Lesson "writing a capital letter x". Write the elements of letters, patterns, letters X

Writing lesson in 1st grade "Writing lowercase and capital letters "x"


    To form in children a clear visual image of the lowercase letter x.

    Learn to write the letter x using all the ways it connects with other letters.

    Formation of graphic vigilance, development of phonemic hearing.

    The ability to work in pairs, groups, to instill interest in learning activities.

Lesson progress

1. Creating a learning situation

What lesson?

What do you need to prepare for the lesson?

How will we work in class?

Why is such an agreement needed?

What do you think is the task we will set in the writing lesson?

d) Commenting on 2-3 letters by children.

2. Letter of lowercase letter x.

An example of writing the letter x is shown.

What elements does the letter x consist of?

Who can explain the spelling of the letter x? (I place the handle below the top working line by 1/3. I move the tubercle up to the right, bring it to the top working line, go down along a straight inclined line and put the “stick” to the left. We go up along the “stick” and straight upward, not reaching 1/3 to the top working line, we lead with the tubercle upwards to the right, we go down 1/3, we return along the tubercle and a straight downward inclined line, we bring it to the bottom working line, we make a turn in place, we lead along the hook to the middle.)

The rules for seating students and the position of the notebook on the desk are repeated.

Letter x in a notebook. Children circle the letter they think is correct.

physical minute.

Work in pairs. Review the rules for working in pairs.

(x, e)-he (characteristics of sounds are given)

4. Writing these syllables in a notebook with comments.

5. Writing words with the letter x.

Children make up words from letters: a y x, e x m. A sound analysis of the composed words is carried out: bread and ferret - Analysis of words. I pronounce the word and listen to myself: (y x a).

I highlight the first sound (uuuuha) - a vowel. Indicated by an icon.

I highlight the second sound (uhhhha) - consonant, dull, hard. Indicated by an icon.

I highlight the third sound (uhaaaa) - a vowel.

I check that all the sounds of the word are highlighted.

I divide the word into syllables.

I find the stressed syllable. The sound analysis of the word ferret is carried out similarly, after first finding out what this word means. The meaning of the word fur is read out from the dictionary. Capital letter X letter.

6. Letter of offer.

On the board are the words: Hamster sleeps in a hole.

Assignment: make a statement from words that would correspond to this model:

We compose a syllabic model of the utterance.

Recording the statement in a notebook with commentary.

7. Work in a notebook.

Tail, robe, chemistry, dry, cunning, master, bread, hamster.

Siskins were singing in the forest. Dima has a car. The guys were drinking tea.

8. Lesson summary:

What did you learn in the lesson?

How did you work?

Who is satisfied with their work in class?

In our next writing lesson we will continue to practice writing the letter x.

Lesson on the topic: "Introducing the sounds (x), (x*) and letters X, x."

Objective of the lesson:

    1.Development of five languages: gross motor skills, fine motor skills, eyes, tongue, phonetic hearing.

    2.Expansion of vocabulary.

    3. Developing the skill of writing the letters X, x.

    4.Work on word synonymy.

Lesson progress:

1.Message of the topic of the lesson.

2. Isolating a new sound and observing it.

*Guess the riddle -

Alarm clock sitting on the fence

The clockworks did a great job(rooster)

*highlight hard and soft sounds according to the diagrams

The game “Hear the Sound” is tricky, hiss, crunch, good, washes, ride, steam, smell, bread, rustle, moss, silk, chemistry, hut, bunny.

*purely speaking

Ha ha ha they bought us a rooster

Woo-hoo-hoo the rooster flaps his wings

*sound characteristics

*determine the presence of hard and soft sounds in the words: perfume, artist, good, persimmon. Bad, predatory, moss, boot.

