claim that mint is very helpful in reducing one of the tips on how to make your voice rougher is to inhale with mint, which is accompanied by drinking its infusion. You need to drink it in small sips, singing the same “a” between them, but not for long.

Radical method: scalpel

Those who do not have patience and persistence, or want results immediately, will have to go to a surgeon who will perform surgery on the laryngeal cartilage. This is a quick and high-quality method, not a rough one, but, firstly, it is still an intervention, and secondly, even after surgery you may still not like your untrained voice.

Questionable methods

Many people think that cigarettes and booze deepen their voice. Indeed, alcohol burns the ligaments, the voice becomes more hoarse. But is it worth the associated health problems? Hormones also reduce the timbre of your voice, but you risk getting the whole “bouquet” of sores that accompanies it. Jokers recommend becoming a teacher, because if you shout over a crowd of teenagers all week, you lose your voice. And now a rough timbre is guaranteed! You can also catch a cold regularly, and your voice on the verge of disappearing will also become hoarse, low and rough.

In general, almost every timbre is beautiful in itself. And it’s not a rough voice that makes a man courageous.

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