* display of the letter and its place on the letter tape

3.Reading syllables and words with a new letter

* reading syllables and showing the hardness and softness of the sound (x)

*reading words from a textbook

*compiling word pairs from the textbook

4. Exercise for the eyes

7.Work with interactive board

8. Working on the text

V. Working with the textbook.
1. How many bread products are baked! The word bread itself has several meanings:
Firstly, baked bread, and the second meaning will help us guess the riddle:
He is golden and mustachioed,
100 pockets, 100 guys.
What is this? (ear)
So, the second meaning of the word bread is ears of grain, because they often say: “Bread grows!” - implying that ears of bread are growing.
“Black” bread is baked from ears of rye, and “white” bread from wheat ears.
2. There are many proverbs and sayings about bread. Read the proverb about bread:
Not a big piece of the pie
And it costs a lot of work.
How do you understand this?
Yes, so that every morning when you wake up, there are soft buns on your table, how many people have to work. People work at any time of the year to grow bread. We have already talked about how long the path of bread to our table is.
Let's follow this path by reading the poem: (read in a chain, one line at a time)

Where did the bread on the table come from?

Winter evening, finest hour
Why knock masters - golden hands
We repair, we repair tractors,
We sharpen, we sharpen the plows,
Checking the seeds
Come soon, spring!
Spring is upon us.
Tractors go out into the steppe
Comb the dirt.
Prepare for grain
Warm bed.
Let's continue our story
You can sow in good time.
So the summer has flown by,
The wheat has grown
She's already poured
It gets stronger and turns golden.
Autumn in the field
What is there in the distance?

Harvesters sail out into the steppe
Like ships at sea.
Headlights are shining on the roads
And they feel the way
Who is this who is rushing, driving?
It's the bread that's eating, not just anyone!
The grain has been harvested
It's not bread yet.
There's wheat in the mill
This is what's happening to her here.
They take it into circulation
They will grind it into powder, into flour.
At a large bakery
You will become the dough, flour
And then go to the oven
Born, loaf!
Well, now the journey is short
Here it is in the bakery on the shelf
And now on your table
He came, he came

That's how much work people put into growing bread. And in order for the harvest to grow rich, it is necessary to fertilize it. There are organic fertilizers in the soil, and apatite is a mineral fertilizer. From the Greek word “deception”, since with its appearance it sometimes actually deceives uninformed people, who often mistook it for other minerals. So, the deceiving mineral apatite turned out to be an excellent fertilizer, doubling the wheat yield. We live next to the place where apatite is mined. And our city is named after this mineral.
VI. Reading text. (text on the board).
1. Difficult words:
bread every
now the crust
take care baby
told the road
2. Now let's read the text.
What is it called?
Take care of the bread.

Skirda- a densely folded mass of hay, straw or sheaves, which is given an oblong shape, intended for storage in the open air. Skirda differs from a haystack in shape. If the stack most often has a round shape, then stack oblong

We were told about bread. Now we know how difficult it is to grow bread.
How you need to take care of it - every crust, crumb.
Treasure your bread!

10. Lesson summary:

Item: Russian language

Class: 1-A

Lesson topic: Capital letter X.

Lesson type: A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge .

Objective of the lesson: Create conditions for developing the ability to write lowercase and capital lettersX, x; promote the development of phonemic hearing.

Planned results:


Compare lowercase and uppercase, printed and written letters; draw a pattern continuously; carry out syllable-sound analysis of words; write down sentences, indicate the boundaries of a sentence in writing; intonate when reading; complete sentences with the word encoded in the model diagram; use capital letters in proper names; copied from printed text.

Regulatory: plan their action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Cognitive: general education – consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements in oral and written form;logical – carry out syllable - sound analysis of words with the sound [x]; highlight the features of a proposal.

Communication : in communication they are able to construct statements that are understandable to a partner.

Show cognitive interest and educational motives.


Projector, screen, “Propis 4” by V.G. Goretsky, laptopLenovo, handouts.

Progress of the lesson.

Greetings. Checking readiness for the lesson (presence of a copybook “Copybook 4”, pens, pencils on the table).

The long-awaited call was given -

The lesson begins.

Every day - always, everywhere

In class, in play

We speak boldly and clearly

And we sit quietly.

Let's celebrate our mood. There is a cloud and a sun on the table, choose what is closer to your mood.

The teachers greet each other and check their readiness for the lesson.

They note their mood and get emotionally attuned to the lesson.

2. Statement of the educational task.

What letter did we write in the last lesson?

The Little Russian laughed and chuckled.

What is written on the board?

Prove that this is a proposal.

Problematic question:

Can you write down this sentence? Why?

Let's set the goal of our lesson using our supporting words:Get to know….

Learn to write...

Be able to compare...

Tell me why we need a capital letter?

- Lowercase letter x.

- Offer.

- It starts with a capital letter and ends with a dot.

- No. We don't know how to write a capital letter X yet.

- To correctly write first names, last names, city names and other names. To be able to write correctly and if this letter is at the beginning of a sentence, to be able to write it.

3.Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity.

1. Finger gymnastics.

Now, let's prepare our hand for writing, for this we will do...

One evening to the bear

Neighbors came to the pie:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, “slanty”,

A wolf with a tricky fox.

But the bear couldn't

Divide the pie among everyone.

Let's write the pattern along the contour on page 16 of the copybook.

2 . Rules for sitting at the table while writing.

We check the fit and the rules for handling the handle.

3. Introducing the writing of the capital letter X.

Comparison of X and X (printed and written capital letter X).

Look and find such a printed letter on the typesetting canvas, look at the printed and written letterX , compare them, i.e. find similarities and differences.

Also, tell me, what does she look like?

What skill are we using?

Graphical analysis.

Look carefully at the written capital letter X and tell me how many elements does it consist of? Which ones can you name them from?

Let's write down the elements of the letter capital X.

Letter letter with teacher comment.
Capital letter X We start writing below the middle of the wide auxiliary line. We move up to the right, bring it to the middle of the auxiliary line, round it down to the left, write a semi-oval. Then we write the right semi-oval. We begin to write just below the middle of the auxiliary line so that the second semi-oval touches the first. We move our hand up to the left, we reach the bottom line of the working line, we move it down,
round to the right, write a semi-oval.

Write down these elements in the air.

Work in “Recipe 4” (p. 16). Letter X.

Look at the example of writing the letter X.

What are arrows for?

Complete the letters on the 1st line. Remember the rule: the letter must be written at the same distance.

What skill did you use?

Now let’s compare and evaluate the writing of our letters using the method of applying oilcloth by our assistant; if the letter is written correctly in exactly the same way, then a dot is placed below the letter. The evaluation criteria are as follows: if 6-7 letters are written correctly, then we glue 2 leaves onto our “Tree of Success”, if there are 4-5 letters, then 1 leaf, and if there are 3 or less, then we don’t glue anything yet.

Writing syllables (p.16).

Look and tell me what is written on the 2nd line?

Read the syllables.

Look carefully and tell me what connection is used in all syllables when writing them?

Write the syllables, paying attention to their combination of letters.

Evaluate each other, exchange copybooks, check each other’s spelling of syllables and their connections. Mark the correctly written syllables with a dot below. Return the copybooks to each other. Count the number of correctly written syllables.

The evaluation criteria are as follows: if 3 syllables are written correctly, then we glue 2 leaves onto our “Tree of Success”, if there are 2 syllables, then 1 leaf, and if 1 or less, then we don’t glue anything yet.

If you didn’t glue anything and nothing worked, what should you do?

Now we need two pencils, green and blue, let’s sort out the consonants in the syllables, whether they are hard or soft, and highlight them with the necessary pencil.

Physical exercise.

We walk around each other.

Hey guys, don't yawn!

Everything that Lyosha will show us

Let's repeat it together.

- Finger gymnastics.

Perform finger gymnastics and movements according to the text following the teacher.

They count by bending the lapels.

Write a pattern along the contour.

They show how to sit at the table when writing, how to hold a pen correctly and the position of the copybook.

They look for a printed letter and compare it with a written one.

Give your guesses about what this letter looks like.

- ability to compare letters.

- Of the two. Semi-ovals.

Write the elements.

Listen and watch the teacher's explanations.

Perform writing elements in the air.

-Arrows show the direction of hand movement.

They write following the rules.

- Ability to write according to a model.

They adjust the oilcloth, compare the letters and mark those that match the sample.

I think the spelling is correct,


- Syllables with capital letter X.

- Upper.

They write syllables.

- Practice writing the letters you have learned

Emphasize the consonant sound with the necessary pencil with commentary.

Perform movements according to the text following the teacher

4. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

Name spelling. Syllable-sound analysis of a word (p. 16)

– Read the word on the 3rd line.

– Why is it written in capital letters?

How many syllables are in a word? Place emphasis.

– Write the name on the blank part of the line.

- Read the sentence. What did you notice?

– Which word corresponds to this diagram?

– Check your version, complete the syllables
sound analysis of the word. On one's own.

If you completed the work correctly on your own without help, then glue 2 pieces of paper; if you completed the work with the help of someone or something and correctly, then 1 piece of paper; if you didn’t complete the task, then nothing.

– Write down your grandfather’s name instead of dots.

Working with sentence 9 (p. 16)

– Let’s continue to get acquainted with grandfather Khariton.

– What can you say about the wordHe , what role does it play here?

– What is this sentence for the purpose of the statement?

– Write a proposal, format it correctly in writing. What does it mean?

Compare your sentence with the one that was given, if you wrote it correctly, following the rules for writing a sentence, then we glue 1 piece of paper onto our “Tree of Success”. If not, then nothing.

– Read the next sentence.

Let's outline this proposal below.

Compare with the board.

Now let’s check and evaluate the performance of our work.

– Read the sentence on the last line.

– Determine the sentence based on the purpose of the statement.

– What font is used here?

Who is the grain grower, do you think?

What should we do with this proposal, what skill should we apply?

Write it down, converting it from printed to written.

Now look at the board and compare the spelling of your sentence with mine. (check with standard)

If you completed the work correctly on your own without help, then we glue 1 piece of paper; if you completed the work with the help of someone or something, and if you did not complete the task, then nothing.

This is the name.

- 3 syllables

The word is replaced


and glue leaves onto the “Tree of Success”.

Write down the name.

Word He replaces a word grandfather .


- Respecting the boundaries of the sentence when writing it, it starts with a capital letter and at the end there should be a sign indicating that the sentence has ended.

I consider the task completed correctly

and glue leaves onto the “Tree of Success”.

Draw a diagram of the proposal.

I consider the task completed correctly

and glue leaves onto the “Tree of Success”.



Express their guesses

Copy from printed font in written letters.

They write it down.

I consider the task completed correctly

and glue leaves onto the “Tree of Success”.

5. Reflective - evaluative.

Now look at your trees, show them to your desk neighbor, the teacher and our guests, for some they are all covered in leaves, for others they are not completely covered, what should those who have not completely covered with leaves need to do?

- Which letter were we visiting today?

– Letter X I'm happy with your work. What about you?

- What happened? What else needs to be worked on?

– Did you enjoy visiting the letter?X ?

They express their assumptions.

-Draw a smiley face.

Answer teacher questions

Assess your mood.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

The lesson begins
It will be useful for the guys.
Interesting tasks
Games, jokes - everything for you!
Good luck to work!

2. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the writing lesson you and I will learn something new and consolidate the knowledge that we already know. And the Jolly Beetle will help us with this.<Рисунок 1>.

Our Cheerful Bug has a friend Flower. But one harmful caterpillar<Рисунок 2 >tore off all the petals from the Flower<Рисунок 3 >, wrote the assignments and scattered them. Let's help the Happy Bug collect the petals to restore the Flower. Are you ready to help Zhuk? (children's answer)

3. Updating of basic knowledge.

Then we take the first petal, the task is written on it: “Guess the letter.”

This letter is wide

And she looks like a beetle

And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle

Makes a buzzing sound:


What letter are we talking about? (children's answer)

What, do you already know about this letter? (characteristics of the sound are given)

What letter does the letter z look like? (students' answer)

Practical work.

Let's remember how you can write the letter x on a piece of paper without a pencil or pen? (distributing leaves in the shape of a square; adding a square diagonally)

Who can turn the letter x into the letter w now?

Show me how you convert? (fold the square in the middle)

Do you know how to write a letter?

Open the copybook on p. 19

I'll open my notebook
And, as necessary, I will put it.
I'll sit straight, I won't bend,
I'll get to work.

Write the letters x and z on the first line.

4. Studying new material.

We attached one petal, take the second one: “Capital letter ZH AND X.”

Guys, tell me, why do we need to be able to write large (capital) letters X and F?

Let's compare the lowercase and uppercase letters x and z. What can we say?

In the copybooks, circle the capital letters X and F, and then write to the end of the line yourself. - - Read the words starting with the letter X.

What is it? (cities)

Why are they written in capital letters?

Write them down, underline the capital letter.

Read the words on the second line. What are these words? (city and name)

Who knows what the city of Zhostovo is famous for? (show tray)<Рисунок 4 >

Write down these words and underline the letter.

The second petal was attached. Take the third petal: "Relax with the Beetle"


On the lawn, on the chamomile
The beetle was flying in a colored shirt (moving its arms and body)
Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu
I'm friends with daisies.
I sway quietly in the wind (tilt to the sides)
I bend low and low. (lean forward)

We attach the third petal. I wonder what is written on the fourth petal? "The letters zh and sh."

Why are these two letters together? (paired consonants)

Why do they go in pairs? (we hear one sound, but write another letter)

How do you know which letter to write in these words?

gara. opu.ka e. kni.ka kry.ka

Find two sound players in the copybooks. Let's read the words, underline the dangerous places, and write test words next to them.

Well done. We have already attached the fourth petal. There are still two petals left and the Happy Beetle's friend Flower will be collected.

Take 5 petals and read the task: “Words from Zhi-shi”

What are these words with zhi and shi?

The letters zh and sh are capricious, lazy, and represent only one sound. They quarreled with a vowel s. After their quarrel the letter s refused to stand after "zh" and "sh". They even came up with this rhyme:

Zhi and shi, zhi and shi

Always write with a letter.

In the copybooks we will write the words that contain these combinations and underline them.

5. Consolidation of the material covered.

And now, guys, I offer you the next task.

Here are parts of words from which you will form whole words.<Рисунок 5 >. You will work in pairs. At the end of the work, we will find out which couple we have is attentive. You need to compose and write down as many words as possible with these combinations. Finish writing when the music ends. Let's get started. (music lasts no more than 2 minutes)

Let's check who got how many words. Well done. Attach the fifth petal. The last one left is the sixth one. It says, “Test yourself.”

Everyone has a piece of paper on their desk, words are written on this sheet, but some words have mistakes. You must find and correct these errors. (each student is given 5 words for the spelling “Vowels after sibilants zh and sh”).

Well done. I'll check your words later. I hope that all errors will be corrected.

6. Reflection.

So we helped the Cheerful Bug collect his friend Flower. They will have a lot of fun together again.

Who helped collect the Flower?

What did we do for this?

What tasks did we complete?

Did you enjoy helping Beetle?

He wants to thank you for helping us collect the Flower.<Рисунок 6 >

Well done, you did a good job!

Everyone excelled today! Thanks everyone!

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